It’s pretty rough that things have to get so bad at the Northwest Detention Center that a hunger strike is the way we know about the problems there. In a more just, more decent world people wouldn’t have to starve themselves so that we could know that they want expedited hearings and better food.
Fuckem The minute they crossed the border they broke the law. They should have thought about that then. Try to sneak into Mexico and get caught. You find the conditions much worse and you will probably get the shit kicked out of you.
In a more just, more decent world people wouldn’t have to starve themselves…
In a less just, less decent world people wouldn’t have the choice whether to eat or not eat.
So vexing that the half-empty glass is still half-full, isn’t it?
“We want actual desserts and not just apples and oranges everyday.”
The poor things. Maybe if we peel the oranges and core/slice the apples first…
Oh c’mon, Carl, if sawdust sandwiches were good enough for Allied airmen in German POW camps, they’re good enough for illegals in the U.S. private prison system. Remember, in Capitalist America, profit is paramount! The prisoners must do their part, too.
Disclaimer: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own stock in any private prison companies.
As the results of this
President Donald Trump has won the first major battle in his war on illegal immigration, and he did it without building his wall.
The victory was announced last week by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which released figures showing a 93 percent drop since December of parents and children caught trying to cross the Mexico border illegally.
work their way through the system, there will be fewer detainees, shorter processing and adjudication times, and faster deportations so the immigrants can be reunited with their families in Mexico and elsewhere.
But the best part is that for those detainees remaining, there will be more apples and oranges everyday @ 3 for everybody!
I wonder if this is what Trump meant when he talked about winning.
@2 “In a less just, less decent world people wouldn’t have the choice whether to eat or not eat.”
True; Sudan, Somalia, and Eritrea, among other countries, provide inspiring examples to conservatives like you of what could be possible here, if only we as a nation find the wisdom and courage to be guided by your dog-eat-dog worldview.
@ 6
That’s detainee-eat-apple-and-orange worldview, bub.
@5 Planning to pick your own lettuce, I see. Of course, for us rabbits, that’s never a problem. We can hardly wait to see you do it.
What are the odds the guy who swept out Doctor Dumbfuck’s radiology lab after business hours was a Hispanic? Does anyone here believe Boob would pay white wages if he could hire an illegal? After all, he obsessively rants that paying $15/hr. to people who actually work is an outrage.
@ 8
Urination, for me, is never a problem.
@10 Of course not, given all the empty storage space you have above your shoulders.
It also helps if you didn’t have a prostate to begin with, girlie.
HAR HAR HAR … the lawyer kicks the doctor’s ass every time!
…Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which released figures showing a 93 percent drop since December of parents and children caught trying to cross the Mexico border illegally.
Since Dumbfuck failed to catch* the operative word in that paragraph, we’ll just note that not arresting people for crimes differs somewhat in ultimate outcome from reducing the actual number of crimes committed.
The next question then automatically becomes, if we’re not arresting people for the crimes they’re still committing, why do we pay taxes for police, courts, and jails?
*See what I did there?
Looks like I ran off Doctor Dumbfuck (aka Boob), but he’ll come slinking back when he thinks the coast is clear, because he can’t do without his daily HA fix.
@14 “Trump has spoken about the need to crack down broadly on all illegal immigrants. But, internally, according to the DHS officials familiar with the department’s strategy, his administration has focused on one immigrant group more than others: women with children, the fastest growing demographic of illegal immigrants. … In the months since Trump’s inauguration, DHS has rolled out a range of policies aimed at discouraging women from attempting to cross the border, including … the threat of … separating women and children at the border.”
Trump rolls out a policy worthy of Adolf Hitler, and Doctor Dumbfuck brags about it.
I wonder if this is what Trump meant when he talked about winning.
Well, he wasn’t talking about repeal of the ACA, now was he?
nailed it.
The estimated numbers of parents with children trying to cross illegally declined mostly in the wake of the Bush economic collapse. A further significant factor was the steep drop in homicides in El Salvador in 2012 as a result of the gang truce. This resulted in reallocation of resources under a previous administration run by some black guy with a fake birth certificate*.
Official Trump Treason statistics are about has reliable as Newsmax retweets. And about as carefully sourced.
*Source: the same fetid, scabrous orifice from which all other hillbilly orthodoxies issue to the awaiting lips of Врач немой ебать
Hey look!
Another totally isolated, non-systemic, singular, one-off, unprecedented, unique, anomalous, sui generis case of roid-raging, racist, hillbilly
thugs-with-badgescops beating the shit out of someone trying to surrender.It’s not a problem. No problem. Nothing to see there. Everything under control. The hillbillies will handle it “internally” just fine.
If last week’s municipal elections in Illinois are any sign, Democrats could run the table in 2018:
“In a spate of local elections last week in Illinois, Democrats picked up seats in places they’ve never won before. The city of Kankakee elected its first African-American, Democratic mayor. West Deerfield Township will be led entirely by Democrats for the first time. Elgin Township voted for ‘a complete changeover,’ flipping to an all-Democratic board. Normal Township elected Democratic supervisors and trustees to run its board ― the first time in more than 100 years that a single Democrat has held a seat. ‘We had a pretty good day,’ said Dan Kovats, executive director of the Illinois Democratic County Chairmen’s Association. ‘We won … in areas Republicans never expected us to be competitive in. They were caught flat-footed.’ These … small victories … fit with a broader pattern that should have Republicans on edge ahead of the 2018 elections: Progressive grassroots activism, exploding with energy since President Donald Trump’s win in November, is fueling Democratic gains in GOP strongholds.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Doctor Dumbfuck and his cronies are gonna be fucked. That doesn’t bother me a bit.
I’d be pretty satisfied to knock off a dozen or so “moderate” Traitors in the House – hopefully making it impossible for Trump/Ryan/McConnell to move major legislation without some support from Loyal American members. We can certainly go after Heller in Nevada and Luther Strange deserves a solid challenge accompanied by a large money drop. That could set things up very well for 2020.
However, it must be noted that however fucked Врач немой ебать may be, whenever things don’t work out for him and his fellow traitors he just lowers the bar. Won’t stop me from enjoying their misery.
I went over to the DOL website to get an estimate of what my tab fee is going to be for my one-year-old car. It’s $356.75 if I donate $5 to the state parks and $351.75 if I choose not to donate to the state parks.
Since I’m not ever going to use this new RTA (I’ll be long gone before it’s ever finished), I have to do something to reduce the total cost. That means no more voluntary donations for the parks even though it’s just $5.00. I’d like to help out the parks, but $226.00 of the total renewal fee has to go to the RTA. Yes, most of my car’s tabs are a result of the damn RTA business, and I’ll never get a chance to ride the damn thing.
Meanwhile, don’t look now by Врач немой ебать’s Pizzagate Oracle is threatening to get all triggered if Trump refuses to kiss Bannon’s troll ring.
Excellent. #KeepBannon #FireKushner #ВрачНемойЕбать
I feel exactly the same way about the portion of my property taxes that goes to pay for public schools.
That’s why, when the little shits come around on Oct. 31st I set the dogs on ’em. That doesn’t make me bad. It makes the public schools bad.
“I went over to the DOL website to get an estimate of what my tab fee is going to be for my one-year-old car. It’s $356.75”
OUCH! I guess the lesson is to drive an old clunker.. The tabs on my 2003 car, that we have barely 60k miles on), is less than half that.
Went up 50 or so bucks over the preceding year.
We live in Seattle and we pay a metro surcharge courtesy of the Seattle hating Republicans.. Oh well it’s not killing us. Haters gonna hate.
@ #7
Why not just call them for what they really are? Perhaps something a little less “mean sounding”.
Concentrated campers maybe.
@ 25
“That’s why, when the little shits come around on Oct. 31st I set the dogs on ’em. That doesn’t make me bad. It makes the public schools bad.”
Y’know. I grew up in a neighborhood with several people that actually did shit like that, for the same reason. They also happened to be the same guys that would always be sitting on their front porch in their underwear and socks with a beer in each hand, at 10:00 in the morning.
24 – Yes, I know – we in Pierce Country simply don’t matter. You liberal progressive trolls think you know best about everything, and no one should ever question you opinions because they’re not really opinions at all: they’re progressive moral values, and anyone who does not support your group-think is a sub-human enemy of the state.
You King County progressive assholes are nothing more than ultimate Nanny Staters and every last one of you needs to be put to death. Maybe those anarchist assholes will take a few of you out of the gene pool in a few weeks when they start tearing up downtown Seattle.
Eat shit!
P. S. I didn’t vote for Trump, dickhead.
Kakistocracy, indeed.
Don Benton? DON FUCKING BENTON???!11
Where the hell is Rod Serling when you really need him. We need him to come back and explain some shit.
@1 ohhh Max.
@29 who gives a shit who you voted for. Irregardless you are still a dipshit hillbilly.
Damn raping Mexicans. Who do they think they are!? Do they think they can rape like we Americans can!?
@29 “P. S. I didn’t vote for Trump, dickhead.”
Of course you didn’t. He’s not a conservative. Hell, he’s not even a Republican. He’s just a grifter who blew through town, taking nearly every Republican along with him in his parade.
P.S., Nobody voted for Nixon, either. At least no one admitted it later.
“Maybe those anarchist assholes will take a few of you out of the gene pool in a few weeks when they start tearing up downtown Seattle.”
Oh we’re so scared of those kerchief wearing poseurs from Oregon! Like they’ve ever been effective at anything save getting glibertarians and klownservatics overheated.
China warns U.S., North Korea: ‘If war breaks out … no one will win’
“Yes, most of my car’s tabs are a result of the damn RTA business, and I’ll never get a chance to ride the damn thing.”
If it makes you feel better, Carl hates you for owning a car.
Sure you did. We know. No use pretending with us. We know.
@23, @29:
The previous thread was about the MVET. Go complain there. It will do you every bit as much good as your endless complaints here.
Oh — and a guy who could afford to buy a new car last year now begrudges spending $5 on a worthy cause. Please let us know if you need help understanding why everyone isn’t clamoring to be seen with you on this issue.
You and I both know it isn’t really about MVET.
@39 So he’s punishing state parks for ST3?