I strongly believe that the intimate details of a politician’s personal life should have absolutely no place in the public debate… unless that politician acts so hypocritically as to make these details relevant.
I have reluctantly concluded that such is the case with State Sen. Jim Hargrove (D-Hoquiam), one of the ringleaders of a procedural move to keep the Senate from voting on HB 1515. By siding with all 23 senate Republicans, Hargrove has cynically blocked a bill that would have added sexual orientation to Washington’s anti-discrimination law… an indefensible display of legislative bias that effectively endorses discrimination against gays and lesbians.
I direct you to OlyScoop for excellent coverage of this bill, and the cowardly parliamentary maneuver used to kill it. But I feel compelled to express my personal disgust at this incident, in light of the fact that Sen. Hargrove and I have secretly been lovers for well over a decade.
Yes, underneath that harsh, conservative exterior, Jim (or “Sen. Hardgrove” as he likes me to call him) is as gay as the day is long. Thus his opposition to HB 1515 is at least as surprising as that of his fellow conservative Democrat, Sen. Tim Sheldon (D-Potlatch), an openly practicing homosexual with whom I have also carried on a torrid and passionate affair.
Coincidentally, I have also slept with Sen. Luke Esser (R-Bellevue) who initiated the parliamentary maneuver. Come to think of it, there isn’t a member of the Senate Republican caucus, male or female, with whom I have not had homosexual relations at one time or another.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: In light of the apparent failure of HB 1515, I would like to make clear to any potential, future employers, lenders or landlords, that despite my occasional indiscretions with cross-dressing, conservative lawmakers, I am not gay. But who can resist the exotic allure of a man in drag… especially the always yummy Sen. Pam Roach?]
Sen. Hardgrove and I rarely see eye-to-eye. But later, after we’ve showered and dressed, we can usually discuss politics in a civil and constructive manner. Thus I find it hard to understand why he would vote to allow himself to be subject to discrimination, simply because some people, for some reason, might suspect him of being gay? I feel bad about outing Jim, Tim, Luke and their queer colleagues in the Senate Republican caucus (or as the Capitol press corps jokingly calls them, the “Olympia Men’s Chorus,”) but I thought that if they were forced to acknowledge a tiniest bit of the fear, hatred, and ridicule routinely targeted at gays and lesbians, they might not be so quick to allow and endorse the kind of discrimination in employment, housing, lending and insurance that occurs every day.
Goldy, Is this what you talk about with your fellow “progressives” when you go drinking? [No wonder the turnout was minimal.] Maybe a few years in the military might help you.
“But who can resist the exotic allure of a man in drag… especially the always yummy Sen. Pam Roach?”
Given her history, it does make for an interesting an answer to the question “Are you happy to see me, or is that a handgun in your pocket?”
My favorite variation on that old joke was written in a friend’s high school lit book. In the margins of “Julius Caesar” was written, “Why Brutus, is that a dagger in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?”
I KNEW you were cheating on me! I feel like I’m on Jerry Springer!
You… said… you… LOVED… me!!
you are ready for local prime time radio now. when you are ready for nationwide, I’ve got some helpful tips for you. it’s quite a gig !!
Contrary to Goldy’s claim, Torrid has not carried on ANY kind of affair with him…
…not that there’s anything wrong with that.
what are we gonna tell the children?
Well, you can’t accuse Goldy of taking himself too seriously….
Cute Goldy.
We all need a laugh now and then.
Serious stuff is coming up in the very near future though. The civil rights bill is small. In a few months time, the State Supreme Court will rule on Andersen v Simms (or whatever it is called now that it’s consolidated with the Thurston County petition). I will bet one shiny $100 bill that the court will rule that the DOMA is without merit under the state constitution. (Any takers? JCH? chardonnay? Anyone? Bueller?). I will also bet another $50 that once the court ruling comes down, an attempt will be made to write the DOMA into the Constitution, so that gay marriage is outlawed here forever.
It’s cheap politics. Gay sex makes a lot of people want to throw up. (when I hear people say they’re nauseated by thinking of gays “making the two-backed beast”, I ask them to visualize their straight friends having sex for a few minutes. Unless their friends are models, that’s usually pretty yucky too). It’s also overwhelmingly popular at the polls. Anti-gay measures passed by 60% in Michigan, 56% in Oregon, 61% in Ohio, and so forth.
The Washington constitution is hard to ammend. A supermajority of legislators have to pass a measure before it goes to the electorate. That would be tough, but not unthinkable. Once it goes to the polls, barring a sudden outbreak of respect for one’s neighbors living as they please, it’s over.
If any of the usual suspects want to break in here about the will of the people being a great thing, I’ll remind them of what my history prof said about democracy. “A lynch mob is a demonstration of democracy at its finest. The only one who is in dissent is the guy at the end of the rope”,
I fail to see any reason why a good conservative would want such a measure to pass. It’s an attempt to legislate behavior, which is supposed to be the province of us leftie social engineers.
Worse, it’s doomed to fail. DOMA or no DOMA, there will continue to be gays, they’ll continue to shack up together, adopt children, live in tiny apartments on Capitol Hill, and have silly parades at least once a year. If they want to claim a tax break and drive social and financial conservatives insane, they can even marry someone of the opposite sex, such as Dan Savage did with his colleague Amy Jennings last year.
I don’t get concerned with what my neighbors do. I do know there is at least one gay and one lesbian couple on the block. Both are working hard to fix up the run-down houses they purchased. From my point of view, when I see rainbow flags hanging from the window, I know the value of my property is going to take another great leap forward.
Can’t we just all claim to be metrosexual??? no, of course not.
spyder @ 10
Somewhere in there is a joke involving buses…
The left just doesn’t get it.
LEFT-absent, gone, missing, not here
your party keeps trying to force the Humanist Manifesto idealogy on Americans and we keep saying NO. what did I say in another thread? 2% vs 98%?
I’d be willing to go for a trade tho, you lay off the Ten Commandment displays and stop teaching the bullshit evolution lies in schools and you can have your HB 1515.
Afterall girls, how can you bitch about freedoms for all when you are doing the same to other groups?
white whine @ 12
I must admit you do put evolution theory in question. I don’t see how you could have descended from something as intelligent as an ape!
thanks dubya, proved my point precisely, to many missing links in the so called “theory.” Could we debate this sometime? are there homosexual relations among the animal kindom? like Females with females? If it is so natural for humans and humans apparently evolved from animals then there should be some consistant and obvious links.
what I really don’t get tho is why the human kindom can create and engineer but the animal kindom cannot. It seems that there would be obvious and consistant links in that aspect besides an ant hill or beaver dam. You know? Do you pick the bugs out of your childrens hair Dubya?
Dubyasux @ 13
If you don’t a gree and can’t think of anything intelligent to say Keep your pie hole shut, no sense in starting fight when you don’t like a valid point that has been made.
chard @ 12, 14
Humanist Manifesto ideology? You mean the ultimate humanist document–the Constitution–right? The GOP has definitely been saying “No” to that lately, I’ll grant ya.
There are homosexual relationships in the animal kingdom. Do some research. Similarly, animals do use tools. Read about how chimps have learned to use a reed to pull ants out of an anthill, for a meal.
torridjoe @ 16
Well monkeys play with their shit does that mean humans should too?
chardonnay @ 12
Just a few quick questions, if it’s OK.
1. If it’s OK to display the 10 commandments in front of a court, is it OK to have a few lines from the Koran in the judges chambers? Maybe some passages from XunZi on the base nature of humanity and the need for skull-cracking correction to aspire to virtue?
2. Since evolution is “bullshit”, how would Superindentent of Public Instruction chardonnay redo the natural sciences curriculum once appointed to office?
jsa- intelligent design would be a better teaching tool than darwins joke.
TJ- THE Humanist Manifesto is real, it is NOT the Constitiution of the United States of America. It IS entirely different. please look it up and read it and who the sponsors are.
chardonnay @ 19:
So Darwin should be scrapped completely and ID taught in its place?
chard @ 19
ID is not science, it is faith. You can’t teach Christian religious doctrine in schools as “science,” sorry.
The Constitution is the most profoundly humanist document in political history. It elevates the rule of law (and hence the rule) of man over the rule of kings and clerics, who claim to divine their power, well, divinely. The Constitution is a document that compels men to govern under man’s law, as decided by men. It doesn’t get more humanist than that.
that should say “(and hence the rule of man)…”, sorry.
TJ, we are talking about (2) TWO different documents.
#1 United States Constitution
which basically describes the philosophies of the Democratic party as we know it today.
and who say’s we can’t teach christianity? where is that law?
have you studied intelligent design?
are you familiar with Antony Flew?
chard @ 23
I care not a whit about #2. Since we already have the best humanist manifesto on the planet, I’m not interested in pale imitations.
You cannot teach religious instruction in public schools as anything other than history. Using the Bible as a scientific text is not a Constitutionally appropriate use of religious belief.
chard @ 24
yes, I’m familiar with it. It’s not science–in fact, it’s the OPPOSITE of science. It posits a question, then refuses to test for an answer. It has no business being taught as anything other than Bible Study.
chardonnay –
Never mind these guys. I like ID.
In my version of ID, the world was created when the goddess Kali dances with Shiva. ID is cool that way, because it doesn’t exactly define what sort of diety is involved in creation. When Kali sleeps the world will be destroyed, to be created anew when she awakens.
Is it all right if we work my interpretation of ID into the Washington State natural sciences curriculum?
Chardonnay —
During the 19th Century, there was a very active political party in the US called the Know Nothings. Here’s a link that describes the Party’s rise and fall — incredibly reminiscent of what will happen to today’s Republican Party: http://www.search.eb.com/elect.....24/88.html
There is no doubt that GOP religious fanatics like yourself would once again make Know Nothing your political party of choice. (Sorry for the wrong word there; I understand you religious fanatics don’t accept the word “choice” as being in the English language. You do hate people who are pro-choice, don’t you?)
Enjoy your religious politics and your nonsensical concepts of “Intelligent Design.” (Isn’t that a true oxymoron?) It may be totally unAmerican, but it is yours.
When an individual’s faith requires the rejection of scientific method, that individual’s faith is weak indeed. Such faith is built on fragile pillars that cannot withstand the slightest challenge. Those Christians who shrilly scream that the teaching of evolution is blasphemous and an affront to religion are embarrassing to believers who haven’t the slightest problem reconciling theology with contemporary science. Their screaming is nothing but scripturally unsupportable silliness.
This looks like a good spot for this:
Nudge Nudge, Goldy, why no mention that King County has admitted that the accounting of absentee ballots was virtually meaningless?
The Mail Ballot Report, which showed every absentee ballot accounted for, didn’t report the correct number of ballots returned by voters. Instead, it simply added the number of ballots counted and the number rejected to show a perfectly matching number of ballots returned. -Seattle Times
Isn’t there some way for you to explain this away with voter crediting? At very least you should be raging with your usual ad-hominem and profanity laced attacks towards Slade Gorton and Stefan Sharkansky.
Goldy, as usual you come up on the wrong side of the boat. What next–anti-discrimination against pedophiles? Maybe Mr. Jackson would like to hear from you. You don’t understand that freedom comes only from imposing some limits on socially acceptable behavior, not tolerating everything you can imagine–anything else is just creeping anarchy. Hence the problems we have in the world today, compared to the type of society I grew up in, where you could leave your cars and houses unlocked and trust your neighbors with your kids, etc. You get what you vote for and teach in your universities (any Clinton supporters in here?)
Nelson, the word choice seems to be lacking in your vocabulary as well. Where is my choice to turn on the TV and NOT see homo movies advertised to my children? Where is my choice NOT to have Marxism forced on my children in school? Where is my choice of a governor in the last election–(nd why was one in three good enough for the first time in recorded history?) Where is my choice to say a quiet prayer over a meal in public and NOT have to trifle with some thin-skinned Christophobe that is so easily offended he can’t see MY rights? Where is my right to speak freely and NOT immediately be labeled a bigot or a homophobe just because you can’t think of an intelligent answer or accept the fact that I may have a RIGHT to disagree and NOT want in my neighborhood the inevitable results that come from TOO much tolerance? What choice do I have when I would like to send all of you leftists to Massa-fornia or Cali-chusetts to live your little socialist experiment in peace and leave MY freedoms be? I thought the Constitution guaranteed us a Republican form of government, NOT a democracy. Look it up, if you can concentrate that long without crying.
jsa @ 27
chardonnay –
Never mind these guys. I like ID.
In my version of ID, the world was created when the goddess Kali dances with Shiva. ID is cool that way, because it doesn’t exactly define what sort of diety is involved in creation. When Kali sleeps the world will be destroyed, to be created anew when she awakens.
Is it all right if we work my interpretation of ID into the Washington State natural sciences curriculum?
Oh, now that’s just silly. It’s clear the earth – the whole universe, in fact – has developed as it has based on the active intervention of invisible gnomes. If you don’t believe it, prove me wrong.
hear no evil @ 32
You don’t understand that freedom comes only from imposing some limits on socially acceptable behavior, not tolerating everything you can imagine–anything else is just creeping anarchy.
The limits of which you write must be defensible. Arbitrary limits result in tyranny. Thus far, I have not heard any convincing defense of discrimination against homosexuals. Why should we, as a society, prohibit homosexual conduct or deny the full benefits of society to homosexuals?
christophobia is a mental disorder.
christophobia is a mental disorder.
I thought the Gates was kinda cool.
TJ @ 25,
i think you misunderstand, i am totally opposed to the Humanist Manifesto. I think it is BS. it is promoted by the culture of death crowd.
I agree with you that there is only one valid constitution document.
I do not know where in the constitution it says we cannot teach from the bible. I dont recall ever reading that as a law. please point it out to me, perhaps I have skipped over it, intentionally.
Keep all your sad, sorry, sordid, and perverted sexual dealings to yourself.
It seems like the homo/bi/tri/sicko crowd want everyone to know about their sexual exploits.
What you all do in private should stay private. Who cares?
What is done in public is another story.
You don’t need special rights just because you CHOOSE to be perverted!
Child molesters probably think they are special, too.
If you didn’t proclaim that you are perverted and proud to be, no one would know or care.
Evolution’s shell game
“Take, for example, the latest findings in Australia. Last month, fossils of what were described as “the earliest species of sea turtle, believed to be 110 million years old,” were discovered in Queensland’s far west.“
“The scientists were startled by just how little sea turtles had changed in 100 million years. They had not evolved.“
Another blah commentary, Goldy. You have done nothing but preach to the choir for a while now. Let me see if I captured the Progressive Agenda for Change you are promoting:
Hargrove and Shelodon are to be ridiculed for trying to stay electable by their local voters (as if this is a surprising turn of events);
We should give a rip which pathetic DC partisan wrote a political strategy memo;
David Kenyon = GOOD, therefore anyone critical of regulatory conditions in this state = BAD or STUPID;
You felt the need to be a smug wise guy because you dislike all the Pope-respect that was reported by Fox after his death (couldn’t resist that “complicated legacy” jab, could you?);
Yes, government does waste money, but then “what bureaucracy doesn’t?” is good justification for not truly cutting the fat out of the budget;
You are losing your touch. None of these commentaries are anything but the SOS. With the Democrats firmly in control of the State, this is the time to push some new ideas. No gridlock for a little while. You never know, you might find that there is some common ground with the wingnuts that your regulars despise if you quit preaching to the choir and publish your ideas for some solutions.
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS @ 42
BEAUTIFUL, evolution and the big bang are not proven, that is why in schools they teach them as, here comes the key word, “theories.”
So why not teach ID as a “theory” too? I see no problem with showing both sides of the coin unless you have an agenda like Chardonnay suggest and show pretty firmly.
solutions? ideas? democrats don’t have any.
ok, two, raise taxes and promote socialism.
What’s with the “they might not be so quick to allow and ENDORSE the kind of discrimination…”? You can’t be seriously stating that every Senator that does not support this bill ENDORSES discrimination???? It would be a riot if you ever were forced to back up an irresponsible allegation like that.
That perfectly illustrates the reason the gay rights activists never get the support they want: anybody who disagrees with them or does not do what they want, for any reason, is accused of ENDORSING doscrimination or bigotry. What a bunch of fascists.
What a bunch of fascists. -Comment by zip— 4/7/05 @ 9:59 pm
And, I’d wager they’re a pretty unhappy bunch of facists these days:
“A new national CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll regarding the public’s attitude on traditional marriage was released Friday… The poll registered one of the lowest levels of support for same-sex “marriage” in nine years – just 28% in favor, while 68% opposed the idea of men “marrying” men. But that’s not the most significant finding.“
“Regardless of the specific number, the public has always supported normal marriage by large margins, but it has been divided over the best way to preserve the traditional meaning of marriage. That may be changing.“
“The new poll found that 57% of the public now favors a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.“
“The public is reacting to the judicial assault on marriage, which continues unabated. Last month, a judge in San Francisco overturned the state’s marriage law, calling it “irrational.” It didn’t matter to him that the law was approved at the ballot box by 61% of Golden State voters.“
“Moreover, the citizens of 13 states last year passed their own marriage protection amendments at the state level. So, millions of American citizens are obviously not opposed to amending their state constitutions in order to protect normal marriage from state judges.“
Kansas Voters Approve Constitutional Amendment Banning Homosexual “Marriage”
“TOPEKA, Kansas, April 7, 2005 – Kansas voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment Tuesday banning same-sex “marriage” for the state, making theirs the 19th state to enact such an amendment. The amendment passed by a margin of 70-30. “
Jeff B @31,
What am I… your blog monkey? I write about what I want, when I want to… and when I have the time. Patience… I’ll get to the ad hominem attacks on Snark and Skeletor when I’m ready.
Another TJ @37,
I don’t know if anybody else got it, but I laughed.
Zip @41,
If you don’t like it… go start your own blog.
Zip @44,
I believe the failure of the Senate to pass the bill sends a message that discrimination against gays and lesbians is acceptable. If it wasn’t, they would have added “sexual orientation” to our anti-discrimination laws. In that sense, yes, it is an implied endorsement.
By the way, the move was also cowardly. Once again, the Republicans maneuver so they don’t actually have to vote on the issue. Chickens.
And… please don’t misuse the word “fascist.”
Another TJ @ 34
Haven’t you heard? Turtles! The world was created by turtles, it rests on the back of a turtle! Gnomes! My gracious. Next you’ll be telling me the Earth turns around the Sun or some humanist nonsense like that.
chardonnay @ 14
“are there homosexual relations among the animal kindom?”
This is going to be fun, because I’ll bet you’ve assumed that homosexuality doesn’t exist among animals in nature. Well, if you did, you assumed wrong! Homosexuality in the animal kingdom has been observed many times and is well documented. shttp://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0722_040722_gayanimal.html Since humans also are animals, it would be most unusual and inexplicable if our species did NOT produce any homosexual individuals.
And yes, I do pick bugs out of my children’s hair — whenever you get near them. Do my kids a favor and bug bomb yourself, will ya?
Now, back to reality for a second.
The First Ammendment, as interpreted by leading legal light chardonnay, et al, does not forbid religion in the public sphere. It simply prohibits the establishment of an official religion. Good. Let’s play with this for a while.
This also means that if we open the classroom to the religious sphere, you don’t get to confine it to nice, Christian-friendly stories that you like. By YOUR interpretation of the First, that’s a no-no. Every interested party within 500 miles gets a swing at explaining the universe. This means that next to readings of Genesis, your children will be told Hindu creation/destruction myths that will have them lying awake for weeks fearing that Kali will sleep again and the world will be destroyed when she does. On the last Friday of the month, Another TJ and I will be invited to class for a 20 minute debate as to whether the universe was created by gnomes or turtles.
If you like the public schools now, you’ll LOVE them once we’ve given this dog a few runs around the block.
Or, I have a better idea. Let’s keep the public schools secular. You can share Bible stories with your kids after class. I can torment mine by forcing them to write the Dao de Jing in characters, and the hippie kids down the block can cross their legs and meditate on how we’re all one with the world man.
I’m fine with that if you are.
Or chardonnay, would you like to re-interpret the First again so that while we can’t establish a state religion, we can somehow give special preference to Protestant Christianity? I’m all ears.
More a la carte hypocrisy form the losing left:
You lovely libs like to shove the Canadian health care system at us ans the be-all and end-all of Mommy government freebies, but interestingly enough, you neglect to mention that, at least in Alberta (so says a pal that lives there):
“catholic schools here are public“
“catholic schools here are funded the same as public schools“
“there is a catholic school within walking distance of ever public school“
“nathan went to catholic school in grade 1 because it was the only school that had french immersion…wasnt in most public schools“
“first they take catholics…but if they have room they take others“
School Choice
“When it comes to selecting a school, parents and students can choose from a wide range of options. They can select from public schools, Catholic schools, francophone schools, private schools, and charter schools. They can also access a number of unique and innovative programs – including virtual schools. Parents can also opt to home school their children. Choice is one of the important principles Alberta’s education system is built on.“
Indoctrinated Idiot @ 15
Okay, let’s start with Chardonnay’s “valid point,” namely that evolution is bullshit.
I guess the first question to ask is, “Is evolution bullshit?” So I searched the web and the #1 hit was this item from an outfit called the “Institute for Creation Research, A Christ-Focused Creation Ministry.” Here’s what they said: “Evolution is biologically impossible.” http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-317.htm
Yep, it sounds like these guys think evolution is bullshit, all right! So this looks like a good place to start checking out Char’s “valid point.” Here’s their hypothesis: “Charles Darwin was daydreaming when he wrote that he could visualize ‘in some warm little pond,’ with all sorts of salts and electricity, the spontaneous generation of the first living cell.”
Well, if those guys are right, then it’s impossible for scientists to create a virus in a lab like this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2122619.stm or amino acids like this http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/.....206364.DTL
Uh oh, that wasn’t quite the desired result, so it looks like we’re back to Square One. Let’s do another word search with “evolution is bullshit.” Here, this looks like a good one. It comes from a web site called WhatPissesYouOff.com, which appears to be a blog, one of whose bloggers says:
“evolution is a fucking joke. if we evolved from monkeys, and there are monkeys still around, then why arent any of the middle stages still walkin around n shit?” http://bbs.whatpissesyouoff.com/t485.html
Er, because they’re dead? They must be, because we’ve got their skulls.
Folks, this isn’t going anywhere. I just can’t prove that 10 generations of scientists were wrong and billions of dollars of research was wasted on a dead end, so to speak, when I keep coming up with … ah … proof of evolution.
Why don’t you take over now, Indoctrinated Idiot. Maybe you’ll have better luck.
Guess the pope must kinda stink now, they finally decided to have the funeral. To bad so sad good riddance…save us the torture next time.
finger job @ 33
“Nelson, the word choice seems to be lacking in your vocabulary as well. Where is my choice to turn on the TV and NOT see homo movies advertised to my children?”
Sounds like an argument for more government regulation to me. By the way, you have a choice to turn the TV off, if you don’t like the content that market economics brings to you.
“Where is my choice NOT to have Marxism forced on my children in school?”
Send ’em to Bob Jones University.
“Where is my choice of a governor in the last election–”
Aren’t you forgetting something? Namely, that 2.8 million other voters get a say in this too?
“(nd why was one in three good enough for the first time in recorded history?)”
Because only the last recount counts. That’s the law, Bozo. Oh, and Rossi voted FOR that law.
“Where is my choice to say a quiet prayer over a meal in public and NOT have to trifle with some thin-skinned Christophobe that is so easily offended he can’t see MY rights?”
Who says you can’t?
“Where is my right to speak freely and NOT immediately be labeled a bigot or a homophobe just because you can’t think of an intelligent answer or accept the fact that I may have a RIGHT to disagree and NOT want in my neighborhood the inevitable results that come from TOO much tolerance?”
If you have the right to speak freely, then why shouldn’t someone else have the right to label you a bigot or homophobe? That’s “speaking freely” too, isn’t? What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
“What choice do I have when I would like to send all of you leftists to Massa-fornia or Cali-chusetts to live your little socialist experiment in peace and leave MY freedoms be?”
Let’s rephrase slightly: What gives you the right to tell other people where to live?
“I thought the Constitution guaranteed us a Republican form of government, NOT a democracy. Look it up, if you can concentrate that long without crying.”
You have your Republican government. Enjoy.
33, Dino Rossi didn’t win 2 out of 3, we had 1 only election. Recounting a close election is the law, get it? To overturn the manual recount Rossi has to prove King County’s mistakes changed the outcome. Otherwise the mistakes don’t matter. This is a fact and has been posted many times. Your blather is merely sour grapes.
50, you critize Canada’s health care system, but you offer no solution for America’s health care problem. They spend less money than we do and still cover all their citizens. Our free enterprise system has given us the world’s most expensive health care system and it doesn’t even cover 45 million Americans, with the number growing every year. The Canadian system may not be perfect but it’s far better than ours. Any “ass” can criticize, it’s much harder to solve the problem. If all you can do is criticize, you should leave the solving to someone who knows what he’s talking about.
You’re Being Silly@53
The Canadian system may not be perfect but it’s far better than ours.>>>
Is that why Canadians with catastrophic problems such as a need for bypass surgery come to the good ole US of A for the treatment so they wont have to take a chance with waiting a year or more under the Canadian system? Although you can get the easy stuff done like lazer eye surgery. If you needed both where would your priority lie? Personally I would continue to wear glasses (and I could afford them with the tax savings)
I watched a canadian documentary just the other day there chuckie, and canadians were not very critical of their system. They were much more critical of our system.
As far as your comments on the pope, you deserve no less than to be recycled in a pile of fire ants.
@39. While your post may jar gay rights supporters, there is a some truth there. I say, live and let live, but don’t wear it as if it is a special badge of honor.
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS @ 50:
Yep, Alberta has state-funded Catholic schools. Wisconsin has a voucher program, as do Vermont and a number of other states. A voucher program has never come up for a vote in my lifetime. My guess is that it won’t pass. We’ve had two statewide votes on charter schools, both of which failed. (don’t blame me. I voted yes, twice). It’s not the evil Democrats who dig their claws into everything in Olympia. The people have just not been convinced that this is a good idea.
This is Western Washington. Two things are certain. One, it rains. Two, the population here is a teeny tiny bit left wing. If this bugs you, there are 47 1/2 other other states you could try (California and Massachusetts probably won’t sit well with you either).
If you really think funding religious schools is a good idea, you have two choices. One, move to where that’s allowed, or two, convince the population of Washington that it’s all well-intentioned, and not a backdoor effort by conservatives to defund the public school system. (not that nobody’s ever suggested that before).
Alberta is actually quite nice, other than the bit where it gets down to -30 degrees during the winter. If you run your own business, taxes aren’t really any higher than you’d pay as a wage slave here in Washington. Calgary is piss-boring at night, but jobs are plentiful, and homes are cheap. Have you considered relocating someplace where people are, you know, more agreeable?
Chee @ 58
Great statement, we disagree on some issues but this proves there is common ground to stand together on.
50, you critize Canada’s health care system, but you offer no solution for America’s health care problem. They spend less money than we do and still cover all their citizens. Our free enterprise system has given us the world’s most expensive health care system and it doesn’t even cover 45 million Americans, with the number growing every year. The Canadian system may not be perfect but it’s far better than ours. Any “ass” can criticize, it’s much harder to solve the problem. If all you can do is criticize, you should leave the solving to someone who knows what he’s talking about. Comment by You’re Being Silly— 4/8/05 @ 2:14 am
My point, twitbird, is not Canadian healthcare, but how you Mommy government types love to tout it early, often and loudly yet you oh-so-conveniently neglect to mention little tidbits that do NOT suit your agenda, such as the fact that they HAVE SUCCESSFUL GOVERNMENT FUNDED SCHOOL CHOICE including your liberal horror of horrors, Catholic schools in Canada.
In this, as with the nutburger evironmental wackos and the anything-but-God evolution carnies, you love to pick and choose only the facts that suit your agenda of the moment and not only ignore the facts of the bigger picture but work hard to obfuscate them.
Kind of like the facts coming out about a recent election.
Anyone else see a pattern with the increasingly quickening liberal march toward obscurity and irrelevance?
ass-i-9 @ 60
I fail to see the connection between Canada’s Catholic schools and 45 million Americans with no health insurance. Did Bush send our health care money to Canada to fund religious schools there, because he can’t do it here? I know he blew up $280 billion of our money in Iraq, and wants to blow anothr $150 billion of our money up to Mars — that guy will go to ANY lengths to keep Americans from getting health care.
My God.
Can you people not read?
Or are you simply too lazy?
#’s 12, 18 27, 29 and 49 brought up public school and God.
# 33 brought up school choice.
Follow the dots Don…
I tied then together with your worship at the altar of Canada’s health care system so loudly and often shouted and once again, pointed to your sel serving hypocrisy… you love Canada so much for their soci*list governing in healthcare but “oops, let’s not mention school choice”, since it doesn’t quite fit your agenda.
Ass-i-9 @ 63
You’re the one who brought up Canada. I never even think about Canada. I would think you, of all people, would worship the Canadian system. They have a monarchy, and don’t have a 1st Amendment to worry about. Right up your wingy alley.
jsa@49. Those pesky Holy Roller’s, the pentecostal preacher’s kids, could become an insurance risk. Hard to get to your seat if you came late for school and morning prayer is going and the aisle is blocked. The drone of Aum or Nam mantra could also become a hearing problem. :-)
dubyasux@51. The missing link is among us and the first tool was fingers. :-)
First, Goldy–your link to the “excellent coverage of the…maneuver” has no coverage of the maneuver whatsoever. I can’t figure out whether this was a failure of grammar or reason, but I thought you should know. You know how we all hate broken links–especially broken links masquerading as good ones.
Secondly, Dubby, in response to your comment, “If you don’t a gree and can’t think of anything intelligent…”–I thank you for stating that so clearly. It is apparent that as long as one agrees with your rhetoric, they are entitled to be as unintelligent as humanly possible.
Additionally, to all concerned–Homosexuality does indeed occur in the animal world, and has been documented among rats that are crammed into overpopulated environments where they can no longer segregate pheromones and become confused as to male and female. The Supporters are more correct in the striking similarities than they had even imagined. I imagine that a similar effect might take place in their evolutionary descendants (care to comment, Dub? Goldy?)–that is, assuming it were *possible* to procure descendants from a homosexual coupling.
We seem to have put a disparity of thought into this subject. But then again, I expect little more from a group so mystifyingly eager to rally under the banner of Horse’s Ass.
“In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King.” –Proverb
Well, Trev, that does clarify a lot. Mistaken pheromones from overpopulation….San Francisco, New York….SEATTLE. It might also explain why some guys go for the back door sexually–smells familiar to them–as that’s where their heads have been continually anyway.
See now, this is the kind of stuff that makes people not take you as seriously as you might wish them to.
What’s remarkable to me was the unanimity against gay rights among the Republicans. It really shows the degree to which they are in thrall to the American Taliban.
In order to keep one’s sexual orientation private, a great deal of concealment and subterfuge is necessary. If the law simply protected people from discrimination for being homosexual, none of that would be necessary.
If you didn’t proclaim that you are perverted and proud to be, no one would know or care.
In order to keep one’s sexual orientation private, a great deal of concealment and subterfuge is necessary. If the law simply protected people from discrimination for being homosexual, none of that would be necessary.