Maybe more bike lanes instead of not. I don’t know, people who drive in the city more than me, do you like sharing a lane with more bicyclists? It seems better for both to have them separate where possible.
We’ll probably never know. And depending on how stupid he really is, Jussie Smollet may yet face federal charges.
But I can think of only one plausible reason for the decision by Cook County to offer him alternative prosecution. And that would be clear evidence of serious misconduct on the part of investigators, prosecutors, or both. Funny (not funny) that nobody in Chicago wants to talk about that.
Corrupt police do not make us safe.
More corrupt police do not make us more safe.
For my part, I cut bicyclists much more slack that I used to. For instance, I no longer cheer when one of them gets creamed by an SUV when the bicyclist runs a red light. These days I just give the SUV driver a thumbs up.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The media, journalists, websites, and social media accounts who participated in the FAKE WITCH HUNT must now be brought to justice and made to pay for opposing the will of The People and their chosen truth!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now that I’ve seen the video of this asshole going into a McDonalds in midtown, ripping of his own shirt and chanting “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” I’ve gotta admit he has a great point.
I’m totally switching sides.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
All the Democrats are going to have to resign in disgrace because the Special Counsel issued his report.
There’s no other way for us to move forward now.
In fact, we should probably enter into an appropriate period in which the constitution is suspended, Congress is adjourned, and marshal law is imposed. Once things have calmed down and order has been restored then we can consider slowly restoring the usual order of things, with a few minor adjustments, of course.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s your next Jussie Smollet. I’ll bet he has a couple of smoldering tiki torches in his garage, too.
@2 You don’t have to be a wingnut to dislike aggressive cyclists. Especially when they’re also belligerent, deliberately obstruct traffic, and threaten elderly people.
The vast majority of cyclists are decent, hardworking people with families who pay their taxes. It’s the few bad eggs who give the entire group a negative image. We need a better system for weeding out bad cyclists and keeping them off the streets.
A place to start is requiring all bicycles operated on public property to have plainly visible license plates, and all operators to carry liability insurance, in case they run over a baby stroller or old person walking with a cane.
I wouldn’t mind bicycle lanes galore if all cyclists were responsible and I didn’t have to worry about being squashed by one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 I want to see the report first. I don’t totally trust Barr. He’s one of Trump’s men.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Smollet isn’t over yet.
A Chicago news website FOIA’d the police files for the false reporting investigation. And in surprisingly record time CPD responded and released the files (just the detective’s field reports). Normally CPD loses FOIA requests for a year or two before denying them. So something is up here.
It would appear that CPD are not happy with Cook County. And vice versa. Somebody will come out with stink on ’em. My money is on the both of ’em.
Corrupt police do not make us safe.
More corrupt police do not make us more safe.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The Republican Majority Leader today blocked the unanimous House resolution and will not permit it to come before his Republican members for a vote.
They will be far too busy considering the appointment of a Special Counsel to arrest and then investigate Obama and the Democrats.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s pretty interesting that SDNY is pursuing Avenatti for extortion at the same time they are reviewing their non-prosecution agreement against David Pecker and AMI.
I’ve mentioned nexus to a right of claim before with regard to Pecker and AMI’s attempt to extort Jeff Bezos. And not surprisingly (because he’s a lawyer) the case against Avenatti will hinge on how well SDNY can convince a jury that there is no nexus between Avenatti’s demands for “fees” from Nike, and the alleged harm done by Nike to a basketball coach he represented. It most definitely helps the case that SDNY (with the assistance of counsel for Nike) was able to get Avenatti on tape using foul language and seemingly expressly disassociating the “fees” from any damage payments to his client.
Personally I’m glad they are going after Avenatti. I was getting tired of the guy. But I hope as SDNY proceeds on their journey with Nike here, perhaps including a few courtside seats and jerseys for the kids, they keep their case with Pecker and AMI in mind. I know I will. Somehow I suspect Avenatti will too.
The rule is pretty clear. AMI’s lawyer Jon Fine can only demand money (or anything else of value – performance) from Bezos in exchange for concealing his extra-marital affair if he also represents a client who has a right to claim damage from that extra-marital affair. Okay. So let’s be clear. Fine was alleging damage to his client. But the damage he alleged was owing to the Washington Post reporting on AMI. Fine and AMI insist that the reporting was false and defamatory. The part of the WaPo reporting that they say gave rise to the damage was how the reporting implied that AMI’s investigation into Bezos’ extra-marital affair was “politically motivated” – a claim they adamantly deny. So it’s that issue of “political motivation” that produces the nexus to the claim, not who Jeff Bezos is fucking. The affair itself, and the details of the affair have no such nexus to the claim for damages to AMI.
Sadly, his own recorded words notwithstanding, Avenatti is on more solid legal ground here in my opinion than AMI’s Fine. It only makes matters worse visually that Fine worked for Amazon directly under Bezos immediately prior to AMI. If SDNY declines to seek the same charges against Fine, Pecker, and AMI something is truly fucked up with that office. So don’t be surprised to hear that from Avenatti. He may actually have a point.
Of course these are all really horrible people and it would be a good thing if they all went to jail for a little while. So it makes perfect sense that they are all people connected to Trump and his party of soiled bed linens.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax Trump Conspiracy News- This time it’s not fake, we can 100% prove it; Mueller (Russian Spy!) and Barr (Another Russian Spy!!) coverup of Trump collusion is part of George W. Bush (Yet Another Russian Spy!!!) plot to steal Iraqi oil (For Russia!!!!).
Bill Barr’s fake Mueller report: Is this WMDs in Iraq all over again? [Hint-YES!!!!!]
To suppress and spin the Mueller report, GOP pulls out the playbook of lies it used to sell us on invading Iraq.
The strategy they’re using will feel awfully familiar to those of us who lived through the George W. Bush administration’s conspiracy to bamboozle the American public into accepting a war with Iraq: Distort the existing evidence. Lie whenever necessary. Exaggerate any evidence, no matter how iffy, that supports the desired conclusion. Stifle any contradictory evidence as much as possible. And manipulate a gullible media into amplifying the spin instead of reporting the truth.
The Mueller report is weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq, all over again. Republicans are using the same playbook to protect Trump that they used to hype the Iraq war, and the strategy seems, yet again, to be working.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So your claim is that nobody in the campaign/transition/admin lied about anything. Ever.
But you still insist that the report must be shredded, then burned, then dissolved in acid, and blasted into the sun.
Wow. Okay. Weird that Lt. Gen Flynn and all those other dudes pleaded guilty to… what was it again? Oh. Right.
Just curious. Do you fucktards really think that you can troll Democrats into dropping this?
Look, I get it. Protect the king. At all costs. Etc.
But I think your efforts will be put to better use by spinning the story, lying about the lies, and pretending that it’s all over now.
Concern trolling about the determination of Democrats to continue investigating your king is stupid. History tells us it’s stupid. Voters do not give a shit if Democrats hold 2000 hours of hearings and issue hundreds of subpoenas.
The pretense that voters are incensed about “overreach” or “partisan witch hunt” hearings only exists in a universe where the same voters spend their evenings watching such hearings on CSPAN.
The fact is voters don’t care that Republicans held ten separate investigations into BENGHAAAZIII!!! costing taxpayers $100 million. Until this moment you didn’t even know it. But without those investigations we would not have learned about the BUTTERYMALES! And we all know how that turned out.
You should go back to defending the rape camps. There’s no fucking way Democrats are dropping this.
@12 You’re early today, and far off your usual topic; have you been drinking before lunch?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now this is interesting; a solid majority of Americans don’t believe Barr:
“Though President Donald Trump has claimed ‘complete and total exoneration’ based on Attorney General William Barr’s summary of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, the American public disagrees, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.
“A majority (56%) says the President and his campaign have not been exonerated of collusion, but that what they’ve heard or read about the report shows collusion could not be proven. Fewer, 43%, say Trump and his team have been exonerated of collusion.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Perception often matters more than reality, especially in politics, as Trump’s faithful following vividly demonstrates. (Those people will believe literally anything; they’re probably the ones keeping the Nigerian letter scam alive.) What this means is the rest of the population isn’t giving Trump the benefit of doubt (why should they? he doesn’t deserve any), and consequently he will get zero political capital from the “no collusion” finding that he doesn’t already have. And that’s before we’ve even seen what’s really in Mueller’s report.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Looks like Heather Heyer’s murderer has agreed to live in a tiny concrete box in exchange for his life. The federal hate crimes with which he was charged carried a potential death penalty. I suppose he’s spent the last few weeks thinking over his options, which basically are whether being dead is better than spending decades in ADX Florence, and contemplating suicide by executioner. I probably would have taken the needle, if I were him, but I’m not him. He probably hasn’t been incarcerated long enough yet to fully appreciate what “stir crazy” is. He’ll either die a virgin, or at the very least will never fuck a woman again, only daydream about it. He won’t be allowed to wash dishes or work in the laundry to keep busy. He’ll have no human contact except the monthly lice inspections, and nothing to occupy his time except a Bible to read in his cell, which undoubtedly he’ll get to know well. Perhaps after 10 years of good behavior they’ll let him watch 1950’s television reruns on a small black-and-white TV once a week. He has 50 or 60 years of this in front of him to look forward to.
Sucks to be him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve finally thought of a good reason to appoint Trump’s pick to the Federal Reserve: So the IRS can collect the back taxes he owes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is someone you want on the federal payroll, although I would have assigned him to the parking garage.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
The Mueller Report should be released, warts and all, with no editing or redacting whatsoever. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for corruption or any potential corruption.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The National Rifle Association is opposing the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act over provisions designed to keep domestic abusers from having access to firearms. The pro-gun group told HuffPost it will issue a a ‘key vote’ alert against VAWA, which warns members of Congress that their vote on the legislation will be scored and included in their NRA rating.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The NRA long ago ceased to be a reputable organization promoting gun safety and responsible gun ownership. It’s now an extremist group. But that’s okay, more women voters for us …
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another Republican assault on the poor has been shot down by a federal judge.
+30.81% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 27, 2019.
The IRS is a Deep State operative.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 And here all these years I thought they were collecting money for the Treasury. Who would’ve guessed?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course there was a conspiracy — just not enough evidence to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt:
“’When [Barr] said in his four-page letter that the government could not establish the existence of a conspiracy, he meant it could not establish it beyond a reasonable doubt,’ Napolitano said. ‘Did [Mueller] find some evidence of a conspiracy? Of course, they did. If they didn’t, [Barr] would have told us. … In the 700-page summary … there is undoubtedly some evidence of a conspiracy and some evidence of obstruction of justice, just not enough evidence … to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt,’ Napolitano said, adding that ethically, prosecutors cannot bring charges unless evidence meets that standard. … ‘If there was no evidence of conspiracy and no evidence of obstruction, the attorney general would have told us so. He didn’t. So there is something in there.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The summary by Barr, a Trump ally, is as good as it will get for Trump. As the details fill in, it will only go downhill for him. Insufficient evidence to prosecute is not the same thing as innocent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stain on Kamala Harris’ aspirations for higher office is her past public persecution of people like Cheree Peoples.
@26 Yeah yeah, I know, Napolitano isn’t much of a source. But what he says makes sense (this time). It’s so obvious even a libertarian conspiracy theorist can see it.
This is the first time I’ve heard that Mueller’s report is 700 pages long. If that’s true, there’s probably some gems in all that dirt.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Attorney General William Barr met with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and would not agree to turn over the full Mueller report which is at least less than 1,000 pages long.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax Special Report– Giant “Demorat Victory, Trump Caves To Demorat Pressure, Will Release All Russia Records! (This is absolutely not another one of our Russia hoaxes, this time we’ve got him for sure, you can count on us).
President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began.
Problem is, assholes have made up their mind about cyclists so us weekend exercisers or close errand riders deal with the blowback.
There’s a 1/4 mile section around a lake that scares me going in because the bike lane ends and more than a few yahoos will hug the line to put me in my 1ft space even though the traffic lane is equally mine.
Or I’ll get followed by the guy I signaled a left to, made eye contact and then moved across the lane to make my turn.
And then there’s the folks who just take pleasure on fucking with riders…..
Like the guy Sunday who rolled up on me, I knew we was there I have a mirror, and stomped the horn because in his mind I’m not allowed on the road.
Joggers don’t deal with this shit that cyclists do. Call it running privilege.
This one should be bi-partisan. Obama quietly ignored when KSM started bombing. Since then the US has sold tons of planes and bombs to the Saudis and continue to provide targeting and tactical support to the Saudis.
Donald has ramped up weapons sales to KSM.
The government KSM is propping up is aligned with Al Queda. But they hate the Iranians so whatever.
On the 4th anniversary of the bombings Saudi forces took out a hospital. 7 dead. Three adults.
I’m not saying Yemeni Al Queda terrorists attacking US citizens is right…but I understand.
“he meant it could not establish it beyond a reasonable doubt,’ Napolitano said”
You got that right, bitches! I didn’t done do it!
Donald J. Trump, failed casino investorspews:
I didn’t do it either.
Some people say “nothing” was even done. I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t believe them.
But whatever the “nothing” was, my bros and I lied, and lied, and lied about “it”. My lawyers won’t even let me answer questions under oath about “it”.
For reasons.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein Alex Jones tries to provoke a fight in a Texas chicken joint and gets laughed out of the place.
@30 INCOMING!!! Ooooo, I’m shaking in my jungle boots!
Releasing FISA warrants … isn’t that illegal? I’m sure Putin would love to see them, though. Maybe it was a prearranged trade:
Putin: I’ll trade you Hillary’s emails for the FBI’s FISA warrants.
Trump: Deal!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 It’s not necessary for me to say I would never let you testify under oath if I were your lawyer, because I would never agree to be your lawyer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Go Fuck Themselves Dep’t
“All nine Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee have signed a letter calling for its chairman, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, to step down, citing his claims that there was evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russians during the 2016 race.
“Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, introduced the scathing letter during a public committee hearing Thursday and then read it aloud. ‘Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming,’ Conaway said. ‘The findings of the special counsel conclusively refute your past and present exertions, and have exposed you of having abused your position to knowingly promote false information.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is laughable on many levels, the most obvious of which is their history of defending Trump’s countless lies. But let’s dissect this. These morons don’t even know what Mueller’s findings are, because all they’ve seen is the unsworn and self-serving statement of an attorney general who was specifically tasked with protecting Trump from Mueller’s report! But if promoting false information is a punishable offense, then let’s start with Conaway’s climate denial. And last, but not least, what if Schiff turns out to be right? What if the Mueller report confirms what he’s been saying, that there was collusion, simply not enough evidence to prosecute it? Then Conaway and his colleagues are the individuals promoting a false narrative, and their own words will come back to bite them. But as this letter is merely partisan grandstanding, in this era of partisan non-cooperation, I think the most fitting reply is, “Go fuck yourselves.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
What would be the federal jurisdiction here? Why would the FBI and DoJ get involved in a local prosecutor’s disposition decision regarding an alleged offense under state law?
And now for the whining: ““I mean, they treated us like criminals, busting in our door.” Yeah, because you are, dumbass.
Being a dumbfuck isn’t a crime. Acting like one is.
@34 Donnie – listen to me – you weren’t necessarily lying….I call it acting. You were acting. People mistakenly thought you weren’t telling the truth.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
My favorite line:
“Alex! When is your due date?”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s positioning rhetoric. Release of FISC records would probably require an act of Congress – literally.
He knows it can’t be done. So this is being positioned to contrast with his orders to the DOJ to bury the Mueller investigation.
Drooling mouth breathers are comforted by false equivalence. This allows them to pretend that withholding all the derogatory and incriminating evidence piled up by the SCO is “equivalent” to withholding details about national security surveillance programs.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Smollett faces potential federal prosecution for the fake hate mail.
Don’t do crimes kids. If you must, do not lick a stamp as part of it.
By way of contrast: Former “Method Acting” PornLube Administration Attorney General Sweaty Pink Meatball could have been charged under precisely the same federal statute.
So there’s that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
40, “The report said that when officers entered the house, they found more than one of the children had vomited in their beds, there was “clutter everywhere,” and they discovered a shotgun in the parents’ bedroom that was not locked.”
Normal day in the Conway household.
Not even on the nanny’s day off.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It isn’t worth dissecting. It’s just more positional rhetoric. One presumes that they are hopping Democrats will become “concerned” about “overreach”. I doubt it. I sure wont. I don’t think the base will at all.
As I’ve said, voters don’t give a fuck about these hearings, the process, the subpoenas, or investigations. All they end up caring about are the results. Any results. There is absolutely no risk of “overreach” so long as the lawmakers involved do not ratify those fake “overreach” concerns and stick with it. They keep digging until they find more evidence of all the tax cheating, the financial fraud, and the obstruction. They already have a lot. But more is better. Then they plaster that evidence all over the media and hammer it right on through election day. They learn message discipline and they learn to ignore his personality, his crudeness, and his taunting. And they incessantly remind everyone at all times that these criminals have been caught red-handed. That’s what works. We’ve seen it all before.
They committed obstruction.
They committed financial fraud.
They committed campaign finance fraud.
Schiff already has all of that in the bag. They just need to ignore the concern trolling and keep right on hammering away and keep running up the score. Because that’s how the game is played.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Ah, the stamp. I overlooked the stamp. How careless of me.
By using the postal service to deliver pipe bombs, extortion demands, phony checks, or cat shit, you make the federal government an accessory to your crimes, and they don’t like that.
You need to get their permission before they’ll commit crimes on your behalf. And such requests typically have to be lubricated with a proportionate campaign donation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 Probably Trump voters, too. That isn’t a crime, but it should be.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein Puerto Rico’s governor offers to punch Trump in the mouth.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Hate America News– Hooray for Comrade Eric Holder, Exposes Evil Fascist Amerika!
ARI MELBER: There’s a lot of talk about American being a leader as a democracy, quote unquote, in the 1800s when women and African-Americans couldn’t vote. What kind of democracy is that?
ERIC HOLDER: Well, that’s exactly right and that’s why I hear let’s “Make America Great Again,” and I think to myself “when did you think America was great? It certainly wasn’t when people were enslaved. It certainly wasn’t when women did have the right to vote. It certainly wasn’t when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled.
“Jessikka Aro, a Finnish investigative journalist with a history of breaking stories on Russian propaganda efforts, had been slated to receive a prestigious award in Washington along with several other women selected by the State Department for their courage in the face of great risks overseas.
“Suddenly and without warning, the honor to appear at the International Women of Courage awards with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and first lady Melania Trump was rescinded — with no explanation from the department.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think we already have one, to wit, “a Foreign Policy report suggested that the State Department may have retaliated against her because of her criticism of President Donald Trump on social media ….” Plus a certain likelihood this administration really doesn’t want anyone reporting on Russian propaganda efforts …
Trump's weird little penisspews:
I can remember a time when America was Great! Those were the days!
But nowadays some people have no respect. Some people have no boundaries. Those people are too entitled.
@53 Looks like he’ll survive, and as there’s no evidence linking him to the robbery and he didn’t have a weapon, the police will generously pay his medical bills ($500,000-plus), compensation for future medical treatment and future loss of earnings (another $500,000-plus), plus $1 million for pain and suffering.
Those bullets started out costing the taxpayers about 25 cents each, and their price has now gone up to over $700,000 each. That’s some inflation!
Roger Rabbitspews:
House Democrats have expanded their investigation of GOP vote suppression in Georgia to include Texas and Kansas, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: GOP vote suppression has no boundaries. It’s a nationwide effort and they even target soldiers stationed overseas, including those serving in combat zones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Walking home while half-black! What were these kids thinking? They could have been shot!
“Two Florida men are facing hate-crime charges after they allegedly shot at and shouted racial slurs at two biracial teens who were walking past the men’s home.
“Deputies in Lake County said … James Reidnauer, 30, and Brent van Besien, 33, shot at a 16-year-old boy and his 12-year-old sister as they were walking home from a convenience store ….
“The two suspects allegedly confronted the siblings and fired at least two shots ― one near the girl’s foot and one in the air ― and then shouted slurs at the kids. …
“Investigators questioned Reidnauer and Van Besien, who said they thought the kids were two ‘meth heads’ in their 20s or 30s who were trying to break into houses.”
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+31.13% fro the period January 1, 2018 through March 28, 2019.
PI's Poor Motherspews:
In case anyone is wondering why my worthless “stupid millionaire” son still lives in my basement, he only has a net worth of $10.00, which he stole out of my purse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s what I’m picking up about oil from the investment grapevine:
1. Shale has dramatically increased U.S. production, but a lot of this oil is unprofitable and is being produced because of “pump or die” economics.
2. Shale wells last only a couple years, and have to constantly be re-drilled, making shale oil costlier than offshore oil.
3. Offshore activity has been quiet since oil prices collapsed, but is starting to pick up.
4. Recent offshore discoveries in Guyana are now in the billions of barrels. This oil is not yet in production.
5. For the first time in a decade, oil inventories are falling instead of rising, on an annualized basis.
6. The oil market is tightening, portending higher prices ahead. Expect gas prices to go up this summer.
7. Wall Street anticipates higher oil prices, and has started bidding up energy stocks. My oil stocks are among my best performing stocks this year.
I don’t expect it to attain the proportions of an oil shock, but I think you should be prepared for some energy inflation this year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The bottom line is the increased domestic production from shale doesn’t look sustainable at current prices. Only portions of Bakken and Permian are economically viable at this time.
Thus, America’s oil independence may be only temporary, although higher oil prices (in the $70-$80 range) could extend that period.
This is how to fight back. You don’t go on defense, go right on offense and tell your opponent to sit down, shut up and go fuck themselves. Tell them how the precedent they set, the lowering of the bar, is exactly the low that you will go, when you are viciously attacked.
I hope PI is into fake news. Soon he will be able to buy up a lot of shit.
@64 Everyone said this would happen. Economists said it would, the financial media said it would, bankers said it would, investing blogs said it would, Wall Street knew it would. Voodoo economics has never worked, and didn’t this time, either. Who would’ve guessed? Well, just about everyone who doesn’t have his head so far up his ass he can see what he ate for breakfast.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 Who do you report rape to, when the rapist is the police chief? I’ll tell you this, the town is as good as bankrupt. That girl is gonna be the new owner of everything that town owns down to the last phone cord.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But don’t you see, we don’t need education programs for disabled kids, and it’s a waste of precious taxpayer money that could be used for the border wall, because they’re all going to be humanely euthanized when they turn 18.
@66. The only thing he didn’t do was to get up out of his chair and physically bitch slap them fuckers. Awesome!
Bob is fucking the horse again!
Carl, Darryl, Goldy, someone – please do a thread on paying college students for sports. I’m completely against it and would like to know where everyone else stands on the issue because it doesn’t seem like a partisan stance to take either way. Although it see,ms like it could turn into a political issue.
“Dudes – please, stick to horses and goats!”
We would rather they fuck robot horses.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
NCAA rules for Div 1 athletes are assinine.
Alabama’s sports revenues are about $175 million. Football coaching staff draw about $20 million of that in salary. AD office draws about another $10 million. After that you have all the other coaches, operations, etc. and they still turn a $12 to $15 million profit.
Meanwhile, a freshman athlete can’t even have a fucking job. They are only allowed to work summers and they may not work in athletics. They can’t earn any money at all from any kind of sports camp, training facility, skills clinics, or even picking up towels in a health club. Recently the plantation bosses NCAA amended the work rules to allow athletes to work during the off-season half of the school year. But they placed a maximum wage limit that works out to about $8.50/hr. And any job or any other source of income must be approved weekly by the plantation bosses NCAA.
Ironically the rules forbid athletes from receiving any form of academic scholarship, study grant, or award for academic merit. No matter how brilliant or disciplined the student may be, they may not be recognized and supported in their studies financially.
So now you know why every couple of years you read about one of these kids stealing a phone or a laptop.
Oh and btw, if the kid is “fortunate” enough to be playing football, they get all these cool benefits plus a really good opportunity to suffer permanent brain damage. Sweeeeet.
We’ll probably never know. And depending on how stupid he really is, Jussie Smollet may yet face federal charges.
But I can think of only one plausible reason for the decision by Cook County to offer him alternative prosecution. And that would be clear evidence of serious misconduct on the part of investigators, prosecutors, or both. Funny (not funny) that nobody in Chicago wants to talk about that.
Corrupt police do not make us safe.
More corrupt police do not make us more safe.
For my part, I cut bicyclists much more slack that I used to. For instance, I no longer cheer when one of them gets creamed by an SUV when the bicyclist runs a red light. These days I just give the SUV driver a thumbs up.
The media, journalists, websites, and social media accounts who participated in the FAKE WITCH HUNT must now be brought to justice and made to pay for opposing the will of The People and their chosen truth!
Now that I’ve seen the video of this asshole going into a McDonalds in midtown, ripping of his own shirt and chanting “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” I’ve gotta admit he has a great point.
I’m totally switching sides.
All the Democrats are going to have to resign in disgrace because the Special Counsel issued his report.
There’s no other way for us to move forward now.
In fact, we should probably enter into an appropriate period in which the constitution is suspended, Congress is adjourned, and marshal law is imposed. Once things have calmed down and order has been restored then we can consider slowly restoring the usual order of things, with a few minor adjustments, of course.
Here’s your next Jussie Smollet. I’ll bet he has a couple of smoldering tiki torches in his garage, too.
@2 You don’t have to be a wingnut to dislike aggressive cyclists. Especially when they’re also belligerent, deliberately obstruct traffic, and threaten elderly people.
The vast majority of cyclists are decent, hardworking people with families who pay their taxes. It’s the few bad eggs who give the entire group a negative image. We need a better system for weeding out bad cyclists and keeping them off the streets.
A place to start is requiring all bicycles operated on public property to have plainly visible license plates, and all operators to carry liability insurance, in case they run over a baby stroller or old person walking with a cane.
I wouldn’t mind bicycle lanes galore if all cyclists were responsible and I didn’t have to worry about being squashed by one.
@5 I want to see the report first. I don’t totally trust Barr. He’s one of Trump’s men.
Smollet isn’t over yet.
A Chicago news website FOIA’d the police files for the false reporting investigation. And in surprisingly record time CPD responded and released the files (just the detective’s field reports). Normally CPD loses FOIA requests for a year or two before denying them. So something is up here.
It would appear that CPD are not happy with Cook County. And vice versa. Somebody will come out with stink on ’em. My money is on the both of ’em.
Corrupt police do not make us safe.
More corrupt police do not make us more safe.
The Republican Majority Leader today blocked the unanimous House resolution and will not permit it to come before his Republican members for a vote.
They will be far too busy considering the appointment of a Special Counsel to arrest and then investigate Obama and the Democrats.
It’s pretty interesting that SDNY is pursuing Avenatti for extortion at the same time they are reviewing their non-prosecution agreement against David Pecker and AMI.
I’ve mentioned nexus to a right of claim before with regard to Pecker and AMI’s attempt to extort Jeff Bezos. And not surprisingly (because he’s a lawyer) the case against Avenatti will hinge on how well SDNY can convince a jury that there is no nexus between Avenatti’s demands for “fees” from Nike, and the alleged harm done by Nike to a basketball coach he represented. It most definitely helps the case that SDNY (with the assistance of counsel for Nike) was able to get Avenatti on tape using foul language and seemingly expressly disassociating the “fees” from any damage payments to his client.
Personally I’m glad they are going after Avenatti. I was getting tired of the guy. But I hope as SDNY proceeds on their journey with Nike here, perhaps including a few courtside seats and jerseys for the kids, they keep their case with Pecker and AMI in mind. I know I will. Somehow I suspect Avenatti will too.
The rule is pretty clear. AMI’s lawyer Jon Fine can only demand money (or anything else of value – performance) from Bezos in exchange for concealing his extra-marital affair if he also represents a client who has a right to claim damage from that extra-marital affair. Okay. So let’s be clear. Fine was alleging damage to his client. But the damage he alleged was owing to the Washington Post reporting on AMI. Fine and AMI insist that the reporting was false and defamatory. The part of the WaPo reporting that they say gave rise to the damage was how the reporting implied that AMI’s investigation into Bezos’ extra-marital affair was “politically motivated” – a claim they adamantly deny. So it’s that issue of “political motivation” that produces the nexus to the claim, not who Jeff Bezos is fucking. The affair itself, and the details of the affair have no such nexus to the claim for damages to AMI.
Sadly, his own recorded words notwithstanding, Avenatti is on more solid legal ground here in my opinion than AMI’s Fine. It only makes matters worse visually that Fine worked for Amazon directly under Bezos immediately prior to AMI. If SDNY declines to seek the same charges against Fine, Pecker, and AMI something is truly fucked up with that office. So don’t be surprised to hear that from Avenatti. He may actually have a point.
Of course these are all really horrible people and it would be a good thing if they all went to jail for a little while. So it makes perfect sense that they are all people connected to Trump and his party of soiled bed linens.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax Trump Conspiracy News- This time it’s not fake, we can 100% prove it; Mueller (Russian Spy!) and Barr (Another Russian Spy!!) coverup of Trump collusion is part of George W. Bush (Yet Another Russian Spy!!!) plot to steal Iraqi oil (For Russia!!!!).
Bill Barr’s fake Mueller report: Is this WMDs in Iraq all over again? [Hint-YES!!!!!]
To suppress and spin the Mueller report, GOP pulls out the playbook of lies it used to sell us on invading Iraq.
The strategy they’re using will feel awfully familiar to those of us who lived through the George W. Bush administration’s conspiracy to bamboozle the American public into accepting a war with Iraq: Distort the existing evidence. Lie whenever necessary. Exaggerate any evidence, no matter how iffy, that supports the desired conclusion. Stifle any contradictory evidence as much as possible. And manipulate a gullible media into amplifying the spin instead of reporting the truth.
The Mueller report is weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq, all over again. Republicans are using the same playbook to protect Trump that they used to hype the Iraq war, and the strategy seems, yet again, to be working.
So your claim is that nobody in the campaign/transition/admin lied about anything. Ever.
But you still insist that the report must be shredded, then burned, then dissolved in acid, and blasted into the sun.
Wow. Okay. Weird that Lt. Gen Flynn and all those other dudes pleaded guilty to… what was it again? Oh. Right.
Just curious. Do you fucktards really think that you can troll Democrats into dropping this?
Look, I get it. Protect the king. At all costs. Etc.
But I think your efforts will be put to better use by spinning the story, lying about the lies, and pretending that it’s all over now.
Concern trolling about the determination of Democrats to continue investigating your king is stupid. History tells us it’s stupid. Voters do not give a shit if Democrats hold 2000 hours of hearings and issue hundreds of subpoenas.
The pretense that voters are incensed about “overreach” or “partisan witch hunt” hearings only exists in a universe where the same voters spend their evenings watching such hearings on CSPAN.
The fact is voters don’t care that Republicans held ten separate investigations into BENGHAAAZIII!!! costing taxpayers $100 million. Until this moment you didn’t even know it. But without those investigations we would not have learned about the BUTTERYMALES! And we all know how that turned out.
You should go back to defending the rape camps. There’s no fucking way Democrats are dropping this.
Another Republican loyal to The King gets a life sentence.
@12 You’re early today, and far off your usual topic; have you been drinking before lunch?
Now this is interesting; a solid majority of Americans don’t believe Barr:
“Though President Donald Trump has claimed ‘complete and total exoneration’ based on Attorney General William Barr’s summary of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, the American public disagrees, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.
“A majority (56%) says the President and his campaign have not been exonerated of collusion, but that what they’ve heard or read about the report shows collusion could not be proven. Fewer, 43%, say Trump and his team have been exonerated of collusion.”
But then, Barr is one of Trump’s men.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Perception often matters more than reality, especially in politics, as Trump’s faithful following vividly demonstrates. (Those people will believe literally anything; they’re probably the ones keeping the Nigerian letter scam alive.) What this means is the rest of the population isn’t giving Trump the benefit of doubt (why should they? he doesn’t deserve any), and consequently he will get zero political capital from the “no collusion” finding that he doesn’t already have. And that’s before we’ve even seen what’s really in Mueller’s report.
@14 Looks like Heather Heyer’s murderer has agreed to live in a tiny concrete box in exchange for his life. The federal hate crimes with which he was charged carried a potential death penalty. I suppose he’s spent the last few weeks thinking over his options, which basically are whether being dead is better than spending decades in ADX Florence, and contemplating suicide by executioner. I probably would have taken the needle, if I were him, but I’m not him. He probably hasn’t been incarcerated long enough yet to fully appreciate what “stir crazy” is. He’ll either die a virgin, or at the very least will never fuck a woman again, only daydream about it. He won’t be allowed to wash dishes or work in the laundry to keep busy. He’ll have no human contact except the monthly lice inspections, and nothing to occupy his time except a Bible to read in his cell, which undoubtedly he’ll get to know well. Perhaps after 10 years of good behavior they’ll let him watch 1950’s television reruns on a small black-and-white TV once a week. He has 50 or 60 years of this in front of him to look forward to.
Sucks to be him.
I’ve finally thought of a good reason to appoint Trump’s pick to the Federal Reserve: So the IRS can collect the back taxes he owes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is someone you want on the federal payroll, although I would have assigned him to the parking garage.
The Mueller Report should be released, warts and all, with no editing or redacting whatsoever. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for corruption or any potential corruption.
“The National Rifle Association is opposing the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act over provisions designed to keep domestic abusers from having access to firearms. The pro-gun group told HuffPost it will issue a a ‘key vote’ alert against VAWA, which warns members of Congress that their vote on the legislation will be scored and included in their NRA rating.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The NRA long ago ceased to be a reputable organization promoting gun safety and responsible gun ownership. It’s now an extremist group. But that’s okay, more women voters for us …
Another Republican assault on the poor has been shot down by a federal judge.
The Republican Party opposes you.
That is just a fact.
Is someone in the Pentagon steering contracts to Trump’s buddies?
+30.81% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 27, 2019.
The IRS is a Deep State operative.
@24 And here all these years I thought they were collecting money for the Treasury. Who would’ve guessed?
Of course there was a conspiracy — just not enough evidence to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt:
“’When [Barr] said in his four-page letter that the government could not establish the existence of a conspiracy, he meant it could not establish it beyond a reasonable doubt,’ Napolitano said. ‘Did [Mueller] find some evidence of a conspiracy? Of course, they did. If they didn’t, [Barr] would have told us. … In the 700-page summary … there is undoubtedly some evidence of a conspiracy and some evidence of obstruction of justice, just not enough evidence … to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt,’ Napolitano said, adding that ethically, prosecutors cannot bring charges unless evidence meets that standard. … ‘If there was no evidence of conspiracy and no evidence of obstruction, the attorney general would have told us so. He didn’t. So there is something in there.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The summary by Barr, a Trump ally, is as good as it will get for Trump. As the details fill in, it will only go downhill for him. Insufficient evidence to prosecute is not the same thing as innocent.
The stain on Kamala Harris’ aspirations for higher office is her past public persecution of people like Cheree Peoples.
@26 Yeah yeah, I know, Napolitano isn’t much of a source. But what he says makes sense (this time). It’s so obvious even a libertarian conspiracy theorist can see it.
This is the first time I’ve heard that Mueller’s report is 700 pages long. If that’s true, there’s probably some gems in all that dirt.
“Attorney General William Barr met with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and would not agree to turn over the full Mueller report which is at least less than 1,000 pages long.”
@ 26, BOHICA;
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax Special Report– Giant “Demorat Victory, Trump Caves To Demorat Pressure, Will Release All Russia Records! (This is absolutely not another one of our Russia hoaxes, this time we’ve got him for sure, you can count on us).
President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began.
Problem is, assholes have made up their mind about cyclists so us weekend exercisers or close errand riders deal with the blowback.
There’s a 1/4 mile section around a lake that scares me going in because the bike lane ends and more than a few yahoos will hug the line to put me in my 1ft space even though the traffic lane is equally mine.
Or I’ll get followed by the guy I signaled a left to, made eye contact and then moved across the lane to make my turn.
And then there’s the folks who just take pleasure on fucking with riders…..
Like the guy Sunday who rolled up on me, I knew we was there I have a mirror, and stomped the horn because in his mind I’m not allowed on the road.
Joggers don’t deal with this shit that cyclists do. Call it running privilege.
This one should be bi-partisan. Obama quietly ignored when KSM started bombing. Since then the US has sold tons of planes and bombs to the Saudis and continue to provide targeting and tactical support to the Saudis.
Donald has ramped up weapons sales to KSM.
The government KSM is propping up is aligned with Al Queda. But they hate the Iranians so whatever.
On the 4th anniversary of the bombings Saudi forces took out a hospital. 7 dead. Three adults.
I’m not saying Yemeni Al Queda terrorists attacking US citizens is right…but I understand.
“he meant it could not establish it beyond a reasonable doubt,’ Napolitano said”
You got that right, bitches! I didn’t done do it!
I didn’t do it either.
Some people say “nothing” was even done. I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t believe them.
But whatever the “nothing” was, my bros and I lied, and lied, and lied about “it”. My lawyers won’t even let me answer questions under oath about “it”.
For reasons.
Wherein Alex Jones tries to provoke a fight in a Texas chicken joint and gets laughed out of the place.
@30 INCOMING!!! Ooooo, I’m shaking in my jungle boots!
Releasing FISA warrants … isn’t that illegal? I’m sure Putin would love to see them, though. Maybe it was a prearranged trade:
Putin: I’ll trade you Hillary’s emails for the FBI’s FISA warrants.
Trump: Deal!
@34 It’s not necessary for me to say I would never let you testify under oath if I were your lawyer, because I would never agree to be your lawyer.
Go Fuck Themselves Dep’t
“All nine Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee have signed a letter calling for its chairman, Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, to step down, citing his claims that there was evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russians during the 2016 race.
“Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas, introduced the scathing letter during a public committee hearing Thursday and then read it aloud. ‘Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming,’ Conaway said. ‘The findings of the special counsel conclusively refute your past and present exertions, and have exposed you of having abused your position to knowingly promote false information.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is laughable on many levels, the most obvious of which is their history of defending Trump’s countless lies. But let’s dissect this. These morons don’t even know what Mueller’s findings are, because all they’ve seen is the unsworn and self-serving statement of an attorney general who was specifically tasked with protecting Trump from Mueller’s report! But if promoting false information is a punishable offense, then let’s start with Conaway’s climate denial. And last, but not least, what if Schiff turns out to be right? What if the Mueller report confirms what he’s been saying, that there was collusion, simply not enough evidence to prosecute it? Then Conaway and his colleagues are the individuals promoting a false narrative, and their own words will come back to bite them. But as this letter is merely partisan grandstanding, in this era of partisan non-cooperation, I think the most fitting reply is, “Go fuck yourselves.”
What would be the federal jurisdiction here? Why would the FBI and DoJ get involved in a local prosecutor’s disposition decision regarding an alleged offense under state law?
Give these cops a medal.
And now for the whining: ““I mean, they treated us like criminals, busting in our door.” Yeah, because you are, dumbass.
Being a dumbfuck isn’t a crime. Acting like one is.
@34 Donnie – listen to me – you weren’t necessarily lying….I call it acting. You were acting. People mistakenly thought you weren’t telling the truth.
My favorite line:
“Alex! When is your due date?”
It’s positioning rhetoric. Release of FISC records would probably require an act of Congress – literally.
He knows it can’t be done. So this is being positioned to contrast with his orders to the DOJ to bury the Mueller investigation.
Drooling mouth breathers are comforted by false equivalence. This allows them to pretend that withholding all the derogatory and incriminating evidence piled up by the SCO is “equivalent” to withholding details about national security surveillance programs.
Smollett faces potential federal prosecution for the fake hate mail.
Don’t do crimes kids. If you must, do not lick a stamp as part of it.
By way of contrast: Former “Method Acting” PornLube Administration Attorney General Sweaty Pink Meatball could have been charged under precisely the same federal statute.
So there’s that.
“The report said that when officers entered the house, they found more than one of the children had vomited in their beds, there was “clutter everywhere,” and they discovered a shotgun in the parents’ bedroom that was not locked.”
Normal day in the Conway household.
Not even on the nanny’s day off.
It isn’t worth dissecting. It’s just more positional rhetoric. One presumes that they are hopping Democrats will become “concerned” about “overreach”. I doubt it. I sure wont. I don’t think the base will at all.
As I’ve said, voters don’t give a fuck about these hearings, the process, the subpoenas, or investigations. All they end up caring about are the results. Any results. There is absolutely no risk of “overreach” so long as the lawmakers involved do not ratify those fake “overreach” concerns and stick with it. They keep digging until they find more evidence of all the tax cheating, the financial fraud, and the obstruction. They already have a lot. But more is better. Then they plaster that evidence all over the media and hammer it right on through election day. They learn message discipline and they learn to ignore his personality, his crudeness, and his taunting. And they incessantly remind everyone at all times that these criminals have been caught red-handed. That’s what works. We’ve seen it all before.
They committed obstruction.
They committed financial fraud.
They committed campaign finance fraud.
Schiff already has all of that in the bag. They just need to ignore the concern trolling and keep right on hammering away and keep running up the score. Because that’s how the game is played.
@44 Ah, the stamp. I overlooked the stamp. How careless of me.
By using the postal service to deliver pipe bombs, extortion demands, phony checks, or cat shit, you make the federal government an accessory to your crimes, and they don’t like that.
You need to get their permission before they’ll commit crimes on your behalf. And such requests typically have to be lubricated with a proportionate campaign donation.
@45 Probably Trump voters, too. That isn’t a crime, but it should be.
Wherein Puerto Rico’s governor offers to punch Trump in the mouth.
@38, The Sequel: Wherein Rep. Adam Schiff tells the Republicans calling for his resignation to go fuck themselves.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Hate America News– Hooray for Comrade Eric Holder, Exposes Evil Fascist Amerika!
ARI MELBER: There’s a lot of talk about American being a leader as a democracy, quote unquote, in the 1800s when women and African-Americans couldn’t vote. What kind of democracy is that?
ERIC HOLDER: Well, that’s exactly right and that’s why I hear let’s “Make America Great Again,” and I think to myself “when did you think America was great? It certainly wasn’t when people were enslaved. It certainly wasn’t when women did have the right to vote. It certainly wasn’t when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled.
Who’s this Eric Holder you speak of?
Careful scientific studies have proven that if an officer approaches someone holding a lighter the officer has less than thirty seconds to react before they can be completely engulfed in flames.
“Jessikka Aro, a Finnish investigative journalist with a history of breaking stories on Russian propaganda efforts, had been slated to receive a prestigious award in Washington along with several other women selected by the State Department for their courage in the face of great risks overseas.
“Suddenly and without warning, the honor to appear at the International Women of Courage awards with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and first lady Melania Trump was rescinded — with no explanation from the department.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think we already have one, to wit, “a Foreign Policy report suggested that the State Department may have retaliated against her because of her criticism of President Donald Trump on social media ….” Plus a certain likelihood this administration really doesn’t want anyone reporting on Russian propaganda efforts …
I can remember a time when America was Great! Those were the days!
But nowadays some people have no respect. Some people have no boundaries. Those people are too entitled.
Oh wait. Umm… My bad. Never mind.
@53 Looks like he’ll survive, and as there’s no evidence linking him to the robbery and he didn’t have a weapon, the police will generously pay his medical bills ($500,000-plus), compensation for future medical treatment and future loss of earnings (another $500,000-plus), plus $1 million for pain and suffering.
Those bullets started out costing the taxpayers about 25 cents each, and their price has now gone up to over $700,000 each. That’s some inflation!
House Democrats have expanded their investigation of GOP vote suppression in Georgia to include Texas and Kansas, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: GOP vote suppression has no boundaries. It’s a nationwide effort and they even target soldiers stationed overseas, including those serving in combat zones.
Walking home while half-black! What were these kids thinking? They could have been shot!
“Two Florida men are facing hate-crime charges after they allegedly shot at and shouted racial slurs at two biracial teens who were walking past the men’s home.
“Deputies in Lake County said … James Reidnauer, 30, and Brent van Besien, 33, shot at a 16-year-old boy and his 12-year-old sister as they were walking home from a convenience store ….
“The two suspects allegedly confronted the siblings and fired at least two shots ― one near the girl’s foot and one in the air ― and then shouted slurs at the kids. …
“Investigators questioned Reidnauer and Van Besien, who said they thought the kids were two ‘meth heads’ in their 20s or 30s who were trying to break into houses.”
+31.13% fro the period January 1, 2018 through March 28, 2019.
In case anyone is wondering why my worthless “stupid millionaire” son still lives in my basement, he only has a net worth of $10.00, which he stole out of my purse.
Here’s what I’m picking up about oil from the investment grapevine:
1. Shale has dramatically increased U.S. production, but a lot of this oil is unprofitable and is being produced because of “pump or die” economics.
2. Shale wells last only a couple years, and have to constantly be re-drilled, making shale oil costlier than offshore oil.
3. Offshore activity has been quiet since oil prices collapsed, but is starting to pick up.
4. Recent offshore discoveries in Guyana are now in the billions of barrels. This oil is not yet in production.
5. For the first time in a decade, oil inventories are falling instead of rising, on an annualized basis.
6. The oil market is tightening, portending higher prices ahead. Expect gas prices to go up this summer.
7. Wall Street anticipates higher oil prices, and has started bidding up energy stocks. My oil stocks are among my best performing stocks this year.
I don’t expect it to attain the proportions of an oil shock, but I think you should be prepared for some energy inflation this year.
The bottom line is the increased domestic production from shale doesn’t look sustainable at current prices. Only portions of Bakken and Permian are economically viable at this time.
Thus, America’s oil independence may be only temporary, although higher oil prices (in the $70-$80 range) could extend that period.
This is how to fight back. You don’t go on defense, go right on offense and tell your opponent to sit down, shut up and go fuck themselves. Tell them how the precedent they set, the lowering of the bar, is exactly the low that you will go, when you are viciously attacked.
I hope PI is into fake news. Soon he will be able to buy up a lot of shit.
I wonder if they made her ask…..”Who’s your Daddy!?”
Dudes – please, stick to horses and goats!
@62 The video is even more fun, because you get to watch those weasels squirm in their chairs.
@64 Everyone said this would happen. Economists said it would, the financial media said it would, bankers said it would, investing blogs said it would, Wall Street knew it would. Voodoo economics has never worked, and didn’t this time, either. Who would’ve guessed? Well, just about everyone who doesn’t have his head so far up his ass he can see what he ate for breakfast.
@65 Who do you report rape to, when the rapist is the police chief? I’ll tell you this, the town is as good as bankrupt. That girl is gonna be the new owner of everything that town owns down to the last phone cord.
But don’t you see, we don’t need education programs for disabled kids, and it’s a waste of precious taxpayer money that could be used for the border wall, because they’re all going to be humanely euthanized when they turn 18.
@66. The only thing he didn’t do was to get up out of his chair and physically bitch slap them fuckers. Awesome!
Bob is fucking the horse again!
Carl, Darryl, Goldy, someone – please do a thread on paying college students for sports. I’m completely against it and would like to know where everyone else stands on the issue because it doesn’t seem like a partisan stance to take either way. Although it see,ms like it could turn into a political issue.
“Dudes – please, stick to horses and goats!”
We would rather they fuck robot horses.
NCAA rules for Div 1 athletes are assinine.
Alabama’s sports revenues are about $175 million. Football coaching staff draw about $20 million of that in salary. AD office draws about another $10 million. After that you have all the other coaches, operations, etc. and they still turn a $12 to $15 million profit.
Meanwhile, a freshman athlete can’t even have a fucking job. They are only allowed to work summers and they may not work in athletics. They can’t earn any money at all from any kind of sports camp, training facility, skills clinics, or even picking up towels in a health club. Recently the
plantation bossesNCAA amended the work rules to allow athletes to work during the off-season half of the school year. But they placed a maximum wage limit that works out to about $8.50/hr. And any job or any other source of income must be approved weekly by theplantation bossesNCAA.Ironically the rules forbid athletes from receiving any form of academic scholarship, study grant, or award for academic merit. No matter how brilliant or disciplined the student may be, they may not be recognized and supported in their studies financially.
So now you know why every couple of years you read about one of these kids stealing a phone or a laptop.
Oh and btw, if the kid is “fortunate” enough to be playing football, they get all these cool benefits plus a really good opportunity to suffer permanent brain damage. Sweeeeet.