Between Reuven Carlyle opposing light rail to Ballard last year and now Sharon Tomiko Santos wanting to restructure Sound Transit, there really should be some primary elections. You can’t keep opposing this vital institution in the Puget Sound and expect no consequences. I don’t know if they have an eye toward statewide office and think pissing on Sound Transit is the way to go, or if they genuinely think it’s a problem. But either way, they’re wrong.
New employment numbers for January now out. January was a month which saw two presidents.
Fortunately, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will have a simple solution when he’s done with his third morning enema:
The employment gains will be allocated to Obama.
The uptick in the unemployment rate will be allocated to Trump.
Many people have questioned ST’s governance structure, Carl. Only 3 of the 18 board members are elected, and no voter gets to vote for more than 1 board member. ST, like other Puget Sound megaprojects, has a penchant for doing things the most expensive way possible, not to mention a history of lying to the public about costs. ST will cost more than $70 billion over 25 years, most of it financed by local taxes. That’s roughly $28,000 per man, woman, and child. These can only be described as regressive. It should not come as a shock to you, therefore, that some people question this enterprise even though the need for more mass transportation in Pugetopolis may be clear.
@1 Wow. You know what I’m thinking even before I do.
Baghdad Barbie makes up a massacre that never happened:
“Conway is building a reputation for citing falsehoods, untruths and outright lies as ‘alternative facts.’ The latest such example of this is an interview she did with MSNBC where she spoke about the ‘Bowling Green massacre’ in an effort to defend Trump’s controversial travel ban. The trouble is there was no such massacre.
“‘I bet it’s brand new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalised and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre,’ Conway told host Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball programme. ‘Most people don’t know that because it didn’t get covered,’ she continued.”
She’s right, it didn’t get covered. That’s because it’s a figment of her imagination.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is there a juice these people drink that enables them to keep a straight face when telling these whoppers?
Just more proof that our government is now being run by a gang of lameass amateurs.
Oh holy hell it must be friday, becauase I agree with the rabbit 100%.
ST will be the WPPSS of the seattle metropolitan area….
Kittitas County here I come…
First Nordstrom and now Neiman Marcus. For a Family that is all about Branding….they suck at it.
@1 sounds about right to me.
For once in your life, you seem to be right.
Damage control.
You hear about the Bowling Green massacre cover up?
It happened under the Obama administration.
Hillary was right in the middle of it!!! She must be investigated!!!
Kellyanne Conway says it is true and I believe her!!!
She’s so hot!!!
@4 the babies (particularly Boob) cry when some individual lies about being attacked, but then that witch can spew false bullshit to brainwash people and they say nothing, they actually get brainwashed.
No, you can’t use your police uniform or military vehicle as a prop to promote a political candidate.
Drumpf better hope he doesn’t get impeached or he better not be thinking of letting Pence take the reins…if he does, he will have nothing to fall back on (except maybe on top of Ivanka) – his name can no longer be branded. He’s done! Cooked!
How bad do the Berkeley riots look? Liberals are so concerned they’re pulling out Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy 2.0.
Famous Berkeley Prof Suggests That Violent Protesters At Milo Event Were Right-Wing Plants [VIDEO]
Read more:
Won’t be long before someone is killed, on video, by people liberals permit to act alongside them.
This is what got you Trump in the first place, libbies. You have learned nothing.
joke all you like. But remember this while you do it:
Ignorant Hillbillies believe this shit. Guys like Robert Mercer believe this shit.
They really do.
More damage control.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It appears the main job function of Drumpf’s cabinet will be cleaning up his messes.
Here come the Fascists!
Aren’t these the same people that always talk about how there is one flag? These people should be shot.
@17 See #12.
The Truth? They don’t know the truth, they only know the lies.
@14 He probably knows more about it than you do, since he works there, and saw it happen.
Sooooo Gman aka Pisscan…no plans to move to Ireland eh?
All talk and no walk…..
The only political stance Jackie Evancho has ever taken is to stand up for her transgender sister’s rights. So I won’t be hating on the kid for singing our national anthem. I suggest we leave that kind of behavior to asswipes like the loon.
ST will be the WPPSS of the seattle metropolitan area….
ST already provides a reliable, one-seat ride from the airport to downtown, Capitol Hill, and UW. The traffic kept off our roads and highways every game day at SafeCo, Centurylink, and Husky Stadiums alone justifies ST. And it will just get better as more capacity is added.
My state Senator, Reuven Carlyle, opposed the ST3 vote because of his Stockholm Syndrome in dealing with Republicans in Olympia; little wonder we of his own constituency utterly ignored him.
your source identifies Bill Ayers as a founder of Refuse Fascism.
That isn’t true. He was not among those involved in the founding of the group. His name appears among thousands of others (mostly celebrities) who signed an online petition in December supported by the group and published in the NYT. Also signing the petition was Bianca Jagger. I know. Terrifying, right?
However in your defense, “people are saying” “there is some very credible evidence” that Reich was involved in a naval torpedo attack on the U.S.S. Maddox in 1964.
“How bad do the Berkeley riots look? Liberals are so concerned they’re pulling out Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy 2.0.”
Look in the fucking mirror, you lame-ass jerk. Hell, your friend the loon and Trump get a lot of their FACTS! from infowars, where Alex Jones pushes 9/11 as a false-flag operation.
I’d say it’s probable that in Berkeley they were anarchists, who are not of the right or the left. They’re just stupid fucking anarchists. That said, I wouldn’t put it past fascists like you to pull that kind of stunt. After all, it’s in your DNA.
In my opinion, BART kicks light rail ass.
Lolz….drink that koolaid….they have already lied about costs and schedule for the last 15 years…
Remind us again how great the service is when the tab pushes over 100 billion…and still ask for more…
Lolz….drink that koolaid….
I ride Link every working day, and whenever I go to the airport.
You’re just going to have to accept that persons with actual working knowledge of what you’re talking about will hold the opposite opinion of yours.
Luckily, you don’t need to understand why this always happens.
And its people like you with little understanding, or willfull ignorance, of the costs involved that will break the publuc bank…..nevermind the outright lying and broken promises by ST.
The again, its your problem, not mine….so spend spend away!
And riding the damn thing is hardly a ” working knowledge” of the long term finances and constructuon.
Dont forget to pat yourself on the back…
Tensor is a fine example of the spoiled liberal cluelessly spending everyone elses money……and then telling them that they “just dont understand”
100 billion + dollars…..count on it.
I hope it breaks seattles fucking financial back…you deserve it…the sad thing you bring down suburbs as well.
Drumpf is the ultimate Putin-Puppet, albeit a total dolt and it can only comply with Putin’s designs:
The HA trolls, trained by the Surkov-Putin styled propaganda outlets in this country are all part of the strategy of weakening American global influence and destroying NATO so Putin can have a freehand recreating the Soviet Union and forcing Europe to bend to his will. And if Putin is successful, it won’t stop there.
Nice job trolls.
the sad thing you bring down suburbs as well.
Pull out now! It’s not too late!
Mount Vernon is calling. Or how ’bout Reno? Las Cruces? Fresno?
Fuck, who knows where these idiots think their money and talent comes from. A tractor repair community college somewhere to the east? A $22 mil server farm that employs three people? I just wish they’d get the fuck out of the way. There’s an insanely long line of PhD holders waiting to move in and take their homes. And when they do they’ll remove the 12 foot sat dish, the Doughboy pool, the trampoline, the dog-on-chain, and the four and a half cars on blocks.
“100 billion + dollars…..count on it.”
Can we get some “iranian oil” with that?
How about throwing in “Barack O’Hoover”?
“you bring down suburbs as well.”
Awwwww. Little maxwipe’s beloved white nation.. (rolls eyes)..
Run away little maxwipe to your “centrist” gulch.. Build a wall around it with video cams and motion detectors. Do whatever behind that wall until the very end. It’s a free country.
No one around here will care.
Let’s see. What else?
Oh yeah. The sun sets this evening at 5:14pm..
Such a sweet time of the week – no babbling jackass. Savor the peace and quiet fellow ha heroes. Some zeroes like boob and little maxwipe might drop by to stink up the place but the sheer FREEDOM from the noise of that babbling, screaming butthead will more than make up for that.
Yours truly will be dining out with the family. Ahhh. The best revenge is living well..
Tensor is a fine example of the spoiled liberal cluelessly spending everyone elses money…
That’s rich, coming from someone who has done nothing but repeat discredited talking points, then patted himself on his back for having accomplished something.
If you’re so concerned about us taxpayers in the Sound Transit district, maybe you could find some way to reduce the $2.4B in annual subsidy which King County provides to the rest of the state. Since that’s more than the annual
price tag for ST3, you should be really happy to help.
Start by telling Republicans in Eastern Washington to accept less government welfare from King County liberals. Please let us know how your message of smaller-government and rock-ribbed self-reliance is received out there.
Welcome back YLShe
Says the guy living in the shithole known as georgetown. They take a dozer to that bum infested swamp yet? Careful not step on the human feces or trip over the drugged out herion zombie sleeping on your porch. Yes, a fine place that is, so long as you dont mind the smell of piss and the noise of sirens all night long.
I dobt need a wall or cameras…I have a rifle and a scope…and a 12 guage for up close and personal dancing….ha! Clack clack!
And why so you racist? Seems you hate whites, blacks, etc….
I just hate lazy communists and socialists…you fit that bill.
Good luck wit dem taxes…
(Adjusts nutzack)
Dining out with the family?
Taco truck running through the neighborhood?
Or are you gonna be a big spender and go to Al Calozzis?
Nice deflection, but faylz
Tell us again what the original budgets and scope were for ST 1 and ST2
No, I mean the original scope and budgets that were presented to the voters…..not the revised, after the fact shit you sycophants come up with.
Cmnon now, stay focused, i know you can do it.
And for what its worth, i think mass transit is important…whether its rail, busses, etc…..
But sound transit is a shit organization, and seattle voters bought into their bullshit.
100 billion by the time its done…..oh, and I dont wanna hear one fucking complaint by the seattle renter class out there about their rent costs….you dipshits keep for voting for this stuff, who didya think was gonna pay for it?
But hey, lets also spend billions on a new tunnel, with LESS capacity than the freeway its replacing……brilliant minds…
Last week I read in the news that Republicans’ replacement for Obamacare is … Obamacare. This morning I read in Seattle Times’ print edition that Trump is replacing Obama’s foreign policy with … Obama’s foreign policy. Specifically, Trump is now backing away Benji’s settlements. (The Times called it a “pivot.”) Maybe the amateurs in the White House are figuring out there are reasons why you do things a certain way, and don’t do them certain other ways, even if the dolts who voted for them don’t get it. Or more likely a couple of adults there are telling them.
Taco trucks won’t go into that shit hole.
Wow. Looks like Preznit Putin-Puppet got scared and caved to the Snowflake Uprising. Despite pleading from Bannon and Miller, the clay eaters and snake handlers will not be allowed to sweep aside Obama’s restrictions on gubmit contractors that prevented them from targeting queers.
What will Vlad think?
Obama still running their show!
@36 Now there’s an idea. $2.4B x 25 yrs = $60B. No regressive taxes needed. Just redirect the taxes we’re already paying from the ingrates in red counties to our local needs. I’m good with that approach.
@42 Yeah, this looks more like an Obama third term every day. Boob’s noggin must be spinning like a Bobblehead.
If thats the case, then why are all the leftnuts going cray-cray over Trump?
perhaps because it’s working.
Which is more than we can say for anything coming from you Shitlords lately. But don’t let that stop you. Seems the harder you hillbillies push, the more the manure wagon gets stuck.
@37 Georgetown has some classy residents. Their houses are modest, but when did houses ever define the character of the people who live in them? (See, e.g., Justin Bieber and Donald Trump)
As for your firearms bravado, the average liberal is at least 3,500 times more likely to be killed by an Islamic terrorist than by a yahoo with a 20-gallon hat and a mouth to match. So far, not a single one of us has been killed by you dudes, despite your ownership of 200 million guns, assuming the protester shot by the Milo* admirer the other night hasn’t died.
(* The Justin Bieber of the alt-right speaking circuit)
Regardless of whether you have 2 guns or 20 or 200, you can’t shoot more than one gun at a time. Oh yeah, and did I mention that I was an infantry weapons instructor in the Army Reserve after serving in Vietnam?
you can shoot only one gun at a time.
Which seem to be invariably aimed at empty cans of Keystone Light balanced on one of the stumps behind the trailer.
@48 Using the trailer next door as a backstop.
I shoulda thought of that.
@28 Me, too. And if it’s costing me 28 grand over a quarter century, that beats the shit out of buying, licensing, feeding, parking (I work downtown) and maintaining another damn car over even a lot shorter time. It also avoids the all too frequent experience of getting on an express bus and sitting for 45 minutes in the express lanes because some jackass precipitated a multi-vehicle pile-up trying to show what a swingin’ dick he is.
Bitch all you like, but it seems there are plenty of people voting with their feet that they like Link (or have you ever taken a look at the hordes of people riding?) Seems to me to be quite the success–well, except for the goddamn escalators at Husky Stadium.
@50 Don’t you realize gender is interchangeable these days?
@31 “Tensor is a fine example of the spoiled liberal cluelessly spending everyone elses money … ”
Ask me how much I mind him spending your money …
@51 Well, the problem is, if the tracks don’t go where you need to go, then you need the car anyway. And even if they do, light rail can’t haul a trunkload of groceries, plywood or 2x4s, a kayak, etc. So unless you’re a young single apartment dweller who does nothing but work and then hit the pubs after work, you probably need the car anyway.
@ 52
We’re all wondering when YLShe is going to experience some self-realization.
It’s been readily apparent to a lot of us for quite awhile.
Btw……kudos to Carl for the theead title Judge Threadd.
That was pretty funny
@55 I have no such questions about you. Any self-realization that hasn’t come to you by now (e.g. that you’re a bore) never will.
We use cut off heads of urban socialists and communists SJWs instead of beer cans.
…you going all crazy over trump because he is using stuff that is working?
Yep…makes senze….
So then whats all the fuss about gun control??
@58 Amazing what you can do with a 3-D printer and lump of plastic.
surprised it took me this long to come up with it.
Trademark is pending
promises, promises.
Meanwhile more cops were shot last year than ever before. And nary a hillbilly hero to be seen.
Really, if only you well armed Sons-‘O-the-Soil weren’t so scared of middle schoolers wearing ski masks, or women with armpit hair I might not have to stand in line for morning coffee.
Oath keepers my ass.
No shit, just ask your wife.
@60 You don’t actually think you’re the guys we’re worried about, do you? Stop being so narcissistic. When we talk about badasses, we’re not referring to kindergartners.
@64 So that explains how you got here. I wondered wtf she was doing hovering over the stove all day. I gotta say, she made a mess of your face, and forgot to give you a dick. I wonder if she made Trump, too?
Your joke fayle.
You already lost.
he is using stuff that is working?
You’re certainly entitled to your opinions. But as far as the Minoxidil, antiflatulents, tanning pills, male enhancements, diet pills, and ED meds go none of it seems to be having any effect.
Your Hillbilly Jesus remains an impotent orange balding bloated gasbag with a microphalus…
who likes to have hookers pee on him.
Nice deflection, but faylz
That’s the best dodge you’ve got? How utterly pathetic.
Contrary to your failed dodge, how other people spend my tax money right now is actually extremely relevant to how I voted to spend my tax money in future. If you’re not willing to spend your time in Eastern Washington telling the locals about the evils of their “clueless” spending of my tax money, then you can take all of your concern-trolling on ST3 and shove it straight up the same hole from which you pulled your $100B number.
When I voted for Sound Move in 1996, I had zero expectation it would be built exactly to plan. Why? Because building a regional public transit system with an 85-year-late start means huge complications, that’s why. For all your mewling about costs and your self-proclaimed great knowledge of large engineering projects (yeah, right), you seem to have ignored simple facts on the ground — and under it.
Remember, the faster you move out of here, the less of your money we get to spend on our future. Get packing.
So you still cant tell the class what the budgets and scope were for 1 and 2? But yet you blindly keep voting to spend more, and paying for the same promises twice…or more. “Exactly to plan”?? Lolz…clueless.
Tell me….what large projects are taking place in eastern wa that have you so riled up? Schools?? Roads?? Those awful wasteful things? Have a list? Share with the class…hell, i may even agree with you if you can come up with some massive idiotic project.
And its not a dodge. You are conflating two completely seperate items. Eastern Wa has nothing to do with ST, so its just a lame attempt by you to muddy the water regarding ST. An easily defeated tactic…sorry.
I never claimed to be an expert about yuuge civil infrastructure projects…they arent my gig……but I certainly know more than you do.
Oh….and “state of the art”? Are you fucking kidding me? That statement right there tells me you have no idea what you are talking about, ergo the deflection about eastern wa.
Come up with some better shit…or just shut the fuck up. You choose.
I can tell you what she was doing hovering over the dtove all day: avoiding you.
Remember the good ol’ days when GW invaded Iraq because, you know, Iraq responsible for 9/11 or sumpin’? Remember it was gonna cost us no more than 8 or 10 billion?
So now we got DRUMPH NO BALLS. So who is he gonna pick a war with?
Seems to me that ST3 is a bargain in comparison.
An old friend of mine who recently passed away lived in Rainier Valley off Raymond street, a half black from MLK. The nearest stations at Alaska and Othello were a mile away and inaccessible to the old man. He would have have to had lived to the age of a hundred and twenty if he were ever to see the day, maybe, that he could walk to nearby Graham Street and catch the rail.
Sound Transit is really about social engineering, altering neighborhoods in ways which serves the few, enriches fewer still, and all at great cost to the rest of the citizens paying for it.
For $50 billion the region could buy half a million electric cars and the infrastructure to keep them charged. For $50 billion, the region could feed and house the poor. We could social engineer those things, but the people living in the new housing along MLK who have displaced the poor as they gleefully gentrify Seattle need get to the game.
Because the two are related….or something something.
Steve gets it completely.
Guess that makes you a far right racist trump supporting hillbilly, right steve? Lol
So long as tensor has his little choo choo to ride on….and fuck the people on snohomish county who have to pay for it.
They should just shit the hell up anyway because tensor says so. Same goes for you pukes in pierce county. Pay up bitches, tensors gotta choo choo to catch.
You outter county types will get yours…on about 40 years, just pay up now you complaining bitches…tensor says so.
@67 How can you say I lost when you ran out of repartees before I did, and you’re the contestant who collapsed at the end of the joust?
Because mine were funny and yours were not.
@69 Back in the ’20s and ’30s, nearly everyone in cities got around by public transit. Cars were still an expensive luxury then, and intercity freeways didn’t exist yet. The city I grew up in had a comprehensive streetcar system. A lot of money was spent tearing up those tracks. Now, vastly more money is being spent re-laying them. Imagine how much taxpayer money would have been saved if we had just kept the transportation systems our grandfathers built.
“a half black”
Heh. Actually, he’s white. I meant half “block” from Rainier. Oops!
“Guess that makes you a far right racist trump supporting hillbilly, right steve? Lol”
Guess that makes you a far right racist trump supporting hillbilly
Nope. Not at all. And this shows us that people like you are the reason they still have high school shop classes.
Steve would be a “far right racist trump supporting hillbilly” if he argued that ST was a bad idea because “durh blacks, mexicans, teh poors and CUT MY TAXES NOW”.
You picked up on the fact that he disagrees with ST. You just missed the why.
Come to think of it, he’s Irish. They, along with Jews, Italians, Slavs and Finns didn’t join the white “club” until the 20th century. For my part, I still have doubts about the Irish.
@78 Clowns always think themselves funny.
@72 There you go, getting us thinking again about what Republican military misadventures cost us.
Drumpf’s executive order on sanctuary cities was issued last week, but I didn’t read the actual text until today. Here it is.
It presumes that most aliens are criminals, that “removable aliens” are ipso facto “significant threats” to our nation, and that sanctuary cities have caused “immeasurable harm” to our nation by harboring them.
Two weeks in, 52% of registered voters wish Obama was still prez and 40% want Trump impeached.
So you still cant tell the class what the budgets and scope were for 1 and 2?
They are obviously of such extreme importance that you haven’t quoted them either.
And you’re not qualified to instruct anyone on anything except on the horror of turning out like you.
Tell me….what large projects are taking place in eastern wa that have you so riled up? Schools?? Roads??
You’re just so very open-handed with my tax money when it comes to buying stuff out there, where you intend to live, aren’t you? Since I obviously wasn’t clear enough last time, take your tender concerns for my tax money on ST3 and shove it up your ass.
The schools are fine with me. We’re building unnecessary highways all over the state because the legislature’s deal for allowing our public vote on ST3 was for us to provide thick-cut slabs of government pork to faraway places. That’s right, we couldn’t even vote on whether or not to spend our own money on our own transit system unless we first built highways in traffic-free parts of our state.
And its not a dodge. You are conflating two completely seperate items. Eastern Wa has nothing to do with ST,
My tax money pays for both, so your dodge fails. Again.
And again, take your concern trolling and shove it up your ass.
Yesterday SPPSteve rushed to get the raw story out about fake news on teh Yemen Raid. Today the real news appears!
This is why SPPS is no longer a worthy opponent. All SPPS had to do was to research the story. Instead, if it’s raw story, it’s good enough for SPPS!
raw story caters to the LIV, blame Trump crowd. This now includes SPPSteve! Sad and so typical!
@74 Because the two are related….or something something.
Both cost lots of money and the utility of either can be argued.
OTOH ST3 costs far less in actual dollars and lives lost.
And you have something you can actually use afterwards.
@87 “Eastern Wa has nothing to do with ST”
It seems to me it does if we have to pay ransom to eastern WA for the privilege of spending our own tax money in our own county.
@89 They’re related because money wasted on useless wars can’t be spend on things we need here at home.
RR @84,
Sorry about that RETHUG gotta go kill someone reminder.
Not much we can do to stop it BOTOH we might as well do some war profiteering. Wonder what stocks will go up this time? I guess it will depend in part on which country President “der Führer” gets ticked off with.
not hardly.
but nice try there kiddo….me thinks you try and project too much with your whole schtick.
We get it – you grew up poor and in a bad situation. Nothing wrong with that, but trying to project what you hate about your upbrining/family onto others becuase it makes you feel better is hardly a show of superiority(which is your whole goal), but rather a sign of weakness.
you should change your game anyway, your act got old about 3 days into it.
oh, and please spare me the “my family is so rich” crap that I know you are ready to type out – you have done it more than once before. its old, and we all know its BS.
and….never said anything about “cut my taxes now” or race.
see..more of you projecting again.
its old…..done.
@88 You want us to believe a president who opposes nearly everything Obama ever did simply rubber stamped an Obama military operation?
So long as tensor has his little choo choo to ride on…
I’ve been voting with majorities on ST for twenty years. It’s not my goddamned fault you can’t ever convince a majority to agree with you on anything. Ever wonder why that is? Here’s a hint:
….and fuck the people on snohomish county who have to pay for it.
Voters in Snohomish County went in favor of ST3. Too bad you don’t know shit about anything.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHH Tensor…..STILL cant come up with any facts.
and STILL trying to make it some eastern WA thing. I gave you more than enough chances.
so here, Im gonna make it all simple for you, you stupid motherfucking nitwit motherfucker. YOU voted for this shit..time after fucking time after fucking time… stupid asshole. maybe you can explain some of this to the voters of the outlying areas within the ST taxing boundaries who have to suck it up and pay so you can take a choo choo to work and back, while they get jack shit 50 years from now….and lets not even mention WHO is getting rich with all this shit. I mean shit, you people really are that short sighted, arent you?
There it is. read up you cunt.
NOW go get edumacated and talk to me about this mysterious massive project in eastern washington that has your all twitterpated.
By the way, you know who lives in eastern WA? A hell of a lot of native americans and hispanics. Of course you arent racist with all your complaining that those indians and spics have schools and roads…are you??? ya motherfucker, I called your ass out – fuck those browns over there, after all, the only good minorities are the ones who vote D and live near seattle, right?
asshole. stop being such a little seattle bitch sycophant and study up about the people and crap you vote for.
you just got bitch slapped….now take it like a Seattle progressive, and go cry in your safe place.
@92 I bought Lockheed 6 years ago for $85. I’ll let our trolls look up what it’s worth now. I bought Elbit Systems, an Israeli defense products manufacturer (drones and electronics), 5 years ago for $36. Same result. I wasn’t prescient; in fact, I expected the defense sector to languish. These two stocks passed my screening criteria, that’s all.
I’m not currently buying defense stocks. The good ones are too expensive. In other words, the train has left the station on that idea. WSCW (Wall Street conventional wisdom) is that 2017 will be a flat year for stocks overall, and this is now a stockpicker’s market and you should look for value plays. I mostly agree with this, although nobody has a crystal ball, and it’s all educated guessing. IMO, when screening stocks, look for low P/Es and high-quality underlying businesses. Avoid bonds and bond-like stocks (e.g., utilities, telecoms).
Loon @88,
You might have not noticed but it was your micromanaging misogynist idiot Presidential BLUNDER WONDER who gave the order to attack.
Either DRUMPH did or did not review the attack plan before giving the go ahead. Either way DRUMPH should take full credit for the failure.
The one thing we know for certain is that Obama did not give the order.
oh…and you want a name? Ron fucking Sims….start with that asshole, and see how far down the rabbit hole goes.
that crooked motherfucker should have been in jail 2 decades ago.
I even posted my own comment about it.
I feel dirty…somehow.
Must not read LOON posts…
Must not read LOON posts…
Must not read LOON posts…
RE Snohomish are correct. I got Pierce and Snohomish crossed up.
Pierce rejected ST3, but are still getting the bill.
And yet, you lost the ST3 vote.
That’s because you’re a loser.
Go off and cry somewhere else.
(Oh, and you didn’t “give” me anything, because you’ve got nothing. You’re welcome.)
Recently, the trolls gave me shit about my stocks underperforming the market last year. I merely stretched my rabbit legs, spread by rabbit toes, and took another sip of brandy. Why? Because one year’s numbers don’t mean a damn thing.
I own a lot of oil stocks, and oil had a blah year. When oil recovers, my portfolio will outperform.
For fun, I ran some numbers this afternoon. Since Dec. 31, the DJIA is up 1.56% and the S&P 500 is up 2.62%. My stocks? Up 5.29%.
This has nothing to do with me. I don’t deserve a whit of credit. I haven’t bought or sold anything this year. All I’ve done since Dec. 31 is sit on my fat ass and post on HA.
Last year, all I did was add a few hundred shares to existing positions, using cash that had piled up from dividend income. I made 8.7% while sitting on my rabbit ass and posting on HA. Did I beat the market? No. Do I care? No. It still beats working for the shitty wages Republicans want to pay. Not needing a job is all I care about.
Of the 32 stocks I currently own, most are worth more than I paid for them, some far more. For example, I paid $1.10 a share for my Starbucks stock. Most of those that aren’t are oil stocks, and I’m not concerned about them. Oil will come back. For example, I have a modest paper loss in Exxon. Who in their right mind loses sleep because they’re underwater in Exxon? Not me.
I never said I’m anything special as an investor. In fact, to the contrary, I’ve commented many times that this is easy and anyone can do it. Even our stupid trolls, that’s how simple and easy it is.
You save money instead of wasting it on “stuff” that quickly becomes useless and ends up in a garage or closet. You buy stocks of quality companies when their prices are reasonable, and reinvest the dividend income. You never spend your capital and you add to it whenever you can. In thirty or forty years, you’ll be rich. You don’t have to take my word for it, you can test this on a $2.00 calculator. The math doesn’t lie.
I’m not an investing genius. I’m just a fucking rabbit.
@100 Really bugs the shit out of you that there’s a black man out there who’s neither dead nor in jail, doesn’t it?
Slow clap for that unhinged hillbilly meltdown from…
dont say it, let me guess…
Startup? Darington? Jesus Jackson thats just terrible!
Its no wonder you’re so upset. You’ve got plenty to be upset about. And ST aint the half of it.
Well, at least there’s some comfort in knowing that a 2.25 term black community activist is still running things!
Back from dinner with the family…
Yeah.. Trolls bein’ trolls.. Pathetic.. Georgetown? HAHAHA! Too funny.. I guess Georgetown is the new Taurus.
Why does it bloviate about the burbs so much? A little something called white flight? Or is it just hate?
The sun is down and the peace and quiet is soooo nice..
Wow the Republicans in the Randroid Ryan kook haus have a lot of compassion for mentally ill people.
Congress is moving to make it a little easier for people with severe mental illness to buy a gun…
The Republicans want the crazies packing heat. The HA trolls rejoice!
Loon-free for 24 hours. Savor it. Then another week of swimming in shit.
@110 It’s been known to pop its weasel head up on Saturdays before sunset.. And Saturdays after sunset? Oooh. That’s a special time for the loon.
But Friday evenings after sunset are almost completely loon free.
Except when they aren’t..
Oh look, your only fact turned out to be dead flat wrong:
RE Snohomish are correct. I got Pierce and Snohomish crossed up.
Quelle surprise.
And while we’re on the topic of your doubleplus unfacts, the $100B figure for ST3 you pulled straight out of your ass @31 fell out again @39. Shove it up there harder this time; nobody here wants to smell the optimal results of your “thought” process.
One down.
“President Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Army, Vincent Viola, … has informed President Trump that he will be unable to accept his nomination to serve ….”
That’s roughly $28,000 per man, woman, and child. These can only be described as regressive.
I’m actually sympathetic to the argument about regression, but we have to recall that ST can propose only those tax increases which the legislature will allow, and the Republicans in our state’Senate will not so much as consider progressive taxation, regressive taxes for ST3 is what we get.
We progressives need to make eliminating the Republican majority a top priority. Out continuing failure to do so ensures results like this.
Trump pal Howard Stern says, “He’s pissed he won. He still wants Hillary Clinton to win. He’s so f—ing pissed, he’s hoping that he can find some voter fraud and hand it over to Hillary.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t believe this, but because Trump lies about everything, anything is possible.
Lol….limpy wrist tensor talking oh so tough
28000 from every single person, just so a few can ride a choo choo…..have fun going broke assholes.
From the same people that brought you the south lake union streetcar….lolz.
Tensor too scared to look at the facts, the overruns, the broken promises….but he gotta ride that choo choo.
But what do you expect from a populace that votes in people like twinkle toes eddie murray and commie sawant….its almost comical.
“State of the art” technology! Lolz
Kooliad…its whats fa dinnah!
Actually, Roger, I’m about your age. My wife and I own -A- car, a 1997 Subaru which doesn’t rack up miles very fast. She does drive to work two or three days a week because it’s a POTA to get to her job from where we live and she often leaves work late in the evening. It serves us well for weekend errands and the occasional out-of-town jaunt.
Until a couple years ago, I worked on the east side for a very long time. Quite a while ago I started taking the bus all the way over there part of the time because I was sick and tired of struggling with the shitty drive. About five years ago while I was leaving for work, one of our neighbors backed out of her driveway without looking and nailed the side of my minivan. The damage was really just cosmetic, but I took the opportunity to sell my rig to her insurance company for a grand and it was getting to the age at which that particular vehicle has a reputation for expensive engine problems. So, I ended up spending a total of about three hours a day on the bus (and doing a modicum of walking) and actually enjoyed it. Working downtown now, and having access to transit that gets me there quickly, I’d have to be out of my mind to drive–or if I did, I soon would be.
Granted, our whole transit structure has its problems and is taking far too long and costing far too much to build. We blew it big time by not going for it with Forward Thrust, and since then the whole thing’s been hampered by the GOP’s efforts to monkey wrench it at every turn. That being said, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to rationalize that we’d be better off without it.
…have fun going broke assholes.
Again, if we could get those rock-ribbed, self-reliance-preaching, true conservatives in Eastern Washington out of their chronic welfare dependency, we would afford it quite easily. How about you go tell them to stop “cluelessly” spending other people’s tax money? I’m sure they’ll thank you for showing them the error of their welfare-lovin’ ways.
From the same people that brought you the south lake union streetcar….lolz.
No, that was the Seattle City Council, who had been asked to build it by Paul Allen. None of those people are involved with ST3.
Tensor too scared to look at the facts, the overruns, the broken promises….but he gotta ride that choo choo.
Tell us when you finally do understand how much welfare Republicans in Eastern Washington take from King County liberals.
And let’s not forget the gutter bigotry!
But what do you expect from a populace that votes in people like twinkle toes eddie murray and commie sawant….its almost comical.
High incomes and good standards of living?
Lol….limpy wrist tensor talking oh so tough
Tell us again how much you love fondling your guns.
His guns aren’t the only think he likes to fondle. I’m sure he’s a fondling much more with that obsession of calling people gay.
But he’s no bigot. He’s just a pussy grabbing naggy faggy fag.