– You’re White and Marched With Dr. King: So What?
– Still, maybe that’s all just a big coincidence. Isn’t it always.
If you’re like me and still haven’t finished filling out your primary ballot, here are some more endorsements:
– Here’s Washington Conservation Voters
– And here’s Seattle Transit Blog (I disagree with a lot more of these than I usually do for endorsements I’m linking to, but OK)
Repeat from the last open thread:
Whelp, the Lafayette LA theater shooter was apparently a big fan of cheesy get-rich-schemes and a flimflam man with a bit of history.
And, shit-oh-dear, a registered Tea Party member.
Tsk tsk tsk…
Seeing as how he targeted a theater playing a “chick flick”, I wonder how many rapes are in this guy’s history.
The filing said Houser had “a history of mental health issues, i.e., manic depression and/or bi-polar disorder.”
His wife also removed all weapons from their home because she feared his “volatile mental state,” according to the paperwork.
Let’s see if the same HA DUMMOCRETINS who came to the defense of Mohammad Abdulazeez earlier this week for having mental issues will have the “same compassion” on John Russell Houser and his mental issues.
DOUBT IT! Thats not how left wrong libtards roll!
@ 2
Of course, if he’d been a black man, you’d just nod your head and say, “yep, thats niggers for ya.”
Yep. So the question is obvious. How come a person with mental health issues still have a gun? Why can’t the wife of a mentally unstable person bring some action in a court of law that would enable an independent 3rd party to determine if he should have his guns taken away?
Because freedom. Not for a couple women just out watching a movie. They had freedom to go watch a movie and be safe?
Of course, if he’d been a black man, you’d just nod your head and say, “yep, thats niggers for ya.”
Nope that’s what StormFront readers say!
“Louisiana gunman was a Confederate flag-flying Tea Party kook who hated Obama and admired Hitler”
“The gunman who killed two moviegoers and wounded nine others had a prolific online commenting history that revealed a fascination with censorship, Iran, and right-wing politics — and a Google search reveals he flew a Confederate flag in front of his home”
“If you don’t think the internet is censored, try reading a newspaper from a country that hates liberals the way I do.”
Just like our batshit crazy loon.
checkmate @4,
Puddy has never had issues with mental registries for gun owners. It’s the ACLU that does. Go back and look at the 2013 discussion of the ACLU against Scary Land Deal Reid/Nancy Pelosi Hires Illegal Aliens in Her Wineries (Previously Proven by Links) gun legislation over “privacy issues”. The ACLU has always been against gun control legislation that discriminates against persons on the basis of moral or mental reliability! There are many links to this so look it up!
You libtards have very short memories!
@ 2
“HA DUMMOCRETINS who came to the defense of Mohammad Abdulazeez earlier this week”
Name one, and provide a link.
That guy, and the LA theater shooter both have something in common. That is, they’re strict religious constructionists with mental illness who were permitted to access a firearm. Mental illness seem to go hand in glove with religion for some reason. My mom spent 30 years treating people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality and such, and one of the most common themes in her clients upbringing was religion.
She had clients who had attempted suicide after they had had sex for the first time. She had clients who would carry a bible around and consult it before answering any questions. She had clients who had spent years being incarcerated who were prosecuted for things like beating their children almost to death for refusing to go to church, and several young people who were on the receiving end of that. She had clients who were raped by their ministers or priests.
Religion is the institutionalization of psychotic thinking, put into dogmatic belief and enforced at the point of a weapon.
“yep, thats niggers for ya.”
“Nope that’s what StormFront readers say!”
Stormfront. The racist hate-site which has been fundraising for Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul for years, and his father before that.
Still waiting for that picture of Puddy with a confederate flag Stupid Solution Steve!
Stormfront. The racist hate-site which has been fundraising for Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul for years, and his father before that.
Seems you get HA DUMMOCRETIN post materials direct from them vomit producer. PuddyLinks proved that! Puddy would tell the vomit producer to go to the crazed databaze butt the vomit producer knows what was previously hijacked from StormFront!
And Rand Paul or Ron Paul are PuddyHeroes? .NOPE.
It’s almost like elected Repbulicans wake up every day, look in the mirror and recite a daily affirmation,
House passes bill specifically denying individual states or municipalities to pass requirements on labelling of GMOs in food. Because states rights, local control or something. Yep, this is the voters, you don’t have the right to know bill. BTW, I think GMOs are probably safe but it should still be my right to know what I’m eating and make my own choices.
Republicans messed up a non-controversial bill removing a 1970s era prohibition of VA benefits for In Vitro fertilization to allow veterns rendered infertile during their service to attempt to have children. Why? Planned Parenthood of course.
Republicans are attempting to add ammendments to the Transportation Funding bill, you know the one that might fix the bridge collapse that is now making it much more difficult to get anything from the Port of Los Angeles to Arizona and other parts of the Southwest? Why, well they need to kill Obamacare in a highway funding bill. And Planned Parenthood. A highway bill killing ACA is almost certain to be vetoed.
“HA DUMMOCRETINS who came to the defense of Mohammad Abdulazeez earlier this week”
Oh puleese vomit producer… You really want to be embarASSed for the 3,234,234,232nd time?
checkmate@12 forgets how Pelosi tried to defund the troops in Iraq. http://www.dailykos.com/story/.....ar-Funding When you dig up the left wrong libtard BULLSHITTIUM you need to go to the deep throat of left wrong libtard BULLSHITTIUM, Daily Kooks!
Butt that’s A-OK becuz shes’ a DUMMOCRETIN. Why do most HA DUMMOCRETINS exhibit mental disease similar to the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Ah, I see. You had that at the ready. Bringing combat troops home by ending the war through defunding is hurting the troops.
I see.
Better they keep running over IEDs than be home in a hospital trying to get IVF.
Piddles, you’re so easy to dominate.
Right checkmate…
When Obummer became preznit there was no call to defund the Iraq war by Republicans.
This FACT is always lost on you checkmate!
@ Piddles,
You can’t even get the story straight.
Translation in Piddlesspeak, Pelosi wanted to hurt the troops by suggesting four years in that ending at some point = hurting the troops.
“Since Obama campaigned on ending the war well, neener, neener, Republicans in the minority didn’t threaten to defund the war because Republicans are better becuase they didn’t use the power they didn’t have to demand Obama do something he already said he would do that Republicans were in favor of endless war anyway so would have wanted to fund it indefinitely…or something like that.” Piddles, so very easy to dominate, or words to that effect.
I’m going to go turn up the Stereo on this KEXP Paul’s Boutique thing they’ve got going on. It’s good to be the boss.
@2 dude get a grip….
Stop pretending you want a meaningful discussion – maybe start with gun regulations, maybe that will solve soemthing, than pretending like solving mental issues will solve this. You are just trying to camoflage the problem by talking mental issues. How about keeping guns away from the mental people.
Puddy has the story straight checkmate. This was Pelosi’s overture after she illegally visits Assad in August 2007. She got slapped back over that trip and then tries this maneuver to telegraph to the enemy we’re going at this date, Well we see how that worked out with Obummer giving rise to ISIS per the outgoing Army Chief of Staph!
Where did Republicans make any call to defund the Iraq war with timetables while Obummer was preznit?
This is your standard attempt at train wrecking an argument.
EPIC FAYLE checkmate!
Meaningful gun regulations buttbuster? Did you read post #7 about the ACLU?
NOPE cuz you really R A DOPE! The ACLU is more worried about someone’s mental state being in public than stopping them from getting guns. Look it up!
Meanwhile Trump got another one right… http://freebeacon.com/national.....r-downing/
Per DUMMOCRETINS, it’s only Mexico’s best and brightest crossing the border!
Backstabbing by Elizabeth Warren. Very Interesting… http://freebeacon.com/blog/eli.....y-clinton/
Here he is is all his glory.
A sick fuck like puddy.
Add @23…
How big a leap is it from composing and sending vile and malicious thread comments to verbally assaulting white women in shopping malls to shooting up a theater audience to make a point about ‘libruls and dummocretins and obummer.’
The guy is fucking sick…and dangerous.
WSJ now reporting that Hillary sent and/or received classified information – classified at the time of transmission – using her personal server.
I’m sure it was nothing as secret as Senator Graham’s cell phone number. Nothing to see here.
Just like fuckwad.
Would the NY Times do this for a Republican? NOPE! http://dailycaller.com/2015/07.....r-request/
Gosh Puddy didn’t realize how deep Puddy was in the head of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears.
Puddy admires Hitler?
Got proof rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Where are those 646 dead black at the hands of police again rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
Meanwhile HA DUMMOCRETINS like rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears condone this call for violence!
– ‘It Would Be Funny If All Gun Rights People Got Shot Dead’ –
Really, asshole?
Projection 101, indeed.
“The guy is fucking sick…and dangerous.”
I see deterioration and that’s concerning.
646 black dead from cops was the rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears assertion. The deterioration occurred last decade with this one. It continues!
MIA of course. So who is the “fucking sick…and dangerous” one on HA DUMMOCRETINS again? Projection 101, indeed.
Similiar to the Nazi GOP – suspend the player, the monkey chants are ok.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave!!!
New York Times alters Clinton email story
The paper initially reported that two inspectors general have asked the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation “into whether Hillary Rodham Clinton mishandled sensitive government information on a private email account she used as secretary of state.”
That clause, which cast Clinton as the target of the potential criminal probe, was later changed: the inspectors general now were asking for an inquiry “into whether sensitive government information was mishandled in connection with the personal email account Hillary Rodham Clinton used as secretary of state.”
The Times also changed the headline of the story, from “Criminal Inquiry Sought in Hillary Clinton’s Use of Email” to “Criminal Inquiry Is Sought in Clinton Email Account,” reflecting a similar recasting of Clinton’s possible role. The article’s URL was also changed to reflect the new headline.
One of the reporters of the story, Michael Schmidt, explained early Friday that the Clinton campaign had complained about the story to the Times.
“It was a response to complaints we received from the Clinton camp that we thought were reasonable, and we made them,” Schmidt said.
Well, that was mighty friendly of the NYT, to be so accommodating of the Clinton Machine.
Democrat operatives with bylines.
The Nazis have low favorability ratings.
One less Hitler supporting GOP member – death couldn’t come quick enough, it would have be better if he had just been aborted and sold for car parts.
“The Nazis have low favorability ratings.”
Favorability plummeting to 32%. Unfavorability skyrocketing to 60%. That poll ended on the 20th. Gotta be worse now as the last four days haven’t been exactly kind to them.
“One less…”
“Westboro Baptist Church may be the last real church in America [members not brainwashed].”
I see his view of LGBTs doesn’t differ one iota from the batshit crazy loon’s either. When it comes to their extremist right-wing politics, cult-like religions and the targets for their hate, they’re kindred spirits all the way, aren’t they? No difference whatsoever.
“Let’s see if … (useless blather redacted)”
Don’t have to. You already did. Things are really spiraling downward for you now.
Nazi unfavorability isn’t all that much worse than Hillary’s.
Greater than 50% even in a sampling by PPP:
So Hillary lied again… Well that’s nuthin new… We all knew this… http://www.wsj.com/articles/in.....1437714369 – <stroHillary Clinton Sent Classified Information Over Email While at State Department, Review Finds
The emails had materials previously identified as classified! Oopsie! Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying… Clinton definitely was a lyin… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvYyHbeJgUo
So, will the Just us Department follow up on these serial violations of the classified material transmissions law? Doubt it. Hillary is a DUMMOCRETIN. DUMMOCRETINS think they are above the law! Remember David Petraeus? He may wonder as well n this one. Cost him his job!
What will Rachel MadCow claim about those classified emails?
Who cares? America doesn’t!
Why is Jeb! worried that Medicare might burden future generations with $50 billion of debt, but doesn’t care that his brother’s warmongering burdened those same generations with $1 trillion of debt? Strikes me as hypocrisy.
“So, will the Just us Department follow up on these serial violations of the classified material transmissions law? Doubt it. Hillary is a DUMMOCRETIN. DUMMOCRETINS think they are above the law! Remember David Petraeus? He may wonder as well n this one. Cost him his job!”
A: Petraeus was “officially” shitcanned for adultery, and he was very much involved in the scandal that saw certain Defense contractors receiving classified information while bidding on procurement contracts for the Pentagon. He should have been prosecuted 15 years ago, but the Cheney Cabal saw to it that his actions regarding Halliburton contracts for supply chain management back in the late 90’s and their contracts with various private Military corporations during the Iraq war were kept nicely swept into a dark corner where most people wouldn’t normally look.
B: There is no criminal investigation into Hillary’s email “problems”.
Thus, again, and as per the norm, you are in fact lying your stupid Nazi ass off.
So if Donald Trump disclosing Graham’s cell phone number speaks volumes about how Trump would handle classified info as president, shouldn’t the way Hillary handled classified info as SOS be telling us even more about how she’d behave as president?
@6 et al: You’re far more likely to be killed by a rightwing domestic terrorist than by ISIS, but Piddles doesn’t give a shit about that.
If Republicans really want to eliminate wasteful government spending, they should start with their own stupid drug testing of welfare recipients.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, everyone knows this isn’t about keeping drug abusers from using taxpayer money to support their habits. It’s all about Republicans’ favorite sport: Harassing the poor. Because. They. Can.
That’s absolutely hysterical. Poor fellow obviously has absolutely no idea how the wine lifestyle works. Very amusing, really.
Like anyone producing in Napa, the Pelosis use contractors to provide their seasonal labor. In fact, in Napa, as in most of the great wine producing regions of Europe, any attempt to go around the contractors to hire directly will get you in quite a lot of trouble. Honestly, when you need several hundred laborers for only a week or so in the middle of a region wide harvest it isn’t as though putting an ad in the paper or whatever it is they do would work.
And why bother. Nobody is in this game for the money. It’s nothing more than an attractive setting for the real grown-up business of making fools like you work harder for less and beg me for the privilege.
Go on now. Get on your knees boy.
It occurs to me that with Republicans hoping Trump will go away, progressives should be clicking on every Trump bait we can find so the media won’t let go. Keep Trump alive!
CNN reports the Louisiana theater shooter had a college degree in accounting and graduated from law school, and apparently owned several businesses. Why did he go off the deep end? It appears his mind was infected, Ebola-like, with flesh-eating Tea Party politics:
“He appears to have posted hundreds of messages on political forums espousing anti-government and anti-media views as recently as 2013.”
HTML works here? COOL! Okay then.
TOO funny. Ted Cruz (R-Born Yesterday) on Mitch the Turtle:
“What I told my staff that afternoon, I said, well I don’t know if that’s the case or not. But I don’t see how when the majority leader looks me in the eyes and makes an explicit promise,” he added. “I don’t see how I cannot take him at his word.”
“”Well, we now know that when the majority leader looks us in the eyes and makes an explicit commitment, that he is willing to say things that he knows are false.”
“That has consequences for how this body operates,” he said. “If you or I cannot trust what the majority leader tells us, that will have consequences on other legislation, as well as on how this institution operates.”
@ 51
Of course, another way of saying ‘as recently as 2013’ is ‘not in the last two years’.
Maybe he spent 2014 and 2015 in the company of Medea Benjamin.
Stand down Hillaryhaters.
And thank you Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-Dumbfuckistan) for WASTING more of tghat taxpayer dollar you say is so precious.
So the ‘killed by police’ death toll is up to 655.
Does that comfort fuckwad?
fuckwad seems to think there is an ok number of police summary executions.
What is that number, fuckwad?
How many white vs. how many black?
I wonder why Piddles isn’t worked up about these baby killers?
@53 Go ahead, try to paint him as a “libtard.” You know in your heart that’s what Piddles will do.
@46 “Hillary handled classified info as SOS ”
Exactly how did Hillary handle classified info as SOS? Please do tell …
@41 I don’t see Nazis mentioned in either of the polls you linked to; but, given that the people who would give the Nazis a “favorable” rating are basically the same people who would give Hillary and “unfavorable” rating, I won’t argue with the basic premise of your post, i.e. that Hillary’s unfavorability rating roughly correlations with the popularity of Nazis among the U.S. electorate.
“Of course, another way of saying ‘as recently as 2013′ is ‘not in the last two years’.”
Houser’s disappearance from blog threads tells me that, if our own batshit crazy loon ever disappears, it’s a warning sign meaning it’s time we contact the authorities before he re-appears at a movie theater somewhere, perhaps one near you.
“Nazi unfavorability isn’t all that much worse than Hillary’s.”
As it’s been a very bad past few weeks for the GOP, apples and oranges comparisons is probably the best you can do. Apples to apples, the PEW poll shows the GOP plummeting, the dems going up. For the next round of polls, plug in a crazy TeaBircher murdering people at a theater and more of the Donald. For the polls after that, the first clown car circular firing squad debate. None of that is going to break the downward GOP approval trend, and trends continue until broken. Your party is in deep shit.
“Maybe he spent 2014 and 2015 in the company of Medea Benjamin.”
Today’s headlines: “Louisiana Shooter Liked Hitler and Hated Liberals” “Teachers Identified as Theater Heroes”
So the shooter who hates liberals targeted filmgoers attending a progressive-themed movie about everyday sexism and double standards starring a feminist icon. I’m sure no one in the lamestream, left-wing media will notice.
graduated from law school, and apparently owned several businesses. Why did he go off the deep end?
Well he went off the deep end and your mind is wasting away. Looks like Puddy better warn son #1 of the impending doom of being a bar member portends! Hopefully it’s memory loss without the associated libtardoism disease the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit has!
Betcha he wasn’t on Ashley Madison’s web site. http://www.theguardian.com/com.....ment-world
Didn’t Puddy call it recently… YES he did your honor! Perfect Puddy Prognostication
Then a real explanation! https://youtu.be/DcJmwoRJI3c – Remember you can’t say baby at Planned Parenthood. Now you will call the person growing inside your wife, girlfriend or affair “products of conception”!
Just your run of the mill Orwellian discussion from a libtard left wrong e-rag coining a new the phrase “products of conception”. Remember the Pigs!
As Puddy wrote earlier this week, the aim of libtard left wrong moonbats is to dehumanize the baby growing inside while telling the world they are just “products of conception” even though they are human beings. Well after reading the BULLSHITTIUM from some of the hate laden left wrong libtard “products of conception”, it’s too bad clinical research didn’t “make the call”! http://www.numberofabortions.com/ – the latest figgers to date!
Just another market commodity one can purchase as needed “for research” of course!
Strange… https://youtu.be/H9tMRKd0PBM
Consumer Health Digest claims the “products of conception” are recognizable as a human being baby at 12 weeks. So if it isn’t a human baby what good are the liver, heart, lungs, arms and legs then? Hmmm…? Just more “products of conception”?
Puddy is sure you libtard parents will look at your children and pregnant wife carrying your next child as “products of conception”!
This is why Puddy wants libtards to scream and shout loud and proud! We laugh hard at y’all!
Will “products of conception” make the Friday Night Comix? Maybe your third and fourth tier toilets will discuss the market for these “products of conception”!
First the Milwaukee Wisconsin Moonbat Libtards got smacked down and now the next one for Austin Texas. http://www.reuters.com/article.....ce=twitter
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, the prime minister of dumbfuckistan, claimed 646 black men died at the hands of police!
646 Black Americans killed by police as of 07-21-2015 – http://horsesass.org/open-thre.....nt-1292542
“and now the next one for Austin Texas.”
From the stupid batshit crazy loon’s own link,
“However, the court let stand an abuse of official capacity charge.”
“Perry was indicted in August by a grand jury in Travis County, a Democratic stronghold in a heavily Republican state, with abuse of official capacity, a first-degree felony”
“If convicted of a first-degree felony, he could face from five to 99 years in prison.”
It’s so bad for Republican presidential candidates these days that when a batshit crazy loon hears that one of them is now only facing the prospect of spending 5 to 99 years in prison, he believes he has something to gloat about. That’s truly fucking pathetic.
Damn Mexicans raping everyone one.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave
If Donald Duck really cared whether Americans were/are being raped, then just maybe he should address rape in every aspect.
And the fucking Media, instead of crying all the time about how much of a pig he is, should let him really have it, and ask him about the subject of rape……..but they, being part of society would rather not directly address it, other than to print a story every once in a while.
The Media, instead of contributing the the circus should turn this around on the Duck and ask about rape on colleges….there is some poor girl walking around some college campus with a mattress tied to her back in some sort of protest, but she pretty much is ignored…..Damn them Mexicans.
Americans really know how to exploit an issue but not address it.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave!
The wingnut rabble is most definitely aroused. The only way one of the indictment-dodging, gasping-for-oxygen Republican presidential candidates can topple Trump now is to out-Trump him. As we can see, that’s not gonna be easy, cuz nobody out-Trumps The Donald. The way things are going, that will take something like one of them calling for the rounding up of liberals, Latinos, blacks, LGBTs, scientists, Hollywood feminist-themed movie-lovers and that damned science-loving Pope and executing them all.
“Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave!”
And a shoutout to Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, France, Brazil, Uruguay, New Zealand, Britain, Luxembourg, Finland and the USA!
Not sure why the American murderer of 3 people gets people less riled up than an illegal immigrant who kills one. As if one is acceptable or tolerable and the other isn’t. One seems to get more attention than the other, long term.
What is Donald Duck going to do about the American murderers? Why doesn’t he have a plan?
Long live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave!!!
So now it’s 655 Americans (black or white? who cares) murdered by police and fuckwad babyparts hasn’t answered the question how may is too many.
This didn’t go well. Perhaps Jeb! should do as his brother did and have some goons get rid of these people before they can ask a question.
“At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire, an elderly woman blasted Bush. “We’re not going to have adequate coverage for our children or our grandchildren without Medicare,” she told him. “I paid into that for years and years, just like all these other seniors here, and now you want to take it away?” Why, she asked, is he “always attacking the seniors.”
“Well, I’m not,” Bush responded. “Here’s what I said: I said, ‘We’re going to have to reform our entitlement system.’ We have to.”
“It’s not an entitlement,” the woman shot back. “I earned that.”
“It’s an actuarially unsound health care system,” said Bush, who said something must be done before the system burdens future generations with $50 billion of debt. “Social Security is an underfunded retirement system; people have put money into it, for sure.”
I like that. The brother of a president who burdened us with trillions in debt invading the wrong country and who himself will patiently wait a only day or two after taking office before starting a senseless multi-trillions-of-dollars-added-to-our-debt war with Iran sez he wants to trash our social safety nets and leave the elderly to slowly die because “something must be done before the system burdens future generations with $50 billion of debt”.
“Donald Trump’s support remains high following John McCain controversy”
“he is still ahead – and far ahead – when Republicans are asked to choose among the 16 currently announced candidates”
The only way for a Republican candidate to beat The Donald now is to out-Trump him. Good luck with that. Hell, even Jeb! calling for old folks to die couldn’t move the needle.
@63 Uh-huh … because some rightwing freak with a JD degree from a podunk law school went off the deep end and shot up a movie theater, that makes all lawyers a menace to society. Yep, I expect nothing less from you, but I hope you realize your lawyer shit list is going to include an awful lot of your rightwing icons, including many of the Republicans in Congress …
646 Black Americans killed by police as of 07-21-2015 – rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, the prime minister of dumbfuckistan, claimed 646 black men died at the hands of police!
Where’s da beef? Surely not between your legs or on your neck!
@68 Well, that leaves only one felony count against Perry, which means he won’t get to serve concurrent sentences. But who really cares, because he isn’t governor anymore and isn’t going to be president; now, he’s just an unemployed guy angling for a TV gig.
lawyers a menace to society
Yes you prove what a menace you are every day early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@73 Presidential races, like the stock market, are unpredictable; this one is barely underway and already the carefully laid plans of the GOP mice are going off the rails. Trump is wildly popular because he “says it like it is,” which plays well to the rubes, who are tired of the professional politicians’ dodging, weaving, and triangulating. It’s a leadpipe cinch he’s going to upend the race, and I’m beginning to think he might be the nominee. The more likely possibility that Trump might go Perot on the GOP opens all sorts of fascinating scenarios, none of them ending with a Republican in the White House. I can see the GOP nominee finishing third in a 3-way race. I could even see him picking his daughter as his running mate. No Republican politician who wants a future in the GOP will agree to run with Trump on a 3rd party ticket. Better lay in a big supply of popcorn now, before the run on the grocery stores begins.
@83 So are you saying I’m more likely to shoot up a movie theater than you are, just because I’m a lawyer and you’re not?
When Stupid Solution Steve posts facts and figgers one needs to figger it out if it’s BULLSHITTIUM or not. Puddy uses that old libtard left wrong standard – Factcheck.org 2/2012 http://www.factcheck.org/2012/.....eceptions/
This afternoon’s BULLSHITTIUM load is – The brother of a president who burdened us with trillions in debt blah blah blah…
Bush 8 Years $4.9 Trillion
Obummer 4 years $4.5 Trillion and still going and going and going
Then run to the WA Post, that other libtard e-rag… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....-7-charts/
Obummer 1/6/2015 – $7.4 Trillion
So everyone can see Stupid Solution Steve’s BULLSHITTIUM not only doesn’t pass the smell test butt it stinks to the 3rd heavens!
http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ – The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $2.03 billion per day since September 30, 2012! Guess who controlled Congress back then? DUMMOCRETINS!
R U?
Now let’ visit another libtard site See, allBS News
(CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama’s three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency.
The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/na.....nder-bush/
March 19, 2012! Stupid Solution Steve
Just like Tom DeLay beat those DUMMOCRETIN led Travis County charges, so will Rick Perry! If Perry doesn’t it will be pled to misdemeanor levels!
All those BULLSHITTIUM shovel ready jobs. There are no shovel ready jobs.
No who said dat Stupid Solution Steve?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! All those Trillions to help Obummer’s union thug hacks!
@87 Do you really want me to answer that? Okay … frankly … honestly … between the two of us, you’re more likely than me to do it. I say that for a number of reasons, and won’t go into all the reasons, but I’ll put this one out there: Because you’re nuts.
Wrong again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy hasn’t advocated killing people butt you have many times. Guns, “razor-sharp” back paws, etc. were your choice of weapons!
Saw my first ad against the Iran agreement on KIRO-TV going into CBS News.
@92 I see. You’re a warmonger when it comes to bombing other countries that haven’t attacked us, but you expect me to be a pacifist when your buddies talk about killing liberals. I have news for you, it’s not gonna work that way. But self-defense has nothing to do with shooting up movie theaters. The kind of people who talk about killing liberals are also capable of shooting up movie theaters. That was proved again a couple days ago. How many liberal rabbits have shot up movie theaters, schools, temples and mosques, or churches recently? These whackjobs are all rightwingers like you.
fuckwad babyparts is still dumber than Steve Doocy.
Jared Lougher was a right winger? Thought Gabby Giffords wasn’t DUMMOCRETIN enough. An Atheist. Satan Worshipper.
James Holmes wasn’t a conservative.
Adam Lanza’s parents weren’t conservative either.
Dylann Roof was a racist. We know through history racists held weight in both parties. Yet you can’t see this evah!
See #81
Good day!
“I could even see him picking his daughter as his running mate.”
Quite fuckable. She’d get my vote for that at least.
“fuckwad babyparts is still dumber than Steve Doocy.”
Dumber than a Steve Doocy minus a Peter Doocy.
“This afternoon’s BULLSHITTIUM load is – The brother of a president who burdened us with trillions in debt blah blah blah…”
Someone give batshit crazy loon a pill before he heads for a theater.
@95 No shit …
@96 We’ve had this discussion before. Repeating the same bullshit over and over doesn’t make it true.
And you posting the opposite makes it true without links to prove it true?
re @101
a little reading comprehension goes a long way.
your posts show how little you have.
loughner – identified with no political party, thought that government was controlling everything, fixated on giffords when he asked her a batshit crazy question and she didn’t respond to his liking. (sounds a bit like piddles the troll, actually.) had serious mental issues.
you said: “James Holmes wasn’t a conservative.” – ok, doesn’t seem to have had any political affiliations. most of the reporting surrounding him, says he was weird (hearing voices and trying to commit suicide as young as 11) and also brilliant. but he deteriorated and at the end had serious mental issues.
you said: “Adam Lanza’s parents weren’t conservative either.” – ok, who gives a flying fuck what his parents thought? he was possibly too young to express much in political leanings, but he was troubled, displaying symptoms of many disorders. very clearly he had serious mental issues.
and roof-
you said: “Dylann Roof was a racist. We know through history racists held weight in both parties. Yet you can’t see this evah!”
he was a racist, and time will tell how much the serious mental issues he seems to have effected him.
their have been racists in all walks of life in all countries. but, the in the current time in the country of the u.s.a. the conservatives, republicans, and the right wing in general fucking _owns_ that racism and it holds no weight on the side of progressives.
back to theme of the shooters. what links them not some boom head exploding democrat politics crap. but, serious mental issues! read it again. serious mental issues!
piddles, your trolling is lame, your sauce is weak.