Imagine being too racist for the College Republicans. Imagine being such a shitty organization that they have to explain, “I am NOT with those jerkoffs!” Oh, don’t get it wrong, they’re all assholes. But apparently the National College Republicans have a different threshold, or at least don’t want to have to explain the UW chapter anymore.
Franklin Graham sez, ““In my opinion, asking another country to investigate corruption is a good thing—not a bad thing.”
Fuck you, Graham. You, too, Doctor.
Well, that didn’t go so well. Further proof that God hates right-wing Christians, Republicans, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron. Or to put it another way, God hates fascist douchebags.
“Christian leaders laid hands on and prayed for Donald Trump ahead of impeachment vote”
Neither would Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Manchin says he wouldn’t back Sanders against Trump in presidential race
Manchin declined to offer a specific response, stating: “Let’s just say I’m going to make decisions based on what’s best for my country and my state.”
With the pathetically tiny portfolio Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has, he can’t afford to take a chance on Bernie.
The DNC’s support of Hillary over Bernie was near-criminal, but it wasn’t a bad choice.
@3 My pathetically tiny portfolio pays enough dividends to live on, if need be. Your one-trick-pony pays no dividends and has gone nowhere in the last 18 months.
When I want investment advice from you, I’ll let you know.
-Robert Bork, 1998
Seattle Times, Oct. 28, 2004:
“The College Republican National Committee has raised $6.3 million this year through an aggressive and misleading fund-raising campaign that collected money from senior citizens who thought they were giving to the election efforts of President Bush and other top Republicans.
“Many of the top donors were in their 80s and 90s. The donors wrote checks — sometimes hundreds and, in at least one case, totaling more than $100,000 — to groups with official sounding-names such as ‘Republican Headquarters 2004,’ ‘Republican Elections Committee’ and the ‘National Republican Campaign Fund.’ But all of those groups, according to the small print on the letters, were simply projects of the College Republicans, who collected all of the checks. And little of the money went to election efforts. …
“Some of the elderly donors, meanwhile, wound up bouncing checks and emptying their bank accounts. ‘I don’t have any more money,’ said Cecilia Barbier, a 90-year-old retired church council worker in New York City. ‘ … That was all my savings that they got.’ Barbier … made more than 300 donations totaling nearly $100,000 this year, the group’s fund-raising records show. Now, she said, ‘I’m really scrounging.’
“In Van Buren, Ark., Monda Jo Millsap, 68, said she emptied her savings account by writing checks to College Republicans, then got a bank loan of $5,000 and sent that, too ….
“The Washington State Attorney General’s Office received at least six complaints about the College Republicans fund-raising letters from 2000 to 2002 …. The complaints cited ‘ … senior exploitation.’ The Attorney General’s Office wrote letters to the College Republicans, but a spokeswoman could not determine the outcome of the complaints yesterday. …
“This year, as millions of dollars flowed in, College Republicans falsely claimed in letters that checks were only trickling in and that the group was in a constant budget crisis. And the elderly continued to be a major source of donations. There are far more retired people giving to College Republicans than to any other IRS-regulated independent political committee, IRS records indicate. The Times was able to determine the ages of 49 of the top 50 individual donors to the College Republicans. The median age of the donors is 85, and 14 of them are 90 or older. …
“Donors interviewed this week frequently expressed disbelief when they were told how much they gave to the College Republicans. ‘That can’t be true,’ said Francis Lehar, a 91-year-old retired music publisher, when he was told records showed he gave the College Republicans nearly $23,000. … From January through September, the Massachusetts man wrote 90 checks to the group, records show. …
“The College Republicans had another warning in September 2003, when the Center for Public Integrity, a Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group, issued a report on the explosive fund-raising growth by the College Republicans. The report noted that several elderly donors who were contacted did not appear to know to whom they had given money. …
“Most donors interviewed said they get up to 50 solicitations in the mail each day. That pile can include four or more from the College Republicans. ‘My house looks like a post office, and I’m not exaggerating,’ said Anne Kravic, a retired school-district employee in Parma, Ohio. …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So the College Republicans are back in the news again, eh? No surprise there. My point in reposting this story and link, which I’ve posted on HA before, although it’s been a while, is to point out and highlight the fact that the College Republicans here and elsewhere have a sordid history of financially exploiting vulnerable senior citizens which puts Nigerian scammers to shame. They did it by mass-mailing fundraising letters uncannily similar to the Nigerian scams, which suggests where their inspiration came from.
Yes, this occurred years ago, and is old news, but so is the Holocaust; and like the Holocaust, it’s important to remember it as a warning for the future.
If your dog or cat disappears, if you ever want to see your pet again, you should immediately launch an investigation of the local chapter of the College Republicans to find out if they have it, because chances are they’ve kidnapped it and intend to sell it for medical experiments.
I’m not accusing them of having done specifically that, but what I’m saying is they’re the kind of people who do such things. Never trust a College Republican. They’ll part you from your money, valuables, pets, and peace of mind in the blink of an eye. Just ask the many, many senior citizens they bilked.
@5 Conventional wisdom believes that calamity is about to be realized, not because Democrats didn’t do their duty, but because Republicans failed to do theirs.
@1 I’d like to see the expression on Franklin Graham’s face when the time comes that he has to explain his “Christianity” to the saint guarding the gatehouse.
It’s an expression that earthly judges have seen in their courtrooms many times. Passive, stone-faced, staring at shoelaces. You know what I mean.
From Carl’s linked article: “I feel like we haven’t actually done anything wrong.”
Of course they don’t. Neither does this couple, even though they went to the UW campus looking for trouble, she held a gun in her hand and pulled the trigger, and someone nearly lost his life:
Because it’s what they are. No moral compass. No ethics. No sense of right and wrong. They couldn’t be Republicans without that vacuum in their souls. It’s a functional necessity for them.
Psssst: He does what he does because he does not believe that such things exist. But he knows that there are a great many Trump voters who do. And a surprisingly large percentage of them hold cash in savings.
For more on this concept see The College Republicans.
@10 “For more on this concept see The College Republicans.”
I wasn’t aware the CRs are into religion. I generally haven’t seen them justify their racism and thievery by citing Jesus. They’re more like:
KKKK = Kollege Ku Klux Klan
GOP Congressman Don Young just attempted murder of a progressive activist holding a camera.
The carnage is nearly unbearable to watch.
I wonder if he can just go on head butting everyone forever to avoid answering questions about his support for treason?
Maybe you can loan him your TIME MUSHEEEEEN.
Maybe Young is on the cusp of a new GOP trend. Let’s hope so.
Soon to be followed by the trend among capitol photo journalists of the new Dildo-Cam! See how that works? Now we get photo ops of palsied old white men nuzzling big black silicone dongs!
@ 13
Yeah, that camera really jumped when he did it. Massive trauma to the cameraperson. You could see blood spurt and everything.
Reminds me of the murder of that Rand Paul protester in 2010.
Oh, the carnage.
Yeah, I totes see what you mean there.
Much gentler than some reports might have us believe. I’d even say it was rather playful and sexy!
I even think I see him winking!
Erin Schaff tweeted she’s hoping she can slip him some tongue next time.
Looks good on you, Dumbfuck!
@ 16
Looked good on Coakley, too.
(skip to 1:25 or so)
Good news, Trump supporters!
The guy who gave us Roy Moore for Senate has returned to our shores to do it all again for Our Dear Leader in his Fight for Justice!
Let’s all be sure to wish him more of the same success.
Goldy now a vocal opponent of Elizabeth Warren.
With her plan to relieve Nick Hanauer of about $60 million or so of his billion dollar wealth
each and every year, Goldy rightfully worries that Hanauer may decide that Goldy and the other skunks aren’t worth bankrolling come 2021.
It’s being pointed out that nobody was calling for Katie Hill’s resignation. She did it on her own.
Makes one wonder what was in the next tranche of photos to be released.
Hey, remember the first time Obama turned down matching funds so he wouldn’t have fundraising limits?
Good times, good times.
Brett Hamil
Verified account
11m11 minutes ago
This is what a hostile takeover looks like. I’m pretty jaded about Seattle politics, but this is legitimately shocking. They’re using all that money to gaslight an entire city. We will probably never fully recover from this level of corporate aggression.
I get less crowded ferries if I vote Yes, ’cause fares will be higher and ridership lower.
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!
Goldy Retweeted
Jessyn Farrell
Do you like ferries, trains, buses, road repair, crosswalks, and pavement without potholes? Vote No on I-976 already!
All dem billionaires gwine rise up in dem streets! Shake dat fis! Raise a ruckus!
Yup. All six hundred of them.
@ 23
If just one bootlicking shill in our local midst loses his meal ticket because of Elizabeth Warren, I’ll be happy.
While he’s on unemployment he might even learn how to tell the other side of a story.
@3, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21 & 22:
You’re wasting your time.
(reads redacted memo) “Geezus. Fuck me.”
(listens carefully) “Geezus. Fuck me.”
(Sits up) Dude! Not helping!
If Sawant had done better, we wouldn’t be seeing money in the election the way we are now.
After winning 52% in the 2015 primary, she won just under 37% this year. And though her District 3 — which includes Capitol Hill, Madison Valley and parts of the Central District — has gained thousands of voters over the past four years, Sawant’s total vote tally in the primary ticked upward only slightly.
I remember when y’all didn’t mind the piling on.
Q: Who spent more money on advertising, McCain or Obama?
A: Overall, Obama has outspent McCain by nearly 3-to-1, but in the closing week it’s been closer to 5-to-1.
During the 60 days ending Nov. 1, Obama has outspent McCain on television by better than 2.5-to-1. And in the most recent week, Obama has spent $23.6 million to McCain’s $4.8 million, a spending advantage of nearly 5-to-1.
@ 25
If I wasn’t here, you wouldn’t be here.
Neither would about a third of the others.
You’re not important to anyone.
@ 29
I’m important enough to argue with. You just proved it, asswipe.
Want more proof? See @ 1. He can’t help himself.
Today Doctor Dumbfuck is celebrating political violence and revenge porn. What a douche.
@30 Doesn’t appear to me @1 was “arguing” with you. Looks to me like he flipped you off, like one would to a bad driver.
@ 32
We’ve seen how a fleeing felon appears to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Better get an early start on your walk to the library tomorrow so you can learn in Barron’s what everyone else found out this morning.
More bleating, this time for “balance”?
What’s wrong? Has it become too much of a struggle to find Jack Posobiec on line?
Are the Mercer’s cut backs leaving your inbox wanting for more PIZZABABYCANNIBALDUNGEONSERVERBIRFSURTIFIKUT?
Surely you realize, there was always going to be a paywall. The freebase lunacy was fun while it lasted. But now that y’all are hooked, it’s time to pay up or shut up. Milo’s stranded matched pearls don’t come cheap.
How was the horse today?
@33 I don’t see any evidence you’ve learned anything this morning. You appear to be going backwards. But then, backing up to the horse isn’t new for you.
Nixon’s generation of Republicans would have forced Trump out of office. Not this bunch. Today’s Republicans aren’t dirty. They’re filthy.
@ 37
Nixon’s generation of Republicans would have forced Trump out of office.
Congress had the goods on Nixon.
Schiff’s whistleblower’s attorneys stopped cooperating with his office. Schiff probably doesn’t even have the whistleblower anymore.
For two years Schiff claimed to have the smoking gun on Trump’s collusion with Russia. It made Rachel Maddow cry on camera when it turned out to be a lie.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you seem fully willing to be fooled again.
Some billionaires recommend taking less than a 10th of their net worth so the guy making his French dip can see a doctor.
Some billionaires are assholes.
@ 39
After “taking” of more than one-third of their income, every year, Warren proposes “taking” of nearly one-sixteenth of their wealth. Every year, not just once.
Imagine where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would be if this had existed, say, 30 years ago. Ford Foundation. Robert Wood Foundation.
Hell, imagine where Goldy would be – probably right there next to ‘froggy in the perpetual unemployment line.
Why do you hate Goldy, Cz-252?
@38 “Congress had the goods on Nixon.”
They have the goods on Trump, too. Wait and see, Republicans won’t contest the facts; instead, they’ll argue (a) it wasn’t serious enough to warrant removal, or (b) he shouldn’t be removed because the attempted extortion of a foreign government and subsequent coverup were unsuccessful.
And you’ll still defend Trump no matter what he’s done and what the evidence shows. Because that’s who you are.
@ 41
The evidence will show that Schiff and Ciaramella colluded. For political purposes.
@40 And here we have Doctor Dumbfuck defending the extreme concentration of wealth in our society, when income inequality is as severe as it’s ever been, even compared to the Robber Baron era.
Never mind that today’s big fortunes are being made from financial engineering that contributes nothing to society or the economy, instead of from building stuff.
Oh, and btw Mr. Amateur Lawyer, if you transfer money to a foundation it isn’t yours anymore, and you therefore won’t pay taxes on it.
Never mind that these fortunes were made possible by tax policies the rich wrote themselves for their own benefit after using their money to take over our political system.
Doctor Dumbfuck is perfectly okay with the fact our tax system punishes work while giving multimillion-dollar inheritances a free ride.* You don’t see him working for a living, do you?
* Because such estates often consist in large part of unrealized capital gains, and because of the basis step-up heirs get, much of this wealth has not been taxed and never will be taxed. It gets a total free ride. But that doesn’t stop Republicans from bleating about “double taxation.”
Fruman’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, as he was leaving court, upon being asked by a reporter if he would give her his card so she could be sure to spell his name right: “I wish you wouldn’t spell my name right. I wish I had one of my colleagues cards to give you instead. Lord.”
Out loud. To a reporter. As he was leaving a hearing.
He is prohibited from sharing publicly what he has been hearing from his client. Well, technically he didn’t.
At some point in the not-too-distant future these two bag-men are going to dovetail into the impeachment hearings.
I am
SpartacusWhistleblower!YOU get a brand new whistleblower! And YOU get a brand new whistleblower! And YOU get a brand new whistleblower! And YOU get a brand new whistleblower! And YOU get a brand new whistleblower! And EVERYBODY gets a brand new whistleblower!
@42 Doctor Dumbfuck is doing more today than getting butt-banged by the horse and whining about taxing Wall Street pirates. He’s pushing conspiracy theories, too.
Doctor Dumbfuck is having a bad day. His nerves are shot. I wonder if his favorite goat is having a period?
Didn’t you read any of your own comments for the last two years?
According to you, “collusion” is not a crime, is not even a real thing, and has no actual precise meaning.
Nine Child Molesters on HPSCI, including Nunes (not the cow), and not a single one of them has ever spoken that dude’s name out loud, ever.
They have their PROOOOOOOF!!!
Another killer cop is going to prison. (White cop, black victim; why do you ask?) Still rare, but starting to happen in some places.
@ 46
I didn’t allege it was a crime.
I do allege it is an absolute kill shot to the credibility of the allegations against Trump.
Teh Dumbfuck’s most recent “kill shot” was the Horowitz FISA report.
So if it’s ok to ask offer financial aid in exchange for ‘corruption’ Investigations from foreign govts (GOP iron clad earlier since the dawn of June 2019 until January 2021) the Democrats can offer tariff rollbacks on auto imports to Merkle in exchange for investigating corrupt real estate loans.
You built that.
@ 50
…the Democrats can offer tariff rollbacks on auto imports to Merkle in exchange for investigating corrupt real estate loans.
Once the Democrats control the executive branch, sure they can.
Or, they can work with Grassley to reform the tariff process. But if your intent is to weaponize tariffs to your political advantage, you’ll get as far with that as Hillary got with her absolute lock on 252 EVs, Cz-252.
About five minutes before the House passed a resolution by a 36 vote margin to begin to impeach president Russian SlutPuppet, OfGeorgeConway was on some stupid cartoon network claiming that the votes did not exist and that everything was being delayed indefinitely because of Schiff corruption.
About five minutes after the House passed the resolution president Russian SlutPuppet’s spokesmodel was on the same cartoon network saying that Pelosi had “lost control of the troops” and was having to accept defeat.
More devastating.
Teh Dumbfuck, or really any random Uncle Walter your encounter across the gravy bowl this Thanksgiving, is being told a completely made up story about what is happening to their Orange Corruption Bumblefuck. About every six weeks for the past eighteen months the cartoon propaganda network has been telling them, based on nothing whatsoever, that a “devastating” report from DOJ IG Horowitz was about to break. The impeachment resolution that was passed earlier this week allows Bumblefuck to use his own lawyers, call witnesses, and present evidence. Cartoon propaganda network is still telling them STARCHAMBER!!!BENGHAAAZIIIII!!!!! And so, for now, that’s what they will say and believe. Because of the ring. In the nose.
Very devastating.
Indeed. It appears all but certain now that by doing their Constitutional duty to uphold the rule of law, Democrats will fail to convince stupid, angry, beer-drunk, mouth breathing Trump supporters. And so, proving that they were right all along, they will vote against the Democrats again!
Wowzers. Fatally devastating.
If you hear Sean Hannity telling them that they are all going to be with Ronald Reagan riding in a UFO hiding behind a comet, don’t be too surprised if the entire Republican Party turns up dead by suicide in mansion in Del Mar.
@2 he looks so disappointed in that picture, in his mind I bet he was thinking that they would put their hands on his cock while they were praying.
Anyone want to bet on North Carolina going blue for A generation?
All 50 members showed up to vote to override the Budget veto,
Senate Republicans were certain 2 Democrats would be absent so 29 votes would magically be enough.
But all 50 Senators present.
So the GOP called a recess.
Then they called for the vote.
But all 50 Senators present.
So they called another recess.
Then they called for the vote.
But all 50 Senators present.
So they called a third recess.
Then they called for a vote.
But all 50 Senators present.
So they called a fourth recess.
Then the GOP tabled the motion.
Beto O’Rourke is out of the 2020 race for,the Democrats’ nomination. Someone should tell his supporter.
Yep, it’s a kill shot.
As long as you don’t trust a purple heart winner too.
And as long as you don’t wonder why the lawyer testifies he told the purple heart winner never to speak of it right before the call was ‘deep stated’ on a classified server.
As long as you discount every substantiated witness.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it really doesn’t matter that my client had blood on his shoes, powder residue on his fingers, a gun that ballistics matched was in his glovebox at the time of arrest and there were three other witnesses. What you need to focus on is they guy who called police hasn’t liked him from the moment they met!” – Rudy Guliani, closing arguments.
One more
“Elements of the now infamous Dossier have been proven accurate.”
A city council member from a town the size of Portland was able to hold his own fundcraising alongside US Senators during a reporting period in which he suspended his campaign for several weeks owing to yet another Extremist GOP Mass Shooting©.
Same dude only a few months earlier scared the shit out of your party’s 2016 also-ran.
Oh, and Cornyn is “suddenly” sponsoring gun control.
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, pony boy.
In Trumplandia, where Every Republican You Know now dwells, Bolton is William Kunstler sitting behind a microphone in Attica wearing a Black Panther headband and a dashiki, surrounded by his “black brothers”.
So when they end up disgracing themselves by going after a war hero, it’s because they can’t help it anymore. Their thoughts are no longer their own. A sizeable portion of their daily propaganda fix is performance art aimed at an exclusive audience of one.
Republicans, without exception, fuck things that get around on four legs.*
* The only exception is ducks; they fuck-a-duck, too.**
** Another possible exception is chickens; there are unconfirmed reports they fuck chickens, too.
@51 “Once the Democrats control the executive branch, sure they can.”
But they won’t, because Democrats don’t think or act like Republicans, or lower themselves to their level.
@42 Well, that didn’t take long. (See final paragraph of @41 for what I’m referring to.)
@48 Only if you find a path past the fact that Trump not only admitted the relevant facts, but bragged about them.
@52 “they will vote against the Democrats again!”
Of course, that’s also voting against themselves; but then, the devil is always in the details.
Finally, for an example of the chicken-fucking reports referenced in #59, see #57.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Borders Are Racist Undocumented Demorat Of The Week:
Double Award, Undocumented Cop Executioners Juan Carlos Vasquez Orozco & Ramiro Bravo Morales.
El Dorado County Sheriff’s Deputy Brian Ishmael, 37, was slain early Wednesday morning in the community of Somerset. An off-duty sheriff’s deputy from San Joaquin County was doing a ride-along with Ishmael and was also shot.
When Ishmael and the off-duty deputy announced their presence at the back of the 75-plant growing operation, “they were immediately confronted with gunfire,” D’Agostini said.
The alleged gunman, Juan Carlos Vasquez Orozco, underwent surgery for gunshot wounds, D’Agostini said. He was arrested on suspicion of murder and assault with a deadly weapon but has not been booked yet.
Ramiro Bravo Morales, 22, is charged with being an accessory and is in custody on $250,000 bail. It was not immediately clear if any of the suspects had attorneys who could speak on their behalf.
Orozco and Morales are Mexican nationals, D’Agostini said.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & KKK News – Demorats Announce New Affirmative Action Plan For Negroes – Unemployment To Welfare
Nancy Pelosi (D- Titular Kleagle) explained, “Making Negroes work is racist. We know that Negroes only want to smoke crack, not slave for the man, that’s why we want to replace Negroes with Mexicans.”
Labor lawyer Peter Kirsanow explained one of the ways that illegal immigration negatively impacts employment in the black community. “Forty percent of the decline in labor participation rates among black workers over three decades was attributable to competition from illegal immigration,” he said. The figure “comes to nearly 1 million fewer jobs for black Americans as a result of the competition from illegal immigrants.”
Jason Richwine, a statistician working with CIS, highlighted an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission study on discrimination lawsuits. One instance involved a company in Memphis that decided to hire a new employment agency to fill its staffing needs. This agency “essentially replaced the African Americans with Hispanics,” according to the EEOC report. Prospective workers of varying ethnicities would line up outside the warehouse, and the agency would choose Hispanics even if black workers were ahead in the queue. According to the report, managers would announce in English that there were no more positions available. Then, after the black workers left, they brought in Hispanic workers.
Another example centered on a company called Prestige Transportation Services. This company would discard or refuse to accept applications from blacks. The report states: “On multiple occasions when a black person applied for employment, Prestige managers Mr. Ramirez and Ms. Rodriguez would stand behind the applicant and rub their hand on their skin to display their disdain for black people.” The company also conducted its staff meetings only in Spanish.
You seem to be making a very convincing argument that Hobby Lobby and The Trump Org. are engaging in terribly unlawful employment practices.
Very well said!
Unless of course that was not your intention. In which case, maybe you should just go back to calling for the gassing of all the browns. At least Teh Dumbfuck was on your side then.
Beto is out, and it looks like Kamala is on her way out.
“The Chicago Police Department announced early Friday that Chicago experienced the lowest number of shootings and murders in any October since 2015. Additionally, murders for the month of October fell more than 20% compared to October of last year.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like one of Doctor Dumbfuck favorite jibes is imploding on him.
It’s never a good idea to jitterbug on a floor supported by joists made from recycled pallet boards, doc.
What the fuck are you talking about? What’s your comment got to do with Beto throwing in the towel?
@67 Should I explain it to you? Okey-dokey. When you talk about Beto dropping out, you’re referring to the Democratic nomination race. So is he. He’s referring to Buttgieg, the **other** dynamic young rising Democratic star vying for the millennial vote, who is still very much in the race and will now get a sizeable piece of Beto’s support. You’re right about Beto never catching on, but Mayor Pete is going gangbusters, and he’s who you should’ve been worried about all along, but you’re too blind to see that. That is what his comment is about, and you betcha it has something to do with what you said; to wit, he’s taking your stupid comment and shoving it up your stupid ass.
Does this clarify things for you?
It’s been quite a week. It’s now clear the Democrats have an airtight bribery case against Trump, the votes to pass articles of impeachment, and the Republicans are in utter disarray. This can only get more interesting in the coming weeks.
I’m also talking about how the performance of both is among a collection of very strong signals that Ride-Or-Die Trumpism continues to drive a very significant transformation on the other end of the political spectrum. And the numbers and demographics behind that transformation may spell the end of the GOP as we know it today.