Since China has stopped taking our filthy recycling, can we all try to be better at recycling? Like, your congealed orange juice doesn’t belong in the recycling bin just because it’s in a plastic bottle. I will try to get better at keeping my recyclables dry.
Alito, writing in Janus:
We recognize that the loss of payments from nonmembers may cause unions to experience unpleasant transition costs in the short term, and may require unions to make adjustments in order to attract and retain members. But we must weigh these disadvantages against the consider able windfall that unions have received under Abood for the past 41 years. It is hard to estimate how many billions of dollars have been taken from nonmembers and transferred to public-sector unions in violation of the First Amendment. Those unconstitutional exactions cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely.
Wow. It’s like elections have consequences. Or something.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank former Senator and Vice President Biden for The Biden Rule (1992). I’d like to thank Senator Schumer as well, for The Schumer Standard (2007).
And in particular I wish to thank all of those public sector union members who donated so heavily so that Hillary Clinton could lose to Donald Trump despite outspending him 2 to 1. Had President O’Malley appointed the justice to fill Scalia’s seat, this moment would not have been possible.
Thank you, too, Steve.
@1 Now that the public sector is also gonna be nonunion, let’s start by dismantling the police unions. America will be the better for it.
America’s future direction is clear: We’re becoming a “right to work” nation. Workers get the work and capitalists get the money. Wages continue to sink and the rich get richer. Wages are taxed, profits aren’t. It’s obvious what we all have to do: Be rent extractors, not producers. Accumulate productive assets until you can quit your job. Thank you, Republicans, for showing us the way.
I see Doctor Dumbfuck celebrating another blow against workers and wages, and seeing himself in even more unearned and untaxed clover, but I’m a capitalist too, and I’m gonna be gorging in that clover field with him. Might help myself to some of his share of the lettuce, too, while I’m at it. He should’ve shorted GE when the pickings were lush and green, but you can’t tell a dumbfuck anything.
Remember the Bremerton high school coach fired for refusing to stop praying on the football field? Looks like his case may go to SCOTUS.
In employment terms, he was fired for insubordination, and normally that’s a slam-dunk no-brainer. But employers’ right to regulate their workplaces is qualified, as we know from discrimination and harassment cases.
This case pits the coach’s free speech and free exercise rights against the school’s authority to manage its workplace and its obligation to maintain separation of church and state.
It seems to me if there’s a constitutional right to pray on football fields that can’t be restricted by his employer, then there’s also a constitutional right to protest on football fields that can’t be restricted by players’ employers.
In other words, if Coach Kennedy has a right to kneel in prayer, then Colin Kaepernick has a right to kneel in protest, and neither can be disciplined for doing so, unless the Partisan Court decides praying is deserves more constitutional protection than protesting.
Don’t be shocked if that’s exactly what a court stocked with Republican justices does. We’re all too familiar with Republican hypocrisy and double standards.
@ 4
I see Doctor Dumbfuck celebrating another blow against
workers and wagesforced dues payments converted to campaign contributions to Democrat politicians…ftfy, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Y’know, this really isn’t bad for a crumbs-providing tax cut.
Atlanta Fed
Verified account
On June 27, the #GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth in Q2 2018 is 4.5%
7:43 AM – 27 Jun 2018
This is how you get more Trump.
Meanwhile, Oregon’s attorney general is spending Doctor Dumbfuck’s tax dollars to sue the Trump administration.
Don’t like it, Bob? Go fuck yourself. Elections have consequences.
“Thank you, too, Steve.”
For what? You’re the one who has posted thousands of comments in support of the replacement our democratic republic form of government with a totalitarian fascist state ruled by an idiotic orange megalomaniac dictator. I opposed you. Are you thanking me for that?
@6 As if I’m not forced to make campaign contributions to Republican politicians every time I buy toilet paper produced by a Koch brothers company, which most locally available TP is, but you don’t care about that do you?
Hypocrisy and double standard.
As long as corporations are people and can make campaign donations, so are workers and so can unions.
Unless, of course, you’re a hypocrite with double standards.
Of course, I’m sure we all agree that an election in which one presidential candidate loses the popular vote, but with the aid of Russia wins the electoral college, should be accepted as a mandate to bring an end to democracy in America.
Of course, Boob — unless he wants to admit being stupid and ignorant — already knows that no one in America can be forced to join a union against his will, and shop fees can’t be used for political purposes over the objections of those paying them:
“Under union shop agreements, labor unions must establish strict safeguards and procedures for ensuring that non-members’ dues are not used to support certain political and ideological activities that are outside the scope of normal collective bargaining activities. The ‘union shop’ or ‘agency shop’ agreement essentially provides that employees do not have to join the union, but must support the union in
order to retain employment by paying dues to defray the costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance matters. In a line of decisions, the Supreme Court has addressed this issue and has concluded that compulsory union dues of non-members may not be used for political and ideological activities that are outside the scope of the unions’ collective bargaining and labor-management duties when non-members object to such use.
“Seven Supreme Court decisions have held that union dues exacted from dissenting non-members may not to be used for political and ideological purposes and must be expeditiously refunded to dissenting non-members according to proper procedural safeguards: (1) International Association of Machinists v. Street, 367 U.S. 740 (1961); (2) Railway Clerks v. Allen, 373 U.S. 113 (1963); (3) Abood v. District Board of Education, 431 U.S. 209 (1977); (4) Ellis v. Brotherhood of Railway
Clerks, 466 U.S. 435 (1984); (5) Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson, 475 U.S. 292 (1986); (6) Communications Workers of America v. Beck, 487 U.S. 735 (1988); and Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty Association, 500 U.S. 507 (1991).”
… which means Boob is lying in comment #6.
@7 Why don’t you try to cash that estimate at your bank and see if they’ll honor it?
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, practically nobody who’s anybody in economics believes Trump’s stimulus (tax cuts and increased spending) will last more than a few quarters, and they all say it doesn’t represent any real improvement in growth, because all it’s doing is pulling future growth forward. See, e.g.:
“U.S. GDP growth will rise to 2.8 percent in 2018, 2.4 percent in 2019, and 2.0 percent in 2020. That’s according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on JUne 13, 2018. This estimate takes into account Trump’s economic policies.”
And that’s if Trump’s trade policies don’t wreck the forecasts, and doesn’t take into account the inflation his economic policies are creating. The bump in inflation will be enough, by itself, to wipe out the average American’s tax cut, before tariffs attach another layer of inflation to the imported goods most people buy, and before his foreign policies jack up oil prices and the pump prices everyone will pay.
But that won’t stop rich fuckers like Doctor Dumbfuck from reveling in the largesse Trump is showering on the owner class, and of course they don’t give a damn about the deepening struggles of the working class.
The lesson for the rest of us is be a capitalist, not a worker. Why would anyone work, when work is disrespected and unrewarded, workers pay all the taxes, and capitalists get all the money?
@ 9
You’re the one who has posted thousands of comments in support of the replacement our democratic republic form of government …
I have?
Steve, please show me the post in which I wrote that I did not want to see elections in 2018 or thereafter.
Hey, the House might flip. As it did in the midterms with the last two Democrat presidents.
It could happen. If it does, it does.
Then it’s on to the 2020 elections.
How is that not democratic, Steve?
It’s fascinating how dumbfucks think they can get 4.5% growth by taxing imports and exporting workers.
Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement from the Supreme Court.
How can Donald Trump and the next SCOTUS nominee each be Hitler?
Y’all HA libbies are gonna hafta make a choice.
Stocks erased a 285-point gain this morning and closed 165 points down.
@18 Cloning.
I don’t see a post about Trump appointing a “Hitler” to SCOTUS, but it’s such a good bumper-sticker meme, Doctor Dumbfuck can’t wait to blurt it out. His panties must be giving him a wedgie.
In crime news, Heather Heyer’s killer, who’s already facing state murder charges, has been indicted on 30 federal counts, including hate crimes.
I’ve worked for government employers and private employers. Government pay and benefit packages far exceed the private sector’s. This Supreme Court decision against public employee unions was the right decision to make. Three cheers for the people who voted for it!!!
@23 You’re not the first person to work for McDonalds in high school before going to college and graduate school and then getting a government job requiring a J.D. or Ph.D. degree. I did, too.
@24 – Then you understand, one capitalist to another.
It’s generally true that average government pay is higher than average private sector pay, but that’s because educational requirements in the public sector, where nearly all the jobs require a four-year degree or higher and many require advanced degrees and professional licenses or certifications. So it’s an apples-to-oranges comparison.
On a comparative basis, professionals usually earn more in the private sector — sometimes way more. The tradeoff used to be greater job security in the public sector, but that isn’t really true anymore, as many public workers found out in the last recession. The public sector also tended to offer better benefits than many private employers, but that’s being phased out.
So, the next time you hear some rightwinger spouting bullshit about how well paid public employees are, ask him this question: “Then why aren’t you working for the government?”
The answer, of course, is that he either doesn’t have the qualifications or isn’t willing to take the pay cut.
@25 See #26 for further elucidation. How’s it feel to get your ass kicked? Bullshitters aren’t treated gently on this blog.
When I hear employers complain about worker shortages, which they’ve been doing a lot lately, I’ll tell them there is no worker shortage. I’ll say, “Raise wages enough and they’ll come.”
The employer down the street may have a worker shortage, but if you pay enough, you won’t have a worker shortage. That’s how things work in a competitive market.
Demographics being what they are, i.e. white birth rates have dropped below replacement and Trump is deporting all of America’s future workforce growth, employers can no longer get away with paying $7.25/hr. and before long even $15/hr. won’t cut it.
The free market will do wonders for wages when employers are forced to choose between paying up or closing their doors. Before you say “robots,” keep in mind someone has to design and build the robots, maintain them, and operate them.
For example, UPS drivers currently earn on average $62,341 a year, including bonuses and weekend or overtime pay, and that will rise to over $70,000 under their new contract. And UPS will need a lot more drivers as e-commerce continues to expand, and it can’t get them from Mexico.
How about Crowley!!
Since a guy in New York thinks he can talk about national politics, how about talking about New York city politics. Only I will let a fellow New Yorker do it.
@2 Or just move to closed shop, as some public jobs are, and some companies are.
@3 Maybe a recent Democratic President should have spent more time with unions, supporting unions, but no health care was his shining moment. What will he think if Trump gets a Nobel…that Trump actually had to do something to get his, other than get elected. (Trump will be nominated, if his efforts weigh more than other efforts he should win…of course it’s more subjective than objective, and there will be next year. Maybe a deal in Yeman.)
@5 You are mixing and matching here. The reason the case has wings is that the school is the government. If it had been a private high school as you pointed out this would be open and shut and gone no further than the appeals court in Washington state. Though obviously most private schools in Washington state are religious in nature, and the couch most likely would have been expected to lead in a prayer following the schools religious traditions.
When we are a socialist nation, and all he professional football teams are owned by the government, then your stating that players have a right to protest would be on equal footing. As it is football players can be told to wear this pink show with the hearts during such and such game as opposed to the regular game show and uniform. Yes football players can be told to put on clown makeup, and hair before the game it that is in their contract, and they can protest, but the team can say see ya after the game. Sure there is some other athlete willing to play for less than the protesting star.
And you are mixing and matching professional an amateur sports. And of course it’s ok when you do it, but not the Presidents press secretary. (Lying, spinning and deceiving the American public is in the unwritten job description, only you gotta tap dance really really well too; groin injuries being the number one reason why ress secretaries retire.)
@5 The court won’t decide anything on this go around except to tell the 9th Circuit Court to hear the case, unless they think this issue is ripe and want to take it up themselves. I don’t know if its a sexy enough issue for the Roberts court. Surely there are other instances of this across the country. Initially the court is most likely to punt and tell the 9th to hear the case. Sometimes that is done quietly and quickly with a very short order from the court, shorter process than if the speech issues actually go before the court. Also the 9th is pretty liberal and they rejected it, would seem they suggest the couch is properly screwed.
@24 Grand Pa Rabbit they had McDonald’s during the civil war?
A day hasn’t been this much fun since . . . November 9, 2016
If you were drinking liberally on Tuesday I suspect you will be dead drunk today: union defeat, pregnancy centers, travel ban, cake bakers and now Justice Kennedy.
You liberals set the table, Trump served a banquet and Americans are enjoying a feast.
And if you have a lucid and/or sober moment, maybe you can explain the logic (HA!) of this intelligent progressive tweet
Evidently liberals think abortions are like cans of soup.
@28 Of course employers should be able to hire and do OJT and bring someone up to snuff, if not then they should happily pay enough taxes into the Washington State education funds for those workers to arrive with the skills they want. Of course that means paying teachers and Professors more than a living wage. Sometimes employers should correlate the skills the job actually requires to who they are looking for. And of course the more skilled and experienced the worker should mean more dollars in the new employees pocket. Yep we want you to have skills and experience and how about you do that at minimum wage.
So Kennedy decided to retire, good for him. Will Ruth decide to do the same thing or enjoy being a justice until death cuts short her term of office. In any case 2021 is some ways off, guess Kennedy finally said enough, as his on again and off again dalliance with retirement is perhaps at an end. He would yet stay.
Rah! Rah! Rah for the glorious paradise that is Seattle!
@29 Crowley was a victim of hubris. He was warned not to take his constituents for granted. This is what happens when you do. The same thing happened to Eric Cantor on the GOP side. As their national ambitions grew, they forgot that all politics is local.
@30 Closed shops have been illegal since 1947, and no public jobs are closed shop.
@31 Obama had his priorities right. Unions are special interest groups, whereas health care reform affects everyone. And if you think the Nobel Committee will bestow the Peace Prize on a racist you’re smoking something. Trump is no Bob Dylan or Malala Yousefzai.
@32 “When we are a socialist nation, and all he professional football teams are owned by the government … ”
You’re definitely smoking something. You’re hallucinating.
@ 41
I don’t see why Trump couldn’t win. A Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to that disgusting POS terrorist Yassir Arafat.
@32 Shortbus, you do a really lousy job with legal stuff. I’ve told you before, leave lawyering to lawyers. You’re no good at it.
If the coach’s rights of free expression outweigh his employer’s right to manage its workplace — and, in this case, the employer’s rule is mandated by the constitutional requirement of separation of church and state — then it’s hard to see why the players’ rights of free expression are outweighed by their employers’ right to manage their workplaces.
The only way you can rationalize this is by making a distinction between public and private employers. What do you think the chances are that SCOTUS will say public employers have less right to manage their employees’ workplace behavior than private employers because they’re public employers? And where the employer rules at stake are a constitutional mandate in the case of the public employer, but only the employer’s whim in the case of the private employer?
Did God give you rocks for brains?
P.S., It’s possible to get such results from the Supremes. Wanna know how to do it? I’ll tell you. Stack the court with partisan judges who will throw reason and legal consistency out the window and make political decisions. But if you’re going to do that, just remember, two can play that game.
In the interest of consistency, the Senate should delay voting on a replacement for Justice Kennedy until after the midterm elections, so the American people can have a say in what kind of Supreme Court they want.
After all, wasn’t this the GOP’s line just two short years ago?
@ 45
After all, wasn’t this the GOP’s line just two short years ago?
No, you useless fuck. It was not.
@33 “The court won’t decide anything on this go around except to tell the 9th Circuit Court to hear the case”
The 9th Circuit already heard and decided the case. That’s why the coach is petitioning for certiorari. Could SCOTUS send it back to 9th Circuit? Sure, for reconsideration in light of SCOTUS’s guidance on the issue. They’ll do that in an opinion, not a simple remand order. SCOTUS looks at en banc rehearings as an administrative matter for the Circuit Courts to decide.
What you don’t understand, Shortbus, is that en banc is not an intermediate appellate step between the three-judge panel and SCOTUS that must be exhausted before SCOTUS will take up the case. It’s an optional rehearing. SCOTUS does not customarily remand Circuit Court decisions for en banc rehearings.
In fact, Rule 35(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure state that “an en banc hearing or rehearing is not favored and ordinarily will not be ordered unless (1) en banc consideration is necessary to secure or maintain uniformity of the court’s decisions; or (2) the proceeding involves a question of exceptional importance,” and even then is at the discretion of the Circuit Court.
So what makes you think SCOTUS would remand for en banc rehearing, instead of taking up the issue themselves, if SCOTUS thinks the 9th Circuit decision should be reviewed? Did you get that from your mail order correspondence school legal education?
@33 P.S., learn how to spell “coach.” Or did you lose your “a” key when you were cleaning your keyboard after dripping your peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it? Have you looked on the floor?
Well, Bernie certainly cancelled Hillary out.
Strzok called Sanders, also a presidential candidate, “an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out.”
@34 Which civil war?
@35 Educated people know sarcasm when they sit it; morons interpret everything they read literally.
That’s how you get people who believe Earth is 6,000 years old, and Adam and Eve coexisted with dinosaurs.
You’re in the moron basket.
@36 Somehow you managed to completely miss the point of #28. I don’t want to know how you did it.
Y’all should have run a less corrupt and more likable presidential candidate.
Think on your sins.
@37 “his on again and off again dalliance with retirement is perhaps at an end”
His letter of retirement handed to the president today is more definite than “perhaps.”
But you’re just being sarcastic, aren’t you?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Peronista Demorat Wins Big, Non-Hispanic Demorats, Not So Much-
Socialist Darling Caught Celebrating, Campaigning With Known Anti-Semite And Racist
Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stunned the political world and rank-in-file Democrats by defeating incumbent Joe Crowley in Tuesday’s New York primary.
One of Ocasio-Cortez’s most enthusiastic campaigners and a man who stood behind her at her victory party, Thomas Lopez-Pierre, is a known anti-Semite and racist. Lopez-Pierre has regularly used slurs against Jewish and black New Yorkers in public forums and while running for office himself.
@38 I doubt that fire department medics needing police protection is unique to Seattle. At firefighters don’t get arrested by cops here in squabbles over where fire trucks are parked.
I’ve lived in Seattle over 50 years, and the drunks and street people congregating in Belltown, on First Avenue, around the courthouse, and in the vicinity of the missions have always been a problem. I’ve never been assaulted, but I’ve been threatened, and I’ve witnessed fights. Are you telling me there aren’t fights and assaults on New York’s subways, in San Francisco’s mission district, or in Republican paradises like Boise?
Seattle is struggling to find effective ways to deal its homeless problem. What’s your suggestion? Make it a crime to give a homeless person a sandwich? Give these people a one-way bus ticket to Boise? Make them disappear by waving a magic wand?
@43 I suppose you could make a case for Trump by using Yassir Arafat as your precedent. I think they’d more likely give it to Kim Jong Un, though, for dissuading President Fire and Fury from pushing the button.
@46 My mistake. Turtle delayed it until after the elections so the candidate who lost the popular vote could choose the next justice instead of the twice-elected president who won the popular vote both times. Obviously, what the people want doesn’t factor into the GOP’s reckoning. Does your wife’s horse make you use a condom?
@49 But given a choice between Bernie or Trump …
@59 … Dumbfuck chooses Trump.
Btw, how does this prove that Strzok used his official position against Trump? The inspector general’s report says they “told us that these additional text messages were relevant because they reflected that Trump was not singled out by them for criticism or criticized for partisan reasons.” Your linked article says they called O’Malley “a douche.” And I don’t see any praise for HIllary in here. Sounds like Strzok and Page didn’t like any of them. They aren’t the first FBI agents to despise politicians.
@53 Yeah, we should have. Me, for example, although I don’t want the job. But yours was worse, and you not only voted for him, you’re defending him. Because that’s what dumbfucks do.
@55 I thought you like bigoted wife beaters.
Purty sure despair over Kennedy’s retirement is why Kate Spade killed herself.
@ 60
The professional bias against Trump will need to wait for the next IG report. The one just released was about the Hillary non-investigation.
I can wait. Plenty of time.
@64 Your guy is in office, and you want an investigation into why he lost? Why do you still care about Hillary? Did she murder your horse?
@55- You have your own Nazi lovers
The genius who spends his days rolling in orange dog shit, cheating Medicare, and joyously celebrating every adolescent shot by a cop is now offering expert testimony on professional conduct.
The reason Doctor Dumbfuck has come to bear hug Trumpism is because it finally dawned on him that in Trump-world he could actually be somebody.
The urinal cakes in the employee restroom at Ocasio-Cortez’ victory party are still cleaner and more honorable than the criminal pig-man you voted for.
Hey douchebag senile idiot wabbit @13,
If the good Whidbey Island doctor is lying as you so lying report, then why did this case reach the SCOTUS?
DAYUM you must really think libtards are stooooooooooooooopid because we whom think right see through this BULLSHITTIUM!
Elections really do have consequences!
Till Next Time!
Little Chucky Schumer upset Trump going to nominate a Kennedy replacement in an even numbered year! Message to little Chucky Schumer…
Presidential election years are different from midterm election years you DOPE. Obummer’s second SCOTUS nominee, Associate Justice Elena Kagan was confirmed in August of 2010, a midterm election year.
FACTS always suck to DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
@69 The issue before SCOTUS involved union shops, not closed shops, dumbass. Have your friends lynched you yet?
@70 The Senate Democrats should do to Trump’s nominee what the Senate Rethuglicans did to Merrick Garland.
Trump may not have the Senate votes to confirm a nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.
But if Roe v. Wade is in jeopardy, there are several ways the court could go:
(1) Leave the basic right to abortion intact, but allow more restrictions;
(2) Eliminate the constitutional right to abortion and leave it up to state legislatures whether to legalize abortion in their jurisdictions;
(3) Issue a decision that bans abortion throughout the U.S.
My guess is a pro-life majority would stop short of #3, and I think they realize #2 could disrupt the functioning of state governments because you would have unending abortion fights in legislatures, maybe to the point where no other business gets done.
An outright court-imposed ban seems unlikely for several reasons: That goes beyond reversing Roe v. Wade into new territory; it’s judicial legislating; and on a practical level, it would be unpopular, provoke civil disobedience, and discredit the court. So I think the court more likely would be content with removing constitutional protection for abortions and let states go from there.
A pro-life court might, though, settle for #1, which could make abortions all but unavailable in some (but not all) states.
If Trump’s next nominee does result in SCOTUS slamming the door on abortions, they’d better be ready to legalize rape, because I suspect there will be a lot more women saying “no,” especially if the theocrats outlaw contraception, too.
And why not just say no? Republicans have been preaching abstinence for years. It may soon be time for them practice what they preach.
Alternatively, we could beef up government efforts to enforce child support. After all the immigrants have been shipped back to their native countries, the gummint can repurpose those ICE cages for men who don’t pay their child support.
@ 72
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the current Senate Democrats do not hold a majority.
The situations are not comparable. The GOP holds both the presidency and the Senate, and the Democrats hold the consequences of poor strategery on the part of Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer.
Schumer filibustered Gorsuch. Bad call.
Oh, and there are a few Dem senators in red states who would like to be re-elected in the Fall.
Hillary was truly awful. Perhaps now you appreciate that.
If they know what is good for them, Dem senators facing the electorate in red states in the Fall will do to Trump’s nominee what they did with Trump’s last one, Gorsuch.
Three of them voted to confirm him, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Some things are too important for grandstanding.
Jeff Flake says he won’t stall Supreme Court pick over tariff dispute
One way or another, McCain’s seat will be a Yes vote, too.
I’ll guess 55-45. The three Dem turncoats plus one more. Nelson, maybe.
“New satellite images show North Korea has made rapid improvements to the infrastructure at its Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center — a facility used to produce weapons-grade fissile material ….”
“The U.S. economy slowed more than previously estimated in the first quarter amid the weakest performance in consumer spending in nearly five years …. Economists … caution that the administration’s ‘America First’ policies … are casting a pall over the economy’s prospects.”
@75 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the current Senate Democrats do not hold a majority.”
If Murkowski and Collins, both of whom support reproductive rights, vote against your nominee you’ll be the asshole who doesn’t have a majority, unless you can find a Democrat willing to be a pariah in his own party.
But look at the bright side, doc. If Trump succeeds at overturning abortion rights, that’ll create opportunities for you to supplement your retirement income by practicing a little medicine on the side. At the risk of your life, of course. Does Oregon carry out the death penalty for baby killers?
@76 They won’t have a party or voter base if they do.
Rescinding abortion rights is to Democrats what confiscating guns is to Republicans. I doubt any Democrat is foolhardy enough to vote for either. Republicans are another thing; they’ve never had any sense.
Personally, I can live with whatever happens, because it won’t affect me personally. I’ve personally opposed abortion for many years, but I wouldn’t impose my personal beliefs on others, and in any case abortion is one of those things like marijuana and guns that you can’t make go away by legislating against it. And then there’s public opinion. As a Vox reporter points out,
“Abortion usually gets framed as a two-sided debate: Americans support abortion rights, or they don’t.” But he found from talking to people that “the public has diverse views on abortion” and “it’s rarely a split between ‘abortion is right’ and ‘abortion is wrong’ … they don’t live in this world of absolutes.”
What he learned is that many people who personally oppose abortion take a pro-choice position toward others. The result is that the public overwhelmingly supports legal, accessible, and safe abortions. This view is especially prevalent among younger voters.
The fact is, Republicans don’t have much support for abolishing abortion rights, and a Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade would be bucking a strong public consensus in favor of legal abortion. The conservative justices are aware of that, and they also aren’t blind to the enforcement difficulties that would ensue if abortion is outlawed. It would be a replay of Prohibition, and a return to the conditions that existed before Roe v. Wade — it would mean a return of back-alley abortions. Thus, I’m not convinced that even a Court with a conservative majority will pull the trigger on outlawing abortion. I think the most they would do is rescind its status as a constitutional right and let states thrash it out in their legislatures.
Many people don’t realize there’s nothing about privacy in the Constitution, and Roe v. Wade is the decision that established a constitutional privacy right. Moreover, it does so firmly. I find that part of the opinion tight, well reasoned, and logically consistent.
From the privacy right flowed the abortion right. Here, the court’s reasoning is sloppier and less persuasive. That conclusion rests on a premise that what a woman does with her fetus (some say “unborn child”) is nobody else’s business. If you don’t accept this premise, then this conclusion will seem illogical to you. This is why some good lawyers come down on the side that Roe v. Wade bungled the abortion question and there’s a school of thought in the legal community in favor of revisiting the issue.
There is precedent for overturning longstanding precedents of great importance. The Court did so when it tossed Plessy v. Ferguson’s “separate but equal” precedent in the desegregation cases half a century later. It did so again this week when it said in non-dicta dicta that the WW2 Japanese internments were illegal and its decisions upholding them were “gravely wrong.” So the fact Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for 45 years is not necessarily a bar to the Court re-deciding the case. But even conservative judges are reluctant to mess with settled law.
Chief Justice Roberts is considered the conservative justice most likely to hold back on overturning Roe v. Wade. Did he signal a readiness to do so this week in his non-dicta dicta about the internment cases? Certainly, he sent a message that “gravely wrong” prior decisions of the Court are fair game. But was he signaling about abortion in those remarks? On its face, he was responding to Justice Sotomayor’s comments about internments in her dissent, yet he prefaced his response by saying that issue had “nothing to do” with the issue at hand — then proceeded to comment about it anyway.
Roberts is known to have pro-life views, but does he consider Roe v. Wade “gravely wrong,” or merely bad law that became precedent? I suspect Roe v. Wade would have to meet his “gravely wrong” threshold before he would vote to overturn the most contentious precedent in American law. Thus, there’s a certain likelihood that he would dance around the issue, as many other justices have since 1973, and instead of confronting it head-on, would look for a way to undermine the 1973 decision without formally reversing it. This could take the form of saying, “Roe v. Wade creates abortion rights, but these rights are qualified and subject to some government regulation,” using the same reasoning that says the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms doesn’t mean the government can’t regulate or prohibit private possession of machineguns, hand grenades, and bazookas.
Kennedy was a conservative, but supported Roe v. Wade as precedent, and without question replacing him with a pro-life justice will alter the voting balance on the Court with respect to abortion rights. Without doubt, that will result, at a minimum, in states being able to put more restrictions on abortion. There’s even a better-than-even chance it could change abortion’s status from “constitutional right” to “a legislative issue for Congress or the states.” But even in the worst-case scenario, I think legal abortion more likely than not will survive in some form in at least some states.
A former ICE spokesman said today he quit his job because he was ordered to lie to the public.
Making police brutality respectable again.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
Four confirmed dead so far in today’s shooting at a newspaper office in Maryland, according to CBS News.
“Investor money is hemorrhaging out of global stock funds at a pace not seen since just after the financial crisis exploded. Global equity funds have seen outflows of $12.4 billion in June, a level not seen since October 2008 …”
Meanwhile Boob is burying Krugerrands under the horse stall.
Carl shouldn’t you be planning on having a bigger storage area for your recyclables until such time as a new market for recyclables opens up, or China’s reopens. Or gee the hand of the market appears, and suddenly the US starts recycling our recyclables. Putting more people to work. Where just where are the homeless in Seattle going to store their recyclables? Probably put them the same place they have for years, the trash pit. And most people are not going to change their recyclable habits over the China not accepting them, except if there is no market then fewer will be picked up. Better get yourself a big storage areas. Maybe one of those storage bins out on the street. Blocking the sidewalk and affecting parking. So be ready to move your bin every day or so. You are a recycle hero so you will go beyond the norm.
@39 Still this was a primary election, so are you suggesting that perhaps there are some disagreements within the party that this election highlights.
@12 It’s 50 separate elections in each of 50 states. Clinton and Trump won individual states popular votes. In fact Trump won the popular vote in more states. Without a complete alteration of the US Constitution, and the federal government taking over the election of the President and probably Senators and House members rather than the individual states you are stuck with the system we have now. At least put forth a system where all the votes across the nation could be counted and just how the Federal government can do that or how each states popular vote could be properly done to the same standards, verified and put together in a short time. Also there is the fact that any alternative method of doing the election for President would change how the candidates would campaign. Would it also mean that the primaries would have to be done by the Federal government and states would no longer control the primaries. would primaries be across the nation on the same date, so you have that issue to deal as well. And Congress is not at all likely to take the matter up, so other than a Constitutional Congress one may as well love the Electoral College. And the wonder of 50 separate elections for President, yeah.
@54 Well I guess one should ask who won the pool. There have been rumors of Kennedy’s imminent retirement for at least the past 5 years if not 10. Perhaps Obama being elected put a stop to the retirement plan, and he would be carrying on with perhaps a greater chance that RGB would be retiring instead and he holding out at least until 2000. Seems like a good time for a judge appointed by a Republican President to retire. The alternative being keeping his spurs on as Ruth apparently is. Hopefully everyone is hoping good health for Ruth. Maybe she will be our first Supreme to reach 100 in office.
@41 Adolf Hitler was nominated for a peace prize, and Theodore Roosevelt got a peace prize even though he was not at all liked by the committee. What counted was the accomplishment that got him the peace prize. Same thing is true with the other Nobel Prizes, it’s the accomplishment of the person more than the person. A lot of people did not like Hemingway but he go that prize, and a lot of scientists are well scientists, that would typically be forgotten and usually are even after they get a prize in chemistry, medicine or physics. Just not as sexy as the Olympics, but more important.
@47 Reading the article would be helpful and a little research. The 9th circuit did not grant cert. They never heard the case, and the attorneys for either side petition the Supreme Court. Which could decide to hear the case, tell the 9th circuit to hear the case or do nothing. I think most likely the court will do nothing on the matter, or at most tell the 9th to hear the case. That does not require any large knowledge of the law, just of how the system works. I’m not making any predictions on how the case would be decided, but you are inflating this whole thing and you as an attorney should know better. The only thing that the 9th or the Supreme court would decide would be the questions the appeals attorney brought up. It could only affect those in a similar situation ie other football coaches who coach at public institutions of learning. The case would have no bearing on the rights of football players professional or amateur like you are trying to suggest and now using your I’m a layer and your not to support. Why don’t you and I take a walk down to the bar and see what your legal colleagues say about your bullshit here. Maybe you should sit down with some at a bar you all go to in the evening after the courts are closed. And show them this discussion and many will tell you that you are full of it, and just trying to defend a weak position. Also that you should be willing to fully explain how things work in the Federal Courts to support your argument, and well do a little diligence.
@93 PS Kaepernick did finally file a lawsuit against the NFL Clearly he is being sidelined by the league over kneeling. He has a very good chance of winning the lawsuit, yet he probably will never play Professional football in the NFL ever again.
@70 The Senate Democrats should do to Trump’s nominee what the Senate Rethuglicans did to Merrick Garland
Hey senile idiot wabbit… Garland… 2016 – presidential election year!
Replace Kennedy 2018 – not a presidential election year!
FACTS really suck to senile idiot wabbits!
Till Next Time!
I’m willing to believe that this is a fake tweet. I just don’t think it is. (Note date.)
Senator Harry Reid
Verified account
Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to consider filibuster reform. It had to be done.
12:08 PM – 21 Nov 2013
@75 “Hillary was truly awful. Perhaps now you appreciate that.”
You keep saying that and yet I don’t ever see you say just how awful Trump and his corrupt gang of thugs are.
Sure, I’ll say it, I’ve said it before, Hillary was awful. But Trump is orders of magnitude worse than Hillary.
Did you see that libtard KLOWN blaming Trump for the newspaper shooting? Jarrod Ramos had a beef with newspaper!
Libtards always rush to judgment!
Till Next Time!
@ 97
1. Gorsuch
2. Tax cut.
3. Replacement of Associate Justice Anthony Flip-a-coin with someone more reliable.
Oh, and
4. 6,000 +/- points added to the DJIA since November 8, 2016.
I can live with the tweets. And the hair.
And Newt, JesusFuckin’Christ, if you want to be preceived as credible you need to stop asking Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit about what he thinks regarding…..
@89 “are you suggesting that perhaps there are some disagreements within the party that this election highlights”
There are two components of Crowley’s defeat, and that’s one of them. The ideological split within the party made Ocazio-Cortez’s campaign possible, and Crowley’s neglect of his district and lackluster campaign made her victory possible.
@90 The electoral college system, which was created to preserve slavery, is inherently undemocratic in that it gives Alaska 1 electoral vote for every 246,000 people and gives California 1 electoral vote for every 719,000 people, based on 2017 population estimates. There is no intrinsic reason why small states should have greater proportional voting power than populous states in the Senate or presidential elections. That’s the system our history produced over 200 years ago, and it may be time to consider updating it to align our governance structure with today’s societal needs.
At his nomination ceremony liberals called his toddler son a fag.
Now they need him to be their ‘swing’ on the Court.
Go fuck yourselves.
Hey, y’all, what year was Elena Kagan nominated and confirmed?
Elena Kagan Fast Facts
I’m sure y’all HA libbies take comfort with the competence of your congressional leadership. Pelosi, Schumer, Hoyer…
It’s really too bad y’all insulted Tulsi Gabbard the way y’all did during that 2016 primary season.
I wish SCOTUS Associate Justice RBG the best of health over the next 6 1/2 years.
Not just fitting. Self-evident as well.
With the passing of Harlan Ellison and Philip Roth (and a decade ago, Kurt Vonnegut) all my favorite authors of my youth are now dead. (And as @paulconstant pointed out, it’s fitting that they were all famously assholes.) RIP.
Gotta love this article…
Oopsie LIttle Chucky!
Till Next Time!
@ 101
That’s the same argument I made during Junior Comp in high school.
My father suggested the topic to me. He was an attorney who worked in the public sector in California for all but one year of his career. So not unlike your career, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Although his estate was more than 3x the size of yours, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. This is why I know you’re a failure.
@107 So you were the pampered son of a grasping* lawyer. Now we know where you got it from.
* And probably corrupt, too, because you don’t make honest millions by working in the public sector.
@106 No doubt you can hardly wait until the Neocon Court approves summary police executions of your kind for jaywalking offenses. Were you born with your death wish, or did you acquire it from your childhood experiences?
@93 You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Here’s the 52-page 9th Circuit decision (including concurring opinion), dumbass, in case you’re interested.
@95 We’re willing to delay a vote on Trump’s nominee until 2021, if that’s what you prefer.
@96 How long did it take you to write that? 20 seconds?
@107 I can readily visualize what you wrote. You probably defended slavery as necessary for our young nation’s economic development and consonant with the social mores of the times. I’ll bet your teacher gave you a “Gentleman’s C” on it and thought, “shit, this dumbfuck is going to vote someday.” And he was right, because all these years later, you’re still defending slavery.
Please libtards, take up her plank and go nationwide ASAP! Listen to your “journolists”!
“emerging litmus test of the American left” – Yes, libtard DUMMOCRETINS always call for litmus tests!
“Medicare for all” – Surely libtards want to raise taxes by $2-3 trillion annually right?
“repealing the Citizens United Supreme Court decision by constitutional amendment” – Yeah while you libtards are at it try repealing the First Amendment and Second Amendments since y’all hate free speech by attacking people in restaurants or on the street with your own personal hate speech and immediately want to create that NAZI police state where no one has personal guns! For people whom call your opponents NAZIS you really love their gun policies! Hmmm…?
“tuition-free college for all” – Surely again, libtards want to raise taxes by $2-3 trillion annually right?
“abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency”- Yeah when a president enforces Congressionally passed laws with agencies created under Wee Willie CigarMan Clinton back in 1996!
Nancy Pelosi couldn’t see straight or complete simple sentences when confronted about Ocasio-Cortez’s win Wednesday. It was DAYUM funny!
Till Next Time!
Now you know the NY Slimes libtards are trying to paint this guy as a Trump Republican but can’t so far!
As the commercial sez in so many words “Libtards, that’s what they do”.
Till Next Time!
“privately owned prisons” – Where will lubtards put the gangstas in the future?
“green new deal” – Didn’t Obummer claim electricity rates would skyrocket?
“Restore the Glass-Steagall financial regulations” – Yeah go back to the Great Depression as Obummer called it. Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Till Next Time!
Oh yeah wait for the obligatory hate speech call from the FOOL of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@ SpittlePuddle @ 98:
” Jarrod Ramos had a beef with newspaper!”
Are you retarded or something?
Annapolis shooting suspect wanted to get revenge on journalists who reported on his guilty plea to charges of harassing a woman he went to high school with.
He was a nutcase who tried to sue the paper for reporting on his conviction for felony harassment, for stalking an old high school crush who wouldn’t give him the time of day because he was an utter creep who wouldn’t leave her alone for years, and his obsession with her was escalating and becoming increasingly hostile.
He was laughed out of court for the simple reason that it is part of a local newspaper’s responsibilities to report on local news, and this was local news about a lunatic who had been threatening a woman for refusing his advances.
Good god you’re a fucking moron.
@114 Puddy, I had no idea you’re capable of such idiocy, although I should have suspected you were.
Medicare for all — no reason for this to increase net health care spending; it simply shifts health insurance premium dollars from private insurers into a government-run program with much lower overhead costs, so it should result in net savings.
Citizens United — there’s no connection between limiting corporate spending to buy political influence and the individual liberties protected by the First and Second Amendments, including the freedom to serve in a well-regulated militia, i.e. National Guard unit.
Free tuition — considering that total student debt is a little over $1 trillion, and includes a broader range of expenses than just tuition, you’re exaggerating what “free tuition for all” would cost. In fact, until quite recently, we had “partially free tuition for all” in the form of state subsidies for public universities, which along with free K-12 education was a sensible use of taxpayer dollars, because universal education is what gave America its technological prowess and made it a superpower. So I suggest you pull your head out of your ass and see the forest instead of hacking at trunk of one little tree.
Abolishing ICE — no more daffy than conservative bleating to abolish the IRS.
As Doctor Dumbfuck would say, Trump got you Ocazio-Cortez, and is going to get you more like her. Think on your sins.
@115 Puddy, can you point out where the article you linked to mentions “Trump” or “Republican”? I can’t find those references. I only see a crime story about a stalker who was rebuffed by a woman who sought a protection order against him, which was reported by a newspaper, and went to the newspaper and shot five people who didn’t write the story. So far, this is just a news story about another nutjob with easy access to a gun. Your paranoia is unsettling; I think you should enter therapy and meanwhile hand in your guns in the interest of community safety.
@116 (a) In county jails, state prisons, and federal penitentiaries.
(b) Yes, Obama did say electricity rates would “skyrocket” under cap-and-trade (his words), but that’s before taking in account offsets such as consumer rebates; and Sarah Palin and other Republicans exaggerated how much rates would go up by a factor of 10.
(c) Glass-Steagall didn’t cause the Great Depression, it was enacted in 1933 as a result of it, and its weakening over the years contributed to the 2007-2008 financial crisis. How do you manage to be such an idiot? It must take a lot of work.
I don’t know if they make condoms for horses, but if Doctor Dumbfuck wants to take it in the ass, a plastic garbage bag lubricated with vegetable oil should work.
@117 “Are you retarded or something?”
Do you need to ask? But we’re liberals, so we’re supposed to be understanding and tolerant of intellectually disadvantaged people. Be patient, his friends will take care of him sooner or later.
Vomit producing deadtoad,
You prove how much of a thread loooooonatic you are. EPIC FAYLE!!!!! Somehow you decided to skip over this first sentence… Did you see that libtard KLOWN blaming Trump for the newspaper shooting? Do you need to review see the video again where some libtard white house press newsy yelled that at Trump while he was walking on the white house lawn?
And naturally the senile FOOL idiot wabbit jumps in without referring back to the original post. That’s what senile FOOLS do!
So the two sentences were written together and meant to STAY together! The stalking news reference came out AFTER Puddy posted here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Go back and verify the times ya moron! All that was put forth on Drudge was his ID and the fact he sued the paper. Hence your vomit above is as always, smelly worthless vomit! You are naturally stoooooooooooopid!
Till Next Time!
Consumer rebates senile idiot wabbit?
Who pays for those rebates senile idiot wabbit?
Wait for this pithy response!!!!! More EPIC FAYLE stoooooooooooopidity from the senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
and its weakening over the years contributed to the 2007-2008 financial crisis
Which Republicans were blocked by DUMMOCRETINS in 2004-2005 during the Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac fiascoes which caused the crash of 2008.
Does the senile idiot wabbit remember anything anymore?
Till Next Time!
Oh senile idiot wabbit @119. As Puddy wrote way above… Did you see that libtard KLOWN blaming Trump for the newspaper shooting? If you can still put 2 & 3 together and get 5; the two was the libtard white house press newsy yelling that inane sentence and the 3 is the NY Times writing that article on the shooter. Did you see all the background the Times put into that article. You know they researched his ASS as far back as they could before writing that article because the NY Slimes hates Trump!
Puddy can’t help you if you don’t understand the 5. Sux to be you senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!