Y’all can guess I don’t like Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and her being Sec. of the Interior would have been bad. But holy shit, her being passed over for Donald Trump, Jr.’s hunting buddy is pretty awful. Trump can pick whatever unqualified asshole he wants. On the other, there should probably be a better process. I mean Trump Jr. is supposed to be running the business. Still, there has to be a better selection process.
Elections have consequences, and Trump Won.
Back of the bus with you…
Puddy loves those poll failure reminders to the right of the commentary box that Elections Have Consequences on HA DUMMOCRETINS. It is GLORIOUS!
What has Puddy been saying? What has the great Dr who lives on Whidbey Island been saying? You see you useless tools, she gets that one state win! The electoral college prevented a single region (in this instance, a single state) from overruling the verdict of the more populous and diverse nation.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Elections Have Consequences! So the continual BULLSHITTIUM spewed by the likes of the senile dumb wabbit, the usual FOOLISH suspects, and the fetid gaseous arschloch are as specious as always.
FACTS sux!
Since we know Obummer tried to influence the Israeli elections in 2015, that was A-OK because Netanyahu didn’t like the black man in the oval orifice and you don’t spite a black DUMMMOCRETIN! Yet, Obummer claims to have known about “Russian” hacking since 2009? Really?
Seems this is another foreign policy failure by Obummer!
@1 Last I checked, Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes, and “may” become president (if Electors fail to do their job) only because of a vestige of the slavery system.
Look, stop pretending you fuckers won some sort of mandate. You didn’t. You nominated a serial liar, groper, and racist who has spent his entire life cheating everyone who does business with him, and you got your asses kicked in the popular vote. Even though you had Russia’s help, which you traitors gladly accepted.
Whatever this loose cannon does in office, you own it. Don’t imagine for a moment that we’re not going to hold you responsible.
Guess that free expression of millennials isn’t so free after all with repair costs! http://www.northjersey.com/sto...../95058206/
Can you say… See ya!
See everyone, the senile dumb wabbit can’t process facts @4! Just one state gave Hillary the popular vote! And now that state wants to secede!
See ya!
Why Russia is depopulating.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Putin is overrated. If he starts something, we’ll be fighting a bunch of drunks.
@6 Last I checked Hillary won 20 states, including almost all the states with more than twenty-five people living in them. It’s not her fault you can’t count past 1 on your fingers. This is what home schooling looks like.
@3 Did Obama hack Israel’s election, Putin lover?
Netanyahu? He’s the guy who tried to interfere in U.S. foreign policy. Who elected him to Congress? Since when does Israel run our foreign policy?*
* The correct answer to this question is, “Beginning January 20, 2017.”
@11 This country has only one president at a time, and right now Trump ain’t it, so go fuck yourself. Your racist groper is just another civilian until January 20. In fact, he isn’t even elected yet; as of this moment he has zero electoral votes.
Sour grapes senile dumb wabbit farts – @6 Last I checked Hillary won 20 states, including almost all the states with more than twenty-five people living in them.
And only one state gave her a popular vote plurality, California! Trump won the popular vote in the other 49, including the 19 others she won too!
@13 “Trump won the popular vote in the other 49, including the 19 others she won too!”
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a babbling jackass.
Republicans might have a point about democracy. When you’re stuck with voters like Puddy and his ilk, a government run by elites starts to look pretty good. Turning management of our country over to people who live in trailer parks isn’t such a hot idea as we’re about to find out.
@14 The babbling jackASS is you senile dumb wabbit. You want just one state to determine the outcome of 49 others. That’s not how the founding fathers saw it ya moron!
Babbling BULLSHITTIUM from the senile dumb wabbit!
Sour grapes from the senile dumb wabbit!
@16 And you want a bunch of pig farmers telling the majority what to do! I’m not the babbling jackass around here, you are. Nobody with any brains or education votes Republican.
Turning management of our country over to people who live in trailer parks isn’t such a hot idea as we’re about to find out.
And who is the snobbish elite again senile dumb wabbit? Van Jones identified you perfectly! http://townhall.com/tipsheet/m.....s-n2253465
Puddy posted this from a different link just last week butt you can’t seem to remember where you dropped your last pellet let alone FACTS! Remember this senile fool: 210 counties that voted DUMMOCRETIN twice in 2008 and 2016 REJECTED the useless elitish tool y’all offered in 2016.
That’s Life ! FACTS SUX!
What do you want to bet that two years from now Republicans will be claiming that Trump is Hillary’s long-lost brother separated at birth and they don’t know him and have no idea where he came from?
Back in 1975, you couldn’t find one person who would admit he voted for Nixon. That’s Republicans for you. They make a mess, leave it for someone else to clean up, and never take responsibility for what they did. Republicans are all toddlers.
@18 Counties don’t vote, people vote, and your racist groper lost by 2.85 million votes. The people have spoken, and the popular vote speaks for itself. End of story.
@16 And you want a bunch of pig farmers telling the majority what to do!
What majority senile dumb wabbit? One state vs 49 others?
Silly specious argument!
@18 Counties don’t vote, people vote
Yeah, tell that to CNN who gave us that information! And we know that the libtards in CA loved the loser!
Sour grapes!
Another Trump whopper debunked.
As for the babbling jackass’s whoppers, why bother?
Thanks. This means Putin had no influence in the vote!
#27 is all the proof we need that aliens come to earth, kidnap stupid people, pith them, then drop them back onto this planet and make a run for it back to their own galaxy.
Meanwhile here is an injury you don’t want to experience… http://www.msn.com/en-us/sport.....spartandhp
senile dumb wabbit,
HA DUMMOCRETINS own snobbish elite. Calling everyone who voted for Trump ‘trailer park trash’ and ‘pig farmers’!
Very apparent and very telling how you ran away from how Obummer tried to gerrymander the Israeli elections using tax payer $$$!
You are the perfect example of a DUMMOCRETIN FOOL!
@28 You call a twisted ankle a “scary injury”? No, a scary injury is when your foxhole buddy catches a bellyfull of grenade shrapnel and he’s holding his guts in his hands, but you wouldn’t know anything about that. You were just a deckhand.
@29 “Calling everyone who voted for Trump ‘trailer park trash’ and ‘pig farmers’!”
I didn’t say that. Coal rollers voted for him, too. So did Confederates and Uncle Toms like you. Just about anyone who lacks a brain, and we have plenty of those.
Here’s a map of Trump voters, Spuds.
There is a phrase: “To the Victor Goes the Spoils.” Trump won he gets to put who he chooses in various political posts. If Clinton won she would get to do the same thing, though with a Republican Senate there is a greater chance it would not consent to some appointment or other. So yes there is a check.
You wish for a better system. I would suggest there is no such animal. That under any Democratic (or any other system) system the winner gets to choose who they put in posts. Unless you have elections for all the posts. Or you have true Democracy. Do you have the time for true Democracy? Talk about a pain in the ass. At least then New York city would not be whining about not getting reimbursed for Presidential security, they know and accept they are royally screwed. Sucks when the President lives in your city. Though I suppose the NYPD does support moving the UN to Jerusalem.
The ankle was BROKEN senile dumb wabbit!
Apperently the senile dumb wabbit is getting worse. It claims not to have written this… @16 And you want a bunch of pig farmers telling the majority what to do!
Or this… Turning management of our country over to people who live in trailer parks isn’t such a hot idea as we’re about to find out.
Sad what memory loss does to senile dumb wabbits!
All you need to know about how easy it is to con the rubes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And they thought they were voting against the Wall Street greedheads …
@34 @35 And apparently our resident computer expert still doesn’t know how to not double post. Try taking your thumb off the “Enter” key, idiot.
Wall street greedheads voted for Hillary. BIG TIME! Now they have to survive so they begrudgingly come over to Trump!
Silly senile dumb wabbit!
Double post? Where senile dumb wabbit?
Russia’s Turkish ambassador was shot in Turkey and died!
@4 Democrats handed Trump a mandate by creating a myth that he could not win. That he had a one percent chance of winning. That Hilliary Clinton had it all wrapped up and just needed to add the bow on top of the present. Trump beat he Queen of Hearts therefore he had a mandate. And he sure as hell going to govern as if he does.
If Democrats had stayed in the realm of reality they would have automatically given Trump a 1 in three chance of winning as they should give any Republican. Allowing the possibility of him winning allows you later to piddle on him having a mandate. As it is the man has a mandate. And he has a Republican Senate and House. Can he use these advantages better than President Obama did at the beginning of his term. We will see.
Perhaps seizing opportunities if in fact Mr Trump is a democrat in Republican clothing would be a better strategy than the one Democrats seem to be following. Perhaps after today when reality sinks in that short of death Trump is the next President, reality will kick Democrats in the ass, and end the pity party. And prepare them for a long four years. As their chances in the upcoming congressional election don’t look particularly good, though they will pick up seats in the House, if they don’t then something would be dreadfully wrong, because it doesn’t matter if Trump is a great success or a total lout the Democrats have a lock on picking up some house seats. If Trump is a total lout then maybe they might pick up the House. If you think that then go to Vegas and pick out the 2017 and 2018 National Football Championship winner. Just as likely to happen.
@3 What the United States of America try to influence an election!! Why no never!! President Obama did not piss off British voters for being a nosy Yank in their Brexit vote. Oh no never!! MI-5, and other nations intelligence agencies did not even try to spy on US political parties this past election only those evil Russian’s Oh no never!!
@5 You do know that depends on the culture of the company and that particular board room. After all Slash sits on a board or two,
@39 It’s like your loyalty to Dr. Gifted Hands: Now you see it, now you don’t.
@7 Isn’t that what the Germans thought in 1941? Eventually those hard Vodka drinking Reds won the Great War.
@41 You won’t get any argument from me that the Democrats pissed away the election. But that doesn’t validate the worst Republican administration of all time. And it hasn’t even started yet.
@42 Obama did nothing more than publicly state his opinion. This is a free country, we have free speech here, remember? Not the same thing as former KGB chief Putin hacking the DNC and leaking stolen information to Wikileaks in order to put a con man in the White House who will compromise our national interests to line his own pockets.
@45 Yeah, by throwing millions of warm bodies at German tanks and machine guns who ended up as cold bodies.
Also, you have your wars mixed up. The Great War is what Brits called 1914-1918 until the greater war came along. The Great Patriotic War is what the Russkies call 1941-1945.
@17 What exactly is wrong with pig farmers?
And some very educated people voter republican, and you know good and well most Prosecutors do, and all cops vote Republican.
Of course Republican electors are most likely to vote for the Republican who won their state. It will be odd if more Democratic electors are unfaithful. Will that mean that Democrats don’t take loyalty and oath taking seriously, and therefore cannot be trusted?
@8 Which means Trump won thirty states. A majority of states. Neither got a majority of the vote. Now just getting a majority of states doesn’t mean you win the Presidency, but in this contest it’s winning enough states with enough electoral votes. You can win twelve or thirteen and win enough electoral votes, only Clinton could not take Texas. Didn’t keep Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, but she done really good in California well good for her, but no cigar.
Dr Gifted Hands saved how many people senile dumb wabbit? For a while Dr Ben was performing 500 surgeries a year!
How many peeps have you saved? None!
We’ll call you soiled hands because you leave smelly pellets all over this blog!
@9 The NSA totally hacked that election and are as deep as they can be into Israel’s computer systems as they can be. That is what we pay the NSA to do. That is their job.
@10 Some would argue since 1947. Which exaggerates the influence of the Jewish and Israeli lobby, but there has been a lot of mutual back scratching since 47.
@12 Only Obama is a duck now. Seems to be doin a pretty good swan song for a duck.
While I hope he will do something to shake the boat like use his appointment power to pub Garland on the bench of the Supremes the man is still no drama Obama.
@15 Used to be a big thing for Presidential candidates to come from Log Cabin, has trailer park replaced log cabin?
Have you seen the Gold Plated trailer that Trump used to live in when he lived in a trailer park in New Jersey? It’s the best.
@28 Neither candidate got a majority vote, and if you are going to make a big deal over whoever get the most vote it should be a majority, and we would have to have some kind of run off between the two top vote getters. After all Jill Stein got three million votes. Probably that Libertarian guy got that many votes, And some Republican other than Trump got a lot of votes in Utah, actually more votes than Hilliary did.
the next four years will be all too short for most of us Coastal Liberal Elites!
While our taxes are cut by 20%, we get to laugh our asses off watching filthy Midwestern trailer parks flood with toxic industrial runoff and angry racist homophobe coal miners hacking their lungs our by the side of the road. When the news reports begin rolling in of all the “patriotic heroes” getting their legs blown off by IEDs we’ll roll our eyes and switch over to binge watch House of Cards. We can always see polar bears at the zoo. But nothing compares to the entertainment value of watching low-information conservatives fight their way to the bottom rung of the global economy. I’m buying popcorn futures.
@31 Oh you mean deplorables? You know that little statement maybe exactly the reason Hilliary Clinton lost the election. There are also plenty of those folks you are describing in the Democratic party. After all in these United States we are a nation of deplorables as any of us left other places because we were deplorables there, many were even kicked out and came here as we were deplorables.
“@34 @35 And apparently our resident computer expert still doesn’t know how to not double post. Try taking your thumb off the “Enter” key, idiot.”
and apparently our resident investing expert still doesnt know how to invest.
@36 Hey aren’t you one of them Capitalists? How can you be acting against the interests of your class? You rabbit Capitalist you. Bet you voted for Nixon.
@40 Guess we will see around of how the Russians and Turks really feel about each other. Hopefully it will all be noise. Could affect the Turkish play in Syria though where they are trying to get free reign so they can thump on the Kurds.
@46 You are really thinking it’s going to be worse than the Grant administration? That will take some talented doing even for Trump.
I don’t think today is gonna turn out the way y’all libbies want it to.
BNO NewsVerified account
BREAKING: Minnesota elector refuses to vote for Hillary Clinton, is dismissed under state law; alternative will vote instead
@47 Only President Obama was in England when he made the statements, which were very artfully done, but stating that the US policy would place Great Britain at the end of the line when renegotiating any trade deals should they leave the Europe Union was more than just an expression of Mr. Obama’s opinion, it was a statement of President Obama’s policy, and that America wanted the Brits to remain in the Union. He should have said nothing on the matter and demurred to the intelligence of British pig farmers.
What business is it of the United States government that Putin or any other nations intelligence service has hacked into the DNC or any other political party? How is it a national crises? It’s not and President Obama should be telling his own party get your fucking network security straight. Of course this cold be why he had a Secretary of State using her own fucking account for e-mail.
As far as Putin doing this crap. Assuming it’s true. He has acted in his view in the best of interests of Russia. It’s an age old respected ploy of having ones intelligence service steal something and then release it. Do it well you might start a war between the US and Mexico and keep the US out of WWI. Ohh that was probably the French. Sure Putin is a bad boy, and maybe Trump had his fingers in the game (what that could make him an astute politician who understands the rules of the game), but the hacks didn’t put Trump into office, they are not a big factor.,
We should though ask the right questions as to the responsibilities here. Do we want our government deep in the networks of our political parties? Do we want the President to be able to see what his political opponents are saying to one another in assumed privacy? There is no Chinese wall you can construct to keep the President from that type of information if the government is running cyber security for itself and the parties and who ever else. As it is (as you have pointed out) any e-mail or other information you put up into the internet is not secure and it certainly not private.
Perhaps a DNC more willing to be responsible for its own security is the first step here., Like maybe some things should not even be going on the internet. Like maybe some communications should be going on paper and placed in an envelop and mailed through the US mail system. That maybe officials in the DNC need a refresher course on computer security that all users on the DNC network should subscribe to. Realize that if you don’t like having a Jew be in contention for the Parties nomination that fact is going to come out, most likely when it will be most damaging. Someone who doesn’t like you or thinks that is wrong is going to share it with someone, maybe someone with a Russian accent just like in the days before cyber. The Russians have only been doing this kind of stuff for like 1200 years or so, and they learned from the Byzantines.
A close second to the entertainment value of watching neck-tatteded, roid-raging opiate addicted Whiskey Tangos take their inevitable Trump beat-down will be watching cuckservative neo-cons struggle to rationalize it all while watching their voting base kill themselves off and the deficit triple. MAGA baby! Good times a’comin!
See @ 63.
Democracy is hard, and messy, and complicated, and those of us who have been at this game for a long time have learned to take the defeats when they come. But those lessons don’t come easily for new voters.
So I cast my Electoral College vote for Bernie Sanders today to let those new voters who were inspired by him know that some of us did hear them, did listen to them, do respect them and understand their disappointment. I want them to know that not only can they come back to the process, but that they will be welcomed back; that there is room in the Democratic Party for their values.
To go forward, the Democratic Party needs these young voters.
Apparently Goldy is a new voter.
@48 And Vodka got those Russians to storm those tanks, and machine guns. Though the Russian winter played a really big part.
Details detail Great war. Great Patriotic War., You knew exactly what I meant as after all the Russian Czar lost the Great War paving the way to winning the Great Patriotic War. Just how does a god Capitalistic Rabbit such as yourself know this stuff? Could be you know about White Russians during the civil war?
Putin’s “special” relationship with Trump isn’t really a problem for the U.S. government.
But it might be a problem for the Republican party.
Obviously the Whiskey Tango base is preeeetty fucking stupid (see above). And at some point they just might start counting on their fingers and toes and figger out that their Alpha Male Leader is lining them up to take a throat fucking from the guys who blew up the Marine barracks in Lebanon and supplied most of the high explosives used in Iraq’s IEDs. On the other hand if anyone is capable of creating a big enough distraction, it’ll be Donald J. Trump.
So, I was thinking about how the Democrat elite is responding to this year’s humiliating presdidential election loss.
I mean, it’s bad enough that y’all lost. But to lose it the way you did, which gives the GOP every reason to laugh in your fucking faces rather than just be thankful that #CrookedHillary will NEVER, EVER be president, is just so rich.
After the 2004 presidential election Moveon.org’s PAC head sent a fairly famous email. Although it’s now 12 years old, I believe its content is worth revisiting in light of Democrat failures this year. Most notably:
”For years, the party has been led by elite Washington insiders who are closer to corporate lobbyists than they are to the Democratic base,” said the e-mail from MoveOn PAC’s Eli Pariser. ”But we can’t afford four more years of leadership by a consulting class of professional election losers.”
Powerful message, really, although if memory serves Moveon.org then went on to support Ned Lamont the following election cycle, which freed Joe Lieberman to support the other party’s ticket in 2008.
But I digress. Democrats should be cleaning house, not re-electing failed leaders to the most powerful positions in the minority government.
More than one Stupid Party, I’d say.
@67 I do know about the White Russians, and the Allied intervention; you realize that 13,000 Americans served in the Russian Civil War, yes? This flick will give you a flavor of how things went for the Whites:
By the way, Trotsky, who organized the Red Army and led it to victory in the Russian Civil War, has a great nephew here in Seattle. He’s a retired Group Health doctor. And Stalin’s granddaughter lives in Portland. It seems even the victorious faction’s kin didn’t want to live in the Russia their relatives created.
@69 All that cholesterol is bad for you, doc.
I wouldn’t call the Trump people stupid at all.
The giant piles of Republican money that he beat with earned media… well, that’s another story. But Trump’s folks are smart as hell, whatever SNL says about them. They did what they needed to do to kick Hillary’s ass when nobody thought they could. And they did it on the cheap. They re-invented the game while every other professional watched with mouths agape.
Trump’s voters are another matter. The surge of support that made the difference for Trump depends on some pretty amazingly confused and ignorant motherfuckers. Trump’s ability to continue to bamboozle the Sturgis voter is the key to the Republican party’s future. It’s a bit of a high-wire act, but Trump just might pull it off.
@ 72
The surge of support that made the difference for Trump depends on some pretty amazingly confused and ignorant motherfuckers.
Perhaps so. Although you don’t have to spend much time perusing horsesass.org before you realize that there are more than a few pretty amazingly confused and ignorant motherfuckers on the left as well.
@73 And I suppose you think you’re a paragon of enlightenment?
I guess since Lowes’ corporate office isn’t in Charlotte, it will soon be OK, again, for Goldy to stop buying local and instead support out-of-state businesses.
Gov. Pat McCrory calls for special legislative session to repeal HB2
Isn’t it nice to know that transgender people were used as election-year pawns by the Democrats who control politics in the city of Charlotte, NC?
“Although you don’t have to spend much time perusing”
I knew there were dumbfuck doctors long before Doctor Dumbfuck showed up here.
“The left” may not be as smart as a genuine real-life doctor but…
at least they don’t get bamboozled by fake news like this, or like this, or like this.
Invading Iraq has Consequences.
Electing Drumpf has Consequences and death written all over it.
Pawns? Makes sense that this view is held by the racist doctor who uses the “amazingly confused and ignorant” self-loathing loon as a fucking pawn.
Nine dead, so far, in Berlin.
No firearm involved.
I guess this is because President Comfort Eagle
is term-limited.
KOMO NewsVerified account
BREAKING: WA Electoral college presidential results: 8 votes Hillary Clinton, 3 votes Colin Powell, 1 “Faith Spotted Eagle”
If Trump didn’t have an EV landslide after the election, he might after today.
Man, 2016 is just getting better and better, isn’t it?
Already living in the past?
You Republicans just have to learn to enjoy the spectacle along with the rest of us. It’s gonna be fun watching the fat-farm states struggle to figure out what to do with all those unhealthy babies.
Headline du jour:
FBI to release search warrant detailing why it reopened investigation into the Hillary Clinton emails discovered on the shared computer of serial sexter Anthony Weiner and estranged wife Huma Abedin
Because FBI director James Comey said publicly that the investigation into Clinton has been closed, the judge said there was ‘little remaining privacy interest in the release of documents identifying [Clinton] as the subject of this investigation.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....z4TJwffXyK
Just think, HA libbies: If #CrookedHillary hadn’t decided to establish a private server with which to conduct State Department business, none of this would have happened.
And even when it did happen, had Obama AG appointee Loretta Lynch not taken a 45 minute tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton, Comey could have remained in the background and Lynch could have quietly declined to prosecute on the basis of insufficient evidence uncovered by the FBI. The story would have been over in June.
Think on your sins.
From those who know best about sin to those who like to watch them sin.
We’ll stay safe and clean in our overpriced million dollar coastal condos and trendy clubs. You’ll stock up on ammo and MREs and put the dogs out at night.
It’s all good.
Brlin, et al
When is the west going to learn that you cannot moved in hundreds of thousands of “immigrants” who have no desire to assimilate, think your laws should change to suit them, and hate pretty much everything you stand for?
Talk about cutting your own throat.
I have friends in Germany, and its not a pretty sight, but the worst is yet to come…sooner or later, people in germany, france, austria, england, etc are going to push back….hard…..and things will really start to get ugly
Hopefully we will pull our heads out before we go down the same path.
Im thinking special snowflakes like you are nice and safe in mommies basement.
@81 Trucks don’t kill people, people kill people?
Meanwhile, in Turkey, someone got shot. Are ambassadors anything like archdukes?
@ 88
Are ambassadors anything like archdukes?
Only to the extent that each is expendable. Seems our State Department doesn’t give a shit about some of ours. Or maybe that’s just on certain, er, random dates.
One thing seems likely: Suddenly Democrats are gonna be all about safety of our officials in foreign lands.
Illegal immigration is up? I wouldn’t know. The waiter always seems to have some kind of accent I suppose.
But I live in a coastal city where only a small percentage of American citizens can afford to live, much less any refugees, or whatever. I hear talk about such people. But I’ve never actually seen one. There use to be some people gathered at the entrance to Costco. But I haven’t seen them in the last seven years or so.
When I need my toilet cleaned I go on TaskRabbit.
And my Mom splits her time between Scottsdale and Hawaii playing tennis and sailing.
This business in Turkey and the killing of Russia’s ambassador could get WAAAAY out of control. This is a good time to remove all our forces from the Middle East and just get the hell out of that area for good.
We cannot solve the problems there. Only the people that live there can do that.
Guess you havent been to seattle lately…
probably not the parts you and the other folks from Lynnwood and Sumner hang out in. Go sports team! Hooray!
@89 Maybe that depends on how much somebody wants to start another war.
@94 You can bet that’s what the cabal about to assume power is aiming for.
oohhh….such a burn! from a little millennial no less…lol
enjoy mommies basement while you pay back those student loans….hard to find a job with a Masters in Women’s Studies, isnt it?
as hard as it may be for a “little millennial” like me to face each day I can always take heart in the knowledge that things could be worse:
I could live in Yakima.
Electors remain faithful to Trump and select him as official winner
Go ahead and secede, California.
Seattle is not the whole Middle East, Roger impersonator.
By Jove! I think you’ve got it!
But careful. We mustn’t overplay our hand here. If toothless ignorant Freedumb Caucus fat-farm Republicans discover how much fun we’re having watching them hurt themselves they just might stop splashing themselves with gasoline.
Anybody got a light?
Elijah. Too funny. Stick around.
@94 or how closely youare friends with Russia, because me have such nice tits.
im sure there are way too many hispanics there for you to be comfortable around.
ermmm….never said it was
Not for very much longer as I understand it.
But I suppose that’s just another one of those promises, isn’t it?
100 – I think Politically Incorrect was speaking to Roger the Investment Clown, not you, Plissken.
Ironic how liberals can laugh at a situation while Conservative continue to lash out, only this time it’s because they can’t except their own dear leader
“Seems our State Department doesn’t give a shit about some of ours.”
You might try peddling it where someone might actually buy your bullshit.
The only time Republicans give a fuck about attacks on foreign embassies is when it happens on a Democrat’s watch. Kind of like deficits and shit like that.
Your lack of a moral compass no longer surprises. You stand for nothing.
we speak with one voice… ;)
then you dont understand it very well……surprise surprise
So Roger the Investment Clown and Plissken are the same person.
@81 Would you feel better if they’d been machine gunned?
@88 Yeah, Drumpf isn’t even in office yet, and the killing has already started.
“As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to be sworn in as the country’s commander-in-chief next month, a majority of Americans say they are either uncertain or pessimistic about his presidency, even as the country is sounding a more optimistic tone about the future of the economy and Trump’s ability to bring positive change to Washington D.C.
“A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds 54 percent of adults saying that they are either uncertain (25 percent) or pessimistic and worried (29 percent) about how Trump will perform during his presidency, compared with 45 percent with either an optimistic and confident view (22 percent) or a satisfied and hopeful view (23 percent).”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
@99 Four of them didn’t. He got only 304 electoral votes.
So, I was wrong, there are four Republicans in this country who have a conscience. I estimated there were one or two.
@110 Because you have only one brain among the whole lot of you.
Give the guy a break, the mold in mommies basement isn’t his fault.
Electoral College slam dunk!
Elections have consequences!
The loon is proof that being dropped on your head too many times as an infant has consequences.
Hey QPPS @121
You lost!
The Chrome-challenged loon’s psycho-laugh. Never a good sign. Double-post head explosions are sure to follow.
How they talk when we’re not around…
Doctor Dumbfuck, “Hey, Buckwheat!”
The self-loathing loon, “Yes, massa?”
Which is still one more than you….after, who had better returns this year? Lmfao
About time someone watches these libard professors! http://www.professorwatchlist.org/
It’s all racism all the time from QPPS! The Trump win has really demented its head. Continual head explosions from November 9th 2016.
Can you say
Wait for it… QPPS will say sumtin stoooooooooopid about head explosions. Just wait for it…
Here is one for Boob.
Boob follow this one.
I never really looked at his tweets before tonight, but decided to scroll through goldys tonight…..wow, just wow….talk about a grown man throwing a child-like tantrum!
Imagine if goldy had a real job…..in the real world. Lulz…
“The real world”. Where “real Americans” produce all our corn, meth, chainsaw carvings, toddler murders, and high performance bog buggies. How would we get along without “the real world”?
Elijah wins with many TKO’s
Whoa! A double head explosion @127! Someone must have left a comment that lit the loon’s fuse.
“Hey, Buckwheat!”
130 131……bout time for you two to get a room…nobody likes to watch two guys sucking each other off.
Better be carefull, Teabagged might start getting jealous..
Teabagged is @131, the hanging human teabag licker!
Didn’t Puddy call it @127? Look a the fool @132!
Trump has fully smacked QPPS silly! January 20th, High Noon
QPPS is a special snowflake!
QPPS is a special special snowflake! 304 Electors!
Index investing is okay for people who don’t know anything about investing, and don’t have the time or inclination to learn, but before you decide it’s the ONLY way to go, read these articles.
Now, I’m not dissing index funds. They’re a useful tool in certain circumstances. But you can’t build a house with nothing but a hammer.
Laughing at a portfolio that returns 9.6% in a year when the S&P 500 gains 12% is a sure sign of a rookie. Evaluating performance based on a single year’s results is a novice mistake.
Even lousy mutual funds can have a good year, and Wall Street exploits this fact to sell lousy funds to naifs. It’s how such funds stay in business.
If you think about it for even a minute, you’ll realize that unless your portfolio exactly mirrors the S&P 500 index, it will do one of three things in any given year: (1) Underperform the market, (2) match the market, or (3) overperform the market. Outcome (2) is a random accident that’s about as likely to happen as a flipped coin landing on its edge. Realistically, a typical portfolio will underperform in some years and outperform in others. A single year’s performance tells you little or nothing.
A certain idiot troll is obsessing over the fact my portfolio is 2.4% behind the S&P 500 this year, to the point where he has adopted a screen name mocking my investment ability. It’s pretty obvious he doesn’t know much about investing, because if he did, he would want to know my results for more than just one year. For example, in 2009 the S&P gained 23.45% while my portfolio returned 73.8%. This might help explain why I don’t put my money in index funds.
There are certain rules I follow. I didn’t invent them. They were discovered and became public knowledge long before I was born, and they don’t become obsolete. I trust them because they’ve been validated by experience, research, and the endorsements of successful investors.
1. Market-timing strategies are for fools, because nobody can time markets.
2. Making money in the stock market isn’t hard, it’s easy. All it requires is compounding ordinary returns. The only thing you have to know is these rules.
3. Don’t chase “hot” stocks or try to beat the market. That will leave you burned (and burned out). Average returns is all you need. The key is compounding your returns by reinvesting them in more stock.
4. Treat your investment nest egg as untouchable. Capital gains and dividends must never be thought of as spending money. Without exception, your investment returns must be reinvested, because this is what makes compounding work.
5. Stay invested all the time. Jumping in and out of the market is a huge mistake. In any given time period, a tiny number of trading days produces most of the gains, and being out of the market for even a few days can cost you most of the period’s returns.
6. Stocks, over time, consistently produce higher returns than any other asset class. That’s why I’m 100% invested in stocks, 100% of the time. The only realistic way to get a higher return on invested capital is by owning and managing a small business.
7. Ignoring the financial media and talking heads will improve your investment performance. You don’t have to know much about investing, because there’s not much to know, beyond these rules. The rest is just noise that detracts from your performance. Don’t make a simple thing complicated. Stock investing is simple. Just buy good companies, keep them, and reinvest the dividends. That’s all there is to it.
8. The biggest problem in investing is getting money to invest. It’s hard to invest if you’re spending every dime that comes your way. If you’ve decided to be an investor, and you’re looking for a way to raise capital to invest, look at your spending. Most people waste a lot of money. Simply stop wasting that money and invest it instead! Think about this adage (I didn’t invent it):
“The average American works at a job he hates to earn money he doesn’t need to buy things he doesn’t want to impress people he doesn’t like.”
If that’s you, maybe you should rethink your entire way of living.
That’s Roger Rabbit’s Money Advice in a nutshell. I’m giving it to you free. If you don’t want it, and would rather take advice from that “Roger Rabbit is an Investment Clown” fellow, that’s your business. I’m not going to bust by furry ass trying to save stupid people from themselves. I tried that with Trump voters, and look how that turned out. I’m not criticizing them; they have a constitutional right to screw themselves. All I’m sayin’ is the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit helps those who help themselves.
@129 “Imagine if goldy had a real job…..in the real world. Lulz…”
Speaking of people with time on their hands, you post here a lot more than he does.
I have not offered any advice….so why are you saying I did?
God damn you are a pathetic old man.