The store in front of the bus stop near Drinking Liberally always has delivery cars parked in it. At least at the time I am leaving. Yesterday. Yesterday! Yesterday, the delivery car pulled into the stop while the bus was at the red light. Don’t do that. I realize parking can be at a premium in Capitol Hill, but not so much at 10:30. In conclusion gaaah.
That’s small potatoes, Carl! You should see what some bicyclists do!
Sounds to me like an enterprising and entrepreneurial business person making use of available resources where he finds them.
This is what is wrong with liberals. They see a problem where a conservative sees an opportunity to be exploited. Until that delivery car came along all that valuable space was going to waste. Making use of that space for that Pagliaci driver saves money for Matt Galvin that he can put to better use fighting to hold down minimum wage.
@2 “all that valuable space was going to waste”
That’s small potatoes. This house has 55,000 square feet and every inch of it is going to waste.
Looks like a food truck might do well there. Or maybe a fast food kiosk. Golden Arches?
Whaddya think?
@4 Food truck, yes. A food truck would do well there. The current occupant likes to eat. A Golden Arches in the lunchroom would be even better. The current occupant likes fast food. I’ll bet there’s a ton of grease — the kind that clogs kitchen pipes — inside his arteries.
Oh Hey!
Besides all the fireworks in the committee rooms on the hill today there’s this other thing:
Duncan Hunter’s wife has changed her plea and agreed to cooperate with the US Attorney’s office. Hearing on the change tomorrow. She was facing 60 counts. Many of them very serious. And yeah. There were receipts. Lots and lots of receipts. So how generous the plea agreement is will give a pretty good indication of exactly what she’s giving the prosecutors in their case against her husband, Congressman CocaineBoatHookers.
I think this is yet another time when it is appropriate to point out that even this disgraceful and humiliating episode in the long and sordid history of such episodes for the GOP is…
wait for it…
yes, that’s right, entirely of their own making. Another #owngoal. The US Attorney bringing these indictments is a Republican. The lead prosecutors are Republicans. The Attorney General overseeing them is Republican. Congressman CocaineBoatHookers is of course a Republican. As was his father, who preceded him in office and now bankrolls him through his GOP defense industry backers.
It’s one great big GOP shitshow. Partisanship has nothing to do with this. As with Mueller, they do this shit to themselves and all by themselves.
@6 Didn’t his voters have the choice to not re elect him and they did anyway? Better a criminal than a democrat?
Something else that popped into my notifications today:
An Ohio judge just entered an judgement against Andrew Anglin for over $4 million. At trial the plaintiff was able to subpoena Anglin’s father who admitted under oath to helping set up the means to collect and funnel donations to Anglin hiding overseas in a non-extradition country. Anglin now sits under multiple default judgments and his donor lifeline is cut off. It’s only a matter of time before he’s kneeling in a Patpong alley… again.
Yeah. The timing was bad, though. His family is a fucking institution in San Diego and when the story first broke many of his voters chose to believe him. His excuses so far have stretched credulity. But Republicans are some pretty fucking credulous people, in case you haven’t noticed. He’ll have a hard time running for re-election from an FCI.
The thing I like best about this new modern GOP is their capacity to surprise and amaze (and sometimes even amuse).
I’ll admit, when I first read that Flynn was changing lawyers ahead of his postponed plea hearing I (stodgy conventional thinker that I am) assumed that after the roasting he’d previously received from Sullivan, he’d want to go in a more contrite and remorseful direction.
I may be misjudging Sullivan. And I’m sure he’ll do his best to be fair minded and patient with Flynn’s new counsel out of respect for his due process rights, even when it appears Flynn himself does not respect them.
But it cannot be over stressed how unwise it is to try the patience of an appointed-for-life federal judge.
I fear that once again Flynn is being used, and inviting it to happen. I don’t think this will end well for him.
Just Monday we were wondering what happened to Howard Schultz’s campaign.
Today he has let all but the senior staff of his campaign go today with vague promises they may be rehired if Biden isn’t the nominee. And there’s one thing employees will do is wait a year or so and see if they can have their Barista job back.
Not sure how that works as a spoiler. His campaign caught on more with ‘never Trumpers’ in the GOP than Democrats so the notion that Howard is the one to sweep in if say, Warren or Bernie come out of the convention and spoil it is pretty far fetched.
That’s not what I meant, that’s what I said!
White cops, black suspects, same old story.
No arrest, no charges, just an excuse* to beat up black people.
* Toddler allegedly grabbed toy in dollar store.
@6 Sure, why not turn rat against her hubby? He’s probably cheating on her. Don’t all Republicans cheat on their spouses? In any case, it seems this one does:
“In an August letter to the Justice Department, defense attorney Gregory Vega argued that prosecutors are pursuing criminal charges for conduct that falls into gray areas …. ‘This is true even for personal indiscretions of the congressman that the prosecutors seem intent on charging,’ Vega wrote. ‘The supposed reason given for including these details is that they reflect spending of campaign funds for extramarital infidelities and excessive drinking.'”
@7 What do you expect from Republican voters?
The key to understanding GOP office holders is realizing the voters who elected them are no better than they are.
We are going to lose 2020 and after that it won’t matter. Republicans can break the norms and the laws with no consequences because Republicans don’t care and Democratic politicians are too meek and timid and civil to stand up to them. This country is fucked. Stick a fork in it, we are done.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Hate America News–Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Candidate Update-
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Pussywhipped Punks News– AOC rightly nails ugly hag Pelosi (D-PMS) for stalling impeachment;“If now isn’t the time, then I think a lot of folks would like to know, when is the time?” she said.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now, apparently, leading House Democrats.
The newcomer, who has been in Congress for five months, on Tuesday accused top Democrats of “sitting on their hands” on whether to move ahead with impeachment proceedings against President Trump.
Asked whether she is satisfied with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s stance on impeachment, Ocasio-Cortez said, “Personally, I am not.”
“I think that an impeachment inquiry is right on our doorstep,” the Democratic socialist said on CNN. “If now isn’t the time … what is the bar, what is the line that we’re waiting to be crossed for an impeachment inquiry, and so far it doesn’t seem like there is one.”
The former bartender said that currently there is no “clear boundary” on when to move forward with impeachment. With Democrats in charge in the House, Ocasio-Cortez said “it seems as though we’re kind of sitting on our hands.”
“If now isn’t the time, then I think a lot of folks would like to know, when is the time?” she said.
@17, 18 Glad to see that the rumor I started that you’d committed suicide out of despair for not having a brain wasn’t true.
@16 and if that is the case this Country is fucked.
#AIFA. America is Fucked Again.
And after that every moderate, including the Repuke ones, will revolt. And then the Hillbillies will go on strike and lose their trailer homes.
11 children dead this year after being left in cars with the windows rolled up. You think the Pro Lifers would be up in arms. But they could cares less.
It’s called Freedom of Speech, by someone that was elected and sitting in the basement living with Mommy.
Racist, shitheaded, glued to white nationalist hate site z0 hog slop news:
The pork sauce freak’s orange moronic “man” crush is so fucking unpopular, the orange turd sack hazasad:
Where’s that fucking wall now? Oh it’s “almost built” but “desperately needed”!
“If now isn’t the time, then I think a lot of folks would like to know, when is the time?”
Jan 21, 2021. That is the time.
Maybe you idiots should get on with “LOCK HER UP” while you still can. It case you haven’t noticed, you guys aren’t getting anything done anymore. And time is a bitch.
@18 “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now, apparently, leading House Democrats.”
Hahaha, good one! Glad to see you can tell a joke. I always figured you’re a comedian.
The Trump campaign has stiffed at least 10 cities for security bills. You’d think people would learn and make him pay in advance.
Being a Secret Service agent on duty while black! What was he thinking? He’s lucky he wasn’t shot!
At least he gets to sue those cops.
In case you ever wondered how TeaBagging CageRapists like Pork Sauce and Teh Dumbfuck manage to be so consistently misinformed, a really good case study:
A professional internet troll poses as an academic researcher and Twitter-trolls every single one of the Wrong Wing reliable news sources to go along for the thrill ride without even a hint of fact checking. Here’s one of the better money-quotes:
“But for conservative media, the endorsement of peers within its narrow confines is all the expertise necessary for publication. Quillette writer Andy Ngo, who called attention to Lenihan’s work on Twitter and whose work Lenihan cites in his article, insisted that the legitimacy of Lenihan’s findings was self-evident from Lenihan’s Twitter posts. Human Events publisher Will Chamberlain told CJR that it considered Quillette a “reputable outlet” and would not independently fact-check work appearing on its site when commenting on it “in broad terms.””
The idea of linking reputable journalists with Antifa radicals of course had enormous currency within the great Murikan Trailerpark. And predictably led to multiple death threats directed at journalists by the fired up trailer trash. So the point, after all, isn’t to be informed. The point is to be inflamed.
On some subconscious level the trailerbillies know they are being duped. But at this point, that’s all they have to live for.
I’m pretty sure Sidney Poitier already played that part fifty years ago.
Why can’t Hollywood come up with any new stories?
Every minute of every day on AM radio.
Dori built a career on outrage, facts be damned.
AM Hate Radio is Pornhub for aging, white incels.
And Dori is their most famous SizeQueen.
@29 What I see here is Hollywood migrating to real life. Not by design, you understand, but via the inbred racist tendencies of certain white cops.
Not “certain”. And not just white either.
It’s not the cop. It’s the cop culture.
And frankly, it’s not just a cop culture. It’s a municipal culture all across America. Where red-lined “white flight” border municipalities in close proximity to poorer communities disproportionately target poor people, and people of color with aggressive policing as a way of both signaling “service” to their fearful white constituents and generating outside revenues for underfunded courts, and jails.
If you haven’t seen these operations in action you might not believe it. All white muni courts, in nearly all white communities where the gallery is filled with working class and poor people of color waiting to be called. They are models of efficiency presided over by otherwise high minded, undoubtedly “liberal” elected judges. The defendants are processed like meat on a packer’s line. And due process is a joke.
“Senior White House aide Kellyanne Conway should be removed from federal service for repeatedly violating a law that prohibits government employees from engaging in political campaigns, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel said Thursday.”
Are they serious? Does anyone believe this administration cares about laws? Republicans think the Hatch Act only applies to mailmen and park rangers. In their view, agency execs and political appointees are exempt. Also from the emoluments clause and anti-corruption laws.
No, you won’t get a meaningful response from the White House, only blather about “liberals weaponizing the Hatch Act” to pick on poor innocent little Kellyanne Conway.
Just indict her already.
@34 See, e.g., Ferguson, Missouri, where minority residents were a cash cow for a white-run corrupt municipal government.
Missouri. California. Maryland. Illinois. Pennsylvania. Ohio. Wisconsin. Kentucky. Virginia. Minnesota. Florida. Nebraska. Oklahoma. And sure, Washington.
Everybody. Everywhere.
Fastest, easiest, simplest solution: Fewer cops. Way fewer cops.
Sure, we can work on improving cop culture. We can work on improving American culture. But we also need to be realistic. And let’s face it. That’s the kind of thing that even with all the “woke” training in the world it’s going to take decades to clean it up and turn it around.
Fewer cops goes directly to the heart of the problem and reduces the effect. In the near term that’s the best we can hope for, and it’s the least we can do for these people who have to live through this shit every day. Decriminalizing the bullshit, petty, “civility” violations and reducing the size of police forces results in what? More crime? Nope. Truth is criminal reform and fewer cops leads to fewer arrests and overall lower costs for the entire police industrial circus. “Broken Windows” was one of the greatest cons ever perpetrated on American taxpayers.
Did taking away marijuana arrests bring about the promised Armageddon? It did not. It’s merely saving taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and preventing lives from being ruined. Cutting the size of police forces is the fastest, most sensible way to reduce rampant police abuses and over-incarceration. Forcing tough decisions on agencies to choose between the idiocy of armored tanks and actual community services. Significantly reducing the number of cops brings the unions to the table to negotiate in good faith and deprives the life blood from the cottage industry of civil def litigation firms and professional “expert” witnesses.
Cop culture is sick.
That can’t be fixed with inspirational posters and weekend sensitivity seminars. It hasn’t made any difference yet. The fix doesn’t have to be that complicated. Just stop. Stop hiring. Stop promoting. Let the ranks thin themselves through natural attrition. And set hiring goals based exclusively on achievable metrics of reductions in police abuse, not reductions in crime. Reduce funding gradually and tie funding for hiring and promotion to funding for litigation and settlements.
Six white cops approach a black guy sleeping in a car. They fired 55 shots at him, about half of which hit him, in less than 4 seconds. A consultant’s report (the consultant, of course, is a cop) calls it “reasonable.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My guess is the city will sign a $5 million check to his family to avoid finding out what a jury thinks is reasonable.
So, it’s clear God keeps killing the wrong Biden children.
Details emerge on Hunter Biden’s secret wedding just 10 days after meeting his new wife
I guess he saves his best aim for when he goes after a Kennedy.
@ 38
Everyone should click the link in Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s post and read the whole story. Then watch the video.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit could have told you the dead guy had a handgun in his lap, but he didn’t. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit could have told you that the police first attempted to remove the handgun from the situation without waking the sleeping driver but were unable to do so, but he didn’t. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit could have told you that the officers yelled to him to show them his hands, before he instead reached down toward his handgun, but he didn’t.
The local PD released extensive video – all six officers had working audio/video body cameras, and a six-on-one video was created in which all six recordings were synced. The gunshots are fired at about 14:55 in the video found at this link:
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re a fucking asshole. Police did everything right. Everything.
“…the police first attempted to remove the handgun from the situation without waking the sleeping driver but were unable to do so…”
They carefully tried the door.
“…the dead guy had a handgun in his lap…
Officers can be heard on audio acknowledging that there was no ammunition cartridge in the weapon.
“…officers yelled to him to show them his hands, before he instead reached down toward his handgun…”
He can be clearly seen reaching to scratch his shoulder.
It’s a shame they didn’t decide to crush the dead boy’s skull by stomping on it. Teh Dumbfuck would be happy to clean their boots with his tongue.
He “y’all”. Remember that time Teh Dumbfuck fought the good fight for truth and transparency by informing everyone how Seth Rich was the one who hacked the DNC?
I guess we know who the real hero is.
You really should think twice about posting those kinds of stories.
You realize Teh Dumbfuck choke-faps to those videos, right?
How Teh Dumbfucks kill time in the trailer park:
Entertainment gossip.
Not only that, but bad entertainment gossip (I feel like that might be redundant).
Teh Dumbfuck’s AOL link is nearly verbatim copypasta and otherwise transparently (and badly) paraphrased from E! reporting 24 hrs earlier. I’m guessing the parts the AOL Entertainment “Editor” wrote himself are the misspelled parts.
I think I liked it better when he was RTing @kathygriffin
Everything Trump touches he makes dumb.
You go Hunter! Grab’em by the Pussy!
Is that better Bob? Do you approve or disapprove?
He’s not there. He’s gone back to choke-fapping to police snuff videos.
@39 Are you trying to be despicable, or does it come naturally to you? Asking for a friend.
@42 I’m looking for an aneurysm I can cause to burst.
So who’s Going to not hold press briefings next month?
@48 Yeah, I saw that. Fuckabee is out. Another Trump sycophant gets her reward for unstinting loyalty to the boss.
This whole presidency is just an extension of “The Apprentice” and Trump knows people would quit watching if nobody got fired.
48, 49,
She wasn’t holding briefings anyway. The entire enterprise had become toxic going all the way back to the original lies in May of ’17 about the Comey firing.
The WH press corp is too big of a potential asset for an incumbent seeking reelection to leave it broken. It’s been speculated that with Bill Shine on point they’ve been trying to replace her and reboot the relationship since the 1st of the year. That it has taken until summer is an indication of how hard it now is to convince highly capable people to throw themselves away in service to corruption.
Still, I’m not going to be surprised if they manage to drop in a true talent. Shine can put a lot on the table. A year and a half smooving over the lies and treason in exchange for an hour of primetime on FOX for the next two or three years. They could get almost anyone to bite.
@ 41
Officers can be heard on audio acknowledging that there was no ammunition cartridge in the weapon.
So, with only one round in the chamber, the number of cops he could have killed probably would not be more than one.
@51 Admit it, you get off on white cops pumping lead into black men. The more bullets, the better! 55 shots at point-blank range, I’ll be you squirted in your undies watching that one!
Interestingly, 30 of those shots fired at point-blank range missed.
I’d hate to be a bystander anywhere near these cops.
That’s exactly one eighth the number the average public school kindergarten teacher could kill if the GOP gets its way. Or Robert Lavoy Finicum.
And about 1/1000th the number The United Constitutional Patriots might kill along the border on any given day this summer. Or the Branch Davidians.
What shall we do next? The next monthly meeting of the Asotin County GOP? Or the next monthly Klan rally?
How ’bout the next GOP Presidential convention?
Wot wur dey tinking?
What Bob has forgot tell everyone is that it’s pretty clear that had the guy been white he’d still be alive and that that police department wouldn’t have to spend the money to replace those 55 bullets.
Think about this – many of The Straights are bothered by gay people celebrating Pride for a Month (when in reality I as an individual celebrate it here on the one day of the Parade), and they are so insecure and upset that we stole the Rainbow, and yet they are the majority. They aren’t the minority.
Imagine if they were the minority. They’d probably be bombing and doing terroristic activity like Taliban and ISIS
You know, abortion is something us gay people don’t have to be involved with like The Straight sinners.
You know the Repuke saying – guilty until proven innocent of being found guilty. Especially when there’s a war to start over it!
Another decade of war with distant Muslim terrorists will be good for industry and good for more Trump.
Be Patriotic!
Fewer than half of Americans say they’re better off than they were before the Great Recession, and a quarter say they’re worse off, mostly because of stagnant wages,according to
But I sure ain’t one of ’em! Thanks partly to a soaring stock market and artificially low interest rates, corporate tax cuts, and monetary policies that encourage companies to rain dividend raises and stock buybacks on shareholders, I’m much richer than I was in 2008! But what do you expect? We live in a capitalist society, where owners of capital like me get all the goodies and the working stiffs who create that wealth get the shaft. I’m sure glad I’m a capitalist, not a worker, but I feel for the poor exploited workers, so I vote Democrat anyway — it’s a conscience thing. Not the dumbfuck radiologist, though; he has no conscience … no brains, either. He’s spending his Medicare wealth instead of multiplying it. Feeding a horse doesn’t make money, it costs money, a lot of money, but at least he gets to molest it. I guess that’s worth some easy-come-easy-go cash to him.
@55 Rainbow theft is a big deal with these people, you know. They think they own all the rainbows. They feel sooo entitled.
They think rainbow theft should be a capital offense. But then, Doctor Dumbfuck thinks shoplifting $5 of cigars ought to be, too.
These are merely pretexts, though. It’s simple, really. They just have a reflexive urge to kill everybody who isn’t exactly like them.
A couple of days ago Biden announced at a stumper in Iowa that if elected President (not when? WTF?) he will cure cancer.
Look, giving people hope and goals and shit is great. And the declared goals of the Biden Cancer Initiative and the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot are good goals and mostly very realistic. Even “ending cancer as we know it” is a reasonable and worthy goal.
But declaring that you, YOU, a history major and middling law school graduate will cure cancer is the kind of political claim you make when you either don’t have any practical ideas, or you don’t really want to talk about them.
I don’t know if this is just who he is, or if this is the product of a team of consultants studying 1992 like it was last week. But that shit was three decades ago. Trump ain’t 41. And the country isn’t looking for compassion or redemption.
The country is looking for solutions.
If a candidate is going to talk about health spending they should be talking about covering more Americans. This smells to me like running from one of the central issues of not just the primary, but almost certainly the general election.
The nominee has to stand for stuff. Actual real, achievable stuff. Trump and his campaign are going to jump out ahead in national messaging by defining the election using trial tested fear tactics as a stark choice between “safe” and “dangerous”, rather than as a referendum for “change”. Part of the Dem strategy in response to that has to be to address that question of choice head on. Democrats have to shift it from a choice between “danger and safety” to a choice between “solutions and chaos”.
To do that you have to have solutions. And they have to be concrete, practical, and detailed if they are going to illustrate that shift in choice. The GOP has solutions too. It’s just that most of them are pure bullshit made up lies and nonsense. And the ones that aren’t either don’t work at all, or don’t do what the GOP says they’ll do. Better still, in Trump’s case the “solutions” change hourly depending on whatever he sees on teevee. That part is the easy sell. The hard part is the alternative policy. Real policy alternatives that promise to make the lives of Americans better.
Biden really needs to turn this shit around if he’s going to be the nominee. “I’m gonna cure cancer” is not giving people a reason to choose him over CageRape.
@61 Vote for Mayor Pete.
I like Joe Biden but I don’t think he’s all the right person. Stupidest thing is to claim you’ll find a cure for cancer or a cure for anything – talking about the need for more funding maybe, but to say that you promise to cure cancer is just fucking stupid. Don’t promise shit you can’t necessarily deliver, instead say what you think we should be doing as a nation and how you will lead us there, that’s it.