It’s good to have an Attorney General like Bob Ferguson. I was a constituent of his on the King County Council. I have to say I was not really a fan then.
But whatever my skepticism looked like then, he has been great as AG. So it’s no surprise that he is leading a coalition of attorneys general to save the Post Office. Hopefully there will still be something to save.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
The post office is and has been a train wreck for decades. It’s time to privatize it.
Google and Amazon are too efficient and valuable. It’s time to nationalize them.
Speaking @ 2 of valuable companies, Apple Computer is now worth $2 trillion.
I cannot help but point out that if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit had bought and held Apple, rather than relying for far too long on GE to stop declining, he would be a millionaire now. Or someday.
But Apple didn’t begin paying a dividend until 2012. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit eschews companies that don’t pay dividends.
Roger Dumbfuck’s family suffers as a result of his dumbfuckery.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks like a millenial.
General Electric Company is the 2nd most popular stock on Robinhood, the favorite trading platform of Millennials, and provides commission-free stock, option, ETF and cryptocurrency trades, and no minimum account balances.
Like an unloved, impotent, incontinent millenial.
1, 2, Ah, yes.
Because there is somewhere an entrepreneurial “disrupter” eager to climb over the adjacent burning tire pile, carefully edge their way around the informal front yard septic pond, bypass the pack of scarred and harrowed chain-dogs and come to the front door of your trailer to pick up your personal, illegibly hand-scrawled Q anon death-threat letter, convey it and hand deliver it to any other address anywhere within the United States including US Possessions, Territories, and Freely Associated States, and do all that for the OUTRAGEOUS fee of fifty five cents.
This, ladies and gents, is the wisdom of Trolls4Trump.
@ 5
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is disappointed that he cannot invest in the privately held company that manufactures Hallmark cards.
If it’s OK to over-regulate the coal industry in order to force it to die, what’s the problem with giving the USPS a nudge toward its eventual death and demise using similar tactics?
I mean, they may be important to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit but I can do without the weekly Geritrol mailer the USPS delivers with all of that other crap.
Somebody explain to me why Amazon would not deliver the mail if USPS were to go away.
Either FedEx or UPS shows up at our place with a delivery roughly three days out of each week. The other three days they’re driving right down the road past our place. This past Sunday afternoon FedEx showed up with a delivery.
It’s easier than you would want to eliminate the USPS.
If the government can essentially force
Bank of America to acquire an about-to-expire Merrill Lynch, why can’t the government force a company like Amazon to acquire the USPS in order to avoid antitrust unpleasantness?
Not a good sign when the backbenchers are begging Pelosi to negotiate with Trump.
Some House Democrats urge Pelosi to pass smaller bill focusing on expanded unemployment benefits
They’re not doing it because they want to. They’re doing it because they know they can’t sell Pelosi’s refusal to unemployed constituents.
Trump has been pretty clear on that as well.
Show us where any of them have offered.
Where I live Amazon Prime, FedEx Ground, and UPS all rely on USPS for final mile logistics at least 50% of the time (100% of the time on Saturdays).
USPS is already driving around to every house and business in every community in AM General bomb-mobiles already.
If you don’t get this, then you don’t really get what Amazon’s doing.
No, Cat Lady. It isn’t a conspiracy. There are no invisible secret compartments aboard the trucks ferrying frightened adolescents to be drained of their adrenochrome. No DERP STATE!!! Marco Rubio is not “in on it”. And it has nothing to do with Trump. There are no secret, ancient Hebrew symbols buried in the USPS logo. No breadcrumbs. It’s all entirely in your head and in the social feeds of the people who manipulate you for sport.
You’re pathetic. Up to now, it’s been amusing as fuck to watch your four year delcine. But it’s become sad to watch now.
@ 11
Tell me you cannot cobble together the critical mass and ingenuity of Amazon, UPS, and FedEx to replace the USPS. I’ll throw in Tesla and Toyota’s Prius, since regenerative braking would probably be particularly useful in a mail delivery scenario.
Amazon can replace the final-mile needs no longer supported by USPS with its own or with contracted delivery service, if a need/opportunity arises. Mail will continue to be a dwindling priority, in favor of electronic communication.
Package delivery will become a bigger thing now that people have been forced to rely on it and realize that, hey, they got their Pop-Tarts the next day and didn’t need to drive for them.
It’s sort of happening already – UPS, FedEx.
The biggest obstacle is the postal union and its Congressional influence.
Well the obvious….
The postal service is in the Constitution.
The founders thought it was important.
UPS will deliver a .8 oz letter from Seattle to San Francisco in 2 days for the low low cost of…..$27.51
USPS will deliver any weight that fits in a legal envelop in 3 days for $8.05
Why do conservatives hate government services that people actually like and use and were never intended to be a revenue source?
Sure, we could eliminate USPS (Maybe, constitution says Congress has the power to create not MUST) and anything physical that must be sent will be triple the price. Maybe Amazon can increase the efficiency and get that down to double the price.
I wonder if Donald calling for a boycott of one of Ohio’s largest employers will move the needle at all?
This is simply false without a mandate to deliver. Amazon would likely create common drop areas that rural customers would have to retrieve themselves.
Even rural communities where USPS has eliminated physical post offices still have residential delivery/pickup. Yes, I am aware that there are small communities dotted around the country that have always been PO Box retrieval. These are rare but they do exist.
USPS, by mandate, has a post office and a delivery service in Stehekin. Amazon would eliminate that and the 75 residents would either have to come to some agreement to hire someone to periodically go to Chelan and collect all parcels or they would need to go themselves.
How long would it take before a private entity like Amazon in a cost cutting move decided that any residence further than X distance from an Amazon distribution center must retrieve their shipments at the nearest Amazon locker and be done with it.
Ohio law prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or ancestry by paying wages to an employee at a rate less than the rate paid to others for equal work. This statute authorizes a civil action and contains a one-year statute of limitations.
So let’s see which items an Ohio based business can not allow as they could make some employees targets of harassment or hostile work environments.
Black Lives Matter (no, race, color, ancestry)
Proud to be Irish (no, national origin, ancestry)
Star of David (no, religion)
Blue lives Matter (yes, blue is neither sex, race, skin color, religion, national origin, age, or ancestry)
Burka (No, religion)
Riden with Biden (yes, neither sex, race, skin color, religion, national origin, age, or ancestry)
Vote Libertarian (Yes, neither sex, race, skin color, religion, national origin, age, or ancestry)
MAGA (yes, neither sex, race, skin color, religion, national origin, age, or ancestry)
Not allowing electioneering on company property is standard practice.
@1 The once-glorious party of Lincoln has been a train wreck and toxic spill for decades. It’s time to sunset it.
@2 Free the horses!
This was inevitable:
“A person with Covid-19 may have exposed others at a bar during Sturgis motorcycle rally”
The GOP primary winner in the C.D. that includes Mar-a-Lago is an Islamophobic freak who’s been banned from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Uber, and Lyft. Fortunately, the district is solidly blue, so that’s as far as she’ll get.
Still want to argue the GOP isn’t a party of racists and bigots?
12, 13,
I gotta suggest here that it is some kind of hallmark of wing-o-sphere degradation when they find themselves railing against the postal service. It’s a fairly time-honored target of Bircher Loonacy.
And in four short years Trump brought them all there.
This is far worse than what Goldwater conservatives and JBS did to them in the 1960s. It’s all that wrapped around a pustulent center of racism and xenophobia sitting atop a mountain of dead bodies and unemployment.
Having essentially been forced to admit that Trump is heading for a loss, and that in losing Trump will probably cost Republicans their Senate majority, the average Q Clearance Cat Lady is left to scratch around in the scattered and discarded betting slips of parimutuel aggrievement. And the best they can come up with is The Postal Service.
Fluoridation is but a tweet away.
#Purity Of Essence
@3 Maybe someday your stock will pay a dividend, too. My Starbucks stock does. In fact, my annual Starbucks stock is more than I paid for the stock. Your stock’s annual dividend is less than the penny I picked up in a parking lot the other day. Somebody dropped it. Not you, I’m sure. You don’t have a penny. Just pixels.
@4 GE is soooo yesterday. You’re the only reason I hear about it anymore. Because so are you.
You left out that a couple of years ago she for reals pooped her pants on a public sidewalk in front of Twitter HQ in Manhattan in the middle of a work day.
Commitment like that to the character and the integrity of the performance is the reason Trump and the GOP love her.
Here’s letter stickers you can put on a keyboard. Have to buy all 26, though. I wonder if there’s someplace doc can order just the “G” and “E”? He doesn’t use the other keys.
No, some of us aren’t better than this. We have to be realistic about who they really are.
Yeah. Good thinking, Bubbas.
“Lets piss off an African American billionaire “Mom-O”.
What can she possibly do about it?”
What happens to churchy people who go to mass church gatherings and get Covid-19 from other churchy people:
“an acquaintance from church implied [fill in name] caught the virus as punishment for sins [s/he] committed”
To be fair, her opponent was an avowed QAnon devotee who campaigned that Loomer was too crazy.
Don’t sleep on while wearing a yellow star of David patch because getting banned from Twitter is JUST LIKE being sent to a concentration camp.
But bottom line, she’s going to get several thousand votes because the GOP doesn’t care if their representatives are racists and/or complete nutjobs as long as they fight the growing scourge of soshulism and ‘MERCA! FREEEEEEDOM!
Don’t let MBAs run universities and colleges. Just don’t.
And if states don’t invest in higher education, they won’t have higher education, or economies. Students can’t pay for it all by themselves. Well, maybe Doctor Dumbfuck’s kids can. He’s rich. Except I don’t know of any universities for My Little Ponies.
This is fun. Two minutes of video of Bernie at the podium prepping immediately before his DNC speech.
the GOP doesn’t care if
They demand it. Who are they running against Inslee?
@31 Whatever rocks you.
@7 “If it’s OK to over-regulate the coal industry in order to force it to die”
I knew you had trouble sorting through species when needing to get laid, but are you this off kilter about economics, too?
But I guess that’s to be expected of someone whose stock portfolio doesn’t generate a cent of dividend income.
@8 Why would expect Amazon to deliver mail where it doesn’t deliver its own packages?
And how could Amazon deliver mail without government subsidies when it can’t deliver its own packages without a government subsidized delivery system?
There. Explained. To a dumbfuck who can’t look things up by himself or figure things out for himself.
@ 34
That’s effect, not cause, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
As in, the effect of GE paying out an unsustainable dividend was a 96% cut in that dividend.
There. I put it in terms you would understand.
@9 Think that’s something? You should see the heavy hand the government used to recruit its citizens to fight World War 2, the Korean War, and Vietnam War.* Government’s gonna do what’s gotta be done to save the country and/or its economy.** Do you really want it to do anything else?
* Be glad you were born too late to get caught up in that one.
** Except when Republicans run it. They’ll sacrifice jobs and even other people’s lives to avoid paying a few more bucks of taxes.
@10 Pelosi is already testing the waters to see if Republicans will pass the piecemeal funding bills they claim they want. Starting with the USPS. If they won’t pass that one, why should she believe they’ll do anything for unemployed workers? It’s like ordering from an unknown seller on Amazon, you start with a low-dollar item to see if they deliver, before you put in the big order. Although the GOP isn’t exactly unknown. They have a track record. And lots of negative reviews. Pretty much a one-star outfit run out of somebody’s basement.
@12 Dumbfuck’s plan to replace the hated* government mail delivery:
“cobble together the” combined resources “of Amazon, UPS, … FedEx …[,] Tesla and Toyota’s Prius”**
to do what USPS is already doing. Gotcha.
* because it delivers ballots to people who don’t like them.
** I thought Prius was anathema to you guys; now you suddenly need it because your “Detroit Iron” won’t work?
I can already see the coming spinoffs after the assets are stripped and the workers’ pensions are dumped on PBGC.
Takes a dumbfuck to sign on for schemes like this. Privatization. Meh. When has that ever worked? Fails every time it’s tried. But they keep on trying. Because. Definition of insanity. Look it up sometime when you’re not too busy being a dumbfuck, doc.
@13 “Why do conservatives hate government services that people actually like and use and were never intended to be a revenue source?”
Because USPS delivers ballots of people who don’t like them. And hardly anybody likes them. So that’s a lot of ballots they don’t want counted.
Trump wants the election to be done over if he loses. Philosophically, I have no objection to that, because he’d lose again, assuming the same people voted and voted the same way the second time, which makes the whole exercise pointless. Therefore, as a practical matter, he’d have to kill a lot of voters between the original election and the do-over. Or have Covid-19 do it for him. But if Covid-19 didn’t kill enough of the **right** voters, and he lost again, then he’d want that election done over, too. Or more likely, do away with elections and proclaim himself President For Life, on the Robert Mugabe and Putin model. That’s what he wants anyway.
@14 I wonder if he has Goodyears on his limo?×468.jpg
Anybody got a magnifying glass?
@15 Fuck, let ’em drive 30 miles to vote. Native Americans have to.
@21 “it is some kind of hallmark of wing-o-sphere degradation when they find themselves railing against the postal service”
Because they don’t have the Soviet Union to kick around anymore and Moscow is their friend and banker now.
@24 She didn’t have to do that to prove to everyone she’s full of shit. Everyone already knows that.
To Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, a big order @ 38 is 100 shares of AT&T.
Or a pizza with cheese AND pepperoni.
@29 Yup, she’ll get “several thousand votes” in a district of 3/4 million people where 280-300k votes — including Trump’s — will be cast. Something like 2% of the votes. All from people who don’t know who she is and/or can’t bring themselves to vote for a “soshulist” under any circumstances. In a state full of retired stockbrokers, bankers, etc. Maybe 9 them actually want someone like her in Congress. Counting her vote for herself.
@32 C’mon. Give ’em credit where it’s due. The guy who stole a chair from Office Depot didn’t win their primary. Neither did the Minnesota shoplifter. I guess they have a thing against looters.
Trump’s Goodyear boycott will have no effect. His supporters can’t afford them anyway. They drive on cheap retreads.
I always give vehicles with Trump stickers plenty of stopping room, because they need it.
@36 Silly me. Of course fucking horses is cause, not effect, in your case. (slaps forehead) Because even dumbfucks know better. Ordinary ones, that is.
Isn’t the guy they nominated some kind of pedo white separatist who fled the wet side to be closer to the Aryan Nations and where nobody would notice if he married his daughter?*
*I’m just “asking questions”. It’s “good” to ask questions.
@46 Rabbits don’t eat pizza. Quit huffing coal dust. It’s affecting your neurons.
@51 Yeah, but he doesn’t drive off from gas pumps without paying. As far as we know.
And to be expected,
After conference call GOP House leadership says they will whip AGAINST USPS funding bill.
Didn’t The Q Clearance Cat Lady only a few hours ago flog some Dem backbenchers for urging compromise?
This is how it works. Now all three of those pathetic cucks has to explain why they broke ranks. The leadership offered to cut their proposal in half to get negotiations restarted. And McCarthy and the Death Caucus pull the ball away.
Stay in your lane, motherfuckers. Or Madame Speaker will take your money away and give it to The Squad.
Bob is a useless fucking Troll.
Sitting idly by while the Repukilan Party takes the Country to the shitter.
See Bob this is the stuff from twitter you should be posting about. But you are a complete horse fucking and horse cock sucking useless fucking troll.
@1 – The problem with the post office is the pension liabilities. The pension system should have been concerted to something resembling a 401k type of system a long time ago.
See Bob, some people have integrity and morals, all you got are a bunch of horses in the stable and in the house.
Piles of shit in your house.
Thank Repukes for fucking it up.
@56 “Bob is a useless fucking Troll.”
That’s like saying it’s cloudy on rainy days.
Today, in response to a question from a White House reporter, the President’s Press Secretary responded, by way of clarification, that if after all the votes are counted if Donald Trump is not the winner he may not abide by that outcome.
Specifically she said that he will not say in advance if he will respect the constitution and democratic process and abide by the will of the voters, but that instead “…he’ll see what happens and make a determination in the aftermath.”
And Every Republican You Know is going to vote for this unhinged tyrant.
For that they must be made to pay.
@59 – It may have been the Repukes, but more likely it was both the Repukes and the Demodunces. No politician ever got elected or re-elected by promising to bring actuarial science to public employee pensions.
See 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act.
Then delete your account.
@57 The “problem” is making the post office prepay pensions. No other business or federal entity does that. It was a stratagem to bankrupt the postal service, and did precisely what it was intended to do.
It was very much in fact Rapepublicans. Dennis Hastert the pedophile to be precise.
You’d know that if you’d bothered to look up the law.
Now seriously, delete your account. You’re a fucking disgrace.
@59 See #64 for details.
Seriously. You’re too fucking ignorant of the recent history of your own goddam government. There’s no room for your ignorance in a modern, fast paced democracy with unlimited information resources. And certainly no excuse to be made either.
Your nation calls upon you now, for the greater good of all the people, and future generations of patriotic Americans:
Delete your account.
Deport yourself.
Find a different hobby.
Go live on an island and learn to play harmonica.
Try Cuck-porn like The Q Clearance Cat Lady.
Do something else.
This thing that you do, it isn’t working.
And it’s bad for America.
From Elizabeth Bauer, retirement writer at “Forbes:”
“ALL companies are required to fund any pension promises they make to their employees. (The only exceptions are for top executives, who can lose their pensions if a company goes bankrupt, and for entities that aren’t actually “companies” – state and local governments and churches.) NONE of them are permitted to take a “pay as you go” approach but must contribute to a pension fund an amount equivalent to what a worker has accrued that year in benefit promises, regardless of how far into the future that worker will be retiring, and must make up for any shortfalls due to asset losses or other reasons. The USPS and private sector companies use the same general actuarial principles to do so, though there are differences in assumptions, particulars of the calculations, etc.”
That took about 3 minutes of my time to make you idiots look like what you are.
@62 You’re sorta right, somewhat, in the sense it was approved with votes of both parties; but they’re not equally culpable. It was a GOP bill; the Democrats are guilty only of not reading the fine print and understanding its implications.
Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NH) explains, “it was rushed through Congress without due consideration, and [is] one of the worst pieces of legislation Congress has passed in a generation.”
If House Democrats passed a bill repealing the prefunding provision, what do you want to bet Senate Republicans would kill it, or if they didn’t Trump would veto it? That’s a sure bet.
Another false equivalency fail. Rake meets face again. Gosh, the scars make you ugly. You gotta stop stepping on rakes.
@68 Here’s the next paragraph directly under the paragraph you quoted from the same source you quoted from:
“What is distinctive about the USPS is that, a a result of the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA), they are also required to pre-fund their retiree medical promises.”
The Wikipedia article on the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act expands on this as follows:
“According to Bloomberg, prefunding the health benefits of retirees ‘is a requirement that no other entity, private or public, has to make’. Columnist Dan Casey wrote in a July 2014 op-ed in The Roanoke Times that the PAEA is ‘one of the most insane laws Congress ever enacted’.”
That took less than 3 minutes of my time. Oh, and: Republican bill signed by Republican president.
That rake again. You gotta watch where you put your feet down.
Rule of holes.
Go now. Delete your account.
@71 Like Confederates generally, he’s too stupid to know when he’s licked.
savoring the irony of a company that literally would not exist, and a journalist who would probably be bagging groceries (degree in medieval history) if not for the discount periodicals rate offered by the USPS.
Trump still trying for all he’s worth to put Ohio in play:
274 “other things that are noxious in nature” = BLM
Not “blue lives matter.” Rather, “blue lives matter, too.”
Yeah delete your account
Now do, funding the pension for years in advance forcing the corporation to assume that every employee will continue with the company until full retirement age.
By the way, I never had a chance to mention trump’s “Big Announcement”(TM) on Tuesday. He announced he was pardoning Susan B Anthony. Wow that will get the woman vote. In the audio, you can hear women in the room snort and chortle with disbelieving laughter, until they realize that he was serious.
I really enjoy this version of the democratic convention. Watching President Obama talk about Vice President Biden in contrast to trump.
Looking forward to voting for Biden and Harris.
Watching President Obama, recalling his natural charisma and talent for talking directly to people, and not down to them.
And then remembering the time The Q Clearance Cat Lady insisted, insisted that Obama thrust his erect penis into the faces of journalists aboard Air Force One.
Every Republican You Know.
Must be made to pay.
I am shocked. Shocked I tell you!
Shocked to learn that Brian Kolfage, Stephen Bannon, and the rest of We Build the Wall was nothing but a giant scam to deceive credulous ignorant dupes like our very own Trolls4Trump and take their money to buy boats, cars, and Yacht/Cocaine/Hookers.
Either that or I am shocked to learn that AG Barr himself is now part of the DERP STATE!!! conspiracy to humiliate Trump supporters.
It’s not as if any of this was particularly sophisticated. Taking money from credulous angry beer-drunk Republicans sweltering in trailer parks does not require sophistication. Just a willingness to go there.
The We Build the Wall indictment certainly clarifies what it was Barr was attempting to prevent when he sought to unlawfully remove the USA-SDNY and replace him with a GOP lackey.
Also very interesting that this is another seemingly “normal” criminal prosecution of private citizens being conducted by the office’s Public Corruption unit.
“For God’s sake, Hope. Get out while you still can!”
@81 & 82
The cherry on top is Kolfage helping to organize “all those beautiful boaters” and using the illegally purchased Warfighter to motor in the parade.
Stay away from crowds.
Remember: good enough and plenty of it when it comes to supplies and equipment.
We know trumpers don’t care what trump does. They KNOW he’s lying and cheating. They hate liberals more. As long as what ever awful things trump does makes liberals mad, they will support trump.
WHY trumpers hate liberals so blindly? Was it 20 years of Hate right media indoctrination? What went so wrong for them?
It can’t be that base. Who in their right mind wants a totalitarian government? Do they really think they will end up being the people in charge?
But that doesn’t explain the blind hate to me.
Oh. I misunderstood your post Roger Rabbit impersonator. You imply trumpers think liberals want a totalitarian goverment? That’s bullshit. This feels like an NRA meme. The only way to stop a bad totalitarian goverment is a good totalitarian goverment!
You left out rule number one for you Rapepublicans:
Keep your lawyer on speed dial.
WHY trumpers hate liberals so blindly?
Tan suit.
Judge Marrero this morning tossed Trump’s suit attempting to block Vance’s subpoena.
Vance’s office has granted Trump one week to obtain an appellate review before enforcing the subpoena.
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick…
@86 & @91 aren’t by me. Moderator notified.
Jeezus. Talk about bringing receipts.
The information includes this text message from Kolfage to Badolato:
“As far as the public knows, no one is getting paid. Salaries will never be disclosed.”
And this is just the information. Discovery is presumed to include much, much more. But that’s cart ahead of horse, since this debacle also includes starring roles for Kris Kobach, Tom Tancredo, and Eric Prince. Somebody will spill.
It’s Puddy.
@92 Doubt it. Too lame even for him.
@95. When has puddy ever been able to type in short coherent sentences and not use a single blammo or dummycretin?
I thought it was one of godwin’s sock puppet personas.
I’d word #91 like this:
The difference between Obama and Trump: Obama is a lawyer. Trump needs a lawyer.
@96 I read it as “Roger Rabbit” at first. Still bleary-eyed, just got up. I won’t be here long this morning; have to disappear for a medical appt. in a few minutes (routine exam; I’m healthy, so suck on that, trolls). Still trying to wake up.
Yeah, I have an admirer. Someone who admires me so much they use a look-alike posting name. I should be flattered, I guess.
I woke up to see that Bannon is arrested. For stealing money. Accused of being a common thief. Also, Trump has suffered another tax return setback in court. It’s a good day so far. Maybe that’s what’s stirring the troll nest. Much buzzing in there.
I once dealt with a hornet’s nest under a picnic table with a match. Very effective. Full of wax and burned like a candle. Not a single one of them escaped.
The Industrial Sports Complex is fleecing America and very bigoted.
I’m mostly gratified to see that this week puts to bed another media cycle in which, entirely thanks to their own corruption and incompetence, the GOP news is all entirely negative and discouraging for their voters.
They should all just go out behind the trailer right now and burn their voter registrations in protest. It’s ten weeks left now. But six weeks or less before voting begins in AZ, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio, among others. The raging killer Trump-Clap and focus and attention on ballot security, and postal service fuckery from Trump means many more voters will voter early and vote by mail as soon as humanly possible. So there’s good reason to believe that events unfolding in the last few weeks of this election campaign will have very little impact on the races.
And yet the GOP and Trump2020 continue to operate as if they have all the time they need. While the people and institutions that they have surrounded themselves with continue to shit the bed on a regular basis.
Can YLB trace the IP Address?
My guess – Max. But it wouldn’t surprise me if it was Puddy. After all, he has gay relatives that he won’t acknowledge.
This is the guy out trolls insist is ‘better than Biden…
Piddles will be along to complain about equal time and let us know how NBC can put a positive spin on trying to shut down the Post Office and your former campaign CEO is calling a bail bondsman.
“Tonight, Donald Trump was not arrested.” Lester Holt, A Block.
Just keep in mind next time Trump or one of his dupes shrieks bout CHICOM FLU, that Bannon was taken into custody off shore aboard corrupt Beijing financier Miles Kwok’s 46 meter super yacht Lady May:–87427
Everything they say is the opposite of the truth.
Is there a Chinese or Russian that these fucks disassociate themselves with?
What a bunch of low life scum these fuckers are…..all you can say is that they haven’t been caught sucking a horse’s cock like Bob.
101. Maybe Republicans feel that they can count the votes to come out anyway they want so it doesn’t matter if they campaign or not
Given their tendency to project what they are doing on to other people, isn’t it likely they’ve got printing presses going like crazy with fake absentee ballots voting for Trump and all the Republicans?
Does anyone have any guesstimates why trumpers hate liberals so blindly?
It seems so Universal that there has to be some underlying reason.
Mayor Pete will be speaking tonight….the guy is the best and smartest guy in the bunch. Bob creams in his jeans thinking how more successful Mayor Pete is than the horse cock sucker Doctor.
Toldja. Dude dreamed the fentanyl dream.
Keep in mind that Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are Democratic party states and in Wisconsin the cockroaches only control the state senate. Any conspiracy to stuff ballot boxes would have to go directly through those states. Other states where they could try to steal EVs to recover such losses are problematic, either because they lack sufficient EVs, they would require such stunning reversals that it would be impossible to conceal the scale of corruption, or because cockroaches do not control the process there either. And finally any widespread scheme of ballot fraud targeting key state EVs would have to be prepared close to a year ahead of time, long before the Trump-Clap struck and long before the current issues and campaign themes developed.
We should focus on the more likely risks. Overconfidence in Biden’s support that might suppress turnout in key House and Senate races. Obstacles to voting intended to suppress Democratic voter access and turnout. And the likelihood of very slow returns producing phony charges of fraud.
Republicans could conceivably use ballot fraud to protect vulnerable incumbent in key House and Senate races. But it would require a fairly massive coordinated effort that would be very difficult to conceal, especially after the fact. And as we saw recently demonstrated in NC-9 when Republicans attempted to stuff ballot boxes in a safe R district controlled by Republicans, it’s very difficult to get away with it and there’s nothing to stop the results from being set aside and a new election being called.
If Republicans lose the White House it would be a Democratic appointee in the DOJ digging into ballot fraud. So the survival of any such scheme really depends upon them retaining the White House. And to do that they have to win some key states by some means other than ballot fraud.
I think the truth is they planned all along to run on a record of success. But it was a record built out of vapor and lies. And events of the last six months have blown away all of that leaving the truth of Republican failure and incompetence exposed. They are literally high on the smell of their own farts.
Pelosi just endorsed a Kennedy over a sitting Democrat US senator.
Regardless of how improbable such a defense might seem at this point, you and all the other champions of police sport-murder just might want to consider what kind of effect an acquittal might have on not just the national politics of policing, but the national politics of The Party of Trump.
The interests of justice might very well argue for conviction on lesser charges. The interests of gigantic police budgets and their political defenders might look for a goat to toss onto the fire.
North Carolina…
That’s a swing state right?
Bringing an end to a bribery case that saw former NC Congressman and State Party chair at the time of the crimes take a plea deal, Billionaire GOP donor Greg E. Lindberg sentenced to seven years in prison
Not sure why the group was sure Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey would be accepting of a bribe to fire one of his staffers so Lindberg could get a better business deal other than they are Republicans so they assume all fellows are corrupt. The Commissioner did not, in fact he turned them in and recorded conversations during which the bribe was offered several times.
Feel free to vote GOP for Insurance Commissioner in 2020 North Carolina. This guy seems to be doing a decent job with integrity.
There’s a reason its called The Wuhan. (NYT link)
Trump was right. About China and about the WHO.
Here’s a profile of what the Bannon/Kolfage/Prince/Kobach/Trump Jr. wall fraud was really all about:
In the weeks since the bollards have begun to sink and topple over and large chunks of “all weather” pavement have broken off and washed away.
But that hasn’t prevented the prime contractor from securing billions of tax dollars in contracts from Trump offering even more and better opportunities for fake invoices to fake vendors and a handy means of collecting US tax dollars to fund political campaigns through dark money PACs.
U.S. Senator and Medical Doctor Bill Cassidy, R-LA in August 19th, 9:16am Twitter post and video,
August 20th, announces positive for Covid-19
If Trump was right “all along” then what the fuck are Bannon, Prince, Kobach, etc. doing giving handjobs to Beijing Billionaires on super yachts?
You’ve signed on for this ride. Now it’s time to figure out that the people behind the wheel are going to grind the gears much faster than you can ever hope to follow.
If only there had been a team connected to Intelligence sources and CDC working in China at the time…..
Deflect all you want. Donald fucked up bigly.
Poll I don’t believe* but is sure to cause some Pepto guzzling among team Trump.
Morning Consult 2200 adults, Texas Biden 47 Trump 36
DNC sponsored poll had Biden 2, likely voters 47-45. Imagine a Republican having to commit time and money to winning Texas.
*I believe they did find this in a poll but I suspect due to methodolgy and sampling it is not a repeatable result.
Bannon arraignment got underway.
Bail set at $5 mil (!) with travel restrictions. Bannon will sit it out in DC (?).
Also filing with the court to seize assets of the fraud scheme which will include Kolfage’s boats and cars, as well as deposit funds in at least a dozen banks under about a half dozen fake company names.
This will take a while. The govt. are going to put these four into a contest. Honestly, you’ll know which one of the four is the smartest by whichever one agrees to cooperate first. And since none of them is particularly smart, my guess is they’ll drag it out, ultimately costing themselves that much more in fees.
Godwin’s reminds of a fable
You are on a long pier far out to sea. A madman pushes you into the water. You can sputter and thrash about how unfair it was you got pushed in until you drown, or you can deal with the situation and swim to shore. You are not responsible for being pushed into the ocean, but you are accountable for dealing with being in the water.
Republicans and trump is not responsible for being thrown in the water or COVID-19 . But republicans and trump are accountable for swimming back to shore and dealing with COVID-19. Thrashing around and blaming the madman and china accomplish nothing and people die.
Waiting for the tide to change is easier than swimming.
And those circling fins you keep pointing to could be dolphins.
It is what it is.
Pelosi endorses Kennedy over Markey in contentious primary
Even through godwin is just concern trolling, like a blind 3 legged squirrel with syphilis, he can find a nut once in a a great while. Given what this article says, it paints Pelosi in a bad way. scheming to keep the progressives throttled back and keep her in power. Not enough to make me not support democrats but it shows she’s a politician. It will be interesting if Markey wins anyway, if Pelosi is challenged in 2021.
@ 121
Morning Consult 2200 adults, Texas Biden 47 Trump 36
Please provide a link.
I’m not finding it.
I’m finding a Morning Consult link to Biden 47 and Trump 46.
@116 even your horses can smell that red hearing. The Hump virus has killed 160,000 with many more to come, all because he couldn’t even lead and tell people to was thier hands or in your case (Bob) to wash your horse’s cock.
May be referring to one of the cross tabs for “independent” voters, which I believe showed Biden leading 45 to 37. Still by your “theory of the lying Shy-Trumper” when all 18 points of undecideds break in favor of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddler Torture your guy wins.
So no worries, bro.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Rule Means Vote Fraud Report – 10,297 Demorat Scientists Prove Mailfraud Ballots Cannot Be Stolen, Sold Or Forged.
On Wednesday, State Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela ruled that new municipal elections must be held in the New Jersey city of Patterson, after the previous elections were “irreversibly tainted.” The City Council special election on May 12th was supposedly won by Alex Mendez, but his opponent, William McKoy, suspected foul play, and filed a lawsuit accusing Mendez of fraud.
An investigation caused 20 percent of ballots to be rejected, and charges of voter fraud were brought against Mendez, another councilman, and two other men. Mendez and the councilman were accused of the unauthorized possession of ballots that weren’t their own, and also of submitting voter registration applications for those not eligible to vote.
May your hemmoroids shrink without surgery!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News –
How Phoney Is Kamala Harris-Whineybitch? Phoney Enough To Pretend To Be Chinese To Get Chinese-American Votes.
During the 2003 race, which Harris won by less than one percentage point, she adopted the Chinese name “He Jinli” in a calculated attempt to secure more votes from San Francisco’s sizable Chinese community.
Chinese-language media reporting recounted the process by which Harris adopted the name, at the advice of local Chinese leader and friend Su Rongli:
“At that time, He Jinli talked to her about the strategy of winning Chinese votes. She suggested that He Jinli choose a unified Chinese name that would be easier for Chinese voters to remember. He Jinli thought this was a good suggestion.”
Harris was identified as “starting the tradition” of non-Chinese individuals running for public office adopting Chinese names, as she was the first candidate to do so.
After Harris inaugurated the trend, California outlawed the use of candidates using foreign names different from their English names on ballots in 2019.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Rule Means Death & Destruction Report – Demorat Crime Zone New York.
A retired NYPD sergeant was punched and kicked as he lay helplessly on the ground in a brutal Manhattan beatdown caught on security footage, police sources told The Post.
It’s listed on the 538 summary of all polls. Clicking through it looks like it links to a general National poll. 538 hasn’t pulled or corrected but it looks like an error.
I didn’t click through earlier because as stated if they found a result that off something probably went wrong.
Yeah….not a bit of that is real.
SacBee, July 18, 2019
No, California has never outlawed what you say. In fact they did the opposite allowing Chinese or other Asian names to appear in their standard native writing on appropriate foreign language ballots. Harris’ name appeared as Kamala Harris on such ballots before.
What you’ve got here is a one time SF Supervisor gave her a pet name. Now do Rafael Cruz trying to seem a little more white for Texas voters.
We get it. Nothing is stupid enough to get you to check it out.
Dated a girl for a bit who adopted the name Grace. She was from Shanghai. The closest phonetically I can get to her real name is Chingwah and her Chinese friends called her by her natural name but among us white people and professionally she was Grace. I have no idea if she ever finished her citizenship but we’re she running for SF Council in Chinatown it would follow that the Chinese character name would a appear on the Chinese ballot and Chingwah ‘Grace’ Zhu, or was it Zhou…I don’t remember it was 3-4 dates over a six weeks maybe, on the English.
But nowhere did JinLi Harris appear on a campaign sign or ballot.
@103 Transient troll just passing through, is my guess, but whoever it was won’t be back. Banned.
@106 Seems fitting the broker’s name is Moran Yacht & Ship.
@107 Sure. The dead ones.
@109 We want them to be prosecuted for their crimes.
@116 Here we have a dumbfuck talking about Chinese malfeasance and then saying “Trump was right.” Because that’s how dumbfucks talk.
Let’s say Covid-19 was a Chinese plot to destabilize America. Their outbreak is under control. Ours isn’t. Looks like it worked.
@ 121, 126, 133
Perhaps now you understand the value of linked claims. Versus merely claiming something, like, say, someone has an “absolute lock” on a suspiciously high number of electoral votes.
@141 No one has an absolute lock on any election before it’s certified. Just ask Mark Harris.
Who needs polls when you have this?
When you finally get your Marist-Leninist-Maoist government, you won’t like it.
For a guy deep in dementia he did a decent job.
But when he started talking about the seven foot rabbit and viva Venezuela it got weird.
That was one hell of a speech from the heart and soul.
Dave, you fat fuck, go suck on a horse dick…Bob can lend you one of his horses. His horses are straight from Russia, gifts from the bear chested one.
Damn. One of you bastards caught on to my little scheme to summon forth the 1000 year reign of a 19th century French Catholic Madonna cult.
This could spoil all my plans.
From MSN News:
“The hermit state says pet dogs are now considered a “decadent” luxury and “a ‘tainted’ trend by bourgeois ideology,” and must be surrendered, according to a report by South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo media outlet.”
Just another fine day in a communist state. I know you guys are envious. They’re going to be eating the dogs soon.
Jeez, isn’t communism just WONDERFUL!
No prob. Corporal Bonespurs did a deal.
Nucyoolur free Korea now.
Also Putin is a commie, so… meh.
Still, when we kick your asses at the ballot box in a few weeks and take over we are totally going to nationalize your doughboy pool and use it to provide swim therapy for dogs with arthritis.
In case you missed it on the evening news, here’s Steve Bannon’s perp walk:
@149 That’s nothing, you should watch Republicans eat their own shit.
Between Doctor Dumbfuck and Joe Biden, which one do you think has shown the most cognitive decline over these past four years?
South Korea is a communist country?
Bob hardly ever had any cognitive abilities to begin with so it is hard to say if there is any decline there – so tough question or one that really can’t be compared in a controlled sampling.
But he’s a Horse’s cock sucker. He failed becoming a real doctor. And he failed becoming a professional athlete.
Hmmm. That’s what I thought:
Now, it’s not as if 100,000 or so ethnic Koreans are going to transform state politics in Washington. But I’ve got a hunch there are a few state leg seats and maybe even one or two Congressional Districts that, while they might not be dependent on Korean support, maybe can’t afford to piss them (and most allied Asian American voters) off.
So 149, keep up the good work!
Keep driving racism as the bedrock theme of modern American conservatism. You’ve worked hard your whole life. You played by the rules (most of ’em). And now you and all the other modern American conservatives deserve to enjoy your “Golden Years” in a very, very small tent in the company of people who look just like you do.
More please.
@149. Dog eating is your dystopian fantasy. Don’t project your mad max fantasies onto us.
Unfettered communism is awful, so is unfettered capitalism. Both are toxic economic systems for 99% of the populace if not regulated and forced to play nice and share.
Remember Communism and Capitalism are mostly economic systems. Democracy and Authoritarianism and Anarchy and Feudalism are mostly political systems