I don’t generally read Liz Taylor’s “Growing Older” column in the Seattle Times, which she describes as intended for middle-aged and older people who are concerned about the needs of their aging parents, and themselves. I guess I should read it, because a) I am growing older, and b) this week’s column puts a human dimension on the tax debate, in a way our typically more wonkish discussions never can. [State’s broken tax system means society is worse off]
Liz starts by saying that nobody likes to pay taxes, but…
Growing up in the 1950s and ’60s, I remember my mom saying we did it for the common good: good schools, police and fire protection, clean water and decent roads. Even people without children pay taxes for schools, she said
TOTALLY OFF SUBJECT: At least our ‘conservative trolls can be happy in knowing that the “HONORABLE MR. DeLay” is a family man. He has given his wife and daughter over $500,000 from his campaign funds since 2001, read for yourself here:
#1………Really? Any Dasholes or Kennedys on the family payroll? If so, how much? [hehe]
If you low-lifes think I’m giving up any of my hard-earned major league baseball income so little Jimmy can get his cavity filled or Grandma Smith can get turned off her bedsores, you are just plain nuts.
Goldy, I’m sounding like a broken record, but I am getting a little tired of all these posts on the need for tax reform! Not because of the need (I agree with you) rather the lack of follow-through. I suspect that everyone in power sees the need, but nobody is doing anything! How about stop griping about the system and getting folks (especially the Democrats reading this blog) to get reform on the table in Olympia! As I said in another thread, the Governor and Legislature need to LEAD on this issue!
“As you anti-tax folks out there argue that the state budget can be balanced by cutting the fat out of government, Liz wants you to take a look at some of the “fat” that’s already been been cut by Gov. Gregoire: home-care for 1,800 people on Medicaid, dementia-care that would have allowed Alzheimer’s patients to live in assisted-living facilities instead of nursing homes, and rate increases for adult day services – which haven’t been raised in 10 years – that allow the severely disabled to remain at home.”
Goldy you think she’s doing a bad job too?
Taxes are the sinews of the state. Hundreds of years ago it was said the government would render a benefit to itself to tax whiskey and rum almost to the point of prohibition, making them pay high for such a joy as they give, and such a harm as they do; vices being good patriots and tobacco and opium having broad backs. Any projector can contrive new impositions, any bungler can add to the old but good government ought to shear, not skin their sheep.
Don’t forget Gregoire put her husband on the payroll, re-floored the mansion, bought herself an expensive fridge. Her daughter in on Cantwells payroll. Seems to be ok for Democrats to keep it in the family huh?
How about the big fat salaries the monorail staff are getting to a tune of $4.5 million/yr with zero construction.
Art for prisons, neccessary? Schools spending millions of dollars on sports fields.
Liberals #1 idea is HIGHER TAXES. Take Take Take, it’s never enough, there is always a crisis.
Yet another Goldyhood post. Take fromt he rich and give to the poor.
“Even people without children pay taxes for schools, she said — to keep their property values high and streets safe.”
Yeah, we need to keep the little darlings incarcerated while their parents are at work or none of us will be safe. I recently read that a 16-year-old driver accused of doing 120 mph insisted she was only doing 105. Teachers and schools are the best investment in public safety we’ve got going.
Whiney; I think there might be a bit of a difference here.
Jobs given because of Nepotism
The wife and daughter of Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, have been paid more than $500,000 since 2001 by Mr. DeLay’s political action and campaign committees,
These aren’t the Guvment jobs you complain about…this is just theft from fleeced sheep.
blk & white@5. It is not an unkown factor, in the cases you address, the indigent place a heavy burden in those areas for they have little or no means when illness, age and severe debilitations strikes home. The has been the middle class that has had to compensate, pick up the slack. A social problem sown and reaped.
“Liz wants you to take a look at some of the ‘fat’ that’s already been been cut by Gov. Gregoire: home-care for 1,800 people on Medicaid”
This is a particularly horrid example of the fiscal distortions produced by the “penny-wise, pound-foolish” mentality of our state’s taxpayers. By providing chore services costing anywhere from $200 to $500 a month, thousands of infirm elderly people can live with dignity and independence in their own homes. But because state taxpayers are too cheap to provide chore services, these people are forced into nursing homes costing thousands of dollars a month — more than 10 times as much. Half of that cost doesn’t matter, because federal Medicaid dollars pay for it, and we all know that federal money is free — we just borrow it from the Social Security Trust Fund and never pay it back. But the other half — typically around $2,200 to $2,400 a month — is the state’s 50% matching share of Medicaid. So we’re spending $2,200 a month of state money on nursing home care to save $200 a month on chore services, a negative profit of $2,000 a month. Yep, way to go folks, that’s showing ’em how to run government like a business!!!
Danw @ 10
$500k between 2001-2004 lets say = $125,000/yr assuming the 500k is per person. if not $62,500/yr. whats that in comparrison to gregoires AG salary of $120,000/yr or her husbands AG salary of $55,000/yr or gregoires daughter working on cantwells campaign and now in her senate office?
The dems are looking for a witch hunt with Delay because he doesn’t take any shit off them. Whats funny is all the dems are guilty of exactly what they accuse others of doing.
Jerkoff @ 2
So that’s your defense of DeLay? A vague accusation that if he’s doing it, then Democrats must be doing it too? Spoken like a true Republican, jerkoff — you guys never travel outside yur own social circles so naturally you think everybody else is just like you.
chardonny@7 The nepotism law no longer prevails. Not unusual for anyone to line their own or their pockets. Within reason and law, not a problem. If not, we can be sure the closet door will be open wide. About that Gov. Mansion: Republican wives NEVER redecorated the White House. Wrong.
Felix @ 3
Any asshole can HIT the ball; what teams really need is pitching, and you pitch like shit. If I had a resume like yours– fired by three employers in less than two years — I wouldn’t show my face in public. Sheesh.
“November 29, 1994: Signed as a Free Agent with the Seattle Mariners.
“April 13, 1996: Released by the Seattle Mariners.
“May 8, 1996: Signed as a Free Agent with the New York Yankees.
“May 22, 1996: Released by the New York Yankees.
“May 29, 1996: Signed as a Free Agent with the Chicago Cubs.
“August 9, 1996: Released by the Chicago Cubs.”
Tomato juice is an excellent cure for a hangover. not sure what will help your mental disorder or your biased and weak arguments.
Jon @ 4
First things first. How about getting Republicans TO the table so we can get started? Not much can happen as long as the party representing 45% of the state’s voters just sits on the bench bitching and moaning about having to pay ANY taxes.
Black and White… I believe that JCH’s comment at #2 is your cue to jump on an idiotic liberal pushing for moral relativism and trying to blur issues until there is no right and wrong.
bought herself an expensive fridge
LOL!! OHMIGOD!! That must have cost the average taxpayer 1/100th of a penny!!!!
Her daughter in on Cantwells payroll.
Dear lord.
Hey chardonnay, I grew up in the suburbs on the east coast. The ‘conservatives’ I grew up around NEVER had to worry about jobs. Why? Because they were all so well-connected that some relative somewhere would be able to put them on a payroll somewhere and the cost for them would be a rounding error. I had some friends that worked at a financial services company about 25 minutes from downtown Philadelphia. They got their jobs there through family connections and with no qualifications. I actually also knew the daughter of the CFO as well (she happened to go to the same college as me). She not only had a cushy internship there, but received a bonus (a brand new Ford Mustang convertible) as part of her compensation.
My point here is that for you, in your Candy Land perception of reality, to point and gasp in horror at a politician buying a freaking refridgerator and hooking her daughter up with a job on a fellow Democrat’s payroll is utterly hilarious. I mean, how little do you have to know about life, and about how the system works, to actually think that you’ve stumbled upon some kind of scandal here?
There’s a reason why very wealthy people like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, and Tim Eyman like to convince clueless people like yourself that paying taxes is bad for you and trying to convince you that the petty excesses of our local politicians is in the same ballpark as what happens in corporate America every day. The reason is because it makes them richer.
So keep lashing out against the inconsequentially small amount of money spent on art in prisons, or extra bleacher seats at the local high school, but when you’re sick and can’t pay the bills, remember that a lot of wealthy people will be lighting up cigars and laughing about how stupid you are to keep giving them tax breaks.
DeLay was not employing them at taxpayer expense. Gregoire’s husband is at taxpayer expense.
the democrats are ripping off the taxpayer. not DeLay. nice try, though.
Jeff B. @ 8
We’re not in favor of taking from the poor and giving to the rich, in case you didn’t notice.
White whine @ 13
I suspect JCH and Char may be the same person. They think alike, and post alike. Or maybe Char needs a strong man like JCH to do her thinking for her. As I recall, Char is currently without …
Dubyasux @ 18:
You can’t get someone to the table when you haven’t invited them yet.
The Governor and the leaders in the Legislature know the need; they need to step up and say “let’s do this”. The R’s, you are right, are going to moan, but they are going to complain no matter what happens. The Governor and the D’s are in control; they need to make this happen, because the R’s sure won’t.
thehim @ 19
And you can bet your ass the company wrote off that Mustang as a “business expense,” to wit, “employee performance bonus.” Neat way to give your kid a car and take a tax deduction on it.
Jon @ 22
They know where the table is, whenever they’re ready.
First things first. How about getting Republicans TO the table so we can get started? Not much can happen as long as the party representing 45% of the state’s voters just sits on the bench bitching and moaning about having to pay ANY taxes.
Hey Dubyasux,
Good to drink a few last night with you and Goldy. Hope you guys had fun. The problem with getting anything done on this issue comes a lot from my rant above. People have been so conditioned by the right-wing gasbags to examine every miniscule transgression of political overspending and favoritism and blame taxation in general that people are totally oblivious to massive transgressions that occur in corporations.
How on earth did we get into a situation where people get more worked up about a governor putting their spouse on the payroll rather than companies that use illegal accounting practices to bilk millions of stockholders out of their savings. How the hell are these two evils even in the ballpark of being equivalent? I mean, we’re really talking about a societal crisis where people will get voted out of office if they don’t subscribe to the laughable notion that corporations are more efficient and can serve the public better than the government can. All you have to do is ask yourself this: If Ticketmaster delivered our mail, would a stamp cost $5 or $10?
dubyasux@12. A widower receiving a pittance, $600.00, from her husbands social security pays all but $40.00 of that to a long-term nursing care facility that charges over $4000 a month. Add to that all medical expenses on a daily basis plus regular doctor visits and emergency treatments and hospital stays. The per figure times the masses recieving such care in Washington State. Many of those did not want to be uprooted, and if possible, much prefer remaining closer to family as the end approaches. Your point is well taken.
And you can bet your ass the company wrote off that Mustang as a “business expense,” to wit, “employee performance bonus.” Neat way to give your kid a car and take a tax deduction on it.
Happens all the time. When fiscal conservatives talk about how giving money to the rich will spur investment, this is what they’re talking about. It means Paris Hilton can buy more shoes.
char@17. Touche pussycat!
Rush @ 20
Yes the Taxpayers are paying for a job being done by a relative, the way of the world. But Donations to a Pac group like Delays are funnelled to the wife and daughter from the donations of people who are lead to believe that John Kerry needed to be stopped because when he was on his Swift boat he was attacking Galveston Texas. These people have been deceived twice.
Who remembers the name of the GOP fundraising group that was shut down after terrorizing older people?
Dubyasux @ 24:
“They know where the table is, whenever they’re ready.”
Who’s they? The Republicans? Then nothing is going to be done, because they will never be ready, and that’s a very piss poor excuse for not doing anything.
Blaming the other side for your lack of leadership is also a bad excuse. Ron Sims, with all his faults, had the guts to at least PROPOSE a reform plan; too bad the Governor can’t show the same courage.
thehim @ 19
What do you think King County and Olympia govn’t is all about? 20 years of democrat control, you don’t seriously think they are not all connected and related do you? They are.
This is why Rossi was/is such a threat, he stated very clearly that he would change the “culture” (or inbreed) of state government.
Gregoire didn’t just buy a home depot type fridge, she bought top of the line $3500 plus she now has the chef on staff full time.
No scandal here, just hypocrisy from the left, typical stuff.
I’m insulting you again!!! See “Drinking liberally with David Neiwert,” post #4.
Comment by Dubyasux— 4/5/05 @ 11:59 pm
thehim @ 25
I’m not oblivious to what’s going on in corporations. I’ve quit buying stocks because there’s no money in it for shareholders anymore, because the accountants are lying and the CEOs are stealing. You can fleece people only so long. At the rate corporate America is going under this hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, prosecute-no-evil REPUBLICAN administration, the Republicans’ beloved stock portfolios and retirement accounts will soon by worthless because most stocks won’t be worth the paper they’re printed on and they won’t be able to GIVE them away.
thehim @ 25
For the record, I drank only 1 beer last night.
Jon @ 30
I agree, we need to do this ourselves, or nothing will get done. When it comes to tax reform, the Republicans will never do ANYTHING except warm the bench with their asses. But I’m not Gregoire, and I can’t tell Gregoire what to do. She just won an election by only 129 votes and knows the GOPers will try to make hay out of a state income tax, so she’s understandably a bit gun-shy right now. Give it some time, it’ll come. It’ll have to come, because the system is badly broken and getting worse. People will start screaming when the 15-cent gas tax passes but what are you gonna do, let the 520 bridge sink and the viaduct collapse?
thehim @ 27
They also deduct their martini lunches as “business expenses” — and they drink waaaay more than I do. Not wise to be on the road in Bellevue between 12:30 and 1:30 (PM, not AM).
32. Dubyasux : twice you need to “advertise” that you wrote a blog ? criticizing republicans ? I am sure we’ve heard it all before. sorry you are in such need of attention and recognition.
char @ 31
“This is why Rossi was/is such a threat, he stated very clearly that he would change the ‘culture’ (or inbreed) of state government.”
You’re absolutely right. Instead of Mike Gregoire on the governor’s payroll, Mrs. Rossi would be on the governor’s payroll.
But hey, she’s probably better looking than Mike.
and 36: I’m not a CPA (nor do I drink) but I believe the 3 martini lunch deduction was eliminated years ago as a business deduction.
and 33: it is not too surprising that you are unsuccessful in the stock market. maybe you might try horses(ass) racing ?
Rush @ 37
Is it getting to you? Aw, gee — GOOD!!! I don’t need or want attention, at least not the kind where some whackjob shows up on my porch, but I’m always game for needling Republicans. To speak metamorphically, stick the knife in and twist it so the blood will run. As Patton said, “I do love it so!”
I’m insulting you again!!! See “Drinking liberally with David Neiwert,” post #4.
They also deduct their martini lunches as “business expenses” – and they drink waaaay more than I do. Not wise to be on the road in Bellevue between 12:30 and 1:30 (PM, not AM).
It’s not wise to be on the road in Bellevue ever. Between the drivers on cell phones in 4-ton SUVs, to cops with nothing better to do that pull people over for going 30 in a 25 zone, it was enough to get me to sell my car and take the bus.
You’re absolutely right. Instead of Mike Gregoire on the governor’s payroll, Mrs. Rossi would be on the governor’s payroll.
Rush @ 42
“and 36: I’m not a CPA (nor do I drink) but I believe the 3 martini lunch deduction was eliminated years ago as a business deduction”
Are you so naive to think that stops them from deducting it anyway? How many business people have gone to jail under the Bush administration for deducting their drinks?
I thought you believed we republicans had no heart (nor blood) ? you don’t get to me. needle away. that needle could use some sharpening, though, if it is going to penetrate my body of steel.
What’s all this “come-to-the-table” talk? Please don’t even suggest Democrat’s work in a bi-partisan fashion. They have the majority and are in charge, they remind the Republicans of that everyday. Work together “language” is meaningless. Much like we saw the Democrats in DC for 50 years when they were the majority, they did not make ANY bi-partisan efforts. However, the DC Republicans certainly are playing fair by having all committee’s bi-partisan. I watch TVW and see the (1) token republican on the committee given the minimum amount of time to speak before the committee chair cuts them off. Nice job but hardly bi-partisan. When the Republicans work with the Democrats the Rats always use it against them in the media. It is not to any R’s advantage to “play” the D’s game, that’s like working with the devil.
What do you think King County and Olympia govn’t is all about? 20 years of democrat control, you don’t seriously think they are not all connected and related do you? They are.
Of course I do. The difference is that I think that’s child’s play compared to what corporations get away with. People constantly complain about the “unchecked power and recklessness” of our government officials, yet they’re totally powerless and hamstrung compared to what most major corporations can get away with.
This is why Rossi was/is such a threat, he stated very clearly that he would change the “culture” (or inbreed) of state government.
And you believed him? How naive are you? That’s always what politicians say, left or right. It’s not what you SAY, it’s what you’re able to DO. I was not a big fan of Gregoire, but listening to how detached people are, complaining about $3500 refrigerators and rookie league nepotism at a time where a company like WorldCom committed $11 billion in accounting fraud, and watching how they somehow believed that Rossi would be a savior for being even MORE pro-business has honestly made me question whether I could ever vote for a Republican until they get their heads out of their asses and figure out that unchecked capitalism does not help Joe Q. Public. An involved government that is beholden to a public’s needs does.
Gregoire didn’t just buy a home depot type fridge, she bought top of the line $3500 plus she now has the chef on staff full time. No scandal here, just hypocrisy from the left, typical stuff.
What exactly is hypocritical about it? Do you really believe (I mean seriously believe) that if Dino Rossi was in the governor’s mansion right now, that he wouldn’t be spending money on frivolous things like that? If you do, you really need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and start paying attention to what really goes on in government. And once you’re done shocking yourself at how easy it is for them to afford things like that (which is a drop in the bucket), you can then move on to how corporations spend money on their execs are really have your socks knocked off.
don @ 46
business lunches are only 50% deductable, and all corporations have CPA’s do their tax returns. An audited financial statement from an independent firm is usually a requirement to get bonded and insured, not to mention the requirment by many govn’t agencies to qualified for contracts.
see Dubyasux: when they reduced my martini lunch deduction, that is when I got my body of steel. I see you democrats have broken into my medical files trying to see how I accomplished such a made-for-TV makeover. you guys have harrassed me so much it is interfering with my golf game.
What’s all this “come-to-the-table” talk? Please don’t even suggest Democrat’s work in a bi-partisan fashion. They have the majority and are in charge, they remind the Republicans of that everyday. Work together “language” is meaningless. Much like we saw the Democrats in DC for 50 years when they were the majority, they did not make ANY bi-partisan efforts. However, the DC Republicans certainly are playing fair by having all committee’s bi-partisan.
Are you ACTUALLY implying that for the 50 years that Democrats were in control of the Congress that committees weren’t bi-partisan?!?!? What the hell else could you possibly mean by that?
I watch TVW and see the (1) token republican on the committee given the minimum amount of time to speak before the committee chair cuts them off. Nice job but hardly bi-partisan.
Right, and if you believe a Republican wouldn’t do the same thing in the same situation, I have some ocean front land in Idaho to sell you.
When the Republicans work with the Democrats the Rats always use it against them in the media. It is not to any R’s advantage to “play” the D’s game, that’s like working with the devil.
Throw an example out there. I’d love to hear one.
the huge difference here is that it is tax payers money. Dems think nothing of taking money from citizens and spending it recklessly. Corporations, LLC’s, Partnerships and Inc’s are private money. you cannot clump all business throughout the country in the worldcom (terry mcauliffe) scandal. that is ridiculous to blame/punish all business for a few bad apples.
you wanna talk ethics and democrats? lets go.
ex democrat party chair scandal
McAuliffe turned a $100,000 investment in 1997 into $18 million just two years later. He also facilitated a relationship between Global Crossing chief Gary Winnick and McAuliffe’s boss at that time, Bill Clinton. It was a fruitful meeting, later resulting in a $1 million contribution to the Clinton presidential library, which includes a full size replica of the ORAL office, you know, just in case he and monica get back together.
business lunches are only 50% deductable, and all corporations have CPA’s do their tax returns.
Not surprisingly, you avoided the question completely. You asserted that the ability of businesses to expense drinks had been eliminated. Whether the lunches are deductible is a different story. I must admit, you’re skilled in the art of bullshit, but that only gets you somewhere when you’re surrounded by idiots.
The rest of your comment there makes no sense, but at this point, I’m not surprised.
the huge difference here is that it is tax payers money. Dems think nothing of taking money from citizens and spending it recklessly. Corporations, LLC’s, Partnerships and Inc’s are private money.
Where do you think the money going to Halliburton is coming from Einstein?
you cannot clump all business throughout the country in the worldcom (terry mcauliffe) scandal. that is ridiculous to blame/punish all business for a few bad apples.
you wanna talk ethics and democrats? lets go.
I don’t want to blame all corporations for a few bad apples, but I do want to make sure that people stop believing in this notion that private enterprise is better for taking care of our needs than government. Republicans, in dealing with many industries, have stripped back regulations that have forced private industry to have concern for the effect they have on society as a whole. It’s not unethical to believe that corporations will take care of us, it’s foolish.
McAuliffe turned a $100,000 investment in 1997 into $18 million just two years later.
How? With what? Is investing money illegal, or only for Democrats that make a lot of money doing it? Am I supposed to be convinced by this? Usually, when you want to convince someone that you have a point, it helps to HAVE a point.
He also facilitated a relationship between Global Crossing chief Gary Winnick and McAuliffe’s boss at that time, Bill Clinton. It was a fruitful meeting, later resulting in a $1 million contribution to the Clinton presidential library
Was he aware that Winnick was violating the law at the time, or are you still pissing in the wind?
which includes a full size replica of the ORAL office, you know, just in case he and monica get back together.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to find out that someone who’s naive enough to think that a $3500 refrigerator is excessive government spending would also think that lying about a blow job from an intern is an impeachable offense.
ok now you prove the theory that liberalism is a mental disorder. the “LUNCH” bill includes food and drinks. WTF, are you this stupid? look up the tax laws. besides at the end of the year the total expense for meals etc is miniscule compared to the tax liabilities. lets say a $10 million corp spent $1000 on meals, what is that in comparrison to $150,000 in comparrison to the L&I, ESD expense, the $15,000 CPA bill, the $10,000 consulting attorney fee’s, the $120,000 med/dental ins, or the $140,000 gen liability insurance exp. you really know nothing.
A $50.00 lunch at the Leschi Cafe expensed at $25 is pennies.
is it governments job or role to take care of everybody’s needs? I thot we were a free nation. Free to take care of ourselves. You imply that the citizens cannot take care of themselves and NEED Democrats to be the Big Brother. You imply the average citizen is not capable of making informed decisions about their life without the aid of elected democrats.
If you are so correct with your assumptions then why are the democrats losing elections nation wide? The very people you NEED to protect are not voting for your candidates. could it be they see thru the false message? peasants, they know nothing. right? uneducated hillbillies, they would be nowhere if it weren’t for you democrats.
Sounds like Liz Taylor needs to stick to spoon feeding Micheal Jackson.
Rush @ 47
Don’t bump your head on your way out the window, Supe, and keep your eyes peeled for kryponite — that stuff is some nasty shit.
thehim: do you believe it is only a few corporations that violate the laws or deep down, do you think the government would run the nation best?
I accept that there are clear roles for government. and I also believe that when a politician runs for office to “serve the public”, that they shouldn’t do so to excessively line their pockets. I would apply this to republicans just as well as democrats. I also think it is responsible to “call” the governor on nepotism just as Goldy did re DeLay.
it is the defense of democratic theft while only accusing corporations/republicans that is unfair. the standard should be the same for all.
I also believe capitalism makes our country grow faster than those countries with socialism. and while higher than desirable, the U.S. unemployment rate is roughly half that of many socialistic countries. when the left consistently attacks corporations while defending poor spending or behaviour of democratic politicians, it leaves we republicans in disagreement. but neither should those on the right do the reverse.
thehim @ 49
The GOPers seem to have a problem with the idea of the state’s governor having a fridge as good as the one in their kitchen.
chardonnay @ 50
It gives me a warm glow to know those protections are in place and an Enron or WorldCom could never happen in this country!
chardonnay @ 53
Private money that gets stolen has a habit of turning into public bailouts.
chardonnay @ 54
Sounds like McAuliffe is a crook. Well, I don’t condone that sort of thing, but I can’t see why the Republicans should have a monopoly on it.
chardonnay @ 58
Workers eat lunches too. Guess how much they get to deduct.
char @ 59
“If you are so correct with your assumptions then why are the democrats losing elections nation wide?”
This one sure stumps me, alright. The Republicans are lying to the voters? The Republicans are hacking the voting machines? The voters are being hypnotized? I give up … why?
ok now you prove the theory that liberalism is a mental disorder. the “LUNCH” bill includes food and drinks. WTF, are you this stupid?
What on earth are you talking about? My friend, who was at the bottom of his office’s totem pole was able to expense just drinks for me all the time. No food needed to be one there. All he had to say was “I’m entertaining clients.” The 3-martini-lunch is an EXPRESSION. It didn’t mean that you walked into the Applebee’s and said, “Hey there, I want your three martini lunch, this one’s on the boss!”
besides at the end of the year the total expense for meals etc is miniscule compared to the tax liabilities. lets say a $10 million corp spent $1000 on meals, what is that in comparrison to $150,000 in comparrison to the L&I, ESD expense, the $15,000 CPA bill, the $10,000 consulting attorney fee’s, the $120,000 med/dental ins, or the $140,000 gen liability insurance exp. you really know nothing.
When did I ever say that it wasn’t miniscule? And wouldn’t that also be as miniscule as Governor Gregoire hiring a personal chef, which you were ranting about in your first comment? Who’s being the hypocrite now?
is it governments job or role to take care of everybody’s needs? I thot we were a free nation. Free to take care of ourselves.
Of course we should be free to take care of ourselves, but the smartest way to do that is to pool our money fairly and evenly into systems that enable us to not have to worry about paving roads, delivering our own mail personally, maintaining national parks, taking care of people with special needs, and performing heart surgery on your spouse.
Thinking that we can just throw the yoke of government off our back and then everything will be just fantastic is as delusional as you can get. Corporations don’t exist to make our lives easier, they exist to make money. And in a world with no government systems to ensure that you have what you need, you’ll never be able to work hard enough to maintain the lifestyle you’re accustomed to. Do you really want to have to haggle with your doctor some day so that he’ll treat you? That’s essentially what this all comes to. You take government for granted, and like a spoiled child, you want to just throw it away. You can do that without me.
You imply that the citizens cannot take care of themselves and NEED Democrats to be the Big Brother.
Democrats are Big Brother?? Huh? The party that opposes the Patriot Act, has always been more libertarian than the Republicans when it comes to drug policy, and supports abortion rights and the freedom of religion is Big Brother??? Are you on crack? Libertarians (REAL libertarians) understand that being a libertarian has nothing to do with not paying taxes. It has to do with ensuring that the government does not legislate BEHAVIOR and MORALITY. A government that tells you that you can’t do certain things because it is IMMORAL is what Big Brother is. Overturning Roe v. Wade is Big Brother. Putting Jack Kevorkian in jail for assistance the terminally ill to end their lives is Big Brother. Attempting to strip away federal protections on suspected terrorists is Big Brother. The only areas right now where Democrats cross the line on being Big Brother are when it comes to smoking and guns. But they have nothing on the Republicans when it comes to being big brother.
You imply the average citizen is not capable of making informed decisions about their life without the aid of elected democrats.
So it was Democrats who were telling Michael Schiavo he couldn’t make an informed decision about his life without the help of lawmakers? Retard.
If you are so correct with your assumptions then why are the democrats losing elections nation wide?
Nationwide? They didn’t lose too many in Washington State.
The very people you NEED to protect are not voting for your candidates. could it be they see thru the false message?
Could it be that Republicans, who have significant money and run many of our major corporations, have an ulterior motive in convincing you to believe that taxation and regulation is unfair and takes away from your freedom?
uneducated hillbillies, they would be nowhere if it weren’t for you democrats.
Actually, if Democrats actually had any power, they might be educated.
Dubyasux @ 16
Actually I was a shortstop, not a pitcher.
67. some ideas on why democrats have lost seats in Congress:
1) the party is weak on defense. ever since the Vietnam
fiasco, the democratic party has underfunded defense and had weak foreign policy presidents in Carter and Clinton. in a world of terrorism, this is unacceptable to many.
2) more people realize it is indeed their money, not the government’s.
3) many people are against gay marriage and abortion. and they think a bj in the oval office is indeed a big deal, especially when lying is added. republican candidates are seen as more supportive of “family values”.
4) democrats are seen merely as just Bush criticizers without leadership ideas of their own.
5) republican campaigns are often better run. especially for president.
I realize that Kerry and other democratic candidates got lots of votes. that the term “mandate” for Bush is stretching it. but I submit that these 5 reasons have been factors in ending the careers of Daschle, Gore and others.
it is clear that to democrats in Seattle (and TJ’s Portland), these reasons are opposed. but in a majority of states and counties, the attitudes are different than in far left Seattle. as long as so many democrats feel they are correct in viewing the world as the majority of electors do at democratic conventions, I believe republicans will remain the majority in Congress.
I am prepared for the reaction to this post to prove democrats still don’t understand the views of others. that’s why I get the big money as Rush.
rush, I don’t really dispute the way you’ve laid out the perceptions; they seem mostly accurate. The frustration arises from the fact that a strong majority of the population actually favors the Democratic party positions…just not the party. Republican candidates have gotten very good at appealing to emotionalist issues that a) have little day to day meaning in most peoples’ lives, and b) appeal to fear and division between people. The issues that matter most–the kitchen table issues and even many of the social issues–favor Democrats, but Republicans are able to get many voters to vote against their own interests out of fear.
I think the primary reason some Democrats are losing recently is based on your last point–that the party does not appear to be standing up for their principles. That’s beginning to change, in concert with the GOP beginning to overstep their bounds…we’ll see what the effect ends up being.
If it is our money, not the government’s, then who does the federal debt belong to?
TJ: in 1994 (as I am sure you know) the Gingrich revolution put republicans in a very strong position. they did some good things (welfare reform and capital gains cuts, even if you disagree re who gets credit…they voted for it). but Newt was cocky, overstepped his real mandate, and voila, Clinton wins in 1996 and republican power was underutilized.
so I do not disagree that the same thing may be happening today, only it is now DeLay, not Newt. and given the choice between those two, Newt seems to me much smarter. but neither possess Clinton’s political instincts.
whether the majority favors the democratic stands is very debatable. in big cities for sure. but not in rural America, the South, etc.
Iraq will be significant. polls are against when the war goes badly. if Iraq truly becomes a democracy and if the Palestinians and Israelis can coexist, Bush will look alot better than democrats may think he should. but his dad proved that success can be fleeting when new issues get the headlines.
and if the economy thrives, Bush will have a strong legacy. if it stagnates, the legacy will be debt.
I think the one democrat that senses matters as not so favorable as you do re democratic positions is Hillary. she is cagey and so is her hubby. she clearly has moved to the right.
the one democrat I have always liked is Liebermann. I think he is strong on defense, is not blindly partisan (so could get more cooperation re social security, medicare, etc.) and has the right stuff morally. but you democrats seem to want someone both more dynamic and farther left. keep it up !
I appreciate that your response to my post on 70 was not just to tell me I’m FOS. one thing few politians are doing well these days is talking constructively. the days of O’Neill and Reagan are sadly gone. we haven’t done well on this blog, either.
perhaps it is necessary for Goldy to begin many hot topics with cursing at those of us who disagree. to rile up the troops. but this never sets a good tone for discussion. as Rush, I do the same thing: get my listeners ticked off and listening to every word of how rotten those democrats are. it works great and pays me a friggin’ fortune. but since Goldy hasn’t found a way to commercialize the blog, maybe he could try a friendlier tone? not me…though. they’ve shown me the money and I love that green !
Rush, you are so eloquent.
rush, on an electoral basis you may be right about how issues break down; I was speaking nationally. Majorities favor debt reduction over tax cuts, saving Social Security over carving it up, restricted but available abortions, access to guns but heavily restricted, the right for gays to marry or at least have the rights of marriage if not the title, a graduated income tax, a focus on environmentally sensitive policy, etc.
Hillary is setting herself up for ultimate failure, I think. The fact that everyone can see she is moving to the right, is the same problem I’m telling you about–it looks phony. There simply isn’t any real framework about Hillary’s politics that makes it believeable for her to opine on God and seek tougher laws on abortion.
Frankly, most people aren’t that smart to begin with, and many that are don’t have the time or the inclination to research and analyze what the proper position on an issue might be. Ultimately, they decide to trust whoever they put in charge, to be smarter than they and do what’s best. But they will only trust the people they perceive to be acting on conviction rather than calculation. It infuriated me during the campaign that the Kerry campaign never realized how to jujitsu Rove’s bold attack on Kerry’s strength with a similar attack on Bush’s. Rove went after Kerry’s war record and made it look like a weakness. It would have been amazingly simple to show just how much Bush flip-flopped on a variety of decisions during his term, and how much he calculatingly played to the electorate. But it never happened, and time and time again we heard how Bush was “a man of conviction.” In fact, Kerry sometimes went the other way, and portrayed him as foolishly stubborn, unable to see the facts and change course accordingly. Of course, that was often true as well, but it did nothing to change people’s image of Bush.
That’s why I think strength of conviction will ultimately be the test and the key to victory for Democrats in 08. In 06 it may be enough to use a “throw the bums out” strategy, if things continue as they are now. But when you elect an executive, that candidate and his party must appear to have a direction in which they want to go.
Kitchen table issues in my huge family are money, taxes and local govn’t not doing its job and local govn’t passing ridiculous restrictions on our land.
What democrats “think” their principles are, are not the same as most Americans. Sorry, but only 2% of the population is gay, only 1% is atheist, and democrats support their agenda strongly. To strongly.
98% of Americans believe in GOD, yet democrats and the ACLU never let up with the separation of church and state issue. The ACLU is adamant about removing the Ten Commandments or a cross from public display saying it is offensive to the 1 – 2%.
Democrats notoriously insist on raising taxes and increase spending while refusing performance audits or end wasteful spending. Americans recognize this to be wrong since they know what it is like to live on a budget. Democrats preach this but don’t live it. Democrats preach (used to) they will save the poor but they don’t, how can they when higher taxes impinge on them harder than anyone else?
believing in God does not mean you support the comingling of church and state. Some of the most conservative thinkers in America are appalled by the destruction of boundaries set by Jefferson and the founders. Your comments about gays miss the point–that it’s the Republican RIGHT that’s all bunged up about issues that affect 1-2% of the population, not Democrats.
TJ @ 78
I disagree with you 100%, most Americans are appalled that your party supports those issues. perhaps your refusal to acknowledge that is why the loss. You prove that when you stated above “frankly people aren’t that smart” such arrogance on your part TJ, you “think” you know better than the peasants.
11 states voted down gay marriage, do you think that could be because 1/3 of the world is Christian, another 1/4 being Hindu and Muslim, all believing HS is immoral.
To strongly.
98% of Americans believe in GOD, yet democrats and the ACLU never let up with the separation of church and state issue.
And thankfully neither did our founding fathers. Actually, only 95% of Americans believe in GOD, but being only 3% off is probably the most accurate thing you’ve babbled on this blog all day.
Democrats notoriously insist on raising taxes and increase spending while refusing performance audits or end wasteful spending.
What the hell are you basing this on? Only 3 presidents in the last 50 years left office with the government spending less money than when they started. Reagan? Nope. Ford? No. Bush Sr? Nope?
Who were they? Nixon, Carter, and Clinton. That would be 2 Democrats out of 3. And if you haven’t noticed, with Republicans in control of the entire Congress and the Presidency for the first time in over 50 years, they’re breaking every record when it comes to spending. What color is sky in your world?
chardonnay @ 79
“my party?” I don’t have a party. And I don’t know what you mean by “supports those issues”–what issues? Gay civil rights? You’re dead wrong about that; I can point you in the direction of several national polls that indicate majority support for gay civil rights.
It’s not “Christian” to believe homosexuality is immoral; otherwise you’re defaming millions of Christians. What that has to do with the majority that approve of gay civil rights anyway, I have no idea.
republicans (Rove?) got a gay marriage issue on the ballot in Ohio (and other states) winning it for Bush. Ohio sealed the deal.
re Hillary: you may be right. she has bet that she is popular enough among democrats to get the nomination, and needs to not be seen as a NY liberal to win the election. if she moved 1 or 2 years out, it would indeed look like a Kerry flipflop. so she moved early. if you democrats want to nominate someone truly liberal (you should have chosen Dean as at least he was consistent. Kerry flipped on Iraq all over over the years), please do so. I just think in much of the country being a liberal is a dirty word. and when Kerry was asked about being liberal, he avoided admitting it. proof it is “dirty”.
personally, I’d rather the two parties chose people not so anxious to be in the “middle”. as the First Army Division says: “if you are going to be one, be a big red 1”. believe what you believe, popular with the majority or not. I personally saw Kerry as much more of a flipflopper than Bush. but all politicians have to compromise. even Reagan did. but then there was Gore. he needed a poll to decide if it was a suit or sport coat, tie or open collar.
I believe that the slight majority of Americans are still democrats. but I also believe republicans run better campaigns and are more consistent. this appears as “strength”.
you may be right that my issues on post 71 really favor democrats. I say otherwise, but I won’t bet my life on it.
In 2008, republicans will have to choose between the most electable candidates of McCain/Guiliani (Arnold?) who believe in abortion and Frist, etc. who are less electable but in the republican mainstream. democrats may not have such a hotbutton issue dividing the party. especially if Iraq is in good shape and most/all of the troops are home.
rush @ 83
good comments! Again, you give me little to disagree with. Bastard!
if you democrats want to nominate someone truly liberal (you should have chosen Dean as at least he was consistent. Kerry flipped on Iraq all over over the years), please do so.
Actually, Dean is hardly a liberal. If you use the Iraq War as a way to determine who’s liberal and who’s conservative, you will be wrong many times. Ed Koch is one of the most liberal politicians in the United States (and maybe the most liberal mayor New York City has had in the past 50 years), yet he supported the Iraq War (and even publicly supported Bush as well). Richard Clarke, on the other hand, has been a life-long conservative, yet thinks Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in our country’s history. Howard Dean has always been a moderate, and there’s little evidence to show that his views on fiscal policy have changed in any way.
The problem is that people don’t have a clue what liberal and conservative really mean, so people like Karl Rove, who know that we are a nation of whiny, spoiled children, can just trump out tired old stereotypes that haven’t made sense in 40 years and get away with it. And he can get people who want to blame the fact that they can’t afford a flat-screen TV because of the silly belief that their taxes are too high on ‘liberals’, all the while voting for a president who thoroughly exhibits every negative stereotype attributed to said ‘liberals’.
I think you’re right that the Democrats can’t run Hillary in 2008. Although I think that says less about what kind of candidate Hillary would be and more about how much a large section of this country has been fooled into thinking that ‘liberals’ from the northeast are somehow the cause of all of their problems.
TJ @ 82
you don’t have a party, are you ashamed to admit you are a democrat? I realize many claim to be independent, but vote 99% democrat.
anyway joe, tell me which christian group celebrates homosexuality?
@ 85
“Howard Dean has always been a moderate, and there’s little evidence to show that his views on fiscal policy have changed in any way.”
explain why the CATO institute gave GOV DEAN a “D”
@ 85 again,
we are all just stupid peasants, fooled by karl rove into thinking it’s liberals to blame for the plight of america. country. Geez, buddy, you must be a liberal government employee in Seattle.
chard @ 86
The United Church of Christ and the US Episcopal Church, for two.
I never have been a Democrat, so it’s impossible for me to be ashamed of it.
explain why the CATO institute gave GOV DEAN a “D”
A “D” on what? The CATO institute also opposed the war in Iraq. Do you have some kind of point?
we are all just stupid peasants, fooled by karl rove into thinking it’s liberals to blame for the plight of america. country. Geez, buddy, you must be a liberal government employee in Seattle.
Actually, I’m someone who grew up in the suburbs of the East Coast. My Republican friends growing up DID believe that the people in the rest of the country are just stupid peasants, and that it’s ok to convince them that it’s ‘liberals’ to blame for their plight. They do this on purpose so that you’ll keep giving them tax breaks. In fact, one of my best friends growing up, whose father is the CEO of a health care company, used to talk about how he would be a fake preacher in Kentucky when he grew up to be able to swindle small town folks out of their money directly. Not surprisingly, as a 30-year-old who lives off his dad’s money and never has to work, he voted for Bush.
You may not like this very much, but it’s not liberals who think you’re a stupid bumpkin, it’s the people you’re voting to give tax breaks to that think you’re a stupid bumpkin. I grew up with these people, and they’re laughing their asses off at how stupid you are, because it keeps helping them. Remember, the richer they become through tax breaks and corporate de-regulation, the more powerful they become, and THIS DOES NOT HELP YOU. They know that, and they’re more than happy to take advantage of you. And it works really well when they can convince you that it’s those ‘liberals’ who are the ones really screwing you.
When I first moved out here 8 years ago, I was shocked to find so many people who were so up-in-arms about startlingly corruption-free local government (in the Philly burbs where I grew up, a lot of the cops were corrupt, and there were still remnants of organized crime influencing local governments). As a fellow Philly native, I know Goldy sees some of this as well, although we only talked a little bit about it in the two times we’ve met. If you think that only liberals from places like New York, Philly, Washington, L.A. and Seattle are the only ones who think you’re a bumpkin, you only know the half of it. The conservatives from New York, Philly, Washington, L.A. and Seattle not only know you’re a bumpkin, but they’re willing to take advantage of you as well.
That’s all for today, and sorry if I went too hog wild in the comments today, Goldy. Thanks again for coming by last night. I was worried about what Dubyasux would do if you didn’t show :) but it turned out to great evening.
And chardonnay, I can be crass, but I don’t have ill-will towards you. In my life, I’ve gone from a liberal upbringing, to becoming more conservative in my 20s, to now believing that the current Republican party is the biggest threat to my liberty that I will likely see in my lifetime. I don’t really know how else to say this, but you are being fooled by the wealthy in this country, and if you think you’ll survive in this fake-libertarian dream of an ‘ownership society’, you’re going to be in for a very rude awakening one day.
Take care of yourself.
Ya ok, see ya, but I will maintain my opinions on politics. Sorry you know a few bad apples and it has tainted your views.
and TJ @ 89
the UCC can accept what they want in their org. but, that doesn’t make it right. love the person, not the behavior.
chard @ 92
what about the Episcopal Church? And I have no idea what you’re trying to say about the UCC. You asked what churches accept homosexuality. I gave you two, with millions of US adherents. You are saying these people are not Christian, I take it?
What’s wrong with the behavior?
85. thehim: Israel voters were one of only 2 (?) foreign countries that a majority support the U.S. in Iraq. Ed Koch seldom varies from the Israeli position. Clinton did Israel no favors in negogiations with Barach, leaving Barach with only 17% of the vote after the deal wasn’t done with Arafat. Arafat’s mistake as that was the best deal the Palestinians will ever get. Clarke had his own personal issue with his CIA wife being “outed”. I think these reasons are part of why neither Koch nor Clarke fell right in line with expectations.
I didn’t say the democrats can’t run Hillary. quite the contrary. I think she’ll be the nominee and will run a great race. At this point, I’d bet she would lose to McCain or Guilliani but not to any other republican. TJ and I debated the wisdom of her moves rightward. Personally, I think she had to do so to win it all. I think she would keep democratic votes, even if some are disgruntled, and win some middle votes by these moves. I may be way off. but I don’t think it is a winner to bet against the Clintons in political instincts or cattle trading. although Hillary was early/off on healthcare.
re Dean: all governors have to balance budgets. I question if Dean is moderate or HAD to be moderate. I also think Gregoire would spend much more if the revenues so allowed. Dean’s choices were limited. but I confess I know little about Vermont politics other than it is more liberal there than the average state. Dean had the issue to rally the democratic troops. but he was sliding even before the Scream. did democrats sense he couldn’t beat Bush? and they hoped Kerry, a war “hero”, would have better odds? so it seemed back in Iowa.
but my point wasn’t one person or another. it was to say a commitment to the middle and to polls turns me off. it must be politically smart since so many politicians choose it.
being a simple minded republican (or so you say we all are), I guess I like more black and white on issues. a liberal vs. a conservative with a limit on exceptions. more like Britain, despite Blair’s support of the Iraq War. now I’ll be left with republicans that I like, but who believe in abortion. I like politicians that are willing to take stands that are unpopular. I think guts in politics are sadly lacking. and I don’t think the current or past governors of the state have had much for guts. I question how many politicians are willing to lose their office in order to always vote as they truly believe.
thehim @ 91
Very eloquent comments. Please come back again.
90 thehim: I would state that rich, highly educated people think they know more than others whether the rich are liberal or conservative. if you think all rich eastern liberals are just watching out for the poor because they are truly compasionate, I would say YOU are mistaken. I spent many years around such people in Boston and New York and, in my opinion, the liberals were every bit as bad in telling the most racist jokes, looking at unionists as buffoons, and stating that the less educated needed to be told how to think and vote.
I also think your tone to chardonnay sounds highly familiar in this regard.
Sorry, one more…thanks for the feedback today…
Arafat’s mistake as that was the best deal the Palestinians will ever get.
I agree. Arafat made a huge mistake there.
Clarke had his own personal issue with his CIA wife being “outed”.
You’re thinking of Joe Wilson. Anyway, Clarke was certainly not alone among old conservatives who opposed the Iraq War. Brent Scowcroft comes to mind as well. So does Norman Schwartzkopf.
I didn’t say the democrats can’t run Hillary. quite the contrary. I think she’ll be the nominee and will run a great race.
Sorry, I must have misinterpreted this.
re Hillary: you may be right. she has bet that she is popular enough among democrats to get the nomination, and needs to not be seen as a NY liberal to win the election.
I figured you gave her as little a chance as I do on not being seen as a NY liberal. :)
re Dean: all governors have to balance budgets. I question if Dean is moderate or HAD to be moderate.
Vermont is actually the only state that does not have a balanced budget amendment, so he was actually the ONLY governor who wasn’t required by law to do so, and he still did.
but he was sliding even before the Scream. did democrats sense he couldn’t beat Bush? and they hoped Kerry, a war “hero”, would have better odds?
Democrats didn’t understand that being a war hero in America has nothing to do with fighting a war, it has to do with LIKING war.
being a simple minded republican (or so you say we all are)
I’m not sure where I said ALL Republicans are simple minded, but I do believe Republicans in the Northeast see people in rural America as simple minded, and this manifests itself greatly in GOP political strategy.
I think guts in politics are sadly lacking. and I don’t think the current or past governors of the state have had much for guts. I question how many politicians are willing to lose their office in order to always vote as they truly believe.
There’s no disagreement from me. I think Democrats lack guts quite often as well. What bothers me is when too strong of a majority in this country becomes convinced (based on no real evidence) that the other party is something much worse than it really is. I think that’s happening, I think we’re out of balance, and I think too few politicians have the courage to stand up and say what many of them know, and that our democratic institutions are not very healthy right now.
if you think all rich eastern liberals are just watching out for the poor because they are truly compasionate, I would say YOU are mistaken.
I don’t think all of them do, but I do think many of them do. And I think the numbers of how many are truly good people would surprise you as well.
I also think your tone to chardonnay sounds highly familiar in this regard.
I see how people like chardonnay are being made to look like the fool right now, and I honestly take that tone to help him/her. These people are going to end up struggling with medical bills, debt, etc, and if we don’t get serious about stopping this free-market mania (see Goldy’s newest post, I couldn’t have said it better), people like him will be hit bad.
Rush @71,
Are you talking about reality or perception? I agree that many of the things you claim are common perceptions of Democrats, but I don’t agree that those perceptions necessarily match reality.
I will concede though that Republicans have run much better campaigns than Democrats. They’ve run a crappier White House, but a better campaign for it.
Hmmm… I wouldn’t combine gay marriage and abortion if I were you. Gay marriage is definitely a losing issue for the Dems, and I would argue that we should be pushing for civil unions, and give the rest of the country time to catch up. (And they will.) But polls show a majority of Americans are not in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, and it’s a good issue for rallying our base.
Rush @74,
Umm… this post contained no cursing. Besides, my foul language is a lot more honest than Snark’s foul logic.
Chardonnay @77
The population of what? Your local church? Hell… I bet you the percentage of gays and atheists in your church is even higher than that. Even the anti-gay Family Research Institute estimates “probably less than 5%” have had a post-pubertal homosexual experience. And CUNY study found that 16% of Americans classify themselves as secular.
You really live in your own special world, don’t you.
97. you are clearly informed. I did mix Wilson with Clarke. I am also glad to know that you don’t think ALL republicans are simple minded. I do not think the power base / thinking center of republicans is in the northeast, but I suppose I’m one of the simpleminded ones. been to Texas much?
I am glad to know that all the rich republicans you know are selfish, but that the liberal rich seldom are. your experiences are clearly broader and more accurate than mine.
I do have one item about which I may have suspected correctly: that you not only know alot but think you know it all. it is nice that people like chardonnay and I no longer need to think. nor listen to the likes of Condi Rice, etc. you are here and willing to educate us to keep us solvent and voting properly. now we can stop being made to “look the fool” as you say and can now listen to you who knows so much better.
Goldy on 98: I don’t curse much and I don’t find it makes points well. my children have so educated me.
re my post 71, I think these are “earned” perceptions. if there was no substance, these views would fade. I agree not every perception is entirely accurate. but I think the democrats have not just a messenger problem but a message problem. I heard Kerry in a debate offer what, 18 plans to fix things? never explained a one. bad messenger as was Gore. but I didn’t find the messages that were made so compelling either. it appears I wasn’t completely alone re this issue.
I combined gay marriage and abortion becaause I think those are winning issues for democrats in cities, which they already win, but neither is a winning issue in most suburban or rural America. yes, in suburbs, more support abortion. but to not end partial birth abortion is just plain wrong in my view. and if abortion were such a winning issue, again: why are so many democrats losing elections?
over time, I believe the democratic base has shrunk as a % of all voters (replaced mostly by independents, not republicans). in my view, if democrats are to win more often, they need to not just change messengers but the message as well.
I would admire the democratic party if “it” chooses to stay left or even move more so. as I said earlier: be who you are. but if left is where your party stands, you’ll continue to win cities but not a majority of Congress.
your call: principles or popularity. the republicans will have the same situation re abortion when choosing a 2008 presidential candidate.
by the way: thank you for letting a republican voice his “misguided” opinions. A blog with multiple opinions is a healthy blog. I also most appreciate those comments which are on point and not made to belittle others or call names. in a polite atmosphere, important issues like state tax reform might even be discussable. I have much to learn and I look forward to knowing more. again, thank you.
1, 3, 5% still a very small group to be demanding policy changes and dismanteling American statues. and for your study Goldy, I can find two that have different percentages every time. The point is the same, that the minority demands the majority (95-98%) to change their lives as to accomodate the ridiculous.
please, I do not need your help, never needed anyones help. This is the problem of the left, you just don’t get it. No one wants your help. if you put an end to all the social programs, people would survive. The fact is that liberals create these crisis groups offering hand outs and of course who doesn’t want to get something free (buy one get one free).
We raise our kids to be independent, self sufficient, the American way, insert the depenent child here. if you give them everything the expect it & more. liberals are nothing without all their govn’t dependancy programs. What about personal responsibility?
101 chardonnay: it is time for you to change your ways. you better start looking for those government handouts. you can even quit your job and get unemployment for what? six months?
you also don’t need to worry about personal reponsibilty. the government will provide all, even if your own actions led to your problems.
and you don’t need to waste time anymore thinking about how to vote. we have the answer man right on this blog!! you just read and vote as he tells you to. this guy has been both liberal and conservative but now has it all figured out. he is so good he calls himself “thehim”. I think that is like a manlike god or something? thehim. hmmm. anyway, Karmac knows all. swami swarmy.
I thought I chose a good name: “Rush”. I am a loudmouthed rightwing fatguy who speaks before listening or looking it up. but I’m no match for a godlike man. time we just listen and learn. and unlike most government programs, his tuteledge is FREE !!
Rush @ 102 Reads like the first honest post from you. Chardonnay @ all, I do believe that there is no hope for you. Way to ‘diseased’ for anyone to help.
thank you. coming from the person that started posting about DeLay padding his family’s income. and failing to look at how the governor rips off taxpayers with her husband on the payroll.
I salute your insight.
charliar @ 58
A $50.00 lunch at the Leschi Cafe expensed at $25 is $8.75 in tax savings for someone in a 35% bracket, and if they do it 3 times a week, that’s $1,365 in taxes a year that some other poor stiff has to pay.
Felix @ 70
OF COURSE they didn’t let you pitch, your pitching is shit! That’s why they put you at short, Dodo!
Felix @ 70 (continued)
Your hitting isn’t so hot, either, which may explain why you got fired by three teams in less than two years. Seldom has anyone ever gotten less productivity from an employee who makes $850,000 a year.
poor stiffs don’t have to pay unless they aren’t poor.
this isn’t a new deduction. why wasn’t it ended under Clinton?
and did “poor” stiffs have to buy his cigars ?
Rush, I appreciate your opinions very much.
I will never need a government hand out, ever. I don’t even know anyone that takes handouts. Not because I think I am better than others, it is because everyone I know works and pays their own way. No matter how little they make, they live within their means while having independence, self respect and pride. That is the beautiful thing about this country and why so many are risking their lives to come here. opportunity and freedom. I realize that that capitalist message is a threat to liberalism and democrats on this weblog.
In reference to post #1, I agree, acording to D’s it is not ok for Delay but it is ok for Boxer, Pilosi and other democrats to hire family to work on their campaigns. Exactly what the Gregoires and Cantwells do. liberals offer us a never ending supply of hypocrisy. Kennedy family especially Ted Kennedy prime example.
like i said Don the tax savings compared to the hundreds of thousands in expenses you complain about a lunch. If the owner saved $8.75 on that lunch does it make up for the $100,000 check written to the IRS?
Come on over to my office and I’ll show you where the money goes. Money we worked hard to earn only to have your friends take it away and ask for more and accuse buisiness of being evil. Our employees are paid very well but we could never compete with the monorail salaries. top guy there makes $172,000 + benefits. Is that realistic?
dubyasux @65 REally? I was under the impression that it ended up in the Bush family’s and Cheney’s friends pockets…..
Speaking of gwdumbass’s tax cuts,:
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