It’s Tuesday night and I’m on the bus back home from Drinking Liberally. I just realized that I haven’t written anything for the open thread, and I just want to go to sleep when I get home. So here’s not much. Sorry.
2 things: I love talking the bus home, but this is the second week in a row where the post 11:00 bus has some unfortunate smells. Also the driver is really shouting at some driver parked in a bus stop.
Hope this isn’t too incoherent.
I see Trump as being less and less a happy camper. He loved the constant adulation that came from campaigning, but that’s over and he’s now beginning to hate the job as it isn’t at all what he thought it would be. My own prediction, worthless as it is, is that he’s going to resign, and sooner than later.
If only Republicans had nominated someone like John Kasich.
Oh. Wait.
Then again, teh emails. So…
This is some high level Trolling
They after all had a photog in the room and any camera these days can take video. Your move.
@3 Trump is a babe in a woods full of wolves who know how to hunt.
@4 Remember Trump’s hoopla about Obama starving the armed forces? (Actually, it was congressional sequester that pinched Pentagon spending.) Well, here’s Trump’s defense budget:
“President Donald Trump is expected to propose a $603 billion defense budget for the year beginning Oct. 1 that would add one warship but no more F-35 and Super Hornet jets than the Obama administration had projected, according to officials.
“The proposal sticks with President Barack Obama’s plan to request 70 of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35’s and 14 of Boeing Co.’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, said the officials, who discussed the budget proposal due to be sent to Congress on May 23. The officials asked not to be identified discussing the defense budget before it’s made public and cautioned that some details may still change. …
“The proposed fiscal 2018 budget is about $18.5 billion, or 3.2 percent, larger than the comparable plan left by the Obama administration for fiscal 2018, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. ‘With just $18 billion in new spending penciled in,’ the Trump administration ‘is going to be pitching a paper buildup to the Congress,’ Katherine Blakeley, budget analyst for the nonpartisan Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, said in an email.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: 3.5%? Shit, that barely covers inflation. It’s clear what’s going on here. Once again, the kid who didn’t study is cribbing from the classmate who did. That’s what you do when you don’t know a damn thing about the subject.
It seems I’m not the only rabbit who thinks Sound Transit ran a con to get voters to approve ST3. You may recall me posting that Sound Transit was lying about the math. There’s no way you divide population x 25 years into $54 billion and get only $169 a year per nose.
“[A] state Senate committee will hold an investigatory work session to review whether Sound Transit misled the Legislature or the public in the run-up to the vote on Sound Transit 3.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure, this inquiry is politically-motivated, and its outcome will be tainted by partisan politics — the fact Rossi is involved tells you that right upfront. But even so, the Sound Transit board is an affront to our democratic traditions, a throwback to the time when legislatures, not the people, chose U.S. senators, and Sound Transit so blatantly lied about what $54 billion costs that you don’t need Dino Rossi to tell you that you’re going to pay a hell of a lot of taxes for whatever the hell Sound Transit is buying with your (former) money. All I know is I’ll never see any benefit from it, and that it’s unfair to charge senior citizens who drive 2,000 miles a year the same for car tabs as commuters who drive 200 miles a week (or a day, as in the case of some Snohomish and Skagit county residents who work in King County) and need F-250s or F-350s to tote their tools, ladders, and compressors around the county as they throw up ugly boxes that sell for a million dollars on lots formerly occupied by working-class Craftsman homes.
are you still experiencing the same troubles with HA?
Since earlier this morning I’ve noticed that the ad serving platform that seemed to be hanging the browser is working again.
Just curious.
Hey Doctor Dumbfuck, my stocks are up today even though the market is down 250 Dow points. Guess that makes me a fucking genius, hey? Or maybe not. Maybe I just happen to own a shitload of Johnson & Johnson and a few other stocks (e.g., Rio Tinto, Vodafone) that happen to be up a lot today. Randomly, you know. That’s what happens when you diversify.
Remember me asking last week what is the only free lunch in the stock market, and you didn’t know? Diversify. That’s the answer. Costs you nothing and reduces risk.
6 – A good place to correct this “abortion” would be to use a realistic valuation for the car tab fees. The pie-in-the-sky methodology ST will use is grossly out of touch with the reality.
Another thing: how about easing up on those of us who will be dead before the damn thing gets finished?
Could it be investors are starting to think they may not get huge tax cuts at the expense of sick people if their pied piper drowns in his own cesspool?
@7 Not this morning. It comes and goes, seemingly at random.
@9 ST can’t do that, because using realistic valuations would cause revenue shortfalls. They MUST rip you off. $54 billion is simply more money than can be raised by honest means, and suffering a sudden bout of honesty now would impair the bonds.
Your fellow citizens, in their wisdom such as it is, voted to authorize these thieves to steal from you for 25 years. We’re all locked into that now. If they don’t get it from car tabs, they’ll have to get it from some other tax, but no matter how you slice it, you’re going to pay for it.
I realize this may be news for many people, but the $54 billion will come from us, not the tooth fairy.
12 – No kidding!
teh emails.
I see what you mean. My ad blocker does seem to clear up the problem. But aside from enabling the ad blocker I’ve also had to clear the browser cache and re-start the browser to get the page to load correctly. Try that for now and maybe it’ll help.
@14 he should use Boob’s dick as a pacifier.
teh emails.”
Well, that was pathetic.
“Never, ever, ever give up”
That cinches it for me. He’s going to resign.
While the trolls have been utterly silent since yesterday morning (when I think one of them was trolling as Hillary) I got to wondering what hillbilly Fuckface Fanboys would be up to while the Orange Shit-Storm forces them indoors with the blinds drawn. Oh sure, once they re-emerge they’ll offer the usual menu of lame excuses… no doubt too-too busy partying like rock stars on a mega yacht with Bono and their super model girlfriend… the one from Canada.
So I’ve spent a few moments this morning perusing the alt-Right/MRM/Shit-Lord/Smear-Pimping white nationalist media that our trolls depend on for validation of their crippling world view. Curious to see what kinds of twisted narratives these folks are lapping up while patriotic Americans focus on protecting our national security, pursuing Republican treason, and preserving the Constitution.
Sure, there’s lots of distraction focusing on “some other scandal”. Particularly there’s lots and lots of comparison to “something, something, Obama/Clinton did that is exactly the same”, etc. But of great interest to me is watching them look for the goats. As in the ones they must scape in order to get past this. Not surprisingly top of the list is a non-white woman, Dina Powell, who seemingly overnight has converted to Islam, initiated a lesbian affair with Huma Abedin, joined almost every Clinton/Obama associated charity, killed puppies, drank blood, sent Stingers to ISIS, and performed a few hundred abortions, all while leaking the shit out of the Fuckface White House. Second favorite seems to be identifying the Cucks – former MRM/Shit-Lord trolls who display any sign of weakness.
One thing that would be nice to come out of all this would be seeing these domestic internet traitor-pervert, tech-bros destroy themselves. Fuckface might be just the guy to make that happen.
Steve @17
That cinches it for me. He’s going to resign.
Nah… He has yet to run the country completely into the ground and show a personal profit. Like he did with the DRUMPH CASINOS.
DRUMPH could be thinking of some sort of distraction.
Like a nuclear exchange with N. Korea.
Iraq worked for GW.
Grenada worked for the RAYGUN.
Just saying. Bottom feeders, the lot of them…
First, they’ll have to get permission from their boss.
@18 “So I’ve spent a few moments this morning perusing the alt-Right/MRM/Shit-Lord/Smear-Pimping white nationalist media that our trolls depend on for validation of their crippling world view.”
How can you stand looking at that stuff even for a few moments?
@ 18
Occasionally you read of stories of people planning to board a plane to Nigeria with their life savings in gold, who are taken aside by officials from the State Department and warned that they’re a victim of a con; That there is no dead Nigerian prince who has left them hundreds of $Millions, and that if they travel their money will be stolen and they might come to harm. Then that person boards the plane anyway and gets scammed or murdered or just disappears without a trace.
Even when told outright that they’re being scammed by very credible people, they still can’t bring themselves to believe it. They’re the same folks who used to fall for that old oil well scam back in the early 1920s, where some guy would bury a barrel of oil on a little piece of property in Pennsylvania, build a phony derrick on top of it and then show them how the oil was just gushing out, ready to be tapped, and telling them they could buy shares in the company if they only could come up with $500 or $1000 in cash. A lot of people fell for that one.
That’s the Trump supporters right now.
The S&P 500 was down 1.82% today, and gold was up just about the same percentage. That’s a classic example of the correlation between the S&P 500 and the price of gold. So, today was a day for buying, and I made some. The market may be down again tomorrow, but I made the decision to buy today. When everyone is fearful, it’s the time to buy.
Diversification, discipline and delayed gratification are the keys to amassing wealth over time in the markets. I can think of a couple that started out just fine by putting away some money they inherited. Then they got a stiffy for a new van and cashed out to buy the vehicle. That’s the opposite of delayed gratification, and it affects too many people. They spend today and wonder what happened 30 or 40 years later.
Some news sources are reporting that North Korea is being this recent “Wanncry” hacking. I’m not 100% convinced the NOKOs are behind it because the hack really affected a lot of computers in China. China is about the only “friend” North Korea has, so for the NOKOs to harm Chinese computer systems seems a little unlikely to me.
Of course, I suppose it’s possible. We may never know because the governments involved aren’t necessarily truthful about these things, and I include our own government in that bunch of untrustworthy entities.
Look. It’s not as though he did anything “illegal” paying hookers to get naked and pee on him. Because nobody really knows if the peeing stuff is even illegal. Very uncertain.
Plus, even if it were “illegal” (and who really knows, right?) it was in Russia, not here, so it doesn’t even count anyways.
Also, he didn’t pay them. It was the Russian guys who paid them. So what difference does it make. Just “Moonbats” losing their shit over nothing, again.
It’s just not that big a deal. And don’t you people have anything better to do? And Kray-Kray Kim has nukes, so why are you guys wasting time on this? Also, teh homeless… riiiight???
Lets see. A reporter tells Rod Wheeler that there was evidence Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks, and that they were going to run a story on it. Wheeler then goes on a Fox affiliate in Washington DC to promote said story, and he repeats what the reporter told him on the station. CNN repeats the story because they’ve always been one step behind FOX and are always playing catch-up-with-the-bullshit hoping that someday they might have a scoop on FOX.
Then runs the story that uses Rod Wheeler as its source for the claim that Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks. Their proof of the Clinton’s culpability in the murder is the possible “fact”of a thumb drive being missing with nothing else having been stolen, and the story is repeated on CNN until CNN digs just a little deeper and finds out that the original source for the material is an “inside contact” in FOXNews, who heard it from his uncle George’s ex-wife, who got the story from a special contact that one of their close friends have in the Clinton family. Fox then goes on to say that they are going to keep following up on the story because CNN is now also investigating.
As a teenager a guy walked up to me in a record shop and told me tales of a secret Talking Heads show and that he could get me in and did like this band or that band and and after an hour of talking and me not even realizing it I had bought $40 worth of records and CDs that he had walked out with. Only when I got back in my car did I realize I pulled into the lot listening to “More Songs About Buildings and Food” and tipped him to an in. Five or so years later when some guy tried a similar move In wasn’t having it.
The first time “Real” Rural Americans see a good con man might be the one they elect president instead of spotting them right away.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: 3.5%? Shit, that barely covers inflation.
And that’s why you are just the dumb wabbit! Ever heard of baseline budgeting? Well, inflation is already baked in early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!
Remember how Obummer screamed the projected Republican budget cuts were going to steal lunches from the poor people in schools, meals on wheels, etc. Just the standard smear of libtard lies and call them facts!
DUMMOCRETINS, watch their lips move or their fingers on keyboards and the lies fly out continually!
Don’t go along with the pretense that Fuckface is President because some strange, displaced, working class, rural voter became “magically” activated by inequality and BLM. I know I play that game all the time. But its only to troll the Republican trolls who secretly cant stand that they depend on those trailer voters.
Paul Ryan is your prototype Fuckface treason voter.
Susan Collins is your prototype Fuckface treason voter.
The voter files do not lie. And all those Reagan Republican Soccer Moms and Security Dads turned out and pulled the lever for Fuckface and treason. They got conned. They are the reason Fuckface is President and Putin controls our foreign policy. And they live right next door.
All day yesterday and all day today they said it.
The Great Media Mustaches, Devoted Both-Siderists, and Hillbilly-Traitors said over, and over, and over again until it just couldn’t be said anymore:
I guess they were wrong.
Or were they?
@23 I don’t think we should try to save these people from themselves. I’m tire of it, and besides, it’s fruitless. Also, those Nigerian teenagers need the money, and legitimate jobs are scarce there. They don’t have many McDonalds or Burger Kings in that country.
Now that the special prosecutor with impeccable credentials has been named what will DUMMOCRETINS do now?
@24 There was a lawyer here in Seattle, who worked for the VA and rode the bus to work every day, who inherited some money from his parents and put it in stocks. When he died 50 years later his stash was worth $186 million. Childless, outliving three wives, and with no close relatives, he left it all to UW Law School, Children’s Hospital, and Salvation Army in roughly equal portions.
Meanwhile this is funny…
Meanwhile this is funny…
@33 Let him do his job. What will Trump do now? What will YOU do when the Special Prosecutor comes back with indictments? Run for cover in a cloud of squid ink like you usually do when cornered?
@29 Why should Republicans have a monopoly on lying? I’m not saying Democrats lie — when it comes to lying Republicans are in a class by themselves, and of course, Trump eclipses them all — I only wonder why you think Republicans should have special privileges that Democrats don’t get.
The Hillbilly-Traitors will obstruct.
And, predictably, when patriotic Americans devoted to preserving the Constitution, protecting our national security, and pursuing Republican treason complain about the obstruction The Hillbilly-Traitors will scream:
Here! Here! Cheers!
Ex-Baylor Student Alleges Football Players Gang Raped Her As ‘Bonding Exercise’
@39 Speaking of tax cuts, it looks like people with mortgages smaller than about $650k stand to lose their mortgage interest deduction under Trump’s “tax reform.” They didn’t really believe this alleged billionaire looks out for the little guy, did they?
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
1/ So for context, Russia is a failed state with shrinking population & a resource economy that exports little we can’t get somewhere else.
So is Japan. What else ya got?
Fuck. yeah.
New flying out of Paine Field will ease commuting pain for many
“We’re not quite ready to share details of the routes,” says John Kirby, Alaska’s vice president of capacity planning. “But I can tell you they won’t be limited to short, regional flights. We’re talking daily, nonstop flights to some of our most popular destinations.”
The new flying is expected to take hundreds of cars off the road each day, cutting greenhouse emissions while adding convenience for Alaska’s many guests living north of Seattle. Everett residents, for example, could reduce their airport commutes by up to 80 minutes during peak traffic congestion.
Groundbreaking on the new terminal is expected in early June, with full details of Alaska’s routes as well as ticket sale information to be announced in early 2018.
Oh. Mukilteo doesn’t have a $15/hr minimum wage, either.
Welcome back, Dumbfuck. (What? Have you no “CrookedHillary” hashtags to throw around with naked desperation as Mr. Lock Her Up! finds himself with no other distractions to hurl at his pursuers? Sad.)
In what sense is/does Japan:
(a) a failed state
(b) a resource economy
(c) export little we can’t get somewhere else?
(Or do wings for the Boeing 787 grow on trees?)
Good night and good luck, Dumbfuck.
But even so, the Sound Transit board is an affront to our democratic traditions, a throwback to the time when legislatures, not the people, chose U.S. senators,
Really, Roger, this is unworthy of you:
Sound Transit is governed by an 18-member Board made up of local elected officials and the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation.
So no, one appointed board member out of eighteen positions is not like the early U.S. Senate. History FAIL.
Also, let’s recall the deal made in our legislature: in return for barrels and barrels of tasty, tasty pork for Republican wasteland districts, we got a vote on ST3. We’re paying for the North-South Freeway in Spokane no matter what happens to ST, and the Republicans smugly know this.
It seems pretty obvious the Republican legislators expected us to vote no on ST3, so they could purchase their re-elections with pork supplied by us taxpayers in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties. But we pesky, pesky voters didn’t obey, and now the Republican pork barrel is threatened by we who are paying for it: if offered a choice, would we rather delete funding for the North-South Freeway, or for our own mass transit? That’s why they’re trying to renege on their deal, without admitting anything.
Please don’t play patsy for them. You’re better than that. (Also, that’s what Nils is for.)
34 – That’s good example of discipline, diversity and delayed gratification. In the end, he did what he wanted to do with his money.
Early morning arrivals routed to 34L ought make their base leg turn right over your house. Enjoy your last two summers sleeping with the windows open, trator. And here I was thinking 2018 couldn’t get worse for you.
Roger Ailes Dead! Fucking Dead! There is a God. Hope God strikes them all dead!
@ 48
Yeah, the death of such people is good reason to hoist a beer in salute to another dead fuckhole, gone from this mortal coil and sliding down that long razorblade into hell where they belong.
Then, a quote from Mark Twain comes to mind:
“I’ve never been one to celebrate a man’s death, but that has never stopped me from expressing my approval of it.”
The author of “The Art of the Deal”* predicts Trump will resign, but can’t say when. In Trump’s mind, he says, there’s no sense of right or wrong, “only winning or losing.” Right now, Trump is struggling to avoid losing, and in the end, will look for a way out that allows him to claim victory.
* Although Trump takes credit for writing the book that launched his celebrity, both his “co-author” and the publisher insist that Trump “didn’t write a word of it.”
@45 The problem is nobody can vote for more than 1 or 2 of the people making up that 18-member board, which raises questions about how responsive and accountable it is to the people. Of course, you could say the same thing about Congress; but who, in this country, feels Congress represents them?
“Please don’t play patsy for them.”
Now that’s not fair. I’m not one of the posters saying the Legislature should tinker with the car tab tax, which would reduce ST’s funding. I’ve been posting the opposite: That ST3 passed, it’s a done deal, the contractual obligations of the bonds lock us into the car tab fees and other taxes, and it’s too late for buyer’s remorse.
“We’re paying for the North-South Freeway in Spokane”
That may not be a bad idea. If you’ve ever been to Spokane, you probably wanted to leave Spokane as quickly as possible.
@43 “Mukilteo doesn’t have a $15/hr minimum wage, either.”
But now has a reason to adopt it. Do you think the people sweeping floors and serving hamburgers at Paine Field will be any happier to do that for $10/hr. than the SeaTac workers were? Attitudes like yours is why we get electeds like Sawant.
Free Speech Systems LLC, of Texas (the offshoring shell co. for smear-pimp Info Wars) made a yuuuuge donation to refugee relief org The Tent Foundation this week.
Wasn’t that nice of them?
Suck on it, traitors.
“But now has a reason to adopt it.”
And a large factory, full of militantly unionized aerospace workers, to help achieve it.
The problem is nobody can vote for more than 1 or 2 of the people making up that 18-member board, which raises questions about how responsive and accountable it is to the people.
The problem is that no one can vote for more than three members of the one hundred and forty-seven persons making up the Washington State Legislature, which raises questions about how responsive and accountable it is to the people.
Really, Roger, you’re better than this.
Dumbfuck @42:
So, medical outcomes such as the lowest infant mortality rate in the world, and one of the highest life expectancies at birth, are what told you that Japan is a failed state?
Yeah, that would be about right for Dr. Dumbfuck’s actual medical knowledge.
Still more breaking news about treason (stop, breathe, count to ten):
Treason-Speak Decoder ring activated:
Those discussions focused on exchanging Ukraine and Crimea for oil leases, handing Syria to Putin in exchange for cooperation on Iran, and destroying the U.S. trade relationship with China.
At least one GOP congressman is not above retaliating against a critic by contacting her employer and going after her job.
@56 Oh c’mon, tensor. Senators being chosen by elected legislatures isn’t the same thing as direct election by the people. The distinction was important enough to enough folks to prompt the adoption of the 17th Amendment. The piece you’re leaving out about the ST board is that none of them are directly elected by the people. That IS a distinction that makes a difference. When people vote for King County Executive, how many of them are aware they’re also electing their representative to the ST board? Arguments can be made in favor of such a board being made up of the elected heads of local governments, but any time you don’t have direct election of the people supposedly representing you, accountability inevitably gets diluted. Given the gravity and impact of the decisions that ST3 makes — i.e., imposing $54 billion of future tax obligations on Puget Sound residents, which works out to nearly $30,000 for every man, woman, and child in the region, based on current population numbers — the absence of direct accountability to the people who will pay those tax bills is concerning in light of ST’s questionable tactics in promoting ST3 to voters who may have been led to approve it by false pretenses, i.e., lowballing the taxes ST3 would require. The claim that ST3 would cost only $169 per person per year was a flat-ass lie. It’s a matter of simple math that if every person in the state paid that amount every year for 25 years, you’d still raise only about half of the $54 billion. In addition, ST3’s costs are ridiculous and out of control — this will be the world’s most expensive light rail system by a factor of 10. Those two facts — the enormous costs, and the lies about what people would pay — tell you that something is severely dysfuctional about this agency. Any time you have this degree of dysfunction in a public agency, the first place you look for a cause is the governance.
@58 “Those discussions focused on exchanging Ukraine and Crimea for oil leases, handing Syria to Putin in exchange for cooperation on Iran, and destroying the U.S. trade relationship with China.”
None of which are enough to persuade die-hard Trumpers to change their minds about their pied piper. Keep waiting for those coal jobs to come back, boys. But don’t hold your breath; it’s gonna be a long wait.
Not at all!
We’re going to call you filthy fucking traitors.
Because that’s exactly what you are.
who cares how traitors judge a traitor.
Our goal here should not be the removal of Fuckface. Sadly, assuming America can survive him (no sure thing), nothing good can come from that. President Pence would not only be more stable and rational than Fuckface, he’d also grant blanket pardons, follow through on all the Russian-treason deals, and he might even manage to enact one or two of the punchlist items on the Treason legislative agenda.
Our goal should be retaking the House. One seat at a time, district by district, with particular emphasis on the districts in blue states, where Clinton carried, and occupied by Full-Traitors, such as Dana Rohrabacher. We’ve got to quit striving for the emotionally satisfying win and go for the strategic win. Retaking the House in 2018 moves us one step closer to retaking the Senate, crushing Yertle, and building a permanent electoral seal around the White House.
Let me guess: you don’t own a car or you do have a car and it’s 30 years old. If you’re over 45, you’ll never get to park your lilly white ass in a seat on this Sound Transit abomination because you will have gone to your ultimate reward before ST is finished.
Think WPPSS.
Don McGahn may be a fine attorney.
But he’s just awful at this.
Exactly what went on and who knew is still unclear. But the only possible response, the minute McGahn learned of this, would have been an emergency staff meeting to prepare a comprehensive brief recommending a replacement. Followed immediately by communicating that brief to every senior transition official, including of course, the Vice President. If it turns out McGahn briefed Fuckface in private, and Fuckface ordered it kept this from the rest of the senior transition staff, McGahn should have quit on the spot.
Postscript: Hey, remember when the Treason-Trolls robotically repeated the official, and perpetually shifting White House Excuse Du Jour that it was Obama’s responsibility to check out Flynn? And how could they have know if Susan Rice deliberately kept the truth from them only to spring it on them later by “leaking”? Remember that? A whole lot of Hillbilly-Traitors in Congress went along with that too! Ha, ha! Wasn’t that funny!
Maybe Toby is gay. Leave him alone!
He’s probably in the closet along with Drumpf, Putin and the rest of them Shieks.
@64 Oh, I’m sure the trains will run fine. Somebody will pay $25 to $50 a ride, that’s all. Generally speaking, that will fall mostly on taxpayers.
I’m not against light rail per se, although you could fly to Mars for what this system cost. (P.S., I’m not a proponent of that.) I simply get tired of listening to people bitching about something they voted for. I voted against these taxes, but have to pay them because of these people, and shouldn’t have to listen to their whining on top of it.
We are all Russians!
A great social experiment would be for liberals and democrats to start complimenting Putin and Russia. Go crazy with it. Every turn of the event, just say how great Russia is.
Then let’s see what the Repukes do.
@62 That’s nothing. Just wait until their constituents start trading in their Obamacare policies for Trumpcare policies, while the 1% go waltzing to the bank with a trillion Medicaid dollars in their pockets. Did these stupes actually expect a greedy billionaire to look out for them?
A serial drunk driver just plowed into a crowd in NYC. At least 20 casualties. Sociopaths like him make terrorists look like a better deal.
US State Dept has informed the heads of state the DUMPSTER will meet on his LET’S MAKE A DEAL tour that the DUMPSTER has a short attention span.
Limit conversations to a couple of minutes and two to four sentences. And don’t use big words. It would be funny if it wasn’t sad.
Senators being chosen by elected legislatures isn’t the same thing as direct election by the people.
I never claimed it was. You need to direct that lecture to the person who compared the Sound Transit Board to the indirect election of senators. (If you ever do straighten him out in that point, the rest of us will be grateful.)
The piece you’re leaving out about the ST board is that none of them are directly elected by the people.
The Mayor of Seattle is not directly elected by the citizens of Seattle? The King County Executive is not directly elected by the citizens of King County? What color is the sky on your world?
When people vote for King County Executive, how many of them are aware they’re also electing their representative to the ST board?
I don’t know; how about you provide some polling data to answer your question? What I do know is, every citizen has the responsibility to know this publicly-available information before voting.
Arguments can be made in favor of such a board being made up of the elected heads of local governments,
That argument was made, and accepted, decades ago. The only people rejecting it now are dishonestly trying to de-legitimatize Sound Transit after losing the ST3 vote. Again, please stop being Dino Rossi’s willing patsy on this.
…any time you don’t have direct election of the people supposedly representing you, accountability inevitably gets diluted.
I have direct election of the persons representing me on Sound Transit’s board, and you’re blatantly lying when you say I do not.
@61 That’s really cruel. A lot of those coal miners have hardly any breath to hold.
Yup! These other guys around me? Meh. Who knows? Depends, I guess on how may of them I need to
implicatesacrifice as human shields. Any volunteers?While elsewhere Sen. Lindsey Graham, (Traitor) Lingerie Dept.,
is teaming up with The Usual Fake Media Suspect to peddle a story that The Clinton Campaign steered the Justice Department email investigation. In traitor parks all across the land Hillbilly hair bursts into flames! BENGHAAAAZIIII!!!!!!!!
Also, McDougals, Vince Foster, Paula Jones, Monica, Alzheimer’s, Huma Abedin, Lesbian, abortions, pant suits, FemiNazi, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email, email……..
Okie Noodlin!
@73 “The Mayor of Seattle is not directly elected by the citizens of Seattle? The King County Executive is not directly elected by the citizens of King County? What color is the sky on your world?”
They were elected to run city and county governments. Nobody pays attention to what they do on the ST board. Voters elect them mayor or county executive for other reasons. Ask most people who the ST board is and they don’t even know.
Nobody pays attention to what they do on the ST board.
I guess you and I are just a pair of nobodies, then. :-)
Ask most people who the ST board is and they don’t even know.
Lazily stating your opinion as fact does not make it a fact. Unless you provide some polling data to support your opinion, it is an assertion made without evidence, and so it will be dismissed without evidence.
It’s also a dishonest attempt to de-legitimize an election that your side lost. For the love of god, please stop being Dino Rossi’s willing patsy; he has a whole local party of Republicans to do that for him already.
@71. But he didn’t get me!
Some days this city makes my head spin and my eyeballs pop out. Today is one of those days.
@78 Go back and read my post where I said I accept the result of the election. Maybe certain trolls don’t, but I do, and I’m certainly not trying to delegitimize the election. How many times do I have to say ST3 is a done deal? I’ve always been posting that the whiners should quit whining about the car tab fees. Does that sound like an attempt to delegimitize the election?
Saying it’s a done deal is one thing; playing along with the people who want to undo it is another.
You were a lawyer for a long time, and you know how effective an insidious argument against the legitimacy of a policy can be. It avoids having to admit the merits of said policy, and instead to go straight to undermining it via an attack which is altogether more difficult to oppose.
As for the argument that the Sound Transit board is not made up of legislative offices created for that purpose, to me that has always been a feature, not bug. Why pay for more politicians, when we can get more use out of the ones we already have?