It is both amazing and instructive to remember that the democratic revolution in Tunisia, that has now spread to Egypt, all started with one, disgruntled citizen lighting himself on fire.
Goldy, you often write negatively about angry, anti-government protesters.
So you are completely against what the people are doing in Egypt, correct?
@3: I have no problem with angry, anti-government protesters, as long as they 1) don’t resort to violence and 2) actually understand what they’re angry about and what they want changed.
What Goldy is doing now is furiously writing new posts in order to bury my hard-hitting question. It’s how he avoids having to answer tough questions. Just watch. I know this technique well. By the end of the day, he’ll have at least two or three new posts, hoping that people will have forgotten my question to him.
Goldy is the Teabagger here and he continues with idiotic posts!!
Politically Incorrectspews:
I don’t give a rat’s ass about the Egyptians, the Tunisians, or the Israeli… or anyone else in the Middle East. Let the people who live there solve their problems. The US has been meddling in the Middle East for far too long! Time to shrink the empire, folks!
# 7: “…What Goldy is doing now is furiously writing new posts in order to bury my hard-hitting question….”
There’s a term for the psychosis you are experience, but I can’t put my finger on it. Narcisism? Delusions of Grandeur? I suggest you find a good psychologist who might be able to help you.
In the meantime, rest assured that this blog isn’t about you. No one really cares much what you think, least of all Goldy. Goldy isn’t obligated to answer any questions you pose, much less questions that rely upon false equivilencies, distortions of logic or fact as a premise, etc., as most of your questions do.
So don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer by Goldy. Or better, yet, DO hold your breath.
For the record, there was more I said in my comment, but for some reason it didn’t get posted. I was writing and rewriting my comment, so maybe it accidently got left off by me, but the my full comment was what you read. Then I go on to say that that’s why other may call this woman, but I disagree with their tone and language. Her behavior is no excuse for others to call her that.
If Goldy puts up at least one more post today, will you at least my theory could be true?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 This wasn’t a free country between 2001 and 2008 when we had an unelected president who stole two elections, violated the constitutional rights of our citizens, started an illegal war, engaged in massive corruption, and lied about all of it. It’s easy to sympathize with the Egyptian protesters because, for 8 years, we were Egypt too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Excuses are like assholes: Everybody’s got one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Pennsylvania Hate Crime
On July 12, 2008, a group of white high school football players accosted a Mexican immigrant in a park and stomped him to death. They also threatened the Latino husband of a bystander. Local police who knew the players covered up the crime.
After the FBI was brought in to investigate, two of the players were convicted of a federal hate crime. They’re facing life in prison when they’re sentenced next month.
Yesterday, a federal jury convicted the police chief and a police lieutenant of making false statements to the FBI. They’re facing federal prison time.
Ain’t that the truth rabbit – like that big money/people sucking war in Afghanistan you support? Frickin’ asshole, indeed!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The names of the convicted players are Brandon Piekarsky and Derrick Donchak. Those sound like immigrant names to me. You know — not American. Heh, just kidding, I’m sure those guys are every bit as American as the Tea Party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 You some kinda un-American commie-coddling liberal peacenik?
get out nowspews:
That’s right, you’re un-American in your view if you oppose the war. Before, you were accusing people of “cutting and running” if they were against it. Right out of the Nixon playbook.
Time to leave, asshole!
# 13: No. That, again, would be a distortion of logic, implying a causal relationship between events which may or may not have any relationaship at all. If I claim that my breaking wind causes lighting bolts to occur, does the existence of lighting (here, or anywhere else) prove my assertion? Of course not.
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
Tell me this doesn’t describe HA’s wingnut trolls:
“Self reference is an aspect of interpersonal communication in which people refer to themselves. Psychologists are interested in the frequency of such references and in the type of self perception they reveal and the way in which such behavior affects the social perception of others. Narcissists for example may refer to themselves more than others, possibly in a grandiose and self serving way which may make others want to avoid them.”
Some might say Goldy is afraid to answer my question. I don’t blame him. It’s a brilliant, yet difficult question for him to answer. It puts him in a bind.
So I would like someone here to play the part of Goldy for the purposes of getting my question answered. No offense, but a lot of your are sheep … amen-commenters … unquestioning followers of Goldy, so you probably know how he thinks, and how he would answer my question. So I will ask you, playing the part of Goldy, the same question. Here goes:
Goldy, you often write negatively about angry, anti-government protesters.
So you are completely against what the people are doing in Egypt, correct?
The TP (Tea Party/Toilet Paper)can’t seem to figure out that democracy is not synonymous with force. We cannot force people into a democracy and especially people who are not able to meet basic needs like food, shelter, and security. Which will be us pretty soon if we don’t get a grip on our priorities.
Troll (just being obtuse or are you stupid?)
If you don’t see a difference between an organic street protest by citizens of a country where dissent has historically been squashed by prison, torture and death and an astoturff campaign paid for by the Koch Brothers, FreedomWorks and Dick Armey in a country where protests typically mean someone needs to ask for a day off work…
Actually, he’s pretty smack on about your strong pro-war views. You’re trying to deflect from that basic point, RR.
So are you saying that Goldy thinks angry, anti-government protests is okay?
@32…I’ll take false equivillances for $1000 Alex.
The Tea Party ISN’T Anti-Government. They are ANTI the current White House. Notice that the Tea Party is all up in arms about Obama’s TARP program (Whoops, happened before he was in office.) The Tea Party is all up in arms about the Constitution and TAXES. (Whoops, the first acts of Congress after the constitution was ratified were about raising FEDERAL taxes. So were all the Founders against taxes? Sadly, for the know-nothings in the Tea Party, no.) The Tea Party embraces the birther movement. (Whoops, the government of Hawaii confirms his birth….NO!!! Not Good Enough!!! We want the original document which can only be released by…wait for it…the Government of Hawaii.)
The Tea Party SPECIFICALLY calls for a return to the GOVERNMENT of the founders. So how are they Anti-Government? Michelle Bachman is an ELECTED member of Government and the Tea Party supports her. How then, is the Tea Party anti government?
I could go on for hours with this stuff. But fearing you cranial explosion at the contradictions pointed out in your political belief system I’ll let you have a time-out.
Hee-Hee! Look’it Me. All I’ve got to fall back on is asking questions of misunderstanding. Enlighten us. Which are the “Anti-Government” protesters about which you accuse Goldy of writing negatively if not the Tea Party? (I’m not aware of an Egyptian Tea Party…but thanks for reacting like a douche-bag.)
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
re 36: That defames douchebags. At least they serve a useful purpose.
Liberal Scientistspews:
I was going to write something more earnest to the troll, but you said it.
Have you noticed how adolescent right-wingers seem to be? There’s obviously the whole Ayn Rand/glibertarian thing, but beyond that, irony and nuance are totally lost on them. Also, when they trip over a superficial inconsistency (usually unrelated to any meaningful failing) in an opponent, they just won’t let it go – and you can see how cluelessly gleeful they are trying to press what they perceive to be their advantage, all the while further demonstrating their immaturity and inanity.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
1) don’t resort to violence and 2) actually understand what they’re angry about and what they want changed.
I see you are talking about progressive Jared Loughner, and that guy Jared shot in the knee, Democracy Now progressive J. Eric Fuller, going berserko in a meeting in front of cameras.
Yep, two fine progressive specimens there Xar. Your false equivalence is worthy of a D+ (dunce plus)
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
This wasn’t a free country between 2001 and 2008 when we had an unelected president who stole two elections
Got proof Roger Dumb Rabbit?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
@12 Excuses [A] are like assholes [B]: Everybody’s got one.
In your case Roger Dumb Rabbit you were blessed with a plethora of [A] and [B].
Liberal Scientistspews:
Oh, God, Puddles is BAAACKK!!
(Cue shot of Jack Nicholson looking through axed door in The Shining)
Yup…PudPuller returns just in time to regurgitate a bit about Loughner being a progressive. Heard that from Glenno and Fox did we. ElRushbo beat that one quite a bit. Mind you, no evidence but it fits Pudwacker’s world view so it MUST be true…
In your own words…Got Proof? (Since you obviously discount any evidence provided any “lefty” sources as to Bush V. Gore, then no “righty” sources are allowed. But just for fun, you might want to check out page 8 from this by the entirely “righty” American Enterprise Institute…
# 33: Actually, to address it in more detail, one of the first acts of Congress (after organizing itself and debating on how to address the President and each other), was to establish the Whisky Tax as a method of raising revenue so the government could pay off the loans inherited from the revolution and the government operating under the Articles of Confederation.
Of course, the ones who most objected to this tax were the folks in the Appalachian mountain region, especially in Pennsylvania, where whiskey was produced in backyard stills and was used as a medium of exchange where coinage was rare.
So these folks, all properly outraged that the “Eastern Establishment” was confiscating “their money” through taxation, organized a small army and marched their way towards Washington to set things right. I ask you – ould there be a better analogy between these folks and the Tea Party?
Before they got to Washington, however, they were met by none other than – George Washington, leading the troops sent to enforce the law and put down the rebellion. You know, the foremost among the Founding Fathers, the officer who earned his battle laurals during the French and Indian War, who lead the Continential Army to victory in a protracted war with Britain, who declined offers to assume the role of monarch of the new country, who’s retirement from public service was interrupted by pleas to become the country’s first President, and the man who donated for public use the land upon which our capital still sits.
So when the Tea Party folks try to assume the mantel of the Founding Fathers, remember that they would be the ones confronting George Washington, who would tell them to disband and go back to their business.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
checksez asked me
In your own words…Got Proof?
If you paid attention… (your attention span is what…, measured in picoseconds?) I placed multiple distinct sources with Jared Loughner’s friends and associates describing him, beyond those who had cataloged his GWBush hatred, being a 9/11 Truther, etc. 9/11 Truther and GWBush hatred. Damn he could be an HA progressive.
But checksez, I won’t replay those links because a quick Google search using Puddy and some key words will replay all those links. Or you could nicely ask ylb who still has p=32077 and p=32084 at his disposal with my great handiwork.
So go ahead… make my day!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
discount any evidence provided any “lefty” sources as to Bush V. Gore,
What? Puddy placed so many newspaper accounts here of the recount ylb’s puny head was swimming. Your memory is measured in picoseconds. Did all those drugs kill your synapses? Nice useless link checksez!
I’m with you but the Hamilton Tariff preceeded it. The Founding Father’s were…gasp…in favor of protectionism and AGAINST free trade?
But you’re right. If any Tea Partiers are smart enough to be claiming the Whiskey Rebellion as their inspiration then they can’t also claim the mantle of the founding fathers, that is the ones who wrote and ratified the Constitution and then served in the first Congress. They can claim the mantle of the “Anti-Founding Fathers” and see how far that rhetoric gets them.
Wow, Pud…call the link useless so no one might click through. Here, I’ll quote the relevent bits.
Review of All Ballots Statewide (Never Undertaken)
Review Method Winner Margin of Victory
Standard as set by each county Canvassing Board during their survey: Gore 171 votes
Fully punched chads and limited marks on
optical ballots: Gore 115 votes
Any dimples or optical mark: Gore 107 votes
One corner of chad detached or optical mark: Gore 60 votes “Since the media consortium’s findings indicated that Gore could have won a full
statewide recount of all votes (all undervotes and overvotes), there has been debate about
the likelihood of such a recount. Judge Terry Lewis, assigned by the Florida Supreme
Court to oversee a statewide recount of undervotes – which was terminated by the U.S.
Supreme Court – wrote in a note during the recount2 and has said in interviews3 that
feedback from counties may have led him to order all votes counted.”
So now, who’s synapses aren’t working? Your memory is, as always, only able to hold onto that which you are already predisposed to beleive.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
So when the Tea Party folks try to assume the mantel of the Founding Fathers, remember that they would be the ones confronting George Washington, who would tell them to disband and go back to their business.
So rhp6033, are you making the false equivalence between taxing home brewers to help make a fledgling country great and the act of taxing people today who are against wealth redistribution? Just axing cuz that’s what your buds Cass Sunstein and John Holdren advocate, that wealth redistribution thingy.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
This is the results of clicking your link moron
An attempt made to access unknown page or page under construction
Please click here to go back
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
In the first full study of Florida’s ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled “undervotes” — ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through — to be counted.
The study, conducted by the accounting firm of BDO Seidman, counted over 60,000 votes in Florida’s 67 counties, tabulating separate vote totals in several standards categories.
If you had a more than a picosecond in memory capacity… Liberalism is a mental disorder… This is the first link I remembered. You can ask ylb to find it too. You see checksez… it doesn’t take much to remember… just using your brain instead of a hat rack or a scarf pole.
Wow how “progressive” is a head case like Loughner who fulfills a right wing fantasy by shooting a Democratic Congresswoman in the head.
A fantasy by no less than the Beckster:
I will stand against you and so will millions of others. We believe in something. You in the media and most in Washington don’t. The radicals that you and Washington have co-opted and brought in wearing sheep’s clothing — change the pose. You will get the ends.
You’ve been using them? They believe in communism. They believe and have called for a revolution. You’re going to have to shoot them in the head. But warning, they may shoot you.
Somehow a ) got on the end. But someone with the VAST internet and search knowledge of Pud-wacker would notice that an URL doesn’t end in ).
Thanks for PBS. But now take a look at the comprehensive study. Had all the counties been re-counted, As Judge Lewis indicated he would have ordered, Bush loses in all scenarios. Had the Supreme Court not hijacked the case as a fast-track, Bush loses.
I know. It’s tough for you Pud. But facts is facts, even if it takes 3-4 years to get to them. (BTW the AEI link describes the PBS/Miami Herald scenario. Under the Gore recount and Bush recount requested parameters, Bush still comes out ahead. Under a hypothetical “Screw it! We’re recounting the whole state” order by the State Court, Gore wins.) You look at “the first study” and ignore later, much more in-depth, studies.
Got Proof?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Methinks rhp6033 missed this Cass Sunstein quotable moment…
“We think that, as my co-author, Thaler and I, that there’s a little Homer Simpson in all of us. Sometimes we have self-control problems, sometimes we’re impulsive and that in these circumstances, both private and public institutions, without coercing, can make our lives a lot better.
“Once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them, then there’s a lot that can be done to manipulate them.”
And he’s manipulating your DUMBASS rhp6033 every day in everyway!
This part of the Tea Party argument fully missed by peeps like rhp6033. Yes rhp6033 you write a lot in each blog post but in reality you are one of Cass Sunstein’s useful Homer Simpson idiots. He has you pegged!
Ask the NAACP fool if Florida passed the vote suppression test back in 2000.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Had all the counties been re-counted, As Judge Lewis indicated he would have ordered, Bush loses in all scenarios.
But Gore didn’t ask for all the counties to be counted. Worthless deflection and useless retort! Gore only wanted the our progressively biased counties. That’s the PBS study. You can wish and conjecture all you want. It was Gore’s decision. Ask ylb for my commentary on that since you can’t seem to remember it. He screwed his own pooch!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
the NAACP fool
Who dat ylb?
You? Who paid for your membership? Jo mama? Your working wife?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
More for rhp6033…
The other shoe John Holdren… He has you pegged as another of his useful idiots.
So I ask rhp6033, where does the money come for these two characters to put forth their slimy actions? That’s part of the Tea Party argument. They are not Sunstein or Holdren’s useful idiots. It seems most HA progressives are though!
You all are being manipulated every day and you just don’t see it.
Drum beat please!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Thanks for admitting “to the world” that you’re a tool of professional right wing bullshit artists.
Still trying to pretend facts aren’t facts, Pud.
Gore received more votes State Wide in Florida in 2000 than Bush. Judge Lewis never ordered a full re-count becuase SCOTUS intervened. When the dust was fully settle…Gore received more votes State Wide in Florida in 2000 than Bush.
One more time….in the most comprehensive study of the voting for the entire state of Florida, Gore received more votes State Wide in Florida in 2000 than Bush. The fact that the study was undertaken well after Junior’s innauguration does not change the fact that Gore received more votes for the entire state of Florida in 2000 than Bush.
Do I need to say it for you again? Got Proof?
(Hey…and thanks for telling me to ask YLB. I had nearly forgotten that Puddy-crutch. “I…I…I… don’t need to look at anything that I don’t agree with. I didn’t say it. Ask YLB, he knows I never said what you actually said because I don’t need to deal with things that upset my worldview even if they’re true. Feckless minds only look at a complete review of “facts.” I have a steel trap memory, I am invinceable! Y’aaaaargh.”)
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
How am I boxed in ylb? You seem to forget all the evidence finally produced by the left wing miasma called the MSM trumpeting all the things in Loughner’s possession, Commie Manifesto & Mein Kampf. Links to the progressivemindinfo and other useless leftwing sites. Even Goldy admitted in one of those erased threads he was proud to have those books in his personal collection. Well you won’t find that stuff in my house.
Butt thanks for the link cuz Party’s Over for Democrats. Yep November 2010!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Poor poor checksez… Gore brought the lawsuit. Gore chose his battle. Gore decided to take it to the courts. Dec 12 loomed. You are still swinging on your useless canard. Gore should have asked for a recount. He wasted time. I already wrote about this long ago. Yep I suggested you visit ylb. I don’t need to repeat things previously written for your benefit. If you can’t remember anything then you fit Cass Sunstein’s criteria as a manipulated fool!
Sucks to be you!
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
p=32077 and p=32084
Got proof ylb? Provide a useful link!
Hey Pud…
I have the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf in my house. I keep them proudly.
They shows I went to college and took a Poli-Sci 101 course on comparitive Government.
I also have a Norton Anthology which proves that I took the English Lit survey. Somewere I have “Wealth of Nations” from my Econ 101. You know, all those lower division courses that a well rounded college Freshman are required to deal with. I even have an O-Chem textbook somewhere.
Now I’m clearly not making an arguement in favor of any of these “classics.” But does the fact that I read and own “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Voice of Reason” make me a beleiving libertarian?
Keep typing Puddy. The stupidity of auto-association is on full display.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
#68 typical ylb useless canard. Repeats the same useless material when he quickly runs out of his three usual arguments.
YLB, whatever happen to your November surprise regarding the HA database you were creating? That month came and went but I can’t recall your announcement – bring us up-to-date?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Oh checksez@71, you skipped over his progressive sites on his facebook page.
Now why did you do that?
Oh teach I know, I know.
Why Johnny?
Because it provides an EPIC FAIL to his useless argument!
You’re a genius Johnny!
Now onto Jared and his actions. Where have I said because you have those books you’d go Loughner? He was one progressive who went postal after reading that fine material.
“I suspect she will be a candidate. I suspect she is going to think about being a candidate in 2016, and we’ll know by about 2014,” Rove said on Fox News. “If she leaves the administration in 2014 or 2015, in order to give herself a chance to write a book about her experiences and reconnect with the grassroots, then she might entertain it.”
Sure sucks to be a “manipulated” tool like you fool!
Call “you dope” jon (or sue or bJav or kt or.. whatever….) He’ll fill you in.
Specifically @ 70
So Puddy. You admit that expediency is more important that accuracy?
“Hell, we gotta get somebody in office fast so no need to actually complete a recount. Bush wins. It’s more healing to the country to get it done quick than get it done right.”
There’s a Sierra Nevada 25th Anniversary Grand Cru at just about the perfect temperature in my fridge. Have a nice night. If you drink and comment, watch your punctuation.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Last time checksez, as I have something really urgent to address…Gore brought the lawsuit. Gore chose his battle. Gore decided to take it to the courts. Dec 12 loomed. You are still swinging on your useless canard. Gore should have asked for a full recount. He didn’t. The Electoral College had to meet per the Constitution. I thought you believed in the Constitution checksez.
Gotta go for a while. I know you’ll have the last work checksez. Go for it. Back later.
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Oh one last thing…
Notice ylb didn’t answer #71? We all know why too. He has the only full copy of both threads. Creating a blog on someone else actions. Whatamoron!
Heh. Glad you liked that one. Here’s a count of the OCDster on that:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:matches~’*puddybud’,body:phrase~pavlov -C
| count |
| 164 |
1 row in set
When he likes something he sticks with it.
Now who’s your daddy son?
Hey Puddy…
You are aware that a bunch of Lougner “fake” facebook pages popped up after the shootings? Why are you grasping at the “left leaning” facebook page of J.L.L.?
Media reports unanimously describe his farewell message being posted on his MySpace page that was taken down immediately after he was identified. That’s odd that he would put his possible last words to mankind on MySpace, but his Facebook account would be the one to look at for his true beliefs. So did you mean MySpace or were you, as usual, makin’ shit up? Or did you, as usual, see something on a right-nutter site and accept it as fact? (Google it, oh master of the internet.)
BTW, the Siera was too cold. Needs to warm up a touch.
@84 One day for sure
Heh, I don’t think anyone is hold their breath, not after all the hype about a November “surprise” that would rock HA and then . . . . nothing, zilch, zero!
Your ineptitude is probably a good thing – nobody wants their identity tracked in a database and then revealed on HA.
nobody wants their identity tracked in a database and then revealed on HA.
You mean like Goldy does in his WordPress database? Not that ip addresses are all that identifying. I mean they can be but if a websurfer is careful – not so much.
Can you point to Goldy doing something nefarious with that information?
What evidence do you have that I would do something underhanded? I don’t have ip addresses. I just have comments and the dates/times they were entered.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 I don’t have “strong pro-war” views. I think, for example, the war against Hitler was necessary but that doesn’t make me “pro-war.” Likewise, I don’t see the logic of giving Afghanistan back to the Taliban. I don’t have an easy answer for Afghanistan. There isn’t one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Since when do progressives hang out with White Supremacists, puttnutz? Jared is one of yours, buddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 Oh, and what goes on under Republicans isn’t wealth redistribution?
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, Josh, what do you think we should do in Afghanistan? Pull out?
Puddybud identifying rujax liberal scientist deathfrog and zotz as fools! Proud The FatASS as a moronspews:
Checksez and that old useless Roger Dumb Rabbit
Man you are dense. The facebook page was immediately identified and pulled that day.
heh. Hey missing threads fantacist – Loughner was a gold bug like your hero Beck.
Like you for that matter – you Goldline customersucka you!
Puddy, you really are bad at this.
Your first three links are to the same AP story. Different websites carrying the AP do not amount to different sources. AAAAAAnnnddd for those of you playing at home indicate that he had a YouTube account. Still looking for that Facebook reference?
Oh, there it isn’t. Link #4, the New York Post – A Righty Tabloid: A former classmate, Caitie Parker — who has called the suspect “left wing” and “a pothead” — tweeted that after that event, Loughner said he thought Giffords was “stupid” and “unintelligent
So a former classmate, Tweeted, not facebooked or mySpace, something. Good enough for Puddy. You don’t know who she is. Did she spend time with him out of class? Puddy doesn’t know. Does she admit that she hasn’t seen him since ’07. Oh yes she does. So, the three-four year old recollection of impressions of someone by a then high-school girl are evidence enough for Puddy.
No wonder you’re a righty. You don’t take half a second to think anything through.
In case you’re new, oh master of the search engine and all things internet, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and YouTube are all different things.
The Grand Cru was good but not nearly as stellar as the Black Barleywine that was #3 in the series.
And rhp6033 is wrong with his assumptions:
“So when the Tea Party folks try to assume the mantel of the Founding Fathers, remember that they would be the ones confronting George Washington, who would tell them to disband and go back to their business.”
36. czechsaaz spews:
Hee-Hee! Look’it Me. All I’ve got to fall back on is asking questions of misunderstanding. Enlighten us. Which are the “Anti-Government” protesters about which you accuse Goldy of writing negatively if not the Tea Party? (I’m not aware of an Egyptian Tea Party…but thanks for reacting like a douche-bag.)
The Tea Party is for reducing our government size and expenditures and getting our $14 trillion dollars of debt under control and paid off!!
Tondaleo Lipshitzspews:
“The teabagger uber menschen have minds full of the inchoate winds of confusion. Vindictiveness, fear, and dread of the things that they understand naught consume their grubby little souls.
They shall be led like little children over the cliff of delusion to their own demise.”
Gore Vidal
@97, in all fairness should be deleted as O.T.
100. Tondaleo Lipshitz spews:
“They shall be led like little children over the cliff of delusion to their own demise.”
How delusional!!
How’d your stock purchases do Fri Roger…My load of Silver went up about a buck an ounce, because of the Idiot Obama and Berflunkie trying to bail out his massive Debt spending…..And you know what, I can just watch that Silver skyrocket, without having to pay one red ounce on the 50% it went up this year. I can hand that silver to any relative I want, whenever I want…
Let’s see you do that with your 401k or IRA (or whats left of it after this clown gets dumped from office)
Oh really?
Then how come the Tea Party is FOR putting the National Guard on the border? That would INCREASE the number of government employees or at the very least make a lot of part time guardsmen full time soldiers with all the increased logistical and salary?
Then how come the Tea Party is bleating about “Obamacare” when the CBO agrees that it is a deficit reducer after a couple years of ramp-up costs?
And those are the big ticket items on the Tea Party agenda.
Sheep, led by insiders of the Republican party, advocating for positions that the have been led to think are smaller government/lower deficit but have historically (Reagan, Bush, Bush 2) have proven to lower taxes on a few while exploding the deficit and INCREASING the number of federal workers.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
The Tea Party has been played for chumps by rich people like the Koch brothers.
Recently had a doom and gloom story about Social Security. As always, this was full of zombie lies about the health of Social Security, all perpetuated by rich people who can’t stand that the working class of America has a trust fund of 2.6 trillion dollars that they can’t get their greedy little mitts on.
In over 8,000 posts on Yahoo, the moderators allowed hate filled post after hate filled post by tea party types, all blaming the disabled, illegal immigrants and “liberals” for the so-called problems with Social Security. When people like me tried to post factual information about the health of the program, the Yahoo moderators deleted the post. But they allowed virtually every single hate spewing post to remain.
If this were 1930s Germany, the tea baggers would be railing about the Jews instead of disabled people, illegals and liberals. And just like Germany, they are being played by chumps. They don’t have a clue that rich people are using them to consolidate more money in the pockets of a few assholes at the top.
So while tea baggers are taking the bait and attacking little people who have nothing to do with the economic inequality in our society, the rich people are picking their pocket for every penny they have.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. The tea baggers are being manipulated by bogus social issues while they are being robbed blind by the rich.
Over ten year, someone earning one million per year got over one million in Bush tax cuts. An average person over this same ten years got a measly $9,000, all of this being eaten up by the increase of the cost of living, especially health insurance. So the millionaire gets tax cuts, all of which he gets to keep, while the tiny tax cut average people get is taken by Bush’s cronies in the health insurance industry.
See what I am saying. The tea bagger crowd is obsessed about taxes because that is what the rich people tell them to be obsessed about. In the end they barely break even with the Bush tax cuts, barely keeping their head above water, while rich people get millions in their pocket.
It is bait and switch. They have been played for chumps. They are dumb as a fence post. This is big business 101: get the workers to attack each other while the people at the top manipulate the hatred and rake in all the money.
I count over 3000 comments from you over the years.
A little over 20 percent of them mention Goldy in them.
Will you stalk Goldy over at Slog after Feb 2?
Bush got us deep into Iraq.
I really thought President Obama would have us out of there by now.
Instead, he also drags us deeper & deeper into Afghanistan too. Talk about a hopeless situation. Didn’t President Obama learn anything from the Russians efforts in Afghanistan? Obviously not.
Hopefully Russ Feingold will run against Obama in 2012. Our President is a good talker, but his actions suck.
I hope we stay away from the mess in Egypt, although this is more important than Afghanistan. I fear Israel is getting backed deeper & deeper into a corner with Egypt & Iran, and will only be able to resist pushing the button a short while longer. Israel will fight to the death, make no mistake about that.
Slip Sliding Awayspews:
@106 Recently had a doom and gloom story about Social Security. As always, this was full of zombie lies about the health of Social Security, all perpetuated by rich people
Yea, yea, yea, Yahoo is also controlled by the rich. The fact of the matter is you clowns couldn’t even keep HA, HA solvent, yet you’re offering advice on far weightier fiscal issues. Like Goldy said just the other day . . . with this track record who’s gonna’ listen to ya (aside from the fact this little outpost is getting smaller by the day as Goldy prepares to go to work for a print rag of all things!).
no warspews:
@109 I really thought President Obama would have us out of there by now.
Instead, he also drags us deeper & deeper into Afghanistan too. Talk about a hopeless situation. Didn’t President Obama learn anything from the Russians efforts in Afghanistan? Obviously not.
FYI, HA has not exactly been vocal on this pivotal issue other than a few voices like Lee. Who knows where Goldy is on this – he isn’t talking. And then, of course, there are a few like Rabbit, YLB and some others who openly support the war. Just sayin’.
Goldy prepares to go to work for a print rag of all things!
Yes mostly writing for their blog which is an internet outlet. Some of what he writes may make it into print.
Need better trolls.
@39: Ah, sad Puddy.
Loughner is no more a liberal or progressive than you are. He was a nutcase, plain and simple. Suggesting otherwise is silly.
I’m a bit confused about my “false equivalence” . . . I didn’t compare any two things in my post. I made a comment about not having a problem with protesters who know what they’re protesting for and don’t resort to violence. And that’s all I said. The fact that you went on the (nonsensical) offense so quickly shows pretty clearly that you’re sensitive about the fact that many Tea Partiers don’t have a clue what they really want, and only know that they’re angry at someone for something.
They’re also the people in current politics who resort to violence and violent rhetoric (see, e.g., the Rand Paul head-stomper, the Joe Miller wannabe cop who detained a journalist, the man who threated to shoot Rep. McDermott’s family if he raised the taxes on his $3M trust fund, the person who wanted to hang Patty Murray, Allen West, the congressional candidate cum-Representative who wanted his opponent to be afraid to come out of his house, Sharron Angle’s references to “second amendment remedies,” Carl Paladino’s regular threats of physical violence, and Michelle Bachmann wanting her constituents armed and dangerous).
I have no problem with the average tea partier. I have problems with the ones who are violent, or want to keep the government hands off of their social security and medicare.
@107: The people in Egypt have no alternative means of seeking reform. If the Tea Partiers are serious about reform, and serious about loving the Constitution and our country, then they should use the methods outlined by the Founding Fathers instead of relying on disrupting government and engaging in political violence.
The fact that we have a black, moderate President doesn’t mean we have a dictator like Egypt does, nor does it mean that the white middle and upper class is now an oppressed people. They have the means to effect change through the system they pay lip service to.
or want to keep the government hands off of their social security and medicare.
Actually I believe it’s “dirty, grubby, socialist commie paws” off their social security and medicare.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 If you rightwing assholes have a problem with government debt you shouldn’t have tripled it when you were running the government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@103 “How’d your stock purchases do Fri Roger…”
Gave up some of this week’s gains but I’m still $500 richer than last Friday … not bad for five days of non-work.
Oh, and btw, the stock market’s activity yesterday didn’t have a fucking think to do with government debt or QE2. The market was reacting to Egypt’s riots and disappointing earnings from a couple of major companies including Amazon. If you read a fucking newspaper once in a while, you’d know that. Ignorant fuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@104 Short-term price changes are meaningless. When I started my IRA in 1985, silver was worth $6.75 an ounce. Today it’s worth about $27 an ounce, 4 times as much. A 400% increase in 25 years, whoop-de-doo. That’s a pretty shitty investment if you ask me. The stock market has multiplied the money I put in my IRA in 1985 by a factor of 20. That’s a 2,000% increase in 25 years. Looks like my investment has outperformed your investment by 5-to-1. I sure as hell am not going to take investment advice from someone as stupid as you.
I could try explaining to you that the reason stocks will always outperform precious metals over the long run is because corporations produce something whereas precious metals produce nothing, they just sit there. But that probably would fly right over your pointy head.
And, of course, it also doesn’t occur to you that the expansion of money supply that’s driving commodity prices (including precious metals) higher is also driving stock prices higher. So my stocks are going up in tandem with your silver. A one-day fluctuation in stock prices doesn’t mean a damn thing.
You are an idiot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s The Economy, Stupid!
Republicans spent last fall campaigning on jobs. So what are they doing in Congress? Pandering to their most rightwing supporters by trying to mess with health care reform and restrict abortion! If you ask them about jobs they say “later.” Should anyone be surprised that Republicans don’t give a damn about workers, unemployed or otherwise?
@118 Gave up some of this week’s gains but I’m still $500 richer than last Friday … not bad for five days of non-work.
Curious what you focus on and your trading style.
While silver does taste better than gold, it is more toxic on the body. Gold, though not tasting all the great, can be eaten in a number of ways. Sadly, neither have any nutritional value. But keep hoarding it, i am sure there is some farmer who will trade you something for it.
One local blog has banned me for being annoying. And I didn’t try to get around the block. I just left them alone. And the Seattle Times has banned me twice, but I’m not going to put up with that, so I’m back there commenting.
No roger, I put it all in silver mid 2010 at $19 an ounce…as usual you are full of shit. I made a killing. So when qe2 quits buying stock equities…we will see who gets their ass kicked….won’t be me..
So let’s make a bet rog…your 20k in the stock market ove the next 3 mo, or my 20k in the silver mkt
Which will produce more
HA suffered an outage and an entire day of posts to this thread were lost.
Hello, Goldy – perhaps a word or two?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve recaptured Friday’s selloff in the stock market this morning. I’m up over $1,500 which means I lost only $500 of last week’s $2,500 of gains in Friday’s slide. Meanwhile, gold is down nearly $5 an ounce today. Precious metals aren’t glittering quite so brightly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow, crude is up $2.46, Chevron (which I own) is up a buck-sixty, Exxon (which I don’t own) is up a buck-fifty, this doesn’t look good for people who drive cars but it sure works for anyone who owns oil stocks and gets around on rabbit feet!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The president of Shell said a couple weeks ago that gas will hit $5 next year. Other stuff I’ve read indicates there are supply constraints that will keep crude supplies reaching the market from growing fast enough to keep up with expanding demand over the next few years. The Great Recession temporarily froze gas prices at the $3 to $3.50 level but the long-term trend is toward $4.50+ gas.
Now you accuse thhe tea paarty members of violence ? At least now I know you’re just another leftwing liar. If I want to see violent protests, I’ll just wait until the next inner city ghetto riot…after all, they have plenty of energy since they don’t work. Oh yes, you would know all about violent protests, wouldn’t you…living in Seattle. Oops…those were leftwingers.
Gas prices going up ? Hmmm…if only we ENCOURAGED drilling for our own oil, instead of REGULATING it to death….or just banning it outright. Looks like a conspiraacy between Obama and his oil buddies.
also ironic is that matt hasselbeck, republican bootlicker, is an alternate union rep and is all about the collective bargaining agreement.
Dear Goldy: This is a free country. You can light yourself on fire if you so wish. I have no problem with that in principle.
Goldy, you often write negatively about angry, anti-government protesters.
So you are completely against what the people are doing in Egypt, correct?
@3: I have no problem with angry, anti-government protesters, as long as they 1) don’t resort to violence and 2) actually understand what they’re angry about and what they want changed.
Many tea partiers fail both tests.
A+ for a false equivalence.
Thank you for the high grade.
You’re welcome. No one does it quite so well as you (except maybe Puddy and Cynical).
What Goldy is doing now is furiously writing new posts in order to bury my hard-hitting question. It’s how he avoids having to answer tough questions. Just watch. I know this technique well. By the end of the day, he’ll have at least two or three new posts, hoping that people will have forgotten my question to him.
Goldy is the Teabagger here and he continues with idiotic posts!!
I don’t give a rat’s ass about the Egyptians, the Tunisians, or the Israeli… or anyone else in the Middle East. Let the people who live there solve their problems. The US has been meddling in the Middle East for far too long! Time to shrink the empire, folks!
# 7: “…What Goldy is doing now is furiously writing new posts in order to bury my hard-hitting question….”
There’s a term for the psychosis you are experience, but I can’t put my finger on it. Narcisism? Delusions of Grandeur? I suggest you find a good psychologist who might be able to help you.
In the meantime, rest assured that this blog isn’t about you. No one really cares much what you think, least of all Goldy. Goldy isn’t obligated to answer any questions you pose, much less questions that rely upon false equivilencies, distortions of logic or fact as a premise, etc., as most of your questions do.
So don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer by Goldy. Or better, yet, DO hold your breath.
Troll was “angered” here.
For the record, there was more I said in my comment, but for some reason it didn’t get posted. I was writing and rewriting my comment, so maybe it accidently got left off by me, but the my full comment was what you read. Then I go on to say that that’s why other may call this woman, but I disagree with their tone and language. Her behavior is no excuse for others to call her that.
If Goldy puts up at least one more post today, will you at least my theory could be true?
@2 This wasn’t a free country between 2001 and 2008 when we had an unelected president who stole two elections, violated the constitutional rights of our citizens, started an illegal war, engaged in massive corruption, and lied about all of it. It’s easy to sympathize with the Egyptian protesters because, for 8 years, we were Egypt too.
@12 Excuses are like assholes: Everybody’s got one.
Pennsylvania Hate Crime
On July 12, 2008, a group of white high school football players accosted a Mexican immigrant in a park and stomped him to death. They also threatened the Latino husband of a bystander. Local police who knew the players covered up the crime.
After the FBI was brought in to investigate, two of the players were convicted of a federal hate crime. They’re facing life in prison when they’re sentenced next month.
Yesterday, a federal jury convicted the police chief and a police lieutenant of making false statements to the FBI. They’re facing federal prison time.
@15 Everybody’s got one
Ain’t that the truth rabbit – like that big money/people sucking war in Afghanistan you support? Frickin’ asshole, indeed!
The names of the convicted players are Brandon Piekarsky and Derrick Donchak. Those sound like immigrant names to me. You know — not American. Heh, just kidding, I’m sure those guys are every bit as American as the Tea Party.
@17 You some kinda un-American commie-coddling liberal peacenik?
That’s right, you’re un-American in your view if you oppose the war. Before, you were accusing people of “cutting and running” if they were against it. Right out of the Nixon playbook.
Time to leave, asshole!
# 13: No. That, again, would be a distortion of logic, implying a causal relationship between events which may or may not have any relationaship at all. If I claim that my breaking wind causes lighting bolts to occur, does the existence of lighting (here, or anywhere else) prove my assertion? Of course not.
Tell me this doesn’t describe HA’s wingnut trolls:
“Self reference is an aspect of interpersonal communication in which people refer to themselves. Psychologists are interested in the frequency of such references and in the type of self perception they reveal and the way in which such behavior affects the social perception of others. Narcissists for example may refer to themselves more than others, possibly in a grandiose and self serving way which may make others want to avoid them.”
When has Troll posted anything that has not been a “distortion of logic”?
Riiiiight. That’s why you followed up with this:
Nice legacy our self-righteous Troll leaves..
Geeze, what an incendiary post.
I have yet to meet a self-described “teabagger” who has actually read the US Constitution, not to mention the Federalist Papers.
Should I tell the idiot @20 that my post @19 was satirical? Nah … let’s see how long it takes him to figure it out.
Some might say Goldy is afraid to answer my question. I don’t blame him. It’s a brilliant, yet difficult question for him to answer. It puts him in a bind.
So I would like someone here to play the part of Goldy for the purposes of getting my question answered. No offense, but a lot of your are sheep … amen-commenters … unquestioning followers of Goldy, so you probably know how he thinks, and how he would answer my question. So I will ask you, playing the part of Goldy, the same question. Here goes:
Goldy, you often write negatively about angry, anti-government protesters.
So you are completely against what the people are doing in Egypt, correct?
The TP (Tea Party/Toilet Paper)can’t seem to figure out that democracy is not synonymous with force. We cannot force people into a democracy and especially people who are not able to meet basic needs like food, shelter, and security. Which will be us pretty soon if we don’t get a grip on our priorities.
Troll (just being obtuse or are you stupid?)
If you don’t see a difference between an organic street protest by citizens of a country where dissent has historically been squashed by prison, torture and death and an astoturff campaign paid for by the Koch Brothers, FreedomWorks and Dick Armey in a country where protests typically mean someone needs to ask for a day off work…
Actually, he’s pretty smack on about your strong pro-war views. You’re trying to deflect from that basic point, RR.
So are you saying that Goldy thinks angry, anti-government protests is okay?
@32…I’ll take false equivillances for $1000 Alex.
The Tea Party ISN’T Anti-Government. They are ANTI the current White House. Notice that the Tea Party is all up in arms about Obama’s TARP program (Whoops, happened before he was in office.) The Tea Party is all up in arms about the Constitution and TAXES. (Whoops, the first acts of Congress after the constitution was ratified were about raising FEDERAL taxes. So were all the Founders against taxes? Sadly, for the know-nothings in the Tea Party, no.) The Tea Party embraces the birther movement. (Whoops, the government of Hawaii confirms his birth….NO!!! Not Good Enough!!! We want the original document which can only be released by…wait for it…the Government of Hawaii.)
The Tea Party SPECIFICALLY calls for a return to the GOVERNMENT of the founders. So how are they Anti-Government? Michelle Bachman is an ELECTED member of Government and the Tea Party supports her. How then, is the Tea Party anti government?
I could go on for hours with this stuff. But fearing you cranial explosion at the contradictions pointed out in your political belief system I’ll let you have a time-out.
Are you talking about the Egyptian Tea Party, or the American one?
Troll is “angered” by Goldy.
What an angry troll he is..
Hee-Hee! Look’it Me. All I’ve got to fall back on is asking questions of misunderstanding. Enlighten us. Which are the “Anti-Government” protesters about which you accuse Goldy of writing negatively if not the Tea Party? (I’m not aware of an Egyptian Tea Party…but thanks for reacting like a douche-bag.)
re 36: That defames douchebags. At least they serve a useful purpose.
I was going to write something more earnest to the troll, but you said it.
Have you noticed how adolescent right-wingers seem to be? There’s obviously the whole Ayn Rand/glibertarian thing, but beyond that, irony and nuance are totally lost on them. Also, when they trip over a superficial inconsistency (usually unrelated to any meaningful failing) in an opponent, they just won’t let it go – and you can see how cluelessly gleeful they are trying to press what they perceive to be their advantage, all the while further demonstrating their immaturity and inanity.
I see you are talking about progressive Jared Loughner, and that guy Jared shot in the knee, Democracy Now progressive J. Eric Fuller, going berserko in a meeting in front of cameras.
Yep, two fine progressive specimens there Xar. Your false equivalence is worthy of a D+ (dunce plus)
Got proof Roger Dumb Rabbit?
In your case Roger Dumb Rabbit you were blessed with a plethora of [A] and [B].
Oh, God, Puddles is BAAACKK!!
(Cue shot of Jack Nicholson looking through axed door in The Shining)
Yup…PudPuller returns just in time to regurgitate a bit about Loughner being a progressive. Heard that from Glenno and Fox did we. ElRushbo beat that one quite a bit. Mind you, no evidence but it fits Pudwacker’s world view so it MUST be true…
In your own words…Got Proof? (Since you obviously discount any evidence provided any “lefty” sources as to Bush V. Gore, then no “righty” sources are allowed. But just for fun, you might want to check out page 8 from this by the entirely “righty” American Enterprise Institute…
# 33: Actually, to address it in more detail, one of the first acts of Congress (after organizing itself and debating on how to address the President and each other), was to establish the Whisky Tax as a method of raising revenue so the government could pay off the loans inherited from the revolution and the government operating under the Articles of Confederation.
Of course, the ones who most objected to this tax were the folks in the Appalachian mountain region, especially in Pennsylvania, where whiskey was produced in backyard stills and was used as a medium of exchange where coinage was rare.
So these folks, all properly outraged that the “Eastern Establishment” was confiscating “their money” through taxation, organized a small army and marched their way towards Washington to set things right. I ask you – ould there be a better analogy between these folks and the Tea Party?
Before they got to Washington, however, they were met by none other than – George Washington, leading the troops sent to enforce the law and put down the rebellion. You know, the foremost among the Founding Fathers, the officer who earned his battle laurals during the French and Indian War, who lead the Continential Army to victory in a protracted war with Britain, who declined offers to assume the role of monarch of the new country, who’s retirement from public service was interrupted by pleas to become the country’s first President, and the man who donated for public use the land upon which our capital still sits.
So when the Tea Party folks try to assume the mantel of the Founding Fathers, remember that they would be the ones confronting George Washington, who would tell them to disband and go back to their business.
checksez asked me
If you paid attention… (your attention span is what…, measured in picoseconds?) I placed multiple distinct sources with Jared Loughner’s friends and associates describing him, beyond those who had cataloged his GWBush hatred, being a 9/11 Truther, etc. 9/11 Truther and GWBush hatred. Damn he could be an HA progressive.
But checksez, I won’t replay those links because a quick Google search using Puddy and some key words will replay all those links. Or you could nicely ask ylb who still has p=32077 and p=32084 at his disposal with my great handiwork.
So go ahead… make my day!
What? Puddy placed so many newspaper accounts here of the recount ylb’s puny head was swimming. Your memory is measured in picoseconds. Did all those drugs kill your synapses? Nice useless link checksez!
I’m with you but the Hamilton Tariff preceeded it. The Founding Father’s were…gasp…in favor of protectionism and AGAINST free trade?
But you’re right. If any Tea Partiers are smart enough to be claiming the Whiskey Rebellion as their inspiration then they can’t also claim the mantle of the founding fathers, that is the ones who wrote and ratified the Constitution and then served in the first Congress. They can claim the mantle of the “Anti-Founding Fathers” and see how far that rhetoric gets them.
Wow, Pud…call the link useless so no one might click through. Here, I’ll quote the relevent bits.
Review of All Ballots Statewide (Never Undertaken)
Review Method Winner Margin of Victory
Standard as set by each county Canvassing Board during their survey: Gore 171 votes
Fully punched chads and limited marks on
optical ballots: Gore 115 votes
Any dimples or optical mark: Gore 107 votes
One corner of chad detached or optical mark: Gore 60 votes
“Since the media consortium’s findings indicated that Gore could have won a full
statewide recount of all votes (all undervotes and overvotes), there has been debate about
the likelihood of such a recount. Judge Terry Lewis, assigned by the Florida Supreme
Court to oversee a statewide recount of undervotes – which was terminated by the U.S.
Supreme Court – wrote in a note during the recount2 and has said in interviews3 that
feedback from counties may have led him to order all votes counted.”
So now, who’s synapses aren’t working? Your memory is, as always, only able to hold onto that which you are already predisposed to beleive.
So rhp6033, are you making the false equivalence between taxing home brewers to help make a fledgling country great and the act of taxing people today who are against wealth redistribution? Just axing cuz that’s what your buds Cass Sunstein and John Holdren advocate, that wealth redistribution thingy.
This is the results of clicking your link moron
Sorry checksez, using the PBS link…
If you had a more than a picosecond in memory capacity… Liberalism is a mental disorder… This is the first link I remembered. You can ask ylb to find it too. You see checksez… it doesn’t take much to remember… just using your brain instead of a hat rack or a scarf pole.
Moronic Tool @46 – Yes one of the first orders you barked around here was to “get a life” over the 2000 Florida debacle.
BTW I can use the best leftist sites to find just what I need. Why? I read a lot. That’s what pizzes off the HA progressives.
There was no debacle. PBS proved it above.
Some day fool you’ll get a life along with a yob! Have ya taken the test lately?
Wow how “progressive” is a head case like Loughner who fulfills a right wing fantasy by shooting a Democratic Congresswoman in the head.
A fantasy by no less than the Beckster:,2933,594343,00.html
Also remember that Keith Olbermann got into trouble by giving money to Giffords.
Poor Puddybud, boxed in by right wing bullshit – again.
here’s the link.
Somehow a ) got on the end. But someone with the VAST internet and search knowledge of Pud-wacker would notice that an URL doesn’t end in ).
Thanks for PBS. But now take a look at the comprehensive study. Had all the counties been re-counted, As Judge Lewis indicated he would have ordered, Bush loses in all scenarios. Had the Supreme Court not hijacked the case as a fast-track, Bush loses.
I know. It’s tough for you Pud. But facts is facts, even if it takes 3-4 years to get to them. (BTW the AEI link describes the PBS/Miami Herald scenario. Under the Gore recount and Bush recount requested parameters, Bush still comes out ahead. Under a hypothetical “Screw it! We’re recounting the whole state” order by the State Court, Gore wins.) You look at “the first study” and ignore later, much more in-depth, studies.
Got Proof?
Methinks rhp6033 missed this Cass Sunstein quotable moment…
And he’s manipulating your DUMBASS rhp6033 every day in everyway!
This part of the Tea Party argument fully missed by peeps like rhp6033. Yes rhp6033 you write a lot in each blog post but in reality you are one of Cass Sunstein’s useful Homer Simpson idiots. He has you pegged!
Ask the NAACP fool if Florida passed the vote suppression test back in 2000.
But Gore didn’t ask for all the counties to be counted. Worthless deflection and useless retort! Gore only wanted the our progressively biased counties. That’s the PBS study. You can wish and conjecture all you want. It was Gore’s decision. Ask ylb for my commentary on that since you can’t seem to remember it. He screwed his own pooch!
Who dat ylb?
You? Who paid for your membership? Jo mama? Your working wife?
60 – Yawwn. Make up any fantasy you want fool.
You always do.
More for rhp6033…
The other shoe John Holdren… He has you pegged as another of his useful idiots.
So I ask rhp6033, where does the money come for these two characters to put forth their slimy actions? That’s part of the Tea Party argument. They are not Sunstein or Holdren’s useful idiots. It seems most HA progressives are though!
You all are being manipulated every day and you just don’t see it.
Drum beat please!
Ummm ylb… you typed it.
You that typed that too silly.
Thanks for admitting “to the world” that you’re a tool of professional right wing bullshit artists.
Still trying to pretend facts aren’t facts, Pud.
Gore received more votes State Wide in Florida in 2000 than Bush. Judge Lewis never ordered a full re-count becuase SCOTUS intervened. When the dust was fully settle…Gore received more votes State Wide in Florida in 2000 than Bush.
One more time….in the most comprehensive study of the voting for the entire state of Florida, Gore received more votes State Wide in Florida in 2000 than Bush. The fact that the study was undertaken well after Junior’s innauguration does not change the fact that Gore received more votes for the entire state of Florida in 2000 than Bush.
Do I need to say it for you again? Got Proof?
(Hey…and thanks for telling me to ask YLB. I had nearly forgotten that Puddy-crutch. “I…I…I… don’t need to look at anything that I don’t agree with. I didn’t say it. Ask YLB, he knows I never said what you actually said because I don’t need to deal with things that upset my worldview even if they’re true. Feckless minds only look at a complete review of “facts.” I have a steel trap memory, I am invinceable! Y’aaaaargh.”)
How am I boxed in ylb? You seem to forget all the evidence finally produced by the left wing miasma called the MSM trumpeting all the things in Loughner’s possession, Commie Manifesto & Mein Kampf. Links to the progressivemindinfo and other useless leftwing sites. Even Goldy admitted in one of those erased threads he was proud to have those books in his personal collection. Well you won’t find that stuff in my house.
Butt thanks for the link cuz Party’s Over for Democrats. Yep November 2010!
Mike Rogers….derp!
And Ayn Rand who inspired Paul Ryan to public service. The Beckster may have inspired Loughner as well.
That raging fool Beck sure inspires you.
LMAO!!! You still clinging to that???
What a dumbass!!
Poor poor checksez… Gore brought the lawsuit. Gore chose his battle. Gore decided to take it to the courts. Dec 12 loomed. You are still swinging on your useless canard. Gore should have asked for a recount. He wasted time. I already wrote about this long ago. Yep I suggested you visit ylb. I don’t need to repeat things previously written for your benefit. If you can’t remember anything then you fit Cass Sunstein’s criteria as a manipulated fool!
Sucks to be you!
p=32077 and p=32084
Got proof ylb? Provide a useful link!
Hey Pud…
I have the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf in my house. I keep them proudly.
They shows I went to college and took a Poli-Sci 101 course on comparitive Government.
I also have a Norton Anthology which proves that I took the English Lit survey. Somewere I have “Wealth of Nations” from my Econ 101. You know, all those lower division courses that a well rounded college Freshman are required to deal with. I even have an O-Chem textbook somewhere.
Now I’m clearly not making an arguement in favor of any of these “classics.” But does the fact that I read and own “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Voice of Reason” make me a beleiving libertarian?
Keep typing Puddy. The stupidity of auto-association is on full display.
#68 typical ylb useless canard. Repeats the same useless material when he quickly runs out of his three usual arguments.
YLB, whatever happen to your November surprise regarding the HA database you were creating? That month came and went but I can’t recall your announcement – bring us up-to-date?
Oh checksez@71, you skipped over his progressive sites on his facebook page.
Now why did you do that?
Oh teach I know, I know.
Why Johnny?
Because it provides an EPIC FAIL to his useless argument!
You’re a genius Johnny!
Now onto Jared and his actions. Where have I said because you have those books you’d go Loughner? He was one progressive who went postal after reading that fine material.
Heh. Naahh. That was the beginning of the two-term presidency of Barack Obama – as Karl Rove admitted here:
Money quote:
Sure sucks to be a “manipulated” tool like you fool!
(well not quite the beginning…)
Call “you dope” jon (or sue or bJav or kt or.. whatever….) He’ll fill you in.
Specifically @ 70
So Puddy. You admit that expediency is more important that accuracy?
“Hell, we gotta get somebody in office fast so no need to actually complete a recount. Bush wins. It’s more healing to the country to get it done quick than get it done right.”
There’s a Sierra Nevada 25th Anniversary Grand Cru at just about the perfect temperature in my fridge. Have a nice night. If you drink and comment, watch your punctuation.
Last time checksez, as I have something really urgent to address…Gore brought the lawsuit. Gore chose his battle. Gore decided to take it to the courts. Dec 12 loomed. You are still swinging on your useless canard. Gore should have asked for a full recount. He didn’t. The Electoral College had to meet per the Constitution. I thought you believed in the Constitution checksez.
Gotta go for a while. I know you’ll have the last work checksez. Go for it. Back later.
Oh one last thing…
Notice ylb didn’t answer #71? We all know why too. He has the only full copy of both threads. Creating a blog on someone else actions. Whatamoron!
71 – LMAO!!! Yeah here’s the threads on 1/8:
What a delusional dumbass! Pulling poop out of his ass and holding it up for everyone to retch at!
Well, there was no surprise:
since there was no Sept, Oct or Nov!
Maybe February, eh? You keep at . . . maybe one day.
Incidentally, here is how YLB spends his days:
Nope. Here’s what I got:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c –snapshot current -c article_id:matches~’32077|32084′ -C
| count |
| 0 |
1 row in set
I got zip comments associated with 32077 and 32084 ‘cuz those articles do not exist. Again those query strings resolve to graphics ya dumbass!
Oh I live for entertaining “blockheads” “meatheads and “dopes” like you.
One day for sure…
Did you catch the end of that video I made by the way? It has a nice “thanks” of sorts for your “crowd”.
Heh. Glad you liked that one. Here’s a count of the OCDster on that:
mylaptop:~$ b hacols -f c -c handle:matches~’*puddybud’,body:phrase~pavlov -C
| count |
| 164 |
1 row in set
When he likes something he sticks with it.
Now who’s your daddy son?
Hey Puddy…
You are aware that a bunch of Lougner “fake” facebook pages popped up after the shootings? Why are you grasping at the “left leaning” facebook page of J.L.L.?
Media reports unanimously describe his farewell message being posted on his MySpace page that was taken down immediately after he was identified. That’s odd that he would put his possible last words to mankind on MySpace, but his Facebook account would be the one to look at for his true beliefs. So did you mean MySpace or were you, as usual, makin’ shit up? Or did you, as usual, see something on a right-nutter site and accept it as fact? (Google it, oh master of the internet.)
BTW, the Siera was too cold. Needs to warm up a touch.
@84 One day for sure
Heh, I don’t think anyone is hold their breath, not after all the hype about a November “surprise” that would rock HA and then . . . . nothing, zilch, zero!
Your ineptitude is probably a good thing – nobody wants their identity tracked in a database and then revealed on HA.
josh – It’s friday. You live in the big city. Get out some.. Life is short, huh?
You mean like Goldy does in his WordPress database? Not that ip addresses are all that identifying. I mean they can be but if a websurfer is careful – not so much.
Can you point to Goldy doing something nefarious with that information?
What evidence do you have that I would do something underhanded? I don’t have ip addresses. I just have comments and the dates/times they were entered.
@31 I don’t have “strong pro-war” views. I think, for example, the war against Hitler was necessary but that doesn’t make me “pro-war.” Likewise, I don’t see the logic of giving Afghanistan back to the Taliban. I don’t have an easy answer for Afghanistan. There isn’t one.
@39 Since when do progressives hang out with White Supremacists, puttnutz? Jared is one of yours, buddy.
@49 Oh, and what goes on under Republicans isn’t wealth redistribution?
So, Josh, what do you think we should do in Afghanistan? Pull out?
Checksez and that old useless Roger Dumb Rabbit
Man you are dense. The facebook page was immediately identified and pulled that day.
Pothead like many HA leftists
Also CBS
9/11 Truther
Thought Giffords was a fool since 2007
And those fake Loghner facebook pages like his fake voter registration ID posted by leftist pinheads?
Sorry Dumb Rabbit this one is yours!
heh. Hey missing threads fantacist – Loughner was a gold bug like your hero Beck.
Like you for that matter – you Goldline
customersucka you!Puddy, you really are bad at this.
Your first three links are to the same AP story. Different websites carrying the AP do not amount to different sources. AAAAAAnnnddd for those of you playing at home indicate that he had a YouTube account. Still looking for that Facebook reference?
Oh, there it isn’t. Link #4, the New York Post – A Righty Tabloid: A former classmate, Caitie Parker — who has called the suspect “left wing” and “a pothead” — tweeted that after that event, Loughner said he thought Giffords was “stupid” and “unintelligent
So a former classmate, Tweeted, not facebooked or mySpace, something. Good enough for Puddy. You don’t know who she is. Did she spend time with him out of class? Puddy doesn’t know. Does she admit that she hasn’t seen him since ’07. Oh yes she does. So, the three-four year old recollection of impressions of someone by a then high-school girl are evidence enough for Puddy.
No wonder you’re a righty. You don’t take half a second to think anything through.
In case you’re new, oh master of the search engine and all things internet, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and YouTube are all different things.
The Grand Cru was good but not nearly as stellar as the Black Barleywine that was #3 in the series.
And rhp6033 is wrong with his assumptions:
“So when the Tea Party folks try to assume the mantel of the Founding Fathers, remember that they would be the ones confronting George Washington, who would tell them to disband and go back to their business.”
36. czechsaaz spews:
Hee-Hee! Look’it Me. All I’ve got to fall back on is asking questions of misunderstanding. Enlighten us. Which are the “Anti-Government” protesters about which you accuse Goldy of writing negatively if not the Tea Party? (I’m not aware of an Egyptian Tea Party…but thanks for reacting like a douche-bag.)
The Tea Party is for reducing our government size and expenditures and getting our $14 trillion dollars of debt under control and paid off!!
“The teabagger uber menschen have minds full of the inchoate winds of confusion. Vindictiveness, fear, and dread of the things that they understand naught consume their grubby little souls.
They shall be led like little children over the cliff of delusion to their own demise.”
Gore Vidal
@97, in all fairness should be deleted as O.T.
100. Tondaleo Lipshitz spews:
“They shall be led like little children over the cliff of delusion to their own demise.”
How delusional!!
How’d your stock purchases do Fri Roger…My load of Silver went up about a buck an ounce, because of the Idiot Obama and Berflunkie trying to bail out his massive Debt spending…..And you know what, I can just watch that Silver skyrocket, without having to pay one red ounce on the 50% it went up this year. I can hand that silver to any relative I want, whenever I want…
Let’s see you do that with your 401k or IRA (or whats left of it after this clown gets dumped from office)
Oh really?
Then how come the Tea Party is FOR putting the National Guard on the border? That would INCREASE the number of government employees or at the very least make a lot of part time guardsmen full time soldiers with all the increased logistical and salary?
Then how come the Tea Party is bleating about “Obamacare” when the CBO agrees that it is a deficit reducer after a couple years of ramp-up costs?
And those are the big ticket items on the Tea Party agenda.
Sheep, led by insiders of the Republican party, advocating for positions that the have been led to think are smaller government/lower deficit but have historically (Reagan, Bush, Bush 2) have proven to lower taxes on a few while exploding the deficit and INCREASING the number of federal workers.
The Tea Party has been played for chumps by rich people like the Koch brothers.
Recently had a doom and gloom story about Social Security. As always, this was full of zombie lies about the health of Social Security, all perpetuated by rich people who can’t stand that the working class of America has a trust fund of 2.6 trillion dollars that they can’t get their greedy little mitts on.
In over 8,000 posts on Yahoo, the moderators allowed hate filled post after hate filled post by tea party types, all blaming the disabled, illegal immigrants and “liberals” for the so-called problems with Social Security. When people like me tried to post factual information about the health of the program, the Yahoo moderators deleted the post. But they allowed virtually every single hate spewing post to remain.
If this were 1930s Germany, the tea baggers would be railing about the Jews instead of disabled people, illegals and liberals. And just like Germany, they are being played by chumps. They don’t have a clue that rich people are using them to consolidate more money in the pockets of a few assholes at the top.
So while tea baggers are taking the bait and attacking little people who have nothing to do with the economic inequality in our society, the rich people are picking their pocket for every penny they have.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. The tea baggers are being manipulated by bogus social issues while they are being robbed blind by the rich.
Over ten year, someone earning one million per year got over one million in Bush tax cuts. An average person over this same ten years got a measly $9,000, all of this being eaten up by the increase of the cost of living, especially health insurance. So the millionaire gets tax cuts, all of which he gets to keep, while the tiny tax cut average people get is taken by Bush’s cronies in the health insurance industry.
See what I am saying. The tea bagger crowd is obsessed about taxes because that is what the rich people tell them to be obsessed about. In the end they barely break even with the Bush tax cuts, barely keeping their head above water, while rich people get millions in their pocket.
It is bait and switch. They have been played for chumps. They are dumb as a fence post. This is big business 101: get the workers to attack each other while the people at the top manipulate the hatred and rake in all the money.
How come Goldy hasn’t come out against the violent, angry, anti-government teabaggers in Egypt?
I count over 3000 comments from you over the years.
A little over 20 percent of them mention Goldy in them.
Will you stalk Goldy over at Slog after Feb 2?
Bush got us deep into Iraq.
I really thought President Obama would have us out of there by now.
Instead, he also drags us deeper & deeper into Afghanistan too. Talk about a hopeless situation. Didn’t President Obama learn anything from the Russians efforts in Afghanistan? Obviously not.
Hopefully Russ Feingold will run against Obama in 2012. Our President is a good talker, but his actions suck.
I hope we stay away from the mess in Egypt, although this is more important than Afghanistan. I fear Israel is getting backed deeper & deeper into a corner with Egypt & Iran, and will only be able to resist pushing the button a short while longer. Israel will fight to the death, make no mistake about that.
@106 Recently had a doom and gloom story about Social Security. As always, this was full of zombie lies about the health of Social Security, all perpetuated by rich people
Yea, yea, yea, Yahoo is also controlled by the rich. The fact of the matter is you clowns couldn’t even keep HA, HA solvent, yet you’re offering advice on far weightier fiscal issues. Like Goldy said just the other day . . . with this track record who’s gonna’ listen to ya (aside from the fact this little outpost is getting smaller by the day as Goldy prepares to go to work for a print rag of all things!).
@109 I really thought President Obama would have us out of there by now.
Instead, he also drags us deeper & deeper into Afghanistan too. Talk about a hopeless situation. Didn’t President Obama learn anything from the Russians efforts in Afghanistan? Obviously not.
FYI, HA has not exactly been vocal on this pivotal issue other than a few voices like Lee. Who knows where Goldy is on this – he isn’t talking. And then, of course, there are a few like Rabbit, YLB and some others who openly support the war. Just sayin’.
111 – You’re a big fan of the Taliban running things again there I see. Am I wrong?
Yes mostly writing for their blog which is an internet outlet. Some of what he writes may make it into print.
Need better trolls.
@39: Ah, sad Puddy.
Loughner is no more a liberal or progressive than you are. He was a nutcase, plain and simple. Suggesting otherwise is silly.
I’m a bit confused about my “false equivalence” . . . I didn’t compare any two things in my post. I made a comment about not having a problem with protesters who know what they’re protesting for and don’t resort to violence. And that’s all I said. The fact that you went on the (nonsensical) offense so quickly shows pretty clearly that you’re sensitive about the fact that many Tea Partiers don’t have a clue what they really want, and only know that they’re angry at someone for something.
They’re also the people in current politics who resort to violence and violent rhetoric (see, e.g., the Rand Paul head-stomper, the Joe Miller wannabe cop who detained a journalist, the man who threated to shoot Rep. McDermott’s family if he raised the taxes on his $3M trust fund, the person who wanted to hang Patty Murray, Allen West, the congressional candidate cum-Representative who wanted his opponent to be afraid to come out of his house, Sharron Angle’s references to “second amendment remedies,” Carl Paladino’s regular threats of physical violence, and Michelle Bachmann wanting her constituents armed and dangerous).
I have no problem with the average tea partier. I have problems with the ones who are violent, or want to keep the government hands off of their social security and medicare.
@107: The people in Egypt have no alternative means of seeking reform. If the Tea Partiers are serious about reform, and serious about loving the Constitution and our country, then they should use the methods outlined by the Founding Fathers instead of relying on disrupting government and engaging in political violence.
The fact that we have a black, moderate President doesn’t mean we have a dictator like Egypt does, nor does it mean that the white middle and upper class is now an oppressed people. They have the means to effect change through the system they pay lip service to.
Actually I believe it’s “dirty, grubby, socialist commie paws” off their social security and medicare.
@99 If you rightwing assholes have a problem with government debt you shouldn’t have tripled it when you were running the government.
@103 “How’d your stock purchases do Fri Roger…”
Gave up some of this week’s gains but I’m still $500 richer than last Friday … not bad for five days of non-work.
Oh, and btw, the stock market’s activity yesterday didn’t have a fucking think to do with government debt or QE2. The market was reacting to Egypt’s riots and disappointing earnings from a couple of major companies including Amazon. If you read a fucking newspaper once in a while, you’d know that. Ignorant fuck.
@104 Short-term price changes are meaningless. When I started my IRA in 1985, silver was worth $6.75 an ounce. Today it’s worth about $27 an ounce, 4 times as much. A 400% increase in 25 years, whoop-de-doo. That’s a pretty shitty investment if you ask me. The stock market has multiplied the money I put in my IRA in 1985 by a factor of 20. That’s a 2,000% increase in 25 years. Looks like my investment has outperformed your investment by 5-to-1. I sure as hell am not going to take investment advice from someone as stupid as you.
I could try explaining to you that the reason stocks will always outperform precious metals over the long run is because corporations produce something whereas precious metals produce nothing, they just sit there. But that probably would fly right over your pointy head.
And, of course, it also doesn’t occur to you that the expansion of money supply that’s driving commodity prices (including precious metals) higher is also driving stock prices higher. So my stocks are going up in tandem with your silver. A one-day fluctuation in stock prices doesn’t mean a damn thing.
You are an idiot.
It’s The Economy, Stupid!
Republicans spent last fall campaigning on jobs. So what are they doing in Congress? Pandering to their most rightwing supporters by trying to mess with health care reform and restrict abortion! If you ask them about jobs they say “later.” Should anyone be surprised that Republicans don’t give a damn about workers, unemployed or otherwise?
@118 Gave up some of this week’s gains but I’m still $500 richer than last Friday … not bad for five days of non-work.
Curious what you focus on and your trading style.
While silver does taste better than gold, it is more toxic on the body. Gold, though not tasting all the great, can be eaten in a number of ways. Sadly, neither have any nutritional value. But keep hoarding it, i am sure there is some farmer who will trade you something for it.
No, I do not comment at Slog, nor will I be.
123 – I see. You must be banned there.
Thanks heavens. Trolls and stalkers are pretty annoying to most sensible people.
One local blog has banned me for being annoying. And I didn’t try to get around the block. I just left them alone. And the Seattle Times has banned me twice, but I’m not going to put up with that, so I’m back there commenting.
No roger, I put it all in silver mid 2010 at $19 an ounce…as usual you are full of shit. I made a killing. So when qe2 quits buying stock equities…we will see who gets their ass kicked….won’t be me..
So let’s make a bet rog…your 20k in the stock market ove the next 3 mo, or my 20k in the silver mkt
Which will produce more
HA suffered an outage and an entire day of posts to this thread were lost.
Hello, Goldy – perhaps a word or two?
I’ve recaptured Friday’s selloff in the stock market this morning. I’m up over $1,500 which means I lost only $500 of last week’s $2,500 of gains in Friday’s slide. Meanwhile, gold is down nearly $5 an ounce today. Precious metals aren’t glittering quite so brightly.
Wow, crude is up $2.46, Chevron (which I own) is up a buck-sixty, Exxon (which I don’t own) is up a buck-fifty, this doesn’t look good for people who drive cars but it sure works for anyone who owns oil stocks and gets around on rabbit feet!
The president of Shell said a couple weeks ago that gas will hit $5 next year. Other stuff I’ve read indicates there are supply constraints that will keep crude supplies reaching the market from growing fast enough to keep up with expanding demand over the next few years. The Great Recession temporarily froze gas prices at the $3 to $3.50 level but the long-term trend is toward $4.50+ gas.
Now you accuse thhe tea paarty members of violence ? At least now I know you’re just another leftwing liar. If I want to see violent protests, I’ll just wait until the next inner city ghetto riot…after all, they have plenty of energy since they don’t work. Oh yes, you would know all about violent protests, wouldn’t you…living in Seattle. Oops…those were leftwingers.
Gas prices going up ? Hmmm…if only we ENCOURAGED drilling for our own oil, instead of REGULATING it to death….or just banning it outright. Looks like a conspiraacy between Obama and his oil buddies.