The Oregonian also endorsed Sen. Patty Murray yesterday, highlighting her power and influence, and lavishing praise on her for the careful attention she pays to local issues and veterans’ affairs.
Once upon a time, the Pacific Northwest was a powerhouse in the U.S. Senate, wielding the long-term muscle of powerful chairmen like Mark Hatfield, Warren Magnuson and Bob Packwood. After generational and other changes, the region has spent years in a weakened position, and has been only slowly working itself back.
By itself, that could be a reason to re-elect Washington Sen. Patty Murray, after three terms the senior senator from the region and an increasingly influential force in both the Appropriations Committee and the Democratic leadership. But Murray, with a long history of being underestimated, has a range of other arguments, including her tenacious advocacy on behalf of veterans and in support of a Hanford cleanup.
And just like the Seattle Times, they didn’t have many kind words to say about Republican challenger Dino Rossi, arguing that his perfunctory parroting of NRSC talking points “provided little reason to replace Murray”:
Rossi in particular seems to get further and further away from the productive, working-across-the-aisle state legislator he was 10 years ago and more into a generic Republican Senate candidate who might be running in any state. This year it’s become common to use images of the U.S. Capitol as an accusation, but that is in fact where senators work.
I final sentiment that Rossi is unlikely to learn from personal experience.
When you vote, remember a line a late great president once spoke, are you better off now than you were 2 years ago?
@1 Chuck
Lets see …
2 years ago, 150000 Americans in combat in Iraq
2 years ago, unsustainable healthcare system
2 years ago, overwhelming threat of economic collapse
2 years ago, world wide perception that the UW was evil
2 years ago, GM and Chrysler on verge of bankruptcy
2 years ago, govt committed to religious law in re stem cells and global warming.
Your turn
@1 “When you vote, remember a line a late ‘brain dead’ president once spoke, are you better off now than you were 2 years ago?
No, thanks to George W Bush and the Republicans in congress that can only say “No” to anything that would help working Americans.
In fact the late Ray-gun Reagan was the start of working American’s problems. Only during Clinton’s years did we have a slight up tick in wages and jobs.
In fact the late Ray-gun Reagan was the start of working American’s problems. Only during Clinton’s years did we have a slight up tick in wages and jobs.
When Reagan was president I had 2 jobs and a third guy begging me to work for him, under Clinton I was unemployed, Bush had me working again, now under this administration I am once again collecting unemployment…
Re 4
The way partisans like these see it is this way.
Obama is suffering from the ills of Bush policies. Anything bad that happens is Bushs fault and will be so long as Obama sits in the Oval Office. Anything good somehow is to Obamas’ credit and was from the day of his election on.
Clinton inherited the fruit of 12 years of good policy, and to his credit continued many of them. So we had prosperity, but not of course due to Reagan in their minds. That would require far too much intellectual consistency and honesty, a trait not known in liberal thinking.
“Obama is suffering from the ills of Bush policies. Anything bad that happens is Bushs fault and will be so long as Obama sits in the Oval Office.”
“So we had prosperity, but not of course due to Reagan in their minds.”
How utterly pathetic, this coming from the right, which blamed Clinton for everything that went wrong during the Bush administration up to the day they started blaming Obama – before he even took office. Now you come here with the nerve to credit Reagan for Clinton’s economy, even as you chide Obama for not owning the disaster he inherited from Bush, and by your own reasoning, Reagan.
“under Clinton I was unemployed, Bush had me working again”
Now that’s a strange comment.
Fair point.
Partisans of both stripes are hypocrital this way.
And the post wasn’t sufficiently clear. How’s this? Either Obama gets the credit and the blame for what happens on his watch, or he gets neither. But you can’t have it both ways, where he gets all the credit and none of the blame. Politically, of course, you can, but it isn’t particulary honest.
Please folks. People like Chuck. Numbers don’t mean anything.
Carter created more private sector jobs in 4 years than Reagan did in 8.
Now there is a number Chuck and other brainwashed partisans can avoid – ignore – deny.
Reagan, and Reaganomics were disasters. Reagan’s own budget director just came out and claimed they knew trickle down wouldn’t work, and it was just a trojan horse to get tax cuts for the wealthy. He went on to say the Republican Party DESTROYED our economy.
Just remember Democrats didn’t cause these problems, and the damage 8 years of the Bush Crime Family is so bad, it will take more than a couple years of PROGRESSIVE legislation to put America back on the right track. Electing brain dead Republicans would be like taking more poison.
Meanwhile, understandably, you ignore this
and this
No more money advantage…
Also, this state has a habit of tossing out ranking democrats..AKA Speaker Foley.
I identify myself as a Democrat today, not out of loyalty to Patty Murry or the SEIU, but because the Republicans and their Tea Bagger/conservative allies have lost touch with the rational voter. Ask yourself what Jefferson, Eisenhower, Washington, Hamilton or Lincoln would have to say about today’s parties.
There is nothing rational in the recipe for modern American conservatism. Global warming denial, stem cell bigotry, creationism, trickle down economics, American uniqueness, hatred for Obama, opposition to healthcare, religious fundamentalism have nothing rational in common.
There is some of that on the left too, but much less. PC speech, affirmative action, gay marriage, anti war, pro state liquor stores, anti charter schools also have little rational in common but these parts of the left catechism do not endanger the future of the human race or commit the US to third world status.
Equating disgust with Bush, with his abuse of the Constitution, incompetent economics, support for creationism, etc with Obama’s perhaps too sane effort to govern makes no sense.
” credit Reagan for Clinton’s economy, even as you chide Obama for not owning the disaster he inherited from Bush, and by your own reasoning, Reagan.”
I disagree this way. Clinton took a hard turn to the right when he lost congress in HIS first midterm. He did so because he is smart and knew the republicans were rolling into congress with a huge mandate. He didn’t want to get rolled.
Obama did inherit a big mess. To lay it all on Bush is ignorant. It’s just as ignorant to blame all the fallout on Obama.
Now where we probably disagree the most is the roadmap that the President and his admin are rolling out. Higher taxes, increased deficit spending etc etc etc.
I believe POTUS Obama will lose congress just like Clinton. I wonder if he’s smart enough to do what Clinton did.?
I finally watched the Seattle Times video of Murray and Rossi. I especially liked how Murray rolled her eyes when Rossi tries to talk about net neutrality.
Rossi is like one of those fungus puffballs. Nothing there but one big poof of lower plant life trying to keep the species going.
Chuck- you are wrong right off the bat. Reagan asked if you are better than FOUR years ago. Some things take time, particularly when the hole is so deep and the other side is obstructing.
go get a real job and earn your keep…
I’m suprised you had the balls to link to the AAF poll. Anyone with a brain who reads the questions asked can see it’s a push poll.
When did Obama raise taxes? You’re regugitating the RW company line. I got $800 more back in my income taxes this year thanks to Obama and the Dems.
Rossi is an automaton. “Spew Rebub bullshit” is the only thing he knows. I still can’t figure out what the hell he thinks he’d do for Washingthon. Jr. Senator will have zero clout except to be another bobblehead for the wingnuts.
I take offense at that comment.
Fungi are incredibly complex, highly evolved organisms. Moreover, without them we would have no bread, no beer, no wine.
To compare Rossi to a puffball does a disservice to fungi everywhere.
Indeed. Fungi serve a purpose. Rossi? Not so much.
Another example of GOP math problems (Rossi really is like other GOP candidates):
The combined global economy is over $58 trillion dollars; meaning the global economy could pay off the deficit 44 years in a row and pay off the debt four and one-half times.
too bad we arent the global economy. Its too late, the money has been borrowed, spent, and wasted.
our kids and grandkids are fucked.
thanks a lot you big spending motherfuckers.
Do the Republicans have anything to offer besides the same old failed Bush policies?
No? So it’s all about hating Obama right??
Yeah thought so.
13.6 trillion and counting
No budget
9.6 to 10.1 unemployment. With the real ui at 18 to 20. Not expected to return to normal until 2020
Let’s talk nov 3 about how America feels
Ps who gives a rip about what oregon thinks about our race, they are so hopelessly lost in debt in oregon as washington is. Bloated guvment, unions, and liberal hacks
Lots of folks in Vancouver and Longview read the Oregonian and Rossi can’t win without winning big in Vancouver and Longview.
But yeah, the Oregonian endorsing a Democrat isn’t exactly earth shattering.
Still can’t get over the fact that 8 years of off book accounting and crony capitalism didn’t leave us in a great place, huh.
Trickle on economics is voodoo, but that is ok as long as it doesn’t include yoga poses.
11. sj spews:
Perhaps you are the irrational one?
A bit uppity to believe that when you went from majority in power to watching your power slip through your hands that everyone else must be irrational. Academic types who feed at the public trough too long tend to be that way.
In the 4 years the Democratic Party has controlled Congress, the Budget Deficit climbed from $8.6 Trillion to $13.6 Trillion. How is that escalating rate sustainable?
I don’t believe it is, do you?
A rational person would be really upset by this type of overspending, especially when unemployment has gone from 7.6% to 9.6% under President Obama. And the real unemployment is nearly 19%, not even coulnting graduating college students. I think rational people have a right to be upset at both party’s. Bush could have vetoed the Democratic party Budgets and did not so he is culpable. The past 2 years, it’s all on the shoulders of the Democrats.
I think the irrational people are those not upset by what Obama’s record is.
@1 Great?
How about:
Record deficits
Secret wars
Impeachable offenses
Murdered nuns in Nicaragua
Reckless spending
Worst recession between 1933 and 2009
Oh, and by the way, Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II and Lech Walensa and the Afghan mujahideen deserve more credit for the fall of the USSR than the old guy with Alzheimer’s who slept through his presidency.
@5 As usual, you have your head so far up your ass you can’t tell a fact from a two-by-four.
I live in Snohomish County and got 3 phone calls for Rossi today. I got the last one at 7:30PM. The callers said they have huge phone banks set up around the State and will be calling thru election day. I think it’s terrific that the establishment types like Senator Murray have to work to keep their seat. She will likely win although it appears to be real close. It will be an interesting election night. I suspect we won’t know the outcome for a day or so after the election.
Oh and my daughter goes to the UW. She said Rossi people have been on campus fighting for the student vote making the case that the huge debt run-up is squarely on Senator Murray/s shoulders. They handout Senator Murrays voting record and big spending the past 18 years. Then they deliver the bad news that these students will be responsible for the impact of this debt someday soon. She said it was quite a compelling presentation. She still hasn’t talked to a Senator Murray representative. Said it seems like Democrats on Campus have no energy, especially compared to the high level just 2 years ago. A dramatic difference. I suspect this is going on nationwide. Kids seem tired of President Obama’s empty promises, no jobs and understanding the debt belongs to them.
Roger Rabbit = Roland Friesler
re 32: Well, let’s hope a few years of college have taught these kids to tell shit from shinola.
Death Frog explains…
You know, the one thing McConnel and George Will have in common is that they both try very hard to pass themselves off as intellectuals.
But you can’t be an intellectual and a narrow minded prick at the same time. That’s the whole trouble with wingnuts.
that must have been you that fainted at the Key when Barry O brought his sideshow to town….cmon, just admit much were you paid to get a little woozy for Barry?
@32 aha what exactly were you doing when they sucked out your brain.
Blaming Murray for deficits after she voted against both Bush tax cuts for the rich, Iraq authorization, and medicare part d is like blaming the jews for ww2.
Take your dishonest Rossi talking points and stick them where the sun don’t shine.
And take your right wing pathetic economy destroying fake conservative Wall Street loving bs “policies” and stick them in the same place.
Putting Republicans back in charge will be the end of America.
Solution = tax the rich and corporations and Cayman Island tax cheats
tax imports
create jobs
We all know why America is sinking. It’s because Bush let his (Wall Street, MIC, Bankster, Oil Company) buddies steal all our money while he looked the other way and told the SEC to get lost. Million dollar homes sold to McDonalds workers. And you want to blame Democrats? Smoke some more Rush Lies, Fox Lies, and other brainwashing crap. My dog knows more about what is going on than you do.
And of course all the right wingers missed it when Reagan’s Budge Director, the man that created trickle down said the Republicans destroyed our economy.
I didn’t say it, he did.
Just like Greenspan said everyone knows we went to Iraq for oil.
Blaming Obama for not being able to clean up Bush’s 8 years of carnage is practically treason.
@28 aha
Is it “uppity” to ask that people who claim to be patriots and want to run MY country ought to show evidence of plans?
Listen grasshopper, I would gladly vote for a republican who distanced himself from the reigious fanatics, nits, and luddites. The problem is that the Right has turned against rational conservatives.
I have many conservative friends whose expertise is economics, business, etc but now see themselves with no choices outside the De,s because no rational candidate can get a nomination in the R party.
Does this mean these friends (or even I) are pro SEIU, think well of Gregoire, or believe in liberal PC? No way my small green leaf hopping friend, no way. But the only ways in the past anyone with an intellect has voted for the loikes of Angel, Donnally, Rossi, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, … has been prior t the US Civil War, the no nothing party. HOW wELL DID THAT WORK OUT FOR YA?
Just asking. If companies in Communist China are giving money to the U.S Chamber of Commerce,and the Chamber is giving money to the Republicans, than isn’t a vote for Republicans is a vote for Communist China?
Yeah, pretty much.
“I will not sign health-insurance reform that adds even one dime to our deficit over the next decade.” — President Obama
OMG What a liar
People like you make me think that eugenics is not such a bad idea.
“If You Make under 250,000 you will not pay any more taxes.” – President Obama
“If You Make under 250,000 you will not pay any more taxes.” – President Obama
Lies,Lies, and more damn lies brought to you by the libs eternal liar Mr Obama
How bout a budget
How bout 13.6 Trillion debt and counting
How bout 1.4 trillion deficit per year spending
adding to the debt
45. so you must be saying its time for Obama to go under your eugenics ideal. I was posting his exact promise.
@48 how about Bush inheriting a “growing” budget surplus and slithering out of town with an economy that was COLLAPSING, and leaving a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit, and 2 ongoing wars to the next guy with the courage to try to clean up his mess.
Lies? Like WMD’s? Now there was a lie. A 3 trillion dollar lie.
Since the treasonous Republican slime and greed machine has made it politically impossible to raise taxes on the fat cats that are cashing in on our destruction of our middle class the deficits will continue.
Thank you Conservative death to America policies.
Our tax rates are lower than they have been since Eisenhower, and still the TEA Party lying maggots want more tax cuts, and to watch people that had their jobs sent to China starve to death. Filibustering unemployment. They are so stupid that they don’t think they are next….. They don’t think their insurance company will cut them off the second they find out they got sick. Oh I forgot. They are on Medicare. They can’t be cut off. My bad…
What I was saying is that certain people shouldn’t perpetuate their genes, like you, for instance. Idiots breed idiots. And so, alas, I believe it shall always be . . .
The real numbers say that the only way Republicans can make any inroads is to convince enough Democrats not to vote.
Hence, the constant harping on this supposed groundswell for Republicans — gimme a break. You guys want to limit unemployment benefits and keep the tax breaks that companies gat for offshoring jobs.
re 44:
Really? Prove it.
If Republicans take over the House or Senate, I will make a fortune off a t-shirt that has a picture of some ridiculous ‘gagger and the caption:The grownups are back in charge.
re 54: I meant ‘bagger — but ‘gagger is somehow more apropos.
Hey Pat@41,
To a progressive don’t let the truth get in front of a “story”. When asked, the UnThinking Progressives readily admitted that it could not prove or even demonstrate the same funds attained abroad were used for those activities. SO where’s da proof Pat?
Of course the moronic racist headless lucy will claim proof for the next comment. UnThinking Progressives have no credibility and Puddy has delivered the proof over and over, just ask TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA ylb for it.
But to a progressive organization like UnThinking Progressives all they need to do is to make an allegation so it has to be correct, huh Pat?
Grownups like Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell, or Rand Paul. Folks that run from reporters because they are so stupid they may open their mouths and prove how stupid they are.
Imagine calling tea baggers grownups.
There must be something in the water….
Headless Lucy@53,
Prove it? Kathleen Sebelius proved it already! CBO proved it. You prove it otherwise fool!
Ah, Puddy’s back and off his meds . . .
We were told progressives were gonna drain the swamp.
We were told the adults were in charge. You forgot that headless?
So why is McDonald’s getting a health care waiver?
We were told the Tea Party were racists. Yet there are five black Tea Party members running for congress. There is a Hispanic running for the senate. There are ladies running too.
We were told the Bush tax cuts didn’t exist. Anybody remembers Pelosi and Daschle comments in 2002? Now they do exist?
We were told the adults would take care of the budget. Yet in 2010 “the adults” haven’t produced a federal 2011 budget.
Naturally proud leftist is off his rocker. Can’t address the issues so he takes the blue pill and stays in the matrix!
60 – Yawwnn… Why can’t Puddybud read???
You know Puddy has tried to help ylb from his dumb as dirt thinking…
So ylb try and pay attention… try to think it through… Reread your “article” and figger this out…
If a company like McDonald’s (plus 30 others) can so easily manipulate the system to ask for and get a health care waiver to sell the same insurance made illegal by OdumbaCare; will Puddy be able to apply for a similar waiver to avoid paying the almost $1K penalty if Puddy rejects OdumbaCare insurance and gets something else?
This is why you are as dumb as dirt and Puddy laughs out loud at you!
“Ah, Puddy’s back and off his meds . . .”
We can always tell when his prescription has run out.
“Puddy has delivered the crazy over and over”
Fixed it for you, Pud.
63 – What an idiot! Still can’t read.
The waiver is a stopgap till the exchanges kick in. It’s the difference between having insurance for those part-timers and no insurance at all.
Again for him who cannot read for the same article:
So are you now saying that you’re going to lose you coverage at the socialist, Seattle-based health care outfit that your peeps call “Group Death” because of new health care law? How could that be???? It’s all socialism to your kind’s puny heads.
And you put article in scare quotes. What a moron. Next thing he’ll say is that USA Today is the Daily Worker.
re 58: 1- Will the savings in healthier citizens and more productive workers outweigh the pittance of $172 million a year that it will cost?
2- Did you add in the increases that insurance companies would have charged, anyway? Or, since the money is squeezed out of your pocket by a government sanctioned monopoly that is ostensibly ‘private’ make it all OK for you.
You can always be depended upon for the flip, lightweight response.
Tactic 3: If you don’t have a response, say nothing. Report back to wingnut headquarters until a twisted talking point can be devised and endlessly repeated.