– Getting names is making East Link really feel concrete
– There is literally no problem on earth that lowering taxes on business people will not solve.
– Ping pong tables in parks is kind of fun, but I don’t know why we have to ruin it with pretending it’s going to stop crimes.
Lifelong bachelor Lindsey Graham is a ‘bro without a ho,’ fellow senator says
So, like Teabagger, then.
Black like me?
There are other questionable details of Rachel’s personal history that have appeared repeatedly in media articles about Dolezal.
Multiple interviewers have reported that Dolezal told them she was born in a teepee in Montana. The detail appeared in 2012 in a profile for Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine and several times in interviews and features published by EWU’s student newspaper.
Elizabeth Warren would be so proud.
“Actually, I don’t like the term African-American; I prefer black. So, if asked, I would say, yes, I consider myself to be black,” Dolezal said to Spokane affiliate KREM.
So, if asked, I would say, yes, I consider myself to be progressive. Severely progressive.
Dolezal is credited with re-energizing the Spokane chapter of the NAACP.
And to think the Congressional Black Caucus wouldn’t let Steve Cohen join.
I identify as Batman, and if you don’t agree…you are an evil bigot.
I find it hilarious that the Left, the supposed champions of science, think that you can apply hair extensions and glue on a pair of boobs, declare yourself a woman…and then world must accept it and deem you a hero.
You Libs are so upside-down, backwards and bizarre that you wouldn’t recognize reality if it walked up and microagressed you in the face.
Comment du jour:
Loogie7 CPO_C_Ryback • an hour ago
Technically, Ms. Dolezal’s claim regarding her racial makeup might be accurate. She married and later divorced an African-American man after which time she began making these claims. A woman who is intimate with another person incorporates the other person’s DNA as part of their own body for the rest of her life. The scientific name for this phenomenon is “microchimerism”. A woman who becomes pregnant will integrate even a larger portion of that male partner’s DNA with their own as compared to the minor DNA changes in the female resulting from a single intimate encounter or even a deep kiss. For Ms. Dolezal, who was formerly married to a black man for several years, her current DNA is forever part-African…
Progressives embracing Todd Akinism. Go figure.
– Trans* Women Are Women – Really? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06......html?_r=0
Puddy used to work with one 15 years ago. They told us they had to use lots of lubricant because the doctors could not recreate Bartholin’s glands to secrete mucus to provide vaginal lubrication.
So they have a uterus and ovaries?
The progressive FASCIST word police in action! Attack and eat your own at your own peril! The woman has a vagina and she can’t express herself anymore! Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance!
Gotta call it a “front hole” or “internal genitalia”! Man Puddy loves the FASCIST progressive mind!
They now receive reduced paychecks working for the whitey house or other Congressional DUMMOCRETINS?
So when did men grow vaginas? Puddy wants to know! Puddy loves these useless definitions to make it “work”!
Wait a minute… Puddy recently posted an article where wimens claimed they are voting for Hillary because she has a vagina like them. Ain’t that transgender hate speech per the freakazoid Lauren Rankin or Michelle Goldberg or others?
The perilous twisting of words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs to make the English language work for these “experiences”! DAYUM Funny!
Meanwhile the fine jesus jizz drinking social klownservative John Perry who wrote Fuckabee’s books for him was duggering little kids.
Not surprised.
Not surprised at all.
Dem sex scandals are usually consensual extra-marital stuff. Not sick shit like the jesus jizz suckers.
These are the degenerates that the puddyfuckwad spends hoursandhoursandhoursandhoursandhoursandhoursand hours defending.
So much for klownservative ‘compassion’.
What an asshole.
So much for klownservative ‘compassion’.
Did the “self absorbed ASShole” rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears look at the sources?
Of course not. There is no sentient life in that neanderthal granite encased cranial orifice sitting on rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears neck. The referenced links are all from libtard sources written by libtard wimens.
This why Puddy loves it when rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears posts!
He’s a real MORON!
This is rich…
…the asshole; the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…trying to prove he’s NOT an asshole.
THIS ought to be good!
Gee, I wonder if the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…goes around duggering kids in his spare time (better than goats? I wouldn’t know.) like the rest of his jesus jizz sucking pals.
Wouldn’t surprise me.
Seth D. Michaels @sethdmichaels
extremely optimistic NYT illustration has a guy in a driverless car reading a print-edition newspaper pic.twitter.com/H4qxSACRhx
Retweeted by Goldy
A progressive pope. It’s amazing what one person can do.
“Pope Francis has been very clear about how he feels about ideological purity in religion. He’s been particularly critical of right-wing Christian fundamentalism. Pope Francis has shifted the focus of the Catholic Church to issues facing the poor and the sick. He has railed against economic inequality and has criticized the anti-gay and anti-abortion strains that have come to dominate the Christian Right here in America. Such ideological extremism is dangerous, not only to Christianity, but to the world. And Pope Francis said as much last Thursday.
Pope Francis called right-wing Christian fundamentalism a sickness.
During a daily Mass last week, Pope Francis called ideological Christianity “an illness” that doesn’t serve Jesus Christ. Instead, it “frightens” people and pushes them away from religion.”
Since puddy is our most vocal Right Wing Christian, he certainly is doing an excellent job of making his church unappealing.
Huckabee is fraud and a con, a bigot and a Nazi.
Ben Carson proposes ‘covert division’ of government to monitor the rest of government
“Republican presidential contender Ben Carson said Wednesday that if elected next year he might implement a “covert division” of government workers who spy on their coworkers to improve government efficiency.
Carson suggested people would work harder if they suspected their coworkers of monitoring their work.”
I can’t fault him on his logic. Office workers and cops do better work if watched at all times. However why stop there, why don’t we extend this to have covert spies watching our politicians at all times and dumping that raw info to the internet.
Didn’t they have an organization like that in the book 1984? I seem to remember my republican teachers saying that was a BAD thing. I thought 1984 was a cautionary tale, not a training manual.
Can you imagine the hue and cry if a democrat had proposed this?
Remember how the Bush tax cuts spurred the world’s economies to the greatest heights in history? Those were the glory days! And the Kansas tax cuts are a miracle in the making. It is astounding!
@17. The days of milk and honey are a-coming. You just have be patient a little longer and keep voting republican. Once republicans have finally gutted all vestiges of progressive and liberal restraints out of the economy and politics, you just wait! It will be glorious!
If Ben Carson wants an organization to spy on workers, why extend that to spying on the Trade Negotiations?
Reads like Rachel Dolezal has some personal issues about her identity. This has echoes of the Trans discussion. If she thinks of herself as black, who the F*** does it hurt if she does?
What does the NAACP think?
“For 106 years, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has held a long and proud tradition of receiving support from people of all faiths, races, colors and creeds. NAACP Spokane Washington Branch President Rachel Dolezal is enduring a legal issue with her family, and we respect her privacy in this matter. One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership. The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal’s advocacy record. In every corner of this country, the NAACP remains committed to securing political, educational, and economic justice for all people, and we encourage Americans of all stripes to become members and serve as leaders in our organization.”
@ 19
Hey Better:
As long as you’re setting up a TPA spying group, can you maybe get the inside scoop on what your preferred Democrat candidate for president thinks about the deal?
’cause none of the rest of us have any real idea. Dems are split and she’s not saying a fucking thing.
Since it’s a multimedia link, maybe we’ll see it as a topic item in the Extravaganza tonite. And maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow morning with a full head of hair.
@5 That you would conflate something like climate change, which requires and delivers mountains of evidence, and basic human dignity, which merely requires an open mind, speaks volumes. Hanlon’s Razor doesn’t apply here because your words betray your malice.
By the way, even though acknowledging one’s gender identity costs nothing (save embarrassment should you get it wrong) and should not require scientific evidence in the first place, there is STILL a mounting body of scientific evidence that it exists… no matter how deeply you plunge your fingers into your ears, close your eyes, and hum a soothing song.
After all, white kids have been copying black kids for generations.
@21. No arguments from me. I would like to know how ALL the candidates would be on the Trade Deal and Trade Deals in general.
Still, Hillary, flawed as she is, is better than any of the republican candidates so far. Any of the three Democrats running are much stronger for what I value, what I see as important.
Who’s your republican candidate of choice and why?
I would like to see a brokered convention if there isn’t a strong contender emerging early in the primaries – something interesting at the convention that doesn’t involve an empty chair.
There has to be a FL candidate in one of the ticket slots. Otherwise, carrying FL is a whole lot harder. FL is must-win. Two candidates from FL.
Not everyone’s declared. There are at least four women who could be on the GOP ticket – Rice, Ayotte, Martinez, Fiorina. None of them are Palinesque. GOP can pick a Hispanic candidate or one with strong Hispanic ties without going with a lightweight like Castro.
I’m OK with almost all of it. It’s nice to see the GOP talk while Hillary hides. It’s nice to see Bernie Sanders call her out for doing it.
@18 It’s not the people who vote for Republikkkans that are the problem. It’s the two thirds of voters that are not bothering to vote. They are the problem.
As everyone can see, another EPIC FAYLE from rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @11&12! If there was a working brain cell there would have been refutation links. None apparent; back to the old animal farm goat attack.
All this moron has are ad hominem attacks. Sad but true! Those were libtards from libtard links. The Nation definitely is not conservative!
Imagine a Rubio and Condoleeza Rice ticket.
Once again teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, how is Huckabee a Nazi? Nazis were socialists and anti-capitalists.
U on the other hand are still a moron!
Wait for the ape call…
Ok fuckwad…just this once I’ll bite.
What is your POINT? That there is controversy about trans-gender people?
That’s the big news????
Go suck some more jesusjizz you fucking faker.
Meanwhile Hillary is now losing in polls? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....peech.html
– Pollsters contacted 1,618 active voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia
– Results put Hillary Clinton one point behind a ‘generic’ Republican in those critical ‘swing’ states that will determine the 2016 election.
Maybe the Clinton BULLSHITTIUM is finally getting through to the LIVs. Butt not here in WA blue land!
Oh my rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears woke up. Called puddy a fuckwad, when everyone knows the best part of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears intelligence was flushed down the toiled after the event!
THE POINT IS: If you don’t march to the beat of .003% people of the US population and the progressive libtard left, then you are a bigot, trnasgenderphobe, and any other name progressives have in the book. The progressive FASCISTS will even attack progressive women who are claiming they are proud to be women. Proud of their vaginas. Yet for those who claim they are “women” butt are in mens’ bodies that’s now illegal speak! Can’t talk about Vaginas. The Vagina Monologues will now be banned. rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears will make sure of that!
You are a FASCIST just like most every HA DUMMOCRETIN here. Name calling is your claim to fame, direct from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. You operate on that plane perfectly rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Puddy realizes this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over your puny leetle mind rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, butt try and comprehend the FACTS! That’s why Puddy delivered two libtard links moronic one! In it were libtards talking about other libtards and how the FASCIST libtards are attack the women libtards for their own thoughts!
Sad butt true. Can you dig it rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Prolly not being the gutter dweller you are here! Just cut and paste from left wrong sites and it’s so easy to
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The fuckwad is so full of shit his ears stink.
But we all know that here.
All that moron has is:
Him and Bickle…two peas in the same pod.
Thanks for proving Puddy correct again rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
From above: Puddy realizes this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over your puny leetle mind rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, butt try and comprehend the FACTS!
And what did rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears respond with?
Three year old commentary – neenerneenerneenerneener
This fuck is seriously deranged.
Psych 101 Projection Thang @34
They finally spotted rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! https://www.facebook.com/WLBT3/videos/10152810543110653/?fref=nf
Who knew?
@1 I’ve had a couple of hos. I’m sure Graham has too. If you what I mean.
What I find funny about that quote is that that Senator seems to be calling all wives hos, or he’s implying that Graham is gay, and calling men hos.
As I once told my female cousin, all men are pigs.
@5 how do woman who get breast enlargement implants identify themselves? As desperate whores trying to attract a pig who likes the likes of a blow up doll?
@7 are you considering dating or marrying a transsexual? Why do you really care if they can or can’t lubricate themselves.
I think you having erectile dysfunction and ape balls should be more of your worry.
You see, me being more normal than you, didn’t even read your post, past the lubricating part, because it’s nothing I have to concern myself about…..but you have been curious enough to do all the research. Why? You considering it, and the only sticking point is that you will not be lubricated?
@16 more of that freedom talk from the freedom fighting Nazis.
God Bless Ireland – Land of the Free and Brave. America dropping to lower levels everyday, thanks to our Christo-neo-Nazis Republican Party.
@18 they sure are doing a bang-up job with dimming the ring of the liberty bell.
Long Live IRELAND!
@25 maybe they can decide by a cage match. Give them all a gun and a knife, and see who comes out alive.
Huckabee has great things to talk about like how Good People Make Mistakes, even the good child molesters.
It’s great when they talk.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM); another dead toddler.
I can understand why they don’t believe in climate change, man made or not, because you know….they aren’t scientists. But you have to wonder how can they call themselves economists if they can’t even hold it together when they are talking about a failed economy due to their bad policies…..you can’t cry in public about it, hold yourself together and pretend it wasn’t your fault for Christ’s sake.
But I don’t think it is the guilt of being responsible for a failed economy that the Humpback of KansASS is really owning up to, I think it is the booing by his own constituents that is making him cry.
I’ve got nothing but Uber on my mind. Uber, Uber, Uber on my mind. Nothing but Uber, Uber on my mind.
Never mind America is becoming less free. The Country that is supposed to be the freest Country in the World. But Uber, Uber, Uber is on my mind.
Are the Duggar kids safe? Anyone care?
Game one goes to the American People.
re: @46…
“peance and freance”, dude!
Bob this should be the next topic of discussion for the GOP field of Presidential candidates. Such profound thinking going on here.
Oh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla@40, you really miss the point all the time don’t you? U really R that stooooooooopid 24×7. Puddy is a black man… Viagra and Cialis are for whitey!
Think about the links moron! It’s your FASCIST kind eating your own progressive women! Nothing like progressive carnivorism!
U really R stoooooooooopid! You said it yourself teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla. You didn’t read the post.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Only a moronic twit like you doesn’t get it teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
It also is used in more specific form— one’s biological clock is ticking —meaning that a woman may soon be too old to bear a child, as in Her biological clock is ticking—she just turned forty. – The American Heritage Idioms Dictionary.
DAYUM U really B stooooooooooopid! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Seems that big Chinese hack was worse than we thought under Obummer’s sadministration. Not keeping the eye on the ball at home either… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
So the Chinese went after this data last year and Obummer did nothing to firewall it? What a joke.
So Mark Adams… what say you since you are so masterful on security here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
“You are a FASCIST just like most every HA DUMMOCRETIN here. Name calling is your claim to fame”
Irony alert!
I see Puddy is still batshit insane 24/7. Too funny!
Rachel Dolezal. Heh. I’m sure Puddy can relate. He’s been passing himself off as black for years.
Hey, Toonerville, I found a kindred spirit for you!
“Michigan candidate strongly disagrees that black lives matter: ‘When there is any doubt — shoot!’”
Rachel Dolezal. Heh. I’m sure Puddy can relate. He’s been passing himself off as black for years.
Stupid Solution Steve told a funny. Except one small fact… Puddy is DNA black positive from the beginning. Don’t have straight blonde hair and blue eyes!
Not bad Stupid Solution Steve!
I see Stupid Solution Steve is still stoooooooooopid as evah 24/7. Too sad! Stupid Solution Steve used to be challenging. Now a shell of his former self. Kinda like the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit now!
No irony alert there Stupid Solution Steve. Puddy wants your kind to spout off as much as possible. It’s the progressive FASCIST whom stifles all speech they disagree with!
FACTS make it suck to be you!
Wow, Pelosi slapped Obummer a new one! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
@56 Funny!
@2 So what? I pretend to be a rabbit, and it doesn’t damage my credibility. I’m extremely popular on this blog. That’s because I tell the truth about things that really matter.
@58 that sounds like it has a racist overtone, “straight blonde hair and blue eyes”. What if I described every black person as someone with “natty burly hair”?
@60 really funny coming from the freedomless pit of hell.
@58 So you admit you don’t have a drop of rabbit blood? That’s your tough luck.
@61 So you’re a Pelosi cheerleader now? I always knew you’d come around someday.
@61 So you’re a Pelosi cheerleader now?
Wrong again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy just stating FACTS that you can’t comprehend… hence your moronic comment above!
That’s because I tell the truth about things that really matter.
DAYUM FUNNY early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy has identified many untruths over the years early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Especially in things you claim to really matter!
@58 So you admit you don’t have a drop of rabbit blood?
Yes Puddy not a rabid crazed animal as you portray yourself here!
@68 “Puddy just stating FACTS ”
What part of this statement …
“Wow, Pelosi slapped Obummer a new one!”
… is a fact?
@69 You can’t even identify your own shadow.
@70 Yes, it’s obvious you’re not enjoying yourself as much as I am. Being the person pretending to be Puddy just isn’t much fun. You should’ve pretended to be a crow or fox or grouse or something.
Truth and FACTS are funny to a FASCIST such as the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Remember when Puddy confronted you about Brendan Eich of Mozilla how you went nutzo? NO? Need to be refreshed again teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
FASCISM at it’s best!
FACTS early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
From above On Friday, taking the floor minutes before the vote, Pelosi broke her silence: “I will be voting to slow down fast-track,” she declared. “Today, we have an opportunity to slow down. Whatever the deal is with other countries, we want a better deal for American workers.”
It was a fatal blow for Obama, and supportive Democrats were stunned.
“She screwed this president,” one lawmaker fumed, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation. “She pandered to the left. She does not ever want to be outflanked by the left, because that’s her base.”
Pelosi slapped Obummer a new one! Sux to be you IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Proves you can’t read and process FACTS anymore early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! That’s early onset senility is getting worse each day!
@69 You can’t even identify your own shadow.
There is no shadow early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@70 Yes, it’s obvious you’re not enjoying yourself as much as I am.
Oh Puddy is enjoying slapping your BULLSHITTIUM away every day!
And the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit won’t discuss the Obummer’s lack of seriousness in protecting electronic data!
Hey Wabbit, a person you and rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears love!
Hey Puddybud you haven’t gotten around to answering my questions to show your expertise in the industry. Though saying the internet is an industry is right up there with Al Gore claiming to be the father of the internet or some such non sense. I’m sure some folks at DARP still feel the sting though they did like the dollars old Al sent their way.
So dude tell me all about frequency multiplexing.
OR how about them Mariners?
Blaming OBama maybe cool in your book but it’s unproductive and eventually it will come out that these systems and problems were set up during previous administrations. Replacing a network is expensive and it can take years to replace an existing system and have to run the old system until the new one is fully on line, tested and tried.
The problem we are seeing here was identified before the Y2K crises. Which really wasn’t all that much of a crises due to the actual nature the internet and computers and systems.
It has been identified since before then if you want to keep information secure you can’t hook the system up to the internet. You can go the Russian way and keep highly important information on paper. Or like ISIS using runners ad paper to do critical C2 functions, but using the internet to do propaganda and recruiting.
Another way is to have separate systems and keeping information on those separate systems. These systems much be physically separated , electronically, not connected to the internet, grounded separately, ect. Of course when planners tell the folks higher up in the bureaucracy the cost of this separate system, the inconvenience of operating separate systems (particularly when the higher ups are not particularly technically savvy (think of the Boss in Dilbert)) the folks in charge will often decide due to cost to put it all on one computer on all their folks desks and then connect it all to the internet. Encrypting files would be helpful, but to be useful the encrypting and decrypting method has to be on the PC at the persons desk or at least at the IT guys PC and get access to the PC you can eventually get access to the encryption tools as well as the data. Or eventual access to the IT guys computer through the network. Once the camel has its nose under the tent it’s too late.
So Puddy what are your solutions or actual expertise here?
It’s ok to use God, Jesus or the Angel of the Lord if only because I will get a good laugh.
The Rachael Dolezal controversy is at least a bit different. Then again I’m remembering how weird and different things can be in the Spokane area.
I can’t say I entirely get the whole transgendered thing. I think biology says XX it’s female and xy its male and then there are hose other odd things that happen xxx or xxy or hormone weirdness during pregnancy. And there really are folks who have a set of each. (Often parents making a guess for the child which sex it should be when perhaps the child should always be given the right to choose). So yeah it would seem some people may have a very strong identity that they are of the opposite sex. It’s certainly not the same thing as being gay. There maybe some areas of overlap in a ven diagram, but this is about personal identity. Still if it makes someone much more happy in life, more productive, and able to give back to society in someway then that seems more good than the alternative. Good for them. Makes no real difference to me unless they are hot tomato and decide they like me.
@66 @73 ohhhh, he’s all Ape for sure!