– Seattle Bike Blog has endorsements.
– The process for selecting the next Federal judge from Idaho is strange [h/t].
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Seattle Bike Blog has endorsements.
– The process for selecting the next Federal judge from Idaho is strange [h/t].
– The Day the GOP Turned the Benghazi Tragedy Into a Farce
“Authorities say they have seized thousands of guns from a house and warehouse in South Carolina. … Sheriff Jay Brooks tells … WBTV that deputies seized more than 7,000 guns from the property near Pageland, and that he believes the vast majority were stolen. … Brent Nicholson was arrested in connection to the stolen goods, the station reported. … The sheriff said the suspect appears to have been hoarding the guns, most of which were hunting rifles or shotguns, and there’s no evidence he sold any.”
Sounds like someone was planning to equip his own private army. For what purpose, a putsch? I wonder if this guy has rightwing militia ties?
Batshit insanity rules the GOP…
Ben Carson says as ‘volatile’ teen he ‘went after people with hammers’ and tried to stab someone
Lindsey Graham on Carson: ‘At least I didn’t try to murder someone’
Ole Miss has removed Mississippi’s official state flag from its campus by popular demand.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Spurred by the murders of black churchgoers by an aspiring good ol’ boy, the Confederate battle flag is rapidly disappearing from public venues. Pretty soon it’ll only fly from the pickup trucks of good ol’ boys. This is perfectly fine with me. Private property, free speech, you know. Also, I want to know who and what they are, and it’s a lot easier to find out this way. If you fly that flag, I’ll peg you as an ignorant, racist, redneck, tree-hating and coal-loving, sister-dating, Republican-voting, “Deliverance”-type yokel. Also, the war is over, and your side lost.
Ben “no exception for rape” Carson compares rape victims who refuse to submit to forced-birth to slave owners.
Americans love a winner, especially one who lifted himself up by his own bootstraps, with only a small loan from his daddy.
Marco Rubio doesn’t like his job as a U.S. senator, so he won’t do it.
Never mind the fact he’s taking a paycheck signed by the taxpayers. Return the money, Rubio, you crook!
Ben Carson says as ‘volatile’ teen he ‘went after people with hammers’ and tried to stab someone
Those with a clue knew this since 1996 when the Gifted Hands book was first published. Ben found God and we see how many lives Ben saved over the years. Now he wants to save America from DUMMOCRETIN intransigence!
What has the Triple Pressure Packed Puke done for humanity all those years the Triple Pressure Packed Puke has wasted oxygen on the earth? Well he as blogged the Triple Pressure Packed useless Puke thoughts on a web site for years!
Yes those abortions… http://tinseltownmom.com/10-ce.....t-of-rape/
Remember #blacklivesmatter advocate Jesse HiJackson was conceived through rape. Imagine if HiJackson was treated as a product of conception and eridicated from Gaia?
@8 Ahh yesss, we should elect a violent psychopath to the White House because he found Jesus and is right with the Lord now …
@9 Then you’d have had to find someone else to vent your venom against, wouldn’t you?
“Now he wants to save America from DUMMOCRETIN intransigence!”
Now he wants rape victims to be forced to bring a rapist’s child to term. If they don’t don’t, they’re no better than slave owners.
Butt butt butt she claimed to be the one fighting for the little guy. Ohhh… you need big bucksters to be able to afford to fight for the little guy!
Who knew?
@13 What it means is the GOP Klown Kar has careened so far out of control that even the monied classes won’t ride in it anymore.
The Bike Blog endorsements are beyond stupid. If you can’t distinguish between Burgess and Grant, no matter your political perspective, you should stay away from politics.
violent psychopath?
[Spilled content deleted]
Really Roger Senile? You forgot the big buck endorsements identified by Salon long ago for DUMMOCRETIN interests? Chuck Schumer friend of Wall Street from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back? Of course you forgot? You need to visit clueless cretins crazed databaze!
@17 You got something against Democrats having money?
Now he wants rape victims to be forced to bring a rapist’s child to term.
So Jesse Jackson’s mother should have aborted him? Then #someblacklivesmatter wouldn’t have one of their big advocates. The Jena Six would not have made news. The American pilot downed in Syria in 1984 would still be in Syria!
So Eartha Kitt’s mother should have aborted her?
So Layne Beachley’s mother should have aborted the seven-time World Champion surfer?
So Valerie Gatto’s mother should have aborted Miss Pennsylvania 2014?
Do tell Triple Pressure Packed Puke!
You have something BIG TIME against Republicans having money Roger Senile! You been screaming about it since you arrived 10 years ago or so!
The batshit crazy loon @19 obviously agrees with forced-birth for victims of rapists. If the victims of rapists refuse, they’re evil, even worse than slave-owning rapists.
Batshit fucking insanity.
Triple Pressure Packed Puke @21 can’t answer the question… Should Jesse HiJackson’s mother aborted the product of conception?
And everyone can see the “batshit fucking insanity” abounding in the triple pressure packed head!
Puddy, as you know but are pretending not to remember, liberals don’t want women to be forced to have abortions any more than liberals want women to be forced to carry the baby, because that would make them conservatives. We believe that women have the right to be in charge of their bodies and have the choice to give birth or not.
In your world, where is their choice?
Only conservatives are demanding forced births, it generates a lot of campaign cash.
@22. The important fact is that she had the choice to do what she felt was the best thing.
You are being willfully duplicitous to argue otherwise.
“This webpage is not available”
Zombie (u)SP walks with the dead.
If people like puddy thinks women should be forced to give birth against their will, do you think it would be appropriate to force people like puddy totally responsible for those children if the mothers still do not want the children after they are born?
Just ship them right to puddy’s house. Hope he’s got a lot of spare rooms and a large unused college fund.
“Should Jesse HiJackson’s mother aborted the product of conception?”
Learn to “speak American”, you batshit crazy loon.
A victim of a rapist should have the choice. Unfortunately, the batshit crazy loon and the batshit insane Carson would force a woman who was raped to carry the rapist’s child to term. And yet once born, the batshit crazy loon and the batshit insane Carson couldn’t care less if the child were left to die. That’s because they love the fetus and hate the child. What it’s really about is controlling and subjugating women based on their interpretation of the religious beliefs of an ignorant bronze-age Middle-East tribe.
There are many people who are infertile who would make great parents! It’s y’all who are ignorant of facts… http://michellemalkin.com/2008.....adoptions/
Puddy posted this before. Ax the clueless crazed databaze peddler for the replay!
product of conception Triple Pressure Packed Puke?
Phrase coined by a DUMMOCRETIN abortion doctor Triple Pressure Packed Puke!!!!
Sux to have such a Triple Pressure Packed headache that FACTS can’t penetrate that neanderthal cranial orifice!
And yet once born, the batshit crazy loon and the batshit insane Carson couldn’t care less if the child were left to die.
Where has Puddy or Dr. Carson advocated this Triple Pressure Packed Steve Puke?
And everyone can see the “batshit fucking insanity” abounding in the triple pressure packed head!
More FACTS that make libtard heads explode… http://www.frontpagemag.com/po.....greenfield
Seems Conservatives like those leetle black babies born out of wedlock!
Suck on that HA DUMMOCRETINS! Here are the libtards heads exploding on how a Tea Party guy adopts minorities… http://twitchy.com/2014/01/30/.....-out-hate/
Never mind.
Why do DUMMOCRETINS support culling the DONK herd? This is why the illegal alien is your only hope. You’ve killed 50 million or so of your future voting DUMMOCRETINS so you need replacement bodies ASAP! Al Gore would have won in 2000 and again in 2004 if you didn’t invest so heavily in DONKOINFANTICIDE!
A forgotful moron pretending not to remember wrote this above…
Golly forgetful moron pretending not to remember @23 Puddy remembers this… Obummer’s “science czar,” John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, compulsory sterilization, and the creation of a “Planetary Regime” that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet. You know the MIT and Stanford dude Holdren who headed a science policy program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government! Forgot about him eh forgetful moron pretending not to remember @23?
Apparently “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment” didn’t make your reading list eh forgetful moron @23?
Reminds Puddy of Planet of the Apes…
Yeah Puddy is waiting for that idiotic response…
@33 Women have the right to control what happens to their bodies. Why do you choose not to understand that?
@34. I don’t support that either. See @35
Butt pretending not to remember moron @36,
You claimed that Puddy was pretending not to remember! Puddy DID remember John Holdren!
Butt pretending not to remember moron @35,
Then you wholeheartedly support culling the DONK herd and bringing in illegal aliens as replacements!
Who knew?
@8 Is this another example of good Christians making mistakes? But everyone else is a dirty fucking rotten scoundrel?
Do you think only people who find God can change? Can people change without God? How come you don’t forgive everyone else, and cry so much for the death penalty…..some of those guys on death row later find God too.
But only the good Christians make mistakes and are worth of praise, even after molestation and hammer bashing?
Puff you are a fuckwad…….later I’ll find God and repent that.
@8 Josh Duggar for President!!!!!!!
Being Teabagged Constantly has no clue as ever
so go ad hominem,
Ben Carson was not a “Christian” when he did those things moronic Being Teabagged Constantly! If you read his book you’d know these things. Butt as always you prove how much of a LIV you really are each day!
Puddy remembers the recent HA DUMMOCRETIN ad hominem attacks on Kim Davis until the LIV crowd here learned she became a Christian AFTER she remarried her ex-husband. This is why Puddy LAUGHS OUT LOUD at the web sites y’all frequent. The blatant lack of information delivered by these left wrong e-rags is so easily dispelled for lack of truth!
@26 that crosses into new territory…..Puffy, and people like him, doesn’t believe woman should have a choice but rather that they should be forced to give birth…..but if it were a matter of him being forced to take care of that same fetus, that he so dearly cares about, then that’s when he will start to say that woman shouldn’t be having sex. He’s not going to have anything to do with being forced to do anything he doesn’t want.
He thinks he is the owner of the woman’s vagina and uterus.
@27 took the words right out of my mouth (@26) but better done.
@28 yeah, not them gay ones right?
What about the fertile people that don’t know how to be good parents? If your criteria is that kids should be born or not born based on availability of good parents and parenting skills, then there should be more abortions than there are today.
Why do DUMMOCRETINS support culling the DONK herd? This is why the illegal alien is your only hope. You’ve killed 50 million or so of your future voting DUMMOCRETINS so you need replacement bodies ASAP! Al Gore would have won in 2000 and again in 2004 if you didn’t invest so heavily in DONKOINFANTICIDE!
Is that really what you think of those fetus’ as being? Part of the DONK herd? And you are going to try to convince us that, hypothetically, would have supported raising them if they weren’t aborted?
You are one fucking stupid twisted schizophrenic psychopath.
“Is this another example of good Christians making mistakes?
If he is a Christian now, that statement is still valid. The statement I made didn’t infer that I said that he was a Christian when being the hammer crazes psychopath that he is.
“product of conception”
“Phrase coined by a DUMMOCRETIN abortion doctor”
I never used the phrase. Since you can’t deal with the words I wrote, you have to resort to making shit up again.
“A victim of a rapist should have the choice. Unfortunately, the batshit crazy loon and the batshit insane Carson would force a woman who was raped to carry the rapist’s child to term.”
Every word of it true. You would make abortion illegal, even for rape and incest.
“And yet once born, the batshit crazy loon and the batshit insane Carson couldn’t care less if the child were left to die.”
Every word of it true. At the same time you would make forced birth the law of the land, you would eliminate America’s social safety net programs, leaving people, including infants, to die for want of food, housing and healthcare.
“You’ve killed 50 million or so of your future voting DUMMOCRETINS”
You love the fetus, hate the child, especially the children of progressives who, in your twisted, batshit insane mind, will all grow up to become “NAZI SOCIALIST COMMIE FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN scum”.
You are one vile, batshit crazy motherfucker, but I do like the way your head explodes.
“This webpage is not available”
Zombie (u)SP is dead. Horsesass lives.
Sucks to be a wingnut in Washington. Maybe you fuckers ought to move to Alabama. Instead of being a punching bag for progressives, perhaps you could be relevant again, maybe even subjugate some women and shoot some black folk.
Another Republican crook bites the dust.
@45 “You are one fucking stupid twisted schizophrenic psychopath.”
Darryl euphemistically calls it “performance art.” Same thing.
@20 “You been screaming about it since you arrived 10 years ago or so!”
Then you should have no trouble finding a specific link proving this assertion. I’m waiting.
You love the fetus, hate the child
Got Proof Triple Pressure Packed Steve? Or is that triple pressure causing you to hallucinate more and more!
Seems Triple Pressure Packed Steve would have approved Jesse HiJackson’s mother aborting Jesse HiJackson! Who knew?
Every word of it a true from Triple Pressure Packed Steve. Puddy sure Jesse would be proud of Triple Pressure Packed Steve! BTW Triple Pressure Packed Steve you never answered why your religion has more than one wife. One not good enough for ya?
At the same time you would make forced birth the law of the land, you would eliminate America’s social safety net programs, leaving people, including infants, to die for want of food, housing and healthcare.
– Where? Got Proof Triple Pressure Packed Steve? Scan the HA DUMMOCRETIN archives! Since you can’t deal with the words Puddy writes, Triple Pressure Packed Steve resorts to making its silly shit up again.
“You’ve killed 50 million or so of your future voting DUMMOCRETINS” – and the truth hurts Triple Pressure Packed Steve!
“And yet once born, the batshit crazy loon and the batshit insane Carson couldn’t care less if the child were left to die.” – that’s your side Triple Pressure Packed Steve! Revisit #31 for additional insight since you missed it before!
Roger Senile @50,
You are so forgetful… Da Perfessa claimed Puddy only believed 10% of what Puddy posted, hence performance art! So Puddy posted mostly from DONK sites for the rest of that day.
DAYUM U can’t remember what the DONK post either! Sad dude. You need really mental ASSistance!
[Spilled content deleted]
The batshit crazy loon’s only redeeming quality – spectacular head explosions.
About 1,800 results (0.48 seconds)
Sux to be senile!
Trump’s supporters are increasingly reminiscent of you-know-who’s brownshirts. And he’s encouraging it.
Life gonna be great for Senate DUMMOCRETINS next year… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....al-looms-/
“You’ve killed 50 million or so of your future voting democrats ”
Thats why liberals win hearts and minds more that conservatives, we value women, you apparently see them as breeding mechanisms.
Another proud member of the Guns Make Us Safer (TM) crowd shows us what Responsible Gun Ownership (pat. pend.) looks like.
[Spilled content deleted]
The Steve Jobs movie – DOG! Who wants to know about a DUMMOCRETIN kissing DUMMOCRETIN ASS? We lived this!
Butt watch… when that liar of a revisionist history movie on Dan Rather and Mary Mapes comes out… DUMMOCRETINS will run to see it!
@61 Personally, I’m a big fan of slanted political movies that make Republicans look bad. That’s why I watched the Benghazi hearings.
I seem to remember something about people going after Bill Clinton for not inhaling. I seem to remember something about Obama’s “Interceptions.”
I seem to remember something about a photo you posted just last week of a college age Hillary Clinton sitting in the vicinity of a confederate flag…
Hypocrite much?
Why is high school football suddenly killing so many players? Seven deaths so far this year.
@9 & 19
Oh Piddles, Piddles, Piddles.
Nice straw man arguement.
Should all of those women have the right to decide how they should proceed as crime victims and decide for themselves if carrying a rapist’s child to term is something they, as crime victims, are emotionally prepared to do?
The idea isn’t should all rape victims be required to abort their fetus. Never has been.
Glad to know you respect wome so much that if they are raped they should be required to walk around with a reminder of that blessed day for at least nine months if not a lifetime.
The number one killer of Black Americans? Abortion… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....americans/
Nope not cops!
The Trump Fade looks real. Carson is crushing him in Iowa.
@66 And that, in Piddles’ mind, makes it okay for cops to kill blacks …
No, she did not have a real choice. Jessie Jackson was born in 1941 so if his mother could have obtained an abortion in South Carolina in 1940-41at the age of 16 it most certainly would have been less than safe by modern standards.
I can only speculate but the fascination with Jessie Jackson in remarkable.
Thought experiment. Abortion was safe and legal for a 16 year old in 1941 and Jessie Jackson does not exist.
In the science fiction world of Piddles where he is implying that the world without Jessie Jackson would be vastly different perhaps Dr. Martin Luther King would not have been the figure he was. Perhaps he would not have been assasinated. Perhaps without Jessie Jackson being at the Lorraine Motel the civil rights movement would have died right there with Dr. King. The South would be segregated still. Without Jessie Jackson there would have been NO ONE to continue the work.
It sure is hard to imagine a world where Jessie Jackson wasn’t born. He’s essential to everything.
Because raping your wife is okay if you’re a right-wing extremist fundamentalist Christian. Further right-wing extremist Christian rape advice is offered: You’ll enjoy it more if you don’t look at your wife’s face while you’re raping her.
“Christian website: Don’t look at your wife’s face during sex to enjoy it even when she resists”
“PA Supreme Court candidate suggested lesbians provoke men into shooting them by ‘fondling each other’”
Ladies of Pennsylvania, please keep in mind that if you and your lover are shot dead by a hate-filled wingnut while fondling each other, it’s your fault, as you provoked the hate-filled wingnut to kill you.
Trump boasted he’ll win the Hispanic vote. He’s got about 90% of the Hispanic vote to go.
This has gotta fuck with some wingnut ‘screw-your-employees’ narratives. Best for folks like Bob to ignore this one and wait to see if it’ll go away and be forgotten. Maybe in the meanwhile a Seattle restaurant will close to boost his spirits.
“After CEO Raised Minimum Salary To $70,000, Revenue Doubled”
Because he says so…
“Pat Robertson Proclaims: Gay Marriage Is Illegal!”
“Televangelist Pat Robertson reacted to the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality with warnings about bestiality, imprisonment, tyranny, financial collapse and God’s wrath.”
Figures that extremist right-wing Christians like the batshit crazy loon would have beastiality on the brain, what with their thing for goats.
What A Right-To-Work Economy Looks Like
“One man, who works for parts supplier Magnetti Marelli, which opened its first lighting-production plant in Tennessee in 2013, told me that employees are required to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week. For this, they earn $12 an hour. The man, who didn’t want his name used for fear of retribution from the company, said the job has scarred his hands because he has to work quickly with wire harnesses, but that he can’t quit because he has a family to support. ‘The labor laws in the United States ought to stand up and say you can’t do this to a human being,’ he told me. …
“Magnetti Marelli, like most manufacturing plants in the South, is not unionized. And those who work at such plants likely won’t see the sort of mobility that [union workers have] experienced. The compensation for these jobs is not on step with today’s economy: Wages for workers at non-union automotive plants have fallen 14 percent from 2003 to 2013, when adjusted for inflation, according to the National Employment Law Project.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fortunately, I’m financially independent, so I don’t have to put up with this shit. I feel sorry for people who do. But I don’t understand why so many of them keep voting for Republicans.
Dr. Martin Luther King would not have been the figure he was.
Wow that crackerjack box dr checkmate is a real winner there. Dr King was a man unto himself. Jesse Jackson was part of the entourage. Jesse was a clinger while Dr. King was a trailblazer.
And this is what’s known as DUMMOCRETIN thought?
@77 What does that make HA’s resident Uncle Tom?
Even though he’s surging in polls, Carson’s campaign has serious problems. For one, he’s fast burning through his money — partly because his high fundraising costs mean he has to spend most of his money on bringing in money. Another problem is his lack of endorsements. Why is this important? Because endorsements bring in volunteers and local organizations. But Carson’s biggest problem is the reason he’s surging: He’s been embraced by evangelicals, a group too far out of the mainstream to elect a president. Being the candidate of the evangelicals will take him a certain distance — but no further. Like the problem Rand Paul has by being the candidate of the libertarians.
What does extreme fiscal austerity get you? Sam Brownback is now less popular in Kansas than Obama. (Was that even possible?) Congressional Republicans may want to take notice before they eviscerate Medicare and Social Security, highway funding, the Ex-Im Bank, and a host of other federal programs they’re itching to take meataxe swipes at.
Imagine if the Persian Gulf became too hot to live there.
“Jesse was a clinger while Dr. King was a trailblazer.”
And the loon and Carson are simply batshit insane.
I am looking forward to seeing how bad it has to get before they start electing a different type of politician and or discover the electronic vote was being hacked
66 puddy are you willing to stand up and be a man and take responsibility for some of those children you want to be forced to be birthed?
So you were saying something about how great it was that his mother couldn't decide not to carry the result of rape to term. What's the worst that could have happened? A clinger, a member of the entourage wouldn't be here and the world would not be noticeably different.
Thanks for backing me up.
The minimum wage hike has killed off another thriving restaurant.
Rock Bottom Brewery chain is closing in Bellevue. Wait…Bellevue. Well it is the Seattle MSA so IT COUNTS!
“Donald Trump: No apology for questioning Ben Carson’s Seventh-day Adventist faith”
“I’m Presbyterian, he said. “Boy, that’s down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about.”
Trump dismissed a suggestion by host George Stephanopoulos that by mentioning Carson’s religious affiliation he was trying to “send a dog whistle” to “some conservatives [who] claim the Seventh-day Adventists are not Christian.”
“No, not at all,” Trump said.
“The Seventh-day Adventist Church has struggled historically to be accepted by mainstream Protestants. It traces its roots to lay theologian William Miller, who predicted the return of Jesus Christ in 1844, the movement was abandoned by some of its early followers and dismissed as a cult after Miller’s prediction didn’t pan out.”
Geez, and Trump didn’t even mention the fact that Ben Carson believes the pope is the Antichrist. And not a word from Trump about how Ben, the batshit crazy loon and the rest of the members of their SDA doomsday cult believe that they and nobody else will get their one-way tickets to Heaven punched when Ben opens the presidential briefcase and keys in the nuclear code.
Trump knows this stuff by now, so if Carson continues to rise in the polls with evangelical support, I see it coming. I suspect yesterday’s remarks were intended as a warning shot to Carson and a reminder to evangelical Christians about just who and what they are supporting in Ben Carson. If it doesn’t sink in, he lets loose with both barrels.
I hope the billionaire developer/reality show star takes Carson out. It’s bad enough having a batshit crazy loon in these threads. Imagine having one in the Oval Office with his finger hovering over the button.
@77 What does that make HA’s resident Uncle Tom?
Uncle Tom? From you?
Poor crackerjack box dr checkmate… Did you get that from AEI?
Backing you up? Truly crackerjack delusional out of the box dr checkmate strikes again…
I Win I Win claims crackerjack box dr checkmate. All crackerjack box dr checkmate has is twisting what Puddy clearly wrote above.
“what Puddy clearly wrote”
LMFAO!! Now that’s some funny shit.
@66 you should be careful posting information like that, you’ll start to get a bunch of pro lifers to switch over pretty fast.
Lunatic sighting @91
James Comey stepped off the reservation and Obummer’s sadministration is pizzed. http://www.npr.org/sections/th.....iolent-cri
Who has the available evidence? The whitey house or the FBI Director?
Deep DUMMOCRETIN political malfeasance going on trial soon in NY. http://nypost.com/2015/10/26/s.....blic-life/
DUMMOCRETIN really are pond SCUM!
The Rock Bottom closing may have been from lack of customer traffic or had the lease not renewed so they redevelop. From the comments, affordable food and drink because they paid low wages was not the issue.
“So with just the Taphouse left there, that Galleria thing is primed to get dropped & replaced with yet another 30+ story complex. I can’t wait for the high end clothing boutique & 30 dollar a plate tapas restaurants that will go in.
Remember when the Galleria had an arcade, a movie theater, and a Hooters? Plus a woefully oversized Tower records? Those were the days.”
Having taken a couple years off from HA, I remembered Puddy fondly. You know, like that crazy great-uncle you only see on holidays. Holy fuck, coming back, I forgot how totally crazy he is. Good God, Puddy, do you remember that you’re supposed to wipe after you shit, or do you wipe first?
@96 This isn’t the Puddy you remember. His mental illness has gotten progressively worse. They keep him in a straitjacket most of the time now, but they let him out for exercise one hour a day.
The answer Puddy on all those people you mentioned who obviously were not aborted and may or may have been is that the woman who had should have the choice to have an abortion. It’s not for us to question their decision. Some 16 year old pregnant females are going to choose to have a baby out of wed lock and other are going to choose to have an abortion. Not an easy choice but one a woman has in this country.
Perhaps you are advocating for the People’s Republic of China policy of one and your done. Get pregnant again we will choose for you.
The biggest thing learned from Heilary and the Benghazi hearings… DUMMOCRETINS do NOT care if their politicians are honest!
“We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack—not a protest.” Clinton to Egypt
To DUMMOCRETINS lies don’t matter! Unless of course a Republican tells a lie! Then of course hell has frozen over!
“Deep DUMMOCRETIN political malfeasance going on trial soon
DUMMOCRETIN really are pond SCUM!”
Eat it, my batshit insane bitch.
“The legacy of Dennis Hastert is already in shambles.
The former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to walk into a federal courtroom Wednesday, plead guilty to criminal misconduct and take his place as possibly the highest-ranking Illinois politician ever convicted.
But in doing so, the Republican might also seal a deal with federal prosecutors designed to keep secret the most embarrassing details of alleged sexual misconduct dating to Hastert’s days as a high school teacher and wrestling coach.”
It figures. After all, it’s common knowledge that the batshit insane are into duggaring kids. Even farm animals.
Nope… And that one and done is not all over China either!
$15/hr anyone?
“the Benghazi hearings…”
Babbling jackass.
Anyways, Hillary kicked butt for 11 hours and then brushed wingnuts off like so much lint on her shoulder. In fact, it went so bad for wingnuts, O’Malley wants Gowdy to investigate him too.
Speaking of Benghazi! and the wingnut Klown show, try doing a Google search using ‘Trey Gowdy banjo’. The images at the top of the screen should leave little doubt in your mind that Trey Gowdy was the kid playing banjo on the porch in Deliverance.
“Having taken a couple years off from HA, I remembered Puddy fondly.”
Sad to tell you, proudleftist, but you missed it when the loon went 24/7 batshit insane on us and became nothing but a babbling jackass.
Compared to even a few years ago I think he’s just gotten a whole lot lazier.
Anyways, isn’t it remarkable to consider the performance of the people who claim to be all about efficiency and results?
Two years of tax funded hearings and testimony aimed at bringing down a political opponent. Only to boost her numbers?
Or two years and thousands of hours of fakery, illegal surveillance and fabrication costing millions of dollars aimed at empowering the death-cult caucus in the house. Only to enrich a handful of greedy consultants and replace Boehner with Boehner Jr?
Put them in charge and they’ll rebuild ‘Murica like they rebuilt Iraq.
Yes, more evidence DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....-business/
Whole Foods loves them some DUMMOCRETINS… https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/toprecips.php?id=D000031048&cycle=2014 And the Obummer gang attacked them!
Compared to even a few years ago I think he’s just gotten a whole lot lazier.
More proof you are lib the unscientist… closeted foreplay @96 didn’t exist here a couple of years ago!
B U S T E D!
Wrong again about Benghazi.
1) The committee received the week before the Chris Stevens 5000+ emails. He was asking for more protection… No other committee received them before.
2) We learned that unlike the Watergate hearings of the 1970s, Elijah Lapdog Cummings and other committee DUMMOCRETINS played politics vs. asking probing, real depth questions looking at why Heilary acted the way she did; even going home while the attack was still happening.
3) We learned how Elijah Lapdog Cummings and other committee DUMMOCRETINS played politics when the Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) emails were vetted. Trey Gowdy had to let Elijah know it was Heilary who claimed to want all her State Department emails known.
4) The State Department hid the fact Heilary had a personal email server. No other committee knew that before.
5) We learned that Heilary emailed Chelsea that the Libyan attack was by terrorists not a video. No other committee knew that before.
6) We learned that the Libyan Prime Minister and Egyptian President learned the truth that the Libyan attack was by terrorists not a video. No other committee knew that before.
7) We learned that while State was telling the truth to Libya and Egypt, Heilary never contacted the Joint Chiefs or the Secretary of Defense to request additional resources protect our people in Libya! No other committee knew that before.
8) We learned Chris Stevens did not know Heilary’s personal email server address and could not reach her. No other committee knew that before.
9) We know the 3 AM need for additional protection call came in and Heilary was not available. No other committee knew that before.
10) We learned that Heilary went home after she found out Sean Smith and Chris Stevens had died. We also learned she stayed home after the second attack that killed Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. No other committee knew that before.
11) We learned that Heilary never ever contacted the families of Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods or Glen Doherty. No other committee knew that before.
12) We know Heilary was front and center getting Khaddafi out of Libya but didn’t care about the other details like Chris Stevens security. No other committee knew that before.
13) Heilary claims to take responsibility for Stevens death butt we never learn what her real job responsibilities were besides flying to 110+ countries and having photo ops! She claimed she never knew about the Stevens emails asking for additional security! Optics HA DUMMOCRETINS!
14) We learned that once Chris Stevens was in Libya, Heilary never contacted Chris Stevens by email or phone call. In fact the ambassador had no direct way to contact her. It was either through Huma or Cheryl. Heilary admitted that under oath! No other committee knew that before.
15) The Obummer sadministration has gone out of it’s way to reclassify confidential and top secret materials as not top secret or confidential since March 15 when the email server became national news. No other committee knew that before.
16) Heilary claimed she had nothing to do with Huma Abedin being authorized to work other clandestine jobs when her emails told a different story. No other committee knew that before.
17) Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit), liar of 9/11 activities (hired coverup artist for Jamie Gorelick’s wall) was Heilary’s “top intelligence officer for Libya” against the directives of Obummer and gang. Sid had Heilary’s email and phone number. Ambassador Stevens did not! Sid was part of Heilary’s inner circle. No other committee knew that before.
18) We learned while working for Heilary, Sid was also on the Clinton Charity Crime Family payroll. No other committee knew that before.
19) We learned while working for Heilary, Sid was also on the Media Morons payroll. No other committee knew that before. People do know George Soros helps bankroll Media Morons!
20) We learned no one was fired although Gregory Hicks was demoted for telling the truth about Benghazi! Greg Hicks was the Deputy Chief of mission/chargé d’affairs in Libya. He was congratulated for his stalwart actions in Libya by Obummer and Heilary. He was demoted when he found out Stevens asked for additional protection and started asking why the video lie was being offered to America while Egypt and Libyan officials received the official Al Qaeda was behind the attacks. When asked about this Heilary played dumb! Wait… that’s not an act!
Remember Politifact… friend of many HA DUMMOCRETINS wrote this…
Only the one word phrase which Triple Pressure Packed Steve reacts to…
Eat it, my batshit insane bitch.
Triple Pressure Packed Steve’s head went
once again!
You DUMMOCRETINS are a funny bunch…
The State of Texas has decided that it is not at all obnoxious to allow deadly concealed weapons in classrooms, however it DOES have strict rules about free sexual expression, to protect your innocence. You would receive a citation for taking a DILDO to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class. Heaven forbid the penis.
Then… http://concealedcampus.org/201.....on-campus/
Puddy notices when caught, HA DUMMOCRETINS run! Post #99 is another TRUTH!
Shorter: “I am one of the 3% of Americans who are glued to Fox News and Right Wing Radio and believe every minute of it and this is what they tell me is the truth.”
“I am one of the 3% of Americans who are glued to Fox News and Right Wing Radio and believe every minute of it and this is what they tell me is the truth.”
It’s why he is known as the babbling jackass and batshit crazy loon.
crackerjack box dr checkmate can’t dispel any of those 20 truths so attack Puddy.
Saul Alinsky tactics!
U lose again crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Are Goldy, Darryl and Carl still allowing the fucking lunatic fuckwad to pollute these threads?
@115 Please let him prattle on. I may need from time to time someone to ask how or who to vote for, so I know to vote exactly opposite. It’s a free public service. Thank you Puddy.