I’m really psyched about Councilmember González’ announcement of a legal defense fund for people facing deportation. It’s important that people have the right to defend themselves. I hope that we can make this a long-term thing to outlast the current news cycle, or even the current administration.
So legal citizens will now be taxed in order to provide legal defense for illegal citizens so they can illegally remain in the country?
Funny how Carl fails to mention the Roundup of 80 + illegal aliens with extensive and violent criminal histories in the Seattle area,,,,,, I wonder if Carl’s legal defense fund will cover them to?
So let’s be clear about what happened this week at HPSCI.
A Trump NSC appointee brought into the WH by Flynn who McMaster had tried to fire but whose firing was blocked by Trump, Bannon, and Kushner, was ordered to spend the weeks following Trump’s inane GCHQ claims obtaining and combing through highly classified reports looking for something to lessen Trump’s embarrassment. With little to show for his efforts other than routine surveillance of foreign agents, he compiles the raw reports pertaining directly to an FBI criminal investigation and brings them to a former Nunes employee also working at the WH. The former Nunes employee requests to have incidental captured identities partially unmasked and arranges to meet with Nunes and show him the raw transcripts*. Nunes then briefs potential targets of the FBI criminal investigation* and holds a press conference and shares what he saw in those transcripts*.
A top NSC WH employee and a top WH lawyer, in order to lessen Teh Hillbilly Jesus’ humiliation over his own raging temper committed multiple felonies in an effort to obtain and disseminate details of an FBI criminal investigation*.
*Felony, regardless of the perpetrator’s clearances. These types of reports may not be communicated outside of approved channels through official, documented requests. And, of course, attempting to obstruct an FBI investigation is an obvious felony.
…legal defense for illegal citizens…
Upon what evidence do you support your claim of guilt? The mere fact that some obese bureaucrat facing a quota has signed a deportation order? The fact that sleep deprived PTSD suffering ICE agents doped on roids and amphetamines grabbed them out of their beds? Aside from pointing out the absurdity of your labeling them “illegal” and “citizens” in the same sentence, it must be obvious even to a person as stupid as you that many of these people may be present in the United States legally.
Any opinions about a St. Anthony police officer’s decision to fatally shoot Philando Castile held by special agents who investigated the case are irrelevant and should not be allowed in the officer’s trial, prosecutors say.
Apparently there’s more than one interpretation of those videos.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Unspoken in all these revelations about Russia interfering in US election is that millions of Americans were stupid enough to fall for it.
Podesta’s email password reportedly was ‘password’.
One less stupid American, Goldy, and #CrookedHillary might be president today.
@ 5
“Podesta’s email password “reportedly” was ‘password’.”
The bitter russian troll is spreading lies again. Why not trot out the fox news “People are sayin….”
Claim that John Podesta’s email password was ‘password’ lacks evidence
The fast-spreading lie about John Podesta’s hacked email password
“More to the point, Google doesn’t even allow “password” to be used as a GMail password, making the entire story impossible.”
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has indicated that he would get rid of the filibuster to put Gorsuch on the bench,”
Deluded people seem to think that if the dems go along with goresuck, the republicans will NOT nuke the filibuster in a hot second to install an arch-conservative the instant a liberal judge retires.
2 comments by trolls shot down. You wonder what these morons do with themselves.
On another note – even if Drumpf was impeached or resigned or in some other fashion no longer Prezident the damage has been done. If he goes, we are still stuck with his appointees. Like the EPA douche bag and the Education cunt.
Drumpf is not the problem – the GOP is the problem. They are fakes, phonies and frauds who only care about their money and subjecting people to their self righteousness that can only govern by making the hillbillies afraid about everything and anything except what they should really be afraid of.
Awww…..our little white trash poster got all triggered.
My use of “illegal” and “citizens” was a play on words….you just werent quick enough to get it.
Does it hurt yet? Yes, i bet it does.
And yes, i am sure there are LOTS AND LOTS of people mistakenly charged with being illegal aliens…not.
So funny watching the most whitebread city in the country go through its diversity gyrations….. popcorn in hand.
@ 8
If he goes, we are still stuck with his appointees.
If he goes, you are stuck with those whom the current vice president, who would become president, might choose to appoint. He may or may not retain Trump’s appointees.
I’d be OK with Mike Pence’s predecessor as IN governor in the Education Secretary slot, for instance, should the current one be asked to depart.
And yes, i am sure there are LOTS AND LOTS of people mistakenly charged with being illegal aliens…not.
Glad to hear it. And since federal bureacrats are never wrong about criminal charges, I’ll be looking forward to your idiotic caps-lock chanting of “LOCK THEM UP” when the criminal indictments against Trump and the GOP are handed down. Avoiding trial and assistance of counsel should save lots of time and money.
It’s always nice to see one of his own shut down Loofa Bill’s bullshit. But I don’t honestly believe that an egomaniac like O’Reilly brings on his own in-house global security and intelligence expert to mock him on the air unless he has an agenda. This guy is brought on to call Nunes story pimping, that O’Reilly appears to be defending, “a BS story” and “phony” to protect O’Reilly’s retreat among his audience of aging, impotent, white male Trump fanboys.
@10 like I said Drumpf, as crazy and insane and as bad as he is for this Country, he is not the problem….the problem is the GOP (Including Prudence from Indiana).
No immunity for Flynn. It’s a witch hunt. Funny majority GOP oversight committee with access to classified info say no to protecting a GOP operative.
How did they put it….drip drip drip
@1 Yet another troll who can’t spell “too.” We have a crisis in our education system, all right. Too many Trump voters are teaching in our schools.
@3 You can’t expect a person who can’t spell “too” to possess the critical thinking skills to figure out that ICE agents might grab citizens now and then. After all, we live in a society where half the population thinks anyone who wears a turban or head scarf is (a) Arab, (b) Muslim, and (c) a terrorist.
@4 The question is whether the “interpretation” you so gleefully embrace has any evidentiary value. By way of illustration, show me a Trump voter, and I’ll show you people who saw “bus loads of illegal voters” that don’t exist — kind of like the “thousands and thousands” of people Trump didn’t see celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers.
@5 “Reportedly was” and “was” are two different things.
See also: “More to the point, Google doesn’t even allow ‘password’ to be used as a GMail password, making the entire story impossible.”
Doctor Dumbfuck strikes again, and gets shot down again.
Hmm, looks like @6 got there first, but in this case, piling on seems appropriate and is not against the rules.
@7 I’m sure McConnell realizes that when the Democrats’ turn comes again to appoint a SCOTUS justice — and their turn WILL come again — what goes around will come around.
@14 I’ve always been curious about why anyone is loyal to a party that has no loyalty to its own. Even the Mafia treats its members better than that.
Roger @20
What I’ve heard is the Senate committee members are taking their job seriously regardless of party affiliation. And there are rumors that they already have a lot on Flynn and what he can testify about.
The real problem Flynn has is that he has been shopping around for immunity and nobody is buying. The Senate committee was his last hope.
I guess DRUMPH could grant him a pardon. That should go over well.
Maybe slow down just a leeeeetle bit on the Russian stuff.
Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report
VOA reported Tuesday that the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), which publishes an annual reference estimating the strength of world armed forces, disavowed the CrowdStrike report and said it had never been contacted by the company.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has stated that the combat losses and hacking never happened.
Remember, the DNC servers weren’t examined by the FBI. They were examined by Crowdstrike, which reported findings, and the FBI relied on that report to blame the Russians.
Most importantly, #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
“Most importantly, #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.”
“And was my body numb from all the things
Endlessly assaulting me
Alone I’ll sit here and I’ll sing it to myself
And I’ll just put my fingers in my ears and I’ll sing
La de da”
“Most importantly, #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.”
“Russia ‘hired 1,000 internet trolls to create fake news sites spreading lies about Hillary Clinton during US election’”
It’d be 1,001, but Doctor Dumbfuck does it for Putin for free.
I can spell too just fine old man…sometimes voice to text technology is not perfect.
If thats all you got, then you already lost.
Didn’t James Comey claim CrowdStrike was respected? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/fb.....c-servers/
“highly respected private company.” C… “BS” News strikes again! Yeth he did.
Oh really?
Why isn’t Comey being held responsible?
So why did Comey outsource the FBI’s DNC hacking investigation to Crowdstrike again? The DNC had something to hide! Maybe that new CIA source code was on the DNC servers and they had to hide that fact?
So legal citizens will now be taxed in order to provide legal defense for illegal citizens so they can illegally remain in the country?
Yes, loser, all Seattle residents will pay taxes so that residents accused of being in this country illegally may obtain legal representation. Feel free to complain to our City Council.
We didn’t expect you to understand, loser.
“accused of being in this country illegally”
huh? Either they are Americans, H1-B visa holders or green card holders! Otherwise they be an illegal immigrant, illegal alien or undocumented alien. They be a person who is residing on a non-temporary basis in a country where s/he/it/hxm/hxr/wimxn/mxn has no legal right to reside.
Butt that’s A-OK with all tensed up because that vibrator up de ASS still feels so good to him! Plus gotta ignore laws on de books… 8 U.S. Code § 1325
To all tensed up ‘undocumented alien’ means that illegal aliens from foreign lands have the unconditional right to violate America’s borders and immigration laws at our peril.
To all tensed up here are its newest definitions
Bank robbers are making unauthorized withdrawals.
Cattle rustlers are animal husband persons.
Burglars are uninvited house guests.
Carjackers are underrated drivers.
Hackers are special coding developers.
Another all tensed up oxymoron! The true meaning of being a donk… errr jackASS!
Most importantly, [Senator Clinton] will never, ever be president.
As surely as Podesta’s password was “password”.
Apparently Julian Assange thought it was password all tensed up!
“We published several … emails which show Podesta responding to a phishing email,” Assange said during the first part of the interview, which aired on “Hannity” Tuesday night. “Podesta gave out that his password was the word ‘password’. His own staff said this email that you’ve received, this is totally legitimate. So, this is something … a 14-year-old kid could have hacked Podesta that way.”
Let’s give the dreamers amnesty, get them to come forward and pay a small fine (say $100), and tell them they have to become citizens or become legal resident aliens or have to go back to their birth countries.
Since a lot them grew up here, they probably speak English very well and have assimilated to American society. If their parents are illegals, offer amnesty but maybe the fine should be more substantial (say $1,000), and the parents should go through the same become a citizen/legal resident alien or be-deported-back-to-home-country scenario. That’s about as fair as we can make it, I think. It’s not really very fair to those immigrants who jumped through all the legal hoops to come here legally and become citizens, but it’s not a bad starting point for all of us to deal with the situation.
Let’s get the damn problem solved well enough that we can all live with it.
Yeah, there’s a pretty good chance Hillary will never be president.
32 – BTW, Trump ain’t gonna build no damn wall. It’s an impossible engineering task to begin with, it won’t be effective, and it will cost tons of money.
Trump’s blowing smoke out his ass with this wall business.
@25 That’s what proofreading and “Click to Edit” are for, numbnuts.
‘As surely as Podesta’s password was “password”.’
And a 900+ page health care bill was passed in reconciliation..
And tax dodging u.s. corps getting a tax holiday saved the economy in 2008..
The parade of stupid marches on…
btw, the sun sets at 7:38pm today.
Maybe slow down just a leeeeetle bit on the Russian stuff.
It’s not nearly as important as Podesta’s password.
Fun fact: Michael Flynn has two hobbies. The first, as we all know, is leading large groups of risibly gullible fools in chanting to demand the illegal imprisonmemt of persons who were never, ever convicted of any crime. His other, lesser-known hobby involves selecting Congressional committees at random and asking them for immunity.
So, nothing to see here, move along…
@28 I’m glad you think the people you vote for will never mistake you for a Kenya-born communist and deport your ass to a country you’ve never seen, where you don’t speak the language, and have no friends or relatives. You have more confidence in them than I do. On the other hand, I’m not especially eager to pay taxes to keep you here, either, so I can go either way with this.
@ The Schiz @ 30:
So a Russian propaganda agent specifically tasked with disseminating as much bullshit as possible through the American media machine, and an open white supremacist with hardline rightist beliefs, are in a highly speculative and borderline slanderous conversation about a political professional who is has worked and is working in opposition to the Russians and their political agents in the Republican party.
And you’re okay with that.
The reality seems to be is that the GOP is imploding. The knives are coming out and everyone in the GOP right now is just trying to figure out how to get their asses covered before the shit hits the fan. And it is going to, hard. Donald Trump isn’t going to last to the next 4th of July and he’s going to take the whole Republican Party with him.
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit, there is one answer for your worthless diatribe @38:
8 U.S. Code § 1325
btw, the sun sets at 7:38pm today.
PWNED by Puddy!
Any chance we can get massive immigration-enforcement sweeps across Eastern Washington this year? Like, maybe deport thousands of undocumented persons just ahead of apple harvesting time? I’m sure those Republican-voting orchardists would support such a great show of Law & Order reality-tv by The Donald.
@40 You seem to be forgetting that a lot of your fellow Republicans think you don’t belong here and want you to go back to Africa.
@30 ““Podesta gave out that his password was the word ‘password’.”
Well, if he did, then he conned the hackers. Sort of like blowing an air horn into the phone when telemarketers call.
Tim Eyman is going to need to sell a lot of watches.
@32 Speaking of damn problems, how would you solve the damn problem where the parents are illegals and their kids are citizens because they were born here? By breaking up the family by deporting the parents? By sending the kids, who are U.S. citizens and may not know any other culture, to Mexico with their parents? Or do you reward illegals for having babies here by letting them stay? Explain how you would deal with this.
@ 45
Meh, he’ll just go back to robbing girl scouts.
@33 It’s a leadpipe cinch that neither you, Puddy, or Doctor Dumbfuck ever will be.
@34 Dang. I wanted to watch it being built in the middle of a river. That would have been a show.
@41… Join us after 7:38pm..
Like you used to…
Btw, the sun has set…
The babbling buffoon putting HA first since April 2005..
@36 “btw, the sun sets at 7:38pm today”
I don’t know if I can wait that long. It’s gonna be tough.
There are reports that Podesta sent emails on Climate Change from the account heywood_jablowme@gmail.com
According to Brietbart, Podesta is in reality an Nigerian Prince and if you would just see your way to sending to him enough money to claim his birthright he will deliver personally to you yellowcake at your earliest convenience. Podesta asks your humbly assistance. All he is from you needing is your social security number.
In fact, HA’s tweedledee and tweedledum are shocked by this one simple trick to get into Podesta’s email.
@45 I never hear about him anymore. Is he out of prison yet?
@ 51
I don’t know if I can wait that long. It’s gonna be tough.
As you have no other life, I imagine it would be.
@40 You seem to be forgetting that a lot of your fellow Republicans think you don’t belong here and want you to go back to Africa.
Wrong again
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit@43! That’s for DUMMOCRETINS and illegal aliens!
The monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic lace pink moist pantied low IQ arschloch continues to live vicariously through Puddy.
Means this FOOL has no real life!
33 & 48,
Yes, I’ll never be president and none of any of the trolls on this blog (liberal, conservative and libertarian) will ever be president.
heywood_jablowme@gmail.com AKA dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 email address.
Who knew?
Sez ski bus guy….rent is due soon, hope you saved your pennies.
Maybe I could give 2 shits
You must be one of those “illegal citizens” whom moron @1 was jabbering about. Can we deport you now?
Hey I gotta step out so why not have a countdown a few minutes early??
10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6..
(from that farting babbling jackass troll… it’s so nice.. enjoy..)
Steve, check out @25. Your buddy is another “Chrome blaming” type of guy. Not as Superior as some individuals.
“So a Russian propaganda agent specifically tasked with disseminating as much bullshit as possible through the American media machine, and an open white supremacist with hardline rightist beliefs”
Sounds like Doctor Dumbfuck.
@60 That many?
@57 There are no liberal trolls on this blog. This is a liberal blog, so by definition, liberal posters cannot be trolls. The only trolls here are the rightwing traitors who trespass in these comment threads. Their presence is tolerated because they make themselves useful by providing us with wingnut asses to kick.
@64 Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t clever enough to be a Russian agent.
Simple, if the parents are illegals, they come forward and pay a fine and pursue citizenship or resident alien status. Either way, we know they’re here, the family stays together, and we don’t have to do anything else.
It’s not fair to those foreigners who come here legally, but it’s the least unattractive option we have.
66 – Nice try but no cigar. You are one of the most arrogant and abusive “people” on this blog, and you have absolutely no tolerance for anyone who has even the slightest difference of opinion with your views.
You’re the worst troll here, no question about it at all.
I Seattle should have a defense fund for poor people who are going to have their power shut off. About to be evicted. That Seattle should better support criminal defense for those accused of crimes. If some of the funds helps some immigrants that is great, but the councilman should be calling for uplifting all individuals who cannot afford legal advice in the criminal and civil systems. Also the immigration court is a court even when the individuals are represented the most likely outcome is they will be deported, as most of these folks don’t have the resources and fame of say a famous immigrant who faced deportation named John Lennon. If the Nixon administration had kept its mouth shut Mr. Lennon and Oko would have probably been placed on a plane back to England. So if Seatle’s mayor would politically attack the courts, and these immigrants that would help them more than any attorney will during the cut and dried process of deportation court.
@1 It would have to cover them, especially them for it to be a meaningful effort to assist immigrants who wish to remain in the US>
@2 The WH employee maybe charged under the law. The congressman and any congressman will not be charged. What you are inferring does not apply to members of Congress.
Other than the bad political judgement of inviting the ranking Democratic Congressman along on the trip to the WH SKIF Nunes did nothing wrong.
If you want to see a Nuremburg Bible you got to go to a library that has one. Such a book may not be on display and one may have to go into a special area with a librarian to see and handle the book.
In conclusion this is much ado all about nothing. Perhaps some more interest in North Korea would be wiser for Members of Congress from both parties.
@4 The prosecutor is arguable obligated to put forth their best case and to try to stop testimony that would hurt its case, the standard for the court though should be to side with the rights of the person on trial. The person on trial whether they are a police officer or convicted bank robber.
@5 I think it was about jobs, trade, and citizens in the rust belt voting for a candidate that at least was saying they would work for them. Too bad that was not the Democratic candidate.
@7 The Republican’s may not need to nuke the option if those liberal judges on the court hang in there for a couple of years. With 60 plus Republican’s in the Senate no problemo. Perhaps Democrats should pull their heads out, and figure out a plan for those elections.
@9 Actually about 20,000 US citizens are deported every year.
@13 Just because the President does things I disagree with does not make him crazy or insane. Now if Democrats would pull their heads out they would realize Trump is neither. He may have better political talents than you are giving him credit for. The Republicans failed on health reform and he’s reached out to Democrats, so maybe it’s time for Democrats to be politically astute, and seize the opportunity, or at lease sit down for cheese and crackers at the white house. Or is Senator Shumer too busy organizing a doomed filibuster.
Bertha is going to break through next week! Hurray!! Hurray!!! Looking forward to driving though the tunnel. Will it be just in time for the big quake? We will see.
@17 Reading the story if these were the opinions of the investigators investigating the case it’s not a far cry to expect the judge trying the case to find they are evidentiary even if only to protect the rights of the accused. It could go the Prosecutions way, but bus loads of immigrants, et have nothing to do with it and you are inappropriately confusing the issue. Not respecting your stated profession, and you have an obligation if you are going to state opinion on this you stick to the facts of the case, and state it’s your opinion and whether or not you are an attorney or a retired attorney under the rules of the bar you are or were a member of. You are supposed to still abide by the ethics of your profession even if you are retired.
@32 Better yet why not say welcome, please fill this out, stand here in front of the judge or appropriate official and take the oath of citizenship. Suggest they learn English if need be and tell them congratulations you are now a US citizen. How things were done when Washington was a territory and the early 1900’s. Unless they were Chinese.(Not that most of those Chinese wanted to become citizens as they planned to return to China.)
@42 Well why not the Wilson administration wrote the script on how to do such sweeps. They did some very successful sweeps. How to make people deputies with the power to arrest and sweep up whatever category of people you wish. Since there is no habeus corpus (just call em all terrorists) anymore makes it even easier.
I said pretty much the same thing once.
Me too.
Me too.
Me too.
Me too.