Those of you who have been missing Will Kelly-Kamp’s posts here on HA (and there certainly must be at least a few of you) will be pleased to know that he just landed a paying gig as a freelancer at The Stranger, where his posts on city issues, transportation and politics in general will appear on Slog on a daily basis. Starting… well… now.
I first gave Will posting privileges, not because we agree on everything (we don’t), but because I saw him as a natural (if at times raw) writing talent whose snark, wit and irreverence meshed well with the attitude I had cultivated here on HA. It’s great to see him rewarded for his efforts, and I’m confident he’ll only become a better writer under The Stranger’s editorial guidance.
Congrats Will.
Good luck will.
Hopefully you will overcome Goldy’s mentoring and become an actual productive member of Society…a first for HA Blogger Corp!!
Agreed. Now all The Stranger has to do is get rid of that delusional tyrant Dan Savage. Only then will there be a shred of credibility to that publication.
Congrats Will.
Live long and prosper Will.
And we knew him when…
Remember, Will, as your career progresses to spend every evening with a 12 pack of cheap beer and two packs of Marlboros in the hardpack (menthol, if you can find them).
Never get any tatoos until you are forty, because then they will look fresh the rest of your life.
Lastly, find a woman who is easily fooled by ridiculous excuses about where you were all night.
Good luck!!
Damn, why did no one offer me such fine advice before I made a ruin of my life?
Will: all the best at Slog. Will have to redouble my tuning in to that fine site.
I’ll not hold it against him.
Will has already done 3 things right in his life:
1) Being a liberal;
2) Becoming a newsie;
3) Buying a souped-up ’80s-vintage Jimmy with a 351-cu.-in. V-8 and Holley 4-barrel from Roger Rabbit, which is the closest a civilian can get to owning an F-16.
Now all he needs is a good woman and a good lawyer.
Someday your CV should include, an SHAT ,,,,
Survived the Horses Ass Trolls.
Reminds me of the old joke: Suppose we climbed in your planet-killing Jimmy with the 351 V-8, and suppose we went Kelly-Kamping, and suppose you woke up in the morning with your jammies pulled down around your ankles and with vaseline smeared all over your butt … would you tell anyone?
Wanna go Kelly-Kamping?
If it didn’t wake me up, either the equipment or the execution was deficient.
Will makes fun of idiots and right wingers. And the largest cross demo: right wing idiots.
Plenty of fodder these days, young Will!
Right Wing Idiots is redundant…
Do you feel that making your words bold makes them more important?
Quite the opposite darling, it shows that you are being ignored and want some attention.
Have you noticed that the Stranger is doing well under the guidance of Dan Savage? For a good capitalist and conserative, the paper is making money, and that’s all that matters right?
Oh, Marvie is posting as himself today. Or at least one of the longer-running personalities. One of a family of worthless pieces of shit who compulsively post here a large part of each day.
Dearest marviecunt:
I post in bold so retards like you can better read the words. It makes them easier to sound out. You won’t have to ask your mommie so many times.
PS Go KILL yourself. It’ll improve the neighborhood.
And doubtless make your mommie’s life a lot easier since she missed the chance at a therapeutic abortion.
@12 Roger Rabbit Quiz
Which uses more gas and creates more CO2?
[ ] 1. Driving a gas-guzzling V-8 that gets 10 mpg 1/2 mile to the park-and-ride?
[ ] 2. Driving a Prius that gets 45 mpg 10 miles to work?
The trick is reducing your driving to almost nothing but having a hell of a lot of fun on that half-mile-long drag strip.
@13 If it didn’t wake you up, let Will know, and he can punch some more holes in the muffler with a screwdriver.
@16 Click here for photo of Marvie’s transportation: http://www.communityplaythings.....cooter.jpg
@19 No, no, no! We don’t want Marvie to kill himself! We want him alive so he feels the pain when we kick him!
Yeah, but he obviously LIKES it when we kick him!
It is only you obsession with me that lets you see me in the words of others.
I know, if you have any proof I post under other names why don’t you write it down.
Or if you know you’re just in love with me and want me so bad that you fantasize that I’m the writer of every comment you don’t have to prove I post under other names. I understand.
Keep fantasizing about me baby. I love it knowing that I’m not only on your mind but in your kinky sexual fantasies.
In your fantasies when you kick me, are you wearing those knee high black stiletto boots? Do you want me to call you mistress or mommie? I’m guessing mommie since you written mommie so many times while you’ve been thinking of me.
I am obsessed with you, dog shit, vomit, and decomposing bodies to the extent that i wish to avoid stepping in or on such filth. I leave the sexual fantasies of excrement to you.
It’s been obvious for a while.
Scat ain’t my thing honey. I’m sure you’ve been shat on enough in life, I don’t want to contribute to that.
Typical winger distortion. You should be proud. The grownups do the same thing on your planet.
A suggestion for Will
Why not just cut and paste a “worst of HA?” Nothin in the Stranger falls to this satndard:
@28 Stamm
@19 X’Ad