The library is not really designed to be a place for homeless people to hang out. It has become that de facto as the city’s homeless population increases. I don’t know what’s right on the no sleeping rule. Other than, obviously, enough places designed for homeless people to sleep.
So when seattle lefty hero and former Goldy coworker Dan Savage talks about pedophilia in a positive way, including his own experiences, nobody goes apeshit… fact, the lefty feedback is positive.
When Milo does the same thing, everyone freaks out and dives off the cliff and calls him a sick freak.(which both Milo and Dan are)
And when dan savage was(and still is)advocating for the lowering of the age of consent in The Stranger, Goldy was one of the head talking heads in charge there, nobody bats an eye…
Funny how that be…….
For the record, Negan advocates that all pedophiles get the Lucille treatment.
“….gonna shut that shit down, no exceptions”
Ok…now back to your daily propaganda…
Speaking of daily propaganda:
Gorsuch’s charm offensive may be working
The high court nominee sells himself with rafting, puppies and Garland gushing.
Your move, Senator Schumer.
And once again, former Senator Reid……. Many thanks.
dumbshit. It was Hillbilly Trailer Trump America that went apeshit.
You guys kicked him out of CPAC.
You guys kicked him out at Breitbart.
You guys got his book deal killed.
And it’s now you ignorant sister-fucking hillbillies who are so shit-stained nervous about this that you are comically trying to find some way to pin the whole catastrophe on someone else.
Milo was, is, and always will be your show. You clay eating beer drunk tools made him up out of your own weird fantasies. And you brought him down. He was your flagrantly queer, cross-dressing, foul mouthed, promiscuous id turned loose to wreak havoc on the smug liberals. It was always only a matter of time before he blew up in your stupid faces.
Own your shit.
The 4th Circuit has ruled that assault weapons are not covered by the Second Amendment and SCOTUS’s Heller decision. This means states can ban such weapons.
@2 Well, if he likes Garland so much, then he can step aside in favor of the nominee in line ahead of him. Anything else is just window dressing bullshit.
@3 Well done.
Called it
Guess i didnt realize The Stranger was an alt right publication.
Learn something new everyday
So according to mr elijah, pedophilia is ok with the left, since its just the right that is up in arms about milo.
Got it.
holy fuck, morning beer makes you people stupid.
Milo’s 13-year-old boy fucking meltdown has nothing to do with the left, The Stranger, or me. Everyone who hasn’t been pounding Keystone Light with Curevo chasers all morning is well aware of this.
Call that.
Is missing the point a hobby of yours? Or is it your occupation?
Being the trailer trash shit talker that you are, i wonder if you know the difference.
[[[[[Ho slap]]]]]
@1 the freak out was on the right….and on the left we, at least I, just wanted to point out how Repukes are just a bunch of hypocrites and users.
@3 nice job setting the record straight…spinsters love to play with knowledge.
Naggy is a fag..
Called It!
You wish
And speaking of pedophiles, Gman walks right in….
@9 Boob loves Pedophilia….he just doesn’t want the boy over for dinner.
To prove his boyhood, Naggy is having sex with his mother in the basement
As long as the unfathomably stupid sister-fucking beer drunk hillbillies want to keep bringing it up…
I’m very happy to oblige.
“My first Trump rally today!”
— Milo Yiannopoulos ✘ (@Nero) May 27, 2016
— Milo Yiannopoulos ✘ (@Nero) May 27, 2016
“Daddy signed my iPad”
— Milo Yiannopoulos ✘ (@Nero) May 27, 2016
17 having sex with Elijas mom in her trailer basement
B-b-but Gorsuch had a lock on confirmation! It was as good as a done deal! Why would he need to “sell” anything to his audience of enraptured senators?
Unless, unless, just maybe — I’m totally speculating here — the person who told us confirmation was good as done was utterly and completely full of sh*t?
Live on your knees.
trailer basement
I suppose the hillbilly trolls would be our resident experts on this, but is that even a thing?
trailer basement
Where upscale hillbilly trolls keep their women.
I would argue that the people who voted for Trump are far less nutty than the people who voted for kshama sawant.
Hey are you Seattle kids, are you ready to pay a whole bunch more in taxes being introduced by Mayor Murray?? Hahahaahahhahhhah….suckers.
Oh man, you guys are so fucked.
@25 you can ask that same question to people of KansASSSS. Tax hike brought to you by Repukes.
I guess deficits are good now – right Naggy Faggy?
If I didnt know better, I would swear that Gman is trying to pick up on me.
Ewww…..just ewwww
Hmmm? Troll no longer interested in thoroughly probing the moist dark crevices of the Alt-Right MILO scandal?
Or is the morning 12-pack wearing off?
Matters not either way. When it comes to Trailer Trump America there’ll always be another morning 12-pack. And there’ll always be another MILO too.
You sure seem to know a lot about beer in the morning. Do they allow that at your minimum wage job? $15 an hour whoop whoop!
The Milo thing has been beat to death, kind of like your mom’s snatch
DJIA’s ninth straight record close. Best streak in 30 years.
Hey Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, when do you think the markets will be done speaking?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Matt Stoller ✔ @matthewstoller
So the negative campaigns have already all worked. The strategy for the Democrats to beat Trump has to be organized around restoring trust.
Should Dems not first start with a strategy to be taken seriously again? Maybe have a rally where not everyone is wearing a Pussy Hat or a Guy Fawkes mask, and during which something doesn’t always get burned?
“start with a strategy to be taken seriously again”
Because nobody knows how to be taken seriously more than a racist fucking traitor who posts dumbfuck snide on blog threads.
@ 34
I forget, Steve. How many of #CrookedHillary’s Cabinet nominees have been confirmed so far?
And speaking @ 32 about libbie behavior at rallies:
One of the funniest moments of the video comes when Lou (wearing his own genitalia-themed head decoration) talks to a woman from the south who sarcastically complains about her conservative southern neighbors thinking the protesters were “looting and burning and tearing the city down”. To which Lou responds, “Were you here yesterday when everyone was looting and burning and tearing the city down?”
Gotta admit, you libbies are nothin’ if not funny. Almost as funny as #CrookedHillary campaigning in Arizona with only a couple of weeks to go.
Ba dup bup.
@34 Gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter fraud, and begging Russia to interfere in our election on your behalf, all while immersing yourself in bigotry, racism and fear does not make you special, doctor. It does not make you a winner. It makes you a piece of shit fucking traitor.
change it to #StupidHillary or #ArrogantHillary and you just might be on to something.
Losing to Hillbilly Jesus should be shameful enough for any lifetime. After two decades of preparation, losing to Hillbilly Jesus on account of 70,000 votes in about a dozen counties is either historic stupidity or historic hubris. Or both. But I suppose Podesta’s password tells the story as well as the numbers do.
Pussy hats or no, the lesson has been well learned. Or perhaps you haven’t noticed the election analysis that still resides on the right side of your screen?
I forget, Steve. How many of [Hillary Clinton’s] Cabinet nominees have been confirmed so far?
How many of President Barack Hussein Obama’s appointees remain in power, more than a month after he left office?
Which do you think will happen first — that number going to the single digits, or your learning to count that high whilst wearing mittens?
Live on your knees.
@ 34,35
Hooboy. You’re starting to sound just like the house schizotard.
“I forget, Steve. How many of #CrookedHillary’s Cabinet nominees have been confirmed so far?”
Um, none? She wasn’t elected, remember? Or are you trying to make some ham handed stab at being sarcastic? reality one is, the GOP and TeaFuckers elected an illiterate, spoiled, snotty little baby who has no sense of basic civility or decorum. It isn’t the Liberals in this country who have repeatedly elected some of the craziest, stupidest human beings this Nation could show. YOU, that is the Conservatives, have elected people like Louie Gohmert, Michelle Bachmann, Mike Pence, Sam Brownback, Rudy Guliani, Rick Santorum etc etc etc etc et-fuckingcetera. Not a one of them could seriously answer any basic question about the US Constitution or any Law founded upon it. Not a one of them would ever admit that their understanding of the world is the product of a twisted, self serving phony-baloney belief system that has utterly convinced them to believe that fairy-tales and magic are real, while also convincing them that what they can literally see and hear with their own eyes and ears is to be deliberately ignored, simply because things that can be directly observed are somehow sinful and corrupt, and therefore evil.
That somehow has never really been defined, has it.
Your brain trust entirely consists of people like Larry Klayman, Pat Robertson, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, and Ken Ham. The political paradigm has been defined by people like Lew Rockwell and Joseph McCarthy.
You people are just crazy. You lie, all the goddamn time, you lie to yourselves and each other, then repeat lies others have told you with your own embellishments on the subject and ever increasing levels of vitriol. You play this giant stupid game of Telephone with each other and you’re all trying to outdo the fucking Joneses with your hyperbole.
Jesus H. Christ. Grow the fuck up.
… how many of [deceitful hashtag deleted]…
Chant it with pride.
Our national security depends upon it.
Live on your knees.
The real bitch for Milo is he’s young and just had the big payout for his life’s ‘Work’ cancelled. Probably did some spending of that windfall ’cause millennials.
Now he’s unemployed. And Web and Social media searches of potential hires is SOP now. So good luck with that.
When he’s selling the last of his possessions and still unemployed I’ll bet he’ll still be an asshole.
Geez, I leave for 1/2 day to have outpatient surgery, and look how rancid the cesspool gets.
It’s a good thing Drumpf doesn’t read HA. He’d go berserk.…..i&
Could the Trailer Trumpers be running out of beer money?
So when seattle lefty hero and former Goldy coworker Dan Savage talks about pedophilia in a positive way, including his own experiences, nobody goes apeshit… fact, the lefty feedback is positive.
At the risk of implying that something you spewed has some connection to some verifiable external reality, were you incompetently referring to this?
I had my first serious boyfriend when I was 18; he was 28. He wasn’t the guy I would spend the rest of my life with, but I’m grateful he spent the summer of 1982 with me. Now there was a reason he was dating a teenager at his age—he wasn’t very mature—but he was extremely kind. And in addition to the sex, which I enthusiastically consented to, my first boyfriend also shared with me what he knew about surviving as a gay man. There wasn’t much support or understanding for me at home or at school or on the street or in the media. But I found support and understanding in his apartment—support, understanding, and reading assignments.
Because there’s no way sex between an 18-year-old and anyone older could possibly be called “pedophelia” by anyone who knows what that word means.
If that’s your evidence that we lefties approve of “pedophelia”, please shove your accusation up your ass. Thank you.
@45 Naggy Faggy is busy right now, he is getting head from his mommy in the basement.
Nope, thats not it…..keep searching fella….
I already told you once before, Gman. I am getting head from Elijahs mom in her trailer basement(otherwise known as Elijahs video game room).
Keep your facts straight, scheduler.
There’s that “trailer basement” again.
I leave that to all the experts. Maybe they do exist. I’m dubious.
Hillbilly gets kicked off flight to Texas for shooting off his racist mouth.
Hahaha, Trumpanzees getting ejamucated about politics:
“Another day, another entry into the seemingly unending list of stories about Trump supporters being delicate little flowers who demand America’s respect but are too damn stupid to earn it.
“‘But less than one month into Trump’s term, many of his supporters say they once again feel under attack — perhaps even more so than before. … They don’t understand why major media outlets don’t see the same successful administration they have been cheering on.'”
“Hey, welcome to politics. I see you’re new here. Just to set you straight on some things, a shouty man telling you he’s being successful is not the same thing as having evidence of success. Republicans slow-walked Obama nominations throughout his entire term—to the point of refusing to allow him a Supreme Court nomination at all—and generally when a sitting president says something even remotely controversial people are going to talk about that, which is a tidbit of knowledge so basic that you could even learn it from Fox & Friends.”
Louie Gohmert, the world’s dumbest congressman, says he doesn’t hold townhalls because he doesn’t want to get shot like Gabby Giffords.
Lying liars living in the White House again:
“The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump’s associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple US officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.
“White House officials had sought the help of the bureau and other agencies investigating the Russia matter to say that the reports were wrong and that there had been no contacts, the officials said. The reports of the contacts were first published by The New York Times and CNN on February 14.
“The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI on pending investigations.”
The White House just signaled a crackdown on recreational marijuana.
Wherein Gabby Giffords calls Louie Gohmert a coward in so many words.
Wingnut Whack-O-Nomics collapses in Kansas.
No, Virginia, cutting taxes doesn’t increase revenue. Didn’t work for Reagan, either. But that won’t stop Trump from attempting the same thing. Expect deficits and inflation to soar when he does.
The $65 European Airfare Is Coming to the U.S. – Bloomberg
@54 awesome – I’m sure there are a few conservative pot smokers. I hope he jails them all!
@ 53 RR
Donald Trump is an utter national embarrassment.
How this man got to where he is now will never be explained by modern science. I’ve read somewhere that the problem he has is really that the whole Campaign was a “The Producers” type of operation that spun out of control.
I give him another couple of months, and when the sun really comes out in Washington D.C., he’ll be walking around the White House without pants, and sunbathing nude in the rose garden.
Ivanka Trump’s scheme to provide a tax deduction for child care would shower benefits on high-bracket taxpayers while doing nothing for the working-poor and working-class families who need help the most but don’t earn enough to benefit from deductions.