Any word if the folks bankrolling the suit against Mayor Murray are, yet again, bankrolling an anti-LGBTQ-rights Initiative?
Because giving money to every anti-LGBTQ org you can find totally proves you’re not anti-gay.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Never again will rightwingers be able to claim with straight faces that they’re trying to keep government from intruding into our personal lives.
In a world run by them, you won’t even be able to take a shit without Big Brother telling you where to poop. And you won’t be able to poop (or vote) at all unless you carry a certified copy of your birth certificate with you at all times.
But even that won’t help you, because they won’t believe your certified birth certificate. Just ask Barack Obama about that.
Hypocrite is every Republican’s middle name.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can hardly wait for some Conservative Culture Cop to pick me up (by my ears, of course) and poke his fingers between my legs before allowing me to leave a few pellets in the grass.
“Trans” people are insane and the people who accommodate their insanity are simply idiots.
Do not feed the troll…
So it appears that Rep. Nunez was indeed full of shit.
That won’t dissuade our troll and their, “Trump was vindicated that he was wiretapped” bullshit. So why didn’t Nunes share the information with even his committee before, possibly improperly, declassifying it? Because the White House asked him to. The headline is needed, the details not so much.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
Absolutely right! Conservatives really have no intention at all of making government less intrusive. They could care less about individual rights.
What we need are people who believe in individual righst and individual responsibility.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That won’t prevent racist, hillbilly fucktards from pretending that Nunes’ lies can justify going after Susan Rice.
After all she’s a woman. And she’s black. Under otherwise normal circumstances a hillbilly would consider either one of those justification for a good beating.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Nate Silver ✔ @NateSilver538
Estes underperformed Trump’s margin by 20.3 points. If every district behaved like that, Dems would gain 122 (!) House seats next November.
Voters in the district yesterday underperformed the 2016 voter turnout there by more than 150,000. Yeah, if GOP voters overwhelmingly stay home in November of next year, that would be good for Democrats.
@10 Can’t trust ’em. So why should we reach out to ’em? Hell, they don’t even like each other (see e.g. log of police visits to trailer parks).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Even insane people have to shit somewhere.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Want to know what “insane” and “stupid” are? Insane is passing laws telling strangers what gender they have to pretend to be, and which bathroom they have to use. “Stupid” is what people are who think they can bully other people into changing their gender orientation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Yeah, if GOP voters overwhelmingly stay home in November of next year, that would be good for Democrats.”
And if they all drop dead from overdoses between now and then, that will be even better for Democrats. Hey, I’m not wishing for that, only making an observation.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Me, I’m wishing for it. Every goddam one of ’em can be replaced with a younger, healthier, better educated, and better adjusted immigrant not dependent on opiates, subsidies, and The Scooter Store.
Someone fell asleep during biology in school.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Investors [are] trying to get a sense of the Trump administration’s priorities. President Donald Trump said in an interview with Fox Business on Wednesday he wants to tackle health care reform before implementing new tax policy. … Stocks rallied after Trump was elected in part because of the prospects of lower taxes, deregulation and fiscal policy. … ‘He didn’t say anything new,’ said Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group. ‘The question is how far along health care is, because depending on what they get done there, they’ll know what kind of tax reform they can get.'”
Emphasize the last sentence above. By now, everyone understands that cutting taxes for corporations and the rich depends on taking health care away from the poor, working, and middle classes, because that’s where the money for any new tax giveaways has to come from, given their unwillingness to borrow it. Trump, and the Republicans in Congress, can’t pay for the one without doing the other. Thus, so-called tax “reform” has to wait until they know how much money they can vacuum up by cutting health spending. Their only alternative is increasing deficits and finding countries willing to lend to them at low interest rates — China? Russia? Republicans are in a bind and they know it. Expect continued turbulence at their townhalls … and in financial markets, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, Janet Yellen’s departure from the Federal Reserve early next year is no longer a given; Trump dropped hints today that he might reappoint her. During the campaign, he was emphatic that he wouldn’t, so this appears to be yet another policy shift as the novice politician, learning as he goes in his first political job, bumps up against real-life realities.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think Yellen should stay. Policy continuity is important, especially now. But even more than that, she has been an able successor to Bernanke, whose own record in office was less than perfect, and the Fed is now on exactly the right policy track. It should continue to gradually raise interest rates, until rates “normalize” and resume being set by the market, and it should gradually taper down its balance sheet by letting the securities it amassed during the QEs run off as they reach their maturities. Any attempt by Trump to reverse Fed policy and extend the “financial repression” of the Fed’s response to the crisis, in a fruitless effort to goose GDP growth, will simply prolong the market distortions that are now holding back growth and setting the stage for another financial crisis down the road.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stock market is beginning to react to the unreality enshrouding Drumpf’s economic stimulus schemes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Robbing poor sick people is the key to everything. Absolutely everything Trump has promised, and Republicans hope to do, depends on taking health care away from millions of American citizens least able to afford the runaway costs of our dysfunctional health system to finance tax giveaways to corporations and the uber-wealthy people with whom Trump has filled his cabinet. But even GOP congressman have a sense of self-preservation, so the odds of these schemes coming to fruition are growing slimmer every day, and Wall Street knows it.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The Brits used to have a saying concerning Arabs and cats: Anyone trying to understand a cat or an Arab would come away from the encounter either scratched or baffled. Ol’ Remus over at The Woodpile Report had this to say about the Middle East:
“Yes, it was a mistake to get involved in the Middle East’s 5,000-year-old mega-war to begin with. We’ve known it since watching the Greatte Powers do pratfalls a century and more ago. We have no dog in this fight. What possible return on our investment could there be?
This incident is just that, one incident, and far from the worst. Get a grip. In the Middle East every step is a misstep. It can’t be any other way.”
It’s time for the US to get out of this quagmire in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places. Modern democracies don’t have empires.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Cheeto Jeesus needed a poll bump. Pretending that there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans helped elect the motherfucker. There will be blood. Fortunately, among Americans most of it will be hillbilly blood.
Learn to love the words “Stop Loss”. And when the body bags start piling up ask yourself if it was really all worth it. Was it really worth it to pretend that an incompetent and politically disastrous attempt to obstruct Judicial Watch from publicizing private communications is a crime of global proportions? Fake stroke scares? Lesbian trysts? STAND DOWN? Vince Foster? Now that you know what real “Pay-to-Play” looks like, maybe a global charity devoted to clean water isn’t so bad after all. And don’t forget to buy Ivanka’s bags!
Chris Matthews SAID Hitler never used chemical weapons
“If you basically put down a red line and say don’t use chemical weapons, and it’s been enforced in the Western community, around the world–international community for decades. Don’t use chemical weapons. We didn’t use them in World War II, Hitler didn’t use them, we don’t use chemical weapons, that’s no deal.”
Trump may be fucking up by the numbers over this Syrian mess, but this country has been on the same idiotic campaign trying to turn the Middle East into Western democracies for too long. Ain’t gonna happen!
Trump is just the latest idiot to continue on this ridiculous foreign policy. We should have been out of this mess 60 or 70 years ago.
Now, get out and stay out!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Gotta love it… The Heads of Delegation exchanged views on the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and the COP22 in Marrakesh in 2016. The Secretary of Energy of the United States of America informed fellow Ministers and Commissioner that the United States is in the process of reviewing many of its policies and reserves its position on this issue, which will be communicated at a future date. The other Heads of Delegation reaffirmed their commitment towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement to effectively limit the increase in global temperature well below 2°C above pre-industrial level, to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C, encouraged all Parties to ratify the agreement and reaffirmed their commitment to accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy sector. They also reiterated their commitment to deliver the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goal number 7.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Trump presidency looks more like an Obama third term with every passing day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 I can hardly wait for all the red states on the Gulf Coast and southern Eastern Seaboard to see waves lapping at their cities. Know what will happen then? They’ll be screaming for federal money to pay for seawalls and pumps.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 “No clean coal, no deal!”
You really are stupid. What about abundant cheap natural gas? and automation? That’s what’s really killing off coal jobs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 The Syria airstrike wasn’t about democracy, it was about genocide and weapons of mass destruction. You’re the idiot, as you’ve proved on this blog time and time again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Do you honestly believe if we ignore the MIddle East, the MIddle East will ignore us? How well did isolationism work in the thirties? I guess some people don’t learn from experience.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Meanwhile an illegal alien HA DUMMOCRETINS will love…
Deported felon arrested in sexual abuse of 12-year-old girl at Va. daycare
You’re the idiot, as you’ve proved on this blog time and time again.
Sez the neurotic senile fool who loves Sidney Blumenthal.
Now watch!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Remember the insane comments from HA DUMMOCRETINS on Fast and Furious? Remember how HA DUMMOCRETINS attacked Brian Terry’s family after he was killed?
No? Ask the FOOL AKA the crazed databaze deala AKA the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset for a replay!
The US has lots of coal. Natural gas per headless lucy is a zero sum game. So you disagree with headless senile dumbfuck idiot wabbit?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Right wing Christian radicals are no different than radical extremist Muslims, the only difference is the radical extremist Muslims aren’t scared of any jails or blowing themselves up. The right wing Christian radicals are cowards, unless than can hide behind a rock.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@11. Ohhh my. That lady stole that rainbow sweatband from Conservatives’ God.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@17 Gooooooo Zaaaaaagggggsss!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Blumenthal happens to have been right about how your organ grinder monkey ignored the pre-9/11 warnings. By contrast, you’ve never been right about anything. You couldn’t find your own ass without GPS-guided toilet paper.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 (continued) In case you’ve forgotten, here it is again:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Being a leibetard means you are not a Neanderthal repuke.
Maybe he said for the sake of his Russian friends.
One of the Schizo’s favorite sources on Hillary’s “criminality”, convicted on felony fraud charges. He didn’t even try to fight them, they had his dumb lying ass dead to rights.
Liars lie, and liars that believe and repeat their lies, are even worse liars themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump: “Do Things My Way Or I’ll Shoot Your Obamacare Subsidy!”
Trump just took Obamacare subsidies hostage in an attempt to force Democrats to “negotiate” on “repeal and replace.” Even if he doesn’t carry out his threat, this move will destabilize the health insurance market because many private carriers have to submit their rate plans to states by the end of this month — and they now have to assume the public money may not be there, which is certain to result in huge premium increases.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What I said before: If you voted for Trump, I don’t care if you lose your health coverage. It’s your own fault. You get what you vote for.
…organ grinder monkey ignored the pre-9/11 warnings.
No need to get cranky. W was really, really busy, seeing how he was not astride the horse he didn’t know how to ride, not herding the cattle he didn’t own at his “ranch”.
Followed by hours and hours and hours of not drinking heavily, because he said he quit, that’s how we know.
Jim Mathews (Aviation Daily) on the brutal solution that an airline came up with when dealing with a passenger being reluctant to be kicked off a flight because they overbooked it, then decided that they needed even more seats to fly a crew to staff another flight.
See, now that the “Conservatives” are in charge of everything, violence has gone from a last resort option to a primary reaction as a solution to everything. That’s why the Federal Government farms out the training of Border Patrol officers and Immigration Enforcement officers and the like to companies like Blackwater (or whatever it calls itself now).
Conservatives (businessmen) know that no matter what the situation or problem, violence is just the cheapest and simplest way to get shit done. And they’re all about cheap, simple solutions. They want to run everything like a business. They think that every undertaking should always generate a profit no matter what the cost.
And if there is one thing business really likes, it’s being as cheap as possible. Everything under the sun is just a Gordian Knot that just needs to be hacked at.
Who’s he going to bomb to get this off the front page?
“North Carolina State Representative Larry Pittman of Concord compared Abraham Lincoln to Adolf Hitler in a Facebook comment. It reads, in part: “… If Hitler had won, should the world just get over it? Lincoln was the same sort [of] tyrant, and personally responsible for the deaths of over 800,000 Americans in a war that was unnecessary and unconstitutional.”
“The comment was part of a post in which Pittman defended his bill to order the state to ignore the historic Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015.”
No, now it’s the party of neo-Nazi racists like Doctor Dumbfuck.
How liberals think elections are won.
rose mcgowan ✔ @rosemcgowan
Raised money for @ossoff (D) GA 6 while eating amazing custom cupcakes from #polkatots & sipping great wine from #consensiowine #flipthe6th
5:44 PM – 4 Apr 2017
This is the special election for Tom Price’s former seat. 95% of contributions to the Democrat are from out-of-state.
No figures on the percent of out-of-state cupcakes eaten by Hollywood celebrities.
But by phoning it in, the celebs are at least in keeping with the style of their candidate, who doesn’t live in the district he hopes to represent.
Alex Roarty ✔ @Alex_Roarty
Ossoff also acknowledged last night that he doesn’t live in district — moved just south so girlfriend could be closer to medical school …
10:25 AM – 23 Feb 2017
@ 55
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Trump presidency looks more like an Obama third term with every passing day.”
I’ll grant you that Trump’s ass looks a lot like #CrookedHillary’s ass.
Although Associate Justice Gorsuch looks very little like Merrick Garland.
In another six months Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be telling us that all those silly women in the stupid pink hats protesting Trump actually won the election they protested.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
stings, donit? A seat Trump Traitors should be walking away with in the primary is not only certain to at least go to a runoff, but you treasonous douchebags might even lose.
Why doncha call in some of the Russian Special Forces to parachute in with bags of cash and save the day? Thousands of “Green Men” suddenly pouring off the MARTA in Dunnwoody might help?
Too bad Fulton County doesn’t have any oil leases.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 “95% of contributions to the Democrat are from out-of-state”
What percentage of the Republican candidate’s contributions are from corporate special interests?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “I’ll grant you that Trump’s ass looks a lot like #CrookedHillary’s ass.
Well, if all asses look alike, then why the big fuss over who uses which bathroom?
@ 59
Eighteen candidates. Runoff seems likely, yup.
Yes, the GOP might even lose. You are correct.
Of course, Trump might have re-appointed Merrick Garland.
Keep on Hope-n for some Change.
@ 60
What percentage of the Republican candidate’s contributions are from corporate special interests?
Enough to retain the seat in GOP hands.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
After that you should consider revising your standards for “weakness”.
I both love and hate Twitter. Been following this account for a long time as he daily chronicles WWII through published news and later declassified information. It’s nearing the end.
WW2 Tweets from 1945 @RealTimeWWII
Ecstatic Goebbels rings Hitler: “I congratulate you! Roosevelt is dead. It is written in the stars that April will be our turning point!”
@ 64
What’s the point of doing more than acknowledging that it is possible the GOP could lose the seat?
My side waits until the election is over, and meanwhile the House remains in GOP control.
Your side has hourly dKos updates about how you’re going to swing the House and it starts with GA-6, until at the end you lose the special election by 3 points at a time when the GOP is focused elsewhere and Dems are laser-focused on GA-6. Then your side spends the next 18 months crowing about how the GOP underperformed in GA-6 until it turns out Dems lose 4 Senate seats during the midterms.
Between now and then you’ll come up with a million ways of writing that you’ll take over both chambers and lock Trump down in his final two years.
Until the first Wednesday in November of 2018, when you realize Ryan’s still gonna be in charge of the House, and it will be 56 Senate seats under GOP control and not 48, as you had hoped.
If I have to put up with all sorts of crap until then, OK.
Your move.
@ 65
GA-6 will be the Dems’ turning point.
It is written in HA.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Maybe. Barely. And at what cost? This CD lies squarely at the heart of what pre-Trump-Treason election analysts considered horse heaven for bloated, elite, conservative con artists pleading the old religion of Southern Strateejury. Perhaps the thought of their daughters facing decades of crotch groping from hairless sweating dude-bros with toxic coffee breath has made the NASCAR dads pause?
And with Ryan declaring Obamacare “the law of the land”, with the tax cut packages drowning under a tidal wave of FREEDUMB, and with the infrastructure package all but abandoned as an afterthought, I wouldn’t be so confident that corporate special interests are still on board the Russian Hayride.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
My side waits until the election is over is too preoccupied contacting criminal defense attorneys with experience in election finance.
@ 68
Let me save you some time.
Change a couple of names here and there, but this article is nearly perfect for you right now:
Pointless herein. No sale. I’m more than a thousand miles from GA and I know at least a dozen people who have clicked give blue for Ossoff assuming that he had no chance to win. Just spending the money makes them feel better about things. Cheaper than Bourbon. That impulse promises to persist as long as Teh Hillbilly Jeebus continues to tweet-rant from an unsecured Android phone on the second floor of the White House while engaging in watersports with Russian spies.
@ 71
Just spending the money makes them feel better about things.
I suppose, then, that the $200M they dropped on Bernie in the primary must have been like a months-long orgasm for them.
Hey, it’s not like #CrookedHillary needed it. She outspent Trump 2:1 and lost. $1.4B rather than $1.2B probably wouldn’t have helped her much.
’cause she would have spent it in Texas, Georgia, and Arizona.
Ba dup bup.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Wherein Педофил confuses a state with 30% AA population with a CD with 13% AA population. This is one of the whitest CDs in the greater Atlanta metro area. Money aside, any rational analysis of the voting has to conclude that a disturbingly high number of Tom Price’s voters are preparing to back a dirty liberal activist type with a “Jewishy” sounding name.
More Progress.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I suppose, then, that the $200M they dropped on Bernie in the primary must have been like a months-long orgasm for them.
How many electors did JEB! get again? Ba dup bup.
Stay on Nov. 9th. That’s your sweet spot.
@ 74
How many electors did JEB! get again?
A number insufficient for victory.
How did #CrookedHillary do?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Good. Snuggle into that warm comfortable numbing Nov. 9th boyfriend pillow.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“@21 Do you honestly believe if we ignore the MIddle East, the MIddle East will ignore us? How well did isolationism work in the thirties? I guess some people don’t learn from experience.”
Isolation would have worked out well had Woodrow Wilson practiced it and kept us out of the European War. The sides would have fought themselves to a brutal end and reached an armistice on their own. Hitler would not have come to power, and the Second European War would have never happened.
Getting involved in foreign disasters has done nothing for us other than diminish our civil liberties and run-up $20 trillion on our credit card.
The first Gulf War was a mistake. Had Bush just stayed out of it, Al Qaeda would have never come into existence. What infuriated Bin Laden was non-Mulsims (American, Brits, French) on Holy Muslim Ground, i.e. the Saudi Penninsula. For whatever reason, devout, fundamentalist Muslims think their sandbox is holy ground and “infidels” on that land are tantamount to pissing in the Holy Water at a Catholic church.
The only way Muslims are going to change for the better is for the West to get out of the way. Once young Muslims realize what these crazy imams are preaching means living in the dark Ages forever. Nothin will happen as long as Westerners are in the Middle East.
Two individuals in Chicago arrested for wanting to toss gay people off the tallest building in Chicago; they were holding or shown standing in front of the black flag of the Islamic radicals.
Before any trolls start to say “see us conservatives aren’t that bad, because radical extremist Muslims or the Muslim faith calls for that”, you need to look in a mirror.
Calling for the tossing off of a gay person from a building is no different from a terrorist flying a plane into a building and an individual resorting to jumping out the window of said building (which actually happened) to escape death of a burning building or escaped death at the hands of a terrorist. No different to want to kill a gay person than to want kill a straight, gay or bi person by flying a plane or bombing them in a bomb. No difference – don’t let them make you think there is.
There is no difference of this type of ideology and wanting to deny gay person equal rights and protections under the law for being a group of different people. And I would actually think that it is more of a slap in the face for an American to think this way. I am an American, and in America we have freedoms that all Americans should stand up for. Being against same sex marriage gives fuel to the ideology of wanting to toss someone off a building, its just a couple of degrees higher; and for an American to feel that way is repulsive.
Furthermore, conservatives probably give two shits about the accusations of Chechnya rounding up and torturing and killing gays, why on earth would they care if Muslims tossed gay people off buildings. Political motive? Self righteous conservatives never let an opportunity go to waste even if there is false equivalency.
Face it, you gay hating Americans you are no different than terrorists.
America is the Middle East – no different if you don’t fight for all freedom and everyone’s freedoms.
Face the facts. American is just a different degree of the Middle East.
Be different. Tell the radicals that you love same sex marriage….until you do, they will believe they are right. Your actions are giving them credibility. You morons.
Change this name – America is the Middle East.
Anyone want to talk about the psychology of describing the desert you were eating while you were killing people regardless of if they were ‘enemies?’
And I have an answer to my question @53
“Gonna grab my enormous cock biggest bomb and get them talking about that instead.”
This is what happens when someone’s mother repeatedly tosses him out of a tall crib.
Yeah it totally wasn’t about anything except disagreeing with his policies…
37% support Trump’s Syria strikes
38% supported Obama doing it
86% supported Trump doing it
22% supported Obama doing
@ 83
Uh huh.
Lemme guess. The GOP Trump poll was taken after the fact.
GOP Obama poll was taken, when? After the waffle?
gman, meet your new butt-plug, MOAB.
Eddie Haskellspews:
@85. What’s the matter Tweety? Can’t handle the truth? No real response?
Figured a dumbfuck like you. Enjoy the MOAB coming your way.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
the backward racist hillbillies can’t stand the fact that only one thing really changed between those two polls.
This is why we must be done with them once and for all.
After 50 years of trying we should accept that they cannot learn their way out of this. And healthy, well educated, affluent progressives will only harm ourselves and hold ourselves back by trying to accommodate them. This idiotic fable of White Supremacy is encoded into them. They can no more see it than they can see their own chins without a mirror. We can’t change that. This is who they are and who they will remain until they die.
Which can’t come soon enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Good lord, the GOP just attacks anything that moves, even itself. They’re a bunch of cannibalistic baby spiders eating their own mother.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I just had to share this description of the GOP, which came from a reader comment under a CBS News story.
@ 87
the backward racist hillbillies can’t stand the fact that only one thing really changed between those two polls.
Do you favor an act by President Obama, to be performed in the future, the result of which will be unknown because it hasn’t happened yet?
Do you favor an act performed last week by President Trump, the result of which is known?
More than one difference between the two questions. Nice try.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Soooooooooooooooooo, the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit purposely forgot all of the Blumenthal Wikileaks commentary. Now we all know why dumbfuck skipped over those comments.
wft? If in order to push back against the searingly obvious fact of Trumpublican White Supremacy you find yourself engaging in pure argle bargle, try to remember Occam’s Razor.
The same phenomenon of overwhelmingly lopsided negative partisan bias among Treason Party voters reveals itself in poll after poll – on everything from economic confidence to fears about crime. Sure it isn’t entirely about race. Race just amplifies it. Lots. Lots and lots. The objective facts on the ground don’t mean shit to hillbillies. Identity is everything. Identity and Okie Noodlin’.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
@90 it looks like our own hillbillies are even turning on Mike Pompeo
The whole narrative would be so much clearer if these hillbilly traitors didn’t have to go through a middle man and could just get their talking points directly from Vladdy.
@ 91
When was the poll regarding the Obama Syria question taken? Beforehand, when he was considering it? During the middle of it, when the navy was in place to launch before he called it off so he could consult, making him seem uncertain and insecure? Or after, when he turned the question over to Congress instead of making it himself? For that matter, what question was polled?
When the Trump poll was taken, it was already mission complete, and everyone saw what had been done with some idea of the effect.
I guess it’s a good thing it wasn’t Commander-in-Chief #CrookedHillary’s polled results being compared with Obama’s, because then we’d have gender to consider, and not just race.
All of which assumes, of course, that your argument continues to ignore differences in context- one guy ended up making a decision to pull the trigger, the other guy turned the decision over to others.
If all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, doesn’t it?
Hey, Goldy:
Be careful around YLB.
Bosses, be warned: Your biggest kiss-up could be your biggest backstabber
When the Trump poll was taken, it was already mission complete, and everyone saw what had been done with some idea of the effect.
At least you’re consistent about this. Whenever your bullshit is cornered you lie.
Nobody “saw” shit. They were told whatever the fuck the DoD wanted them to be told. And as anybody could have predicted the missile stunt didn’t do anything. The base was operational within hours, not days. The effect? Who the fuck knows? Obviously if there is any “effect” it is purely psychological and still to be determined. $100 million dollars in ordinance expended in under 20 minutes for a psychological effect. Maybe, just maybe that’s why Democrats opinions of the stunt remain largely unchanged.
Forget it. You’re not at fault. You’ve passed beyond the Orange Event Horizon now. Neither you nor any of your fellow hillbillies can escape His all consuming suck. Enjoy the ride.
Probably when the poll was taken people were told we took out an airbase. Maybe if they had done it after America found out they left it operational on purpose so as not to make some Syrians with a couple shovels put it back…..the GOP voters would have warmed to the idea of the darky launching missiles?
And looky there, he’s Betsy Devoss’ kid brother, lo, and behold.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Until the first Wednesday in November of 2018, when you realize Ryan’s still gonna be in charge of the House, and it will be 56 Senate seats under GOP control and not 48, as you had hoped.
What was Podesta’s password, again?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Here’s Ossoff in a Republican sponsored GA-6 poll leading the field at 39%. Of course Treason Trump supporters describe this as a “shocking” beating, even though the next closest vote getter is at only 15%. And it’s worth noting that in this deeeeeep reddest of Georgia CDs, none of them could name even one of those Trumpublican candidates if you paid them.
Two things of note: if the poll is accurate then overall turnout will be relatively low and early voters will account for a very large percentage of the total vote; Ossoff is crushing among voters who express “disapproval” of Trump’s performance. Going into a runoff, both of those factors will probably be very important.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Runs in the family, no doubt.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
do they really think Ryan will last that long with absolutely nothing to show for his leadership?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t Eisenhower’s Republican Party anymore, although it should be noted that Ike was a philanderer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 “Do you favor an act performed last week by President Trump, the result of which is known?”
Now that we know more of the details … no. It was nothing but a wag-the-dog stunt. I mean, who tells the enemy’s closest ally in advance where and when they’re going to attack? I could’ve done more damage to Assad by flipping him my middle toe.
@ 106
,<em….it should be noted that Ike was a philanderer.
Eh, your wife fucks around, too.
She’s gotta go somewhere outside the Rabbit household to find some functional dick.
Top of the page at, right now:
11-ton message from Trump
What was Obama doing this time of year when he was in the White House?
Wearing mom jeans and throwing out first pitches like YLBa girl.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@108 “Eh, your wife fucks around, too.”
Actually, she doesn’t. Obviously, you don’t know us. Neither of us has philandered. (That Ike did is an established historical fact.) You should stick with what you know, i.e. who your wife is entertaining. But maybe you don’t know that, either.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
word on the street has it that one or two or your exes may qualify.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
checked CNN and all I saw was this.
Guess it’s Zucker’s birthday or something.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@99 just another scummy Repuke.
@ 113
It’s worse than that. His company is the primary contractor for training ICE, prison guards and the so-called “antiterrorist” SWAT and other specialist teams for pretty much every Police department in the country.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
In other words – the man is just a puppet. Thank God Daddy helped him get started in life, otherwise this guy would be just another hillbillie scum of society.
Any word if the folks bankrolling the suit against Mayor Murray are, yet again, bankrolling an anti-LGBTQ-rights Initiative?
Because giving money to every anti-LGBTQ org you can find totally proves you’re not anti-gay.
Never again will rightwingers be able to claim with straight faces that they’re trying to keep government from intruding into our personal lives.
In a world run by them, you won’t even be able to take a shit without Big Brother telling you where to poop. And you won’t be able to poop (or vote) at all unless you carry a certified copy of your birth certificate with you at all times.
But even that won’t help you, because they won’t believe your certified birth certificate. Just ask Barack Obama about that.
Hypocrite is every Republican’s middle name.
I can hardly wait for some Conservative Culture Cop to pick me up (by my ears, of course) and poke his fingers between my legs before allowing me to leave a few pellets in the grass.
“Trans” people are insane and the people who accommodate their insanity are simply idiots.
Do not feed the troll…
So it appears that Rep. Nunez was indeed full of shit.
Intelligence contradicts nunes claims
That won’t dissuade our troll and their, “Trump was vindicated that he was wiretapped” bullshit. So why didn’t Nunes share the information with even his committee before, possibly improperly, declassifying it? Because the White House asked him to. The headline is needed, the details not so much.
Absolutely right! Conservatives really have no intention at all of making government less intrusive. They could care less about individual rights.
What we need are people who believe in individual righst and individual responsibility.
That won’t prevent racist, hillbilly fucktards from pretending that Nunes’ lies can justify going after Susan Rice.
After all she’s a woman. And she’s black. Under otherwise normal circumstances a hillbilly would consider either one of those justification for a good beating.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Nate Silver ✔ @NateSilver538
Estes underperformed Trump’s margin by 20.3 points. If every district behaved like that, Dems would gain 122 (!) House seats next November.
Voters in the district yesterday underperformed the 2016 voter turnout there by more than 150,000. Yeah, if GOP voters overwhelmingly stay home in November of next year, that would be good for Democrats.
It’s not us.
It’s the hillbillies.
We go forward without them.
What goes around, comes around.
@10 Can’t trust ’em. So why should we reach out to ’em? Hell, they don’t even like each other (see e.g. log of police visits to trailer parks).
@4 Even insane people have to shit somewhere.
@4 Want to know what “insane” and “stupid” are? Insane is passing laws telling strangers what gender they have to pretend to be, and which bathroom they have to use. “Stupid” is what people are who think they can bully other people into changing their gender orientation.
@9 “Yeah, if GOP voters overwhelmingly stay home in November of next year, that would be good for Democrats.”
And if they all drop dead from overdoses between now and then, that will be even better for Democrats. Hey, I’m not wishing for that, only making an observation.
Me, I’m wishing for it. Every goddam one of ’em can be replaced with a younger, healthier, better educated, and better adjusted immigrant not dependent on opiates, subsidies, and The Scooter Store.
Someone fell asleep during biology in school.
“Investors [are] trying to get a sense of the Trump administration’s priorities. President Donald Trump said in an interview with Fox Business on Wednesday he wants to tackle health care reform before implementing new tax policy. … Stocks rallied after Trump was elected in part because of the prospects of lower taxes, deregulation and fiscal policy. … ‘He didn’t say anything new,’ said Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group. ‘The question is how far along health care is, because depending on what they get done there, they’ll know what kind of tax reform they can get.'”
Emphasize the last sentence above. By now, everyone understands that cutting taxes for corporations and the rich depends on taking health care away from the poor, working, and middle classes, because that’s where the money for any new tax giveaways has to come from, given their unwillingness to borrow it. Trump, and the Republicans in Congress, can’t pay for the one without doing the other. Thus, so-called tax “reform” has to wait until they know how much money they can vacuum up by cutting health spending. Their only alternative is increasing deficits and finding countries willing to lend to them at low interest rates — China? Russia? Republicans are in a bind and they know it. Expect continued turbulence at their townhalls … and in financial markets, too.
Meanwhile, Janet Yellen’s departure from the Federal Reserve early next year is no longer a given; Trump dropped hints today that he might reappoint her. During the campaign, he was emphatic that he wouldn’t, so this appears to be yet another policy shift as the novice politician, learning as he goes in his first political job, bumps up against real-life realities.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think Yellen should stay. Policy continuity is important, especially now. But even more than that, she has been an able successor to Bernanke, whose own record in office was less than perfect, and the Fed is now on exactly the right policy track. It should continue to gradually raise interest rates, until rates “normalize” and resume being set by the market, and it should gradually taper down its balance sheet by letting the securities it amassed during the QEs run off as they reach their maturities. Any attempt by Trump to reverse Fed policy and extend the “financial repression” of the Fed’s response to the crisis, in a fruitless effort to goose GDP growth, will simply prolong the market distortions that are now holding back growth and setting the stage for another financial crisis down the road.
The stock market is beginning to react to the unreality enshrouding Drumpf’s economic stimulus schemes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Robbing poor sick people is the key to everything. Absolutely everything Trump has promised, and Republicans hope to do, depends on taking health care away from millions of American citizens least able to afford the runaway costs of our dysfunctional health system to finance tax giveaways to corporations and the uber-wealthy people with whom Trump has filled his cabinet. But even GOP congressman have a sense of self-preservation, so the odds of these schemes coming to fruition are growing slimmer every day, and Wall Street knows it.
The Brits used to have a saying concerning Arabs and cats: Anyone trying to understand a cat or an Arab would come away from the encounter either scratched or baffled. Ol’ Remus over at The Woodpile Report had this to say about the Middle East:
“Yes, it was a mistake to get involved in the Middle East’s 5,000-year-old mega-war to begin with. We’ve known it since watching the Greatte Powers do pratfalls a century and more ago. We have no dog in this fight. What possible return on our investment could there be?
This incident is just that, one incident, and far from the worst. Get a grip. In the Middle East every step is a misstep. It can’t be any other way.”
It’s time for the US to get out of this quagmire in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places. Modern democracies don’t have empires.
Cheeto Jeesus needed a poll bump. Pretending that there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans helped elect the motherfucker. There will be blood. Fortunately, among Americans most of it will be hillbilly blood.
Learn to love the words “Stop Loss”. And when the body bags start piling up ask yourself if it was really all worth it. Was it really worth it to pretend that an incompetent and politically disastrous attempt to obstruct Judicial Watch from publicizing private communications is a crime of global proportions? Fake stroke scares? Lesbian trysts? STAND DOWN? Vince Foster? Now that you know what real “Pay-to-Play” looks like, maybe a global charity devoted to clean water isn’t so bad after all. And don’t forget to buy Ivanka’s bags!
Didn’t this leftist PMSNBC jackASS once claim Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons?
Chris Matthews SAID Hitler never used chemical weapons
“If you basically put down a red line and say don’t use chemical weapons, and it’s been enforced in the Western community, around the world–international community for decades. Don’t use chemical weapons. We didn’t use them in World War II, Hitler didn’t use them, we don’t use chemical weapons, that’s no deal.”
Butt butt butt Sean Spicer said the same thing.
PMSNBC DUMMOCRETIN SCUM put in their place…
EPIC and DAYUM funny!
Meanwhile Trump Derangement Syndrome, as found on full display on HA DUMMOCRETINS is also visible on twitter…
DUMMOCRETIN SCUM caused this student to kill himself…
Due process no longer exists on libtard run campii! No one will be held accountable. No one will be fired.
Being a libtard means you never have to say you are sorry!
Meanwhile the Notre Dame Snowflakes are in a flurry…
Trump may be fucking up by the numbers over this Syrian mess, but this country has been on the same idiotic campaign trying to turn the Middle East into Western democracies for too long. Ain’t gonna happen!
Trump is just the latest idiot to continue on this ridiculous foreign policy. We should have been out of this mess 60 or 70 years ago.
Now, get out and stay out!
Gotta love it… The Heads of Delegation exchanged views on the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and the COP22 in Marrakesh in 2016. The Secretary of Energy of the United States of America informed fellow Ministers and Commissioner that the United States is in the process of reviewing many of its policies and reserves its position on this issue, which will be communicated at a future date. The other Heads of Delegation reaffirmed their commitment towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement to effectively limit the increase in global temperature well below 2°C above pre-industrial level, to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C, encouraged all Parties to ratify the agreement and reaffirmed their commitment to accelerate the decarbonisation of the energy sector. They also reiterated their commitment to deliver the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goal number 7.
No clean coal, no deal! In other words Trump and Perry refused to sign it!
Trump flipped on NATO and China currency manipulation today.
And this morning he hinted that he might reappoint Janet Yellen to the Federal Reserve.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Trump presidency looks more like an Obama third term with every passing day.
@29 I can hardly wait for all the red states on the Gulf Coast and southern Eastern Seaboard to see waves lapping at their cities. Know what will happen then? They’ll be screaming for federal money to pay for seawalls and pumps.
@29 “No clean coal, no deal!”
You really are stupid. What about abundant cheap natural gas? and automation? That’s what’s really killing off coal jobs.
@28 The Syria airstrike wasn’t about democracy, it was about genocide and weapons of mass destruction. You’re the idiot, as you’ve proved on this blog time and time again.
@21 Do you honestly believe if we ignore the MIddle East, the MIddle East will ignore us? How well did isolationism work in the thirties? I guess some people don’t learn from experience.
Meanwhile an illegal alien HA DUMMOCRETINS will love…
Deported felon arrested in sexual abuse of 12-year-old girl at Va. daycare
You’re the idiot, as you’ve proved on this blog time and time again.
Sez the neurotic senile fool who loves Sidney Blumenthal.
Now watch!
Remember the insane comments from HA DUMMOCRETINS on Fast and Furious? Remember how HA DUMMOCRETINS attacked Brian Terry’s family after he was killed?
No? Ask the FOOL AKA the crazed databaze deala AKA the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset for a replay!
Well, they got the trigger-man during the Trump administration!
Moronic twit @32,
The US has lots of coal. Natural gas per headless lucy is a zero sum game. So you disagree with headless senile dumbfuck idiot wabbit?
Right wing Christian radicals are no different than radical extremist Muslims, the only difference is the radical extremist Muslims aren’t scared of any jails or blowing themselves up. The right wing Christian radicals are cowards, unless than can hide behind a rock.
@11. Ohhh my. That lady stole that rainbow sweatband from Conservatives’ God.
@17 Gooooooo Zaaaaaagggggsss!
@36 Blumenthal happens to have been right about how your organ grinder monkey ignored the pre-9/11 warnings. By contrast, you’ve never been right about anything. You couldn’t find your own ass without GPS-guided toilet paper.
@36 (continued) In case you’ve forgotten, here it is again:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Being a leibetard means you are not a Neanderthal repuke.
NATO no longer obsolete. You don’t say.
Called It!
This is all bullshit and part of the coverup. Maybe Ivanka needs to stop hanging out with her Russian political friends then.
Somebody has been a bad boyyyyyy. God is punishing him. There is a god!
Wasn’t this the guy that said you don’t broadcast what you are going (or not going) to do?
Maybe he said for the sake of his Russian friends.
One of the Schizo’s favorite sources on Hillary’s “criminality”, convicted on felony fraud charges. He didn’t even try to fight them, they had his dumb lying ass dead to rights.
Liars lie, and liars that believe and repeat their lies, are even worse liars themselves.
Trump: “Do Things My Way Or I’ll Shoot Your Obamacare Subsidy!”
Trump just took Obamacare subsidies hostage in an attempt to force Democrats to “negotiate” on “repeal and replace.” Even if he doesn’t carry out his threat, this move will destabilize the health insurance market because many private carriers have to submit their rate plans to states by the end of this month — and they now have to assume the public money may not be there, which is certain to result in huge premium increases.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What I said before: If you voted for Trump, I don’t care if you lose your health coverage. It’s your own fault. You get what you vote for.
…organ grinder monkey ignored the pre-9/11 warnings.
No need to get cranky. W was really, really busy, seeing how he was not astride the horse he didn’t know how to ride, not herding the cattle he didn’t own at his “ranch”.
Followed by hours and hours and hours of not drinking heavily, because he said he quit, that’s how we know.
Jim Mathews (Aviation Daily) on the brutal solution that an airline came up with when dealing with a passenger being reluctant to be kicked off a flight because they overbooked it, then decided that they needed even more seats to fly a crew to staff another flight.
See, now that the “Conservatives” are in charge of everything, violence has gone from a last resort option to a primary reaction as a solution to everything. That’s why the Federal Government farms out the training of Border Patrol officers and Immigration Enforcement officers and the like to companies like Blackwater (or whatever it calls itself now).
Conservatives (businessmen) know that no matter what the situation or problem, violence is just the cheapest and simplest way to get shit done. And they’re all about cheap, simple solutions. They want to run everything like a business. They think that every undertaking should always generate a profit no matter what the cost.
And if there is one thing business really likes, it’s being as cheap as possible. Everything under the sun is just a Gordian Knot that just needs to be hacked at.
Who’s he going to bomb to get this off the front page?
The Civil War isn’t over yet.
“North Carolina State Representative Larry Pittman of Concord compared Abraham Lincoln to Adolf Hitler in a Facebook comment. It reads, in part: “… If Hitler had won, should the world just get over it? Lincoln was the same sort [of] tyrant, and personally responsible for the deaths of over 800,000 Americans in a war that was unnecessary and unconstitutional.”
“The comment was part of a post in which Pittman defended his bill to order the state to ignore the historic Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide in 2015.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t forget how morons like him get elected. It takes moron voters to elect them.
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Trump presidency looks more like an Obama third term with every passing day.”
With the added bonus of corruption, nepotism and an approval rating lower than Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
The party of Lincoln? Thanks to the Southern Strategy initiated by Nixon, not anymore.
“Republican NC state legislator: Abraham Lincoln was a ‘tyrant’ like Hitler for ending slavery”
No, now it’s the party of neo-Nazi racists like Doctor Dumbfuck.
How liberals think elections are won.
rose mcgowan ✔ @rosemcgowan
Raised money for @ossoff (D) GA 6 while eating amazing custom cupcakes from #polkatots & sipping great wine from #consensiowine #flipthe6th
5:44 PM – 4 Apr 2017
This is the special election for Tom Price’s former seat. 95% of contributions to the Democrat are from out-of-state.
No figures on the percent of out-of-state cupcakes eaten by Hollywood celebrities.
But by phoning it in, the celebs are at least in keeping with the style of their candidate, who doesn’t live in the district he hopes to represent.
Alex Roarty ✔ @Alex_Roarty
Ossoff also acknowledged last night that he doesn’t live in district — moved just south so girlfriend could be closer to medical school …
10:25 AM – 23 Feb 2017
@ 55
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Trump presidency looks more like an Obama third term with every passing day.”
I’ll grant you that Trump’s ass looks a lot like #CrookedHillary’s ass.
Although Associate Justice Gorsuch looks very little like Merrick Garland.
In another six months Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will be telling us that all those silly women in the stupid pink hats protesting Trump actually won the election they protested.
stings, donit? A seat Trump Traitors should be walking away with in the primary is not only certain to at least go to a runoff, but you treasonous douchebags might even lose.
Why doncha call in some of the Russian Special Forces to parachute in with bags of cash and save the day? Thousands of “Green Men” suddenly pouring off the MARTA in Dunnwoody might help?
Too bad Fulton County doesn’t have any oil leases.
@57 “95% of contributions to the Democrat are from out-of-state”
What percentage of the Republican candidate’s contributions are from corporate special interests?
@58 “I’ll grant you that Trump’s ass looks a lot like #CrookedHillary’s ass.
Well, if all asses look alike, then why the big fuss over who uses which bathroom?
@ 59
Eighteen candidates. Runoff seems likely, yup.
Yes, the GOP might even lose. You are correct.
Of course, Trump might have re-appointed Merrick Garland.
Keep on Hope-n for some Change.
@ 60
What percentage of the Republican candidate’s contributions are from corporate special interests?
Enough to retain the seat in GOP hands.
After that you should consider revising your standards for “weakness”.
I both love and hate Twitter. Been following this account for a long time as he daily chronicles WWII through published news and later declassified information. It’s nearing the end.
@ 64
What’s the point of doing more than acknowledging that it is possible the GOP could lose the seat?
My side waits until the election is over, and meanwhile the House remains in GOP control.
Your side has hourly dKos updates about how you’re going to swing the House and it starts with GA-6, until at the end you lose the special election by 3 points at a time when the GOP is focused elsewhere and Dems are laser-focused on GA-6. Then your side spends the next 18 months crowing about how the GOP underperformed in GA-6 until it turns out Dems lose 4 Senate seats during the midterms.
Between now and then you’ll come up with a million ways of writing that you’ll take over both chambers and lock Trump down in his final two years.
Until the first Wednesday in November of 2018, when you realize Ryan’s still gonna be in charge of the House, and it will be 56 Senate seats under GOP control and not 48, as you had hoped.
If I have to put up with all sorts of crap until then, OK.
Your move.
@ 65
GA-6 will be the Dems’ turning point.
It is written in HA.
Maybe. Barely. And at what cost? This CD lies squarely at the heart of what pre-Trump-Treason election analysts considered horse heaven for bloated, elite, conservative con artists pleading the old religion of Southern Strateejury. Perhaps the thought of their daughters facing decades of crotch groping from hairless sweating dude-bros with toxic coffee breath has made the NASCAR dads pause?
And with Ryan declaring Obamacare “the law of the land”, with the tax cut packages drowning under a tidal wave of FREEDUMB, and with the infrastructure package all but abandoned as an afterthought, I wouldn’t be so confident that corporate special interests are still on board the Russian Hayride.
My side
waits until the election is overis too preoccupied contacting criminal defense attorneys with experience in election finance.ftfy
@ 68
Let me save you some time.
Change a couple of names here and there, but this article is nearly perfect for you right now:
Why Hillary Clinton Might Win Georgia
Pointless herein. No sale. I’m more than a thousand miles from GA and I know at least a dozen people who have clicked give blue for Ossoff assuming that he had no chance to win. Just spending the money makes them feel better about things. Cheaper than Bourbon. That impulse promises to persist as long as Teh Hillbilly Jeebus continues to tweet-rant from an unsecured Android phone on the second floor of the White House while engaging in watersports with Russian spies.
@ 71
Just spending the money makes them feel better about things.
I suppose, then, that the $200M they dropped on Bernie in the primary must have been like a months-long orgasm for them.
Hey, it’s not like #CrookedHillary needed it. She outspent Trump 2:1 and lost. $1.4B rather than $1.2B probably wouldn’t have helped her much.
’cause she would have spent it in Texas, Georgia, and Arizona.
Ba dup bup.
Wherein Педофил confuses a state with 30% AA population with a CD with 13% AA population. This is one of the whitest CDs in the greater Atlanta metro area. Money aside, any rational analysis of the voting has to conclude that a disturbingly high number of Tom Price’s voters are preparing to back a dirty liberal activist type with a “Jewishy” sounding name.
More Progress.
I suppose, then, that the $200M they dropped on Bernie in the primary must have been like a months-long orgasm for them.
How many electors did JEB! get again? Ba dup bup.
Stay on Nov. 9th. That’s your sweet spot.
@ 74
How many electors did JEB! get again?
A number insufficient for victory.
How did #CrookedHillary do?
Good. Snuggle into that warm comfortable numbing Nov. 9th boyfriend pillow.
“@21 Do you honestly believe if we ignore the MIddle East, the MIddle East will ignore us? How well did isolationism work in the thirties? I guess some people don’t learn from experience.”
Isolation would have worked out well had Woodrow Wilson practiced it and kept us out of the European War. The sides would have fought themselves to a brutal end and reached an armistice on their own. Hitler would not have come to power, and the Second European War would have never happened.
Getting involved in foreign disasters has done nothing for us other than diminish our civil liberties and run-up $20 trillion on our credit card.
The first Gulf War was a mistake. Had Bush just stayed out of it, Al Qaeda would have never come into existence. What infuriated Bin Laden was non-Mulsims (American, Brits, French) on Holy Muslim Ground, i.e. the Saudi Penninsula. For whatever reason, devout, fundamentalist Muslims think their sandbox is holy ground and “infidels” on that land are tantamount to pissing in the Holy Water at a Catholic church.
The only way Muslims are going to change for the better is for the West to get out of the way. Once young Muslims realize what these crazy imams are preaching means living in the dark Ages forever. Nothin will happen as long as Westerners are in the Middle East.
Two individuals in Chicago arrested for wanting to toss gay people off the tallest building in Chicago; they were holding or shown standing in front of the black flag of the Islamic radicals.
Before any trolls start to say “see us conservatives aren’t that bad, because radical extremist Muslims or the Muslim faith calls for that”, you need to look in a mirror.
Calling for the tossing off of a gay person from a building is no different from a terrorist flying a plane into a building and an individual resorting to jumping out the window of said building (which actually happened) to escape death of a burning building or escaped death at the hands of a terrorist. No different to want to kill a gay person than to want kill a straight, gay or bi person by flying a plane or bombing them in a bomb. No difference – don’t let them make you think there is.
There is no difference of this type of ideology and wanting to deny gay person equal rights and protections under the law for being a group of different people. And I would actually think that it is more of a slap in the face for an American to think this way. I am an American, and in America we have freedoms that all Americans should stand up for. Being against same sex marriage gives fuel to the ideology of wanting to toss someone off a building, its just a couple of degrees higher; and for an American to feel that way is repulsive.
Furthermore, conservatives probably give two shits about the accusations of Chechnya rounding up and torturing and killing gays, why on earth would they care if Muslims tossed gay people off buildings. Political motive? Self righteous conservatives never let an opportunity go to waste even if there is false equivalency.
Face it, you gay hating Americans you are no different than terrorists.
America is the Middle East – no different if you don’t fight for all freedom and everyone’s freedoms.
Face the facts. American is just a different degree of the Middle East.
Be different. Tell the radicals that you love same sex marriage….until you do, they will believe they are right. Your actions are giving them credibility. You morons.
Change this name – America is the Middle East.
Anyone want to talk about the psychology of describing the desert you were eating while you were killing people regardless of if they were ‘enemies?’
And I have an answer to my question @53
“Gonna grab my
enormous cockbiggest bomb and get them talking about that instead.”This is what happens when someone’s mother repeatedly tosses him out of a tall crib.
Yeah it totally wasn’t about anything except disagreeing with his policies…
@ 83
Uh huh.
Lemme guess. The GOP Trump poll was taken after the fact.
GOP Obama poll was taken, when? After the waffle?
gman, meet your new butt-plug, MOAB.
@85. What’s the matter Tweety? Can’t handle the truth? No real response?
Figured a dumbfuck like you. Enjoy the MOAB coming your way.
the backward racist hillbillies can’t stand the fact that only one thing really changed between those two polls.
This is why we must be done with them once and for all.
After 50 years of trying we should accept that they cannot learn their way out of this. And healthy, well educated, affluent progressives will only harm ourselves and hold ourselves back by trying to accommodate them. This idiotic fable of White Supremacy is encoded into them. They can no more see it than they can see their own chins without a mirror. We can’t change that. This is who they are and who they will remain until they die.
Which can’t come soon enough.
“Good lord, the GOP just attacks anything that moves, even itself. They’re a bunch of cannibalistic baby spiders eating their own mother.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I just had to share this description of the GOP, which came from a reader comment under a CBS News story.
@ 87
the backward racist hillbillies can’t stand the fact that only one thing really changed between those two polls.
Do you favor an act by President Obama, to be performed in the future, the result of which will be unknown because it hasn’t happened yet?
Do you favor an act performed last week by President Trump, the result of which is known?
More than one difference between the two questions. Nice try.
Soooooooooooooooooo, the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit purposely forgot all of the Blumenthal Wikileaks commentary. Now we all know why dumbfuck skipped over those comments.
wft? If in order to push back against the searingly obvious fact of Trumpublican White Supremacy you find yourself engaging in pure argle bargle, try to remember Occam’s Razor.
The same phenomenon of overwhelmingly lopsided negative partisan bias among Treason Party voters reveals itself in poll after poll – on everything from economic confidence to fears about crime. Sure it isn’t entirely about race. Race just amplifies it. Lots. Lots and lots. The objective facts on the ground don’t mean shit to hillbillies. Identity is everything. Identity and Okie Noodlin’.
@90 it looks like our own hillbillies are even turning on Mike Pompeo
The whole narrative would be so much clearer if these hillbilly traitors didn’t have to go through a middle man and could just get their talking points directly from Vladdy.
@ 91
When was the poll regarding the Obama Syria question taken? Beforehand, when he was considering it? During the middle of it, when the navy was in place to launch before he called it off so he could consult, making him seem uncertain and insecure? Or after, when he turned the question over to Congress instead of making it himself? For that matter, what question was polled?
When the Trump poll was taken, it was already mission complete, and everyone saw what had been done with some idea of the effect.
I guess it’s a good thing it wasn’t Commander-in-Chief #CrookedHillary’s polled results being compared with Obama’s, because then we’d have gender to consider, and not just race.
All of which assumes, of course, that your argument continues to ignore differences in context- one guy ended up making a decision to pull the trigger, the other guy turned the decision over to others.
If all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, doesn’t it?
Hey, Goldy:
Be careful around YLB.
Bosses, be warned: Your biggest kiss-up could be your biggest backstabber
When the Trump poll was taken, it was already mission complete, and everyone saw what had been done with some idea of the effect.
At least you’re consistent about this. Whenever your bullshit is cornered you lie.
Nobody “saw” shit. They were told whatever the fuck the DoD wanted them to be told. And as anybody could have predicted the missile stunt didn’t do anything. The base was operational within hours, not days. The effect? Who the fuck knows? Obviously if there is any “effect” it is purely psychological and still to be determined. $100 million dollars in ordinance expended in under 20 minutes for a psychological effect. Maybe, just maybe that’s why Democrats opinions of the stunt remain largely unchanged.
Forget it. You’re not at fault. You’ve passed beyond the Orange Event Horizon now. Neither you nor any of your fellow hillbillies can escape His all consuming suck. Enjoy the ride.
Probably when the poll was taken people were told we took out an airbase. Maybe if they had done it after America found out they left it operational on purpose so as not to make some Syrians with a couple shovels put it back…..the GOP voters would have warmed to the idea of the darky launching missiles?
More Treason Trump “Americans” keeping real classy.
@ 97
Another contractor, just another of literally thousands over the last 40 years or so, robbed blind by Donald Trump.
Who now has to pay them a settlement that is several orders of magnitude larger than the original bill would have been.
Some businessman.
Oh, dear oh dear.
Another close Trumppp confidant on the verge of indictment. Lordy me, this one is kind’ave a doozy.
And looky there, he’s Betsy Devoss’ kid brother, lo, and behold.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Until the first Wednesday in November of 2018, when you realize Ryan’s still gonna be in charge of the House, and it will be 56 Senate seats under GOP control and not 48, as you had hoped.
What was Podesta’s password, again?
Here’s Ossoff in a Republican sponsored GA-6 poll leading the field at 39%. Of course Treason Trump supporters describe this as a “shocking” beating, even though the next closest vote getter is at only 15%. And it’s worth noting that in this deeeeeep reddest of Georgia CDs, none of them could name even one of those Trumpublican candidates if you paid them.
Two things of note: if the poll is accurate then overall turnout will be relatively low and early voters will account for a very large percentage of the total vote; Ossoff is crushing among voters who express “disapproval” of Trump’s performance. Going into a runoff, both of those factors will probably be very important.
Runs in the family, no doubt.
do they really think Ryan will last that long with absolutely nothing to show for his leadership?
Heh.. Boob had better keep a closer eye on its hand..
That thing has a life of its own..
Thanks to the stupid voters who elected Trump, the execrable Don Benton is now in charge of America’s military draft.
The kind of people who run for public office as Republicans nowadays.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t Eisenhower’s Republican Party anymore, although it should be noted that Ike was a philanderer.
@89 “Do you favor an act performed last week by President Trump, the result of which is known?”
Now that we know more of the details … no. It was nothing but a wag-the-dog stunt. I mean, who tells the enemy’s closest ally in advance where and when they’re going to attack? I could’ve done more damage to Assad by flipping him my middle toe.
@ 106
,<em….it should be noted that Ike was a philanderer.
Eh, your wife fucks around, too.
She’s gotta go somewhere outside the Rabbit household to find some functional dick.
Top of the page at, right now:
11-ton message from Trump
What was Obama doing this time of year when he was in the White House?
Wearing mom jeans and throwing out first pitches like
YLBa girl.@108 “Eh, your wife fucks around, too.”
Actually, she doesn’t. Obviously, you don’t know us. Neither of us has philandered. (That Ike did is an established historical fact.) You should stick with what you know, i.e. who your wife is entertaining. But maybe you don’t know that, either.
word on the street has it that one or two or your exes may qualify.
checked CNN and all I saw was this.
Guess it’s Zucker’s birthday or something.
@99 just another scummy Repuke.
@ 113
It’s worse than that. His company is the primary contractor for training ICE, prison guards and the so-called “antiterrorist” SWAT and other specialist teams for pretty much every Police department in the country.
In other words – the man is just a puppet. Thank God Daddy helped him get started in life, otherwise this guy would be just another hillbillie scum of society.
Donald Trump’s Recent Policy Reversals Reflect Business Influence – The Wall Street Journal
What a puff piece by The Fail Street rag.
Hate to say it but it’s a waste of time blaming this on Donald Drumpf. Instead the focus should be every fucking Repuje, where the true problems lay.
Space Group Protests Donald Trump From 90,000 Feet Above Earth – The Huffington Post