A bomb exploded at a West Coast Bank branch in Woodburn Friday, killing at least one person, and injuring at least two others.
The bomb detonated late afternoon around 5:45 p.m. at the bank in the 2500 block of Newberg Highway.
A Marion County deputy medical examiner said he was en route to the scene, saying that he was told of at least one fatality. He added that police were concerned about a secondary device in the area.
The bank had been evacuated before the bomb detonated, according to West Coast Bank chief executive Robert Sznewajs. The branch has been there for at least 10 years, he said.
Things are getting weirder. Turns out the Ghosts of Sixties Past are not as scary as the real life monsters in the bedroom right now.
Eight years into GOP rule, the country is sliding into economic collapse and social anarchy.
This happened the last time Republicans ran the country, too — back in the ’20s — but unfortunately the generation that remembered what happens when the GOP gets in power died out, and today’s generations have to learn this hard lesson all over again.
We need to put more emphasis on teaching history in our schools so this doesn’t happen again.
Checking news updates, the victim apparently was a police bomb squad member. Two other members of the bomb squad were injured. The explosion occurred after they moved the bomb from bushes outside the bank building into the lobby to scan it with x-ray equipment. A bomb threat was phoned in before the explosion, and another bank nearby also received a bomb threat. Whoever did this is a cop killer, and Oregon now has a death penalty.
you’re blaming the gop?
Well, manoflies, now that you mention it…
I’m sure the wingnuts will blame it on Bill Clinton or Ayers or Khalidi or some such..
The Chimp’s still in charge. I thought this wasn’t supposed to happen AGAIN on his watch.
The first time being 9/11 of course.
ylb, did ayers stop bombing buildings?
manoflies… when did he start?
oh jeez real american, i thought bill ayers was the admited weather undergound bomber. i guess you’re using that same insane logic that the media used during clinton’s term when they said he was the first black president. only people educated in the public school reeducation camps could think that makes any kind of sense.
What in the world were the authorities thinking when they moved it INSIDE the building when they should have investigated it right where it was left.
Quoted from AP writer posted on Yahoo news.
“Sznewajs said one employee saw a device in the bushes near the bank and called the authorities. “We looked at it and evacuated the branch and sent people away,” he said.
Authorities decided to move the device inside the branch, apparently scanned it, and then it went off, he said.
Sznewajs said he did not know if the bomb went off on its own or as a result of the technicians’ investigation.”
The stupidity! That cost a man his life. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends, not to mention the wounded Cheif of Police who was also injured.
manoflies spewed
Really? Is that what you thought? What made you think that? Do you have any links to his self admitted bombings? Or did you just believe what you read in an email?
Is that what the media said? Did you believe that?
Really? Where you educated in the public school system? You seem to believe a lot of stuff that is completely untrue.
manoflies, you are living a life of lies. You really need to try to find out what is true by yourself, and not what wingnut radio is telling you to believe.
ok real american look, i can see we hate each other, but whats the fun of arguing if we can even agree on some basic facts to argue about? are you saying that bill ayers never admited to bombing buildings? he was just on the msm the other day saying he calls what he did “extreme vandalism”. so, yeah i hate you and you hate me, but its like cheating at solitare if the claims made by either one of us is complete fantasy.
1. Taking the unknown device into a containment area is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Many devices are designed to send shrapnel (nails, screws, nuts and bolts) in all manner of direction so as to cause maximum casualties. If the device is too large for the officers portable containment system, inside the building works.
Try not judge when you don’t understand what is really going on.
2. We don’t know why it went off. It could have been radio controlled, timer controlled, etc…
The officers may or may not have made a “mistake”, but my experience tells me that Bomb Squad members are the most anal of all law enforcement officers.
No one was stupid. This is the enormous risk each of those men volunteered to undertake. No civilians were injured and, whether you want to recognize it or not, that makes the operation a success.
Your post only demonstrates your “surface thinking”. Sometimes you have to think a little deeper.
I ache for the families of those lost and wish the wounded a full recovery.
What? I don’t hate you! I don’t even know you!
No, I was responding to your claim that “bill ayers was the admited weather undergound bomber”. I have never heard that before. I was hoping you could educate me. I see that you can’t, so we can just call this a case of you being willfully misinformed with the intent of claiming some political goal and completely missing.
I am sorry to hear that you hate me. But trust me, I do not hate you, anymore than I would hate a willfully uninformed puppy.
Very true, but all I know at this point is that your claims seem to be completely lacking in “truth”.
real amigo, forget it
I will endeavor to forget every falsehood you have posted.
G’Night Amigo!
Right on cue, a wingnut points the finger at anyone but his own tribe who can’t shoot straight.
You guys are being fucking ridiculous. The story is about a bomb that blew up and killed a gut in Oregon, and you morons are pissing and moaning about the GOP and taking petty potshots at each other.
Do you dolts actually read what you write? You sound like a bunch of spoiled little brats who ought to have their fannies whacked.
That should read “killed a guy,” not “killed a gut.” Typo.
Surreal Amerikkkan
No idiot. Toni Morrison said that.
Good try though.
Surreal Amerikkkan:
From his own words in Ayers’ book Fugitive Days, “Of the day he bombed the Pentagon, Ayers says, “Everything was absolutely ideal. … The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.””
Still stupid and proving it everyday on this blog. You are a real credit to liberalism, providing public evidence of being an idiot.
Surreal Amerikkan:
Sadly you are proving to all of us how misinformed you are.
Ayers boasts in his book: “participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971”
Later he said: “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.”
Reading his book fundamental. I guess you never learned that in skuul.
yelling loser boy, Oregon is loony blue.
Nuff SAID!
How do you know it wasn’t an Ayers 60’s wannabe?
ANSWER: You don’t
How do you know the idiot wasn’t inspired by Ayers?
ANSWER: You don’t.
Do you now have ESP Jon??
I guess we ought to honor that and call you Madame Jon heretofore.
manoftruth, it would have been clearer if you said USA columnists like Dewayne Wickham had no problem of Bill Clinton being called the “first black president”.
Surreal Amerikkkan the press asked Barack Obama if Bill Clinton was the first black President. Look it up Surreal…
@3 Yeah. Why wouldn’t I? After all, I’m a liberal propagandist. What of it? You guys blame everything on Clinton, so why can’t I blame everything on the GOP? Why should wingnuts have special blaming privileges that liberals don’t have? Huh? What makes you guys so special? Hey? You got a complaint, write it here [ ] and send it here __.
@8 “only people educated in the public school reeducation camps”
Should we assume this excludes you? That would explain a lot.
@9 “What in the world were the authorities thinking”
See #12.
@17 “Do you … actually read what you write?”
As a matter of fact, no. Reading your bombastic drivel is bad enough; why would I want to read mine, too?
Putz @ various: Who gives a shit about Ayers? The guy is a crackpot. He would have gone to jail if ham-handed prosecutors hadn’t blown the case. That’s why we should hire competent people for sensitive jobs, instead of incompetent partisan hacks, which is something Republicans refuse to do, with predictable results. That’s why we’re wallowing in our current mess. It was predictable from the moment that Bush stole the presidency. The rot started at the top and trickled down. It’s the only thing that did trickle down.
Getting back to the issue of Ayers, the guy was a loony fringe radical whose gang of starry-eyed revolutionaries thought they could overthrow the U.S. government by planting a few oversized firecrackers in a few public buildings that basically knocked some tile off a few restroom walls. Their “bombings” were “political statements” that didn’t hurt anyone or cause significant damage. Stupid? Yes. Criminal? Yes. And so ineffective you wonder why they went to the trouble. But none of this is remotely on the same scale as invading the wrong country or torturing innocent people — acts which your ilk not only condoned, but had the cajones to impugn the patriotism of anyone who suggested that what you guys did was stupid (not to mention criminal). Gee, those terms sound familiar. On a scale of 0 to 10, Ayers’ vandalism was about a 2 or 3 compared to Bush’s 10.
So, putz, if you want to have a discussion about petit versus major vandals, and the stupidity of the supporters of each, let’s have at it …
Yet more horseshit from Stupes…
So it’s natural for any blue state to have a bomber in its midst.. Like say??
Oklahoma and its mad bomber, the right winger McVeigh?
Ooooo. Move over Code Pink, Rosie and Hillary! Ayers is a pretty scary guy Stupes. I can see why you’re clutching the sheets in bed with the right wing bullshit blasting from the earbuds. Man, he’s so scary even Dumbya is afraid of sending him to Gitmo.
And lookee here!!! I never thought I’d see the day Stupes would stick up for the “librul media”. Wonders never cease!
@23 How do we know you don’t perform cunnilingus on goats? We don’t …
@30 Putz and Ayers have a lot in common. They both embrace an idiotic ideology. They’re both small-timers. They both try to hide behind a veneer of fake respectability. Neither has anything important to say. And no one pays any attention to either of them.
I am sending you the bill that is going to acrue from the therapist that I am going to have to see to get that image out of my head.
@33 Save yourself a stamp. I’m a feral rabbit living in a hole on public property whose stock portfolio is in shambles. I’ll have to pay with grass.
When people (usually liberals) demonize the police, this is what eventually happens, and they know it. Their constant demonization incites violence.
I’m surprised that more wingers haven’t chimed in with their paranoid drivel.
Times really must be tough out there for them.
I’m a bomb tech… Why would you bring the package from out side of the building to inside, people were in the building and more damage is done to the building when brought inside. I don’t know why there would be more than one person around a suspected IED and why there would be people not even on the bomb squad around the IED. This was poor judgement on behalf of the bomb squad, this sounds like this could have been avoided. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families involved.
Mr. Cynical
Since I don’t see Jon responding, and I was passing through, I thought you’d like some answers to your questions. (Actually, I really think you’d like them to stay unanswered so you could crow about how noone could refute you.)
So, I’m volunteering to help.
I also don’t know it wasn’t space aliens. Of course, the most recent major outbreak of domestic terrorism came from the far right.
It could be from the fringies on either side (go far enough either way, and the two sides become effectively indistinguisable) or it could be from some kid that couldn’t wait until Christmas to play with his “Mr. Bomber” chemistry kit that was under the tree.
And again, we also don’t know that the idiot wasn’t inspired by the Unibomber, by Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh (of Oklahoma City infamy) or by Jerry Lee Lewis singing “Great Balls of Fire”.
So, when you ask the question “how do we know”, when looking at the motivation of an unknown criminal, you can make up any number of whacky questions, all of which will have the answer “You don’t”.
Nice debate trick, but a couple of us around here have seen it before, and aren’t going to fall for it.
– Side note – Apparently the son of Terry Nichols is in custody in Las Vegas on charges of grand larceny and possession of stolen property. No real relavence to the story, just interesting.
Oregon may be “looney blue” but has more than it’s fair share of far right nuts and militia types. Somewhat like Washington State.
We really don’t know who was responsible for this bomb, it could be someone with some sort of broad political agenda, it could be someone who is just pissed at the banks, or it could be some bored kid. I withhold judgment until more is known. Still if I had to bet I’d guess the person responsible hails from the far-right political fringe.
Let’s see if I understand this…You “withhold judgment until more is known,” then you express judgment.
Not a terribly clever way of speaking out of both sides of one sentence.
Sheesh…But typical of much of the HA Happy Hooligan analytical endeavors. Take Rabbit’s immediate jumping to conclusions, which are reminiscent of his lynch-mob efforts against the now-exonerated Haditha Marines.
Rabbit executes first, then doesn’t bother to ask questions…a paragon officer-of-the-court mentality.
The Piper
33. My Left Foot spews:
MLF, No one believes this is the 1st time this image his entered your sick mind.
I’ll bet your keyboard is sticky thinking about it you loooooooooooser.
Chris Stefan–
The Northwest is a hotbed for Lunatic Leftists and you know it.
ELF, Anti-World Trad Groups, anti-Corporate Groups, anti-Christian groups…anti-anti-anti groups
Will be interesting to see the background of the creep(s) that did this horendous act.
My guess is LEFTIST KLOWNS…Atheists with no conscience.
Mr. Cynical?
Oddly enough, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (which monitors hate groups), the Northwest is a hotbed of right wing hate groups.
Here is a list of those with either headquarters or major presence in Washington:
Now, I’m not of the impression that the KKK is really a right-wing group. I’ll re-state my opinion that when you go far enough in either direction, the fringies are effectively indistinguishable.
I really don’t see much difference between people wanting to kill gays and people wanting to kill folks in suits. “Nutcases” and “criminally insane” cover both groups equally well.
But before you start labelling the Northwest as a hotbed of left-wing hate groups, you should remember that the far right is at least as well represented.
As John Barelli points out there are plenty of right-wing groups in the Northwest. In addition to the hate groups the PNW is/was a hotbed of milita group activity as well.
A bomb in a bank indicates to me someone with a beef against banks. My guess is this is some militia type who is about to be foreclosed on.
How many fires & bombings have the NW KKK and Militia Groups been involved???
Versus ELF & ALF which have done plenty of damage as have the Portland Anarchists.
You are grasping at straws.
Just because groups exist don’t mean they have actually done damage to person or property.
The LEFTIST Groups have been convicted.
Bad Try==No Sale
Gee, Cynical, I don’t know how many of the 195 hate crimes reported in Washington (2007 figure, up from 177 in 2006) were instigated by the hate groups.
Oddly enough, those groups don’t often claim “credit” in the media for their actions, and with so many right wing hate groups using the swastika, it’s hard to figure out which of the many possible “right wing” groups are responsible.
But since you seem so insistant on making liberals responsible for all the actions of “leftists”, I suppose you don’t mind being held responsible for all the actions of the “right”.
So, we’re held responsible for burning vacant buildings, you’re held responsible for killing doctors, lynchings, bombing women’s health clinics, blowing up government buildings (complete with pre-school children), etc…
Are you sure that you don’t want to simply join me in condemning the lot of them, regardless of which “side” they claim to represent?
Your call.
If it were up to me, Bill Ayers would be tried, then executed, for the crime of terrorism.
And I hold ALL liberals directly responsible for the bomb in Oregon.
The more I think about this, the more pissed off at what you people did in Oregon.
John B–
I may join you in condemning all “Hate Crimes”.
One of my concern’s is how we define “Hate Crime”…are attack’s on Christian Churches “Hate Crimes”?? If they are done in protest…with hateful language & disruption, are they Hate Crimes??
Just because the politcally-correct State Government has a certain definition of “Hate Crime” doesn’t make it correct.
So John B….Before I join you in condemning hate crimes, I need to know your definition of Hate Crime.
Ain’t that a fair question?
Troll spewed:
I think he means winning the Senate seat. Perhaps he’s saying that the bank bombings are in response to the Republicans losing that seat.
Or, maybe he’s saying that the bombings are in response to Oregon’s rather left-leaning ways. (They really aren’t all that left-leaning, but righties like Troll don’t see it that way.)
Another possibility is that he’s using a “look what you made me do” statement.
So, Troll, which is it?
Was Rachel Corrie working for peace or promoting hate?
In this picture she is seen burning a copy of the American flag, her face contorted with rage and hate, in front of a group of young Palestinian children.
Mr Cynical
Direct attacks, with damage to persons or property? Of course they are. No more or less so than attacks on Mosques or Synagogues.
Non-violent protests? Hmmm… Harder question. I find Fred Phelps’ bunch to be hateful, but is it a “hate crime”? How about non-violent protests at women’s health centers? That’s not so clear-cut.
So, I would say that as long as the protesters violated no laws, it isn’t a hate crime.
It seems to me that to be a “hate crime”, there are two criteria that must be filled. One is that the act is motivated by hatred, the other is that the act is actually a crime.
Are the groups protesting in front of Christian churches motivated by a hatred of Christianity? Some probably (almost certainly) are, while others are protesting the actions of that particular church.
Just as some of the folks that have protested in front of mosques are motivated by hate, and others are protesting what they see as the teachings of that particular mosque.
Which individual protester is motivated by hate, and which by concern for what they see as an unacceptable action is something that neither of us can know.
Of course, for the protests in front of Christian churches, I would say that we should welcome them. If it is because we are doing something wrong, then the rebuke is justified. If it because of a misunderstanding, then we have an opportunity for dialog.
And if it is just because the protester hates Christians, then we are blessed.
HA without wingnuts would be like life without disease.
Puddybud @ 19
I didn’t say that, Puddy, manoflies did.
good try though, idiot.
And you are the disease?
The Piper
Your right wing bullshit lost. That Chimp you voted for twice has run this country into the freaking ground.
You were pretty scarce since the primaries and you didn’t chime in with the Ayers and other bullshit but I’m pretty sure you believed in it just like the other right wing bullshit you were fed and then regurgitated here on queue here like a trained seal.
Now look what you’re reduced to. Pathetic little one-line shots.
So sucks to be you Pooper.
definition of a hate crime:
if you say, do, or think anything that is not approved by the new york/hollywood/ ruling elite
an example
a bank is bombed in oregon, could be a hate crime by right wing fanatics
the world trade center is blown up, someone suggests it could be the work of israel.
the bombing is not the hate crime, but suggesting israel is behind is.
see how the logic works?
Since you neither know, care to know, nor could you understand if you knew what I’ve been up to of late, I won’t illuminate you.
What you’re “pretty sure” I believe in versus what I do believe in is evidence of how unenlightened and judgmental you are.
I say more in a little one-line shot than you do in 1,000 words.
That I’m out and about doing, saying, writing productive things that make a difference while you spend all day everyday doing what? Please, pray tell, what do you do besides debase yourself with exhibits of calumny and perfidious self-aggrandizement?
BTW…my thoughts on Ayers? A contemptible, unrepentent, self-indulgent narcissistic ’60’s radical. A lengthy stretch in prison was avoided only through a technicality, but his attitude is the same. He’s a bum.
Who’s responsible for the Oregon bombing? According to news reports, nobody knows, so it’s patently stupid to engage in hypothetical speculation as to a political motivation, left, right, or center.
Whoever is responsible is a criminal, pure and simple, and irrespective of his or her ideological leanings, that person should be brought to justice.
Of course, an objective review of the case by the HA Happy Hooligans is impossible when the comment thread immediately jumps to stupid speculation without any evidence.
But isn’t that par for Rabbit’s course? And yours too?
Like pre-schoolers, you have to make it all about you and your fantasies. Self-awareness comes only through growth – when you refuse to grow, your emotional and cognitive skills remain stunted at that pre-school level, which is another way of suggesting you might want to have yourself checked out to see whether you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.
You can read about it in the DSM-IV or here.
You do exhibit so many BPD symptoms, for your own sake you should get checked out.
BTW…I revel in being me.
The Piper
yelling loser boy, paranoid drivel?
You’re such a loser.
P E R I O D!
Surreal Amerikkkan, and manoftruth is mostly true.
How is Ayers treating you?
Wow – too bad more people didn’t follow Ayers’ example. And too bad the parents of the dickhead republicans on this forum didn’t end up being caught in those explosions. Maybe the dickheads would never have been born? Seems weird this character Puddybud would call people losers. Isn’t he a republican punk? Doesn’t he know we bent the republican party over and fucked it up the ass on November 4TH? Sounds like he’s the loser to me.
Clever…your parole officer help you write it?
The Piper
My, my, our Mr. Piper is certainly full of himself today. Unwarranted smugness seems to be a common wing-nut trait these days. Geez, Piper, it appears that not even your delusions make you special. Hmm, that must suck. Oh, and look, there’s Puddy, calling people horrible names again and spreading filth. He’ll shortly call me a bunch of names, all while whining that it is I who calls him names. Then he’ll write some really nasty shit, maybe even write for the umpteenth time about somebody’s “milky, sticky, white man-juice” (clever turn of phrase, you came up with, there, Pud) and then turn around and testify how it is I, Steve, who spreads filth on the HA blog. Puddy’s funny that way.
PiddlyPrick, you are all over the board today. Just who was it that said Clinton was the first black President?
When you mistakenly thought I said it, you said I was wrong, it was Toni Morrison… then you said it was Dewayne Wickham, and now you post it was the Congressional Black Caucus and claim manoflies was “mostly right”.
What is it Piddlyprick? Or, as always, are you going to keep changing your mind as the argument suits you?
real american, i dont understand what your arguement is. are you saying you never heard that people said clinton was the first black president? it doesnt matter who said it, you know it wasnt a conservative, in the first place if they had ever said such a thing the media would have called it racist, so you know it was a liberal, and the msm never tried to point out the insanity of such a remark, so what is your arguement?
monoflies @ 8
@ 64
Sheese, manoflies, no wonder you and piddly get along. You are both completely nuts.
you know unreal american, you’re typical of liberals, you (meaning liberals) make insane statements like clinton was the first black president, the msm doesnt call you on it, when questioned , you side step. just like you take a non issue, like how much sarah palin spends om clothes and make it a big deal, but the slimey sandy berger goes to the national archives and steals documents by putting them down his pants, and your silent. of course being, democartic and jewsish means the media wont touch him, but just like any other story of a minority of people running the show, it can only last so long.
Surreal Amerikkkan: Mistaken again.
You should pay attention.
Try reading, it’s fundamental…
Surreal Amerikkkan
Making stuff up like usual.
57 – LMAO!!! You’re hysterical Pooper. The gift that keeps giving. Let’s dissect the rant that you generously gave more a few lines to (thank you by the way):
Since you neither know, care to know, nor could you understand if you knew what I’ve been up to of late, I won’t illuminate you.
Bingo! Couldn’t care less. By implication you’re bragging. A little full of yourself, aren’t you Pooper? A more secure person wouldn’t bother to comment.
What you’re “pretty sure” I believe in versus what I do believe in is evidence of how unenlightened and judgmental you are.
Nope. Sorry. Informed judgement. Based on all the bullshit talking points you’ve dragged in here. If you believed in that, then it’s better than 50/50 odds you believed in the Ayers bullshit that your fellow right wingers dragged in here during your absence.
I say more in a little one-line shot than you do in 1,000 words.
That’s bullshit. You’ve wasted countless lines on discredited right wing garbage. Again, now look at you. Taking little one line digs.
That I’m out and about doing, saying, writing productive things that make a difference while you spend all day everyday doing what? Please, pray tell, what do you do besides debase yourself with exhibits of calumny and perfidious self-aggrandizement?
Again I couldn’t care less what you do. And again you’re bragging, stroking yourself, whatever, just a little bit. I’m sure I can dig up what you’re doing if I had a mind to. Those of your ilk can’t help but put on the dog, but I don’t care and yes, I yes I feel no compunction whatsoever to share anything about me with you.
BTW…my thoughts on Ayers? A contemptible, unrepentent, self-indulgent narcissistic ’60’s radical. A lengthy stretch in prison was avoided only through a technicality, but his attitude is the same. He’s a bum.
Didn’t ask for your thoughts on Ayers. I bring up Ayers only in relation to Obama. Your ugly party used that old, tired McCarthyist tactic of guilt by association. Nothing in Obama’s public record points to advocacy of extremist ideas. That should have been the end of it. But since your side had nothing, it proceeded to do what it has always fallen back on – ugly fear-mongering.
Who’s responsible for the Oregon bombing? Blah, blah, blah…
Pooper, I just suggested that those of your ilk might be tempted to raise old fears and look I was right!!! Manoflies took the bait. Cynical pointed the finger at groups you associate with the left and so on. Not much else I disagree with you on this topic but my initial remarks toward you really had nothing to do with the bombing. I was merely pointing out how freaking pathetic your indulgence in one liner shots were given the intellectual exhaustion of your crowd.
According to news reports, nobody knows, so it’s patently stupid to engage in hypothetical speculation as to a political motivation, left, right, or center.
Hey you just called Mr. Cynical patently stupid when he pointed the finger. I agree with you Pooper! Wonders indeed never cease.
Of course, an objective review of the case by the HA Happy Hooligans is impossible when the comment thread immediately jumps to stupid speculation without any evidence.
Geez Pooper. What a killjoy you can be! Manoflies can’t go on about Ayers and Cynical can’t go on about all those groups hardly anybody cares about.
Like pre-schoolers, you have to make it all about you and your fantasies.
And you don’t? You’re really sinking yourself here. You haven’t grown one iota. If you and those like you represent your party’s past then the future does not bode well. Your party is in RUINS. And if WA State Republican thought leaders are well exemplified by the front pagers at unSP, their commenters and those like you who troll at HA.org, then guess what?
Count me as 1000 percent in support of what you guys do! It’s worked wonders!
Self-awareness comes only through growth – when you refuse to grow, blah, blah…
Is projection in DSM whatever? You got a beard right? No wonder. It’s a little hard to shave when you can’t stand looking in a mirror.
BTW…I revel in being me.
Well, I suppose considering that it truly sucks to be you, it couldn’t hurt.
Steve, no goat comments today?
I see Pelletizer raised the ante. Can you outdo that?
Stupes @ 58.
The people and issues I’ve voted for since after Nov 2004 have mostly won.
How about you?
yelling loser boy,
Not discussing your voting record. Discussing you.
I see the neon Vacancy light is on again in your eye.
72 – Elections are the bottom line here fool.
The people have rejected the likes of you.
And we’re never going to let you forget it.
manoflies, you are truly living up to that moniker. Here is a quote from you, then a challenge for you.
That was the quote from you, now the challenge. Finad one place where I claimed Clinton was the first black President.
Hint: I never said that. You are the one that made that statement.
Good luck, and when you can’t find the evidence for your complete bullshit claim, kill yourself. OK?
Very true. Now it is time for you to take your meds. It will help you follow conversations.
What is it with Piddlyprick and goats? Can the man not go 5 minutes without bragging about all the goats he fucks?
@74 real american , i never said you said clinton was the first black president, thats why i put liberals in parenthesis. i was contining an argument where you were denying anyone ever said it.
No one else, manoflies, just you.
Not liberals, not me… just you.
Get it now, manoflies?
go ahead and do the twist agin, I couldn’t care less. But you going to have to dance with Piddlyprick. He is the conservative step and fetch it guy anyway.
Roger @ 28,
You are one arrogant fucking motherfucker, Roger. I certainly hope your lung disease is painful as hell and causes you lots of lost sleep.
I write about the arrogance and drivel you dolts put out on this blog and you prove my point by your comments @ 28. You’re no better than the worst conservative who posts on this blog, but you certainly are one of the most arrogant assholes to have ever been born.
Do us a favor, Rog, and just fucking drop dead.
Whoa! PI, who pissed in your sippy cup?
Surreal Amerikkkan:
I see you got turned on by Pelletizer’s #31 comment.
I hope you made yourself feel good.
Surreal Amerikkkan answers Puddy.
Puddy wrote – Surreal Amerikkkan: Mistaken again.
Surreal Amerikkkan wrote – Very true.
You finally wrote something coherent and understandable. Your shrink visits are finally making progress,
Roger! 79’s all bent out of shape.
You’re doing something right!!!!
don’t get sucked into this mess. this is the act of a sick person. please turn yourself in.
Yes Surreal Amerikkkan, I step up and fetch the truth. Your sorry ASS gets slapped with it.
I’ll step up and fetch truth everyday, in every way.
Late breaking development…Suspect arrested in Oregon bombing.
No word on his ideological persuasion – apparently that wasn’t the first thing on the minds of federal, state, county, and local police agencies as they conducted their investigation.
Sorry if this disappoints the HA Happy Hooligans and others who regard that as the only criteria by which to judge someone.
The Piper
No, he’s just being a fucking asshole: that’s what he does best.