I hope that y’all can make it to the protest of Trump’s immigration policies. Of the separation of families. Of the denial of refugees rights. This is America, but it doesn’t have to be. You can find info on the Seattle protest here. Or other locations here. Move On will ask for your info, and give it to them or not, you can still go to the protest.
Further evidence of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investing prowess came yesterday with news that GE, which last Fall was one of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s largest holdings when he recommended that longer-term investors continue holding the stock, is being bounced from the DJIA after more than a hundred years.
GE’s place in the Dow 30 is being taken by Walgreens, which is where Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit buys his Chucks pads, urinary catheters, Fleet enemas and can/hoses, and rectal DSS suppositories.
So it’s all good, really, because Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit still can hold a Dow stock and ‘pay himself’ by patronizing that company.
Don’t be a dumbfuck like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Do the opposite instead.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorats Caught Lying Again, Pictures Show Obama Put Children In Cages While Demorats Did Nothing [Pictures at link]
The policy of prosecuting immigrants for crossing the border illegally has been in place for multiple administrations. The Obama administration prosecuted half a million illegal immigrants and similarly separated families in the process. So did the Bush administration.
Personal accounts from immigration lawyers tell a tale of Obama being equally concerned about unaccompanied minors traveling to the border and wanting to create a deterrent.
Photos of border detention facilities from the Obama-era, taken during 2014, look nearly identical to the ones taken during the Trump era.
You never see them, however. Here they are, taken in 2014 during a media tour of Obama-era detention facilities in Brownsville, Texas, and Nogales, Arizona.
In yesterday’s Drinking Liberally thread it was asked whether the protesting of the separation of kids would hurt the Democrats.
Bob gave a lame non comittal answer as usual.
But The Hump is soon to make some type of statement. Why would he do that if the protesting hurts Democrats chances or abilities in the next election. I think his statement will be a clear indication of the answer.
Of course Bob would prefer to stick with talking about GE.
Mike Schmidt did something commendable, but the idiot doesn’t realize that all this bullshit with the GOP being mother fuckers all began before The Hump became the Nazi Leader.
@3 but that’s not what we heard from Republicans from 2009 to 2016 – they told me that Obama was giving them free phones and having them sit on Santa’s lap.
@ 4
Mike Schmidt played 3B for the Phillies.
Now Goldy doesn’t have to weigh in.
@6 yeah, Steve Schmidt…..he played on his knees for Repukes for quite some time.
Republicans steal toys from kids.
Hey Bob – the Dow is up 9 points right now, after being down for most the morning – go get them pink pom poms.
Will ICE be at the protest? Will they be invited or will they invite themselves?
I do not come here for investment advice. I rather expect the occasional call for divestment, or support that the U of W should divest in something. Or that Washington states employee investments should divest in something or other. Then it’s a public policy debate, and how the folks in charge should do their job. Do they invest in a stock that is a solid investment or not, but has a history…like DOW or coke since they still sell the NAZI drinks FANTA. FANTA just does not seem as fun and sexy as their adds when you discover the open NAZI past. Which is generally ignored. Give those sexy dancers swastikas, and there could be a bigger protest than the one today in Seattle.
Real criminals should pay attention as their children should not be separated from them at the time of their arrest. And bail should be set in an amount that those who are parents can be with their loved ones until proven guilty.
@4 Well it plays differently in Plano, Texas than it does here. It plays different in Des Moines, Iowa than here. I doubt Republican plans and concerns rely much upon Democratic Washington state. Sure it would be fun to take the Senate seat, but not picking it up does not change the status quo, and just sets up keeping Senate seats, possible picking some up in swing states, and keeping the House of Representatives and preventing Democrats from making inroads in the red heartland. Republican’s expect to loose some house seats, but on a national level the debate helps them. Here in Washington the matter is of no significance. Urban Washington is already Democrat. Rural Washington is generally Republican, and they already have enough to upset them about the Urban folks controlling so much. Just gives those pols an extra line in a stump speech. Just those urbane folks telling us what to do like on water, like on air, ect.
@1 GE’s problems are even worse than we thought, in no small part because material information was withheld from shareholders and the investing public.
Getting kicked out of the Dow is the least of its problems.
Over the last several months, we’ve learned GE has liabilities we weren’t told about, may have to raise capital, and its reorganization plan includes shedding core assets.
GE’s ability to attract talented managers and engineers has been harmed by damage to its reputation and uncertainty about its future.
GE has a major product quality problem on its hands, in the form of new generation jet engines blowing up in flight.
Over the last year, GE shareholders have been subjected to an unending stream of bad news. There could be more shoes to drop. And shareholders face ongoing risks from possible share dilution, possible further dividend cuts or elimination, and possible further stock price downside.
Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck somehow has had all this information all along, either because (choose one) (a) he is a genius, or (b) has a functioning crystal ball that can tell the future. But despite possessing this superior knowledge, he didn’t short GE at 23, because he’s a dumbfuck.
I sold all of my GE shares this morning. Because many of these shares were acquired for around $6, I essentially doubled my money, in addition to collecting an above-average dividend yield for several years.
To a dumbfuck, that looks like a disaster.
Real Americans are disgusted by your pointless cruelty.
22 million Americans, including about 2.5 million unaffiliated voters in vulnerable swing districts, listening to the anguished screaming of desperate innocent toddlers is not a debate.
And it did not help you.
@4 Looks like Drumpf is caving to public pressure, although it remains to be seen whether his “order” is the real thing, or just the smoke and mirrors typical of this administration.
Of course, you know how this will be played. Like any talented carnival barker, Drumpf will blame the Democrats for family separations and claim he “solved” the problem.
@3 False equivalency. The reason there was no public outcry about Obama’s deportation policies is because his administration didn’t tear children away from their mothers, throw them in cages, and confiscate their toys. Behaving like Nazis is strictly a Republican fetish.
he caved to the pressure from Congressional leadership and signed “a paper” that may or may not reverse his own stupid, cruel, and pointless policy.
But implementing this latest Toddler Torture scheme will require violating a federal court order that, very reasonably and consistent with our constitution and our values as Americans, prohibits border soldiers from indefinitely imprisoning infants and children.
Under these circumstances I think it’s probably very unlikely that any federal judge will want to put their name on an order reversing that ruling. So CBP will be in open violation of settled U.S. law and will probably be ordered to cut it out. Putting the Toddler Torture Party right back where they were when they woke up this morning: branded as the Worst People on Earth.
reasoning will get you nowhere with these people.
He doesn’t know the law and he doesn’t care.
He hates. He needs some “others” to be punished because “press one for English”.
The other day he was arguing that if one immigrant somewhere murders one citizen then that justifies torturing random babies as payback. Reason is not a part of this. This is evil shit.
They way godwin whines about GE, it’s like he spent half his live savings on GE at the top of the cycle and has been watching his nest egg evaporate ever since.
@12 Abigail – try to remember that I reside on the East Coast, so in reference to all the Washington (State) stuff, I pretty much don’t care.
@15 and @17 – he may have also caved because of what Steve Schmidt had to say.
Like I said – it was commendable of what Steve said. And I always kind of liked him to some degree, but like I said he also was on his knees at times for Republicans. Party First!
@12 “Rural Washington is generally Republican, and they already have enough to upset them about the Urban folks controlling so much.”
Rural Washington is less than half the state’s population, so why should they be in control? Are you against majority rule?
Eastern Washington has 2/3 of the land area, but only 21% of the population. They think their taxes subsidize Seattle. In fact, it’s the other way around, by a wide margin.
When they can’t even keep basic facts like that straight, why should Seattle voters put them in charge? Isn’t it enough that Seattle homeowners are paying hundreds of dollars a year more in school taxes so they can pay less for their schools?
Maybe some good could start to come out of all of The Humps brutality and fuckery. Maybe many Republicans join the Democrats and change some of what ails the Democratic Party. Living in NYC, only after 4 years, can open your eyes to a Party that has swung a bit too far with handouts.
I’m all for providing help, at my taxpaying expense, but I also expect people to be held accountable and not put more of a burden on me. For example, the homeless – i feel for them, I’ve helped them out, I think they need more help, but when someone on the street helps them out with giving them some food they don’t need to leave all the unfinished food and debris on the ground. There is a fucking garbage can on every corner of each block.
NYC put in (spent a lot of money) on free WiFi Kiosks through out the city and continues to do so. They allow for charging of phones, making free phone calls, and also able to search the internet and watch videos and movies. At first, the homeless were watching porn and using these kiosks as their personal movie theater. But aside from that, nobody really uses them – no tourists and no residents – pretty much the homeless only. Better use of that money could have been thought of.
Hopefully the likes of Steve Schmidt could improve the Democratic Party. I know – not so easy, but hey, welcome Steve.
@19 You may be onto something. I assumed he harps on GE and Hillary for lack of anything else to talk about. As a Republican, he has nothing constructive going for him.
An oldie from 2008
Hilliary for 2020?
@22 Eastern Washington also has a really big dam and lake, and Hanford. At least some farmers wanted the lake, though it was more about the power that ended up powering aluminum smelters and provided jobs over here. And that aluminum went to building a lot of airplanes. Still does. Can of hard to put a dam and lake into an urban area, and make sure the benefits are beneficial to all.
And at the end of the day politicians in urban areas know folks in their urban area like to eat. If they don’t eat then the pitchforks come out, and that politician is a lot closer than those farmers in eastern Washington or even the more local ones.
What you are saying is nothing more than the same problems the city/state called Athens had. Only a lot lot more people were dependent on agriculture, and knew from immediate experience which side of the brad was buttered. They did have some hunter gatherers, and some who had become urbanites that had become disconnected. And before things got to the point they are here, the Persian’s showed up, and the Greeks came together for a time. And the philosophers did not come up with a solution to the problem you have put forth. Though for your premise to be true one has to assume we are in a Democracy (which the folks in Athens were truly a democracy) or a Republic with representative democracy and not a oligarchy where the democratic institutions are more for appearance, and some of those rural folks and some urban conspire to keep the masses dumbed down, and unaware the of the oligarchs true goals. As long as there is acquiesce of the voting public to the status quo our question does not really matter…until he pitchforks come out. It certainly is not a question the pols or governor in Olympia are struggling with. As that would upset the status quo, and they like the founders do not entirely trust the people, and know the majority can trample the minority. The mean usually works pretty well though…gotta have that mean.
@20 Glad you admitted you are just an outside agitator. The blog is supposed to be about Washington state politics though the participants don’t seem to mind roughshod over that. and the owner and administration of the blog do not pay much attention to a lot of stuff on here that is frankly off topic. Though they do open things up by making the vast majority of the posts open threads. And I do know the rest of the state of New York has a similar issue with New York and New York government has to be reminded from time to time it’s part of New York by courts at the state and federal level. Without water, power, food from the rest of New York, New Yorkers go thirsty, have no ac, or go hungry all of which get local politicians up in arms. So this issue exists where you are, and like Washington New York is a democratic state and generally the Republican’s have historically not had a lot of power there for some time, and have to dance to the Democratic tune….not always to that point in Washington historically, the Republicans have been powerful in the past…could be that western influence. New Yorker’s never fully embraced Teddy Roosevelt because of some of the same reasons, but you all loved Franklin Roosevelt.
@22 And Seattle voters are just folks who reside in Seattle an incorporated city in Washington state, same as those in Everett or Spokane. Residents in all of those cities do not have much sway with residents in the other cities. Yet how much power is produced in each of those cities? Some but far more is produced in rural Washington, yet rural residents get a limited say on what the power goes too with farmers being a minor exception, and as time has gone on some resources that were agricultural and why dams were built have shifted to urban needs.
I do think Americans miss one important fact in this whole immigrant debate.
What happens to Americans should they be found to be illegal immigrants in Mexico or Canada. Not that too many Americans actually did try leaving the US once Trump became President…must be some reason almost no one including Syrians try to go to Mexico. Do the nice Canadian’s and Mexican’s separate immigrant children from their parents. give immigrants rights, have any compunction over shooting immigrants crossing the border, ect. Neither nations immigration laws are at all friend to immigrants, though very different situations on the two borders, still overall they probably would prefer Americans stay out unless it’s to spend money there.
@26 “@22 Eastern Washington also has a really big dam and lake, and Hanford.”
You didn’t mention that the “really big dam” and “Hanford” are Federal projects. In fact, that “really big dam” was done by the Federal Bureau of Reclamation which provided oversight to provide irrigation to the central area of Washington. So not only are there less voters in Eastern WA, they have been sucking off the teat of the Feds for a long, long time. Welfare queens? What about States’ Rights? What Eastern WA serves up more than anything is a great big dose of hypocrisy because if they were really interested in what they crow about all the damn time would turn that region into a dust bowl because they simply cannot support themselves with their tax base. Oh yeah, now that ICE is playing the role of jackboot thugs, there are many less hands to bring in the crops.
Somebody needs to get Eastern WA a binky and call the whaaambulance. They should not have control of the State of WA unless they can breed like flies and increase the population to tip the population balance in their favor.
I still say, there’s a damn good reason we call him Shortbus.
Like his beloved Cheeto Jesus he’s dumb as a door knob. I suspect that’s why these people turn to cruelty and hatred. Objective reality is just too difficult. It’s easier to reduce things to simple narratives with good guys and bad guys.
I sometimes wish they’d go back to teevee sports but then I remember The Fan. Turns out overzealous dumbshits are a problem wherever you find them.
GE is apparently run by idiots. Long suffered from a culture of, “no bad news flows up.” While Jeff Immelt may have been a disciple of Jack Welch, he grew into a pattern of thinking he had the Midas touch because of what Jack set in place. After some time, nobody was willing to tell Jeff that some of his ideas were not very sound.
It is a shame to see such a company implode. Too big to fail? No, of course not. If you stop and think about how much of an impact GE has had on our country and world, the fall from grace is amazingly sad.
If you think GE’s latest jet engine has problems, they are in much better shape than Rolls Royce: https://www.quora.com/Which-is-best-at-making-aircraft-engines-Rolls-Royce-GE-or-P-W
GE generates 1/3 of the worlds’ power: https://www.ge.com/power
A GE aircraft engine takes off ever 2 seconds: https://www.ge.com/reports/every-two-seconds-aircraft-powered-ge-technology-takes-off-somewhere-world/
GE has great products but the management has just driven the company into the ground. Now the Dow is telling them they can no longer sit at the grown-ups table.
With that said, I often wonder why Dr. Dumbfuck is so anti GE and hates women so much. Typically such vitriolic hate is learned at an early age. Only a woman could make him hate women so much. Freud would suggest it was his mother’s fault. His mom must have worked for GE.
@27 so then what’s Mississippi’s problem? Mobile?
If it weren’t for NYC, the other parts of New York wouldn’t be ehqt they are.
News that should warm the cockles of Doctor Dumbfuck’s heart.
“17-year-old Antwon Rose was fleeing and unarmed when police in East Pittsburgh shot him”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Surprise Surprise Demorats Lied, It Was Never About Children, It Was Always About White Replacement
Wyden: Trump executive order far from enough
WASHINGTON – On the heels of a letter Wednesday by Oregon’s Democrats in Congress calling for an end to the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, the president’s new executive order brought a caustic reaction from Sen. Ron Wyden.
Trump said repeatedly at an Oval Office signing event that his executive order will “keep families together.”
But Wyden said, “Locking families in cages together instead of locking children in cages without their parents marks a minor move from total inhumanity to moral bankruptcy.”
“Children don’t belong behind bars,” the senator said. “Trump has made his underlying goals clear: to terrorize innocent refugee families and use them as political pawns to propel a racist agenda. This humanitarian crisis is not over.”
@26 Eastern Washington doesn’t feed Seattle. Most of its agricultural products are exported.
The Columbia River dams weren’t built to produce power. They were make-work projects during the Depression whose main purpose was to create jobs. The BPA had no use for the water and no market for the electricity, so they gave it to the farmers, along with power to run irrigation pumps. The aluminum plants came later, when the war created a need for aluminum. The dams also powered the Hanford reactors.
Farmers are 2% of the U.S. population. Our need to eat doesn’t mean their votes should count more than ours. That would violate the fundamental principles on which this country was founded.
You should consider taking a couple of classes in history and civics to get up to speed. You’re opining beyond your competence.
@27 The topic of this blog is Republicans suck. Anything on that subject is on topic.
@28 Electricity doesn’t vote. Western ranchers and farmers get crop subsidies, cheap grazing rights, and subsidized water, electricity, schools, roads, and other public services.
If people in eastern Washington get tired of being members of a privileged class, they’re free to move to Seattle, and pay Seattle taxes and housing costs, whenever they choose.
@29 North Korea throws people into concentration camps for criticizing the government. Do you think we should do it just because they do it?
The issue on the table is our government’s policy of separating children from their parents, not what Canada’s or Mexico’s immigration policies are. Those are red herrings.
@30 My sentiments exactly.
@32 “It is a shame to see such a company implode. Too big to fail? No, of course not. If you stop and think about how much of an impact GE has had on our country and world, the fall from grace is amazingly sad.”
IBM isn’t far behind.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own IBM stock and no longer owns GE shares.)
@35 The executive order isn’t retroactive. It only applies to the kids they arrest from now on. It does nothing for those already in cages.
@ 13
I sold all of my GE shares this morning. Because many of these shares were acquired for around $6, I essentially doubled my money, in addition to collecting an above-average dividend yield for several years.
To a dumbfuck, that looks like a disaster.
No, it looks like poor judgement to the average person. Here’s the problem with that: The future of the average person, and for that matter my future, isn’t dependent on what you’ll leave behind.
To your heirs, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s much more consequential.
You held GE stock way too long and as a result lost roughly 60% of its former value. Given your limited asset base, making a mistake that large on what last October you called one of your largest holdings really is not something of which to be proud, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Your family, sadly, probably counts on you. You let them down.
This morning? Really? After eight months of me telling you what a dog stock GE is, you figured that if the Dow 30 thinks so too, it’s time to sell?
The First Rule of Holes about GE was dictated to you in no uncertain terms last October, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re only eight months late to the party.
Good thing it’s almost Saturday. You’ve got Barron’s at the library to look forward to, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@43 Don’t worry, Doc, my heirs will be fine. Starbucks pays more dividend every year now than I paid for its stock. I’m doubling my money in that one every 9 months even if the stock doesn’t go up.
My heirs will get over a million dollars. What will yours get besides a horse with a sore and infected butt?
@ 44
A million dollars split more than a couple of ways is, well…
Not much.
It’s certainly nothing to justify the years of bragging that you’ve done.
@45 Sez the troll trying to split a horse with a wet noodle.
P.S., it wasn’t bragging, it was calling attention to how capitalism treats workers, but you’re too stupid to figure that out even when I explain it.
“Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings. …
“‘ORR routinely administers children psychotropic drugs without lawful authorization,’ a memo filed in the lawsuit on April 16 reads. ‘When youth object to taking such medications, ORR compels them. ORR neither requires nor asks for a parent’s consent before medicating a child, nor does it seek lawful authority to consent in parents’ stead. Instead, ORR or facility staff sign ‘consent’ forms anointing themselves with ‘authority’ to administer psychotropic drugs to confined children.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Naturally, kids get upset about being torn away from their families, so they’re trying to drug ’em into submission.
A reference point for you on your journey:
You are now calling for innocent children to be imprisoned.
People aren’t born evil. They become evil over time. I suspect it happens very gradually in increments that, taken by themselves, seem rather benign under the circumstances. One day you are yelling in a bar about state’s rights. Then before you know it, without even seeing it happen, there you are planting a bomb under a Sunday school.
You want typical Eastern WA conservative Republican candidates? I present Mr. Clint Didier: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/candidate-who-bashes-us-aid-got-thousands-in-subsidies-for-farm/
You can pry my farming subsidies from my cold, dead, hands. He is a prime example of misguided conservatism. They think they are so self-sufficient, ha! Don’t forget Richard “Doc” Hastings, a real shining star in Congress. Last, but not least, George Nethercutt, the poster boy for hypocrisy about self-imposed term limits: http://www.slate.com/articles/.....itors.html.
So go ahead, let Eastern WA become its own state. Let them try and survive on their tax base without any subsidies from Western WA, or the Feds.
Oh yeah, don’t forget the Native reservations over there, which are considered sovereign nations. The Yakima and Colville nations are fairly substantial in size. Might want to ask them how they feel about immigration policy.
Hey Bob – Any prediction that the DJIA will reach 23,000 by the end of the year or sooner? You seem to do well with predictions, just asking…..for a friend.
@45 Bob – if you can brag about your money more than Roger then why not do it? You posted many supportive posts of The Hump without any shame. Go ahead and brag about your millions.
@ 51
No matter where one chooses to hang out there is always someone smarter, and someone with more money.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit acknowledges neither of those realities.
I’m content to let him go it alone in those regards.
It was only yesterday @ 44 that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit was bragging about his Starbucks investment success.
That would be the Starbucks down 11% since the market close on Tuesday.
My Notadumbfuck Method of investing is the Carreyrou to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s Holmes.
I mean, how else would the Newts of HA figure it out?
SCOTUS overrules Quill.
The Commerce Clause – is there anything it can’t do?
Although this is a pretty strong basis for the decision, if not the branch of government to be making it:
Second, Quill creates rather than resolves market distortions. In
effect, it is a judicially created tax shelter for businesses that limit
their physical presence in a State but sell their goods and services to
the State’s consumers, something that has become easier and more
prevalent as technology has advanced. The rule also produces an incentive
to avoid physical presence in multiple States, affecting development
that might be efficient or desirable.
@52 So am I. When someone like that shows up here, I’ll let you know.
@53 Yaaawnn. (scratch) My Starbucks stock is doing fine. I paid $1 a share for it, and it’s worth $51 and pays a $1.44 dividend. I’ll survive. Thanks for asking.
@54 I’ve seen flimsier judicial reasoning, but not a whole lot.
@51 I don’t brag about my money. In fact, I don’t brag at all. Quite the contrary, when I talk about how much money I make from the stock market while sleeping or posting on HorsesAss, I’m weeping for the unloved, unappreciated, and unpaid workers who made all that money for me. As I’ve said many times, workers create all the wealth and it’s unfair that lazy capitalists like me who do no work and produce nothing get all the money, but hey, I didn’t create this system and I’m only going with the flow. Doctor Dumbfuck, on the other hand, revels in it. He brags about his new F-350 and horse trailer. He throws a tantrum over raising the minimum wage above starvation wages. He’s an asshole, whereas I have empathy for those workers. My investing advice isn’t so bad, either. I even offered him some free advice. I suggested he short GE at 23. It’s not my fault the dumbfuck didn’t do it. He would’ve doubled his money in 9 months, like I do when I collect my Starbucks dividend checks.
I see Peter Fonda apologized. When is Ted Nugent going to apologize? Don’t hold your breath. Eleven years and counting …
Hey y’all HA libbies:
It’s Pride Week and we’re comin’ up on the 2-year anniversary of that devastatingly brutal attack on a chick named Michael Volz, which allegedly occurred right out in the open on a busy and beautiful weeknight evening in Capitol Hill during the celebrations of Pride Week. It was an attack, albeit unwitnessed, so brutal that it left it with scratches and maybe a bruise.
Nonetheless, this being Seattle and a cis-chick running the local PD, panties were twisted at the highest levels and the FBI was called in to
take the heat for pointing out the obvious fakery of the attack in the first placeaid in the investigation of the alleged assault as a “hate crime”.This is the same FBI, in the same year, and at roughly the same time of year that found Hillary Clinton to be “extremely careless” with her email handling. My guess is the same FBI found Volz to be
a fucking lying chick who wanted to be born with nutsextremely careless stepping off the curb and landing on its face.Assuming the FBI treated the case in the usual way, it reported back to the Seattle PD and closed it without public comment, and the Seattle PD buried it to avoid embarrassing the contingent of the LGBTQQABCD….WXYZ community that doesn’t fake hate crimes.
And Volz itself treated it as a one-off, as its Facebook page
is back to unserious YLB-style posts fewer than two weeks after the incident allegedly occurred.
It’s always an ‘activist’ that gets ‘brutally’ attacked and then turns out to have only a couple of scratches and, surprisingly, no evidence of a crime despite all of those people would could have been witnesses had a crime actually occurred.
Every time I bring this up I get essentially zero pushback from y’all HA libbies. It’s best to keep your powder dry in these cases.
Y’all are gonna need some better activists. Jus’ sayin’.
Confidential @ 58 to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
When it’s fluid escaping from around your urethral or rectal catheters it’s not ‘weeping’. It’s seepage.
@61 Thanks for the info. What’s that foam coming out of your mouth?
and a Happy Pride to you too Bob!
Now, let’s not forget that it’s a great day to spit a priests too!
@ 63
If it’s coming from you my bet is it isn’t spit, gman.
@64 That’s actually funny. Shows what you think about all day.
Did Germany just blink?
Germany’s Largest Auto Makers Back Abolition of EU-U.S. Car Import Tariffs
The U.S. ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, brought the proposal for a broader industry trade pact to the Trump administration on Wednesday, according to people familiar with the situation.
That would mean scrapping the EU’s 10% tax on auto imports from the U.S. and other countries and the 2.5% duty on auto imports in the U.S. As a prerequisite, the Europeans want President Donald Trump’s threat of imposing a 25% border tax on European auto imports off the table.
Small wonder the Democrats are suddenly giving a shit about the same people the Obama administration was holding in cages. If they have to run on the economy, there could be a wave but it will be in the Senate and it won’t be blue.
@66 “the same people the Obama administration was holding in cages”
No, this is …
… strictly a Republican phenomenon. Obama’s people never did this, so stop lying about it.
I see Trump wants to abolish the Labor Department and create a new Department of Education and Workforce. Sure glad I don’t have to put up with …
1. Trick job interview questions designed to trip you;
2. Low wages with no benefits;
3. Outsourcing, downsizing, and arbitrary layoffs and firings;
4. Being forced to train your replacement to do your job;
5. Trump’s labor policies.
Working hard to get ahead is a cruel and exploitive myth. All you get from your hard work is the above. America’s workers are unrewarded and disrespected. Meanwhile, lazy capitalists like Roger Rabbit who don’t work or produce anything are getting rich from owning stock. This is why America’s economy is going down the tubes.
Republicans control the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court, but can’t fix our broken immigration system.
They know how to “win” elections with gerrymandering and voter suppression, but they can’t govern. The most they can come up with is throwing terrified children into wire mesh kennels.
Bob’s predictions.
First prediction – DJIA will reach great heights like 30,000. Nope!
Second Prediction – Settles for – DJIA will reach 27,000. Nope!
Third Prediction – Re-adjusts – DJIA is up for the year. Nope!
The bar continues to be lowered – Bob is doing the limbo.
@64 most Priests prefer other than spit.
@ 68
You earned low wages for four decades, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Obama cyber chief confirms ‘stand down’ order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
The author is Michael Isikoff. This guy:
WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.
The comments by Michael Daniel, who served as White House “cyber security coordinator” between 2012 and January of last year, provided his first public confirmation…
Now, it’s really not as bad as that would seem. ’cause Obama delivered a warning:
…Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election.
Ooh. It was a stern warning. Scawy scawy.
The Eighties called again, in 2016. Obama answered and said, “Stand Down.”
Just think, HA libbies: Had Romney won in 2012, you wouldn’t have President Trump today. You also would not have seen former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid go nuclear on judicial nominations.
Think on your sins.
Washington State’s PERS 1 payments to retirees will increase 1.5% beginning next month, my wife informed me yesterday.
Melania could use a good public relations adviser.
“so stop lying about it”
Strictly enforced, that would effectively ban all our trolls.
@75 I’ll take it. It’s more than my Trump tax cut.
@74 “Had Romney won in 2012”
Just can’t get over that, can you? If you post your address, I’ll send you a sympathy card. Meanwhile, this will have to do …
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this video. It never gets old. Ya gotta love it!
“You earned low wages for four decades, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Judges, prosecuting attorneys and public defenders. Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Dumbfucks, all of them.
The biggest dumbfuck of them all?
“For those who want a short answer, Salk would have been richer by $7 billion if his vaccine were patented.?”
@77 Who said anything about banning trolls? I only told him to stop lying about that one thing. That’s not asking for much, but it’s more than we’ll get.
Trump’s stock market continues to collapse.
“Think on your sins.”
Please post that another thousand times. It’ll
serve to remind everybody that you’re a dumbfuck.
Putin instructed The Hump to make her wear that jacket, otherwisethe pee pee tapes would be released. Not her fault – she probably couldn’t even read it.
Because expecting all you racist meatheads to be able to resist the “subtle persuasions” of pimply Moldovan script kids is asking waaaay too much.
I’ll give you this:
by 2012 we Real Americans should have recognized the potential for treason embodied in growing extremism among violent trailerbilly Republicans.
@83 Why should you? He doesn’t.
You probably already know that Israel’s bloody rightwing leader is under police investigation police investigation for fraud and corruption. His wife is a crook, too.
You’re fired!
“Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been dropped by his speakers bureau after dismissing the story of a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome who was reportedly separated from her mother after crossing the border illegally ….
“Speakers bureaus like LAI handle speaking gigs for notable political and media personalities, which can be a lucrative business. Speakers can net five- or even six-figure checks for one engagement.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They didn’t like his “Womp, womp” speech.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– Another Demorat Lie Exposed, Baby In Cage Photo Was A Fake
Does This Image Show a Toddler in a Cage Detained by ICE in 2018?[Pic at link]
[T]he photograph was taken on 10 June 2018, but it did not show a child confined by immigration authorities to a cage. Rather, it was snapped during a protest staged in front of Dallas City Hall to call attention to the Trump administration’s practice of separating families and confining undocumented children. Different photographs of the event document that the same child was standing a mocked-up “cage” open at the top, and several commenters noted that the boy was crying not because he was confined, but because he saw his mother outside the pen and could not immediately figure out how to get to her.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– Demorats Help Illegals, Throw Blacks Under Back Of Bus, Now Blacks Refuse To Be Ignored By Demorats And Replaced By Illegal Aliens
Recommendations in Project 21’s “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America” for stopping wealth transfer from black citizens to illegal aliens were explained by Co-Chairman Horace Cooper during a recent interview on the Fox Business Network.
In particular, the Blueprint recommends:
Barring illegal aliens from accessing any public services, except emergency services.
Terminating federal funding of any social service agency that provides non-emergency services to illegal immigrants.
Prosecuting providers and recipients who allow scarce federally-funded social services to be used by those who are in the country illegally.
Ending states’ special programs for assisting unlawful immigrants, redirecting those funds to needy citizens.
Oooh boob is DEAD serious about hate, racism, lies, falsehoods and misogyny.
Oooooh. we should all be scared.
Heh. I’ll take laughing myself.
Hey Doctor Dumbfuck!
Check out your movement brain trust studying the blood splatter @ 90.
Good idea. Pretend your cruelty to infants that you fought to conceal is a Derp State conspiracy.
Now do the “faked moon landing”.
@90 Fair enough; bullshit should be called out regardless of who propagates it. Liberal lies are no better than conservative lies; there just seem to be a lot more of the latter.
@91 Technically, illegals have no right to be here, and are subject to deportation. However, this has to be put into a context. One, we have a broken immigration system that doesn’t provide adequate opportunities for lawful immigration, and two, for years we’ve willingly exploited illegals’ labor for our economic benefit.
The argument for denying illegals public services is clearcut if they’re working under the table and not paying taxes, but fuzzier when they pay taxes that help support those services.
What problem are you trying to solve by abruptly uprooting undocumented immigrants and throwing them out of the country? Crime? They have much lower crime rates than native-born citizens.
Finally, Trump’s attempts to blame Democrats for family separations and lack of Dreamer is unmitigated bullshit. Kinda like when conservatives circulate photos of children on the Syrian border as evidence that we have a border crossing crisis on our southern border.
@90 P.S., Good to see you’ve learned how to use Snopes. :) Now use it.
I’m smarter than you as I don’t waste my time with the stock market. I actually like what I do for work, I make the world a safer place with what I do for work. I have enough money to meet my needs, I don’t need piles of money or a huge portfolio. Why? Because you can’t take it with you when you die. Enjoy life while you can. Why waste time pouring over annual reports. Why worry about leaving a pile of money for your wife/kids? You’ll be dead, it won’t be your problem anymore. Besides, shouldn’t they be self-sufficient? Isn’t that the cornerstone of being conservative? Bill gates is giving most of his fortune away rather than give it to his kids.
@97 The stock market is okay. It has treated me well. Better than any boss ever did. Working is a fine hobby if you enjoy it and can afford it.
Poll results on Trump’s policy of child abuse:
“Polls conducted by CNN and Quinnipiac found that two-thirds of Americans are strongly opposed to the policy, with Democrats all strongly opposed, and Republicans split on the policy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Exactly what you’d expect — Democrats know right from wrong, Republicans not as much.
the places in America with the highest percentages of immigrants have the lowest crime rates.
But on the other side of the Orange Event Horizon information is never allowed to interfere with hate.
@100 If it weren’t for hate, today’s GOP would have nothing.
@101 They could still trade on ignorance and cupidity.
Finally! America is Great Again!