Republicons, and their “backers” in the press (sic) utter lie, after obvious lie, after blatant lie, like they won’t ever have to pay a price for their pathetic lies.
The Republicon base, who I can only suspect has taken inbreeding to a level never before seen in the entire universe (that is of course only 6,000 years old) eat these obvious lies up. Lies even a 1st grader could disprove with 5 seconds of research. Lies my dog could disprove while peeing. They then repeat these same lies and convince themselves somehow that blatant, obvious, ridiculous lies are in fact true, and they must believe them as a matter of ideology. Take for example global warming. Like the don’t understand what glaciers were.
Good Thing All Facts Support My Positions
Merry Christmas Everyone
I am including the deranged too. Hopefully they will get a lump of coal in their stocking they can use to burn and warm their hands. You know, after their job has been shipped overseas, and some un-regulated bankster takes possession of their house….
P.S. I still remember Hannity saying the found WMD’s in Iraq….
Alki Postingsspews:
Facts are true if I want to believe them, false if I don’t like them. Physics is true if it creates an x-ray laser for the defense department, but false it it shows the universe is more than 6,000 years old. Idiots always pick and choose what facts they want to believe like it’s a smorgasbord. So the CBO is an unquestionable authority if it criticizes Obama, but a left wing nutty organization to be ignored if it agrees with Obama. (SIGH)
P.S. Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Sunny Solstice! Belated Hanaka! And so forth with Boxing Day, Ashura, Zarathosht Diso, etc. ;-)
Facts are true if I want to believe them, false if I don’t like them. Physics is true if it creates an x-ray laser for the defense department, but false it it shows the universe is more than 6,000 years old.
It’s not really completely solipsistic. For example, try getting a job in the earth sciences by arguing for a 6K-year-old earth in the interview or resume. Or a job in the life sciences while more or less loudly and openly denying the validity of the theory of evolution by means of natural selection.
@5: Hmm, guess Puddy can’t see hypocrisy when it stares in the face at him. Greenwald brilliantly skewers the naysaying republicans on their on petard. He documents how they are complete hypocrites…the CBO is accurate only if the numbers are bad for health care, but liars if the numbers are good.
Only a republican with half a brain would believe the crap they put out.
Hey Puddy, Merry Christmas anyways!
Daddy Lovespews:
5 prpf
Honestly Pud, I think you’re kinda weird. And most of the time you write in a kind of wingnut shorthand-of-the-delusional that assumes that every jot and tittle of wingnut conspirancy theory are true and refers to them by obscure insider references.
But your links are not all supporting your side, and I am wondering if you even read them. Crazy wingnut liar The Honorable Senator Jeff Sessions links to the new CBO letter that was apparently written at his request, bless their hearts. But what the letter says is that the Senate bill (which is still not the final bill, in case you’ve missed the obvious) increases medicare part A funding, decreases Medicare part A costs, and reduces the federal budget deficit by $130 billion in the first ten years. Damning indeed! How dare they cut costs and lower the deficit! Bush never would.
“…CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimated that the act would reduce Part A outlays by $246 billion and increase HI revenues by $69 billion during the 2010-2019 period. Those changes would increase the trust fund’s balances sufficiently to postpone exhaustion for several years beyond 2017, when the fund’s balance would have fallen to zero under the assumptions used for CBO’s March 2009 baseline projections.
CBO and JCT estimated that the PPACA as originally proposed would add more than $300 billion ($246 billion + $69 billion + interest) to the balance of the HI trust fund by 2019, while reducing federal budget deficits by a total of $130 billion by 2019.
Sessions’ claim that someone has described (I don’t know who he thinks did so), and I quote from the honorable and obviously lying Senator here, “the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government’s ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-counta large share of those savings and thus overstate the improvement of the government’s fiscal position” in no way changes the CBO support for the amounts and/or savings listed in the text of the letter I excerpted nor the validity or accuracy of that letter, and the amounts from the letter are the only ones I have heard quoted by Democratic lawmakers, so Jeff Sessions’ foaming-at-the-mouth claims of someone describing things differently seems to lack a “description” of anyone who actually said that.
To summarize, Pud, because I know you need it simple, it is still true that the Act as passed by the Senate will:
– Reduce Medicare Part A outlays by $246 billion during the 2010-2019 period
– Increase HI fund revenues by $69 billion during the 2010-2019 period
– Postpone trust fund exhaustion for several years beyond 2017
– Reduce federal budget deficits by a total of $130 billion by 2019
Yep. Still all true.
less Isbetterspews:
Slowly but surely, the situation in the United States needs some major changes. Not earth shattering but simple plain patterns of reasoning.
1) One week per year of grade school, middle school and high school devoted strictly to reading “news” papers, listening to “talk” radio and watching TV “news.” This will give the coming generations an ability to see the bald faced lies.
2) From sixth grade until graduation, one week devoted strictly to reading the constitution and what specific rights each person has.
3) From sixth grade until graduation, two weeks per year devoted solely to a discussion of money and what resources are available to get it, keep it and see that the public moneys are not wasted. Beat on it until a high school graduate sees exactly what the scam is when buying a used car, how to insure a vehicle, how to maintain it and how to find reputable repair people.
4) Upon discovery of any “illegals” mandate an immediate crash education in english language, local acceptable practices, health care resources, attorneys working in immigrant law, acceptable and legal work practices, recourse to the law available to everyone. Saw a mayor or DA in Vail, CO, put these policies in force and the illegals “crime” stats dropped to zero.
Of course, he or she was voted out at the next election.
Or try getting a job running a group-home for autistic adults or the mentally ill w/o believing in modern medicine, psychology, or psychotropic drugs.
Daddy Lovespews:
Really? I mean, why not leeches? Are leeches in such short supply now?
Ah, Republicans and their health care solutions:
‘At this festive season of the year, Mr Scrooge,’ said the gentleman, taking up a pen, ‘it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.’
‘Are there no prisons?”
‘Plenty of prisons,’ said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.
‘And the Union workhouses.’ demanded Scrooge. ‘Are they still in operation?’
‘Both very busy, sir.’
‘Oh. I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,’ said Scrooge. ‘I’m very glad to hear it.’
‘I wish to be left alone,’ said Scrooge. ‘Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned-they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there.’
‘Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.’
‘If they would rather die,’ said Scrooge, ‘they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
Merry Christmas to all. And when I say it, I mean all. Even, (shudder) Sarah Palin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Public Notice
Roger Rabbit didn’t post today because he was busy hopping down to Fort Lewis and taking a lonely soldier far from home to a Space Needle dinner so the soldier wouldn’t have to spend Christmas Day alone in a cold barracks.
Roger will resume his normal patriotic posting and wingnut bashing tomorrow.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Honestly Daddy Love…
“The key point is that the savings to the HI trust fund under the PPACA would be received by the government only once, so they cannot be set aside to pay for future Medicare spending and, at the same time, pay for current spending on other parts of the legislation or on other programs. Trust fund accounting shows the magnitude of the savings within the trust fund, and those savings indeed improve the solvency of that fund; however, that accounting ignores the burden that would be faced by the rest of the government later in redeeming the bonds held by the trust fund.”
Daddy Love if you don’t consider the trust fund as part of the federal budget, then the bill does not lower the deficit because more money will be borrowed for the health care bill (thus increasing the deficit) from the trust fund. You can’t borrow money against Medicare now for making the health care bill to look good and then “claim” it’ll be paid back in the future. Get it? That’s what Hairy Reid is trying to pull off here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2, 3 — It’s known as “fixing the facts to the policy,” which is kind of like fixing a fight or throwing a ball game. It’s dishonest and corrupt; and in sports, the people who do it get banned for life from the game.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Remember, puddykins supports the party and pols who wanted to turn over management of our Social Security retirement benefits to Wall Street sharks.
Don’t expect anything rational or reasonable from pudpacker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “2) From sixth grade until graduation, one week devoted strictly to reading the constitution and what specific rights each person has.”
This is actually a bit tricky, shaded, and nuanced because you, in fact, have no rights under the Constitution except those which the politicians in power at the moment are willing to respect at any given moment, which in the case of Republicans is none.
The nuns murdered in Central America by Saint Ronnie’s proxies had no rights.
The dissenters spied on by Nixon had no rights.
The phone subscribers spied on by Bush had no rights.
Remember, these are the people who said citizens who don’t go along with warmongering, kidnappings, torture, secret renderings, overseas detention camps, and detention without trial based on mere suspicion are “unpatriotic” and should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed.”
Remember, these are the people who arrested citizens at Social Security “townhall” meetings simply for not agreeing with El Presidente’s policies.
Remember, these are the people who said the Constitution is a “mere scrap of paper.”
Truth is, the only rights anyone on this planet, including you, have are those they’re willing to enforce with guns. Just ask the dead of Auschwitz, Laos, or Rwanda.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Ah yes, private charity, the conservative’s answer to unemployment, disability, maldistribution, misappropriation, failed banks, outsourced jobs, corporate corruption, deregulation, bubbles, and all the rest of society’s economic ills: Debtor’s prisons and workhouses.
Their social thinking hasn’t progressed at all since Dickens’ time. Why would anyone vote for these people?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Roger Rabbit spent Christmas supporting the troops.
I wonder how our trolls spent their Christmas?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Daddy Love if you don’t consider the trust fund as part of the federal budget”
That’s a mighty big “if”, puddy, considering the unified budget that has been used by every Congress of the last 40 years to make operating budget deficits look smaller than they really are by combining Social Security surpluses with operating budget expenditures.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I’m calling on God to make all Socialists catch AIDS!” — Wingnut comment on Senate passage of health care reform in The Atlantic
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Holy smokes! Why would anyone take these people seriously? They’re great entertainment, but anyone who says something like this with anything other than satirical intent is certifiably insane!
Roger Rabbitspews:
What if a wingnut calls on God and no one answers?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I believe in “God”. “God” is the wind, water, trees, leaves, grass, and Great Mother Rabbit Spirit all rolled into one. “God” is rabbit DNA that never ceases reproducing. All species come and go, and someday humans will disappear, and then we rabbits are gonna run this place! Humans created democracy; rabbit fertility will make the most of it.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Roger Dumb Bunny… This is what your president said…
“This bill with strengthen Medicare and extend the life of the program. Because it’s paid for and gets rid of waste and inefficiency in our health care system this will be the largest deficit reduction plan in over a decade. In fact, we just learned from the Congressional Budget Office that this bill will reduce our deficit by $132 billion over the first decade of the program, and more than one trillion dollars in the decade after that.”
Hairy Reid claims
“And it protects America’s oldest citizens by strengthening Medicare and extending its life by nearly a decade.”
As Puddy said earlier, you can’t claim both unless of course you are a Senate or President Democratic. Being a Democratic allows you to lie through your teeth and the libtardo MSM gives you a slobbering love affair pass. Keeping this in the unified budget makes the lie even worse. Democratics are counting the money twice. When you make cuts to Medicare, you either weaken the Medicare program, or you create further deficits in future budgets.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rabbit spews–
I wonder how our trolls spent their Christmas?
Christmas Eve–
Christmas casserole with friends and Church.
Christmas Day–
Deliver packages to homeless shelter
Lunch with 6 other couples—deep-fried turkey by one guy who is a retired chef.
Dinner with neighbors–
15 lb. Prime rib–home-grown, organic fed with barley. Took home a hunk for prime rib sandwich today.
To describe the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government’s ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-count a large share of those savings and thus overstate the improvement in the government’s fiscal position.
So Puddy asks of Daddy Love and Roger Dumb Bunny… where does these “four Medicare trust funds” exist? Since Daddy Love needs small words and simple sentences here it is: NOWHERE! It’s because the “monetary assets” of Medicare are financial claims against the general fund. What is in the general fund? All yearly tax receipts! Medicare payroll deductions magically appear in the general fund. Nouriel Roubini discussed this in his Social Security trust fund privatization discussion years ago. Puddy Remembers while Libtardo Progressives Forget.
So when Medicare spirals into deficit Roger Dumb Bunny, under the unified budget as you so boldy proclaimed above, what happens? Medicare trades in those additional costs (bills) generated from more seniors who need medical care from the “trust fund” to the unified budget to cover Medicare’s funding gap. Now what does this do you two fools? The unified budget general fund must find the extra tax money to pay off Medicare’s demand for more money to cover its medical trust fund deficits in one of three ways Daddy Love and Roger Dumb Bunny:
1) Raising your taxes… which has no effect on many HA Libtardos and why they scream for this all the time
2) Cutting spending on other programs… something Democratics will never do except for military defense
3) Borrowing more money… something China said your president must stop
Your president has said he will spend the money saved by cutting Medicare on other stuff. When Medicare demands additional tax funds to cover its deficit, America will still have to find the same amount of money to pay for Medicare as we did before this boondoggle avalanche started. Butt everyone knows Medicare is going insolvent because Medicare’s costs are increasing faster than the payroll deduction. So let’s take $500 Billion out of the program. Yep, that’s the ticket.
Puddy has been saying if you either use the money to pay for Medicare or you create a future general fund liability on the “claimed amount” of Medicare savings. Hence you can’t claim both as the graphic mistakenly does and Hairy Reid and your president proudly proclaim. Daddly Love drinks their kook-aid. Your president is going to spend it. Your president has said this ad nauseum. Puddy said this to Daddy Love, but he’s too dense to see it because he likes graphics without explanations. The Dumb Bunny is just dumb! So the senate bill as defined will not reduce the deficit but increase by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
What Daddy Love@8 forgot to add is Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) account for the remaining spending cuts as he purports above. So why aren’t the HA Libtardos screaming over SCHIP cuts? Oh… it’s because a libtardo congress and president are cutting the programs. That’s aokay and fully acceptable to HA Libtardos.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
One other thing Puddy just noticed… in the graphic used by Daddy Love
Just like the political landscape of elections used by the Libtardo MSM… notice all bad politics are red, status quo politics are black and all good politics are blue in the graphic. What a bunch of useless pellets!
Ah yes, private charity, the conservative’s answer to unemployment, disability,…
I read Hoover harangued private charity to do more to compensate for his feckless policies..
What a fine conservative he was..
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Puddy @ 25–
The Obam-Mao Ponzi-scheme on Medicare is much, much worse than Bernie Madoff.
You are absolutely correct in your assessment of how the numbers work….what a scam.
One thing about the Obam-Mao/Reid/Pelosi gang that is fiscally raping America…you can count on them to attempt to thinly disguise the true cost of all their Socialist Programs.
That is precisely why they want to jam them thru…before the accountability sets in.
Lots of Democrats who vote for this scam and voted for Porkulus will soon find EX- in front of their titles.
Obam-Mao will go down as a much more hated President than even Bush!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The KLOWNS do not want to discuss the facts.
The Sunlight on the Skam burns their corneas.
But fortunately Americans see it.
Thanks for all your research & analysis.
Excellent work.
The wingnut whinings and wailings in this thread remind me of cats during mating season.
And Beavis and Butthead are the toms that wash out year after year..
Bummer for those tools…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ylb arschloch @ 32–
Merry CHRISTmas.
Apparently you cave-dwellers in the People Socialist Republic of Seattle don’t realize how folks outside your cave feel about this Health Care debacle.
Let me help you out–
Thursday, December 24, 2009
At the start of the week, 41% of voters nationwide were in favor of the health care bill, but 55% were opposed. This is the fifth straight week with support for the legislation between 38% and 41%. There are specific policy issues that also raise challenges as the Democrats try to pass a final version of this legislation in early 2010.
Fifty-four percent (54%) say taxpayer-funded health insurance should be prohibited from covering abortions, up six points from September. The House version of the legislation includes such a prohibition, but the Senate version does not. Fourteen percent (14%) of U.S. voters say health insurance paid for or subsidized with government funding should be required to cover abortions. Twenty-nine percent (29%) say the legislation should have no requirements one way or the other.
On another hot-button topic, 87% believe that before anyone receives government health care subsidies, they should be required to prove they are legally in the United States. President Obama and congressional Democrats insist the health care plan will not cover illegal immigrants, the legislation does not require proof of citizenship for those seeking taxpayer-funded health care help. Only eight percent (8%) of voters oppose the requirement for proving that recipients of health care subsidies prove they are in the country legally.
So you see ylb, there are some huge hurdles for Democrats to overcome. Jim McDimwit could care less because he is in a safe District.
Murray & Cantwell ought to be concerned…but they are too arrogant.
Who’s going to challenge them? Insurance company tool McGavick??? Lossi??
Does Rob McKenna want to bungle his winning streak and his lock on the Governorship to join the ugly party of NO in the U.S. Senate????
Dream on Beavis..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “When you make cuts to Medicare, you either weaken the Medicare program, or you create further deficits in future budgets.”
Let’s try this again, puddinghead:
When you make cuts to Medicare, you either …
[ ] A. weaken the Medicare program,
[ ] B. create further deficits in future budgets, or
[ ] C. stop wasting money by overpaying greedy doctors, hospitals, and drug companies.
You see, puddlehead, the trick is not overlooking any of your options.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sure, there’s a lot of Medicare fraud. But have you ever noticed it all results from the private sector ripping off the government?
Roger Rabbitspews:
In government-run Medicare, administrative costs are about 1/2 of 1% of total expenditures. By contrast, private insurers spend about 30% of our total health care dollars on administration.
In other words, insurers spend a third of your health care money on preventing providers from ripping off the other two thirds.
What an endorsement of privately-run health care!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Just as I suspected: You spent the day feeding your own fat face instead of supporting the troops. That’s wingnuts for ya!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 “It’s because the “monetary assets” of Medicare are financial claims against the general fund.”
So? Unlike your overpaid private-sector sleazeball bankers, the government has always been good for its IOUs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 (continued) “1) Raising your taxes… which has no effect on many HA Libtardos and why they scream for this all the time”
Why not? Why should the working class be the only ones paying taxes? Isn’t it about time the fatcats paid taxes, too?
(Note: During the 2000 – 2004 campaign cycle, the donors who gave the GOP $4 billion in campaign donations got back $400 billion of tax cuts, a 100-to-1 return on investment.)
“2) Cutting spending on other programs… something Democratics will never do except for military defense”
We like our programs. Unlike you greaseballs, we believe taxpayer money should be used for something more constructive than killing whichever group of foreigners the knuckledraggrs hate this week.
“3) Borrowing more money… something China said your president must stop”
Fun-neee! The Chinese were more than happy to loan YOUR president $1.5 trillion! How come borrowing from China is an issue only when we do it to bail out the country from a mess you created? But you’re right about borrowing from the Chinese — it’s a bad idea. Thanks to Bush (and the retards who supported him), someday China will take over Taiwan and dare us to do anything about it. We won’t, because we can’t afford to have them call our loans. Kiss goodbye to Taiwan, and it was you numbskulls who gave it to them!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 And there response was they couldn’t afford to because they all were going broke.
Has anyone wondered whether private charitable giving is up or down in the current recession?
All that Roger Dumb Bunny screaming above and no answers. Just repeated left-wing comedy!
Typical Typical Typical pellets from the Dumb Bunny.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The Chinese were more than happy to loan YOUR president $1.5 trillion!
Over 8 years with interest. YOUR president will be adding 12 Trillion in debt. He said so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 And here, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you an idiot who doesn’t know the difference between reasoned discourse and “screaming.”
Of course he doesn’t. That’s why he’s a troll instead of a reasonable person.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “The wingnut whinings and wailings in this thread remind me of cats during mating season.”
And raccoon fights.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Are you really surprised by what the polls show after the rightwing noise machine spent millions on convincing the gullible elements of the public that this bill consists of death panels and a communist takeover of our government?
After all the bullshit-flinging you guys have indulged in, it’s amazing the “approve” percentage is as high as it is. I guess that shows how desperate people are for health care reform. Plus, not everyone believes your bullshit, or is as gullible as the elements that Palin attracts.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Only a dumb bunny would call #40 reasoned discourse. Wait a minute… that was from the dumb bunny.
I amn still waiting for Puddy to explain why he and every republican in congress caves to the big Pharma moneybaggers and prevents Medicare from saving billions and negaotiating with the drug companies for lower prices…….still waiting for the Puddy answer why he an all the republicans are in the pockets of the big pharma lobbyists…..still waiting for some poorly thought out reply on free enterprise….and why we pay more for the same drugs than anyone else in the world (thanks to the republican bill (i.e.: gift to the Pharmaceitical companies) signed by Bush).
anyone serious about reducing the deficit and the Medicare shortfall wouold surely start with the overpayments for drugs…..or would they just complain abou the health care bill that cover all citizens and doesn’t allow pre-exsisting conditions as an exclusion.
Too bad the Senate bill was hijacked by Leiberfool – the Senator from the Insurance industry (and not a Democrat) – and it has no public option to hold the insurance companies accountable.
What an ugly excuse for a human being. What prompts this? The fiend when cornered dribbles something about abortion. But there’s only one mention of abortion in that entire thread by another commenter having nothing to do with Stupes’ insane babble attack.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
I amn still waiting for Puddy to explain why he and every republican in congress caves to the big Pharma moneybaggers and prevents Medicare from saving billions and negaotiating with the drug companies for lower prices
Apparently correctnotright missed the HuffPo memo for the previous eight times….
Nuff Said about Big Pharma.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Golly ylb arschloch… still trying eh fool. Did you find a job yet?
52 – Coward changes the subject.. Run away feckless fool…
from your own foolishness and mental illness..
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch… Puddy stands behind his comments. You are the flaming libtardo ASSHole here while claiming to be a conservative at home. It doesn’t work fool.
Gimmee a link asshole. Gimmee a link where I’ve said, “I’m at conservative at home.”..
I do WHAT ANY PARENT with ANY SENSE does. I KEEP MY KIDS SAFE.. That simply means being involved in their lives. Not being an ogre, or a drill sargeant – just being an example and being around to help them find answers when they have questions.
F YOU! And your moronic fantasies about what others practice and believe.. Nothing but stupidities and idiocies.
@51: Nice deflection – but you still have not explained why you and every republican supports the big Pharma corrupt bailout and voted for it already in the republican sponsored bill……typical Puddy deflection, citing a memo that has no bearing on a previously passed bill.
And maany democrats and the entire house of reps who voted for the bill opposed this big Pharma bailout – this was part of the Leiberfool compromise – you know, the one “independent” that Puddy supports.
anything else you have on this Puddy – like an actual position? Or more of the same evasion and defelection when asked a real question?
Oh, and just for the record – Puddy you are a total hypocrite citing Huffington Post after saying that they were “libtards” and therefore could not be cited.
That is what the articel above is all about – hypocritical republicans. I knew you would come through with your own putrid example of hypocrisy.
Umm, real conservatives have long abondoned the policies of Puddy and the republicans….they are not conservative in any way shape of form.
Massive budget deficits, favoring the rich and the bankers, unnecessary wars of agression…those are not conservative traits – yet the current conservatives defend those actions…..because they are hypocrites.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hypocrite…? Puddy uses leftist libtardo web sites to prove point after point after point. Puddy placed this here many times before. Pay attention fool.
YOUR president made deals with big pharma. PLAIN and SIMPLE fool!
Sucks to be you!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Up yours ylb arschloch. Puddy don’t do your bidding. Puddy don’t react to ASSHOLES such as you. Remember your racist Condoleeza and Colin comments? Kiss my big black ASS!
Search your database. That’s why Puddy placed the comment about your daughter. You just proved it with your lame commentary in that post.
Puddy is conservative at home and conservative in public. There is no difference in Puddy’s home and office persona. Wait a minute… you don’t have an office persona.
Remember your racist Condoleeza and Colin comments?
Ohhh. but let me guess you’re going to hide like a scared little fool behind your “database” idiocy.
Condi cannot be forgiven for her ugly fear-mongering, her “mushroom clouds”. Even her behind the scenes machinations to save this country from the horror of the bloodlust of Darth Cheney cannot wipe that away.
Powell made the blunder of a lifetime soiling himself in front of the world to sell a war of choice. His career at the pinnacle of public life is all but OVER. I don’t think even he has forgiven himself for that.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch, do we need to go through this again.
Database lunacy? You told all of us to wait for it for two weeks. Then your original chronological monomaniacal failure was Mike Webb’s death! Such a fool!
What simian name did you call Condoleeza and Colin? You already admitted it in October 2009. Standard libtardo mindless moronic memory.
Oh how about your North Pasadena comments? Remember those? No check your backup to Goldy’s server fool!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
ylb arschloch is checking Goldy’s backup server now… it’s in ylb arschloch’s house.
It’s late. Ain’t gonna waste my breath – just more of your stupid drivel, the fetid gases from between the empty space between your stupid ears.
Cling to these lies and fantasies as you will.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Cry all you want arschloch. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding especially when you call Colin and Condoleeeza simian names and you ask Puddy to provide proof? You are the most moronic of the moronic here. You provide backup to Goldy’s server, look up your own trash fool!
You are a feckless fool!
Marvin destroyed you over your North Pasadena comments. You going to tell the world that didn’t happen too?
Merry Christmas!
I just don’t get it. Two things.
Republicons, and their “backers” in the press (sic) utter lie, after obvious lie, after blatant lie, like they won’t ever have to pay a price for their pathetic lies.
The Republicon base, who I can only suspect has taken inbreeding to a level never before seen in the entire universe (that is of course only 6,000 years old) eat these obvious lies up. Lies even a 1st grader could disprove with 5 seconds of research. Lies my dog could disprove while peeing. They then repeat these same lies and convince themselves somehow that blatant, obvious, ridiculous lies are in fact true, and they must believe them as a matter of ideology. Take for example global warming. Like the don’t understand what glaciers were.
Good Thing All Facts Support My Positions
Merry Christmas Everyone
I am including the deranged too. Hopefully they will get a lump of coal in their stocking they can use to burn and warm their hands. You know, after their job has been shipped overseas, and some un-regulated bankster takes possession of their house….
P.S. I still remember Hannity saying the found WMD’s in Iraq….
Facts are true if I want to believe them, false if I don’t like them. Physics is true if it creates an x-ray laser for the defense department, but false it it shows the universe is more than 6,000 years old. Idiots always pick and choose what facts they want to believe like it’s a smorgasbord. So the CBO is an unquestionable authority if it criticizes Obama, but a left wing nutty organization to be ignored if it agrees with Obama. (SIGH)
P.S. Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Sunny Solstice! Belated Hanaka! And so forth with Boxing Day, Ashura, Zarathosht Diso, etc. ;-)
Political lie of the year. From where else? The
Oh whines the wrong wing, Politifact is emmmesssemmm..
So the latest CBO numbers don’t matter?
Well Glenn is a BT Libtardo!
It’s not really completely solipsistic. For example, try getting a job in the earth sciences by arguing for a 6K-year-old earth in the interview or resume. Or a job in the life sciences while more or less loudly and openly denying the validity of the theory of evolution by means of natural selection.
@5: Hmm, guess Puddy can’t see hypocrisy when it stares in the face at him. Greenwald brilliantly skewers the naysaying republicans on their on petard. He documents how they are complete hypocrites…the CBO is accurate only if the numbers are bad for health care, but liars if the numbers are good.
Only a republican with half a brain would believe the crap they put out.
Hey Puddy, Merry Christmas anyways!
5 prpf
Honestly Pud, I think you’re kinda weird. And most of the time you write in a kind of wingnut shorthand-of-the-delusional that assumes that every jot and tittle of wingnut conspirancy theory are true and refers to them by obscure insider references.
But your links are not all supporting your side, and I am wondering if you even read them. Crazy wingnut liar The Honorable Senator Jeff Sessions links to the new CBO letter that was apparently written at his request, bless their hearts. But what the letter says is that the Senate bill (which is still not the final bill, in case you’ve missed the obvious) increases medicare part A funding, decreases Medicare part A costs, and reduces the federal budget deficit by $130 billion in the first ten years. Damning indeed! How dare they cut costs and lower the deficit! Bush never would.
Sessions’ claim that someone has described (I don’t know who he thinks did so), and I quote from the honorable and obviously lying Senator here, “the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government’s ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-counta large share of those savings and thus overstate the improvement of the government’s fiscal position” in no way changes the CBO support for the amounts and/or savings listed in the text of the letter I excerpted nor the validity or accuracy of that letter, and the amounts from the letter are the only ones I have heard quoted by Democratic lawmakers, so Jeff Sessions’ foaming-at-the-mouth claims of someone describing things differently seems to lack a “description” of anyone who actually said that.
To summarize, Pud, because I know you need it simple, it is still true that the Act as passed by the Senate will:
– Reduce Medicare Part A outlays by $246 billion during the 2010-2019 period
– Increase HI fund revenues by $69 billion during the 2010-2019 period
– Postpone trust fund exhaustion for several years beyond 2017
– Reduce federal budget deficits by a total of $130 billion by 2019
Yep. Still all true.
Slowly but surely, the situation in the United States needs some major changes. Not earth shattering but simple plain patterns of reasoning.
1) One week per year of grade school, middle school and high school devoted strictly to reading “news” papers, listening to “talk” radio and watching TV “news.” This will give the coming generations an ability to see the bald faced lies.
2) From sixth grade until graduation, one week devoted strictly to reading the constitution and what specific rights each person has.
3) From sixth grade until graduation, two weeks per year devoted solely to a discussion of money and what resources are available to get it, keep it and see that the public moneys are not wasted. Beat on it until a high school graduate sees exactly what the scam is when buying a used car, how to insure a vehicle, how to maintain it and how to find reputable repair people.
4) Upon discovery of any “illegals” mandate an immediate crash education in english language, local acceptable practices, health care resources, attorneys working in immigrant law, acceptable and legal work practices, recourse to the law available to everyone. Saw a mayor or DA in Vail, CO, put these policies in force and the illegals “crime” stats dropped to zero.
Of course, he or she was voted out at the next election.
Or try getting a job running a group-home for autistic adults or the mentally ill w/o believing in modern medicine, psychology, or psychotropic drugs.
Really? I mean, why not leeches? Are leeches in such short supply now?
Ah, Republicans and their health care solutions:
Merry Christmas to all. And when I say it, I mean all. Even, (shudder) Sarah Palin.
Public Notice
Roger Rabbit didn’t post today because he was busy hopping down to Fort Lewis and taking a lonely soldier far from home to a Space Needle dinner so the soldier wouldn’t have to spend Christmas Day alone in a cold barracks.
Roger will resume his normal patriotic posting and wingnut bashing tomorrow.
Honestly Daddy Love…
“The key point is that the savings to the HI trust fund under the PPACA would be received by the government only once, so they cannot be set aside to pay for future Medicare spending and, at the same time, pay for current spending on other parts of the legislation or on other programs. Trust fund accounting shows the magnitude of the savings within the trust fund, and those savings indeed improve the solvency of that fund; however, that accounting ignores the burden that would be faced by the rest of the government later in redeeming the bonds held by the trust fund.”
Daddy Love if you don’t consider the trust fund as part of the federal budget, then the bill does not lower the deficit because more money will be borrowed for the health care bill (thus increasing the deficit) from the trust fund. You can’t borrow money against Medicare now for making the health care bill to look good and then “claim” it’ll be paid back in the future. Get it? That’s what Hairy Reid is trying to pull off here.
@2, 3 — It’s known as “fixing the facts to the policy,” which is kind of like fixing a fight or throwing a ball game. It’s dishonest and corrupt; and in sports, the people who do it get banned for life from the game.
@8 Remember, puddykins supports the party and pols who wanted to turn over management of our Social Security retirement benefits to Wall Street sharks.
Don’t expect anything rational or reasonable from pudpacker.
@9 “2) From sixth grade until graduation, one week devoted strictly to reading the constitution and what specific rights each person has.”
This is actually a bit tricky, shaded, and nuanced because you, in fact, have no rights under the Constitution except those which the politicians in power at the moment are willing to respect at any given moment, which in the case of Republicans is none.
The nuns murdered in Central America by Saint Ronnie’s proxies had no rights.
The dissenters spied on by Nixon had no rights.
The phone subscribers spied on by Bush had no rights.
Remember, these are the people who said citizens who don’t go along with warmongering, kidnappings, torture, secret renderings, overseas detention camps, and detention without trial based on mere suspicion are “unpatriotic” and should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed.”
Remember, these are the people who arrested citizens at Social Security “townhall” meetings simply for not agreeing with El Presidente’s policies.
Remember, these are the people who said the Constitution is a “mere scrap of paper.”
Truth is, the only rights anyone on this planet, including you, have are those they’re willing to enforce with guns. Just ask the dead of Auschwitz, Laos, or Rwanda.
@11 Ah yes, private charity, the conservative’s answer to unemployment, disability, maldistribution, misappropriation, failed banks, outsourced jobs, corporate corruption, deregulation, bubbles, and all the rest of society’s economic ills: Debtor’s prisons and workhouses.
Their social thinking hasn’t progressed at all since Dickens’ time. Why would anyone vote for these people?
@12 Roger Rabbit spent Christmas supporting the troops.
I wonder how our trolls spent their Christmas?
@13 “Daddy Love if you don’t consider the trust fund as part of the federal budget”
That’s a mighty big “if”, puddy, considering the unified budget that has been used by every Congress of the last 40 years to make operating budget deficits look smaller than they really are by combining Social Security surpluses with operating budget expenditures.
“I’m calling on God to make all Socialists catch AIDS!” — Wingnut comment on Senate passage of health care reform in The Atlantic
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Holy smokes! Why would anyone take these people seriously? They’re great entertainment, but anyone who says something like this with anything other than satirical intent is certifiably insane!
What if a wingnut calls on God and no one answers?
I believe in “God”. “God” is the wind, water, trees, leaves, grass, and Great Mother Rabbit Spirit all rolled into one. “God” is rabbit DNA that never ceases reproducing. All species come and go, and someday humans will disappear, and then we rabbits are gonna run this place! Humans created democracy; rabbit fertility will make the most of it.
Roger Dumb Bunny… This is what your president said…
Hairy Reid claims
As Puddy said earlier, you can’t claim both unless of course you are a Senate or President Democratic. Being a Democratic allows you to lie through your teeth and the libtardo MSM gives you a slobbering love affair pass. Keeping this in the unified budget makes the lie even worse. Democratics are counting the money twice. When you make cuts to Medicare, you either weaken the Medicare program, or you create further deficits in future budgets.
Rabbit spews–
Christmas Eve–
Christmas casserole with friends and Church.
Christmas Day–
Deliver packages to homeless shelter
Lunch with 6 other couples—deep-fried turkey by one guy who is a retired chef.
Dinner with neighbors–
15 lb. Prime rib–home-grown, organic fed with barley. Took home a hunk for prime rib sandwich today.
Praise the Lord.
This is the graphic used by the libtardos like Daddy Love… From the CBO
So Puddy asks of Daddy Love and Roger Dumb Bunny… where does these “four Medicare trust funds” exist? Since Daddy Love needs small words and simple sentences here it is: NOWHERE! It’s because the “monetary assets” of Medicare are financial claims against the general fund. What is in the general fund? All yearly tax receipts! Medicare payroll deductions magically appear in the general fund. Nouriel Roubini discussed this in his Social Security trust fund privatization discussion years ago. Puddy Remembers while Libtardo Progressives Forget.
So when Medicare spirals into deficit Roger Dumb Bunny, under the unified budget as you so boldy proclaimed above, what happens? Medicare trades in those additional costs (bills) generated from more seniors who need medical care from the “trust fund” to the unified budget to cover Medicare’s funding gap. Now what does this do you two fools? The unified budget general fund must find the extra tax money to pay off Medicare’s demand for more money to cover its medical trust fund deficits in one of three ways Daddy Love and Roger Dumb Bunny:
1) Raising your taxes… which has no effect on many HA Libtardos and why they scream for this all the time
2) Cutting spending on other programs… something Democratics will never do except for military defense
3) Borrowing more money… something China said your president must stop
Your president has said he will spend the money saved by cutting Medicare on other stuff. When Medicare demands additional tax funds to cover its deficit, America will still have to find the same amount of money to pay for Medicare as we did before this boondoggle avalanche started. Butt everyone knows Medicare is going insolvent because Medicare’s costs are increasing faster than the payroll deduction. So let’s take $500 Billion out of the program. Yep, that’s the ticket.
Puddy has been saying if you either use the money to pay for Medicare or you create a future general fund liability on the “claimed amount” of Medicare savings. Hence you can’t claim both as the graphic mistakenly does and Hairy Reid and your president proudly proclaim. Daddly Love drinks their kook-aid. Your president is going to spend it. Your president has said this ad nauseum. Puddy said this to Daddy Love, but he’s too dense to see it because he likes graphics without explanations. The Dumb Bunny is just dumb! So the senate bill as defined will not reduce the deficit but increase by hundreds of billions of dollars.
What Daddy Love@8 forgot to add is Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) account for the remaining spending cuts as he purports above. So why aren’t the HA Libtardos screaming over SCHIP cuts? Oh… it’s because a libtardo congress and president are cutting the programs. That’s aokay and fully acceptable to HA Libtardos.
One other thing Puddy just noticed… in the graphic used by Daddy Love
Just like the political landscape of elections used by the Libtardo MSM… notice all bad politics are red, status quo politics are black and all good politics are blue in the graphic. What a bunch of useless pellets!
seven days to Brit Milah for Yehoshuah ben Pantera.
I read Hoover harangued private charity to do more to compensate for his feckless policies..
What a fine conservative he was..
Puddy @ 25–
The Obam-Mao Ponzi-scheme on Medicare is much, much worse than Bernie Madoff.
You are absolutely correct in your assessment of how the numbers work….what a scam.
One thing about the Obam-Mao/Reid/Pelosi gang that is fiscally raping America…you can count on them to attempt to thinly disguise the true cost of all their Socialist Programs.
That is precisely why they want to jam them thru…before the accountability sets in.
Lots of Democrats who vote for this scam and voted for Porkulus will soon find EX- in front of their titles.
Obam-Mao will go down as a much more hated President than even Bush!
The KLOWNS do not want to discuss the facts.
The Sunlight on the Skam burns their corneas.
But fortunately Americans see it.
Thanks for all your research & analysis.
Excellent work.
The wingnut whinings and wailings in this thread remind me of cats during mating season.
And Beavis and Butthead are the toms that wash out year after year..
Bummer for those tools…
ylb arschloch @ 32–
Merry CHRISTmas.
Apparently you cave-dwellers in the People Socialist Republic of Seattle don’t realize how folks outside your cave feel about this Health Care debacle.
Let me help you out–
Thursday, December 24, 2009
So you see ylb, there are some huge hurdles for Democrats to overcome. Jim McDimwit could care less because he is in a safe District.
Murray & Cantwell ought to be concerned…but they are too arrogant.
Who’s going to challenge them? Insurance company tool McGavick??? Lossi??
Does Rob McKenna want to bungle his winning streak and his lock on the Governorship to join the ugly party of NO in the U.S. Senate????
Dream on Beavis..
@23 “When you make cuts to Medicare, you either weaken the Medicare program, or you create further deficits in future budgets.”
Let’s try this again, puddinghead:
When you make cuts to Medicare, you either …
[ ] A. weaken the Medicare program,
[ ] B. create further deficits in future budgets, or
[ ] C. stop wasting money by overpaying greedy doctors, hospitals, and drug companies.
You see, puddlehead, the trick is not overlooking any of your options.
Sure, there’s a lot of Medicare fraud. But have you ever noticed it all results from the private sector ripping off the government?
In government-run Medicare, administrative costs are about 1/2 of 1% of total expenditures. By contrast, private insurers spend about 30% of our total health care dollars on administration.
In other words, insurers spend a third of your health care money on preventing providers from ripping off the other two thirds.
What an endorsement of privately-run health care!
@24 Just as I suspected: You spent the day feeding your own fat face instead of supporting the troops. That’s wingnuts for ya!
@25 “It’s because the “monetary assets” of Medicare are financial claims against the general fund.”
So? Unlike your overpaid private-sector sleazeball bankers, the government has always been good for its IOUs.
@25 (continued) “1) Raising your taxes… which has no effect on many HA Libtardos and why they scream for this all the time”
Why not? Why should the working class be the only ones paying taxes? Isn’t it about time the fatcats paid taxes, too?
(Note: During the 2000 – 2004 campaign cycle, the donors who gave the GOP $4 billion in campaign donations got back $400 billion of tax cuts, a 100-to-1 return on investment.)
“2) Cutting spending on other programs… something Democratics will never do except for military defense”
We like our programs. Unlike you greaseballs, we believe taxpayer money should be used for something more constructive than killing whichever group of foreigners the knuckledraggrs hate this week.
“3) Borrowing more money… something China said your president must stop”
Fun-neee! The Chinese were more than happy to loan YOUR president $1.5 trillion! How come borrowing from China is an issue only when we do it to bail out the country from a mess you created? But you’re right about borrowing from the Chinese — it’s a bad idea. Thanks to Bush (and the retards who supported him), someday China will take over Taiwan and dare us to do anything about it. We won’t, because we can’t afford to have them call our loans. Kiss goodbye to Taiwan, and it was you numbskulls who gave it to them!
@29 And there response was they couldn’t afford to because they all were going broke.
Has anyone wondered whether private charitable giving is up or down in the current recession?
Do you need to?
All that Roger Dumb Bunny screaming above and no answers. Just repeated left-wing comedy!
Typical Typical Typical pellets from the Dumb Bunny.
Over 8 years with interest. YOUR president will be adding 12 Trillion in debt. He said so.
@42 And here, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you an idiot who doesn’t know the difference between reasoned discourse and “screaming.”
Of course he doesn’t. That’s why he’s a troll instead of a reasonable person.
@32 “The wingnut whinings and wailings in this thread remind me of cats during mating season.”
And raccoon fights.
@33 Are you really surprised by what the polls show after the rightwing noise machine spent millions on convincing the gullible elements of the public that this bill consists of death panels and a communist takeover of our government?
After all the bullshit-flinging you guys have indulged in, it’s amazing the “approve” percentage is as high as it is. I guess that shows how desperate people are for health care reform. Plus, not everyone believes your bullshit, or is as gullible as the elements that Palin attracts.
Only a dumb bunny would call #40 reasoned discourse. Wait a minute… that was from the dumb bunny.
I amn still waiting for Puddy to explain why he and every republican in congress caves to the big Pharma moneybaggers and prevents Medicare from saving billions and negaotiating with the drug companies for lower prices…….still waiting for the Puddy answer why he an all the republicans are in the pockets of the big pharma lobbyists…..still waiting for some poorly thought out reply on free enterprise….and why we pay more for the same drugs than anyone else in the world (thanks to the republican bill (i.e.: gift to the Pharmaceitical companies) signed by Bush).
anyone serious about reducing the deficit and the Medicare shortfall wouold surely start with the overpayments for drugs…..or would they just complain abou the health care bill that cover all citizens and doesn’t allow pre-exsisting conditions as an exclusion.
Too bad the Senate bill was hijacked by Leiberfool – the Senator from the Insurance industry (and not a Democrat) – and it has no public option to hold the insurance companies accountable.
45 – Good one Roger.
Raccoons sound really ugly and pathetic when they fight. Make cats sound like a symphony orchestra.
Here’s “reasoned discourse” from the insane one I call Stupes:
What an ugly excuse for a human being. What prompts this? The fiend when cornered dribbles something about abortion. But there’s only one mention of abortion in that entire thread by another commenter having nothing to do with Stupes’ insane babble attack.
Apparently correctnotright missed the HuffPo memo for the previous eight times….
Nuff Said about Big Pharma.
Golly ylb arschloch… still trying eh fool. Did you find a job yet?
52 – Coward changes the subject.. Run away feckless fool…
from your own foolishness and mental illness..
ylb arschloch… Puddy stands behind his comments. You are the flaming libtardo ASSHole here while claiming to be a conservative at home. It doesn’t work fool.
I’ve NEVER claimed that fool.
Gimmee a link asshole. Gimmee a link where I’ve said, “I’m at conservative at home.”..
I do WHAT ANY PARENT with ANY SENSE does. I KEEP MY KIDS SAFE.. That simply means being involved in their lives. Not being an ogre, or a drill sargeant – just being an example and being around to help them find answers when they have questions.
F YOU! And your moronic fantasies about what others practice and believe.. Nothing but stupidities and idiocies.
@51: Nice deflection – but you still have not explained why you and every republican supports the big Pharma corrupt bailout and voted for it already in the republican sponsored bill……typical Puddy deflection, citing a memo that has no bearing on a previously passed bill.
And maany democrats and the entire house of reps who voted for the bill opposed this big Pharma bailout – this was part of the Leiberfool compromise – you know, the one “independent” that Puddy supports.
anything else you have on this Puddy – like an actual position? Or more of the same evasion and defelection when asked a real question?
Oh, and just for the record – Puddy you are a total hypocrite citing Huffington Post after saying that they were “libtards” and therefore could not be cited.
That is what the articel above is all about – hypocritical republicans. I knew you would come through with your own putrid example of hypocrisy.
Umm, real conservatives have long abondoned the policies of Puddy and the republicans….they are not conservative in any way shape of form.
Massive budget deficits, favoring the rich and the bankers, unnecessary wars of agression…those are not conservative traits – yet the current conservatives defend those actions…..because they are hypocrites.
Hypocrite…? Puddy uses leftist libtardo web sites to prove point after point after point. Puddy placed this here many times before. Pay attention fool.
YOUR president made deals with big pharma. PLAIN and SIMPLE fool!
Sucks to be you!
Up yours ylb arschloch. Puddy don’t do your bidding. Puddy don’t react to ASSHOLES such as you. Remember your racist Condoleeza and Colin comments? Kiss my big black ASS!
Search your database. That’s why Puddy placed the comment about your daughter. You just proved it with your lame commentary in that post.
Puddy is conservative at home and conservative in public. There is no difference in Puddy’s home and office persona. Wait a minute… you don’t have an office persona.
NO, YOU”RE A FOOL and a FIEND in public and I DON”T GIVE A FLIP what you are at home.
Puddy will definitely remember your words when you pull the same shit different day.
Ohhh. but let me guess you’re going to hide like a scared little fool behind your “database” idiocy.
Condi cannot be forgiven for her ugly fear-mongering, her “mushroom clouds”. Even her behind the scenes machinations to save this country from the horror of the bloodlust of Darth Cheney cannot wipe that away.
Powell made the blunder of a lifetime soiling himself in front of the world to sell a war of choice. His career at the pinnacle of public life is all but OVER. I don’t think even he has forgiven himself for that.
ylb arschloch, do we need to go through this again.
Database lunacy? You told all of us to wait for it for two weeks. Then your original chronological monomaniacal failure was Mike Webb’s death! Such a fool!
What simian name did you call Condoleeza and Colin? You already admitted it in October 2009. Standard libtardo mindless moronic memory.
Oh how about your North Pasadena comments? Remember those? No check your backup to Goldy’s server fool!
ylb arschloch is checking Goldy’s backup server now… it’s in ylb arschloch’s house.
64 – No links. As I thought.
It’s late. Ain’t gonna waste my breath – just more of your stupid drivel, the fetid gases from between the empty space between your stupid ears.
Cling to these lies and fantasies as you will.
Cry all you want arschloch. Puddy doesn’t do your bidding especially when you call Colin and Condoleeeza simian names and you ask Puddy to provide proof? You are the most moronic of the moronic here. You provide backup to Goldy’s server, look up your own trash fool!
You are a feckless fool!
Marvin destroyed you over your North Pasadena comments. You going to tell the world that didn’t happen too?
You are a feckless fool!