It’s kind of amazing that when the Office Of Congressional Ethics gutting vote came about all of Washington’s Republicans were either for it or Didn’t vote (it’s not organized by state, but I’m pretty sure that’s right). Remember when Reichert was running as a straight arrow? Well, it was always bullshit, of course, but now it’s even more exposed as such.
Nick Cannon breaks it down on Planned Parenthood and how Progressive DUMMOCRETIN Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate the Negroes!
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
One last moment in the sunny corner Hammock Room before @paulconstant and I move to our new windowless office. Sad.
Bet had #CrookedHillary won you’d still have that view.
Elections have consequences.
White House had no good answer for the lack of response to China’s hack of the OPM, which compromised personal data of 20 million Americans.
John Podesta’s poorly secured email gets hacked, on the other hand, and suddenly it’s an international incident although no cast vote was changed as a result.
It’s not about national security. It’s politics.
After the distastrous performance by that disaster of a candidate your ilk chose, it’s all you’ve got left.
Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, make it stop! You’re killing me!
PiddlesThe Confirmed Liar is aware that she’s been dead for forty years?“We need to watch out for Kruschev.”
PiddlesThe Confirmed Liar, or words to that effect.@3 If our candidate was a “disaster,” what would you call the candidate who got 2.8 million FEWER VOTES than her? No president selected by either the Electoral College or the Supreme Court has ever lost the popular vote by so much or entered office with less of a mandate.
@ 5
The fate of the organization’s founder matters……. why, exactly?
If one is arguing that the organization serves to disproportionately limit the black population, there certainly is supportive data for that argument.
Non-Hispanic black women had the highest rate of abortion — for every 1,000 black women between the ages of 15 and 44 years, 29.7 had abortions in 2011. Non-Hispanic black women accounted for 36.2 percent of all abortions that year; non-Hispanic white women accounted for 37.2 percent.
That’s a serious skew — the 2013, the Census Bureau reported that in the U.S. at large, 62.6 percent of people in the country were non-Hispanic white alone, while 13.2 percent were black or African American alone.
Read more:
I think Planned Parenthood provides an important service. One that should be privately funded, but important nonetheless. However, it’s hard to look past the statistics, Cz-252. Especially if one chooses to view them in from a historical perspective.
@4 It’s time for morons to learn you get what you vote for.
@ 6
If our candidate was a “disaster,” what would you call the candidate who got 2.8 million FEWER VOTES than her?
“Mr. President-elect.”
Nice work, libbies.
And thanks for that hanging curve, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Remember the wall that Mexico was going to pay for? Another broken promise by a man who’s never kept a promise in his life.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now we’ll see if the congress critters who constantly complain about spending rubberstamp this thing or actually walk their own talk.
@ 8
@4 It’s time for morons to learn you get what you vote for.
That applies to both general and Democrat primary elections.
“Hey look! This is HUUUUUUUUGE. The ex Mrs Mariah Carey said something that lines up with my politics. You need to listen to Jackie Evancho and that dude from “Drumline”. All the rest of you entertainers, SHUT UP AND SING!!!”
@11 And here’s Boob arguing the Democratic Party should have given their nomination to a Socialist who wasn’t even a member of the party. It’s why we call you “Boob,” doc. Hey, I like Bernie too, sentimentally, but would he have gotten 65.8 million votes? Let’s not forget that Hillary beat President-Elect Dumpster Diver by over 2.8 million votes! The problem with this election is that the winner isn’t moving into the White House and a real loser is.
8 – Uh-huh, and in 2008 and 2012 we all got what YOU morons voted for.
@ 13
Hey, I like Bernie too, on a sentimental level, but would he have gotten 65 million votes?
You really don’t understand the general election, do you?
It doesn’t matter if he would have received 65M votes. What matters is whether he would have earned 270 electoral votes.
I don’t know the answer to that question. What I do know is that the presidential election result with Bernie v. Trump could not have been worse for Dems than the result with #CrookedHillary v. Trump turned out to be.
Had Bernie been running, Obama would not have had to characterize voting for #CrookedHillary as something
essentially akin to swallowing a hefty spoonful of cod liver oil.
Oh. I almost forgot. It’s why I call you Dumbfuck, Dumbfuck.
“Nice work, libbies.”
Nice work, Vladimir.
The traitor’s comment required fixing.
@ 16
User: Podesta
Password: password
@14 There isn’t anything wrong with what we got in 2008 and 2012: A Great Depression averted. Full employment. A booming stock market. An end to American bleeding in Iraq and Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden found and killed. Al Qaeda’s top leadership decapitated. Millions of people getting health insurance for the first time. Regulation of banks and predator lenders. Burgeoning domestic oil and gas production and energy independence while protecting sensitive public lands at the same time. You’re insane if you think Obama was bad for America.
Anyone seen the Fucking Moron yet this year?
Maybe he made a New Year’s resolution to catch himself a clue.
@ 18
@14 There isn’t anything wrong with what we got in 2008 and 2012.
Not a thing, you’re right.
Income inequality been berry berry good to me.
@14 The previous Republican administration left America with a Great Recession, bleeding 800,000 jobs a month, two wars, with one started by invading the wrong country while allowing Osama Bin Laden to roam free.
That’s what you voted for. You don’t learn anything from your fuckups, do you?
@17 is what late-stage OCD looks like.
@21 Hell, he doesn’t even know he fucked up. He probably believes all that stuff is Bill Clinton’s fault.
@ 18
An end to American bleeding in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Perhaps not quite.
Bombs dropped by the US in Iraq, 2016: 12,095
Bombs dropped by the US in Afghanistan, 2016: 1,337
Obama told us he had ended the war in Iraq. Twelve thousand bombs dropped on that country last year might suggest otherwise.
Don’t make him out to be a saint just yet.
@20 You’re blaming income inequality on Obama?
“Anyone seen the Fucking Moron yet this year?”
I don’t see how you could have possibly missed the Fucking Moron, Doctor, as he’s still leaving his dumbfuck hashtags in every thread.
@24 Number of American soldiers killed in Iraq by year:
2003 – 486
2004 – 849
2005 – 846
2006 – 823
2007 – 904
2008 – 314
2009 – 149
2010 – 60
2011 – 54
2012 – 1
2013 – 3
2014 – 1
2015 – 7
2016 – 2
As for all those bombs being dropped “in Iraq,” do you lack the guts to say they’re being dropped on ISIS? Do you have a problem with Obama bombing the shit out of ISIS? That he’s turning ISIS into a one-way ticket to martyrdom? Are you an Islamic terrorist sympathizer?
@26 If Boob wants to see a fucking moron all he has to do is look in a mirror.
18 – Yeah, along with a doubling of the national debt and continued interference in other countries’ affairs, which is the root cause of Islamic terrorism.
When are we going to realize that democracies don’t have empires and un-wind the foreign mess we’re in?
@ 27
Do you have a problem with Obama bombing the shit out of ISIS?
Not as long as you don’t have a problem with me pointing out that ISIS wouldn’t be there had we not pulled out prematurely.
If only your father had pulled out prematurely.
30 – Get out of the area entirely. Only Muslims can eliminate radical, terrorist Islam.
“An end to American bleeding in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
“Perhaps not quite.”
“Bombs dropped by the US in Iraq, 2016: 12,095”
Perhaps our esteemed doctor will explain. How it is that Americans bleed when our nation’s military rains bombs down on America’s enemies? Enemies who, by the way, were created when the last Republican president invaded the wrong country.
You just voted for another Republican who blows off security briefings. How many Americans bled on 9/11 after the last Republican president blew off intelligence security briefings? How many Americans bled because he invaded the wrong country?
I’m sure the answer will require the twitter-bot traitor to leave another pro-Putin hashtag.
“ISIS wouldn’t be there had we not pulled out prematurely.”
The pro-Putin twitter-bot traitor’s comment requires some serious fixing.
ISIS wouldn’t be there had we not had a president who blew off security briefings, read My Pet Goat as 3,000 Americans bled and died in NYC, invaded the wrong country in response, royally fucked up by leaving Saddam’s goons to form ISIS, and then left it to the next president to clean up the fucking mess.
I’m sure any attempt at rebuttal will require the twitter-bot traitor to leave another pro-Putin hashtag.
Single issue thinking. Given what we know about joblessness among Afrucan Americans, the economic state of many majority African American communities, the gutting of social services in those communities over the last two decades, is it surprising that a greater % of women in that subgroup would choose not to incur the expense of carrying to term let alone raising a child?
Women seek abortions for many reasons and economics is often #1 and the story you linked is a year right in the sweet spot for Great Recession economic stress. Do a little digging and see what ethnic group in America is disproportionately represented in unemployment during those years.
About that “Status of Forces” agreement….
Nah, why let facts get in the way.
Anyone else concerned that the soon-to-be President is spending even a nanosecond studying television ratings?
@ 32
See @ 27
The number of deaths in Iraq was not zero in 2016. Hence my comment, “not quite”.
Perhaps had #CrookedHillary pulled a John Edwards in 2008, the last eight years would have been a Clinton/Obama administration. Sadly for her, she continued to explain her vote as based on information that was provided to all.
What the GOP mandate looks like:
52 GOP senators got 54.9 million votes.
46 Democratic and 2 independent senators got 74.8 million votes.
“The number of deaths in Iraq was not zero in 2016. Hence my comment, “not quite”.”
Horseshit. On the subject of American bleeding in Iraq, your “not quite”reply only noted that there were 12,095 bombs dropped by America in 2016. This has turned into quite the display of your unimaginative dumbfuckery. But at least you got a couple of hashtags out of it.
@ 38
All of which is irrelevant. Neither the presidency or the US Senate are a popular vote election, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
What might be more relevant is an understanding of why #CrookedHillary lost. Here, let Bernie Sanders fill you in, asswipe:
“Look, you can’t simply go around to wealthy people’s homes raising money and expect to win elections,” the Vermont senator, who gave Clinton a surprisingly strong run for the Democratic nomination, told NPR’s David Greene in an interview airing on Morning Edition. “You’ve got to go out and mix it up and be with ordinary people.”
“I happen to believe that the Democratic Party has been not doing a good job in terms of communicating with people in cities, in towns and in rural America, all over this country,” he said.
That was on NPR, this morning.
Gee, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. He wasn’t reported to be boasting about popular vote margins.
Probably because they are irrelevant. Like you.
Oh, Steve. I get so much more than hashtags out of it.
I get to post items like this:
A challenge by several House Democrats to Donald Trump’s election on Friday collapsed when they failed to convince a single Democratic senator to join their protest.
Watch the video in the link.
Your ilk are reduced to acting as clowns. Missing only the red plastic nose and the big floppy shoes.
Comedy gold. Pure. comedy. gold.
The best parts are Paul Ryan, laughing. At the end, the way the video is cut it seems as if he’s laughing at Seattle’s new Congresswoman, who is being a dumbfuck on her first real day in office.
” Enemies who, by the way, were created when the last Republican president invaded the wrong country.”
And when the next Sec. Def. “Mad Dog” ordered his troops to bypass convoys of Baathists ferrying cash, gold, mortars, mines, and RPGs out of Iraqi cities with Syrian supplied trucks. Never let the enemy dictate the pace of battle!
Either way, why should we care? At this point Bush fuckups are being paid for with clueless Trailer Trump American lives. And Trump’s bigger fuckups will be paid for with even more clueless Trailer Trump American lives.
That works for me. So long as there is an unlimited supply of pig ignorant, blood lusting, hillbilly patriots yearning to donate a limb or two to keep my gasoline prices low, in exchange for two years of community college tuition and a wait list at the VA, who am I to argue? And should the supply dry up, Trailer Trump America starts losing seats in Congress and the Senate.
Win – win.
@30 “Not as long as you don’t have a problem with me pointing out that ISIS wouldn’t be there had we not pulled out prematurely.”
Not as long as you acknowledge that ISIS wouldn’t be there if your last dumbfuck Republican president hadn’t invaded the country that didn’t attack us on 9/11/01. See @29 for further explanation.
@32 “You just voted for another Republican who blows off security briefings.”
He does more than that. He just stripped all our embassies of their ambassadors. Our entire foreign diplomatic corps is now leaderless, and will remain so for the months it takes to confirm Trump’s ambassador appointments. Adversaries and terrorists alike will have a field day with this dumbfuckery. You get what you vote for.
@34 What the hell, overturning Roe v. Wade will simply mean more Democratic voters 18 years from now.
@40 “All of which is irrelevant. Neither the presidency or the US Senate are a popular vote election, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
But that’s the whole point, dumbfuck. We don’t have democracy in our country. We live under a system created by white male landed gentry who didn’t believe either women or working classes should vote. And Republicans like that system just fine because they will never, ever, be supported by a majority of the Americans whose sweat and labor creates ALL of the wealth in this country.
@41 There is no basis to challenge Trump’s election. He won under the system created to preserve slavery, which is the system we still have until we get around to changing it.
5 dead, 8 wounded, shooter in custody at Fort Lauderdale airport. The suspect is a native-born U.S. citizen with a Cuban-sounding surname and a military ID.
Incivility is the trendy new workplace fad. Actually, it’s not new, it’s merely getting worse. Sure glad I don’t have to work. I’m a capitalist now. I don’t regret not having a job one tiny bit.
@ 45
What the hell, overturning Roe v. Wade will simply mean more Democratic voters 18 years from now.
For all I care you can win CA by ten million votes.
You’ll still be losing the others, clown.
What a libertarian economy looks like:
“The U.S. Labor Department sued a beef jerky company and its owner over allegations that the owner fired a worker for trying to call 911 when a co-worker of hers cut off part of his thumb in a workplace accident.
“John Bachman, owner of Lone Star Western Beef, also is accused in the federal court complaint of doing ‘little to clean or sanitize the areas where [the injured worker’s] blood had spurted all over his work area and on the floor and sink in the processing area.’
“Bachman threw out only the meat that the worker was cutting during the accident, but did not discard ‘other meat present in the area’ where he bled, the complaint alleges.
“‘Lone Star has broken the mold when it comes to beef jerky!” [its] website proclaims. ‘This ain’t no wimpy city slicker beef jerky!'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In two weeks, the Labor Department won’t be filing lawsuits like this one anymore, and there probably won’t be any meat inspection, either.
@50 Trump’s SCOTUS is going to overturn RvW only in CA?
New! Sim Jim: Code Red
Eat up, hillbillies!
don’t forget: in 2016 freedumb loving beer drunk Trailer Trump American toddlers carried out more handgun attacks than terrorists did.
See something, say something.
Did you see what checkmate wrote above? Sanger been dead 40 years…
Remember checkmate, without abortions, Al Gore would have really won in 2000!
Sux to be you!
Update on Fort Lauderdale airport shooting: The shooter was born in Puerto Rico, served in the National Guard, was deployed to Iraq, may have flashback issues. He LEGALLY transported a handgun and ammunition from Alaska in his checked baggage, retrieved it from his bag in the baggage claim area, and then began shooting elderly passengers in the head. When he ran out of ammo he lay on the floor spreadeagle and waited for cops to take him into custody.
@55 You’re all the proof anyone needs that there are times when abortion is appropriate because it’s cruel to let babies born without brains grow up to live empty and wasted lives.
I’m liking our new troll. Condescending and patronizing whilst using playground name-calling; blaming Democrats for not being quick enough to fix needless problems caused by Republicans, and refusing to admit error. Much needed after our better trolls abandoned this place to Puddy.
What’s our over/under on the date for when our mockery of Chump’s failures proves too much for our new troll to take?
apparently Boob doesn’t like China as much as he loves Russia.
@58 it has already occurred in their minds they’ll just never come out and say that.
So never will that happen. I wouldn’t take that bet.
@58 The combination of arrogance and stupidity displayed shouldn’t take long to create a massive series of failures. He’s well on his way to that already.
Getting close to that time again, fellow HA heroes… Will the babbling jackass attempt one more fart storm before the deadline????
10.. 9… 8… 7.. 6..5.. 4.. 3..
Yes, fellow HA heroes.. Savor the FREEDOM!!!
From that miserable, babbling jackass!
It’s just too nice!
@58, I apologize. Although I didn’t mean to imply it, I did leave open the possibility I meant our new troll would someday admit error. I had not meant to imply our new troll would ever have, even for an instant, the tiny bit of character needed to make such an admission.
No, I meant that someday, our new troll will follow the example set by the troll’s once Dear Great Maximum Leader, George W. Bush: slinking away into the night, shunned and abandoned by all previous supporters, but kept hidden lest anyone be forced to recall how very, very badly wrong it all really, really was.
When do you think that might be? It took them six years to abandon W; Chump won’t be bothered to stick around that long, methinks.
Every Friday after sunset friends..
The babbling jackass slinks off to mumble to its kult.. Pay the weekly premium..
And we get to enjoy the peace and quiet here in the threads..
Life is good..
“Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate the Negroes!”
“If one is arguing that the organization serves to disproportionately limit the black population, there certainly is supportive data for that argument.”
“I think Planned Parenthood provides an important service. One that should be privately funded, but important nonetheless.”
It’s hard to tell who is more schizo, the “schizo” or boob.
Both are driven by total bullshit – that much is truly known.
It’s starting to look like the only health care insurance plan Republicans can come up with is to simply rename the ACA “Trumpcare” and then have Trump declare that he’s just made America great again. Knowing how dumbfuck stupid our trolls are, that’s probably not a bad plan.
@51 …and you won’t be hearing anything about it either. Now eat your yummy Soylent Green and go practice your Newspeak.
Considering who he is appealing to, I anticipate Pres. Elect Derp’s affordable health insurance plan to include fish fries and church craft bazaars. Maybe hillbilly doctors will start accepting crocheted beer can hats in payment.
We now know the Florida airport shooter had mental problems, was kicked out of the military for unfitness, went to an FBI office in Anchorage and told them voices in his head were urging him to join ISIS, and he legally flew from Alaska to Florida with a gun and ammunition in his baggage. Meanwhile, the Republican solution to crazy people shooting up airports is more guns:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ever since the election, I’ve grown more cynical and apathetic. If this is the kind of government my fellow citizens want, then fuck ’em, let ’em have what they voted for. And if a Trump voter caught a bullet in Fort Lauderdale today, well, there’s nothing I can do about it. That Republican legislator was elected by somebody; you get what you vote for.
@68 @70 My impression is the GOP’s health care plan for the masses is none.
@69 Only two weeks of meat inspection left. Better stock up the freezer before you have to go vegan for four years.
@67 Government pays half the health care bills in this country, so it seems fair, logical, and reasonable that half of Planned Parenthood’s income should come from government health care programs.
@58 Most new trolls don’t last here more than a couple weeks.
Did you catch that idiocy
Piddlesa proven liar spewed earlier?Hmmmm.
The Anglican Church lives on though it’s founder had a thing about murdering his wives over an ignorance of chromosomes.
Volkswagen still exists though it came into being as a policy of a guy generally considered the worst monster of the 20th century who didn’t like schwartzes either.
While we’re at it, The institution America lives on though the primary Author of its creation document thought people who looked like
Piddlesa proven liar were property of noble white men.Piddlesa proven liar will be along around sun up to make some new deranged defense of his idiocy.So Carl based on your powerful logic are you putting in a complaint to the Office of Congressional Ethics that all the Republican congressmen from Washington are unethical scum?
@1 W.E.B. du Bois would disagree with you. Also she was an economic eugenic, and Socialist. Try to get facts right when you are disparaging someone who promoted policies you sincerely disagree with. Also reading just the wiki bio would prevent you from passing on propaganda that is not true. You trying for some sort of fake news award? Try harder, and add some pizazz.
@77 hopefully he does and adds you to the list Sally
Any more news on the Fat black buffalo semen preacher? Has she spewed anymore semen sermons?
@6 Vice President Biden in front of the Senate opened the box and counted the for President, and said President Trump. Looks like a mandate to me. Also as Bernie Sanders has pointed out Hilliary should have beat the man by 10 points, and did not because she did not connect with the working men and women of the United States. Now she can go hang with her peeps on Martha’s Vinyard.
@ 76
Thats one of the main reasons why I don’t post much anymore.
It is impossible to have a rational discussion with a lying lunatic. It is impossible to engage someone who reflexively reacts with the most arbitrarily and obstinately contrarian position he can muster.
He’s the guy who insists on riding his horse by sitting backwards in the saddle, because everyone else in the world who sits facing forward is utterly wrong and too stupid to see why.
No wonder his kids moved all the way across the continent. They may love their poppa, but they probably don’t want their kids exposed to him very much.
@7 Margaret Sanger would immediately tell you your numbers point out why she did the work she did. While it helped all Americans, and all American women, it was to help all poor working women. Odd the women your pointing to in your statistics are most likely to be poor working women.
And just what one service do you think planned parent hood provides? I think government should fully fund planned parent hood including abortions. And please if you haven’t already please go in and get snipped. Doubt that is the one service you had in mind, but you can use their services.
@13 Well the woman is a lousy politician, as her running mate should have been Bernie Sanders, or vice versa. I don’t know if Bernie would have won or not, but to win the Democratic party has to become the party for the workers, and tell wall street to suck it.
@18 Of course in 2008 Obama called Clinton to her face a candidate who could not win more than %50 of the vote and a loser. The man was right in 2008, and amazingly was still correct in 2016. That President Obama called that one right.
@21 And eight years later the workers asked what has the Democratic party done for us during this slow as Heinz ketchup recovery?
Still in those 2 countries we went to war in, and five more.
@24 Well you left out the fact the Air Force ran out of bombs, so it could have been more. And as always service with a smile!
@25 Well why not. Not like his administration tackled that issue. Who knows maybe Trump will.
@36 Clearly it’s what all future candidates will do. Things like ratings are always more important to politicians than governing. Unless you are VP then you are doubled screwed as you literally disappear, and you have to keep herd on a bunch of Senators, and none of them play baseball.
@44 You exaggerate, the fine civil servants of the Foreign Service are more than able to fill in. The bureaucracy gets a break from political hacks of either party. As far as there being no Secretary of State of ambassadors you are assuming the Democrats can keep up preventing those positions from being filled. Oh my the Dems changed the rules, and those positions can be filled and a filibuster that would require 60 votes can’t stop the nominees from being approved by a simple majority. Still Schumer sounds really cool.
@46 So you have disavowed being a Capitalist rabbit? Or are you going to go join the folks who represent your interests Daddy Warbunny,
@47 Trump won under the system that was created so that there could be a United States of America under the Constitution, and if that had not succeeded the interline disputes between the states would have ripped apart that experiment started with Declaration Independence and war, and Great Britain reclaiming it’s squabbling colonies, and probably no Canadian independence. Still once WWI and WWII or any other wars Britain got into we would be right there with the King or Queen. .
@68 Then again Trump has said what the fuck do you mean the largest purchaser of drugs can’t negotiate with the drug companies. Maybe he will borrow from Bill Clinton’s book and go all in for single payer for all, and Uncle Sam takes over the health care system.
@71 You are a Capitalist. Why do you care? Surely you have your personal plane so you don’t have to travel with the rabble, or stoop to having to go into an airports luggage pickup. Besides how do you pick up luggage with paws?
@73 Sorry Congress passed a bill authoring that department so meat inspections will continue until at least the end of the fiscal end of year. My guess is there will continue to be meat inspections well into fiscal year2018 and beyond
@80 Oh wow Sally is getting a Representatives pay check. Good for her.
Oct 22, 1968 Nixon orders Haldeman to ratfuck the peace accords.
Didnt one or two hillbillies die in SE Asia after that date?
Stupid racist pig ignorant rednecks being ass fucked by the GOP since the beginning of time! Its the most entertaining show on earth. Bravo!
Oct 22, 1968 Nixon orders Haldeman to ratfuck the peace accords.
Didnt one or two hillbillies die in SE Asia after that date?
Stupid racist pig ignorant rednecks being ass fucked by the GOP since the beginning of time! Its the most entertaining show on earth. Bravo!