The other day I blogged on Republicans’ misplaced enthusiasm in a recent Rasmussen Poll, by suggesting that in the wake of an unprecedented post-election PR campaign, the numbers really weren’t all that bad for Governor Gregoire and the state Democrats. (“Crow all you want, eat all you crow.”)
I had failed to find an earlier poll to use as reference point, but apparently I didn’t try hard enough. A helpful reader has pointed me towards a five-week-old poll, and the trends should definitely give Rossi’s political strategists some pause.
The poll was conducted January 24-26 by Republican pollsters Strategic Vision. Compare its results to those of Rasmussen’s February 22 poll, and it clearly looks like any advantages Dino Rossi may have gained from his coordinated propaganda campaign are fading fast.
Favorable Ratings Jan. 24-26 Feb. 22 Rossi 50% 55% Gregoire 38% 50%
Who really won the election? Jan. 24-26 Feb. 22 Rossi 53% 44% Gregoire 37% 42% Undecided 10% 15%
Of course, these polls have a substantial margin of error, and are for the most part, complete and utter bullshit. But if the Rs were hoping to see some sort of permanent lift from trashing the electoral process, they’re not seeing it here.
An even less scientific, but more dramatic, indicator of the public’s flagging interest in this interminable election contest, is the substantial drop in traffic to right-wing blog (un)Sound Politics. Many of the unsubstantiated allegations echoed by the Rossi camp, originally slithered out of (u)SP’s primordial soup of rumor and innuendo. While their site statistics remain impressive, their average daily visits are off by 60% from the post-election high. (By comparison, HA continues to trend upwards.)
All this suggests to me that interest in the election dispute continues to fade, along with the outrage. We all know Rossi is losing the battle in the courts… now it appears he may be losing the battle in the court of public opinion as well.
how do we know? You don’t publish your site statistics. Maybe yoru taffic is extremely l;ow./
rossi is still leading gregoire in the polls. gregoire wont stand a chance against rossi when we have a revote. then well have a proper governor
The fact that the public is loosing interest is not a suprise. It is a fact the D’s are banking on.
The 2000 election had the same thing happen. A year later the people that still touted ‘Bush stole the election’ were viewed as whack jobs. By the end of 2005 the people stating ‘Gregoire stole the election’ will be viewed the same way.
The battle was lost when the Legislature certified the election. This key strategy point by the D’s. It removed the urgency for the courts to settle the election errors.
The longer this drags out the more the people will want it to just go away.
There is an old saying “Justice delayed is justice denied”. This is especially true for election challenges. They must be settled quickly or not at all.
Martin writes – “Gregoire wont stand a chance against Rossi when we have a revote.”
You do realize there will be no re-vote. The judge already ruled that remedy out. Even if Rossi pulls off a miracle and wins his doomed-from-the-start election contest the best you can hope for is another election in 2006.
So keep holding out hope for something that has 0 chance of happening, but don’t hold your breath.
Martin @ 1 states, “gregoire wont stand a chance against rossi when we have a revote.”
A revote is not possible. If there even is a new vote it would not be a revote, it would be a new election, with new voters.
Until then, deal with reality: Gregoire is the governor.
Martin R. @ 1
Well, 1 thing I’ve gotta hand Rossi, he’s (temporarily) doing better than you in court: His case hasn’t been dismissed … yet ….
Vince @ 2
What do you mean, ‘by the end of 2005’? They already are.
Daniel @ 4
Martin is a dreamer. He doesn’t deal with reality.
Even using the January numbers, she has a mandate!
Like gw, he had 3x% solidly behind him, 50% squarely against him, and 2x%, blowing with the wind. (the ones that change their minds like I change my shorts).
Vance @ 2 said that
“The battle was lost when the Legislature certified the election.”
“There is an old saying “Justice delayed is justice denied”. This is especially true for election challenges. They must be settled quickly or not at all.”
I’m not very smart, but it seems to me you are confusing two things here. The legislative action was not part of administering justice, per se, was it?
The justice remedy, while apparently slow, seems to be moving along relatively fast compared to other court cases (e.g. Michael Jackson, Rick Neuheisel). Without the smoking gun of an overt criminal conspiracy aimed at changing the election, I would expect it to take a very long time to find all the illegal votes in all counties.
I mean, it wouldn’t be enough to show that King County had, say, 5,000 illegal votes, would it? Wouldn’t you have to search in all the other counties just as hard? I mean, what if there were 6,000 illegal votes in Republican-leaning eastern Washington? I am sure the Republicans are being fair by exerting the same degree of effort per vote in hunting down every last illegal vote in every county. Otherwise I don’t see how a simple tally of illegal votes in selected counties provides any useful information at all. But, I’m told that I am just a dumb blonde (and now, thanks to my monster of a husband, everyone knows I have a small weight problem too–but, he’ll pay. Believe you me, he’ll pay).
Hugs and kisses!
I think it’s reasonable to assume that the longer Governor Gregoire is in office the more legitimate she becomes in the minds of the general public.
Every poll published has shown similar numbers, so I question why the esteemed author dismisses them so easily.
Assuming there is some truth behind these polls, the fact that Rossi still leads should be a source of concern, not comfort, for Democrats.
SHARK “BIG NEWS” ON WA GOV ELECTION: King County Revises Story on Voter Crediting …
Why is your premise anything out of the ordinary? Gregoire and Company had it planned all the way. Right out of the Clinton playbook (which is a clever book by the way) it is. Delay, delay and more delays. If that doesn’t work, get your witnesses out of the country or say “I can remember” seeing the guy put a gun to his head and shoot. Gregoire hasn’t got to that page yet.
Rossi knew going in that the public interest would wane. The question then should be why did he do it.
I heard anecdotal evidence that GWB himself questioned whether the challenge could be successful, BUT, the First Lady was right up on it and offered some hope to the people talking to them.
swatter @ 10
What comic book are you reading that from?
Chris @ 9 exhalted, “SHARK “BIG NEWS†ON WA GOV ELECTION: King County Revises Story on Voter Crediting …”
Scurry along then.
To qoute your demigod Bawling Berendt, “Polls Schmolls thats what I say”. Hey goldy, why werent you pushing polls when Chrisqueen was sitting on 34% favorables?
Comment by jcricket— 3/1/05 @ 10:11 am
The Judge cannot order a new election / re-vote but the legislature can if he finds the true winner to be unknown. (Or he could say Rossi is the winner). So to say a new election is not possible is wrong. The leg may not order one but certainly can as a remdy for a vacated Gov seat.
Daniel @ 12
Why would I scurry along? You are all a good source of entertainment. Can you not tolerate opposing views?
Opposing views tolerated here just fine — it’s the Sound Politics folks that don’t (I know–I was asked by a number of folks not to post there — and Stefan started a whole topic on how to deal with folks who post opposing views, using the nice “troll” and “moonbat” nom de plumes.)
Scurry along didn’t seem to mean “don’t post” – as I was explicity asked to do, but rather “if that’s big news, go ahead over there and participate, get involved” — and, here’s hoping you too won’t be asked to stop posting.
Chris @ 15 returned to ask, “Why would I scurry along? You are all a good source of entertainment. Can you not tolerate opposing views?”
So did you have fun?
Chris @ 14
The Legislature can do it, but it would likely take a Constitutional change to create one.
Apparently the Snark has just released another chapter in his magnum opus and all his fans are squealing in glee.
Snark’s accomplishment: he puts the LA County Registrar’s words into KC Election’s mouth.
Great work Snark!
Which legislature Joe? Ours…..or yours in Oregon?
Favorable Ratings
Jan. 24-26 Feb. 22
Rossi 50% 55%**
Gregoire 38% 50%**
105% interesting sounds like this past election, Did Logan and Sims reconcile these numbers?
ghost @ 20
Now why would I refer to Oregon’s legislature?
Adriel: What part of the Feb. 22 poll doesn’t add up for you? Did you ever consider that some people might have favorable views of both Gregoire AND Rossi?
Sheesh! What a maroon…
Adriel @21,
I don’t want to pile on, but if I had made a stupid-ass comment like that, can you imagine the verbal beating I’d get?
Or perhaps, you really do assume that a favorable view of Gregoire automatically rules out a favorable view of Rossi, and vice versa? This would indeed provide some true insight into your black & white worldview.
Martin @ 1.
The recall and the revote are lost causes. Law can’t be rearranged or tailored to one’s liking. Understanding law takes more than reading ability. With high bar operating, neither cause will be able to overcome the burden of proof needed.
scottd @ 23 & Goldy @ 24
I was being facetious I know there are alot of fence sitters out there, I just thought it was a dumb topic.
As far as polls go, we know where they can be stuck. Rossi is like a cheap cook making a big stew out of nothing but scratch. Rossi has a sliver of meat tied to the string he runs through the stew pot from time to time to pretend his stew contains real meat. Rossi’s stew is flat, about to be thrown out.
Due to the nature of my work, I am in many different homes, on a daily basis. One of the things I always try to ask is this: How do you feel about the recent election for Governor? I do not try to influence, just ask and wait. I have YET to be told by anyone that they think it went well. The majority are extremely pissed and several have told me in no uncertain terms that they are ashamed to say they live in King County. They ALL want a revote. Many are Democrats. They can’t all be sore losers, can they?
Goldy, while we are discussing someone elses ‘black and white worldview’, when was the last time you said you were concerned over the number of felon votes, deceased voters and phantom voters? Seems pretty black and white to me, Gold-man.
Chris @ 8: From what I am seeing and hearing, there is no way that time will heal this wound. In fact, there is a desire on the part of all I talk to that time will wound all Heels! The phrase not my governor still rings strong–along with terms like illegal coup, government overthrow (not planning one, but HAD one), voter fraud, usurpation of power and many others. In fact, accessory after the fact has arisen more frequently. Could get VERY interesting in the near future for the ex-attorney general/NOT-governor.
ScottD @ 23: Q. What do they call someone with favorable views of both Rossi and Gregoire? A. A newly registered 18 year old voter.
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