In a lot of the open threads since Trump’s election, I’ve been harping on how Seattle and Washington State can push back against the worst of Trump’s policies. I’m glad to see I’m not the only person thinking about local resistance to these national issues (h/t). That leaves a lot of problems for people in a lot of places without much protection. And, frankly, I’m not sure how up to it, our local politicians are.
From Carl’s link:
We often assume that whoever controls the national government controls national policy. That’s just not true. Many of our most important national policies—those related to the environment, healthcare, insurance, transportation, energy, and the workplace—are implemented by elected state officials and appointed state administrators, not to mention a myriad of local institutions.
Well, that would seem to make the downballot losses suffered by Dems since 2010 even more devastating, wouldn’t it?
We couldn’t have done it without you, Mr. President.
Enjoy your day, libbies.
The national debt is the elephant in the room, and neither Clinton nor Trump said anything about reducing the level of debt. We have to much on the credit card, and the way to start reducing this is to get out of the foreign disasters. Trump wants to do the opposite, and that’s certainly not helpful.
Gawd, this month is still getting better. Thanks, Dems!
John Bresnahan
Pelosi wins! 134-63
Riots, which killed one, occurred in Charlotte because of the family’s lies.
Murray said that evidence in the case shows that Scott stepped out of his SUV with a gun in his hand and ignored at least 10 commands from the five officers on the scene to drop it.
Murray said that Scott obtained the gun – which had been stolen in Gaston County – 18 days before the confrontation. One bullet was found in the chamber of the gun, the safety was off and Murray said Scott’s DNA was found on the grip and ammunition slide.
Murray said that speculation in the community that Scott was unarmed – initial reports from a family member on Facebook said he was holding a book – were untrue.
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.c.....rylink=cpy
@ 2
We could stop giving away so much free shit. Especially if we can’t be anywhere close to accurate about how much said shit is gonna cost.
U.S. to Forgive at Least $108 Billion in Student Debt in Coming Years
The federal government is on track to forgive at least $108 billion in student debt in coming years, according to a report that for the first time projects the full cost of plans that tie borrowers’ payments to their earnings.
The report, to be released on Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office, shows the Obama administration’s main strategy for helping student-loan borrowers is proving far more costly than previously thought. The report also presents a scathing review of the Education Department’s accounting methods, which have understated the costs of its various debt-relief plans by tens of billions of dollars.
Oh, lookie. Obama expanded the program though executive actions. Good thing elections have consequences.
If the kids were all getting degrees with substance, it would be easier to take a “freebie” for the debt issue. STEM majors should get a preference if we’re going to do any forgiving of student loan debt.
@ 6
I would suspect that people graduating with STEM degrees are more likely to procure jobs that pay better, and thereby provide greater disposable income. Since loan repayments are linked to that disposable income, they should be able to repay more, and cost the federal government less to begin with.
Those who graduate with majors in Critical Dance Studies, on the other hand…
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Will Bunch ✔ @Will_Bunch
What if liberal think-tanks, pubs, activist groups all agreed to move HQs to Detroit, Madison, and Philly by 2020? Impact could be amazing
Or, next time Dems could spend four times as much as the GOP did, instead of only twice as much.
’cause the re-election of Nancy Pelosi is just the type of activity that opens liberal donor wallets these days, amirite?
It’s been more than three weeks now, libbies. Who’s up for some Huma glam?
You can skip the Weiner stuff.
this is what used to pass for critical dialogue among the old, dead school tie, open borders/free trade Republican party.
You fuckers lost. Big time. No Liddle Marco. No Rick Perry. You are rejected and defeated. Go away. Your day is done. Go crawl under a rock with Tiger Cage McCain and the Bush Crime family. We don’t need you anymore.
This is what an appropriately contrite Establishment Republican looks like if they want to have a future.
RMoney was close on immigration, at least. But he may be too “softened” for SOS.
I’ll bet Our Leader let him get the check!
Are you aware that Hillary Clinton lost, and Donald Trump won? I didn’t vote for either, but Trump won. You comment makes no sense.
makes no sense to you, or any other elitist pimping for more set asides and “preferences”. That’s why you establishment stripe tie obsolete Republican fuckers lost.
Not voting, or voting for some random irrelevant 3rd party is just another expression of losing, idiot.
You didn’t vote for the winner. So you fucking lost.
And now you no longer matter to Real America.
Time to get used to it and fade away into history.
you should take a lesson from RMoney and learn to smell the glove.
If you’re good, and keep your tail tucked and your ears down, Our Leader might let you sleep on the porch.
Tweet du jour:
Curtis Kalin @CurtisKalin
The average age of the House Republican leadership is 47.
The average age of the House Democratic leadership is 76.
9:39 AM – 30 Nov 2016
Good to know that Democrats learned their lessons from the last few election.
Which still doesn’t answer the basic question that I posed months ago which you continue to dodge.
What was the probably cause to approach a person, sitting in a car, in the general vicinity of a warrant being served? The warrant being served said nothing about a vehicle.
Is it the policy of the Charlotte police to assume every person within a certain distance of the address of the warrant is likely to be the subject of the warrant?
I see Sarah Palin may be our next Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Fuck.
@1 Well, that would include insurance regulation, which is still firmly in Mike Kriedler’s hands in the little island of sanity called Washington State, so go fuck yourself.
@2 Trump wants to jack the debt another $10T, but don’t worry, that won’t be a problem in Congress or the nutjob talk shows, because he has an “R” after his name.
If Obama had run a surplus, Republicans would have been against it.
@3 It’s long been suspected around here that you have a secret crush on her. Why not? She’s not as eye candy, but she’s worth $50 million, and you could live pretty well on that in your, ahem, golden years.
@4 So shoot him without a trial and call it even.
Another fleeing felon case expeditiously resolved.
@6,7 and 10
We love it when they EAT EACH OTHER!
Welcome back, DOOFUS the neo fascist.. Back in the day, you were quite the Bush lover.
DOOFUS speaking of elitist what say you about the Goldman Sachs types, Bannon and Mnuchin?
@5 Only $108 billion? That’s, what, 1/20th of what your organ grinder monkey’s ill-starred recreational war in Iraq added to the present and future public debt? (But not to worry; your shiny new fascist is putting Sarah “I can see Russia from here” Palin in charge of all those broken bodies, and everything’s gonna be fine.)
Let’s look at how that debt came about. First, Republicans tanked the economy, which left states strapped for cash. Next, states cut their support for public colleges and universities, and these costs were directly shifted to students, who had to borrow to finance them. Third, many of these students are still living with Mom and Dad into their thirties, because they’re burdened with a crushing load of student debt and can’t afford to buy things like houses, cars, wedding rings, and babies, which helps explain why the economy is still so sluggish.
Of course, the next generation will be more prudent, and will learn from the mistakes of the millennials. They won’t go to college, and won’t need to, because Trump is going to bring back jobs that only require adeptness with your hands and don’t require the ability to think.
Filling the country with people who have no knowledge of the world around them and no critical thinking skills will also help ensure a permanent Republican majority, so it’s a twofer.
@6 Yeah, we don’t need anybody who knows anything about literature, art, history, anthropology, African-American history, Native American culture, or any of that shit. Better to keep people ignorant about that stuff. We’ll have a better society if the slide rule boys run everything. Anything that can’t be reduced to a financial calculation isn’t worth bothering with, anyway. The future is a society in which everyone looks the same, talks the same, thinks the same, goes to the same church, and knows their place.
@7 Like I said, if it doesn’t have to do with money, it’s not worth bothering with. There isn’t a chance in hell that an opera singer might someday save the world.
If we’re going to force Muslims to speak English and convert to Christianity, then we also should force Republicans to attend art appreciation classes. Those who don’t comply will be subjected to public beheading. For Republicans, that’s a very light punishment, because they wouldn’t be losing anything they ever use …
North Koreans call their leader The Leader too. If that name is taken maybe we just refer to Drumpf as Small Hands Hitler.
@9 I see you’re an avid reader of Daily Mail. I guess that’s how people get news down in the basement radiology lab.
The Saudis seem to have struck some sort of deal with the other OPEC countries and Russia. That means my oil stocks will go up. In fact, my offshore driller stock is up 16% today, which is a good start. Right from day one, from the moment I woke up on Nov. 9, I knew I was going to make money from America’s descent into fascism. Now I can afford to buy more art books, and maybe even a telescope.
We rabbits are interested in whether there are any exoplanets out there with intelligent life (i.e., rabbits) on them. If we can establish contact, there might be some cross-breeding opportunities. Who knows, there may even be huge carrots growing in those places, if conditions are right.
@11 Yeah, I noticed only one of those guys is smirking.
@12 Think about it some more, and it’ll eventually come to you, unless you’re a Republican in which case you’ll never get it. You need an outsider’s (i.e., non-Republican) perspective to comprehend that comment.
@13 Don’t explain it to him. That takes all the fun out of it. Let him figure it out, if he can. If he can’t, that might motivate him to go back and get the liberal arts education that teaches people how to think which he missed on his first time around.
There are problems that slide rules don’t give answers for. That’s why we need more than STEM in our high school and college curricula. If you put an engineer in charge of saving the country from a recession, he’ll fuck it up for sure. (See, e.g., Herbert Hoover.)
@ 32
Who knows, there may even be huge carrots growing in those places, if conditions are right.
sister’swife’s in love with a carrot.
@15 You’ve apparently forgotten about this.
The Rabbit is on a roll today.
@24 You mean Bannon and Munchkin?
@ 16
Is it the policy of the Charlotte police to assume every person within a certain distance of the address of the warrant is likely to be the subject of the warrant?
You know, Cz-252, I really don’t know, nor care.
I’m willing to bet after today’s report, the family doesn’t suddenly switch gears to argue that there was no probable cause. Guy had a handgun in hand, safety off, round chambered when he was shot. For all you know he flashed the damned thing at the cop to start the show.
At least you’re not arguing he shouldn’t have been shot because his hand wasn’t up. Not yet, anyway.
@36 Is this what you read in your spare time? In addition to the Daily Mail? It appears you have a LOT of spare time on your hands. I always knew you’re a sicko.
@40 “You know, Cz-252, I really don’t know, nor care.”
Let’s send them to your block next. (All it takes is a 911 call.) That might get you thinking about the complicated issues involved in loss of human life. Specifically, what do you want to bet he’d be sitting in a cell watching TV right now if he’d been born white?
You and all the rest of the un-American Godless liberal elite should feel perfectly free to fully indulge your quest for “knowledge of the world” by relocating immediately. Real America has no such thirst for “knowledge” of filthy slums filled with toxic sewage and violent savages.
BTW, precisely how did your “critical thinking skills” serve you in your humiliating loss to Our Great Leader?
Not so skilled? Not so critical? Something to think about as you watch us Make America Great Again.
@43 “You and all the rest of the un-American Godless liberal elite should feel perfectly free to fully indulge your quest for ‘knowledge of the world’ by relocating immediately. Real America has no such thirst for ‘knowledge’ of filthy slums filled with toxic sewage and violent savages.”
I’ve already relocated from Kansas.
“BTW, precisely how did your ‘critical thinking skills’ serve you in your humiliating loss to Our Great Leader?”
My stocks are up $15,000 since the election.
“Not so skilled? Not so critical? Something to think about as you watch us Make America Great Again.”
I’m just going to sit in my rocking chair and watch your Leader bring back the logging, coal mining, and assembly line jobs. If he doesn’t, well, oops for you. I’m hedged.
I get it now. Donald Trump is the ultimate internet troll. Just look at his Twitter feed.
But aside from that his packing the cabinet with “HeckuvaJobBrownies” (google, major campaign donors nominated by Trump) he’s sitting back and not thinking about what is good for the country but thinking, “Qualified or not, who is the ONE person who will most infuriate people who didn’t vote for me if I nominate them to this post?” is masterful trolling.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s pathetic existence, exemplified by that of another government attorney:
City attorney identified in connection with anti-Trump graffiti
Lloyd, 32, attended Germantown Friends School, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Temple’s Beasley School of Law, according to his Linkedin page. He makes $63,207 a year, representing the city mostly in federal and state discrimination lawsuits.
The stupidity. The laughably low salary for someone with a professional degree from a school that costs as much as UoP.
This is why some attorneys have to rely on a small windfall to be able to afford simple things like art books and telescopes @ 31 later in life.
Behavior like this underscores their professional incompetence.
So do efforts like this:
@46 At least I didn’t kill anybody with a bad diagnosis.
Hey Trumpanzees, Mother Nature doesn’t care what you think. She’s gonna do what she’s gonna do, no matter what you believe.
Don’t expect Drumpf’s “law and order” administration to push for civil asset forfeiture reform. It’s way too profitable for police departments to mess with it. But the next house, car, bank account, or suitcase full of money that gets confiscated without due process just might be yours.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cops and prosecutors claim forfeiture is too useful a tool against drug cartels and organized crime to give up, so here’s what I think Congress and state legislatures should do: Reform the system so that (1) a criminal conviction is required to seize assets, (2) the money goes to the state or federal treasury, so police don’t have a financial incentive to carry out bullshit forfeitures, and (3) the law should provide for a due process hearing, and require the seizing law enforcement agency to pay the victim’s legal expenses if the forfeiture isn’t upheld. Also, if you’re driving from Seattle or Portland to Phoenix, don’t go through Winnemucca, Nevada; take an alternate route, unless your car isn’t worth more than $250 and you don’t have more than $5 cash on your person. The police force in that town is staffed with Somali pirates.
@48 not a problem Putin and Trump have it figured out but Carson says he needs some water in Egypt to help grow some of the grain stored in the Silos down there, so they are just waiting till just enough water reaches the kooky one.
Once all the grain is sowed and the Silos empty Hitker is going to renovate and sell off as Condos or time shared.
Oh well. If chaos happens it will be fun to watch. Nows the time to buy the popcorn! But no butter now.
Just imagine the sounds of corn popping! Can’t wait. Inaugurate this guy tomorrow.
Pressure Mounts On Trump To Keep The Iran Nuclear Deal
Hillary’s lead is now up to 1.8% and nearly 2.4 million. It must suck to know you lost to a “real loser” by so much.
@ 52
If only those 2.4 million wasted votes could aid you with that National Popular Vote compact.
Alas, no.
@48 I doubt those folks care much about what’s happening in Antarctica. Now, Tennessee might be another matter.
“But the next house, car, bank account, or suitcase full of money that gets confiscated without due process just might be yours.”
Wrong about the election, wrong about the voters, and wrong about this too.
Real Americans don’t deal drugs, run with gangs, impregnate dozens of single teens, and shoot cheap pistols at everyone who makes momentary eye contact. Real Americans are not violently anti-social savages dwelling in filthy “sanctuary cities”. Real Americans don’t worry about having their Crack dens and hoopties confiscated because Real Americans don’t own that shit like you do. Quit trying to recruit pity for violent degenerate thugs and depraved Islamic terrorists by comparing their well earned fates with the real struggles of Real Americans. This is why you lost. This is why you will continue to lose.
Real Americans are not as dumb as the guy above
@64 the people in Tennessee don’t even know where Tennessee is.
Hillary Clinton was for criminalizing flag burning through legislative action. Do HA DUMMOCRETINS care?
Apparently calling someone a racist isn’t working on CNN anymore?
Remember how HA DUMMOCRETINS cheered Obummer and Castro? Well…
No problem eh HA DUMMOCRETINS?
A person Teabagger with Little Fingers @56 could love…–and-a-secret-islamist/2016/11/30/57c44f1e-e068-4307-8ddf-848fda772306_story.html?utm_term=.60a4efeb3a7e
You apparently need significant mental health treatment for insanity. You make no sense whatsoever.
@61 well duhhh, yeah, because that’s my husband!
Poor little DOOFUS @55…
Carrier is still going to send 1300 jobs to Mexico..
Carrier will leave 850 jobs in IN – costing 700k per year in corporate welfare courtesy of the taxpayers of IN.. Swift move on Mike Pence’s part who is STILL the gov of IN.
Or rather on the part of Paul Manafort who pushed for Pence to be VP knowing a slimy deal like this would need to be made.
What else would anyone expect from a black guy? Revoke citizenship!
See how that’s played puffballs!
E=mc2 no matter what Trump believes. You can’t make scientific realities go away by not believing them. And when you fuck with the environment that supports and sustains you, you’re merely fucking yourself (and all those around you).
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Chimpface may soon have serious competition for the appellation of Worst.President.Ever.
Drump now trails by over 2.5 million votes. Shall we try for 3 million?
Maybe the West Coast states should join Canada. I’d rather pledge allegiance to the Queen than this dipshit.
Poor babbling jackass.. This Mnuchin character not only worked for “Goldman Sucks”, he worked for
— S O R O S —-
Run and hide behind Glen Beck’s knees babbling jackass – oops Glenn was a never Drumpfer!
@54 They won’t have to go to Antarctica to see what’s happening there. Antarctica is going to come to them. Or at least in its melted form.
“You apparently need significant mental health treatment for insanity. You make no sense whatsoever.”
That’s why he’s called the loon. He’ll always be batshit insane no matter which party is in office.
Yes, the guy’s plainly not playing with a full deck.
Jesus Fuck, what a bunch of fucking losers. With the exception of Max and the HNMT, your self esteem rises and falls with the fortunes of others who don’t give a flying fuck whether you live or die. You think that YOU won? No, you’re still losers and always will be. The batshit crazy loon will be first in line to the gas chamber, soon followed by the doctor.
Useless fetid FOOL @64,
Just like the $5.7 Billion WA State gave to Boeing to stay here by DUMMOCRETINS?
You lose FOOL! Keep screaming!
What a fetid FOOL arschloch it is!
QPPS @71,
This moron has no idea to whom that message was meant for!
QPPS claimed “Jesus Fuck”.
Ummm no you tool.
QPPS claimed “Jesus Fuck”.
Ummm no you tool.
Drumpf said it would impose sanctions on Carrier.. It (through worthless tool Pence) gave them corporate welfare instead – they still sent jobs to Mexico.
You changed the subject from Carrier to Boeing..
COWARD MOVE! Deflecting from the fecklessness of your new DEAR LEADER!
Tom Ford the libtard FOOL claims his clothes are too expensive for Melania Trump to wear! Yet this DUMMOCRETIN moron made a custom gown for Moochelle Obummer!
Tom Ford the libtard FOOL claims his clothes are too expensive for Melania Trump to wear! Yet this DUMMOCRETIN moron made a custom gown for Moochelle Obummer!
Useless fetid fool.
Trump is NOT president you moron! So, how can Trump impose sanctions? More delusional melodrama from the crazed fetid diseased databaze FOOL!
DAYUM you are a koro diseased prick!
Goldy you really need better libtards! This one is sooooooooooooo stooooooooooooooooopid!
Puddy changed the subject? NOPE you DOPE! When libtards make deals to save an industry like Boeing or jobs for union workers it’s A-OK to the crazed fetid diseased databaze FOOL!
More delusional melodrama from the crazed fetid diseased databaze FOOL!
You should just STFU! Every time you put your shit stained fingers to a keyboard while shitting on the couch you prove how stoooooooooooooopid you really are!
Goldman Sachs stock is at a high for the year. It spiked after Drumpf was selected and spiked even higher after the announcement of Mnuchin for Treasury.
Drumpf’s maladministration is being staffed with millionaires, billionaires and Faux News Channel hacks.
Remember some choice words from 2010: Elections have consequences!
Drumpf got selected you dope! You mean that didn’t put the fear of kook-a-nut karsen in them?
So Drumpf fed them MONEY – that they understand! 1300 jobs are still going to Mexico! Wow – less than half a loaf and the taxpayers of IN get fleeced!
What a “leader”!
You are trying to shut up your political enemies!
This is what the fetid FOOL wrote: Drumpf said it would impose sanctions on Carrier..
That’s all anyone needs to know about the fetid FOOL on 11/30/2016… 50 days before 01/20/2017
More delusional melodrama from the crazed fetid diseased databaze FOOL!
@88 Guess the THREAT of sanctions didn’t work on Carrier..
Corporate welfare did a lot better – if you consider less than half a loaf “better”..
Wow what a great new Dear Leader you got…
Tacoma cop shot and killed today. One less cop around! HA DUMMOCRETINS cheer!
Notice that the babbling jackass is avoiding the subject of a top Drumpf fundraiser who used to work for George…
— S O R O S —
And who was a “Goldman Sucks” partner and his father before him was a GS partner…
Now is going to be in charge of the Treasury…
It just sucks to be this silly troll @88..
Carl you need to get out of the Seattle bubble. Yes Seattle is liberal and a lot of Washington state is pretty darned liberal, but at the state level is not Seattle. Just go to Tacoma and you will find folks there are not as liberal as Seattle, Bellingham is pretty liberal, but the folks out in the county are not. You may want to go to Spokane or better yet Wenatchee to slow your socks off. Yes Washington is a liberal and progressive state, but assuming liberal and progressive is monolithic is just not true.
I think most Washingtonians support legalized marijuana, but clearly some communities have had qualms, and some of those qualms have not been answered. Some politicians have had qualms. Then there is the law enforcement folks that for most part don’t support the legalization. Perhaps in part out of self interest as drug busts and all that end up putting money in law enforcements coffers. They also have to work with the feds and get money from the feds. The Trump administration is going to spend political capital on the issue either to push Congress to legalize or it’s going to start pushing in the state against legalized pot.
Trump does not appear to be in the no drama camp. So it’s pretty likely the City of Seattle and other cities will be told get with the program, or Federal Funds will be cut. And if he’s serious about deportations the Feds will figure out a way to ensnare the Seattle police department, or go with the old fashion means used by Wilson of creating Federal agents in the city from willing citizens, and rounding up the illegal aliens.
Yes there is every chance that Trump will be a Creon, still one must be careful that cities and states don’t actually create what you fear. Nixon used the Vietnam protestors to his advantage, and other protestors of that day.
It’s not at all likely that the Washington State legislature is going to be truly progressive, and properly finance progressive policy let alone schools at the level it should per the state Constitution. Which side is the city council going to side with the folks wanting to put up buildings that rich investors in China can buy apartments they won’t live in or is the city going to institute a 15% tax on foreigners purchasing property in the city. Will the protestors have the ear of the City Council or will the folks who are improving the city have the ear? Not much chance the WTA is coming back to Seattle, though some movers and shakers in Seattle would like the WTA to come back very much. If only they can figure out ways to deal with those ummm people. After all there are literal islands that are part of Seattle or nearby that the WTA could meet on. Those folks won’t have to see the poor, the crazies, the protestors ect. If the folks on the city council cooperate.
@2 Mr. Jefferson you supported Mr. Hamilton’s plan with enthusiasm, and though national debt at the Federal level a good thing. Taking on all those states debts from the war and all, and buying the Louisiana purchase did increase the debt. The building of the USS Constitution increased the debt, but enable you to take on the Barbary pirates. So hurray for the national debt it’s a good thing.
@4 None of the officers should have been armed. That would have meant they handled the confrontation differently. This would reduce the fear of the police and reduce the number of people (mostly men) confronting officers with a firearm. Any shooting even if lawful and necessary should be viewed as a failure on the part of law enforcement, Our law enforcement officers are too enamored with firearms, and rely on firearms far too much in their day to day duties. Reducing law enforcements reliance on firearms will reduce firearms deaths overall. Reduce the American love of violence with firearms. If we want civilized people then our law enforcement officers must be civilized. This is not to say there is a not a time, and place for firearms in the polices arsenal of tools, just our American rely too much on this one tool to their detriment and our societies.
@32 If you are able to cross breed with alien rabbits then you may have problems. Some sort of rabbit small pox, mumps, or other exotic disease. NASA was concerned about astronauts coming back from the moon with something which is why they were rushed into quarantine (true that helped keep the classified stuff out of the public eye). Some in NASA are concerned there are small nastiest out there a threat to humans, or rabbits or both.
Are you going to offer those alien rabbits a large wooden rabbit? And they could be dynamite.
@42 If he were white he would probably be out on bail, if charges were even brought up against him.
@43 I don’t know seems he could be like out last great liberal President Richard Nixon.
@90 waiting for the news, but did some white supremacist shot and kill the cop? If so, carry on sty calm and suck Little Hands Hitler’s dick.
What a shame – the people of faith weren’t protected. They need to pray a little harder because maybe God doesn’t like white supremists and is punishing themzies.
Once in a while you need a good brush fire to clean out the trailer of its trash, unfortunately the trailer itself has to burn.
Human-Cause Suspected As More Bodies Discovered In Tennessee Wildfires
Maybe she just wants to rub black shit all over face. Calm down people.
Kellyanne Conway To Visit Canada’s Tar Sands, And That Can’t Mean Anything Good
Well, it does appear there are limits to Trump’s ability to screw people who work for him …
“He demanded the contractor not be paid but was told the work had been done for free in the hopes of getting more business from the Trumps, according to the source.”
@92 King County has a third of the state’s population, and the Puget Sound counties together have two-thirds; all of eastern Washington has only a fifth. Why would anyone think Spokane or Wenatchee should define Washington politics?
Numbers alone will never be enough.
Progressives are low energy and very easily distracted. Your “diverse” ranks are filled with low social intelligence and moral weakness. You are the huddled masses destined to be ruled.
Trump’s Real America is ready for the job!
Only 1 in 4 want to get rid of Obamacare.
Too bad – Time to get rid of it! Finally!
Trumps real America live in shacks.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Arindrajit Dube @arindube
Um, if min wages behind McD’s touchscreen ordering why do it EVERYWHERE and not in states w/ big wage hikes (NY CA)? …
Oh, gee, let me take a stab at this.
The Fight for $15 to hold FIRST EVER nationwide convention
If you’re going to address a nationwide issue, you address it nationwide.
Fight For 15 @fightfor15
We’re proud to have Uber drivers join us, for the first time, on the National Day of Disruption #FightFor15
Surge pricing for the Uber drivers who don’t join you. Surge pricing profits for Uber.
And then there’s Lyft.
The SWAT team didn’t kill the suspect, so I’m guessing he’s white, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cops usually kill black people for much less provocation than this, especially in a place like Florida, where eating candy while black is sufficient justification for self-appointed vigilantes to stop and frisk, and then stand their ground.
Congress should pass a law that caps the Medicare reimbursement to radiologists at $15 an hour.
@104 That’s not all! They’re going to lose their mortgage interest deduction, too!
(You Trumpanzees out there didn’t think your $100-a-year tax cut was going to be free, did you? The deficit! We have to tame the deficit! Drumpf’s tax cuts for the rich will cost trillions!)
Lends more credence to the calls for splitting WA into 2 states. Its probably not a bad idea if it can be legally done.
Little Fingers, Teafagged, or whatever his name is, should get back scheduling, instead of posting. After all, 11 high rises is a lot of work! Lolz.
Calling bullshit on bullshit claims…..
I found this interesting, both reported today.
“If I can do anything that would help my state of West Virginia, and my country, I would be happy to talk to anybody,” he told POLITICO.
… “motivated first and foremost by how I can be most helpful to the people of North Dakota.”
Two Dem senators in red states, looking to help their states possibly by joining Team Trump.
Oh, and leaving their Senate seats ripe for the picking.
The only thing we can be thankful for from Trump’s victory is Hillary Clinton won’t be president.
Not much else to look forward to.
@ 114
I’ll take it.
that sounds like a problem for liberal elites living in filthy, drug infested overpriced coastal sanctuary cities, not Real American Trump voters in moderately priced, heartland communities. That sounds like a problem for younger SJWs struggling to afford “Work/Live” “Lifestyle” A-podments in “urban hip” neighborhoods not financially stable older heartland Real Americans with paid off homes and little or no debt. Again, you plead for mercy with meaningless empty threats.
@111 Yeah, you’d love to have another low-population red state with over representation in the Senate and Electoral College, wouldn’t you? Make America even less democratic than it already is! (Last I checked, Clinton now leads by 2.5 million.) I suspect Eastern Washington folks might even be willing to give up their subsidies from Seattle taxpayers in exchange for that. They don’t believe Seattle is subsidizing them, anyway; they think they’re subsidizing Seattle!
@112 Since when are you his supervisor?
@113 Well, waddya know, these U.S. Senators think their job is to represent their states. Who wudda guessed?
@114 You have a lot to look forward to, all of it bad, and we libs won’t shed a tear for you, and are looking forward to tax cuts and cheaper margueritas in Guadalajara and Honduras.
@115 So will all the other asswipe conservative millionaire doctors who are retiring and don’t need the Medicare teat anymore, and are looking forward to tax cuts and cheaper margueritas in Guadalajara and Honduras thanks to the strong dollar.
@116 I don’t need your friggin’ mercy. The mortgage deduction is useless to me. What I need is tax credits for investing in America! You know what I’m talking about, food stamps for the rich.
The people of Eastern Washington will do just fine without the west side.
Didn’t you get the memo, I’m everyones 7supervisor
You know what’s funny? There are a lot of people who voted away their healthcare. Now that’s funny!
@123 I’ll believe that when they stop taking Seattle’s money for their roads and schools, and not before.
@124 You must be new here. We don’t take orders from your ilk.
@125 That’s their problem, not mine. I’m tired of trying to help people who keep voting against themselves, and drag down the rest of us in the process. It’s time to throw people who don’t want to be team players out of the lifeboat.
Nobody gives a fuck what you believe.
They would be just fine.
Yes you do…..every single day.
Puddy called it @90.
Just read the cop comments of the senile wabbit above!
@129 Actually, that might be debatable.
Roger Rabbit Popularity Contest
Hey, kiddies, it’s time to vote! Who’s your favorite HA poster? (Vote for only 1 contestant.)
[ ] 1. Roger Rabbit
[ ] 2. Plissken
[ ] 3. Boob aka godwinha
[ ] 4. Puddy
[ ] 5. Politically Incorrect
[ ] 6. Mr. Cynical aka Montana Goatfucker
[ ] 7. Lost in a Sea of Blue
[ ] 8. Mark the Redneck
[ ] 9. Did I miss anybody?
@131 What are you babbling about, jackass? I haven’t posted anything about the Tacoma tragedy.
I’m not a sports fan. Anyone heard of Joe McKnight? Ex-NFL player? He was killed today by a road rager with a gun.
I wonder if he ran into George Zimmerman?
@128 No argument from me. But it is hilarious people can cut their own throats out of hate for others. It’s a knee slapper.
Having promised to “rein in Wall Street,” Drumpf is filling his cabinet with, you guessed it, some of Wall Street’s most predatory sharks. Feeling any buyer’s remorse yet, Trumpanzees? I mean, like, the guy LIED to you.
As for Drump “saving” Carrier jobs, that “deal” consists of (1) over half the “saved” jobs still going to Mexico, (2) the remaining workers facing pay cuts, (3) taxpayers forking out millions to keep those crumbs in Indiana.
The art of the deal, indeed.
@130 Saying something doesn’t make it true.
@130 Saying something doesn’t make it true.
So, a Hispanic worker is cleaning the parking lot of a Florida grocery store when a car with a couple of white guys pulls into the parking lot. One of them gets out, walks up behind the worker, and punches him in the back of the head, then says, “This is for Donald Trump!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nice company you keep, Trumpanzees. You helped build this.
Sounds like the knockout game the black kids play with older white people.
@142 I guess in your mind that makes it okay …
“Il Douche” is on its gloating tour… It’s saying NOTHING new.
It says: everything is going to be better… Yeah, right.
Then it bashes everyone whose stomach turned at the jerk…
143 – no.
The only way to get rid of the Electoral College is to amend the Constitution. That would take a 2/3 vote for eliminating the Electoral College and 3/4 of the states ratifying the House and Senate vote for such.
Given the fact that the smaller-population states would lose a lot of power on the national stage, it would be very difficult to eliminate the Electoral College.
@146 Not true. See:
60 percent of the way there.
More delusional melodrama from the crazed fetid diseased databaze FOOL @144!
@ 147
60% of the way is nowhere close to what you need.
The NPV types have picked the low-hanging fruit. You might grab another small state here or there but what are your chances to get, say, Florida? Texas?
To get the remaining 105 votes you will need at least a few states of substantial size to vote to reduce their influence in future presidential elections, YLB.
It might be easier than a constitutional amendment but it’s still a pipe dream.
Hillary is 86% of the way there, YLB. How’s that working out for her right now?
You know what’s easier, YLB? Play by the existing rules with a less horrid candidate next time.
@ 147
YLB, the last state to sign on to the NPV compact did so nearly three years ago.
Won’t survive a court challenge. SCOTUS won’t buy it as constitutional.
@ 147
Hey, YLB:
Which do you think is more likely:
1) Successful enactment of the NPV compact
2) California
secedes from the United States?
And YLB, if California were to secede, wouldn’t that both damage your chances of a successful NPV effort by reducing your current total in support from 165 to 110, and cost Democrats 55 extremely reliable EVs in future presidential elections?
Whaddya think, girlfriend?
Hillary Clinton’s lawyer is really behind all these recounts… http://dailycallernewsfoundati.....democrats/
@145 Then it must be a lame attempt to assert some sort of equivalency, but I’ve never heard of a black kid walking up behind a white person, punching him in the back of the head, then saying, “That’s for Hillary.”
@146 An amendment isn’t impossible. Maybe the small states would agree to it as a matter of principle, i.e. because it’s the right thing to do, or maybe they would trade that amendment in exchange for some other amendment they want. And, of course, there is the workaround, which doesn’t require the cooperation of the small states, if larger states controlling 270 votes get together in their own self-interest. but I don’t see any of these things happening anytime soon, although that could change if Trump’s presidency turns out to be an unmitigated disaster for both parties and the population at large.
Whaddya think, girlfriend?
Meanwhile you libtards really are sore losers.
154 – No, if they say anything, it’s usually “That’s for slavery” or something else along that line.
@149 “To get the remaining 105 votes you will need at least a few states of substantial size to vote to reduce their influence in future presidential elections, YLB.”
In purely mathematical terms, you could get the remaining 105 votes from 4 states — Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The key is you don’t need a majority of state legislatures to approve it. The 11 largest states, by themselves, control 270 electoral votes.
In June, President Obama participated in a PBS townhall and was asked about Trump’s promise to keep Carrier’s Indiana plant in the U.S. The townhall participant — Eric Cottonham, a member of the Steelworkers Union employed by Carrier — asked Obama if anything could be done to stem the tide of jobs flowing out of the country, as Trump had recently promised to do.
“I see here you’re doing a lot of things, but in Indianapolis, there’s nothing there for us,” he asked. “I mean, what’s next? I mean, what can we look forward to in the future as far as jobs, employment, whatever? Because all of our jobs has left or in the process of leaving, sir.”
“Those jobs of the past are just not going to come back,” Obama told Cottonham.
Way to go libtards. Mocking them all the way back then!
senile dumb wabbit @159,
good luck with that!
Ohhhhh, senile dumb wabbit’s avrit country is upset over those carrier jobs…–sector.html
Sore loser personified.
Hillary campaign still at it…
@151 What’s unconstitutional about it?
@112 I see you have time to post here too, must be your day off from living in your mothers basement.
CPM buddy. 11 high rise, 2 hospitals and about use to be about 3-4 proposal schedule per month in addition to all the monitoring and developing I do….actually 10:30 now and just finished up two more things that had to get done.
Eat your heart out you bastard.
And for once in your life, try to get something right, you loser.
Teafag to You buddy. You fucking honkey.
Libtards in action!
@157 Nah, it was just a group of intellectuals having a conversation, to wit: “Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, fumed: ‘Do you think I ran a campaign where white supremacists had a platform?'”
(To which I would reply, “Yeah, starting with your candidate.”)
@112 and one of the 11 is a +60 story residential building…I bet you are stuck on some stick built building, probably another basement for you and middle America to live in.
@158 Why don’t you just admit that you’ve wandered off topic into irrelevancy? You have, you know.
@169 thanks for the correction…the ape got something right for once too.
@163 Since when does exercising one’s legal right to a recount make one a “sore loser”?
Bonus point: Which candidate in this year’s election said he would accept the results only if he won?
Double bonus points: Which candidate is whining about the outcome even though he won?
@124 yeah at the 7-11…..serving slurpies.
Nah, it was just a group of intellectuals having a conversation
Senility at it’s best @168!
Clinton now leads by over 2.5 million legally cast votes.
@154 well it will be fun for the whitie Trumpanzees when it starts to happen…more Popcorn!
@160 when are you going to start to realize that jobs of the past aren’t coming back and further there are no jobs of the future…get use to it, and smarten up dipshits. You like cheap labor and robots but you want jobs, go try fishing in Chernobly and see how much fish you catch…bunch of fucking idiots.
Doesn’t matter senile fool! You lost!
Doesn’t matter senile fool! You lost!
You sound like you are 14 years old…
Not employable in this market. Standards must be a tad lower on the east coast.
Out here, we expect our professionals to be able to coherently put together sentences.
Steve can vouch for that if he likes.
Proud Honkey
I think you are an asshole..
The original assertion was about an “only way”. I demonstrated another way and it’s perfectly constitutional..
Anything else was just you blowing smoke out your ass.
No troll has anything to say about Il Douche’s gloating rally?
Nothing of any value was said.. One day all those sicko-phants are going to realize they’ve been ripped off.
Hardly anything compares to this idiocy save for Dumbya’s social security roadshow flop.
@179 Looks more to me like you stupid humans lost. Again. We rabbits didn’t lose anything except half the environment, and we can make do with the other half. Your loss will be our gain.
@181 Now if only you could put together a coherent thought …
@183 Well let’s see, Drumpf “saved” about 1,100 of the 2,400 jobs (for how long? a year?), by using Indiana taxpayers’ money to pay protection money to Carrier, and that long line you see forming outside is every other employer in Indiana with a job capable of being sent to another state or country …
“Did I miss anybody?”
Shouldn’t leave out Pudge.
And maybe the Piper.
Damn, I wrote “Jesus Fuck” and the loon suddenly becomes Chrome-challenged again. Then he’s doing the psycho-laugh and his head blows up. Jesus Fuck, I must have pushed the right buttons again.
PissCan still living in the basement with mommy.
Do I guess that Eastern Washington is where the deplorable White trailer trash live.
Oh with regard to the post above. Do trailers in Eastern Washington have basements?
Ohhhh, those vicious rivers (and streams). I hope they don’t evaporate one day.
Maybe if we put one of those Egyptian pyramids right in the middle of those vicious rivers it will be like forming a wall with a purpose.
You know you have reached life’s full potential when you aren’t living in Mom’s basement like PissCan and are a teet sucking Doctor living off of a public employer because you aren’t smart enough to have your own private medical practice.
Irony……is when you give someone shit for not owning their own medical practice, while at the same time you (supposedly) have a 4 year degree, been at the same company for 28 years, only to have reached the lofty position of……scheduler.
Irony…..its whats for dinner.
Maybe you should “schedule” some time at a local bath-house and contemplate where it all went wrong.