I saw someone in a Powell’s cap today. It had the outline of Oregon on it. I feel like I see the outline of Oregon on a lot of stuff and the outline of Washington comparatively less. And Washington’s outline is much better looking. Between the coast, the Olympic Peninsula, and the Puget Sound, Washington’s state outline looks pretty unique, whereas Oregon despite a lot of coast has that one interesting curve toward the mouth of the Columbia river, and otherwise is basically a rectangle. Maybe there’s some graphic design difficulty, but I think we need to see the outline more.
I have a Harley Davidson cap with holes in it for my ears.
I don’t have a Harley Davidson though. Maybe some Republican will give me one after the stock market crashes next month.
Washington’s new state motto:
Our outline is much cooler than Oregon.
You do see much more of Oregon’s state outline nowadays. Wonder if it has to do with so much of our states products being bits and pieces of the global market? No one seems to care that silicon their solar cell came from Moses Lake or that the carbon fiber wing tip fin on the Boeing jet they’re traveling in was fabricated in Tacoma.
To hell with outlines…buy an IWW cap.
One big union! One big strike!
@ 4
Lifetime member, thanks to my grandpa who was an original member.
Oregonians have an inferiority complex, stuck, as they are, between Washington and California. Sad, but true.
it was popularized by the old White Stag sign in Old Town Portland that used the outline until they disappeared and the sign was taken over by Naito and his Made in Oregon stores.
I will say this, Portland has a much better TV show (Portlandia) than Seattle (Frasier). If a movie is made about either city it will be filmed in Vancouver.
@4: Proud to be an Ass spews:
To hell with outlines…buy an IWW cap.
The only problem with that idea is that the words would have to be written in Chinese, Hangul, or Hindi to make sense!