– Back to school, Seattle.
– I’m not a big comic books person, but seriously, DC, get your shit together.
– Ahead of public hearing, a couple ways to make the 520 Bridge plans better
– “A future in which eating out no longer involves waiters?” That’s not dining. That’s eating.
– I had heard of many of these 7 amazing places in Seattle you’ve probably never heard of but will have to check a few out (h/t to Central Cinema’s Facebook page).
Oklahoma is about to execute a man on the flimsiest of evidence: The say-so of a meth addict — the undisputed actual killer — who traded testimony against his boss in exchange for his own life.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: B-b-b-u-t he was convicted by a jury, and juries are never wrong,* er, are they?
* Except in the hundreds of cases of convicted murder defendants, including dozens of death row inmates, who have been exonerated by DNA evidence.
@1 Personally, I think the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals should take a step back from that case, before Oklahoma does something stupid and irreversible. In this case, there’s not only a reasonable doubt of guilt, but screaming doubt. Even death penalty fans should oppose an execution like this, because if the public ever concludes that innocent people are being executed, public support for the death penalty will be gone. Then, it will be impossible to execute people who should be executed; and, yes, there are some who should be (IMO).
In Texas, even the teachers are racist fucks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This case also could be labeled, “How to suppress a brilliant student’s creativity and turn him into a cynical zombie just like the people who run the local school system and police department.”
Guns Don’t Kill People, But Thugs With Guns Do, Dep’t
A soccer mom is dead and six kids are in hospitals thanks to two more Responsible Gun Owners (TM; pat. pend.):
“Six children were seriously hurt and a woman was killed after they got caught up in the middle of a rolling gun battle between two other cars, CBS affiliate KCTV reports.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Still wanna believe the NRA’s horseshit that guns make us safer? You’re an idiot if you do.
Another victory, sorta, for free speech: A disgruntled motorist who wrote obscenities on a speeding ticket, and was arrested for harassment, can sue the village for violating his civil rights, a federal judge has ruled. The judge said his behavior was offensive “but did not convey an imminent threat and was made in the context of complaining about government activity.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The flip side of this, of course, is that court clerks have to put up with such behavior from the public as part of their job. But if they can deal with it for 30 years, there’s a modest pension awaiting them, which half the public (i.e., the Republican half) think they don’t deserve and shouldn’t get. I wonder if this guy is a Republican? I’m not saying he is; just asking, that’s all.
@5 “[Judge] Seibel said that between 2003 and 2012 as many as 63 arrests by police officers in the village had occurred ‘because of the use of vulgar words in what may be perceived as a threatening context.’ She said one arrest occurred when a defendant called someone a slut, another resulted from someone talking about sexual acts on a police department phone line and another came after a defendant threatened to kill someone’s dog.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The village of Liberty, Sullivan County, New York State, tucked away in the Catskills, sounds like a hotbed of social harmony, doesn’t it?
President Obama just leveled the playing field in college admissions. Here’s how it works: Many colleges have early-admissions systems that favor well-to-do students because they send out acceptances in December, but federal financial aid application forms don’t even come out until January. By ordering these forms issued in October, the President enables students who need financial aid to attend college to participate in early-admissions programs. Didn’t even require an act of Congress — and you never would have gotten these executive action out of a Republican Congress or president, because Republicans want to keep the non-rich down. The last thing an affluent cattle rancher or cotton farmer wants is for his stupid lazy kid to be forced to compete for a slot at Texas A & M with a Muslim kid who’s been building clocks from Radio Shack parts since grade school.
I don’t have much time to read the “article” – just reading the headline….
but this an article Boob would not acknowledge…..or he’d have some comment to make to try to undercut the true meaning.
Bob, stick with reading those death cards to your patients. You fucking moron.
@8 The headline of the article below should read, “Obama bitch-slaps GOP candidates.” They’ve got it coming; they all need a whack upside the head to knock some sense into them.
“There’s nothing patriotic or American about talking down America, especially when we stand as one of the few sources of economic strength in the world.”
Meanwhile, Trump’s New Hampshire lead is evaporating. Maybe GOP supporters there have had enough of their party’s one-trick pony. New Hampshire, after all, doesn’t have much of an immigration problem and all of their aliens are Canadian. Last I heard, Canadians aren’t climbing fences and swimming rivers to get at our health care.
see also
Did anyone notice Jade Helm excercises ended yesterday.
Texas is still a state with an elected
idiotGovernor in office.The Texas National Guard can stand down as Federal Troops failed to take the Alamo.
The FEMA camps remain shockingly non-existent.
Right wing gun-nutjobs remain shockingly armed.
That is all.
A federal judge in Oklahoma put a temporary halt to the execution.
Some will scream for vengence but really, does it has to happen today? Even if they consider all the evidence again and still decide he did it there’s no reason at all it has to happen before new evidence is considered.
@1, @2 – Update: The Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals granted a stay this afternoon to give Richard Glossip’s attorneys an opportunity to present new evidence supporting his innocence claims.
I see that Rabbit already posted a version of this:
“On September 14, ninth-grade engineering whiz and NASA fanboy Ahmed Mohamed was confronted, interrogated, handcuffed, arrested, and jailed after bringing a homemade clock to school to show his engineering teacher. Within hours, he was in a room alone with five police officers, being accused of building a bomb. ”
Why is it that for conservatives…
clock equals bomb
cell phone equals gun
skittles equals knife
when it is in the hand of a black or brown person?
What’s Bernie say about this? From his website
“A growing number of communities do not trust the police and law enforcement officers have become disconnected from the communities they are sworn to protect.”
I like the good news discussed in this article:
Why a resurgent, unapologetic left is on the rise globally
But I can’t help concluding that a youth vote gravitating towards an unapologetic left wing politics will split the vote with a wary older bloc of voters who are life-long supporters of an older more centrist politics.
And that just spells an extremist always wrong wing winning in a squeaker.
Perhaps young women voters will save the day voting for the first female President. Not that I care for Hillary at all. All her lefty talk these days will be forgotten the minute she gets into the White House – even worse than Obama if that could be possible.
I heard Faux Snooze Channel have long promoted “a war on cops”..
Wow this is so disturbing…
And of course Faux is trying to hang this phony “war” on Black Lives Matter.
I used to be a collector of comics mostly Marvel and DC.
I was pretty loyal until DC rebooted the Legion of Superheroes and erased decades of history to attract “younger” readers. It was never a big seller but it had a devoted core following. The reboot got rid of that. They have rebooted the Legion 3 more times since then and each time, it’s stuck around for less and less time until it’s cancelled.
I liked the Earth 2 premise where they re-imagined the old Earth 2 heroes and collected it until the DC management made it a weekly book, with bad art without coherent story telling. It was just a way to get more money from collectors. So I stopped collecting again.
Seemed that once a decade DC started rebooting their universe, then it got less and less until some endless expensive crisis happens every summer.
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, Flash Point, Convergence, blah blah blah.
Marvel is no better. They are off doing their reboot called Battleworld after the latest Secret Wars.
Both companies seem to be in midst of endlessly recycling any idea that squeezes maximum money out of the aging and shirking comic reader base and spending no resources on books that may tell new and different stories but don’t make big money.
It doesn’t surprise me that they would get rid of a version of Wonder Woman and abandoning new readers because it didn’t maximize profits right now.
The “typical” American family income was $53,657 last year, down from $54,462 in 2013, according to U.S. Census Bureau data released today.
@13 This is my expanded post on the subject. http://handbill.us/?p=59057 I usually do my more detailed writing on SJ’s blog, because I can use graphics there.
Cops today grew up on MacGuiver so they know once you have a clock all you need is a paper clip, some nail polish and Comet cleanser and “BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!”
Similarly, if Iran has a centrifuges all they need is a pile of rocks and…. Thermonuclear weapon faster than Amazon Prime.
@10 that probably makes 100,000 things, in the last couple of years, that they have been wrong about. Not sure if they’ve ever been right about anything. Bunch of dumb fucks.
I won’t say the demon’s name, but I wish the she-beast from Wasilla was on the stage tonight. Another turd in the punch bowl would add more laughs!
Was it yesterday or the day before that Puffy was blaming all the liberals for this? How about blaming the NRA you dumb fuck?
Evidence mounting of suicide in Illinois officer’s death http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2362449
The reason Islamic terrorists exist is because of Western meddling in Islamic countries’ affairs.
We should withdraw entirely from the Middle East and mind our own business (for a change).
Huh! So far this thread is 100% batshit insanity-free.
Amazing how none of the support in the polls for Carson and Fiorina has been taken from Trump but, rather, it’s from the other candidates, especially Bush and Walker.
Predictions. Hugh Hewlett comes out with a bloody nose. Next week’s polls will show Carson and Fiorina keeping pace with Trump, all with modest gains, the other candidates all continuing to fall. Bush the worst, with at least two establishment-type candidates coming out of the pack to pass him. Final prediction: Neither of those two will be Rand Paul or Scott Walker. Trump will make fun of Rand Paul’s toupee…
…and Walker’s kitchen cabinet-caused (heh) bald spot…
…leading both to drop out of the race next week.
Yeah, you’ve said that before.
@25. In Central Park listening to a Concert, the band Further – although I’m not a big Dead Head. But I think I’m going home so I can watch the debate. Even though the Repukes infuriate me I don’t think I can miss it. I’ll try to watch a little of it.
It’s gonna be great to see all these dwarf scumbags attack Trump..
It’s gonna be EVEN BETTER to see them attack Carson.
Popcorn’s popped!
No special debate thread with live updates? Trump and the Ten Dwarves are on the air.
@29 lol
If trump doesn’t go down in the polls and Carly doesn’t go up or kasick, then there is something wrong with the Republican Party.
Boy that stock markets seems to be coming back, those damn Republicans always fixing things around here!
LMAO! The klownservatics are talking like a bunch of krazy kooks.
Keep it up kooks!
They try to blame the democrats for not doing anything about illegal immigration. But as soon as the word amnesty comes up they all get limp dicks
The problem is they l want to claim that they can fix everything, nothing is beyond their fixing, they are the Gods that can fix everything. But the problem is they don’t fix anything. And sometimes things are out of your control, why don’t they just say it
Rubio misses votes because he doesn’t like to vote for stupid shit!
You know you turn to the same advisers that made wrong decisions because there is nobody that really knows better them – Jeb!
Listening to these fucks is like banging your head against a wall
Fuck you Fuckabee!
I think one of the cameramen is gay, each time they show the audience they show the same good looking guy. Did this guy pay to be shot all the time?
These fuckers come up with stupid terms and they’re all hypocrites. Christie is pro life just not for “in the womb”, but for two gay guys or women to get married isn’t pro life.
These people are so fucking bullshit artists. They argue with each other because they are all fucking wrong.
Really Carly is the only one that makes sense.
Yeah gun laws take away your rights, but stopping two gay people from getting maried isn’t taking away their right, Supreme Court or not.
Sorry but they undermine every one of their position by nor supporting equality. Period! Go fuck yourselves.
@41 Carly is over the top, and doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Obama must be running for reelection, because the only thing they’re talking about is what a lousy president he is.
Rubio: Do something about climate change will hurt the economy, so let’s do nothing and let it happen.
Oh America is a great nation, the greatest, but there is nothing we can do to prevent climate change. Just not worth trying. Are we not that great?
Huckster I guess doesn’t understand that the cure for heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and other things is dictating what people eat and telling people to take some responsibility in exercising. Bob we can’t have any of that. These people are complete fucking wastes of time.
I guess Fuckabee couldn’t think of anyone but his wife, how nice.
Hamburger helper for Christies code name.
Maybe this was known but I didn’t know – but it seems like they all knew that they would get the last question as a closing, and rehearsed it.
@50 Yeah, very rehearsed. Sounds like a high school debate.
I’d like Chris Christie to playback his closing statement and think about what he said from the eyes of a gay person that he just told that he disagrees that they shouldn’t be allowed to marry.
Do it yourself. See if any of it makes sense. Or from a black persons perspective that was just beaten by a white cop.
Trump loses, Carly and Casick go up.
How’s Sam Brownback’s Kansas austerity working out? Well, Independence, Kansas, just lost its hospital.
“Trump loses, Carly and Casick go up.”
We’ll see. I’ll stick with my earlier prediction. Except for the part about Paul’s toupee and Walker’s bald spot. Although for a moment I thought Trump was going to actually go there with Rand.
I think each candidate and their supporters will believe it went well for them No game changing hits or misses. So I just don’t see the present polling trends changing much. But we’ll soon see.
So Karly is going to be the new flavor of the month?
Good luck with that klownservatics.
“Tom Brady Endorses Donald Trump For President”
Eh, Brady. Okay, I can hate the Donald now.
News update: Zombie (u)SP still walks with the dead and this thread is still 100% batshit insanity-free.
LADY’S NIGHT! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....50186.html
I think I could say that I’d actually could vote for John Kasich
Without going into too much about my position about abortion, I wonder what goes thru Republucans mind when they watch the tapes of a black guy being beat up by a white cop? Or a black guy being arrested or serving in jail for a crime that a white person would get away with. Or a gay person being beat up or treated badly by a person just for being gay? Or any minority being denied a job or housing based on them being s minority. Or the tape of Kim Davis denying the gay people marriage licenses.
They don’t like those tapes either. Honestly, anyone answer me the difference between the two.
I don’t think anyone wants to see the abortion tapes, I wouldn’t. But don’t tell me that there are other real life situations that can be seen in the same light.
Once agai. Republicans undermine their positions by being biased.
If you are biased you can’t have correct positions, it doesn’t work.
You can’t pretend you love Freedom.
GWB kept us safe, really. What bullshit because we weren’t too safe on 9/11/01. If that happened in any Democrats watch, we’d never hear the end of it. So, to get a head of the blame, let’s come up with a catchy slogan like “GWB kept us safe”.
Oh but We are less safe today than 7 years ago. Really?
Did anyone notice that Jeb really didn’t invoke Obamas name when he talked about the withdrawal agreement. Of course not his brother, with or without his choice, decided to agree with Iraq to pullout. Oh yes, blame Obama for sticking to it instead of ignoring it, and ignoring the people’s will to get the fuck out of there
No wonder Republicans like to change history, the facts never look good for them. Fuck you Puffy.
Carly Fiorina shines in GOP debate, spars with Donald Trump http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2363538
One of Puffy’s friends. And I don’t say that because of color if you know what I mean.
Serial NYC subway pervert busted: police sources http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2363750
@ 64
Rick Scott is busted. And once again, as has become an almost daily occurrence, the SchizoPoodle is demonstrated to be an abject, pathological liar.
If Socialism is being a multi millionaire and being taxed to death and still ending up with having multiple millions in my wallet after taxes then I want to be part of socialism. Just like every politician is.
Puddy Teachable Moment: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ah.....-by-obama/ Except you can’t teach a DUMMOCRETIN anything…
This is about progressivism running amok in our schools. This is about teachers overreacting because of progressive libtard thinking in schools!
Operative comment: White House Press Secretary John Earnest said it’s clear that some of Mohamed’s teachers failed him and it should serve as a teachable moment.
Puddy for once agrees with Josh Earnest. Definitely a teachable moment about NEA based union thug teachers failing almost everyone who attends their schools. This is why WA State Charter Schools are being killed here. It’s definitely not about the children. It’s about the teachers and their union thug leaders!
BTW Irving Texas in 2012 went the way the mock school district vote went… BIG TIME OBUMMER! You can look it up!
@ 55
I’ll stick with my earlier prediction.
So will I. I’m looking forward to the way Democrats refer to female candidates when the GOP has a woman on the ticket next year and the Dems don’t.
While you don’t see the trends changing much, I suspect a former CEO will be joining Trump and Carson a fair amount above the other candidates in polling fairly soon.
As you wrote, we’ll see.
Another rube self-identifies.
The decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama in 2009 failed to live up to expectations, the committee’s ex-secretary has said.
In his memoir, Secretary of Peace, Geir Lundestad said the committee expected the prize to be a boost to Mr Obama.
Instead, the decision was met with criticism in the US. Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award.
A caveat: He was not a voting member of the committee.
@70 I wonder which of these hotheads will be the next Republican to drag us into an unwinnable war. They slam Obama’s foreign policy, but offer nothing but saber rattling. Carly can’t wait to get at North Korea. Others want to fight Russia, Iran, ISIS, and North Korea all at once, and maybe also Pakistan for good measure. World War 3, here we come!
@ 16
I used to be a collector of comics mostly Marvel and DC.
Really no surprise,
Mr. Corporate LieBetter. You acquired your lifelong liberal suspension of disbelief somehow. A fantasy world always seemed the most likely source.@60 I regarded Kasich as the biggest winner in the 2014 election; carrying blue Ohio put him in contention. He’s also probably the most intelligent, sober, and thoughtful of the GOP candidates, although he does have a tendency to pander to the party’s red meat crowd on some issues, notably Planned Parenthood. The Republicans need him on that stage because he’s the only halfway reasonable-sounding voice they’ve got, but he won’t be the nominee. He lacks name recognition (indeed, he;s stuck with an unfortunate name that most people can’t even pronounce or spell), his record is unknown outside Ohio, and he doesn’t have a supporter base, strong organization, or resources. He won’t survive the early primaries. But even if he’s the nominee, I can’t vote for him, because at the end of the day he’s still a Republican who won’t deviate much (if at all) from his party’s radical platform.
@73 Saith one with more air between his feet and the ground than Michael Jordan in his heyday …
@71 Obama extricated us from two failed Republican wars, and didn’t start any new ones. He stopped the Republican torture policy, and largely emptied the Republican concentration camp at Gitmo. He also halted Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons without using military force. What more could they ask for? Of course he deserves it, and not only lived up to expectations, but exceeded them.
I’d like to qualify my remarks regarding Carly with respect to last night. Although I fell she came across as strong, I’m not sure how realistic her beefing up the military is and at the same time reducing the national debt and not having deficits without raising taxes. Goes for the same on immigration. And repealing Obamacare.
The Republucan math doesn’t add up. Maybe that’s why She lost her job at HP.
But I thought she was the most normal non traditional speaking person. But I do like Kasich better. And Rubio did pretty good last night.
But I’m a democrat and can’t figure out republican policies on a lot of things along with not standing up for true freedom! So fuck them! The only guy there that really comes off as trustworthy is Kasich.
@77 It’s simple. It’s called the Trump Doctrine. It works like this: Mexico pays for a border fence, and Putin pays for our aircraft carriers and tanks. All we have to do is ask them …
“Office of the Governor
September 10, 2015
Dear Dr. Carson,
I hope you’ve enjoyed your visit to the Golden State. It’s come to my attention that while you were here you said the following about climate change:
‘I know there are a lot of people who say “overwhelming science,” but then when you ask them to show the overwhelming science, they never can show it … There is no overwhelming science that the things that are going on are man-caused and not naturally caused. Gimme a break.’
Please find enclosed a flash drive with the complete United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Synthesis Report,” the concluding installment of the Fifth Assessment Report, published earlier this year. This report assessed over 30,000 scientific papers and was written by more than 800 scientists, representing 80 countries around the world, who definitively concluded that, ‘ … human influence on the climate system is clear and growing, with impacts observed across all continents and oceans.’
This is just one of the thousands of reports authored by the world’s top scientists on the subject, including a study published just last month by Columbia University, University of Idaho and NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies that found climate change has intensified California’s drought. These aren’t just words. The consequences are real.
Please use your considerable intelligence to review this material. Climate change is much bigger than partisan politics.
Edmund G. Brown, Jr.”
Source: http://www.motherjones.com/blu.....hts-debate
Here’s the problem. No Republican candidate, no matter how intelligent or well-informed, can admit that humans are causing climate change, because:
1. Climate change denial is Republican Party policy.
2. Republican candidates are not permitted to think for themselves or deviate from party policy.
3. Ergo, no Republican candidate can afford to acknowledge climate change or do anything about it.
It follows that no Republican candidate has, or will have, a responsible position on the biggest issue facing humanity, with implications for human survival, and therefore all of these candidates are disqualified from being president, no matter how appealing they may be otherwise.
As for Carly …
Fiorina: “A single nation acting alone can make no difference at all,” and therefore the United States needs to stop “destroying peoples’ livelihoods on the alter of ideology.”
Reality: “The United States, rather than acting alone, has actually been really successful in convincing China and other major polluters to take action.”
In short, like the other GOP candidates, she’s grossly misinformed and totally divorced from reality on the subject of climate change. See link @79 above. Regardless of whatever her other attractions may be, that makes her unqualified to be president. The bottom line, of course, is there’s no Republican candidate who responsible citizens can vote for.
They’re all wrong about Planned Parenthood, too, and some of them may realize it, but this is another issue where the candidates aren’t free to depart from party orthodoxy, and will be drummed out of the party if they do. I guess their theory is that if you can’t shut down the 98% of PP that provides health care to women, in many cases poor women in rural areas who have no other health care options. That approach strikes me as deeply immoral, and Carly is among the candidates who’ve bought into this line of thinking, which is another disqualifier for the presidency. No way should this woman hold high public office, or any public office.
Trump: “This is a country where we speak English, not Spanish.”
Hillary: “Freedom includes the right to speak in any language.”
Republicans are against freedom. Another reason not to elect any of them to any public office.
“I’m looking forward to the way Democrats refer to female candidates when the GOP has a woman on the ticket ”
That’ll give her plenty of time to explain to America how it was that she fucked up HP, was run out of the board room on a rail and yet, as is typical with the CEO class, was awarded $21 million in cash, as well as stock and pension benefits worth $19 million for screwing shit up all to hell. Little wonder that HP stockholders filed a class-action suit.
Someone should take a survey of those HP stockholders to find out how many of them would vote for her.
@73 A personal attack from bob. How… cheap.
When he posts personal attacks, it is clear he has nothing to contribute to the discourse.
Apparently last night’s debate broke a lot of the bullshit meters at the fact-checking organizations.
@86 What the hell, it works for Trump, so …
For those who believe in the predictive power of free markets, Trump’s odds of winning the nomination were nearly cut in half by his fumbling performance last night.
Stocks are bouncy after the Federal Reserve decided not to raise interest rates today. The U.S. economy is improving, but China’s devaluation last month and global weakness have left financial markets feeling edgy, and the Fed’s lack of confidence may undermine investor sentiment in the short run. But commodities appear to have bottomed and are showing signs of beginning to rebound, which may boost market optimism a bit in coming weeks.
What last night’s debate proved, more than anything else, is that Republicans are misinformed about what’s happening in the world and have poor judgment. Expect more bad outcomes in the economy and abroad if we get stuck with another Republican president.
Commentary on last nights debate: Never has the saying “When you find yourself in a hole, keep digging” been more appropriate. They showed just how slowly they learn. But I get the feeling this was never about running for president for most of these grifters.
@80 they seem to be coming around and believing in it. The mantra now is that’s it’s too costly and impossible, so need to bother to even give the old America is Exceptionsl spirit.
Who amongst the Democrat women might Biden pick to be his running mate?
Garofalo, Goodman, Benjamin, Sheehan, Judd, O’Donnell…
Who else?
$900M paid by GM for 124 ignition switch defect-related deaths.
That’s $7.25M per pine box.
Freddie Gray only got $6.4M.
In August, researchers announced they had genetically engineered yeast to produce the powerful painkiller hydrocodone. Now comes the perhaps inevitable sequel: Scientists have created yeasts that can make important constituents of marijuana, including the main psychoactive compound, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.
Better bemoans the future loss of ground-level jobs in the recreational marijuana industry in 3, 2, 1….
Bob, you almost got it right. I’ll bemoan the future loss of jobs in any industry that employs Americans in 3, 2, 1….
I’d like to have a thriving middle class and robust means for the poor to reach the middle class. What do you want?
Well here it is, the rankings you’ve been waiting for: Nate Silver’s take on the GOP field after last night’s “debate”. Nate, remember, correctly called all 50 states in the 2012 election. So here we go:
Bush: Has tons of money, leads in endorsements, leads the traditional candidates (i.e., non-outsiders) in polls, not too moderate at this point, and showed a little life in last night’s debate. Remains the odds-on favorite of becoming the nominee.
Fiorina: The consensus winner of last night’s debate, and “maybe a safe enough choice that the establishment could support her, or at least not actively fight her,” but at this point she still doesn’t have support from the party in the form of donors and endorsements.
Trump: Waaaay overrated, and his stock is going down. Last night, Fiorina “taught the GOP field that the way to deal with Donald Trump is calm, cold, mocking disgust.”
Ben Carson: He doesn’t really want to be president, as demonstrated by the fact he missed a golden opportunity to stick it to Trump on his vaccine bullshit, and he probably doesn’t want to be vice president, either. He’s just having fun. He wouldn’t be picked, anyway, because Republicans learned from McCain what happens when you pick a potential loose cannon.
Kasich: The thinking man’s Republican, which makes him unelectable. [This is a pretty heavy paraphrase of what Silver and his colleagues actually said, but it works as an executive summary.]
Walker: Was he there last night?
Rand Paul: His mind is already somewhere else, and he’ll be the next candidate to drop out.
MSNBC fawning over Fiorina this morning. Well, Mika, anyway.
STEVE SCHMIDT: If you’re a smart Democrat, you’re watching the totality of this field, all of them, against the prospective Hillary Clinton campaign.
MIKA: You don’t want Carly. You don’t want Carly.
SCHMIDT: And for sure, the performance of these candidates against the performance of their candidate has to be terrifying for a lot of Democrats. And of course we saw rumblings, this debate taking place in California, rumblings yesterday from Jerry Brown that he could get into the race and he would be a very formidable candidate for the nomination.
MIKA: She’s terrifying to the Democrats. I can tell you right now, first of all, it counts out the historic nature of the Hillary Clinton presidence–right there. The one thing that people might be holding on to, it goes away. And on top of it, she’s terrifying. She’s really good. She’s really good.
. . .
Sounds like MSNBC people sounded in 2008 when talking about the candidate who was not Hillary.
“Who amongst the Democrat women might Biden pick to be his running mate?”
Gotta admit, that’s not as silly as, say, speculating on who Lindsey Graham might pick, but close.
“she’s terrifying to the Democrats.”
Please feel free to nominate a failed CEO as your candidate.
They’re great with Santorum.
Hillary Clinton to Latinos: ‘I pander to you’
She forgot to mention that whole Puerto Rican terrorist-pardoning thing. Why? Wouldn’t that get her more Latino votes?
“There are seven individuals on the city council of Coolidge, AZ. On Sept. 14, with one of these members absent, the council voted 4-2 to change a resolution that would allow prayer before their council meetings. They didn’t change this resolution to restrict prayer and uphold the First Amendment, though. Instead, they voted to allow prayers from only those of the Christian faith.”
I can see that Jews and the other usual subjects of their hate considered by them to be on the outside need not apply, but what about papists? That crowd is always down on what they phrase as “niggers, spics, chincs, Jews and papists”, so I assume papists need not apply either.
“Hillary Clinton to Latinos: ‘I pander to you’”
GOP to America’s latino citizens, “You all look like fucking rapists and murderers”.
Roger Rabbit reads Redstate.
The Republican For People Who Hate Republicans
@ 105
fucking rapists
A little redundant, don’t you think?
@99 Sounds like a rightwing website to me. According to Wikipedia, your source “has received financial support from several foundations, including the Bradley, Scaife, Olin, Castle Rock, Carthage and JM foundations. Bob Ward has said that it also receives funding from ExxonMobil.” So what do you expect them to say? That my Democrat (whoever it is) can beat your Republican (whoever it is) six ways to Sunday? An electoral vote map makes much more pleasant reading for me than you, Bickle.
The truth is, Carly is a lightweight. Good speaker, to be sure, but Hillary would shred her in one-on-one debate, because Carly doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Sample: “Her ‘plan’ for Iran involved bringing the rest of the world back around to reinstituting a sanctions regime against Tehran, something that most experts reject as unrealistic” (quoted from The Atlantic). Sample: “A candidate who says she won’t even talk to Putin because he’s a bad guy is someone who will box herself into a choice between surrender or pushing the nuclear button” (quoting myself; you can read my complete diss of Carly here: http://handbill.us/?p=59098).
No political experience. A foreign relations novice. Sees issues in black-and-white, not nuanced. Her business career was a spectacular failure. Doesn’t have significant donor support or endorsements from her party. Do you really believe this woman will be president? Naahh.
@106 Actually, I don’t,* but thanks for the link. Interesting article.
* Would you be shocked to learn there’s a tremendous amount of post-debate commentary out there, in countless sources and articles, and many of the commentators are saying the same things?
@107 To a caveman who thinks “fucking” and “rape” are the same thing, yes.
Mr. Trump, you’re no John McCain.
You are, however, a liar.
Or maybe it just depends on what “is” is …
Interestingly, the GOP candidates may have better name recognition in Tehran than most of the U.S., especially red states.
The Nazis at 104 are no different than the maxi at 102
“Kim Davis inspires NC mayoral candidate to jail gays: ‘What’s wrong with eradicating homosexuals?’”
“In my administration I would do just like Mrs. Davis did in Kentucky,” Holmes said. “If you elect me, I’ll uphold the law of the state of North Carolina. I would get the D.A. to swear out a warrant on any man who says he’s gay. Sodomy is a crime, a felony in the state of North Carolina.”
“What’s wrong with eradicating homosexuals? We should jail them, throw them all in jail!”
Because there isn’t enough hate in the world.
“Fox host: Ahmed Mohamed ‘did a really dumb thing’ by building clock and wanting to show it to teacher”
How dare that towelhead. Does he think he’s a white kid or something?
The boss of the NYC police union reminds us again that he’s a world-class asshole, but that really isn’t necessary, as the world already knows what he is.
@115 Anyone who thinks the case of the Muslim clock kid isn’t about discrimination should read up on the numerous white kids who weren’t arrested and handcuffed for bringing homemade clocks to school.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And, of course, the talking heads at Fox have their heads so far up their asses they can’t see a thing — as usual. Also, do you think a Republican president would have invited this kid to the White House, or piled on? So why would any thinking person want a Republican president?
@115. Seems that bigots are really upset that some of their own got caught being bigots so they are doing everything in their power to spin it to being the victim’s fault or anyone one’s fault but their own.
I’m sure some one, some where is blaming Obama for it happening.
So, the same device is brought into a Seattle public school by a skinny white kid with a bowl haircut and a Confederate flag T-shirt peeking out from a black trench coat.
Would the response be much different?