– I’m surprised it took Senator Murray that long to support the Iran deal. Still, good for her for being on the right side of this.
– This oil train forum in Olympia looks like it might be interesting.
– I generally don’t think of myself as being a big fan of 80’s music (not a genre, but whatever), but I’ve been enjoying 80’s day on KEXP so far.
– Despite agreeing with everything in this cartoon, it seems to me the best reason to oppose treating prisoners poorly isn’t recidivism, but because it’s bad on its own.
http://apnews.myway.com/articl.....a7e6f.html – The new manual was published on June 21, 2015. Obummer’s military! Imagine how many left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN journalists would be deemed “unprivileged belligerents” by the way they report news?
Patty Murray was probably waiting to hear from me. I didn’t get around to calling her office, urging her to vote for the agreement, until last Thursday or Friday.
Apparently Chuck Schumer didn’t like being called crazy… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2570824 Butt still blame Republicans for Obummer’s vacation jet lag!
Well well well! This is great! This comes up again due to the father’s attacks… http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....-campaign/
If the stock market rebounds any today will the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit BRAG about his “stock killings”? HA’s early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit was very qwiet these past few days! Puddy thought the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit was on vacation!
I don’t even know what to say about this shit anymore.
“Trump’s lead grows as Bush slips in Republican White House race: Reuters poll”
“…front-runner Donald Trump has opened a 20-point lead over his closest rivals…”
“Republican backing for Bush dipped from 16 percent to 8 percent in the last five days…”
“Bush fell into a third-place tie with retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson in the poll, and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee moved into second place with 10 percent.”
You militant Seattle bicyclists will appreciate this.
With this reasonable Iran deal vote, TPP enabler – – Paddy Murry shows evidence that she is only dumb-light. But at least we get half a loaf (with a few crumbs).
Black ex-TV employee kills two white people; ex-coworkers. Nuthin from the #blacklivesmatter HA DUMMOCRETIN crowd!
I figured for sure the shooter was The Fuckwad.
Kinda relieved. Sad for those young people and their families. But relieved that I didn’t help trigger another violent, angry, conservative gun slinger.
Stay on the meds, Fuckwad.
Economic Policy Inst @EconomicPolicy
6.9 million would benefit from raising the overtime threshold to $50,440. #WomensEqualityDay http://on.epi.org/1P6C1H9 pic.twitter.com/5hDEmlsHe9
Retweeted by Goldy
Don’t just stop there. How many gay, disabled, black women would benefit?
@ 9, 10
Why be sad? They were probably asking for it. Each of them very likely believed that All Lives Matter.
“Stay on the meds, Fuckwad.”
That’d be a first.
“Each of them very likely believed that All Lives Matter.”
Batshit insanity seems to be colorblind and likely favors no political ideology over another. However, looking at the news, recent polls and these threads, it does seem to be wildly contagious and looking more and more like an epidemic has been unleashed.
Deleted by author – had data wrong.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Hammocks aren’t just for Goldys, amirite @paulconstant? pic.twitter.com/FoesHpB39i
Totally right. They’re very comforting to recently out-of-a-job hotel industry workers in Los Angeles.
Hey babbling jackass,
“Man of Integrity”, right?
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The jackass’ beloved Issa imparts “understanding”:
Nope. Sorry trolls. Nothing there..
Hillary still outpolls every Republican.. SUCK ON IT!
@6 say hello to President Trump, and good bye to the Repukilan Party, and then thank the Teabaggers.
Thanks Obama! Because of you the Stock Market rose 600 points today.
Thanks, Emily68!
Zounds! Scoundrel Carson supports availability of RU486 chemical abortion baby murder pill!
@ 18
Yes, I’m sure the reason the FBI is involved is to determine whether Hillary violated State Department policy.
YLB apparently switched brains with Rujax!.
Why hasn’t Trey Gowdy and his staff handed over their emails? What are they hiding? What myriad of laws have they broken? We demand they turn them over and come clean about their lawlessness!
Bickle should turn over his emails.
@ 20
Thanks Obama! Because of you the Stock Market rose 600 points today.
Third-largest point gain in history, to be sure.
First and second apparently were because of George W. Bush, using similar logic. No doubt you thanked GWB43, as well.
Now back to our regularly scheduled fawning over Dear Leader.
I think we also need to take a look at Trey Gowdy’s birth certificate.
For the record, Hillary Clinton is the only candidate to have been repeatedly declared “brilliant” by the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet.
@ 6
I don’t even know what to say about this shit anymore.
Probably asking too much that you’ll choose to say nothing.
YLB apparently switched brains with Rujax!.
Nope, Separated by Dr Carson at birth!
Now back to the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla regularly scheduled ASSkissing over Dear Leader.
Speaking of gains in the stock market…
Largest daily point gains
Rank – Date – – – – Close Net Chg – % Change
1 2008-10-13 9,387.61 +936.42 +11.08 Bush
2 2008-10-28 9,065.12 +889.35 +10.88 Bush
3 2015-08-26 16,285.51 +619.07 +3.95 Obummer
4 2008-11-13 8,835.25 +552.59 +6.67 Bush
5 2000-03-16 10,630.60 +499.19 +4.93 Clinton
6 2009-03-23 7,775.86 +497.48 +6.84 Bush
7 2008-11-21 8,046.42 +494.13 +6.54 Bush
8 2011-11-30 12,045.68 +490.05 +4.24 Obummer
9 2002-07-24 8,191.29 +488.95 +6.35 Bush
10 2008-09-30 10,850.66 +485.21 +4.68 Bush
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Yes, I’m sure the reason the FBI is involved is to determine whether Hillary violated State Department policy.
A federal judge appointed by Wee Willy Cigar Clinton thought so… “We wouldn’t be here today if this employee had followed government policy.”
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day! Especially to the femtometer sized mind of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Wait for it…
To the moronic twit closet foreplay @22,
The same thing Puddy believes too. You white hillbilly transplants to Seattle still have straight line family trees!
What’s strange about this Virginia shooter is that he was a gay man wanting a race war. Since Puddy ain’t gay that blows (yes no pun intended either) the closet foreplay FART out of the toilet. Here are his words… Progressive thinking at its finest! http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....le-murder/
Crazed gay black man with a gun. Gotta ban that too right teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information
Huma Abedin (Mrs Anthony Showed My Weiner) sent an email to Heilary that kick-started the FBI probe into this email fiasco. The email contained classified information from three intelligence agencies, the DIA, the NSA and the NGA, which controls overseas U.S. government spy satellites. There were actual pictures in the email!
All three spy agencies reconfirmed the intelligence data was classified back then when it was sent three years ago and remains classified to this day.
Suck on that FACT monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Seems the State Department is CYA mode!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[It doesn’t take brilliance to figure it out]. https://twitter.com/darrellissa/status/502219273046351872
That was your response on how dumb Darrell Issa thought Heilary was?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
The whitey house pushes race in every conversation and when a black man listens and reacts it’s the gun’s fault?
“Man of Integrity”, right? – You tell Puddy monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch! Seems to Puddy he was a chimp too per your reckoning of anyone in the Bush administration. Wanna replay all those chimp comments you posted over the years? Simple google search starting with For the Clueless… Aptly named yourself from the start monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Then on November 10, 2006 the clueless one claimed to leave HA and returned that night as the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch! It’s all in the crazed databaze. Puddy has replayed for all to see more than once! Why not whip that out for another HEE HAW?
@ 31
I believe we have our daily winner.
@33 tell us the facts and figures of the crash of 2008.
You don’t like those facts, do you.
Largest Daily Point Loses
1 2008-09-29 10,365.45 −777.68 −6.98 BUSH
2 2008-10-15 8,577.91 −733.08 −7.87 BUSH
3 2001-09-17 8,920.70 −684.81 −7.13 BUSH
4 2008-12-01 8,149.09 −679.95 −7.70 BUSH
5 2008-10-09 8,579.19 −678.91 −7.33 BUSH
6 2011-08-08 10,809.85 −634.76 −5.55 OBAMA
7 2000-04-14 10,305.78 −617.77 −5.66 CLINTON
8 2015-08-24 15,871.35 −588.40 −3.57 OBAMA
9 1997-10-27 7,161.14 −554.26 −7.18
10 2015-08-21 16,459.75 −530.94 −3.12 OBAMA
11 2011-08-10 10,719.94 −519.83 −4.62 OBAMA
12 2008-10-22 8,519.21 −514.45 −5.69 BUSH
13 2011-08-04 11,383.68 −512.76 −4.31 OBAMA
14 1998-08-31 7,539.06 −512.62 −6.37
15 2008-10-07 9,447.11 −508.39 −5.11 BUSH
16 1987-10-19 1,738.74 −508.00 −22.61
17 2008-09-15 10,917.51 −504.48 −4.42 BUSH
18 2008-11-05 9,139.27 −486.01 −5.05 BUSH
19 2008-09-17 10,609.66 −449.36 −4.06 BUSH
20 2008-11-20 7,552.29 −444.99 −5.56 BUSH
BUSH takes the top 5, and takes 10 out of the top 20, Obama 5 of the Top 20 and 3 of them in one week in 2011 (I think when Republicans wanted to default on America’s debt and played fucking games with our credit rating)
Suck on that BIG APE!
Bernie has this half right….the reason why Republicans like “Family Values” is because it is code for “Hate the Gays” (they don’t have families, because they can’t reproduce, although many of them have biological children). Unfortunately, what the Repukes got wrong is that we do have family and friends, and that people aren’t buying their bullshit for that reason. Fucking imbeciles they are!
It’s code for we are Hypocrites because we have people or monsters like Josh Duggar that we love to love their hate.
@36 you got yourself a real winner there. I think the problem was that he was black not gay.
@36 you got one wrong – #6 you fucking moron.
And I believe today’s gain of +600 points takes one away from your monkey grinder.
Not sure if you know it but the inauguration is in January. Unless you election is tied up in a recount and they are counting chads.
@36 and I think two (the top two) of bush’s gains were probably due to some announcement of stimulus, which most Repukes were against.
SuckS! to be YOU!
@36 you should have looked at the right side of the Table before posting the contents on the left side of the table….no pun intended.
So there are some circumstances when you believe it is okay to kill a baby?
Like what? A really evil baby?
@37 TOOOO DAAAAAAMNN FUUUUNNNYYYYY! The babbling jackass wears down the two remaining synapses farting about something Huma Abedin did.
Those synapses are looking might dim jackass.
Butt, butt Huma’s boss ran a server flouting Obama’s executive order.
We have only “the man of integrity” mentioned @ 40’s word that no classified material landed on his server. LOL!
The babbling jackass is too stupid to understand that Obama’s executive order wasn’t created for people like Hillary and Huma.
It’s for the “stay behinds”.
So sad the babbling jackass. Almost forgot!
General Election Carson vs Clinton: Clinton +10.3
Suck on it.
@40.. Poor troll.. His beloved “man of integrity” ran a mail server.
A little ad hominem eases the pain for the pitiful troll.
So stupid, so credulous, such a bullshitting asshole.
The monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin is too stupid to understand that Obummer’s executive order was created for everyone in the sadministration.
Butt the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin thinks otherwise! Dumb is the word!
Really monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin? So they are above the law monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin?
That’s why a federal judge said otherwise right monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin?
So there are some circumstances when you believe it is okay to kill a baby? Like what? A really evil baby?
Been looking in the mirror and wondering how you survived closet foreplay? A really evil baby!
Thanks for playing!
Regarding Colin Powell… Did Colin have top secret documents on his email monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin?
He might have occasionally used personal email addresses, as he did when emailing to family and friends.”
There goes that horsemanure from the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin
Got another proof you old dummy fool monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin!
You infinitely moronic dummy. The down rating of our bonds from AAA to ObamAA+ happened under Obummer and Reid. It was Pelosi’s FY 2011 budget she passed!
Anne Coulter, Breitbart.com and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke agree:
Trump is “the one” for the Republicans.
LMAO! Yeah I’ll believe it right up until Obama does for Hillary or Huma what Bush did for Scooter Libby. It won’t get nearly that far.
Suck on it.
We only have his word for it dumbass! And his word is about as good as the non-existent Iraqi WMD he soiled himself selling to THE WORLD.
@55 keep dreaming. For someone who likes to complain that the facts matter maybe you should learn the definition and try abiding by the facts yourself.
Fuckwad really shines under pressure.
(Sarcasm off)
It won’t get nearly that far.
Maybe monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin. The libtard left wrong msm is still in Heilary’s camp. The libtard left wrong msm were against Scooter Libby hence there was a big groundswell of negative stories against him!
That’s the difference you can’t comprehend oh femtometer mind!
We only have his word for it Oh Great Puddy!
And being that honorable man as you call him monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin, no one has disputed him!
It’s good to see you like Colin Powell too!
Gay black man goes nutzo, kills two white peeps and the HA DUMMOCRETIN are null and void. Nuthin to say on the matter.
Really teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @45? That’s your final answer? Didn’t you read his “manifesto”? It rambles on as you do here everyday!
Cheers the Columbine killers who kill a black teenager!
Cheers the Korean who kills at Virginia Tech!
Claimed racial discrimination and sexual harassment cuz he was gay.
You scream and shout to the heavens, demanding a PuddyComment when a hetero does something heinous butt you hide under your desk when your kind go nutzo!
Sux to be you!
Awwww poor closet foreplay. Puddy realizes you stole rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears name! Since the writing style is almost coherent it’s tough to figure this one out. Butt, in any event you are still a libtard moron and a really evil baby!
Your words… Thanks for playing. The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
Hey teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, are your particulars here?
Meanwhile Heilary changing her tune somewhat!!! http://www.nytimes.com/politic.....st-choice/ The monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin has to be freaking out!
Sooooooooooooo the tv killer was an Obummer jock strap too…
Couldn’t use a teleprompter? Did attend TOTUS school?
Also revealed: Flanagan threw cat feces at neighbors, had a large sex toy trove, drove like a maniac and covered his fridge with photos of himself – Sounds as jaded as HA DUMMOCRETIN teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Yet when you venture to The Journolists at Vox you get their slanted views of the killings by the gay black man! Notice they won’t call it racial violence yet if a white man shoots three black people it’s immediately racial violence. Why do libtards do this? for the LIVs who read their horsesASS manure of course… http://www.vox.com/2015/8/26/9.....r-flanagan
Blame it on gun violence, not some whackjob nutzo gay black man!
Then you venture over to the freakazoids at Daily Kooks and read their “comments”… DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM! http://www.dailykos.com/story/.....ive-report
Looks like The Center For Medical Progress channeled Rose Mary Woods with the help of Industrial Light and Magic:
There’s a shocker.
The Raw Story biased reporting is strange too. http://www.rawstory.com/2015/0.....and-angry/
Politicus USA didn’t cover the story above Obummer standard gun violence meme!
Bottom line: Visiting the standard libtard sites when a crazed gay balc Obummer loving libtard goes nutzo is disgusting coverage!
“the tv killer was …”
…a batshit crazy, identity-challenged, persona-adopting, hate-filled screed-writing loon and a member of a batshit insane extremist Christian cult who believed that the voice he heard in his head was that of God.
@64 yeah, I think that is where the Duggar Saint meant to call, but he mistakenly called the prostitutes at Ashley Madison.
@68 apparently you haven’t been watching Faux News….they are asking questions of why this isn’t being labeled a hate crime.
Suck on it trolls:
LMAO!!! Frog march Condi! What lax security under a klownservatic mis-administration that in the two-synapse “brain” of the babbling jackass troll “can do no wrong”.
Wow! Klownservatic klown #2 Ted Cruz piles in on Megyn Kelley as well!
Gasp! The klown Kruz calls a klownservatic woman the most heinous of insults. He calls her a emmessemm liberal journalist!
What will the babbling jackass, the defender of klownservatic womanhood in these comment threads, do?
So Marissa Johnson is fuckwad’s daughter?
She says her dad is a black teabagger….(pun intended)…
So anything new, fuckwad?
Or just more jesus-jizzin.’
So rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, tired of the closet foreplay moniker?
SSDD with rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! http://www.urbandictionary.com.....?term=SSDD
Another turdburger @77 & @78!
…a batshit crazy, identity-challenged, persona-adopting, hate-filled screed-writing loon and a member of a batshit insane extremist Christian cult who believed that the voice he heard in his head was that of God.
That’s what you call a gay black man eh Triple S?
Like how your religion believed in polygamy Triple S because someone heard in their head that was of God? Did the magic underwear come from God?
Is this normal attire teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....icide.html
Meanwhile this is exactly what libtards do! Remember the ACLU won’t allow mental health history into background checks! http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....e-the-gun/
This guy claimed victimhood, racism, gay bashing and any other charge he could get away with!
“…a batshit crazy, identity-challenged, persona-adopting, hate-filled screed-writing loon and a member of a batshit insane extremist Christian cult who believed that the voice he heard in his head was that of God.”
“That’s what you call a gay black man eh”
No, that’s what I’d call your kindred spirit. Batshit insane. Just like you.
Here’s another one of your kindred spirits.
“George Zimmerman Goes Off On Blacks, Gays, And Obama”
Zimmerman hating on blacks, gays and Obama. Just like you.
No, that’s what I’d call your kindred spirit. Batshit insane. Just like you.
Not Puddy’s kindred spirit? More like you Triple S! Like how your religion believed in polygamy Triple S because someone heard in their head that was of God? Did the magic underwear come from God?
So are we going to complain about that rainbow flag now as we see what a black gay hater does under it?
Marissa Johnson – she’s one of those rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears people who think just like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
“Not Puddy’s kindred spirit?”
Yes, just like you. Batshit fucking crazy.
I really don’t get why Republicans fight abortions so hard when they really don’t care about life after being born. They could care less about what Global Warming could do, and they don’t care about Companies polluting that kills and sickens people.
I really don’t think they really care about the baby. I think what they really don’t like is people behaving in a manner in which they disagree with and have to burden others to live like them. And I really think that they really don’t care about the fetus, they are just jealous and envious that some people do what they wouldn’t do, but really wish they could. They must not like their children, and wish they never existed and wish they had the balls to have the baby aborted like the other people that make a tough decision. I really don’t understand if they really cared about life, they wouldn’t be so careless about life after the fetus is born. Global Warming, the Death Penalty, treating people different from them as unequal, racists, haters, polluters and abusers of the earth, etc., etc., etc. They really could give a shit about what happens so long as the fetus pops out of the vagina, because that is what they had to endure.
Oh my Don Lemon will be demonized! http://www.breitbart.com/video.....as-racist/ He stepped 1 inch out of the reservation!
PuddyCommentary: Somehow Don Lemon didn’t claim the mentally ill part on Dylann Roof! http://www.ibtimes.com/charles.....er-1975161 It’s just a racist terrorist attack!
Ahhh yes DUMMOCRETIN infighting… http://freebeacon.com/politics.....candidacy/
Oh my, Donna Brazile went off the reservation a whole foot. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....light-with
PuddyCommentary: Obummer wants to score cheap political points because Obummer is a cheap politician!
No one wants to remember DUMMOCRETIN libtard guvnur Kathleen Blanco or N’Awlins mayor Ray Nagin and their slow movement and blockage of federal aid! Of course Obummer will forget DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance!
Isn’t it great Seattle has an openly Socialist person on the city council masquerding as a DUMMOCRETIN while the rest of the city council are DUMMOCRETINS in the closet for Socialism?
To a DUMMOCRETIN anyone who disagrees with them are terrorists… http://freebeacon.com/issues/p.....omparison/
Good for Carly… The NY Slimes are lying DUMMOCRETIN SCUM! http://freebeacon.com/politics.....l-page-ad/
TOOO DAMN FUNNY! If the Republicans don’t convince the greedheads to PAY TRUMP to GO AWAY, the Trump clown will go “independent” and hand 8 YEARS to Hillary.
Art of the Deal. I LOVE IT!
Trump better watch his back!
Very thoughtful essay about a former ally of neoklown turncoat a-hole Joe Lieberman. Ends nicely:
Worth wading through a stomach turning history of Lieberman’s “evolution” into a warmongering jerk.
I didn’t realize that over 1,000 people were killed by Hurricane Katrina – I thought the death toll was only around 100. Where the fuck was I?
4 Americans die in Benghazi, a fucking place 1000’s of miles from American soil (and we are suppose to protect every consulate even in times of spending cuts – how is that suppose to happen?) by Terrorists, and Republicans cry bloody (from Meghan’s Vagina) murder because they think the word Terrorism wasn’t used quick enough, or that we should have had better protection, with all the warning we had.
Terrorists fly planes into a building right here on American soil, and no blame is assessed, instead we bail out the Airlines against lawsuits. We would never think to bail them out (subsidize) so that Pilots could make better pay.
And we don’t protect Americans, here on American soil, from a Hurricane that gave us days of warnings to take cover, in a city where everyone knew and predicted that the levees would fail, and 1000’s dead.
1000 dead isn’t important (because they weren’t aborted) but 4 die and all hell breaks loose. And one of them was even gay (boy did they love that gay guy!).
Did any Republican even acknowledge that today was the 10th anniversary?
Maybe if the 4 people that died at Benghazi were black we wouldn’t have this problem, and Benghazi wouldn’t exist as a problem.
The Hurricane was actually a Terrorist – but I never heard them call it a Terrorist.
I actually think that every fetus should be aborted if this is what they have to look forward to after exiting the bloody vagina. The heck with it being a woman’s decision.
NASA: Earth Likely On Track For 3 Feet of Sea Level Rise http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....51668.html
I wonder what kind of water Tim Tebow drinks. Last I heard he was helping Bob plant some trees so he could restore the land to its natural virgin state. We know Tim’s religious beliefs, like Josh Duggar, hang their hat on virginity.
Russell Wilson Wants You To Think His Water Brand Heals Injuries http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....50312.html
Maybe if we pass a bill into law that calls marshland a fetus, after allarshlands were conceived by God, then maybe the Kock Brothers would treat the land with better care. But on the 7th day God actually have birth to the Marshlands, so now that it is no longer a fetus, then fuck it. Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!
Report Exposes Koch Brothers’ Role In Hindering Recovery Post-Katrina http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....51686.html
Hey look another thing Obama achieved that Bush couldn’t achieve.
Stocks Soar For Another Day http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....47980.html
Hey look at what government assistance can do.
Tesla Car Is So Great It Broke Consumer Reports’ Scoring System http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....50612.html
You know not all American Companies are like Tesla, the other ones are real corporations, you know people, that are keeping China at bay from stealing all our Americam Jobs.
Long live Ireland.
Where the fuck was I?
Head up someone’s ASS?
And we don’t protect Americans, here on American soil, from a Hurricane that gave us days of warnings to take cover, in a city where everyone knew and predicted that the levees would fail, and 1000’s dead.
Well teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla a small history lesson. This is all in the crazed databaze of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!!!!!
Bush declared a state of emergency in selected regions of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi on August 27. 10 am on August 28, shortly after Katrina was upgraded to a Category 5 storm, New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin ordered the first-ever mandatory evacuation of the N’Awlins.
The libtards screamed about the levee budget was reduced. Chief among them was Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit). This was fact checked and the man is still a Heilary EMAIL DOPE! The libtards purposely leave out that the Army Corps of Engineers were only building or rebuilding levees to category 3 hurricanes. Katrina was a category 5!
Then look at Tim Russert questioning Ray Nagin on those 400 school buses not being used to evacuate the population.
FEMA screwed up. There were disagreements between FEMA and Kathleen Blanco and FEMA made many mistakes.
Blanco didn’t understand her authority for National Guard troops. She delayed her request by two days. Mississippi used there troops almost immediately.
You want more? Go ask the butthead arschloch. It floats in all threads leaving manure everywhere!
Does the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch fact check the horsesASS manure it throws up on HA?
NOPE cuz its still a DOPE!
In the Iraq war hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and 4,486 Americans died.
hundreds of thousands – – – Well, Puddy had to check that because Puddy remembered a link thrown up here by some other crazed libtard! Yep, remember that libtard garbage to use when morons like the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch post useless garbage!
– Data acquired from WikiLeaks DUMMOCRETIN hero Julian Assange! Another use of DUMMOCRETIN data used against a very stooooooooopid DUMMOCRETIN whom takes everything from libtard e-rags at face value!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Oh no… Al NoSoSharpton moved to Sunday morning. What will rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears do now that one of his nightly material sources is only on once a week?
Damn straight babbling jackass!
@103. That’s a lot of excuses, and no accountability of the commander in chief that I hear. Whoppy, whoppy do calling a state of emergency. Nice one, 1000’s dead and you want to give just excuses, I see, you really do value human life.
The ayatollah was the mayor of Benghazi. Blame Benghazi on him.
Did one Republican honor or pay tribute to the 10th anniversary yesterday, I’ll say again 1000’s of people died, but they must have missed it because the were calling Ashley Madison.
Gun control? Nick Hanauer @NickHanauer Thank You, Paul Allen, for Standing Up to the NRA on Behalf of Endangered Species Retweeted by Goldy So the violins in the Seattle symphony are endangered so write an exemption for them in the bill? This was talked about last May! http://www.thenewstribune.com/.....86148.html
Paul Allen didn’t to the NRA on behalf of 18-24 year olds in Chicago; a real endangered species? http://heyjackass.com/
Does everyone finally understand that Puddy PWNS this monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch EVERYDAY? It delivered EPIC FAYLE #274. Now at .365% correct
accept – consent to receive (a thing offered).
agree – have the same opinion about something; concur
Puddy accepted Da Perfessa’s answer, doesn’t mean Puddy agrees with Da Perfessa you jackASS. Is ENGLISH your first language or are you ESL? Puddy freely admits Puddy ventures into EBONICS all the time on HA because the DUMMOCRETIN hero Jesse HiJackson claimed it was a useful inner city language.
It’s the HA DUMMOCRETINS whom accept and agree with Julian Assange WikiLeaks documentation. Sooooooooooooooooo Puddy sees the latest and it’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaay below those exaggerated numbers in the Lancet study!
It really must suck to be a child or the wife of the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch! So long so wrong! Remember Novermber 10, 2006 @10AM, we all thought your job was done clueless one. Why did you lie and come back at 5PM the same day?
Wait for it…
That’s a lot of excuses, and no accountability of the commander in chief that I hear.
-What? DUMMOCRETINS used Katrina as a bludgeon in the 2006 erections teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. Man you are memory deficient!
Whoppy, whoppy do calling a state of emergency. Nice one, 1000’s dead and you want to give just excuses, I see, you really do value human life.
– Excuses teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? History lesson you jackASS! The Feds called a state of emergency. The city & state has to follow through. They dithered! Ask DUMMOCRETINS Kathleen Blanco and Ray Nagin about their silly excuses!
The ayatollah was the mayor of Benghazi. Blame Benghazi on him.
– Who was that again teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Did one Republican honor or pay tribute to the 10th anniversary yesterday
– President Bush and Senator Cassidy do that today. Why would Republicans attend with Obummer when Obummer’s speech was petty and moronic attacking Bush when Donna Brazile @90 stood up for Bush?
Seems when confronted over your horsesASS manure you go apoplectic teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!!!!!
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Sux to be the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla
Puddy thought Bruce Springsteen was a DUMMOCRETIN icon? So why is this Ivy League libtard perfessa attacking this DUMMOCRETIN icon? http://www.theatlantic.com/ent.....40/402137/
Well someone took this IDIOT to task… http://nypost.com/2015/08/26/l.....rn-to-run/
Libtards want tear down anything and everything these days they disagree with. It seems they disagreed with Vester Flanagan’s attack. So why does the rainbow flag survive after Vester Flanagan AKA Bryce Williams screed? Where are the libtard calls for the removal of that flag because he used it as a reason to kill those two people? Oh wait… the gun just popped into his hand and the trigger mechanism told him pull me… pull me! Eight times too! My bad!
This academic moron scrambles Springsteen’s lyrics that people stand up and cheer into a large mixing bowl and comes up with arguments against corporate fat cats, wall street, capitalism, and income inequality. Seems this is a veiled attack against Heilary’s candidacy and he doesn’t even know it! It’s just like watching a train fly off the unconstructed bridge in a cartoon. Seems this is what checkmate does everyday on HA! Puddy calls it the checkmate train wreck!
Downright amazing how the UK news digs into Flanagan’s past while the libtards gloss over his hateful racist gay nature. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....acist.html
Puddy asks why is that HA DUMMOCRETINS? Vester doesn’t fit the hateful white guy narrative so must ignore those FACTS? Instead claim Vester was a mental case. Wasn’t Dylann Roof a mental case?
Puddy realizes this is too tough even for the HA DUMMOCRETINS A-Team! Not even covered in a thread heading!
LMAO!!! You accepted a liberal prof’s assertion of the scientific validity of the LANCET study.
If the study is scientifically valid the results are an acceptable reflection of the reality.
Of course you “disagree” – translation: YOU LIVE IN A RIGHT WING BULLSHIT FANTASY WORLD!
It really must suck to be the bookoo bucks legal beagle troll spawn of Manhattan especially after that stupid John Roberts having the power to tax cock-up of this idiot troll
So are we now going to ban
‘swinging’ by an address
going out into the ‘field’
because Vester Flanagan thought those were racist phrases?
Puddy wrote above: Wait for it… and right on cue the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch appears again!
DAYUM the monomaniacal freakazoid has ENGLISH language definition problems and issues! Why is that? Liberalism is really a mental disease!
Accepting someone argument does not MEAN agreement. Butt the the HA DUMMOCRETIN “F” Team, they are equivalent. You are a left wrong libtard moron! Dumb and Dumber all in the same “package”. Back to using those CAPITAL LETTERS ALL THE TIME eh clueless? November 10 2006 is coming back in spades eh?
Puddy PWNS this moron 24×7 each day and in every way!
LMAO. The troll’s gone stupid over yet another super fucked up in the head dude gone postal..
Anything to distract from the e-ghaaaaaaaziii bullshit that’s going nowhere..
Anything to distract from the meltdown of his beloved Republicans for 2016..
Of course anything to distract from the stupid guns everywhere policies of klownservatics.
And HA HERO YLB showed the troll again to be a stupid troll..
See ya stupid troll!
Wow, the libtard press will skip this too! http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....play-isis/
And this is how the libtards keep the left wrong low information voters (many post here on HA DUMMOCRETINS) in the “dark” over real news! http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....manifesto/
So far the markets are down a bit. Will the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla cheer this if they are down all day?
Does anyone have a decoder ring for #116 and #117 gibberish?
Still a “hero” in its own mind! What are you a hero to monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch? No one here!
Twelve times the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit had a chance to “ping” you for the crazed databaze. NOPE!
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla could have pinged you three times. NOPE!
Carl could have pinged you yesterday. NOPE!
Self worship… Just like Vester Flanagan did with pictures of himself on his refrigerator! That’s why you use a Mac and Safari eh clueless cretin? So the background changes every so often and you can see pictures of yourself?
Remember November 10th 2006! The Low IQ Clueless –> The yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Nope, the troll is a lost cause there. A waste of time.
Keep trying to get HA HEROES to obey your orders dumbass.
They’ll keep laughing at you!
Shit no! Keep trying on that “ping” bullshit. Keep trying.
Yet another keen analysis into the meltdown of the VILE Republican party:
I’m loving this clown show! The klownservatics brought it ON THEMSELVES with Citizen’s United.
The joker Trump is shaking down the greed class with his threat of higher taxes. Trump wants them to pay him to go away. If they don’t, he’ll pay them back by running independent and handing the election to Hillary. If the greedheads pay the clown to go away – it will be so obvious.
They lose either way!
And yours truly is really looking forward to the meltdown of the trolls! Great entertainment!