I don’t know the rules for police officers who aren’t on the job. So I won’t say what the punishment should be for a cop ignoring a hate crime while they’re working on something else (video may autoplay). But morally, come the fuck on. Do better.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Bezos: Richer, Younger, Smarter, Admired by Peers
This is really all you need to know about Tweetsorm of the week.
Tiny hands.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be a little late this morning. He’s over at the Seattle Times website, informing others of what they don’t know about the Fleeing Felon doctrine.
Editor’s note: The comment thread on this story has been closed to new submissions because too many recent comments were violating our Terms of Service.
Hey, what you’re really doing is increasing income inequality, and the last two times you’ve done it, I’ve been very happy with the result. Keep it up.
I’m okay with Republicans gerrymandering congressional districts if they’re okay with me gerrymandering wealth.
Some of my liberal friends may disagree, but I think the death penalty should be available for the sick fucks who commit crimes like this. This doesn’t mean you’d always use it, but it should be an option for certain exceptionally depraved crimes.
@2 No, I’ve been outside with a flashlight trying to find a confused doctor who’s stumbling around in the dark in his pajamas unable to remember which barn he stashed his horses in to keep him from hurting himself.
Aug. 3, 2016, afternoon – Roger Stone speaks with Donald Trump
Aug. 3, 2016, evening – Roger Stone has dinner with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
Aug. 4, 2016 – Roger Stone says in email to Sam Nunberg he had dinner with Julian Assange the previous evening
Aug. 4, 2016 – Roger Stone appears on “InfoWars” and predicts “devastating” WikiLeaks disclosures about Clinton Foundation
April 2, 2018 – Wall Street Journal reports on Roger Stone email to Sam Nunberg
April 4, 2018 – CNN reports Mueller is investigating Roger Stone’s connections with Julian Assange; Roger Stone denies dinner meeting with Assange ever took place
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Somebody’s going to jail over this.
A federal judge denied a motion by Bill O’Reilly’s attorneys to seal his settlement agreements with three women he harassed, who now want those agreements thrown out. We now know:
1. An attorney representing one of those women switched sides and began representing O’Reilly in the middle of the settlement negotiations;
2. The agreements obligate the women to lie under oath.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Merely further evidence of how utterly corrupt and unethical the rightwing and their lawyers are.
ABC News headline: “Farm state lawmakers, including Republicans, blame Trump for new China tariffs”
Kinda hard to blame this one on the Democrats, but Fuckface and Fuckabee will try.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Scott Walker Lets Them Try, Demorat Governor Would Let Them Die, Then Take Insurance Company Money And Run
Signed by the Governor: Wisconsin Right to Try Act Rejects Some FDA Restrictions on Terminal Patients
MADISON, Wisc. (March 29, 2018) – Yesterday, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed a bill into law that sets the foundation to nullify in practice some Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules that deny access to experimental treatments by terminally ill patients.
A large bipartisan coalition of senators and representatives introduced Senate Bill 84 (SB84) last year and it carried over to the 2018 session. The the new law gives terminally ill patients access to medicines not yet given final approval for use by the FDA.
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act prohibits general access to experimental drugs. However, under the expanded access provision of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. 360bbb, patients with serious or immediately life-threatening diseases may access experimental drugs after receiving express FDA approval.
SB84 creates a process to bypass the FDA expanded access program and allows patients to obtain experimental drugs from manufacturers without first obtaining FDA approval. This procedure directly conflicts with the federal expanded access program and sets the stage to nullify it in practice.
With Gov. Walker’s signature, the Right to Try Act goes into effect March 30.
The new law includes legal protections for physician prescribing experimental treatments under the law, shielding them from civil and criminal liability. The legislation provides similar protections for manufacturers of an experimental treatment.
Wisconsin joins 38 other states with Right to Try laws on the books. Although these laws only address one small aspect of FDA regulation, they provide a clear model that demonstrates how to nullify federal statutes that violate the Constitution. The strategy narrows the influence of nullification to limited aspects of the law itself, which has proven to be very effective.
“Americans shouldn’t have to ask the government for permission to try to save their own lives,” said Darcy Olsen, president of the Goldwater Institute. “They should be able to work with their doctors directly to decide what potentially life-saving treatments they are willing to try. This is exactly what Right To Try does.”
The results show that the impact of Right to Try isn’t merely theoretical.
Since the Texas Right to Try law went into effect in June 2015, at least 78 patients in the Lone Star State have received an experimental cancer treatment not allowed by the FDA. While the FDA would have allowed these patients to die, Houston-based oncologist Dr. Ebrahim Delpassand continued their treatment through the Texas law.
The Right to Try Act is a no-brainer. When someone is on their deathbed, the fact that FDA regulations would let them die rather than try has got to be one of the most inhumane policies of the federal government. Every state should take action to nullify the FDA like this.
You can thank Norm Maleng, the former King County Prosecutor (a Republican), for destroying the effectiveness of the death penalty in the State of Washington. Sure, everyone tries to blame Jay Inslee, but it was Maleng and his action of taking the death penalty off the table for Gary Ridgway.
Even a lowly first-year public defender could make the basic argument that their client only killed a few as compared to the mass-murder Ridgway and if Gary was spared the death penalty, surely their client does not measure up to the standards set forth to receive the ultimate penalty
While what happened in Utah is despicable, and deserving of the death penalty, all we can do in this state is force someone to work on Dr. Bob’s horse farm, however that might be considered “cruel and unusual punishment.”
Republican’s need to own this, they created the mess.
I think a few “somebodies”. But not President PornHub. For what I would assume are obvious reasons.
I do find it rather amusing that in order to comfort themselves the PornHub Party are now trying to convince themselves that anything short of a criminal indictment of President PooseyGrappink is a huge Trailerbilly victory and a huge defeat for the dirty hippies.
And to think, “nuthingburger” was only a few months ago.
@6 I don’t know Rog. Even if someone does go to jail it probably will be very short time, and will not do justice for the many that don’t go or get pardoned.
I think this thing is dragging on too long to produce anything. But one thing is clear – the Republicans close to Drumpf and the the Drumpf family, including Humpty Dumpty, are too close to Russia. All sorts of crimes like money laundering and shady real estate deals (never mind the prostitutes and blackmail) have probably occurred.
Also, I hate to be the one to say this, but I think Drumpf will get re-elected. So, if anyone does go to jail, what difference does it make.
Drumpf isn’t the problem – it’s the Repukes.
@9 soon one will be selling you snake oil. You have no concern yourself or someone dishing out thousands or millions (is this at the taxpayers expense?) for some fake cure, but Bob?
Please tell me more regarding the protections and the legal rights of the consumer.
Why stop here deregulate everything – you probably think that that would be a better world. Consequences? Law Suits up the Ying Yang? Complete wild wild West?
don’t you guys have any limits to that sort of massive cut-and-paste at 9?
Far be it for me to ever censor a raving, beer-drunk trailerbilly when he’s on a roll.
But that is an entire blog post of some other guy’s opinion from some tin foil conspiracy dumpster fire called “The Tenth Amendment Center”, no doubt based out of Moldova and operated by pimply commie teens.
Do you guys really want to allow some troll to hijack your blog in order to promote theirs? Again, not after censorship here. But I think a brief quote of the other blog’s material (that we can all enjoy mocking) along with a link (that we can ignore) is more than sufficient. And I’d say pretty much the same thing regardless of the ideology. You guys work pretty damn hard to keep these pages up. And your regulars do all they can to support that. Why would you allow some mass murdering child molester to hijack your efforts like that?
@14 See 3/28/18 @57 for basically the same post.
Rog, I agree with you on the Death Penalty. Especially when the act is similar in nature to the act you posted on.
I would even give this woman the Death Penalty.
When an individual does something like the above, it can manifest into an uncivil society.
I believe in trying to reform someone to being a better person than the act that may have put them in jail, but when someone blatantly is disorderly in the manner manifested in the above link I think it deteriorates society in general and an act against all not just the one individual. If you have no respect for society and do something like that then you need to go.
Unlike a criminal act against one’s partner or acquaintance. That act kind of act is against one individual, which although is heinous, it isn’t against society as a whole.
Shit like the above is nothing less than a terrorist act.
If that’s true then it’s abuse.
There isn’t one single word of that post that is an original commentary. It is pure cut-and-paste. Repeating it is open mockery of the blog’s hosts and their work.
It’s embarassing.
A tarrif is money coming out of your pocket and going to the GUBMIT!!!
But not a tax increase. Nope. No way.
McCoward, the quote is not unduly long, you whine for censorship because you cannot defend the Demorat position on the merits, e.g.,
Grow up.
Did widdums write awl of dose big big words awl by his bewy own self? Oh my!
Fuck off, pimp. When you have something to say maybe someone will read it. Let your shitty blog stand on its own. Dont hijack someone else’s.
@ 14
don’t you guys have any limits to that sort of massive cut-and-paste at 9?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s posts surely by now have answered that question for you.
Although there is the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit HA Exception Rule. Periodically he does something so plainly awful that it’s really just indefensible. After which those who populate HA defend him.
@19 The fact patient advocates oppose this legislation really tells you everything you need to know, but if you’re not satisfied with that, then see 3/28/18 @58 for a merits-based response to your original post on this subject. Also, anyone who depends on Breitbart for talking points probably shouldn’t be exhorting others to “grow up.”
Democrats behaving badly in FL:
Florida DNC member takes his wife’s advice and resigns after racist remark
Parker blamed his Jim Crow-sounding slip of tongue as a casual instance of twisting the phrase “people of color” during a Jan. 22 party meeting at the Burrito Gallery in Jacksonville. He also allegedly said something along the lines of how “shit” was “fucked up after integration,” and allegedly called school desegregation “inappropriate.”
Following the colossal fuckup, even Parker’s wife – Lisa King, the chairwoman of the Duval County Democratic Executive Committee – joined the chorus of people pushing for Parker to resign from his position.
It took FL Dems a lonnnnnnnnnnng time to push out this motherfucker. Owning up to shit is not a liberal strong suit.
Rizzo broke her months-long silence today, saying it was time to show Parker the door.
Dems in FL put up with their shit. HA libbies here put up with Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s shit.
@21 Given the vapid stupidity of your posts, it’s hard to see what your complaint is.
@23 It could’ve been worse; at least he didn’t call Nazis “fine people,” like the racist you voted for did.
Los Angeles Times:
“On the surface, right-to-try laws look like humanitarian relief from regulatory barriers for last-gasp treatments. Under the surface, however, they’re insidious. They don’t offer patients any legal or financial safeguards, they don’t improve access to drugs, and their real goal — here’s where the Koch brothers come in — is to weaken drug regulations in a way that will hurt every American.”
Article from STAT, a health and life sciences newsmagazine owned by the Boston Globe:
“As an individual with terminal cancer and a former biotechnology industry executive, … while I can relate to patients’ desperate hopes and desires to try new therapeutic approaches, I believe that passage of the federal Right to Try Act would be a disaster.”
The American Society of Clinical Oncology statement on right-to-try laws:
“We don’t support right-to-try legislation … because these laws ignore key patient protections without actually improving patient access to investigational drugs outside of clinical trials.”
In short, it’s difficult to find support for these laws in the health care professions. That ought to make opposing these bills a no-brainer. It follows that Democrats who oppose this legislation are acting in the public interest, and Republicans who support these bills not as much.
Aww, I’m sure it was just “locker room talk”.
Aand… I’m out.
Republican ethics:
“The House Ethics Committee has extended its investigation into whether Tennessee Republican Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. misused $100,000 from campaign and leadership PAC funds on personal expenses — including baby showers and wedding showers at a country club — as detailed in a new report made public Wednesday. The 57-page report from the Office of Congressional Ethics, a nonpartisan ethics entity, recommended that the committee conduct further review of Duncan and his family’s use of campaign funds for their own vacations and expenses.”
They have none.
“Owning up to shit is not a liberal strong suit.”
Whereas Republicans just have memory issues. As in no member Trump’s campaign could recall ever having contact with Russians and yet they all had multiple contacts with Russians! Nothing odd about that, huh?
“Despite denials from the campaign and the White House, it is now clear that members of the Trump campaign interacted with Russians at least 32 times throughout the campaign. (There are at least 20 known meetings.)”
Dumbfuck much?
R, I did check that post of yours and the links, thanks for addressing the merits, as to;
“But opponents said the bill undermines the Food and Drug Administration’s existing compassionate use program while giving false hope to dying patients. ‘If this is such a patient-centered bill, then why does every major patient-centered group oppose it?’ asked Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J.”
That statement is too silly to bother with, unstated groups with unstated complaints, likely insurance company sponsored to the extent such groups may actually exist.
As to;
“Under a ‘right-to-try’ bill, the process is almost exactly the same, except the FDA is removed from the equation …. Without that federal oversight … there is a greater risk of fraud and abuse at the expense of patients.”
The first part is accurate, the choice is left to the patient and his doctor, consistent with Drat position on abortion. As to,
“there is a greater risk of fraud and abuse at the expense of patients,” I challenge you to point to anything in the bill which supports that claim.
Link to the bill;
This is only controversial to the insurance companies who don’t want to pay for the treatments, Drat leadership opposes it because they want insurance company campaign donations and there is no money in joining with the Repubs on this.
Many 10’s of days or a couple 100’s of days since the discovery of cracking terrazzo at the newly expanded Penn Station, but still no catastrophic failure of the structure and nobody dead yet, unlike The Florida bridge collapse that killer 6 innocent civilians.
Thanks Bob for pointing out how insipid your posting and comments are here. Not sure why you are here commenting; sounds like your are just s commy robot with your comments. #DamnFloridaBridge
70 Kg.
I have a dog that weighs more than that.
I’ve always held that President PornHub’s support among “aggreived” white “working class” males was a mile wide and an inch deep. Now the total disillusion of a bunch of high school drop outs in WA-8 balances on just 150 lbs.
On another brighter note, Dem special election victories continue to clear the 10% calculated gerrymander advantage by fairly comfortable margins in Fuckface districts. So things are holding together and there is even some hope for improvement.
President PornHub’s immigration tantrum stands to hijack the Ryan/Mc leg agenda into summer, after which nothing gets done in an election year. The last time he did this, you’ll recall, was about O’care repeal. That delayed the agenda for close to six montns and was accompanied by a 15 point drop in the generic Roypublican Congressional ballot among Roypublican voters. All of that decline was recovered once Ryan/Mc were able to return to budget slashing and billionaire tax cuts and show some wins.
Very doubtful that immigration reform legislation moves through to final votes, much less earns enough to pass. So there a real potential here for no major legislation remaining in this Congress, and a significant further dterioration of support among Trailerbillies for their Child Molesters in Congress just in time for the mid terms.
Ship. Water. Rats.
@30 You have not explained why cutting the FDA out of the loop, leaving no one to protect patients, is a good idea.
Allow me. Since we’ve heard it before a thousand times.
“Excessive regulation stifles
Kratominnovation”.@36 Just make sure your doctor doesn’t prescribe anything that received FDA approval between 2001-2008.
I hate to say it guys, but I think the tariffs aren’t such a bad idea for economic growth in the long term. At first, there might or will be pain, but eventually if people start buying American goods more so, then that would be better. Sure, things might be more expensive, but I also think American business will eventually benefit.
I’m not a economist, but that’s my feeling and opinion.
Hey Bob look – Some moron company is moving 400 jobs into the State of CT when GE and Aetna moved (or was going to) out.
This must give Republicans a Sad.
@38 The American Soybean Association disagrees:
“Following China’s announcement of a proposed 25 percent tariff on imported U.S. soybeans, the American Soybean Association (ASA) is again expressing its extreme frustration about the escalation of a trade war with the largest customer of U.S. soybeans, and calling on the White House to reconsider the tariffs that led to this retaliation. China purchases 61 percent of total U.S. soybean exports, and more than 30 percent of overall U.S. soybean production.”
You get what you vote for.
@ 39
Sema4 is a start-up.
It was essentially formed to serve Mount Sinai, which explains its location.
Even though Sema4 has been around less than a year, this is the SECOND time the state of CT has “loaned” it money.
gman, the state of CT is paying Sema4 to locate in CT. You stupid, stupid fuck.
@ 32
I have a dog that weighs more than that.
You have an eight year-old who weighs more than that.
Obese children as young as eight have DOUBLE the risk of a life-threatening liver disease
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/hea.....z5Bosawjxg
@42 Elijah, how would Doctor Dumbfuck know your 8-year-old’s weight unless he’s been peering in your windows? Watch for this guy, he’s creepy.
@41 So now you’re shilling for luring companies with taxpayer money? This looks like socialism to me. A game, btw, that corporations have become very adept at playing. What happened to the old notion of making money by selling better products and services at lower prices by producing them more efficiently? Is capitalism obsolete? Of course, I’m not surprised when a horse fucker turns out to be a closet commie.
@41 don’t have much time but I’ll respond by saying this – and what did the state of Mass and or city of Boston give up to lure GE, certainly not much different in tax structure between CT and MA. And what was NYC and or NY State giving up to lure Aetna Headquarters, Smarty Pants?
I understand. But I guess I’d have to know what portion 61% of soybean production makes up for the economy. And whether the business that could benefit by the tariffs offset that.
Certainly there will be some shift in the sectors of the economy by the tariffs.
@42 and supersize that coke. Who is against limits of how much Coke one can buy?
Who made fun of Michelle Obama’s health kick agenda. How eat your fucking Brocolli with Mitch the Fucking Turtle.
@44 Niiiiceeeee!
@42. Does godwin ever skip an opportunity to attack and disparage other people’s kids?
Nothing unusual about a “conservative’s” preoccupation with children. At least not according to Roy Moore.
After 10 pm, in the dark corner of the parking lot behind the Dairy Queen in the back of the Rover with the child locks engaged…
boundless concern for the “welfare” of vulnerable yoots.
@49 no….he must not be happy with his own.
@41 by the way Mount Sinai is hardly a hospital in the CT or Hartford Area. And I believe it is an entity or being kept alive by its affiliation with St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT.
Furthermore, Mount Sinai Hospital (or St. Francis Med. Center) is over 70 miles from where this new “Start-up” is moving to. Bob – get a clue. But good try for a mentally challenged individual….how many of your patients died?
So looking further – the Mount Sinai that you speak of is NY Mt. Sinai (No affiliation to CT’s MT Sinai). So what difference is it if it was a spin off of my penis?
@ 52 Continued
I didn’t look at the whole article of link due to time (I have too much to do right now), but I don’t see where it says “SECOND” time. But please point it out or provide where you get that information.
Bob you live 3000 miles away, it’s ago not to know much about what’s going on somewhere so far away….you are a “doctor”, not a fucking genius.
@46 “And whether the business that could benefit by the tariffs offset that.”
More steelworker jobs in Pittsburgh won’t help soybean farmers in Iowa.
“Several weeks after taking the helm of the Environmental Protection Agency, Administrator Scott Pruitt was running late and stuck in Washington, D.C., traffic. Sources tell CBS News that he wanted to use his vehicle’s lights and sirens to get to his official appointment, but the lead agent in charge of his security detail advised him that sirens were to be used only in emergencies. Less than two weeks later that agent was removed from Pruitt’s detail, reassigned to a new job within the EPA.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now, I know what you’re going to say: Scott Pruitt thinks he’s a privileged asshole. And he is. But I’m actually in favor of this. I think flashing lights and blaring sirens are a damned good idea. That way everyone knows not to breathe the air or drink the water wherever he is.
Now we learn Facebook was trolling hospitals for patient data so they could sell your health information.
@54 Population shift? As the world evolves with the effects of Climate Change populations will shift.
Like I said I was thinking long term – not 60-100 years, but still maybe 4 years and more; so Climate Change as component, but much later.
Maybe some of the Soybean Farmers have to do something else
The World evolves unlike Puffy (and Bob).
Working in my Glass Tower. Just watched a pigeon fly into the glass. Typically you hear a thud and wonder what it was but if you can be lucky enough you can catch the impact before the thud.
Happens every once in a while – kind of like Bob.
@59 One less Trump voter.
New show on Fox
Working titles
Surrounding himself with only the finest
Melrose Place: White House
1600 Pennsylvania, an All New Peach Pit
Celebrity Sex And Government
See the original post at 9, notably;
“Since the Texas Right to Try law went into effect in June 2015, at least 78 patients in the Lone Star State have received an experimental cancer treatment not allowed by the FDA. While the FDA would have allowed these patients to die, Houston-based oncologist Dr. Ebrahim Delpassand continued their treatment through the Texas law.”
You have not explained why the FDA’s opinion should prevail over the opinion of the doctor and patient, nor why Drats contradict their pro-choice position on abortion by taking an anti-choice position here.
When Dr. Bob goes “thud”, it is more like this: https://youtu.be/qwpRHrAh3pk
“U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he did not know about a $130,000 payment made by his lawyer to adult film star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about a sexual encounter she says she had with Trump.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, let’s see … he didn’t sign an agreement with her … he didn’t pay her …
@61 “You have not explained why the FDA’s opinion should prevail over the opinion of the doctor and patient”
The links in my previous comments provide this explanation.
“The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) strongly supports increasing access to investigational new treatment options for patients with cancer, while raising serious concerns about recently proposed federal ‘right-to-try’ (RTT) legislation as well as enacted state RTT laws. In a position statement released today, ASCO said these measures lack adequate patient protections and do not remove any of the major barriers patients face in accessing investigational drugs outside of clinical trials.”
“ASCO’s position statement, ‘American Society of Clinical Oncology Position Statement on Access to Investigational Drugs,’ asserts that most RTT laws, while well intentioned, are ‘not an effective mechanism for improving access to investigational drugs for terminally ill patients and may cause unintended harms,’ for the following reasons:
“Independent review of the potential safety and efficacy of investigational drugs is important for patient safety. Such review is by-passed in RTT laws. Under the current expanded access program provided by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the FDA conducts a prompt review of the available data and makes an independent assessment of the risks and potential benefits of the proposed treatment on behalf of the patient.
“Right-to-try laws do not include an enforcement mechanism to provide access, since they do not require or compel drug manufacturers to provide investigational products. As such, these laws do not remove a frequent barrier to access.
“RTT laws place no legal obligations on insurers to pay for the routine care costs associated with delivery of treatment, particularly in the case of complications caused by these drugs — unlike coverage requirements that exist for patients who participate in clinical trials. Thus, RTT laws establish no new rights or protections for patients.”
Expanding upon earlier brief mention of possible “population shift” due the Tariffs (and Climate Change) – not only do the Soybean Farmers possibly suffer bigly because of the Tariffs, but Rural America in that whole region suffers, and the big cities probably get most of the gain. Poor saps.
Beyond effecting the losers that voted for you there is also the stupidity of spending billions on infrastructure in that region as the region will shrink – not money well spent.
78 patients
How many of those patients had positive outcomes?
How many negative?
How many no outcomes at all?
In every Cancer treatment some patients live beyond their diagnosis and some live under it. Until the propaganda you’re spreading can tell that the median survival time is higher under experimental regimes you’ve got nothing on your side.
Since the FDA already has a process, the only reason for passing state laws that bypass the FDA process is … to bypass the FDA process.
Therefore, the onus is on proponents of these laws to explain and justify bypassing FDA’s process. That’s hard to do, because the FDA approves over 99% of the applications it receives under its “compassionate use” program.
Most doctor and patient groups, along with medical ethicists, oppose these laws, due to a variety of concerns, including patient safety and preventing fraud.
The two main proponents are the Goldwater Institute, a libertarian think tank, and Freedom Partners, part of the Koch brothers’ political-action network. They have an ulterior motive: “The proposed legislation is a thinly veiled attempt to dismantle the FDA …,” says Dr. Steffanie Strathdee, the associate dean of global health science at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
There’s a dichotomy here, but it’s not between choice/anti-choice. The FDA has provided an avenue of choice virtually identical to the choice offered by state “right to try” laws. The dichotomy is between FDA/no FDA oversight. There is no significant denial of access to experimental drugs going on under the FDA oversight pathway.
Why is FDA oversight a good idea — one that’s supported by doctors and patient advocates? Basically because of what can go wrong. Patients may be harmed instead of helped. As with all drugs, correct dosages must be prescribed, and the patient’s tolerance of and response to the drug must be monitored. Bypassing the FDA weakens these patient protections, and also deprives researchers of vital information about whether the drugs work. And with a near-100% approval rate for trying investigational drugs under FDA oversight, there’s no good reason for bypassing that oversight.
Why is Trump protecting scandal-plagued EPA administrator Scott Pruitt? Because he’s Trump’s next attorney general, Jeff Sessions’ replacement, the guy who’s going to fire Mueller.
Well many people were afraid that same sex marriage would lead to man marrying his horse. A couple of years ago at the NYC Pride Parade, prior to same sex marriage being legal, a group of Hasidic Jews (all men – that should tell you something right there) were protesting against same sex marriage within the barriers (I think) or closely to police protection (not that any gay person was going to physically harm them). If I recall I think it was the same year that some priest said people spat at him (Bob and Puffy will surely remember it). They held signs say, “What next – Man wants to marry his horse”. I swear you not. Not making it up. I’m sure if you google it that you could find it.
So I wonder if Horses, ONE IN PARTICULAR, can sign a five page agreement. I wonder if Bob could tell us.
Ok so it was Giraffe….but damn, how do you get that Giraffe in the Barn?
“President Donald Trump ratcheted up the trade war rhetoric with China on Thursday, saying he was considering another $100 billion in tariffs on the country.”
It’s not taking long at all. Trade war, here we come. The fallout isn’t taking long, either:
“U.S. stock futures traded lower on Thursday night after President Donald Trump said he has asked the United States Trade Representative to consider $100 billion in additional tariffs against China. As of 8:25 p.m. ET, the implied open for the Dow Jones industrial average was more than 350 points lower, after earlier tanking more than 400 points. The implied opens for the S&P 500 and Nasdaq were also in the red.”
Actually, the drop is 433 points at time of posting this comment. We can expect the market to drop a lot more than that if a full-blown trade war actually materializes.
The guy on the right is cute….the guy on the left, ugly as sin.
How about a sign “Killed by Mommy and Daddy”
or how about your dog?
Any dog lovers out there?
@70 might be time to sell the farm equipment.
Let the choir sing:
We don’t have enough money to cover the bills right now. Thus Stormfront patriarch Don Black must limit access to this site to Sustaining Members as of April 6. (I will not link.)
With regard to the sign shown in link posted @72 – the sign says “Daddy and Mommy”. Are most people accustom to saying just the opposite – “Mommy and Daddy”? Freudian slip? Did “Daddy” have to go first to stress the gay men? We all know most every hetero man likes to watch lesbian sex.
Or was it because some Rabbi or Priest had Daddy on his mind instead of Mommy?
@74 Sell it to a survivalist planning to grow his own irradiated food.
@75 You have to pay to be a Nazi? As I recall, Hitler built the Berghof with member dues. Nice digs until British bombs hit it. Televangelists do something similar to get their mansions and private jets.
Add “zoning violation” to Scott Pruitt’s growing list of infractions.
RR at 64,
Thanks for a quality answer and likely those doctors mean well. Of course the statement reeks of paternalism, speaking vaguely of risks as if they know more about a case than the dying patients’ own doctors, and as if the patients are incapable of making informed choices concerning their own bodies.
Notably you made no attempt to harmonize your pro-choice position re abortion vs anti-choice here, that is in your favor, the two cannot be harmonized.
@80 “Notably you made no attempt to harmonize your pro-choice position re abortion vs anti-choice here, that is in your favor, the two cannot be harmonized.”
1. People who oppose abortion rights are in no position to engage in sanctimonious rhetoric about “choice.”
2. It’s a false dichotomy, because people should have a choice about some things but not other things. This is so obvious examples shouldn’t be necessary.
3. I think abortion is a moral wrong, but abortion is a constitutional right, so I can’t be anti-choice because that would interfere with other people’s constitutional rights. Please note that if I ever decide to interfere with your constitutional rights in the interest of saving lives,
I won’t stop with your abortion rights; I’ll come for your guns, too.
4. There’s a reason why the FDA regulates drugs. Look up “thalidomide” sometime.
5. State right-to-try laws create no access to experimental drugs that doesn’t already exist. All these laws do is create an unregulated activity where there obviously should be oversight.
6. In trying to defend an indefensible position, you resort to an ideological argument, which is the last refuge of people who lack a good argument. Ideology is the stupidest of all reasons for doing something without a good reason for doing it.
7. Last, but not least, you can’t harmonize opposing abortion with supporting military interventions or the death penalty. Either you’re for life in every case, or you must concede that it’s a false dichotomy, in that taking life is sometimes justifiable and/or necessary.
8. Perhaps the best way to explain this false dichotomy business is cop shootings. Some are justified and necessary, others are not. Respecting other people’s constitutional rights, irrespective of my personal views of abortion, is necessary. Deregulating experimental drugs is not.
Doesn’t take long for things to spiral out of control when a moron is in charge.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Trump “protects” soybean farmers from Chinese tariffs by subsidizing soybeans, here’s what will happen:
1. Another multi-billion-dollar drain on the budget;
2. More deficits and borrowing;
3. If the Chinese refuse to lend us the money, and we have to go elsewhere to borrow, we’ll pay higher interest rates, leading to a contracting domestic economy;
4. Overproduction of soybeans, leading to …
5. Falling soybean prices, and …
6. Huge piles of useless soybeans;
7. Other economic distortions, such as misallocation of capital to subsidized soybean production, and starving productive enterprises of needed capital, and so on.
It’s really hard for me to see how any dyed-in-wool free market person can vote for this shit.
Worldwide, most abortions are medical not surgical.
Mifepristone used in combination with misoprostol is widespread throughout the world. Here in the US it has been exhastively reviewed by the FDA following all guidelines and more. It’s approval in the US was delayed by almost a decade under political pressures having nothing whatsoever to do with medical safety or efficacy. And resulting in tens of thousands of unnecesarry surgical abortions. Today the combination is available in most medically developed countries without direct physician supervision, and in most others a single brief office examination is all that is required. It is included on the WHO list of essential medicines. Its evaluation by the FDA has never been seriously challenged scientifically. Despite three decades of widespread safe use in a vast assortment of complex settings among diverse patient populations womb worshiping superstitious hillbilly child molesters continue to object to its availability.
In short, there is simply no point of comparison between “choice” as it relates to thoroughly tested safe medicine and medical procedures of modern reproductive health and the “choice” of an ignorant superstitious trailerbilly to experiment on his family with magic snake-oil powders, elixers, and implants.
SteakSauce is dragging modern reproductive medicine into his fallacy-fest as a bullshit smokescreen. There is no medical controversy or debate surrounding abortion.
Yawwn. Like little low life losing Scotty Walker paid Foxconn and others?
And corrupt loser Pence paying Carrier 7 million to keep jobs that went to Mexico anyway?
Oh how states whoring themselves to corps that was. WA state wouldn’t know anything about that.
@4 It could be the Prosecutor will pursue the death penalty. Still the prosecutor case depends on the word of another individual charged with crimes. The worse part could be embellishment. A single juror can withhold the death penalty in Utah.
There have been seven executions in Utah since the moratorium was lifted. No executions since 2010 and nine individuals on death row. Clearly the death penalty in Utah is ineffective. Way too much time between conviction and execution. Appears to be a political moratorium like in Washington state in Utah. Clearly the state of Utah should just be practical and go for life in prison. And the death penalty main use is as a tool by Prosecutors to get a guilty plea from the accused in a plea deal where the accused is given a life sentence if they plead out.
The existence of the death penalty did not stop and would not stop these two heinous murders. If the accused did it he’s not a very nice person, but compared to others is he any worse than them. Not particularly. This kind of crime is as old as humanity.
Philadelphia Lawyer
Woody Guthrie
Way out in Reno, Nevada,
Where romance blooms and fades,
A great Philadelphia lawyer
Was in love with a Hollywood maid.
“Come, love, and we will wander
Down where the lights are bright.
I’ll win you a divorce from your husband,
And we can get married tonight.”
Wild Bill was a gun-totin’ cowboy,
Ten notches were carved in his gun.
And all the boys around Reno
Left Wild Bill’s maiden alone.
One night when he was returning
From ridin’ the range in the cold,
He dreamed of his Hollywood sweetheart,
Her love was as lasting as gold.
As he drew near her window,
A shadow he saw on the shade;
‘Twas the great Philadelphia lawyer
Makin’ love to Bill’s Hollywood maid.
The night was as still as the desert,
The moon hangin’ high overhead.
Bill listened awhile to the lawyer,
He could hear ev’ry word that he said:
“Your hands are so pretty and lovely,
Your form’s so rare and divine.
Come go with me to the city
And leave this wild cowboy behind.”
Now back in old Pennsylvania,
Among those beautiful pines,
There’s one less Philadelphia lawyer
In old Philadelphia tonight.
Songwriters: WOODY GUTHRIE
For non-commercial use only.
Data from: LyricFind .
@16 YOu two do realize that you are supporting the state killing people based on what the state thinks the perpetrator was thinking. We don’t do that here in America. You can think any thoughts and those cannot be the basis of punishment. Not to mention that little cruel and unusual punishment line in the constitution, and equality of punishment.
And you are in New York. There is no capital punishment in New York and there has not been an execution since 1963 so you better start writing the New York governor and your representatives demanding the death penalty. I think New York has the right policy in place. and RR is wrong here. Then again you live in New York so if you disagree with the policy in New York and want the death penalty you better get busy.
@81 Interesting RR is equating gun rights and a right to abortion. At least gun rights advocates can point at the second amendment or their states constitution.
Abortion as a right is not in the constitution, it is from a number of cases based on a right of privacy, a right to procreate, a right to use a condom, ect none of which is spelled out in the Constitution. Well there is the ninth amendment, and between that and a second folks should be able to own a machine gun if they want, and under the 1933 ruling people should be armed with weapons of the militia, which in a modern army is automatic weapons.
I think Carl in the end it will come down to how good the Bellvue police union lawyers are. Now it’s a political pine apple, but there has never been a clear answer to what duties a cop who is off the job owes the public. Perhaps they are just Joe or Jane Public like you or me. Should they not be able to be that at least some of the time? Must they be super people? Should they be the Supermen as described by Adolf Hitler? Always on duty for the state, and only exist to serve the state?