I realized that I haven’t watched a playoff game this football season, and it’s great. I have 2 teams that I root for, and neither made the playoffs.
So now there isn’t a chunk taken out of the weekend. I don’t have to watch interminable replays. I don’t have to see injury after injury.
Watching football is a waste of time…..now playing it might be fun, but watching it is a waste of good time.
Go to the gym and pick-up a weight or jog on a treadmill….do something with your time…and if you already do, then do more, stop watching this stupid bullshit game that is all subjective to two or three men dress in zebra suits. What value comes from it? Could one spend better use of their time?
More signs of trouble for Republicans: In a special election for a Wisconsin state senate seat held by the GOP for years, which went to the GOP candidate by 26 points in 2016, the Democrat won by 9 points.
So Uber rich is, private schools, summers in Europe, country club set has met people WAY more racist than his father?
Republicans. For your own safety, don’t go within a country mile of them.
@3 “He is the least racist person I have ever met in my entire life.”
That doesn’t say much for his friends and associates, does it?
Maybe one reason rural Wisconsin voters who’ve voted Republican all their lives, and whose relatives and friends have all voted Republican all their lives, don’t trust Republicans anymore is because no one is really safe from fallout.
“Real” unemployment is a dumb thing to talk about. I’ve posted a lot why so I won’t get into it.
But some economic data 45, and our
stockhorse trading troll don’t want to talk about.U.S. trade deficit is at the highest level since 2012. The dollar is dropping against world currencies which should help companies sell products abroad but it isn’t. There are lots of factors involved but one that impacts the value of the dollar is tourism. Foreigners converting currency to dollars to travel to the U.S. props up the dollar. Google Trump Slump.
Still a weak dollar in normal times works to balance out the trade deficit. That’s not happening now and spells some concerns about inflation and consumer spending
“It’s not racist if its true…
And you can show that immigrants are illiterate? Or is that an assumption you’re making that isn’t even remotely racist.
@8 In other words, Russia won’t take MAGAs, so we’re stuck with them.
Heard of the Girther Movement? Now you have …
Wherein Joe Arpaio claims his contempt of court conviction is equivalent to getting cited for “a barking dog.”
Oh, and he didn’t realize he admitted guilt by accepting Trump’s pardon, either. But he knows now.
More proof that Demorats hate America, Demorats want more crime;
“DACA-aged illegals commit crimes at twice the rate of young Americans, says a comprehensive summary of crimes and convictions in Arizona during the past 32 years.”
Why don’t I just leave that there so every one can see it more clearly.
P.S. your “highly credible journalistic source” links to a dead web page. There appears to be absolutely no such report.
I’m so surprised.
If true, obstruction of justice is no longer theoretical.
“DACA-aged illegals”
Which is the exact same thing as “DACA recipients”. Dumbfuck trolls.
Deferred Action Eligibility Checklist for Form I-821D
To request Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, you must meet the following DACA requirements:
You were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012;
You entered the United States prior to your 16th birthday;
You have resided in the United States since June 15, 2007 and currently are present in the U.S.;
You were in the United States on June 15, 2012 and must be physically in the U.S. at the time of filing for your request for deferred action;
You entered the United States without border inspection before June 15, 2012, or your immigration status expired prior to June 15, 2012;
You must be currently in school, have graduated, or obtained an equivalent certificate of completion from high school, successfully obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or must have been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States; and
You must not have been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, three or more other misdemeanors, and must not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
In order to file for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the following documents will need to be provided as evidence that you are eligible.
Providing the following documents will prove that you entered the United States before the age of 16, that you have lived in the U.S. for five years and that you were present in the U.S. as of June 15th, 2012.
Financial records
Medical records
School records
Employment records, or
Military records
In order to indicate that you are or were in school, have graduated, are in the Armed Forces or had been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces, you will need to provide the following:
GED certificate
Report card
High-school transcript
Report of separation form
Military personnel record, or
Military health record
“Immigrants are in fact much less likely to commit crime than natives, and the presence of large numbers of immigrants seems to lower crime rates.”
“This disparity also holds for young men most likely to be undocumented immigrants: Mexican, Salvadoran, and Guatemalan men.”
“Today, the belief that immigrants are more likely to commit crimes is perpetuated by ‘issue entrepreneurs’ who promote the immigrant-crime connection in order to drive restrictionist immigration policy.”
The National Academy of Sciences study also concluded that it sucks to be a dumbfuck troll.
Wherein a Republican U.S. Senator asserts that Norway “borders Russia.” (Hint: It doesn’t, unless you consider Sweden part of Russia.)
This thread is strangely doctor dumbfuck and babbling butthole free..
Very nice to see
Oh some butt ignorant breitbart-programmed dumbass had to stink it up some but still.
Great website to track the demise of dirty coal electricity plants:
268 of those filthy plants have been closed since 2010. 262 to go.
And didja all hear that scary Rick Perry’s plan to help coal and nukes was rejected?
It would raise electricity rates!
Oh this day got gooooooood…
Take it away Stormy Daniel (but the ‘evagelicals’ will still support 45 because…)
@17 From the rightwing Cato Institute:
“News of individual DREAMers committing crimes contributed to the public perception that DREAMers are disproportionately crime prone …. In fact, DREAMers have lower incarceration rates than native-born Americans of the same age and education level. … There is a vast body of empirical literature showing that legal and illegal immigrants do not increase local crime rates, are less likely to commit crimes than their native-born peers, and are less likely to be incarcerated than are native-born Americans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This, of course, makes perfect sense. Immigrants, legal and illegal, come here for a better life and/or economic opportunities. Some are fleeing violence in their home countries. Why would they, especially illegals, call attention to themselves and risk getting themselves and their families deported by getting in trouble with the law? These are people who, logically, want to keep a low profile. The actual data — as opposed to the bullshit circulated by rightwing propaganda outlets — are entirely consistent with this. Blaming all DREAMers for crimes committed by a few is nothing more than discriminatory profiling based on national origin, ethnicity, or race.
“NonPartisian” group expressly created to prove that “More Guns = Less Crime” puts out a press release and won’t show the methodology of a study that in their summary (press release) says they only looked at one of 50 states.
They want dullards like you to cite this study.
Here’s a few things that are problematic.
Dealing only with those who are entering prison. You might want to google the relative conviction rate in Arizona of People of color to white people. I’ll give you a hint, white people who are charged stand a huuuuuuuuuuge (yugely) better chance of being aquited.
“Daca-aged eligible” isn’t a real phrase and in this case is intentionally misleading. Since we can’t know the methodology of the survey we can only go on hints the totally trustworthy Breitbart gives us. That is they are looking at “Undocumented” as a whole and generalizing. Daca deals with people who entered the U.S. as minors, but one can’t assume that every undocumented “Daca Age Eligible” person convicted, again in one single state, is eligible. Did said person come to the U.S. in 2010 as a 19 year-old. Well we won’t show you our data but we’ll count that as “Daca Age Elligible.” Under the age of 31 prior to 2012 is “Daca Age Elligible.” But were they here at age under 16 before 2007 to be actually eligible? Who knows? “We won’t show you. All that really matters for our data is that they were under 31 in 2012 and then they count!”
This is so bad a stretch that even the most rabid partisan should be able to sniff it out so no wonder it’s reported as fact on Breitbart and will likely be cited for the next several years on Fox News and the right wing radio chamber.
And you lapped it up. Good puppy. Wait to piddle until you get outside.
@19 Understandable. It’s hard to be a troll these days, with the GOP drawing righteous condemnation from multiple quarters, so it’s not surprising they’re hiding in their holes.
Yesterday’s upset in a Wisconsin state senate special election now has Paul Ryan’s attention.
“Tuesday’s win was the latest in a series of victories for Democrats since Trump’s inauguration. The party has flipped 34 state legislative seats nationwide, compared with just four pick-ups for the GOP.”
Anyone see a trend here?
Wherein a GOP senator compares Congress to the “Jerry Springer Show” and posits we haven’t heard from aliens because ET wants nothing to do with us.
Nothing creepy about this.
‘Goodbye lunch’: Internet barfs after Stormy Daniels claims Trump told her she was ‘just like his daughter’
Just a reminder.
“Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl”
Can you guess whose daughter was 13 years old at the time?
Hmm…how could a survey reach so different a conculsion?
Most economists were skeptical of Republican claims of tax-cut trickle-downs to lowly workers, and so far, events seem to be proving them right.
“Despite a handful of high-profile announcements, the recent cuts in corporate taxes haven’t yet had a meaningful impact on American companies’ plans to boost investment or raise workers’ pay, a CNBC survey of large companies found.”
Meanwhile, stocks are shooting skyward, and obviously not because investors are anticipating that workers will get the tax-cut windfall. Wall Street is saying investors, not workers, will get that money. It’s also making a judgment about which consumers will be spending tax-cut money:
Yep, that’s it, a better life for the rich, while the people who built this country ponder potential cuts to Medicare, and wonder whether they’ll get their Social Security checks next month.
It’s not real hard to figure out why Republicans are losing elections right down to the dogcatcher level.
“Anyone see a trend here?”
I was talking about trends at the end of the last thread. For a stock trader, a trend is their friend. For Republicans, not so much. Not these days. Trends continue until broken and this one is still ramping up. They need more help from Putin.
The good Doctor of HA must be busy toady, remeasuring Drumpf’s penis to reevaluate his girthyness.
The loon will be back and he’s gonna be full of HATE!
“John Spellman, Washington’s last Republican governor and the first King County executive, died yesterday at age 91. Praised as a true statesman and a deeply spiritual man,” he stood up to his own party in blocking a planned oil pipeline under Puget Sound, and helped put Seattle on the big-time sports map with the creation of the King dome.”
Once upon a time, when Republicans would stand up against their own party and do the right thing.
Times have certainly changed.
The orange buffoon passes this test…
…and then says this.
“He blamed his three immediate predecessors, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, for failing to resolve the crisis and, a day after his doctor gave him a perfect score on a cognitive test, suggested he had the mental acuity to solve it.”
“I guess they all realized they were going to have to leave it to a president that scored the highest on tests,” he said.
Yeah, no way any of those other guys would know a lion or camel when they see one, not even the usurper from Kenya.
Orange buffoon recognizes a shithole when he sees one.
He bends down and voila.
Learn how to use electronic media Einstein, the page loads fine.
So little low life Scotty Walker was freaked out about a special election..
The freak doesn’t know how to begin to suppress votes in a Republican district. Damn…
It’s sure looking good for November.
Why Demorats don’t want a Border Wall;
by John Binder17 Jan 2018Washington, D.C.
“A previously deported illegal alien accused of murdering two California sheriff’s officers had an outburst during his murder trial on Tuesday where he explained that he “wished” he had killed more American cops.
Luis Bracamontes, a 37-year-old illegal alien from Mexico who allegedly shot and killed Detective Michael Davis and Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver in October 2017, told the Sacramento, California jury that he wanted to kill “more of the motherf**kers,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
“I wish I had killed more of the motherf*ckers,” the illegal alien said.
I will break out soon and I will kill more, kill whoever gets in front of me… There’s no need for a f*cking trial,” the illegal alien said as he smiled.”
The Cato Institute is a Libertarian organization.
Here is something interesting… https://www.axios.com/another-record-high-for-stocks-1516224127-fd84a462-3882-49f4-a99c-72c42e9a7d80.html
26,116 – #1 FAKE News Story) The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claiming markets would ‘never’ recover from Trump presidency
Oh yeah… Apple https://www.axios.com/apple-giving-2500-in-stock-to-its-rank-and-file-employees-1516227511-7990e1f3-9ee3-4ecf-9bf7-7f4c13c3b7b8.html
Puddy Commentary: Now why didn’t that happen under Obummer? http://www.heraldtribune.com/a.....191697/SH/
FACTS… called hate by shitstain steve and the gutter dwelling clueless crazed databaze cretin
— Apple’s Jobs to Obama: “jobs aren’t coming back” to U.S. —
Till Next Time
A1 @36,
Could be the swamp rat Klamath Mountain hillbilly uses a sucky web browser?
Till Next Time!
John Stossel says the Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing, money grubbing slander machine. He’s got a good video over at Reason.com. Morris Dees is a fraud. If he and his ilk don’t agree with a person, they label that person and his or her organization a “hate group.” Yet they love the money they raise.
Anyone who donates to this fraudster is a fool.
Thanks for finally joining the party… Puddy been saying this for years…http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....emist.html
@39 Like I said, rightwing.
@40 The headline: “The company also promised to create 20,000 new jobs ….”
The fine print: “The job creation will include direct employment and also suppliers and its app business, which it had already planned to grow substantially ….”
As for the rest of your rant, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that massively cutting corporate taxes means corporations have more money. But corporations are just conduits for money so the real question is who ends up with that money? Executives, shareholders, or workers?
The people who need the most help from economic policy are the unemployed, underemployed, and low-wage workers. How much do you think those folks benefit from the rising stock market?
Yeah, thought so. All they’ll get is less Medicaid and food stamps, and if they voted for Trump that’s what they deserve.
@42 Can’t expect Nazis to love anti-Nazis.
“I will break out soon and I will kill more, kill whoever gets in front of me… There’s no need for a f*cking trial,” the drumpf voting white-supremacist said as he smiled.”
Yep, remember Eric Rudolph?
From the link @43 graciously provided by our friend Pudnuts:
“Among the reasons the SPLC gave for initially putting Carson on the list includes a March 26, 2013 interview on Fox News’ ‘Hannity.’ In that interview, Carson said, ‘Marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Love Association], be they people who believe in bestiality — it doesn’t matter what they are, they don’t get to change the definition.’ The SPLC also took Carson to task for similar remarks made to ‘The Baltimore Sun’ on March 29, 2013 as well as in his book, ‘America the Beautiful,’ where he linked redefining marriage based on societal pressures to the ‘dramatic fall of the Roman Empire.’ … Though the SPLC apologized for putting Carson on the list, it maintains Carson has ‘made a number of statements that express views that we believe most people would conclude are extreme’ and said ‘we believe that his views should be closely examined.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not as bashful as SPLC. I think lumping gays together with NAMBLA and “people who believe in bestiality,” and suggesting gay marriage could cause our society to collapse, qualifies as “hate speech.” I would put Carson on that list, keep him on it until he repudiated those views, and apologize for nothing.
“John Stossel says the Southern Poverty Law Center is a left wing, money grubbing slander machine.”
Heh. Yeah, everyone SPLC “slanders” votes for Drumpf. I guess Stossel has no choice but to say that if the freak wants to keep getting paid.
@49 I want to see Trump’s certified girth certificate. I don’t believe he weighs only 239 lbs.
I’d say he’s closer to a 500-lb. bomb than a 250-lb. bomb, except he’s made of cholestorol instead of TNT, and if he were dropped from an airplane all he’d do is make a big greasy mess on the target.
Drumpf inspired terrorists in action:
Any undocumented or muslims in that group?
That article breaks down Drumpf loving/Obama hating terrorists outnumbering islamist-styled almost 2 to 1.
Wow! How generous of Apple. 2.5 large for every employee. A company the babbling butthole loves as it uses its products to troll HA.
Lets do the math..
245.5 billion – 38 billion to the feds leaves 207.5 billion..
78k employees * 2.5k each means 195 MILLION
or 0.09 PERCENT of that 207 billion… How generous! So we’re left with 206.805 billion. Subtract another 30 billion for capital plans and what do we have?
176.805 BILLION to make the rich richer! Doncha luv it?
clueless cretin @52,
Apple supports the DUMMOCRETIN! It’s leader is a big time gay DUMMOCRETIN!
Nuff Said Sucka!
Till Next Time!
And you support Apple as you use its products to troll HA and that 176.8 billion will support Democrats?
How smart of Apple to use fucked up klownservatic policies to support Democrats. Things are looking good for November!
Interesting indeed!
The babbling butthole PRAYS Apple will use that 176.8 billion to make the rich richer..
As its kult intended.
@52 Cheaper than giving them a pay raise. And according to this website,
the average Apple salary is about $100k, so that bonus amounts to all of 2.5% of the average employee’s annual pay, which is roughly the projected inflation rate for this year.
From management’s point of view, the really nice things about these stock gifts are:
(1) You don’t have to pay in cash;
(2) You only have to pay once;
(3) The risk of the stock going down is on the employee;
(4) You can milk compensation you were going to give your employees anyway for publicity and political purposes.
Meanwhile, ever since the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31, I’ve been making roughly a dollar a minute by doing absolutely nothing except sitting on my ass watching my stocks go up.
Obviously, this is happening because money that used to go to Uncle Sam is now going to corporate after-tax profits, which virtually every honest person on the planet agrees will go to shareholders like me, not employees.
And it’s not free money We all will pay for it in various ways. But only some of us will get that money, and our select group will get more than we pay. Thanks, suckers! You can do business with me anytime!
clueless cretin @54,
Still bragging about perving on Puddy! Still perving on Puddy today too! The clueless crated cretin lives to perv on Puddy all the time! It even admitted to it before Christmas! Puddy is your catalyst. You don’t exist without Puddy!
Till Next Time!
Seems roger senile idiot wabbit still has a hard on for Dr Ben Carson. Well Carson is a much better person than the senile idiot wabbit! Dr Ben called it as Dr Ben saw it. Sux to be the senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
@51 almost as if Drumpf is Bin Ladden himself.
“Apple supports the DUMMOCRETIN! It’s leader is a big time gay DUMMOCRETIN!“
Maybe if Republicans would let him play in Reindeer Games then maybe he’d be a big time gay Repuke. Until then all he has as a choice is to join The Log Cabin losers.
It’s instructive that the most vicious things said about gay Republicans are said by gay liberals.
‘coz tolerance.
‘coz, not poz, gman.
Trump sold me on his being a genius when he successfully identified the camel as he aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. Successfully subtracting 7 from from 100 also impressed.
“Ivanka Trump believes that her dad is ‘a genius’ and ‘she is just like him’: White House reporter”
My gift to you, Steve. All the best.
The FBI is investigating whether a top Russian banker with ties to the Kremlin illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to help Donald Trump win the presidency, two sources familiar with the matter have told McClatchy.
FBI counterintelligence investigators have focused on the activities of Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank who is known for his close relationships with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and the NRA, the sources said.
NRA spent $55M supporting Trump in 2016. Which sounds like a lot, and I suppose it is.
By way of comparison, here’s what unions were thinking in 2008:
. . . AFL-CIO political director Karen Ackerman sketched out the plans of the labor coalition, which is expected to announce its official endorsement of Obama in the next few days. The coalition has budgeted $53.4 million for the 2008 campaign — more than the $48 million it spent in 2004 — and it expects its 56 member unions to spend more than $200 million overall on electing Obama and congressional Democrats.
https://nrtwc.org/how-to-spend-53-million/ (Direct link no longer direct.)
The Trump regime has decide not to protect consumers.
They’re going to protect bigots instead.
The SPLC got it right the first time: These people are haters. But with a twist: They hate everybody, including you.
@59 I didn’t bring up Carson, PI and you did, see #42 & #43.
“Dr Ben called it exactly as Dr Ben saw it.”
And that’s exactly SPLC’s point and mine. He’s what his words say he is.
@62 “the most vicious things said about gay Republicans are said by gay liberals”
I doubt that’s true. The very best a gay Republican can hope to get from his/her fellow Republicans is donated conversion therapy.
@64 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck argues it’s okay for Russians to donate to Republican candidates, but it’s not okay for American workers to donate to Democratic candidates. This helps explain why we think he’s a dumbfuck.
When you think you have a point…you’re usually wrong.
First off, do let us know when AFL-CIO is found to accept donations from Russia.
NRA – 5 million dues paying members
AFL CIO 12 million dies paying members.
To have a point AFL CIO would have needed to spend 133 million or so. And I dare say an AFL CIO Member pays more than $35 a year.
And the NRA could find themselves in a lot of trouble with the FBI looking at their books. 501(c)4 is allowed to engage in campaigning and elections provided the majority of their expenditures are on their educational and community out reach programs. according to their released financial statements the NRA spends about 35 million per year on programs in education. They’re not allowed To spend 50 million on the election campaign and retain their tax exempt status Regardless of where those funds came from. Russians rednecks white supremacists with guns, doesn’t matter.
Behold the “source” for Breitbart’s “reporting” that ignorant, lazy, beer-drunk, white supremacists rely upon to stay informed:
What’s that say? Page Not Found
Maybe somewhere in all that racist mess of white male entitlement the propeller heads that Breitbart employs managed to get their html right. But I’m not paid to edit their trash.* And Breitbart is rightfully confident that AM hate radio programmed Roypublicans are too lazy to bother reading source documents, taking whatever they claim at face value. And that’s how they got themselves President Very Stable Genius, a government shut down, and permanent consignment to the kook-heap pile of failed American political movements.
*The only available source I’m aware of is on SSRN a preprint distributor with only a summary and no data. The fact that Lott chooses to distribute a summary to media sources at this stage is very discrediting to any claim he might have to scholarly research. But it’s a fairly common and predictable move among right wing think tanks. Get the product into the media before qualified scholars in the field have any chance to review it, much less comment on it. It’s the defining difference between scholarship and politics. But that difference cannot be recognized from the other side of the Orange Event Horizon.
Yesterday, a sheriff’s deputy shot a 16-year-old boy to death during a scuffle in an Ohio courtroom.
I side with the cop on this one.
The kid was as big as a man, had a history of being violent and out of control, disrespected the court process, was in court for pointing a gun at two people, and attacked the deputy.
His family argues the cop should have used a stun gun to subdue this big, strong, violent, and dangerous sociopath. The cop had to make a split-second judgment call. If the kid wanted to live, he shouldn’t have attacked the cop. What if he’d gotten the cop’s gun? The cop, the judge, the prosecutor, and other people in the courthouse might have been dead. He’s 100% responsible for his death.
Details here:
“A U.S. marshal was killed when a federal task force served an arrest warrant in Pennsylvania early Thursday, Harrisburg Mayor Eric Papenfuse said in a statement. The mayor said three officers were shot in the incident. Papenfuse said a wounded Harrisburg officer returned fire and critically injured the gunman.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We don’t know yet who the shooter is in this incident, or anything about him, but I won’t be shocked if he turns out to be a “sovereign citizen” or some other rightwing crazy. Watering the tree of liberty, you know, with the blood of police officers in the name of standing up against the tyranny of having to live under government authority, laws, and society’s rules.
There’s been a ton of reporting on Russian financial records over the last couple of days. Much of the sourcing comes from records of transactions that were flagged and reported to Commerce by the financial institutions as required by law. First Mueller, and now the Congressional committees have subpoenaed Commerce for these records and by now have had them for a bit. It’s quite a lot of stuff and not all of it relates to Mueller’s investigation.
Why details are now being leaked to the media is anyone’s guess. But it is safe to assume that the only sources for the leads are the financial institutions themselves, Commerce, or the committees. My assumption at this point, and in light of what is being leaked, is that the source is committee Roypublicans. They’ve seen what Mueller has seen. And knowing what Mueller knows they believe it is useful to fill the media with reports of Russian financial improprieties not specifically related to Mueller’s investigation. Obviously Врач немой ебать agrees.
A former DOE employee has filed a lawsuit for retaliation claiming he was fired for taking a photo of Energy Secretary Rick Perry hugging Coal Baron Robert Murray.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even by coal baron standards, Robert Murray is an odious man. His mines are notorious for safety violations, and he tried to blame a fatal mine collapse on an earthquake geologists said didn’t occur. He’s also been accused of violating campaign laws by allegedly requiring his employees to donate to Republican candidates. You can read more about him here:
Also on today’s crime plotter is this murder of a gay man that’s now being charged as a hate crime.
More proof Demorats hate America – Demorats want to use DACA as an excuse to shut down government and crash the economy.
By Ella Nilsenella.nilsen@vox.com Jan 18, 2018, 12:20pm EST
“Senate Democrats say they’re willing to shut down the government over DACA.
And a few Republicans are joining them.”
Governing is hard. So hard that Sen Tom Cotton (R-WE Love Trump Here!) is sending cease and desist letters to constituents who give him a sad.
Remember all the other President’s in history that could string a few sentences together that made sense?
Obstruction of justice.
Maybe Trump can draw a clock, but his might not keep ticking.
“Cardiologists … said Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s physical exam revealed serious heart concerns, including very high levels of so-called bad cholesterol, which raises the risk that Trump could have a heart attack while in office. …
“Dr. David Maron, director of preventive cardiology at Stanford University’s medical school, said Wednesday that it was alarming that the president’s LDL levels remain above 140 even though he is taking … a powerful drug that is used to lower cholesterol levels to well below 100. Maron said he would ‘definitely’ be worried about Trump’s risk for having a heart attack if the president were one of his patients. Asked if Trump is in perfect health, Maron offered a blunt reply: ‘God, no.’ …
“Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist at the Scripps Research Institute, said it is impossible to ignore the dangers of the president’s elevated cholesterol levels …. ‘That’s a really high LDL,’ Topol said. … ‘Just looking at the lab value, you would raise a big red flag.'”
There’s more, but you get the drift. The 25th Amendment might not be needed. Pence probably is reading this stuff and salivating over his next promotion.
“It’s instructive that the most vicious things said about gay Republicans are said by gay liberals.”
Not true. A gay liberal can’t even come close to being as nasty towards a gay Repuke then a Repuke themselves. Sorry wrong again. And you know, in Saudia Arabia they toss gays off high buildings, so everything is good, amirite!
@67 beat me to it again, Rog.
I won’t call the good doctor the double d word but man he stupid as shit. I’ve meet rocks that have more brains.
Chris Christie learns he’s not a special snowflake anymore.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I doubt he’s a terrorist, but the airline should charge him for two seats.
LOL! The babbling butthole troll is one to fart about “perving”..
It has “perved” HA HEROES since the freak started here..
IN APRIL 2005..
It even puts HA HEROES FIRST before its skydaddy.. Can’t help it.. It’s the perv-troll in chief around here..
However boob is making a very strong play to overtake that.
Yours truly LAUGHS at those two “pervs”..
@62 Bob, one other thing. Puffy’s statement, including the word gay” to his statement, it did wonders and accolades to all The Log Cabin Repukes. Well done Bob. Truly, well done. Where did you get your education?
I think the death penalty should be used sparingly, and only for homicide and only in cases where guilt is not in doubt, but I also think sometimes execution is the appropriate penalty. This guy, for example.
@76 hypocrite. Repukes tried many times and still want to shut the government down, but now you speak up. Nice. Crocodile tears. Snowflake.
Including your beloved Orange Shit-gibbon. Gee, who should we believe anymore? Every fucking single one of you Trumpanzees is an unrepentant liar in full. You’ll die in your foxholes defending the most outrageous and easily debunked bullshit. How can you expect anyone to ever trust any of your pure shit? You still haven’t even bothered to clean up your last racist mess back at 12. You post links to race mongering propaganda peddlers who cite sources that do not exist. And this is what you base your hate-fears on. You’ll believe anything so long as it ratifies your bigotry. If you hope to have any chance of spreading your disease your going to have to do a whole lot better.
More proof Conservatives hate freedom.
Just pick any pro Nazi articles (too many to list or link ~ go find them yourself).
Actual data continue to debunk the global warming myth … er, never mind.
@78 shit, my fucking English is better. Maybe it’s because he has spent more time with hookers and porn stars than I have.
This is why Trump is putting on a rally for his shrinking base of support in Pennsylvania today.
I never really thought Bob was a homophobe, as others here have said or accused…. but I question myself more and more nowadays.
Just like what Bob’s horse says about his ass end and Bob.
Donald J. Trump
….The Wall will be paid for, directly or indirectly, or through longer term reimbursement, by Mexico, which has a ridiculous $71 billion dollar trade surplus with the U.S. The $20 billion dollar Wall is “peanuts” compared to what Mexico makes from the U.S. NAFTA is a bad joke!
3:25 AM – 18 Jan 2018
Besides signaling that the “Kelly era” is now drawing to a close, the Roypublican President demonstrates that he has absolutely no idea what a trade deficit is. But whatever the fuck it is, it makes him mad and he’ll shut down the government for it.
Months later and the money is still missing.
Shame. Looks like the trailer park will have to go another year without a new filter for the DoughBoy Pool.
It’s looking pretty certain that lazy, beer-drunken, good-for-nuthin’ Hillbilly Roypublicans are going to fuck the dog again and shut down the government in a fit of blind rage and stupidity.
When they do they will fan out at the speed of light to fill the media space with excuses and finger pointing. But let’s be clear up front: the only reason this is happening is because the bloated, festering, Orange Shitpile they’ve eagerly placed in charge of their political messaging and destiny has put them in an unwinnable bind. They don’t want to take the vote right now. They want to take the vote later when so many angry racist white assholes aren’t watching. But Fuckface put them on the spot. Not once. Not twice. But at least three times he’s blown up their strategy for getting past DACA without defunding vital government operations. This is a vote they’ve had months to prepare for. Months during which they’ve had ample time and every opportunity to reach out to their states and districts. They own this failure precisely because they control the legislative agenda and every branch of the government. As Rove said, “liberals can only look on in awe and wonder”. Indeed.
Bad boy!
“Report: Porn Actress Claimed Trump Had Her Spank Him With Forbes Mag”
@99 If it happens, it won’t be Democrats’ fault.
“Most congressional leaders agree that so-called ‘Dreamers’ should be allowed to apply for legal status. ‘I think we could solve it in 30 minutes if people wanted to,’ said Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham. But some conservatives, including those in the White House, want big concessions in exchange.”
“‘Frankly, a lot of the current mess is a mess of the president’s making,’ said Democratic Sen. Chris Coons. Some Republicans agree. They fumed Thursday when he knocked their spending bill in a tweet — even though the White House supports it.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You get what you vote for, and people who voted for Trump invited this.
If you’re going to instigate mass deportations, at least make sure the people you’re detaining aren’t citizens, but Trump’s ICE gestapo can’t be trusted with that.
Happened in 2016. They were Obama’s ICE gestapo then.
@103 It’s been happening all along, but it’s safe bet that it’s happening a lot more now, and it’s now Trump’s responsibility.
Shithole Countries Dep’t
According to this, all the U.S. scientists who won Nobel prizes in 2016 are immigrants, and so are all the U.S. scientists who won Nobel prizes in 2016.
Why they emigrated to a shithole country that disdains science is a mystery.
The trolls dropped their turds for the day. They are probably waiting for a new thread to drop anymore turds.
Who cares? They are lying racist idiots who have sold whatever limited intellect them may have ever had to the bloated puppet of a communist dictator in exchange for the freedumb to tell “cunt” jokes at work again. If we never hear from them again it will be too soon.
Although I was never a huge fan to begin with, I just can’t stomach it any more.