It’s sort of amazing how little King County is paying to make its own EpiPens. The article makes it clear that in their current form, they couldn’t be for wide use. But it seems like the free market would mean that some company or other org could step up and put something into wider use. Or maybe King County could figure out how to make them easier to use and sell them. It seems like a good use of my tax dollars if the private sector can’t step up.
One thing I’d like to see more in the press is some explanation of what having a Trumpster as State Treasurer will mean. Does the Treasurer just turn a crank, or do they have enough power to monkey wrench Insley?
And why hasn’t anyone started a write in campaign for Treasurer. The biggest Dem vote getter was Marko Liias. Is there any reason not to go for him? At very least a massive write in campaign would send a strong message about how wrong the top two system is.
The free market?
It’s a catecholamine. It’s not some new variety of bud you meet some guy in the supermarket parking lot to exchange cash in order to acquire.
Try to get a self-administered pharmaceutical with the potential to immediately affect heart rate, rhythm, and blood pressure through the FDA in short order. Something that, if used improperly, can cause death. Something that, if used correctly but fails in an emergency situation, can fail to prevent death.
No, go ahead. Try.
Apparently a tumescent penis covered only by boxer briefs, self-photographed in the same frame as one’s sleeping toddler and shared over the ‘net to someone to whom penis owner is not married, is a step too far.
Either that or Huma Abedin really wants not to be in the spotlight over the next several weeks.
Early reports that the power couple have separated.
Drudge on top of it. Check out the matching duds.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
The Trump campaign sold my email address to fucking Roger Stone, who’s now hawking me his stupid “book.”
@DickformerlyknownasCarlosDanger That bitch sold my tweets to NY Post and now I gotta find another Muslim chick to fuck and then cheat on when she’s not home.
Whaddya know. WSJ weighs in on some of the reasons a dirt-cheap drug like epinephrine costs so much when it’s not in a refrigerated vial at a medical facility.
Approving a generic copy that is biologically equivalent to a branded drug is simple, but the FDA maintains no clear and consistent principles for generic drug-delivery devices like auto injectors or asthma inhalers. How does a company prove that a generic device is the same as the original product if there are notional differences, even if the differences don’t matter to the end result? In this case, that means immediately injecting a kid in anaphylactic shock with epinephrine—which is not complex medical engineering.
But no company has been able to do so to the FDA’s satisfaction. Last year Sanofi withdrew an EpiPen rival called Auvi-Q that was introduced in 2013, after merely 26 cases in which the device malfunctioned and delivered an inaccurate dose. Though the recall was voluntary and the FDA process is not transparent, such extraordinary actions are never done without agency involvement. This suggests a regulatory motive other than patient safety.
Then in February the FDA rejected Teva’s generic EpiPen application. In June the FDA required a San Diego-based company called Adamis to expand patient trials and reliability studies for still another auto-injector rival.
When it’s in a refrigerated vial in a medical facility, it’s dirt-cheap. Things are a little more complicated when you package it to be used by a lay person in an emergency, far from medical help. Go figure.
Frank LuntzVerified account
@FrankLuntz Frank Luntz Retweeted Bill Mitchell
This is a poll of Central FL only; doesn’t include Miami-Dade County.
That’s like polling Illinois without Chicago.
Yeah, I don’t think incompletely polling a state is any smarter than trying to get away with incompletely recanvassing a state when you don’t like an election result.
Kind of like pulling an Al Gore. Before an episode in a Portland hotel room gave that term a second meaning, that is.
@3 and @5
I know! Right?! Heteros treat the Sanctity of Marriage in such High regard. Like it is just a cheap piece of paper and excuse or competition amongst themselves to see who can out spend the other on the great ceremony of marriage. If you cant accomplish it the first time – no problem, just getting a divorce and do it all over again…..It develops such happy offspring.
You don’t suppose the male youngster thinks raping young woman isn’t really a problem, when daddy can’t keep his dick in his pants, and mommy spreads her legs like it is a fly trap.
Was just thinking. Without Anthony Weiner, Breitbart would be just some dead guy now.
Instead we have items like:
Hillary Clinton: ‘I Am Sure’ There Are No Embarrassing Clinton Foundation Emails
Thank you, disgraced former Congressman Weiner. And a special thank you to Joan Walsh for trying to take down Breitbart when it turned out he had the goods on Weiner.
Well, only if it turns out there are more emails to come to light before the election.
Hillary Clinton’s Reaction to Her Foundation Scandal Is Disastrous
But we all know there won’t be any more, ’cause Crooked Hillary Clinton @ 9 has assured us there aren’t any more. And she’s been nothing if not consistently accurate since the existence of the private emails and the servers that held them came to light.
Man, good thing no one reads Time anymore.
“Former Congressman”.
Is Boob the only one who seems to miss that bit?
He left elected office five years ago. Back when Boob’s party’s nominee was still insisting that Hawaii isn’t part of Real America.
Are those motherfuckers just this lazy?
Or is it actually possible that the most scandalous and prominent things they can find to report on about Democrats involve dick pics of an unemployed alcoholic disgraced former Congressman and a charitable foundation that is too popular for their liking?
Where is James O’Keefe when they need him?
Oh. Right.
“Man, good thing no one reads Time anymore.”
Good thing it doesn’t fucking matter.
Because thanks to tribalist enablers like you, your party has handed the car keys to the drunkest people at the party.
Nicely done.
Discerning racist alt-Right nutters want to be ripped off by the REAL Donald Trump.
Not a fake one.
@ 12
Because thanks to tribalist enablers like you, your party has handed the car keys to the drunkest people at the party.
Nicely done.
Right back atcha.
Free tickets to the Donald Trump Dog and Pony Show, at Xfinity Arena in Everett on Tuesday August 30!
I keep getting email from Suzie Hutchison that these FREE tickets are going fast. Yet they haven’t “sold” out yet? And the event is … tomorrow? Maybe they should try paying people to go.
Sorry. I just don’t see it.
Frankly, I believe you when you claim to look forward to President Clinton. I have little doubt folks like you will fare better than you might with Cheeto Jesus. But I’m pretty confident we all will. At the very least we won’t quit NATO and start WWIII.
My biggest concerns about Clinton have absolutely nothing to with cigars, email servers, charitable foundations, “health problems”, BENGHAAAZI(!!!), Vince Foster, or the Rose Law Firm. But your party has become so all consumed with this full-on nuttery you can no longer see the forest for the trees. And of course nihilistic tin siding salesmen can’t build an empire of sleazy grift fund raising on prosaic policy concerns. Gotta give your gun clutching mouth breathers some yellow cake and mushroom clouds if you want them to click the DONATE button.
For decades as you guys built up the myth of the “Liberal” media bias you scolded everyone on the left with dire warnings of the “reckoning” that was sure to come when the dirty hippies wrested control the the Left. As concern trolling it was masterful at shifting the “balance”. And it certainly provided plenty of smoke to conceal the real emerging bias in the media. But there was really never any kind of left wing corollary to something like FOX, Breitbart, or Rushbo. Whatever institutional liberal bias may have ever existed it can’t even begin to compare to what you folks have built.
It’s a beautiful bonfire. Bigger than anyone could have dreamed. Only while you and your pals were busy dancing around it, some of the sparks floated onto the roofs. And it looks like Florence is burning.
Want to crash the corrupt government/pharma cabal? Start importing our drugs from Canada, Cuba and India without federal approval.
Huffington Post conributor suddenly terminated and two pieces he authored about Crooked Hillary Clinton’s health pulled from the site.
Huffington Post TERMINATED Me For Questioning Hillary’s Health
Gee. I thought she was healthy. Might that not be correct?
@ 17
Just don’t declare it, and don’t get caught.
Wife and I took a day trip to Vancouver, BC on the motorcycle earlier this month.
Stopped and picked up two liters of Knob Creek at the duty-free border place on the way back. Declared it and were asked to head inside to pay the $3/liter duty = six bucks.
40 minutes later, we were on our way. Given the time the inspector spent quizzing us, looking in the saddlebags, and double-checking our passport data, plus the time it took for a page to be filled out by one agent and cash payment to be handled by another agent, pretty sure the federal government lost money on the deal.
We were unaware of the requirement that we be in Canada at least 48 hours to take advantage of duty-free on the return.
“Or is it actually possible that the most scandalous and prominent things they can find…”
Best I can tell, as far as Bob’s concerned, anything immoral Republicans do, be it fucking goats, molesting children or handing Trump our nuclear codes, is fine so long as he gets his taxes cut.
@ 20
Steve, I’d be fine if next time it wasn’t just my taxes that were raised. When Boehner and Obama made that agreement 12/31/12, my federal taxes went up two separate ways, with the establishment of the higher rate and the re-imposition of the Pease amendment limitations on deductions. YLB’s didn’t budge. Yours probably didn’t, either.
Y’all would sound much more credible if it were your own federal income taxes going up that you wanted to see happen. Not just someone else’s.
Next time you want to raise my income bracket 3%, raise your own 3%, Steve. Then you can make false accusations about what I want.
for the life of me I don’t see how it pencils.
With Cheeto Jesus he gets a $166 billion bill for the fabulous wall, the roundups, the internment camps, and the deportation buses, and nobody to clean his toilet. On top of that you got Trumpcare, guaranteed make work jobs for angry racist Oxy addicted steel workers, a collapse of foreign investment and the stock market triggered by the protective tariffs and breached trade agreements, and twice as many $80k cops producing $10 million dollar wrongful death settlements. No prospective Trump tax cut could possibly cover it.
And even if you go with the dead-horse supply side losers that are now banished from the party, it doesn’t get any better. Hell, even Boob admits he does better with Democrats in control.
What good is a $100 tax cut when your portfolio loses half its value and your mortgage is underwater?
I’ll betcha Boob will trade you his thin little dime for your big fat nickle.
You are excitedly posting about an former Democratic congressman sexting. When a former Republican congressman and Speaker of the House went to prison for a matter involving molestation you said nothing at all. You ignore the beam that’s up your own ass as you mock the spec in another’s eye.
You ape Trump with your “Crooked Hillary” and channel Alex Jones on Hillary’s health. Now you’ve got a hard on for Weiner. If you don’t do this strange shit hoping for a tax cut, Bob, then why the fuck do you do it?
What racism?
Here’s a pretty good example of the fire spreading:
That’s an anti-Semitic picture of Jonah Goldberg being spread around on social media by alt-Right Republicans.
Jonah has a sad. The mean girls won’t let him sit at their table because he won’t sign Donnie’s year book (and plus also he’s a Jew).
Self reflection much, Jonah? HEY JONAH! YOU BUILT THAT!
Let the motherfucker burn. Burn motherfucker, burn.
Republican Minster of Truth.
“We are building a religion
A limited edition
We are now accepting callers
for these pendant key chains”
@ 26
Great video to that Cake song in ’08.
Republican Reality
Objective Reality
Blacks killed by whites: 7.6 percent.
Whites killed by whites: 82.4 percent.
Whites killed by blacks: 14.8 percent.
Blacks killed by blacks: 90 percent.
What would motivate a Republican like Donald Trump to lie to tens of millions of people in this way?
Oh. Right
2015 Census estimates numbers
14% of population – 46,282,080 Blacks / 2451 – 1 killed per 18,883 people
62% of population – 197,993,990 Whites / 3021 – 1 killed per 65,539 people
Straight up numbers not normalized on PURPOSE.
Sooooooooooo HA DUMMOCRETIN whiteys… blacks have a much higher shooting death rate amongst ourselves with a much lower starting value. Figger it out!
Once again the latest strawman posed by the Oregon moron goes up in FLAMES!
@ 29
Not quite.
DR isn’t exactly Johnny on the spot here but Trump retweeted data from a nonexistent entity. Last November.
Why he’s dredging it up now, I’m not sure.
@19 We talk a lot about “the free market” and trade deals that are “fair” when the truth is it’s all about protecting the American monopoly. And the FDA is guilty of looking the other way when there’s price fixing and denying Americans affordable medicines while claiming to be protecting Americans. Doctors like to talk a lot about “balancing the pros and cons” but the truth is doctors are in on the scam, too. And lives are lost because that’s the price of “business”. Bullshit.
MAGA in White Center / South Seattle!
Travis @30…
Puddy is in the here and now, hence the use of Oregon moron numbers. Maybe the Oregon moron saw something on Vox or Media Morons and is puking it up again for “kicks”!
Sure is amazing how this was known five days ago and never made the Friday Night Comix!
That didn’t take long. The darker corners of nut-o-sphere have determined the only reason Colin Kaepernick could have complicated feelings about race and a poem written by Francus Scott Key who advocated forcibly repatriating ‘free blacks’ to Africa is because he’s a muslim. Never mind the Psalm Tatoos and his many public statements about his faith.
The evidence? A single tweet
Note the syntax. He is clearly not fasting and following the Muslim faith. But he’s in sufficiently anti-Muslim so of course he’s a Muslim.
With all those “adoring” DUMMOCRETINS claims why did this happen?
The Hollywood Reporter described Southside With You’s opening this past weekend as mediocre:
Maybe people are realizing the economy is mediocre!
Dwayne Wade’s cousin’s killers were known gang members given leniency by DUMMOCRETIN judges!
“It’s noteworthy because these two offenders are the prime example of a challenge we have in Chicago of repeat offenders who … clearly don’t face the consequences of their actions.” – Chicago Black Police Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson
Yessiree! Vote DUMMOCRETIN in your city and you may have a family funeral in your future!
Is it because you are inferior?
That’s it, isn’t it?
Thanks for that. The scales have finally fallen from mine eyes thanks to your truth bombs about “the blacks” and how completely fucked up and violent you are. NPI and Breitbart say it has something to do with your genes and also the size of your brains. So sorry about that, dude. Tough luck. I guess you’ll be cool with it when we take away your vote and seize your guns. What else can we do? You folks obviously can’t be trusted. Even your nominee agrees.
Mind that rake, Forrest.
Oh wow! Republicans have a statute of limitations on fucked up racist lies! Awesome!
“Why he’s dredging it up now, I’m not sure.”
‘Cause he’s your nominee, fool! He’s the guy you want to put in charge of the Justice Department and give federal judicial appointments to (to say nothing of the launch codes).
See, his lies actually matter more now that you people chose him to lead your party.
Hey Boob, is that statute of limitations on racism avails for everyone? Or is it only for White Supremacists and other Republicans?
Ah Free Beacon.
The movie in question is in limitted release but was #3 in per screen average.
I can assure you the film’s makers and releasing are ecstatic that it sold $1million over its budget in week one limitted release.
If you want, you could look at how say Atlas Shrugged 1,2 & 3 did at the box office. The trilogy cost an estimated $25 million to produce but grossed under $10.
Nice try. Always fun when the Liar spouts off about his ignorance from a truly authoritative source like Free Beacon.
@ 41
Pretty sure it’s for everyone, DR.
“We can all profit by our mistakes.”
Followed about 60 seconds by mention of “white niggers”.
A year later he’s dead and NAACP gives him a free pass.
Oh. Wait a minute. You asked if it was only for white supremacists. I guess I didn’t answer your question with my example, then.
@ 35
Funny how things have a way of working themselves out.
Report: 49ers likely to jettison Kaepernick, for football reasons
But if the 49ers really think Kaepernick has regressed to the point where they’d be better off with Blaine Gabbert starting and Christian Ponder and Jeff Driskel backing Gabbert up, then they can save a little money by cutting Kaepernick and hoping he signs with another team, as they would be able to reduce that $11.9 million by the amount of Kaepernick’s salary with a new team.
I’m sure there are a couple of dozen other NFL teams just dying to pick up an eight-figure QB at a cut rate salary. The Minnesota Somalis, perhaps. Or possibly the Dearborn Lions.
@44 I guess you and Abigal don’t like the 1st Amendment now.
And only a money grubbing Doctor like you would compromise your morals and principles for money.
After seeing Donald Drumpfs Doctor on Tape (and also the Doctor’s wife or Assistant – I was lucky enough to miss being told who she was), I can finally understand why people think that Obamacare is a bad thing.
None of the dead are named Bartman, either.
Chicago’s relentless shootings make August its most violent month in 20 years
North Carolina needs to ban the sale of Clown Masks and Suits; while they are at it Santa Suits and probably even Minister and Priest Garments.
@ 45
And only a money grubbing Doctor like you would compromise your morals and principles for money.
Oh, I suppose if one were to ignore 100,000+ posts by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit one might slightly more credibly make that argument.
Ohio raises alcohol limit for beer this week
In John Kasich’s America…
We’re, like, 2-3 announcements away from Team Obama telling us the renewal premium rate and insurer options data will be delayed until after November 8th.
Administration issues new rules aimed at strengthening ObamaCare
The CMS is also looking for comments on additional ways to tighten up the rules around extra sign-up periods that insurers have complained are driving up their costs when people game the system. The administration earlier this year for the first time announced that it would start making enrollees provide documentation to prove that they actually qualified for the extra sign-up periods, for example proving that they just moved residences.
People have been gaming the system? Why, who in the world could have predicted that in advance?
This is my shocked face.
@3, @6 Bob’s basically right here. Except…there’s a difference when a drug or device faces a mass market. I worked for a long time for a company in Redmond (I’m pretty sure you can figure out who that was) whose primary product was a device that resuscitated people who’d experienced cardiac arrest. Said device was about the same complexity as a gaming console, and some might have asked why it cost ten times as much. The answer was in the effort required to get agency certifications and the cost of liability insurance because (1.) in the wrong hands it could be an instrument of murder; and (2.) even if properly used, it wasn’t always successful. On the other hand, there was the concept that if it could be perfected to the point that it could be used by semi-lay people the potential existed for a much wider market.
Now there are “smart” defibrillators all over the place, and not only are there lots more lives being saved, but the makers are seeing much greater profits from the resulting mass market.
What seems to have happened with the EpiPen is different. Mylan assumed a flat market, and adjusted the price to realize the “greatest value to the shareholders (and executives)”.
How ironic. One of HA’s own once helped to enrich Mitt & Co.
Meanwhile, the darling Governor of the GOP and certainly the Schizo’s favorite, declares his true faith to the world.
@ 52
I hadn’t really given consideration to the size of Mylan’s market for the EpiPen.
is a nice summary of the failures or other problems that befell Mylan’s would-be competitors.
I do have a question for Art, though:
If Mylan is the the only player in a flat market, why would it feel an urge to advertise?
But while EpiPen may be the only horse in the race, Mylan isn’t slacking on its marketing activities. On the contrary, it’s already rolled out a pair of initiatives this year. With the “Face Your Risk” campaign, the company put an ultra-realistic anaphylaxis episode on TV to raise awareness of severe allergies. Shortly thereafter, it tapped actress Sarah Jessica Parker to help it launch a consumer-generated media initiative inviting children and their families to create and submit short films about living with severe allergies.
Wow The Oregon moron is full of strawmen…
Is it because you are inferior? No Puddy isn’t butt we know you are. Hence all the deflections and BULLSHITTIUM statistics. It’s DUMMOCRETIN policies that keep inner city blacks with no hope. Now you DUMMOCRETIN whities have the NAALCP against charter schools for inner city youth. So shitty schools beget shitty attitudes which beget shitty opportunities which beget shitty hate which begets shitty gangs which beget shitty killing zones. Puddy blames DUMMOCRETIN policies for Wade’s cousin’s death which caused those paroled fools to shoot up the area!
Thanks so much DUMMOCRETINS! You’ve been running inner cities for decades!
Meanwhile… Donna Brazile can’t stand the heat! Deflect and obfuscate from the question. That’s how DUMMOCRETINS do it!
Meanwhile… Donna Brazile can’t stand the heat! Deflect and obfuscate from the question. That’s how DUMMOCRETINS do it!
Chick who sees nothing wrong with marrying a guy who paid only $175 for killing two innocent people can’t handle representing a company which charges a lot for its product.
Sarah Jessica Parker quits Mylan campaign as ‘direct result’ of EpiPen price hikes
@ 57
Someone should make sure Maggie Hassan gets asked, every day between now and November 8th and on camera, if she thinks Crooked Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy.
Comedy gold.
Once again the vomit producer spews lies. Maybe the Maine guvnur was channeling his inner Richard Daley fool!
Hence all the deflections and BULLSHITTIUM statistics.
They’re your statistics, boy! You are the fool so eager to trumpet the violence that you insist is endemic to “your people”. I can only follow your Republican reasoning to the only available conclusion. If your statistics give you a sad, quit making them up!
It’s DUMMOCRETIN policies that keep inner city blacks with no hope.
Hope is it? Is that all your people need to stop killing each other? I thought you insisted it was church on Saturday, stay at home Moms, and Daddy smoking a pipe while you played in the yard with Sounder. Will you please make up your small (strictly according g to Brietbart) mind?
Now you DUMMOCRETIN whities have the NAALCP against charter schools for inner city youth. So shitty schools beget shitty attitudes which beget shitty opportunities which beget shitty hate which begets shitty gangs which beget shitty killing zones.
Now you say it’s schools that make you kill each other? Are they teaching marksmanship? So what is it that makes poor “whities” with no hope living in shitty neighborhoods with daddies in prison and crippled run down schools kill each other less than your people? Well? What is it about “the poor white Trump voters” that disqualifies them from all this concern about “routine gun slaughter”? Well Forrest?
@ 62
What is it about “the poor white Trump voters” that disqualifies them from all this concern about “routine gun slaughter”?
This is probably a hanging curve for Puddy but he may have turned in, so I’ll give it a shot.
Greater likelihood of adult male presence in the household would be my guess.
“One, two, three, one, two……Oops.”
Report: Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry Joining New Season of ‘Dancing With the Stars’
The boy will never learn if you do his work for him.
Besides, the census data doesn’t back up your “guess” . Single parent homes correlate with joblessness, poverty, and date of birth far more than “race”. Poor jobless whites form stable monogamous caregiving pairs at about the same rate as all others. You’d do better to look at childhood exposure to lead, not that you even give a fuck.
@ 65
The question I addressed @ 63 pertained to poor white Trump voters. You responded by giving me a list of items that don’t separate Trump voters from those who are not.
I reiterate my guess that the average poor white Trump voter is more likely to be married, and therefore to have an adult male household presence, than the average inner city black family. I don’t know if I’m right. But nothing you offered shows me to be wrong.
Cherry picking, non sequitur bullshit..
“So what is it that makes poor “whities” with no hope living in shitty neighborhoods with daddies in prison and crippled run down schools kill each other less than your people? Well?”
And let’s quit pretending that you even give a shit, shall we?
Since fewer dead poor people and solving racism won’t lower your taxes. Amirite?
Apparently you had no problem electing a guy president who married someone who killed an innocent teen.
@55 Good question. Although the “personal defibrillator” concept started with an inquiry from an individual patient (in which I was personally involved) the market for AED’s has been mostly institutional. Then again, although drug companies spend a lot on mass marketing to patients (in and of itself a recent development which has its drawbacks) they might be hoping that the ultimate paying “customers” are the patients’ health plans.
@64 We used to watch during the first few seasons, but now…not so much. The choice of contestants and the increasingly broad working definition of “stars” is the main reason.
The working definitions of “honest” and “trustworthy” are increasingly broad as well, I note. To some, at least.
@ 68
Apparently you had no problem electing a guy president who married someone who killed an innocent teen.
No, it was far from problem-free. Really close in Florida and there was this whole recount thing. Quite the kerfluffle.
@ 67
“So what is it that makes poor “whities” with no hope living in shitty neighborhoods with daddies in prison and crippled run down schools kill each other less than your people? Well?”
Clearly poor white people live in shitty neighborhoods that have walls without peeling lead paint.
That’s the difference I’m supposed to delve into, amirite?
That will serve you better than your “missing daddy” hypothesis.
But why are we pretending? We know the only “difference” that matters to you, Trump, Breitbart, The NPI, and the self-loathing troll is skin color. And while he comforts himself that he’s “one of the good ones”, you believe there’s no such thing.
“Chicago’s relentless shootings make August its most violent month in 20 years”
Surely this isn’t a complaint about black men killing each other? I thought such news would get an elated fist pump out of you.
They’re your statistics, boy!
Really Oregon moron? Boy? The only boy is you. Remember Puddy is black!
Remember moronic twit, you TRUMPeted the FBI gun death statistics for two races with your offered link and then your “observations”!
Hence the rest of your worthless insipid rant is useless blather! Two more idiotic strawmen that are worthless as the pixels displaying them! You aren’t a challenge anymore Oregon moron! You are worse than checkmate and that is gutter scraping!
Talk to the hand!
That will serve you better than your “missing daddy” hypothesis.
Many black leaders are also agreeing with the missing daddy hypothesis Oregon moron. Still reading Matt Yglesias at Vox? Maybe another of the Journolist gang at Media Morons, eh? Is that where you get your “black people information” from Oregon moron? White sources?
Remember the black man killed in Milwaukee that caused the riots when the NY Slimes proffered it was a white police officer that killed Sylville Smith when in reality the policeman was black? All that looting and carnage approved and cheered by city DUMMOCRETINS? All those worthless public comments by DUMMOCRETINS all over America UNTIL the FACTS appeared about Sylville?
Y’all forgot all about that didn’t you? Well the Oregon moron did. Hence the BULLSHITTIUM from its mind. Of course Sylville’s missing jailbird father admits IT IS HIS FAULT…
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS, The Oregon moron is just that; an idiotic moron. Y’all continue to read its insipid feckless BULLSHITTIUM and it continues to post insipid feckless BULLSHITTIUM!
The Oregon moron is as useless for real information as nipples on a bull!
So you are inferior? You’re not inferior?
I certainly know what your nominee believes. He’s hardly been shy about it.
But you seem to need to hide from your own FACTS:
“2015 Census estimates numbers
14% of population – 46,282,080 Blacks / 2451 – 1 killed per 18,883 people
62% of population – 197,993,990 Whites / 3021 – 1 killed per 65,539 people”
Why is it that poor whites, living in economically destroyed communities, ravaged by opiate addiction, with ruined schools and single parent homes have lower incarceration rates and lower murder rates?
Thems your peeps Oregon moron! Figger it out from your own BULLSHITTIUM! Puddy ain’t hiding from any facts.
Here are yours though since you ran from them
From the Oregon moron shitty fingers…
Objective Reality
Blacks killed by whites: 7.6 percent.
Whites killed by whites: 82.4 percent.
Whites killed by blacks: 14.8 percent.
Blacks killed by blacks: 90 percent.
There you go Oregon moron! Hope that assist helps with your lost “missing daddy” hypothesis from above!
I’m gonna go with the smaller brain hypothesis like Breitbart and NPI.
Keep on reaching for the stars, Forrest. Your shortcomings are all entirely your own fault. Good luck!
Seems the FBI recovered 30 more emails from the Benghazi attack that Careless Crooked Heilary DID NOT turn over!
Lies lies and more lies!
Small brain. That must be it.
Sure as fuck couldn’t be this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, or this, etc.