Finally, we’re going to get to the most important post imaginable! Why are people yanking the stop cord on the bus when it has already been pulled? I get if you’re absent minded or something, but then when it doesn’t make a sound, instead of looking up to see the lights show a stop has been requested, just pulling the cord more and more aggressively. Maybe it’s just new bus riders in the cold snap.
Good thing there aren’t any horses riding the bus and with Bob onboard….there would be a lot more than cord pulling going on.
According to the GAO the average cost of a trip to Mar-A-Lago for President NapTime is $3.4 million.
WALL!!!CAVE! has averaged more than 13 trips each year so far.That works out to $44 million per year.
And over $176 million in four years.
Somebody once said “you can’t make this stuff up”.
The nicest thing about being a Democrat is we don’t have to.
As promised, Democrats on the Intelligence Committee in one of their first acts voted to send Mueller and his team the full, unredacted transcripts of more than 50 witness interviews that the panel conducted in 2017 and 2018 for its Russia probe.
Let’s hope their committee testimony matches their GJ testimony, eh? Then of course there’s all the WhatsApp messages they saved to their iCloud accounts while trying to convert them from .pdf to .doc cause the campaign was being staffed by EEYGEEYOT old men whose thumbs don’t work.
Biggest loser: YLB.
Panera Will End Its Pay-What-You-Want Test, Closing Boston Store
Who woulda thought that a willingness to hand out free shit would merely increase the demand for it?
It’s a mystery.
I see that one of the stores is in Portland, OR. Who’s gonna feed Antifa now?
How ya like this cold and snow, climate deniers? Enjoy it while you can.
” … the past five years have been the five warmest years in the modern record …. Eighteen of the hottest 19 years have occurred since 2001.”
Warm up your DVR for CSPAN Friday.
Because it looks like Fake All-American “Method Actor” Attorney General Meatball McStupid has decided to go with “Plan B” for his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.
Oh, and Mount Everest will become a rock climb, and China and India will have no water.
Why ‘froggy can never hold a job.
Thieves caught hours after stealing GPS tracking devices from tech company
“The moment we realized they had a box of trackers, we went into recovery mode,” Subramanian said. “We notified the police and equipped them to track the devices, and in about 5 or 6 hours, it was done.”
Five or six hours is about how much time elapses between ‘froggy’s initial paperwork at HR on his first day at work, and his termination paperwork later that same day.
Republicans hate consumer protection. They regard consumers as sheep to be sheared.
@80 What kind of morons steal GPS trackers? They probably were wearing MAGA hats when rounded up.
A NYT headline earlier today tried to get away with the Virginia AG’s blackface episode as one in which he “Dressed in Dark Makeup”.
The Gray Lady was quickly shamed into replacing it with the word Blackface, in an act commonly known as “Republicans Pounced”.
Dark Makeup. Hell, if that were true, YLB’s smoky eye shadow would be a racist look. Cover Girl.
It’s clear the entire Virginia Democrat farm team is filled with horrible human beings.
This provides cover for the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the attorney general to refuse to resign.
In two weeks Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be writing in support of each of them.
Amy Klobuchar is in.
The second un-silly Democrat, after Tulsi Gabbard, to announce.
I think this is good. If Trump loses, it should be to someone capable. Which rules out Booker, Harris, Castro, and especially Gillebrand. Notice I left out Fauxchahontas, who won’t make it to primary season.
YLB, when men try to shove an unwanted cock down your throat, why don’t you just simply bite down?
I’d ask gman, but he’s never had a cock down his throat that he hasn’t wanted.
Wow! Talk about incredibly stupid fucking criminal boneheads.
Hard to imagine anyone could really be so dumb.
It’s almost as bad as using a secure encrypted messaging app on your phone to suborn perjury and intimidate witnesses, only to upload images of the messages to your iCloud account because you’re The Worst
Russian SpyCampaign Chairman Ever.#nuthinburger
TIL… once they knock out all your teeth, that only makes it better for them.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (Moron Party-FL) is the new Louie Gohmert. First he tells a flat out lie — that illegal aliens kill more people than guns. (How can alien-committed homicides exceed gun homicides, unless they’re doing it with kitchen knives or bare hands?)
Then, when the audience complains, he tries to have two audience members thrown out — both of whom are parents of Parkland victims.
Then he has the audacity to insist border wall is the solution to violence in the streets. No gun regulation; nothing to say about the American citizen who killed the Parkland kids; just immigrants and border wall.
What a dumbfuck.
Collins is telegraphing his punches.
And if Nadler isn’t better prepared these shitweasels will tie up every one of his hearings from this point forward with deliberately inflammatory speechifying in an effort to distract and steal the media cycles. They’ll plant their own hecklers in the audience if they have to.
Of course there are other documents. Probably in her hiring packets in more than one location.
Warren suggests ‘American Indian’ might appear on other documents
But the Texas Bar registration raises new questions of whether there are any other documents on which she claimed to be Native American. When asked on Wednesday whether there were, Warren reiterated that she filled out paperwork at the time in line with the family stories she grew up with.
“So all I know is during this time period, this is consistent with what I did because it was based on my understanding from my family’s stories,“ Warren said on Wednesday. “But family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship.“
When a reporter asked Warren whether she would drop out of the presidential race, she said, “Thank you,” and walked away.
No reason for the questions to stop until she’s on video, running away.
My portfolio’s performance from January 1, 2018 to close of business today was +21.51%, using Excel’s XIRR function for computing returns with varying cash flows.
(Does not include ANY of the other portfolios I manage for other folks. Those are not my resources to spend as I choose.)
Gotta admit. I feel better about Gabbard after seeing this.
NBC News, to Claim Russia Supports Tulsi Gabbard, Relies on Firm Just Caught Fabricating Russia Data for the Democratic Party
To justify its claim that Gabbard is the Kremlin’s candidate, NBC stated, “analysts at New Knowledge, the company the Senate Intelligence Committee used to track Russian activities in the 2016 election, told NBC News they’ve spotted ‘chatter’ related to Gabbard in anonymous online message boards, including those known for fomenting right-wing troll campaigns.”
What NBC — amazingly — concealed is a fact that reveals its article to be a journalistic fraud: That same firm, New Knowledge, was caught just six weeks ago engaging in a massive scam to create fictitious Russian troll accounts on Facebook and Twitter in order to claim that the Kremlin was working to defeat Democratic Senate nominee Doug Jones in Alabama. The New York Times, when exposing the scam, quoted a New Knowledge report that boasted of its fabrications: “We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the [Roy] Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet.’”
I wonder which mainstream Democrat candidate is working with NBC News to eliminate credible competition early on. This time, I mean.
I saw the NBC News piece when it came out and, although I didn’t delve into it and mostly just read the headline and first coupla paragraphs, I was worried that Gabbard was tainted.
Me. Worried about a Democrat candidate being tainted. WTF.
@ 20
Mine wasn’t. Selling naked puts on WY mid-year did NOT work out well. Not at all.
That was a good one. Really was. Made me laugh! But the horse was like, Don’t encourage him, I’d don’t like it.
It was only a blow job.
Isn’t that what y’all said when Bill Clinton was on the receiving end? Jeebus, no wonder Fairfax called her a bitch.
Justin Fairfax Must Resign – NOW Believes Survivors
Statement by NOW President Toni Van Pelt
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts News Update – Desperate search for Demorats who believe Dr. Vanessa Tyson’s rape charge against Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D-The Bitch Wanted It, see, comes up empty.
Swift to condemn Northam on Friday, Democratic presidential hopefuls ducked for cover on Tuesday. Sen. Bernie Sanders clung to an apparent cellphone call in the Capitol to avoid a reporter’s questions about Fairfax. Other Democratic senators — who both condemned Northam and said it was imperative to “believe the woman” when Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual harassment — have gone silent, too.
Bitches all around. Especially his own duaghter…just kidding she’s actually a nice girl… not a pig like that Sander lying bitch
“Instead, what’s needed is a single standard for everyone, one that delivers swift punishment for clear and recent offenses but recognizes the inherent ambiguity of older and less well-corroborated ones. In the short term, tempering justice with mercy will be better for Democrats. And in the long term, much better for America.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That may be what’s need, but it’s not what we have. I see nothing from Kavanaugh’s defenders but unadulterated partisan hypocrisy
@26 forgot to paste the link to the article.
Father of Mayor of New Britain, CT in a little bit of hot mess. Damn bitches!
20 is 20 too many! #MAGA
@20 In other words you have 2.044 shares of Starbucks in your 401(k) and you DRIP the dividends. How long have you been a barista?
@20 how long have you been doing this and having this awesomely great success? Were you ever doing this in the Great Recession of 2008? How much did you lose then? Do you think something like that will ever catch you by surprise or maybe even something like that but worse occur? Do you think you can time it right?
@31 I’ve got it figured out. Starbucks was $57.27 on Jan. 1, 2018, has paid $1.32 of dividends since then, and closed today at $68.85. So, starting with 2 shares worth $115.26 and now worth $137.70 plus $2.64 of reinvested dividends gives you a net gain of $25.08, and dividing that by $115.26 gives you 21.76%. The small difference between that and 21.51% is due to the fact the dividends weren’t received and reinvested all at once, but were spread over a 9.3-month period (i.e., the dividend payment dates from Feb. 23 to Nov. 30, 2018). Therefore PI has been a Starbucks barista since Christmas of 2016 and he gets 1 share of stock a year as an employee benefit.
Thwarted in their attempt to wipe out the Bristol Bay salmon runs with a gigantic copper mine, the Trump administration is now going after what’s left of our fish:
“A move to initiate state regulation of salmon-killing hot water in the Columbia and Snake rivers has been iced by the Trump Administration …. [O]n Friday night the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wrote to the department to announce it is … stopping … Ecology’s effort to enforce its water quality standards at federal dams …. ‘I’m surprised at EPA’s unusual request,’ said Maia Bellon, director of Ecology, in an email to the Seattle Times. ‘We’ve asked EPA to explain their motives … [for] backing away from a commitment to protect the water quality of the Columbia and Snake rivers.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What do you expect from the environmental vandals operating under Trump’s protection?
“The boyfriend of a Russian woman who admitted she was a secret agent for the Kremlin has been charged with fraud …. Businessman and conservative political operative Paul Erickson, 56, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to 11 counts of wire fraud and money laundering … Prosecutors said Erickson defrauded ‘many victims’ from 1996 through August 2018. The indictment accuses Erickson of concocting a variety of schemes to carry out well over $1 million in fraudulent transactions …. Erickson made false representations to get people to invest in the schemes, according to prosecutors.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Man isn’t this predictable? Yet another GOP operative is a crook who consorts with our nation’s enemies.
“the Trump administration is now going after what’s left of our fish”
Which is to say that Russia is now going after what’s left of our fish. Really, there isn’t a damned thing that Trump, the GOP and Doctor Dumbfuck do anymore that doesn’t put a shiteating grin on Putin’s face.
“how long have you been doing this and having this awesomely great success?”
PI is a self-made pauper who makes shit up.
I suspect Doctor Dumbfuck’s recent dour moods can be attributed to his missing out on GE when it was going down, and missing out again when it’s going back up, 60% since December.
” Why are people yanking the stop cord on the bus when it has already been pulled? ”
Same reason people push the elevator floor button over and over.
Inaccurate claims of noncitizen voting in Texas reflect a growing trend in Republican states
The episode is the latest in bungled attempts by states to show that huge numbers of noncitizens are registered to vote and have cast ballots in U.S. elections. In North Carolina, legislative leaders said in 2014 that more than 10,000 suspected noncitizens were registered to vote, but state election officials found that number was vastly overstated and determined that only 11 noncitizens voted that fall. In Florida in 2012, a list of 180,000 possible noncitizens ultimately led to the removal of 85 voters from the rolls. Similar claims have been made in Colorado, Indiana and Kansas.
Looking at YOU, Gudwad. Only 0.1% and 0.05% of the people on lists was valid non citizen voters. Voter Suppression.
I can’t speak for others, but my take home pay dropped by $222 a month due to the new tax giveaway rules and health care increases. But it’s OK, the billionaires will be fine.
Thanks. trump. I’ll vote accordingly in all future elections.
@ 32
I’ve got it figured out.
1. Figuring is what you have to do when the guy isn’t stupid enough to post his brokerage account balance on HA, like you did, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
2. Figuring is what I did, repeatedly, when you posted your monetary returns, in order to demonstrate how pitifully small your account is. You have since ceased sharing that information – I’m sure I was very close. See preceding paragraph.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re an unsuccessful an investor after a career as an incompetent attorney. Go write another Fleeing Felon screed to explain why it applies to a guy shot six times in the front of his body while bull-rushing a cop, you stupid fuck.
@ 39
The first time you’re hit by the Pease Amendment’s deduction limitations, you be sure and let us know.
Oh, and those health care increases? You misinterpret, Red. Those are just the result of Obamacare bending the cost curve downward.
If my take-home income dropped $222/mo, I’d never notice.
I understand that if ‘froggy were ever to hold a job his monthly take-home income would drop $222 because of all the unemployment benefits he would lose.
$222/mo is what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit spends to purchase used urethral catheters.
New ones are $223/mo.
Trailer Murica is experiencing late mid-life transition to OLD and all the fear, ennui, and invisibility that accompanies it. Their “best days” are all in their past, the servers at Cracker Barrel seem to mumble, the bread hurts their teeth, and nobody seems to care about their stories no matter how many times they repeat them.
Dudes holding hands in public, “press one for English”, and “rice bowl beggars” driving Maybachs upend their sense of order. Their expectations in the marketplace no longer seem to matter aside from investment funds, pharmaceuticals, and assisted living communities. Nobody pays any attention to their opinions. They feel outnumbered.
They are primed to belive these myths and to act on them.
@42. that explains so much about you.
You are a “I got mine, Fuck You” person.
Loosing $222 a month won’t kill me. Unlike way too many people, I am NOT living paycheck to paycheck. I can afford what I need for a long time. However that’s $222 of disposable income, I won’t pumping in to the local economy. Not taking the kid to go play paintball. Not eating out as much. Not going to starbucks for an occasional pumpkin spice latte.
You and the 1% better step up spending to make up for me.
@ 46
I was at the boat show twice last week.
Like cocaine, boats are God’s way of saying you make too much money.
If I buy two containers of cat litter at Costco instead of one I’ve covered your reduced spending.
Horses are God’s way of saying your husband makes too much money.
Growing up, YLB rode horses.
But then there she realized that the saddle horn was messing with her vajazzling bling and, well, you know.
I suppose it was the right choice. Besides, YLB finally found rhinestones to match her nail polish.
Well, that’s settled.
‘froggy and YLB are now joining Michael Moore’s effort to pass a constitutional amendment intended to permit AOC to run for president in 2020.
See, AOC just released an outline of her Green New Deal. It includes a call to guarantee:
Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work
If ever there was a direct appeal to the ‘froggys and the YLBs of the world, this was it.
@42 if my take-home income dropped $500.00 I wouldn’t notice…that’s why so easy for me to give $20 to a homeless guy that I feel needs it or worth giving to.
You are just a tightwad with your money. Stingy, greedy and tight.
Yes, let’s kick Nazis off our police forces. Nazis shouldn’t be cops.
Yes, let’s kick Nazis off our police forces. Nazis shouldn’t be cops.
“Horses are God’s way of saying your husband makes too much money.”
Buying 3 seats of Yankees season tickets (even when I have one ass and I am not a Yankees fan – 20 game package only), just to be able to give the tickets away to some kid in the Bronx, who otherwise wouldn’t necessarily be going, is just the way I say who gives a shit about money.
Stay stingy, greedy and tight Bob – you’ll be reaching heaven for sure.
@40 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck confirms my calculations.
It’s starting to look like if every white elected official in Virginia with a history of blackface were forced to resign, black Democrats just might be the only people left in office.
“Top Virginia Republican oversaw shocking yearbook filled with blackface photos and racial slurs”
@42 It doesn’t surprise anyone here that your missus manages the money.
@46 #44 explains even more about him. What kind of sicko obsesses over a rabbit taking a piss? Keep your kids indoors when he’s outside.
@49 “Growing up, YLB rode horses.”
Grown up, you ride horses.
@51 If Doctor Dumbfuck and his fellow GOPers have so much money, why did they need to borrow $1.5 trillion from China to give themselves another tax cut?
The truth is, all these guys are maxed out on their credit cards and up to their eyeballs in debt from paying for the boats, F-350s, and horse trailers they buy in order to brag about how much money they have.
You don’t get rich by loading up on stuff. You get rich by not spending. Obviously doc, by his own admission, has a lot of stuff instead of a lot of money. I’d rather have another 100 shares of Boeing stock than a horse trailer.
@ 51
You don’t notice when your PrEP prescription runs out.
@61 You don’t have to worry about that. You can write your own Rx. Knowing you, I’d say you probably do, too.
“Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work”
Too bad AOC’s GND outline doesn’t say that. Must suck to have to make shit up all the time.
“The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said its Russia investigation has found no proof that President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Moscow ….”
Of course he didn’t. He’s a Republican.
@ 56
It’s starting to look like if every white elected official in Virginia with a history of blackface were forced to resign, black Democrats just might be the only people left in office.
And if every elected official left in office with a history of forcible sex upon a victim were forced to resign, there would be no one at all left in office, Steve.
“It was just a blowjob.”
@63 What’s wrong with being unwilling to work? That pretty much describes all capitalists. I thought capitalism was supposed to be good. Isn’t that what Republicans claim? They sure don’t see any virtue in working. As proof of that, just look how they treat workers. The only thing workers ever get invited to Mar-o-Lago for is serving capitalists and clearing tables. Why would anyone do that willingly? Why do you think Trump hires people from Guatemala and Honduras?
In Doctor Dumbfuck’s social circles, working is declasse. He and his friends wouldn’t be caught dead in an apron or with a broom. He’s objecting to AOC’s proposal because he and his ilk won’t be able to get anyone to serve them and clear their tables if it goes through. They’ll have to go to the kitchen for their food and bus their own dishes. But at least they’ll have to pay themselves $15/hr. under the new minimum wage laws. That’s a consolation, anyway.
Michelle Obama at the Tacoma Dome tomorrow evening.
That is all.
It is one of the bullet points on her website’s Green New Deal FAQ.
I’m assuming that’s where National Review cherry picked the phrase.
Here’s the thing, though. A 29 year old frosh, no matter how telegenic, media popular, or “inspiring”, has a very limited input to the legislative agenda in any Congress, even one with a sympathetic Senate and White House. Committee schedules and votes are very limited and the process is brutally selective. She and her supporters know all that.
But that isn’t stopping them from seizing the opportunity to change the “political conversation”. And with a Senate ruled over by a majority absolutely terrified of their bloated orange farting rage-monster in the White House, aside from public hearings exposing GOP corruption and espionage, a “political conversation” is about all anyone can hope for.
The fact that this puts the GOP and their media enablers in the position of pushing back against wildly popular ideas like increasing tax rates on billionaires, raising the minimum wage, extending health insurance protections for children and the working poor, and reducing the threat of global climate change by investing in the American working class is a very good thing.
In a situation where they can’t enact a legislative agenda Democrats have to find other ways to illustrate to voters what they support. And baiting them into demonstrating precisely what Democratic policy proposals the GOP opposes is a good way of doing that. The more idiots like Teh Dumbfuck and David French find themselves struggling to blame Trailer Murica for its declining worker productivity, declining workforce participation rate, and declining libido the more they are doing our job for us.
We should only be so luck if “blame the poor” comes to dominate GOP rhetoric going into 2020 instead of “blame the Meskins” or “blame vaginas”.
The range of electric vehicles drops drastically in cold weather because temperature affects the batteries, according to a Seattle Times story. Running the heater also drains the batteries (duh). Something to consider before springing for an EV.
@68 Don’t have to wait until 2020. They’re already into blaming everybody. Except, of course, themselves.
GOP = Party of Take No Responsibility
@62 yeah, I thought I’ve been through this with Nac already. PReP – so scandalou.
Have another hamburger and soda and lose a foot or two, you dumbfuck.
Hey Bob – your wife putting out for you? She a big whore for you or a prude like Pence’s wife. My guess is the woman is s big prude….but maybe her vagina is big enough for a freight train to go through.
The dirty secret that Sean Hannity doesn’t comprehend, and Teh Dumbfuck doesn’t want to admit is that, anymore, the GOP are the poor… whites anyway.
Having abandoned small government, balanced budgets, national security, and family values, now culture wars are where the GOP live and succeed best. Getting Kansans to cut their own throats in order to stick it to a handful of darkies and weirdos is their bread and butter.
They were going to spend the next two years rummaging through bloody fetal tissues and scaring the shit out of each other with Tweet-memes of Tekashi 6ix9ine. Now they find themselves seriously debating in public whether or not a single mom with three kids shouldn’t have to take a third job.
They are being driven off their chosen ground by a 29 year old Latina freshman.
On a party line vote HJC just authorized a subpoena for Method Acting Attorney General Meatball McStupid ahead of his scheduled testimony tomorrow. It’s expected he’ll be a no-show.
It isn’t clear why McStupid is simultaneously unwilling to answer most of the committee questions and invoke any legal reason for resisting. Under most similar circumstances an independent legal arbiter might presumptively conclude that McStupid is a criminal seeking to avoid self-incrimination.
It’s been widely speculated that at least some of the information included in the SDNY warrant applications for the search and seizures of Mr. Safety School,
Esq.originated out of the SCO. We may get to learn more soon.SDNY US District Court Judge William Pauley III ruled today that DOJ must release redacted versions to the public. It may require some seven dimensional reading between the lines to gain any clues. Judge Pauley will allow DOJ to black out substantial portions including even the anonymous names of cooperating witnesses and informants.
Why is anyone surprised that a major GOP donor turns out to be a racist, Islamophobe, and birther?
Fyi, this puke made his bones as founder TD Ameritrade. No law forces you to do business with his company. I’m not suggesting you don’t; my comments are only informational.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Race War News- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-White-hater, Black-hater, Asian-hater, Jew-hater) demands ownership of every square inch of America for Latinos.
All Latinos have a race-based right to migrate to the United States, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Thursday.
“We have to have … respect for the right of human mobility,” Ocasio-Cortez told a press conference on Capitol Hill.
She continued, “It is a right. We are standing on native land, and Latino people are descendants of native people. We cannot be told and criminalized simply for our identity or our status.”
More like the horses ride it…
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts Breaking News- One Demorat found who believes Dr. Vanessa Tyson’s sexual assault allegation against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D- The Bitch Wanted It, see link @ 25); Pelosi, Schumer et al. stay silent.
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) told CNN’s New Day Thursday morning that she has no reason to doubt Dr. Vanessa Tyson’s sexual assault allegation against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D).
Costco is freaking insane today. Good luck prepping for the snowpocalype.. There’s still some time. Don’t procrastinate.
@ 80
YLB, thanks.
AOC’s Green New Deal web site has been pulled.Correction: The FAQ page was taken down.
Supreme Court blocks GOP anti-abortion law in Louisiana by 5-4 vote, with Justice Frat Boy Rapist voting against women’s constitutional rights, and Justice Roberts siding with the court’s four liberals.
Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos is accusing National Enquirer of blackmail and extortion. Bezos claims the Enquirer threatened to release nude photos of him with his girlfriend unless he issued a “false statement” that Enquirer’s coverage of his divorce isn’t politically motivated. Bezos’ chief bodyguard says there’s strong evidence it is.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, we all know how apolitical Trump’s pal’s tabloid is. You know, the one that bought the silence of Trump’s mistresses. (snicker)
A prison sentence for National Enquirer’s publisher won’t harm its reputation, because it doesn’t have any reputation to be harmed.
He had the protection of an immunity agreement in place arising from his involvement in campaign contributions as part of a scheme to defraud the United States.
Consider for a split second the soaring degree of risk involved in this. A guy who is otherwise facing felony criminal indictment puts his immunity agreement in dire peril on the, I would say thin, hope that he can convince an understandably emotionally upset billionaire to back off.
And what is it that Pecker is so determined Bezos should back off from? What are this guy and his Editor in Chief so afraid that Bezos will uncover that they are willing to take this kind of risk?
SDNY have very little room to maneuver here. The beneficiary of a cooperation agreement from that office appears to have flagrantly violated the terms in ways that seek to promote additional very serious felonies. These are exactly the kinds of violations the policy and guidelines are intended to at first prevent, and at least as a last resort punish with the greatest severity. The cooperation agreement is a binding order by the court upon the recommendation of the office. Even the judge is going to be outraged by this conduct.
Dylan Howard’s email, the accompanying letters, and the narrative provided by Bezos imply strongly that AMI’s General Counsel are fully aware of the blackmail scheme and are directly involved in its advancement. That’s amazing.
And to think on top of all that, on top of totally stealing the news cycle from BlackfaceGate, now they are all going to lose their Prime memberships. I guess it’s okay though. Cause AMZN doesn’t guarantee 2-day delivery to FCIs. And you can’t stream Prime in the joint.
Bannon (Dr. Evil) is Hitler reincarnated.
Saddam Hussein was less of a danger. I really hope he misses a turn and drives a cliff one day.
People are saying that government agencies supplied the Bezos tweets to the National Enquirer.
It would explain the panic at AMI
Virginia’s blackface scandal continues to spread. A top Virginia GOP legislator was “one of the editors of a 1968 Virginia Military Institute yearbook that featured racist language and students in blackface. … A Virginia Military Institute spokesman … confirmed … that Norment was managing editor of the 1968 yearbook. There are multiple photos of students wearing blackface in the yearbook, which also contained the N-word. A student from Thailand was referred to in the yearbook as a ‘Chink’ and ‘Jap,’ while a caption under another student’s picture referred to him as the ‘Barracks Jew’ …. ”
Never mind, it was just boys* being boys …
* And future Republican leaders
Meanwhile, with no trade meeting let alone trade deal visible on the horizon, Trump’s stock market has begun deflating again.
@90 Bob ran out of Viagra prescriptions, but hey PI is buying up all the good shit.
all these blackface thing stuff in the news lately happened 40-50 years ago…I’m not sure I get the big deal.
Currently today, we have that stuff going on and other bullshit stuff by frat boys, and we (or some) make excuses for “their mistakes” and that an apology isn’t really needed.
Not sure I really understand all the caring of the past and not caring for the present and future.
People can be cruel to other people.
That will never change. And the cruelty that people inflicted on other people in the past can’t be undone. Also, and sadly, the cruelty that people inflict on other people in their private lives will mostly remain private.
But the cruelty of cruel people must be a matter of public interest when those cruel people seek our permission to lead us. It calls into question their identity and character. It isn’t a question of virtue signaling to specific groups or constituencies. It goes to how these people represent themselves to all of us and how much all of us can trust them.
Well, just checked my portfolio (personal portfolio), and it’s up to +31.15% for the period of January 1, 2018 through today.
Some have got the idea that I only buy, but in this portfolio, I’ve taken several opportunities to withdraw some funds in the past year. I take money out when everyone is feeling good and making buys in the market. That drives up prices, making my profits more secure.
First Rule of Investing: Buy low, sell high. The corrolary to that rule is to be buying when others are selling and selling when others are buying.