Good. The state House will finally investigate Matt Shea. It was a long time coming. We knew about the chat logs months ago. We knew about the genocide fantasy even earlier. That asshole really has to go.
In celebration of the upcoming one year anniversary of the implosion of teh babbling butthole troll..
Once upon a time teh butthole ranted over and over about the “tingle” remark about “the black guy”..
Aside from the fact that no HA HERO ever called “the black guy” “messiah” or made a “tingle” remark, I responded that klownservatics fellated raygun to the balls and I read somewhere that they found raygun’s voice “soothing”…
The freak challenged me to dig up the quote.. I quoted something else I remembered from that time to show I had a memory of such things and teh butthole found it, but it didn’t have the “soothing” superlative. The asshole crowed about it. Uhhh never said “soothing” was in that wsj editorial.
Uhh, babbling butthole, here it is – embedded in something more recent. Proof enough..
“There’s no question that President Reagan was among the greatest communicators we’ve ever seen,” says Ken Khachigian, once one of Reagan’s chief speechwriters…
“He was at one with his audience,” says Khachigian. “They would never feel like strangers with him or they wouldn’t feel like this is somebody imposing on them in their living room. He has one of the most wonderful, soothing voices you could ever imagine. I often describe his voice as being like a fine merlot poured into a red wine goblet.”
The orange moron’s NYC is #3, Baltimore is #9, Seattle #14.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Federal Reserve cut interest rates 1/4%, not the 1/2% Trump wanted, and suggested this cut might be a one-off, rather than the policy direction reversal Wall Street wanted. The Dow promptly dived 479 points, although it has come back some (was down 289 points the last time I looked).
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck’s favorite (and I suspect only) stock is down 16%, from over $140 to under $118, this month. But what the hey, if you think Roger Rabbit is the investing moron he claims, and Doctor Know-It-All is infallible, feel free to get all your investing advice and ideas from the genius who didn’t short GE at 23 when I suggested doing so.
The horse will have to get used to eating hay instead of oats for a while, but at least it’s still getting fucked daily.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck might get the chance to celebrate the DJIA going over 27,000. Again. Maybe.
So much dumbfuck celebrating and ball-spiking related to the DJIA so far, and yet it still has to reach 50,000 for the dumbfuck’s orange moron to merely match the DJIA’s performance under the communist usurper from Kenya. Oh, well. Dumfucks gotta dumbfuck.
Bill Clintonspews:
@3 – Man, ain’t that the truth!
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+27.21% for the period January 1, 2018 through July 31, 2019.
1. My mom had nothing to do with those returns – she has been dead for nearly 30 years, My dad had nothing to do with those returns – he’s been dead over 35 years.
2. My wealth was not built by moonlighting in another job as one of the prominent trolls on this blog has to do to get by.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 No brains, no health insurance, just plenty of guns and a lust for killing wildlife and itchy trigger fingers and lying mouths. Trump voters for sure.
The only people dumber than these guys are the stupes making donations for their medical bills.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Yet another dumbfuck troll impersonating Bill Clinton. These brain-dead morons haven’t had an original thought since 1992. Probably longer than that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “My wealth was not built by moonlighting in another job”
It wasn’t built by going backward in the stock market, either, which is all you’ve done since you starting posting about it, so where did it come from? It’s not my business, just curious, that’s all.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Hey “y’all”
The moscowmitch extension for chrome is now live on GitHub.
Follow the easy prompts and Chrome will automatically replace “Mitch McConnell” with “Moscow Mitch” and in no time at all, through the magic of SEO, this cool image
will be the top search result returned for his name!
Don’t delay. The goal is to send him home for summer vacation with a big smile on his stupid Russian face.
“One father who faced no allegations of criminality or unfitness was separated from his three daughters because of an HIV diagnosis.”
His children were stolen because he was HIV positive. Think about that.
Three Honduran children – ages 11, 12, and 14 – were permanently separated from their father when they came to the US seeking asylum because of his HIV status.
This is who Republicans are now
Support. Organize. VOTE. Win Elections, Take the country back from the politicians who think those who are not EXACTLY like them, are inferior to them.
PI's Poor Motherspews:
My useless son’s so-called wealth (he has $3.27 to his name) was stolen from my purse.
@13 people with canes are unemployable. You celebrated 33%. And now only 27%! ?
You should thank the Feds..
@16 he was referring to me.
I went to the bank with a $10000 check today, didn’t really have to work too hard for it. Beats watching the stock market.
File under ‘Good guy with gun’
A Magee, MS police officer in Oxford, MS to attend a law enforcement conference strapped on a weapon to have an off duty meal, drinks and maybe take in some music at Rooster’s Blues House and somehow shot himself in the leg.
I would assume he had some degree of firearms training.
Ape. Monkey. Both in the dictionary. RIP or rest in hell asshole!
Pull out PI. You know what happens if you don’t in time – it’s called an Abortion. I won’t say I told you so, you’ll be in enough pain, I wouldn’t want to add insult to injury.
You already lost 6% and the market broke 27,000 – what’s that tell you?
A job might be better, even if you have to get there in your walker or scooter. I’m sure Walmart is hiring.
Do us all that favor – if you lose anymore, you’re liable to go on a mass murder shooting rampage.
Andrew Yang: “If you go to a factory here in Michigan, you will not find wall-to-wall immigrants, you will find wall-to-wall robots and machines. Immigrants are being scapegoated for issues they have nothing to do with in our economy.”
Some "random" guy wearing a red trucker hatspews:
Somebody, I can’t remember who right now, once shared with me a video on Facebook showing Doctor Dumbfuck tenderly mouthing some horse’s giant ball sack. I can’t recall where that video is. But I do recall very clearly and precisely how traumatizing it was for me when I saw it.
Oddly, I have absolutely no clear memory of even the approximate source or origin of my trauma. I can’t even piece together a plausible narrative for the existence of such a video, how it might have come to exist, or who might have made it. Can’t say when it was, or what events were depicted in it. Can’t say how long ago I saw it or what the circumstances were. Can’t say if anyone else I know ever saw this same video.
Yet I have perfect recall of the trauma itself. I was shocked and deeply offended. It was a spiritually and emotionally horrifying thing for me. And I can never ever forgive him for it. It wasn’t just un-American. It was inhuman. What he did is the worst thing any human being could ever possibly do.
Send him back.
@24 I said 6%. But I think you actually lost 20% over the time mentioned. 6% points from 33%.
Give it up already.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You don’t understand.
It’s Trumponomics.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
A noteworthy development:
Since president peepee and the GOP shifted into WhitePower mode, opposition to impeachment among Republican voters has declined by three percentage points.
Simultaneously, lifelong Republican elitist shill Brett Stephens is out with a NYT editorial saying he’s very concerned that the field of Democratic contestants don’t appear bandy legged and hearty enough to shovel up his party’s giant orange White House shit pile.
With Republicans, it’s always someone else’s job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Well, you know, Trump voters just might be dumb enough to think their jobs are being taken over by immigrants when the boss announces the plant is closing, the factory building will be torn down, and the land has been sold to a rental storage chain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 That’s quite an accomplishment, even beating the minus-16% performance of Doctor Dumbfuck’s one-trick-pony portfolio, although PI lost has 20% over many months, whereas Doctor Horsedick blew his 16% in just one month. Meanwhile, Roger Rabbit’s stocks generated an annualized return of 5.2% in that same month. That may not sound like much, but it sure beats bank interest, the Republican minimum wage, and those two bozos.
And that’s why they are probably not celebrating anymore. Pom Poms are back in the closet.
I’ll be happy with multiple deposits of $10,000 checks, even if 50% goes to the Feds. Maybe I’ll invest the money after the crash.
I hope this doesn’t give Doctor Dumbfuck a sad.
‘Leave him alone — you’re pathetic!’ Racist gets owned by a Good Samaritan after harassing boy on subway
“You need to shut up, you’ve been disturbing this boy for a long time and we’re all getting f*ck off with you,” the bystander said. “You’re drunk. Leave him alone, alright? You’re clearly f*cking racist. Leave him alone! We’re all sitting there calm, and someone has to say something to you because you’re ridiculous. You’re pathetic.”
Wall Street is wrong. Ghiiina is paying us yuuuuge tariffs, billions and billions, and every day we grow stronger while they grow weaker. Soon we will have all the money! When all the money everywhere is gone and there is no more money left, WE WIN!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Seems kinda obvious this morning that Trump wanted the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in order to offset the negative impact on the economy of his next round of tariffs.
Tariffs, of course, are taxes on American consumers. Retail stocks are getting clobbered; for example, Nordstrom is down over 7% today. Boeing’s stock is back down to its lowest value since the first week of January.
The dumbshit in the White House thinks printing money and handing it out to corporations will fix this. It won’t. It will only make the corporate debt overhanging the stock market’s future prospects even bigger.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lowes is laying off thousands of workers, but in a burst of generosity, pledged they can apply for any job openings in the company that may come up.
My Doorman is a sack of shit. I think I mentioned him before, the racist fuck. On my way out the door he said “it’s a jungle out there”. He’s a foreigner, from Eastern Europe, from some god forsaken fucking Country. Next time I’m telling him that he needs to go back to his fucking shithole Country
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 Why hasn’t pork sauce posted about him? Oh, that’s right, he’s a racist. His ilk likes those immigrants.
Roger Rabbitspews:
These cops should be fired. But they won’t be. Taxpayers will shell out millions, and they’ll go right on being assholes with badges and guns, instead of plain ordinary civilian assholes.
P.S., don’t expect any outrage from Doctor Dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to the Seattle Times, 8 more restaurants are closing. But wait! 20 new restaurants are opening!
The fact is, restaurants come and go. Typically, they’re sole proprietorships or partnerships. They go out of business for various reasons, and I suspect a higher minimum wage is pretty low on the list. Heck, even at $15 an hour, they can’t hire help.
The fact it’s impossible to live in Seattle on $15 an hour might have something to do with that. For many people in this town, rent is more than the annual before-tax earnings of a $15-an-hour worker.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist News – Demorat/China Collusion Update
China is conducting an aggressive disinformation and influence campaign designed to block the re-election of President Trump in 2020, according to a dissident Chinese billionaire who until recently was close to senior Beijing leaders.
The second political weapon in the anti-Trump campaign are those political leaders and lobbyists in Washington who can be enlisted to oppose Trump. “There are quite a few of these individuals who have been corrupted by the CCP for many years … and so they will be the No. 2 weapon,” Guo said. American mainstream news and social media outlets, many of which have been shown to be hostile toward Trump, are a third tool in the Chinese campaign.
@42. So China and Russia are fighting to either keep trump in power or have him kicked out? Isn’t that called a proxy war?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Racebaiters News – Demorat Racebaiting Clock Update; Demorat Claims That Trump Is Racist Now Surpass 100,000,000,000, New Total, 100,000,005,527. DNC Announces Goal Of One Trillion Lying Slurs, DNC Spokesperson Explains;”The Key To Successful Lying Is To Make It A Huge Lie Then Repeat It Endlessly.”
The number one political weapon Democrats have used against all of their opponents, for decades, is racism. But their repeated attempts to derail Trump by bombarding the president and his supporters with allegations of bigotry is not only futile but backfiring, David Harris Jr., author of “Why I Couldn’t Stay Silent,” surmises.
“As far as the race card goes, they’ve run out of cards. They started off playing the race card against President Trump before he became president. He still became president. It wasn’t effective then, it’s not going to be effective now,” Harris said in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit. The American people are increasingly becoming aware of Democrats’ manipulative, race-bating tactics, Harris argued.
@39 I gave him $100 tip (along with the 9 other fuckers) for the holidays my first year living here. last year I decide to cut it down to $50 because of him….now this year I think I’ll forget to tip him. Add insult to injury I tip all the other guys. What would be even nicer I up the ante on all the other guys. And if he asks or gives me shit I’ll just tell the old fart to go see if Trump Tower is hiring.
Fuck my tips alone to these guys probably makes up 200% of PI’s measly pennies. I gave these guys more money in total than I spent I may family for xmas presents.
@44 The hump is a fucking lying racist pig.
Make it 100,000,005,528.
My bet is that The Hump gets re-elected. And actually I think I prefer it. Because you know what’s going to happen if the Dem wins it. It’s back to the crying about the deficit and the shitty economy, which will be in the gutter again, will be blamed on the new President.
Let The Hump stay in the whitey house another 4 years. What could go wrong and who cares at this point. And then it will be interesting if the dictator then refuses to leave at the end of his 2nd term; that would be the best part.
Let him win – but fight the next 4 years and RESIST and call out every Repuke for being the pukes that they are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Next year, the number of black Republicans in the House will be down to none. The GOP is losing its only black congressman — a guy from Texas who has served just two terms — to other opportunities.
I disagree. The economy under Democratic presidents has consistently outperformed the economy under Republican presidents.
This should come as no surprise. Democratic economic policies are based on Keynesian ideas, which are generally sound. Republican economic polices are based on voodoo and cheap magician tricks.
@49 no – What meant was that the economy would be in the gutter due to Repuke policies, before taking office or right afterwards, not because of the democratic.
@47. I’d rather have Warren in 2020.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
From The Boss: “That’s Fake News. You’re Fake News.”
“You don’t really believe this. Do you believe this?”
The dow sure dropped at 1;20 yesterday.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 The Dow has lost nearly 900 points in three days. Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck’s most beloved stock continues its journey toward a 52-week low, shedding another 2.3% of its value today. He’s made exactly nothing from that stock over the last year and a half.
28,000!!!! Yeah, Rah, Rah, Sis Coom Bah!
Bob wont be around today, that’s for sure.
Maybe Saturday after getting up from a drunken stuper
Didn’t I tell you that I shot a 37 for 18 holes yesterday? Unbelievable! Who shoots a 37 in 18 holes! Nobody! It was unbelievable!
Riki Tiki Tavispews:
– 51
That’s never going to happen.
Why vote in the Primary for President Just to Say ‘What We Really Can’t Do and Shouldn’t Fight for’?
Get with the program! Warren 2020 aint gonna happen with that attitude, debbie downer (Bless your little Russian Troll heart)
Warren and Sanders still 1-2 after second debate, Harris loses half her support Also, among the credible candidates, the unapologetically liberal wing of the party (Warren and Sanders), is getting a pretty consistent 55-60% of the straw poll vote. That’s significantly less so than in the national scientific polling, where that number is around a third. Either way, there may come a point, early next year, when it would behoove that wing of the party to consolidate its support.
Joe Biden is clinging to that low-teens level of support, most likely people who see the general election matchups against the Russian Asset in the White House and think he’s the closest thing to a sure-thing we have. (He isn’t.)
>> Voting for Warren in the Primary, and the Democrat in the General.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Trump’s never going to happen, either. Totally unelectable.
Yes, in a normal election year, Warren would be unelectable. Running Trump as your candidate is how you get President Warren.
Not every American city can be as wonderful as Moscow.
“Donald Trump Claims Baltimore Is ‘Worse Than Honduras’”
Moscow is the Republican’s new “Shining city on a hill”.
In celebration of the upcoming one year anniversary of the implosion of teh babbling butthole troll..
Once upon a time teh butthole ranted over and over about the “tingle” remark about “the black guy”..
Aside from the fact that no HA HERO ever called “the black guy” “messiah” or made a “tingle” remark, I responded that klownservatics fellated raygun to the balls and I read somewhere that they found raygun’s voice “soothing”…
The freak challenged me to dig up the quote.. I quoted something else I remembered from that time to show I had a memory of such things and teh butthole found it, but it didn’t have the “soothing” superlative. The asshole crowed about it. Uhhh never said “soothing” was in that wsj editorial.
Uhh, babbling butthole, here it is – embedded in something more recent. Proof enough..
You suck babbling butthole – now and always.. Now watch boob go abuse its horse “ronnie”..
But Carl! Hillary is a bitch.
Going to have to hold you responsible if the babbling butthole reappears soon.
With a puke-inducing drumpf tower on top and vlad in the comped penthouse.
Texas hunters who accidentally shot each other blamed undocumented immigrants, police reveal
“In addition to criticising the commissioner for spreading “fake news” people commenting on social media and local news outlets declared it ironic that it was actually paranoia about border security, not a lack of border security, that appears to have landed the two men in hospital. “
Steak Sauce nominee.
The anniversary of the loon’s lynching is now less than two weeks away, August 12th. SAD!
Shithole cities. All of them.
“These Are America’s 50 Most Rat-Infested Cities”
The orange moron’s NYC is #3, Baltimore is #9, Seattle #14.
The Federal Reserve cut interest rates 1/4%, not the 1/2% Trump wanted, and suggested this cut might be a one-off, rather than the policy direction reversal Wall Street wanted. The Dow promptly dived 479 points, although it has come back some (was down 289 points the last time I looked).
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck’s favorite (and I suspect only) stock is down 16%, from over $140 to under $118, this month. But what the hey, if you think Roger Rabbit is the investing moron he claims, and Doctor Know-It-All is infallible, feel free to get all your investing advice and ideas from the genius who didn’t short GE at 23 when I suggested doing so.
The horse will have to get used to eating hay instead of oats for a while, but at least it’s still getting fucked daily.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck might get the chance to celebrate the DJIA going over 27,000. Again. Maybe.
So much dumbfuck celebrating and ball-spiking related to the DJIA so far, and yet it still has to reach 50,000 for the dumbfuck’s orange moron to merely match the DJIA’s performance under the communist usurper from Kenya. Oh, well. Dumfucks gotta dumbfuck.
@3 – Man, ain’t that the truth!
+27.21% for the period January 1, 2018 through July 31, 2019.
1. My mom had nothing to do with those returns – she has been dead for nearly 30 years, My dad had nothing to do with those returns – he’s been dead over 35 years.
2. My wealth was not built by moonlighting in another job as one of the prominent trolls on this blog has to do to get by.
@6 No brains, no health insurance, just plenty of guns and a lust for killing wildlife and itchy trigger fingers and lying mouths. Trump voters for sure.
The only people dumber than these guys are the stupes making donations for their medical bills.
@12 Yet another dumbfuck troll impersonating Bill Clinton. These brain-dead morons haven’t had an original thought since 1992. Probably longer than that.
@13 “My wealth was not built by moonlighting in another job”
It wasn’t built by going backward in the stock market, either, which is all you’ve done since you starting posting about it, so where did it come from? It’s not my business, just curious, that’s all.
Hey “y’all”
The moscowmitch extension for chrome is now live on GitHub.
Follow the easy prompts and Chrome will automatically replace “Mitch McConnell” with “Moscow Mitch” and in no time at all, through the magic of SEO, this cool image
will be the top search result returned for his name!
Don’t delay. The goal is to send him home for summer vacation with a big smile on his stupid Russian face.
“One father who faced no allegations of criminality or unfitness was separated from his three daughters because of an HIV diagnosis.”
His children were stolen because he was HIV positive. Think about that.
Three Honduran children – ages 11, 12, and 14 – were permanently separated from their father when they came to the US seeking asylum because of his HIV status.
This is who Republicans are now
Support. Organize. VOTE. Win Elections, Take the country back from the politicians who think those who are not EXACTLY like them, are inferior to them.
My useless son’s so-called wealth (he has $3.27 to his name) was stolen from my purse.
@13 people with canes are unemployable. You celebrated 33%. And now only 27%! ?
You should thank the Feds..
@16 he was referring to me.
I went to the bank with a $10000 check today, didn’t really have to work too hard for it. Beats watching the stock market.
File under ‘Good guy with gun’
A Magee, MS police officer in Oxford, MS to attend a law enforcement conference strapped on a weapon to have an off duty meal, drinks and maybe take in some music at Rooster’s Blues House and somehow shot himself in the leg.
I would assume he had some degree of firearms training.
Ape. Monkey. Both in the dictionary. RIP or rest in hell asshole!
Pull out PI. You know what happens if you don’t in time – it’s called an Abortion. I won’t say I told you so, you’ll be in enough pain, I wouldn’t want to add insult to injury.
You already lost 6% and the market broke 27,000 – what’s that tell you?
A job might be better, even if you have to get there in your walker or scooter. I’m sure Walmart is hiring.
Do us all that favor – if you lose anymore, you’re liable to go on a mass murder shooting rampage.
Andrew Yang: “If you go to a factory here in Michigan, you will not find wall-to-wall immigrants, you will find wall-to-wall robots and machines. Immigrants are being scapegoated for issues they have nothing to do with in our economy.”
Somebody, I can’t remember who right now, once shared with me a video on Facebook showing Doctor Dumbfuck tenderly mouthing some horse’s giant ball sack. I can’t recall where that video is. But I do recall very clearly and precisely how traumatizing it was for me when I saw it.
Oddly, I have absolutely no clear memory of even the approximate source or origin of my trauma. I can’t even piece together a plausible narrative for the existence of such a video, how it might have come to exist, or who might have made it. Can’t say when it was, or what events were depicted in it. Can’t say how long ago I saw it or what the circumstances were. Can’t say if anyone else I know ever saw this same video.
Yet I have perfect recall of the trauma itself. I was shocked and deeply offended. It was a spiritually and emotionally horrifying thing for me. And I can never ever forgive him for it. It wasn’t just un-American. It was inhuman. What he did is the worst thing any human being could ever possibly do.
Send him back.
@24 I said 6%. But I think you actually lost 20% over the time mentioned. 6% points from 33%.
Give it up already.
You don’t understand.
It’s Trumponomics.
A noteworthy development:
Since president peepee and the GOP shifted into WhitePower mode, opposition to impeachment among Republican voters has declined by three percentage points.
Simultaneously, lifelong Republican elitist shill Brett Stephens is out with a NYT editorial saying he’s very concerned that the field of Democratic contestants don’t appear bandy legged and hearty enough to shovel up his party’s giant orange White House shit pile.
With Republicans, it’s always someone else’s job.
@25 Well, you know, Trump voters just might be dumb enough to think their jobs are being taken over by immigrants when the boss announces the plant is closing, the factory building will be torn down, and the land has been sold to a rental storage chain.
@27 That’s quite an accomplishment, even beating the minus-16% performance of Doctor Dumbfuck’s one-trick-pony portfolio, although PI lost has 20% over many months, whereas Doctor Horsedick blew his 16% in just one month. Meanwhile, Roger Rabbit’s stocks generated an annualized return of 5.2% in that same month. That may not sound like much, but it sure beats bank interest, the Republican minimum wage, and those two bozos.
And that’s why they are probably not celebrating anymore. Pom Poms are back in the closet.
I’ll be happy with multiple deposits of $10,000 checks, even if 50% goes to the Feds. Maybe I’ll invest the money after the crash.
I hope this doesn’t give Doctor Dumbfuck a sad.
‘Leave him alone — you’re pathetic!’ Racist gets owned by a Good Samaritan after harassing boy on subway
“You need to shut up, you’ve been disturbing this boy for a long time and we’re all getting f*ck off with you,” the bystander said. “You’re drunk. Leave him alone, alright? You’re clearly f*cking racist. Leave him alone! We’re all sitting there calm, and someone has to say something to you because you’re ridiculous. You’re pathetic.”
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck might not be celebrating the DJIA going over 27,000 today.
“The Dow Is Tumbling Because Trump Just Announced New Tariffs on China”
Wall Street is wrong. Ghiiina is paying us yuuuuge tariffs, billions and billions, and every day we grow stronger while they grow weaker. Soon we will have all the money! When all the money everywhere is gone and there is no more money left, WE WIN!
@34 Seems kinda obvious this morning that Trump wanted the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in order to offset the negative impact on the economy of his next round of tariffs.
Tariffs, of course, are taxes on American consumers. Retail stocks are getting clobbered; for example, Nordstrom is down over 7% today. Boeing’s stock is back down to its lowest value since the first week of January.
The dumbshit in the White House thinks printing money and handing it out to corporations will fix this. It won’t. It will only make the corporate debt overhanging the stock market’s future prospects even bigger.
Lowes is laying off thousands of workers, but in a burst of generosity, pledged they can apply for any job openings in the company that may come up.
My Doorman is a sack of shit. I think I mentioned him before, the racist fuck. On my way out the door he said “it’s a jungle out there”. He’s a foreigner, from Eastern Europe, from some god forsaken fucking Country. Next time I’m telling him that he needs to go back to his fucking shithole Country
@38 Why hasn’t pork sauce posted about him? Oh, that’s right, he’s a racist. His ilk likes those immigrants.
These cops should be fired. But they won’t be. Taxpayers will shell out millions, and they’ll go right on being assholes with badges and guns, instead of plain ordinary civilian assholes.
P.S., don’t expect any outrage from Doctor Dumbfuck.
According to the Seattle Times, 8 more restaurants are closing. But wait! 20 new restaurants are opening!
The fact is, restaurants come and go. Typically, they’re sole proprietorships or partnerships. They go out of business for various reasons, and I suspect a higher minimum wage is pretty low on the list. Heck, even at $15 an hour, they can’t hire help.
The fact it’s impossible to live in Seattle on $15 an hour might have something to do with that. For many people in this town, rent is more than the annual before-tax earnings of a $15-an-hour worker.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist News – Demorat/China Collusion Update
China is conducting an aggressive disinformation and influence campaign designed to block the re-election of President Trump in 2020, according to a dissident Chinese billionaire who until recently was close to senior Beijing leaders.
The second political weapon in the anti-Trump campaign are those political leaders and lobbyists in Washington who can be enlisted to oppose Trump. “There are quite a few of these individuals who have been corrupted by the CCP for many years … and so they will be the No. 2 weapon,” Guo said. American mainstream news and social media outlets, many of which have been shown to be hostile toward Trump, are a third tool in the Chinese campaign.
@42. So China and Russia are fighting to either keep trump in power or have him kicked out? Isn’t that called a proxy war?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Racebaiters News – Demorat Racebaiting Clock Update; Demorat Claims That Trump Is Racist Now Surpass 100,000,000,000, New Total, 100,000,005,527. DNC Announces Goal Of One Trillion Lying Slurs, DNC Spokesperson Explains;”The Key To Successful Lying Is To Make It A Huge Lie Then Repeat It Endlessly.”
The number one political weapon Democrats have used against all of their opponents, for decades, is racism. But their repeated attempts to derail Trump by bombarding the president and his supporters with allegations of bigotry is not only futile but backfiring, David Harris Jr., author of “Why I Couldn’t Stay Silent,” surmises.
“As far as the race card goes, they’ve run out of cards. They started off playing the race card against President Trump before he became president. He still became president. It wasn’t effective then, it’s not going to be effective now,” Harris said in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit. The American people are increasingly becoming aware of Democrats’ manipulative, race-bating tactics, Harris argued.
@39 I gave him $100 tip (along with the 9 other fuckers) for the holidays my first year living here. last year I decide to cut it down to $50 because of him….now this year I think I’ll forget to tip him. Add insult to injury I tip all the other guys. What would be even nicer I up the ante on all the other guys. And if he asks or gives me shit I’ll just tell the old fart to go see if Trump Tower is hiring.
Fuck my tips alone to these guys probably makes up 200% of PI’s measly pennies. I gave these guys more money in total than I spent I may family for xmas presents.
@44 The hump is a fucking lying racist pig.
Make it 100,000,005,528.
My bet is that The Hump gets re-elected. And actually I think I prefer it. Because you know what’s going to happen if the Dem wins it. It’s back to the crying about the deficit and the shitty economy, which will be in the gutter again, will be blamed on the new President.
Let The Hump stay in the whitey house another 4 years. What could go wrong and who cares at this point. And then it will be interesting if the dictator then refuses to leave at the end of his 2nd term; that would be the best part.
Let him win – but fight the next 4 years and RESIST and call out every Repuke for being the pukes that they are.
Next year, the number of black Republicans in the House will be down to none. The GOP is losing its only black congressman — a guy from Texas who has served just two terms — to other opportunities.
@47 “which will be in the gutter again”
I disagree. The economy under Democratic presidents has consistently outperformed the economy under Republican presidents.
This should come as no surprise. Democratic economic policies are based on Keynesian ideas, which are generally sound. Republican economic polices are based on voodoo and cheap magician tricks.
@49 no – What meant was that the economy would be in the gutter due to Repuke policies, before taking office or right afterwards, not because of the democratic.
@47. I’d rather have Warren in 2020.
From The Boss:
“That’s Fake News. You’re Fake News.”
“You don’t really believe this. Do you believe this?”
The dow sure dropped at 1;20 yesterday.
@53 The Dow has lost nearly 900 points in three days. Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck’s most beloved stock continues its journey toward a 52-week low, shedding another 2.3% of its value today. He’s made exactly nothing from that stock over the last year and a half.
28,000!!!! Yeah, Rah, Rah, Sis Coom Bah!
Bob wont be around today, that’s for sure.
Maybe Saturday after getting up from a drunken stuper
Didn’t I tell you that I shot a 37 for 18 holes yesterday? Unbelievable! Who shoots a 37 in 18 holes! Nobody! It was unbelievable!
– 51
That’s never going to happen.
Why vote in the Primary for President Just to Say ‘What We Really Can’t Do and Shouldn’t Fight for’?
Get with the program! Warren 2020 aint gonna happen with that attitude, debbie downer (Bless your little Russian Troll heart)
Warren and Sanders still 1-2 after second debate, Harris loses half her support
Also, among the credible candidates, the unapologetically liberal wing of the party (Warren and Sanders), is getting a pretty consistent 55-60% of the straw poll vote. That’s significantly less so than in the national scientific polling, where that number is around a third. Either way, there may come a point, early next year, when it would behoove that wing of the party to consolidate its support.
Joe Biden is clinging to that low-teens level of support, most likely people who see the general election matchups against the Russian Asset in the White House and think he’s the closest thing to a sure-thing we have. (He isn’t.)
>> Voting for Warren in the Primary, and the Democrat in the General.
@57 Trump’s never going to happen, either. Totally unelectable.
Yes, in a normal election year, Warren would be unelectable. Running Trump as your candidate is how you get President Warren.
But you morons are too stupid to figure that out.