The VA has had problems for a long time. Still, I don’t think it was the best idea in the world to give the position to someone with no relevant experience. Call me old fashioned.
Still, I don’t think it was the best idea in the world to give the position to someone with no relevant experience.
And yet the 2008 presidential election seemed not to bother you.
I guess the only difference between organizing a community and administrating the US government is a couple of orders of magnitude. Same ol’, same ol’.
Hey, HA libbies, what do y’all call a story about two lesbians who intentionally murder their eight adopted black children?
How about pretty much unreported?
Although one of the kids was the star of a locally iconic photo.
“Hey, HA libbies, what do y’all call a story about two lesbians who intentionally murder their eight adopted black children?”
I call it tragic, yet sadly unremarkable when considered against a steady background rhythm of trailerbilly evangelical cultist family annihilations.
Amen. Pass the ammo. Everyone into the bunker.
Rumor is that imprisonment can be particularly painful for law enforcement. “(b) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), a person who violates subdivision (a) shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine.”
And for individuals largely unqualified for work beyond chasing skate boarders away from mall entrances, one presumes that loss of public union employment, collective bargaining protections, lavish tax payer funded benefits, along with monetary fines can be “painful” too.
Then there is the “pain” of litigation settlement and premium hikes born by Sacramento County taxpayers and their insurance underwriters.
As for the 61 year old woman, looks to me like she took a dive for dollars. Good for her. Probably has no other means of support. Cali is chock full of Cooley Law graduates like Mr. Safety School, Esq. trolling for taxpayer funded contingencies like this one. Any public agency and its taxpayers dumb enough to fall into such an obvious and easily avoidable trap deserves the pain. Not-incredibly-stupid deputies would have sat back and enjoyed the OT while updating their social media.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 You’re forgetting Obama was a state senator and U.S. senator before becoming president. That’s considered relevant experience. Thin experience, perhaps, but thicker than Trump’s. And Obama staffed his administration from a talent pool broader and deeper than Trump’s golf caddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “what do y’all call a story about two lesbians who intentionally murder their eight adopted black children”
The crime blotter.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…more depth than Trump’s golf caddy.”
I think he’s next in line for Sec. of State.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates a cop running over an elderly woman (possibly intentionally) and then going hit-and-run rogue. Does anyone need to ask why we call doc a dumbfuck?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 If it’s either him or Bolton, I’ll take the caddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s stock market is down another 700 Dow points this morning. Doc’s horses sure hope he shorted Trump, so they can eat oats instead of hay.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“If it’s either him or Bolton, I’ll take the caddy.”
I think it might have been down to him and “My Hopey”. But sadly for Doctor Dumbfuck’s spank bank, looks like she might have obstructed her way out of public life… at least until the trial.
I bet she can rock the hell out of an orange jump suit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, the Dow is down only 550 points now, so things are looking slightly brighter for the Trump trade.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, it’s hard to keep asserting someone quit after he goes on TV, says he loved his job, and insists you fired him.
Hey how about that Dow! A couple of days ago the biggest one day gain since infinity….eeeuuuugeeeeee!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If I was a gambler I’d bet that Laura Ingraham will survive her forced week of “vacation”. Unlike Loofa Bill, she probably doesn’t represent a form of toxic and bottomless civil liability to the network and her advertisers. And she very much has a strong, loyal base of supporters, viewers, and listeners behind her. In fact it is probably as much because of those supporters and viewers as anything else that she finds herself forced off the air for a week.
In order to cater to her specific viewership and activate their attention and focus anyone like Ingraham has no choice but to engage in this kind of bullying demagoguery from time to time. It is certainly helpful that she, or anyone in her position targeting that audience, is poised, telegenic, white and blonde. And of course “Tits up. Hair back.” etc. But that alone will never be enough for an audience trained and nurtured on #pizzagate and #chemtrails, and routinely exposed to outlandish nonsense carefully formulated to provoke their outrage toward “the others”, whoever they might happen to be.
So Ingraham really has no choice on a network dominated by Sean Hannity’s targeted lies and hatred but to periodically traffic in bullying and character assassination. Her audience’s blood lust demands it. But it does represent a challenge unique to that audience of Roypublican voters. As this episode teaches, the targeting of victims, especially victims perceived as vulnerable, is fraught with peril as much for the sponsors as the host. And clearly the sponsors are in the process of discovering new limits for what they will overlook.
Major consumer brands and publicly traded global companies can’t afford to have their images associated with certain ideas. And at least some of those ideas have become central to the identity of American “conservatism”. It’s possible that you can only “expand the Overton Window” so much. I suppose we shall see.
@2 I don’t see much in the news too often (other than same press coverage that this has gotten, or less) when Heterosexual couples do something similar.
A bridge falls and kills 6 and you could give two shits….you care more about a little cracking of terrazzo.
And 26 kids (and counting ever since) are killed in the classroom and it’s #FuckThemKids.
Please Bob, do you really have a problem when two lesbians do that? When it was first reported it was possibly being contemplated as homicide(s)…..why not let the facts come out before you get your panties all wet.
Or do you just have a problem with lesbians and gay people in general – is that really the reason for you barfing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 If you want to be educated, go to university. If you want to be stupid, listen to talk radio or watch Fox.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 When two lesbians drive a carload of kids off a cliff, it’s news. When a bozo drives a whole country off a cliff, it’s Making America Great Again.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
True. But what I’m saying is if you want to be FOX News, you’re going to have to regularly put the torch to a wicker man for your audience of superstitious xenophobes to dance around. And from their side of the Orange Event Horizon it’s hard to know which effigies are the safe targets.
Turns out that children who manage to survive senseless gun slaughter aren’t. Who knew?
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you own TV stations, you can make your employees read your scripted personal views, but don’t pretend it’s journalism. And if you’re the audience, you should realize you’re getting spoonfed propaganda instead of real news.
more like a ritualized system to facilitate date rape for a few years.
People who go beyond that read way too much into greek life. Perhaps with the exception of the Ivy dining clubs, fraternities and sororities, for the most part, no longer serve the same broad purposes of exclusion, confederation, and formation of economic networks that they once did. There’s still boundless racism and classicism. But it’s not as if “Chad” is going to blackball a kid during rush because his dad is plumber – especially not if “dad” has a boat he can use. And later in life you might turn to a brother or sister to have your taxes done, list your home for sale, or buy insurance – really as much out of convenience as anything else. But “the bonds” no longer serve as the foundation for an economic future as they once might have.
These days the whole thing is really reduced to a bunch of socially retarded over achievers getting each other drunk enough to overcome their inhibitions. And sadly, in far too many cases getting 105 lb girls so drunk that they can’t articulate refusal, much less form positive verbal consent.
Carl, the VA is running like a well oiled machine….now that Obama is gone. The Muslim didn’t like American Vets. We all know that,
@1. You are STILL pissed and bitter that bi racial Obama, president of the Harvard law review, and U.S. Senator from Illinois, was one of our best presidents?
@18 from what I have read here, godwin never misses a chance to be homophobic. Or be racist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 That’s tough for them to cope with. They’ll never get over it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
All over the country, Republicans are trying to create tax havens by slashing public services, and today teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky walked out, shutting down the schools in those states. They’re tired of working for poverty wages and trying to teach kids with out-of-date textbooks held together with duct tape.
If I’m an employee with school-age kids, and my boss wants to transfer me to a state with lousy schools, I’ll refuse to go, even if I have to change jobs.
If I’m a business owner or corporate siting manager, I won’t locate in a state with lousy schools, because I’ll have difficulty getting good employees to relocate there.
And if I’m a teacher in one of those states, I’m probably already looking for a job elsewhere.
Still, I don’t think it was the best idea in the world to give the position to someone with no relevant experience.
And yet the 2008 presidential election seemed not to bother you.
I guess the only difference between organizing a community and administrating the US government is a couple of orders of magnitude. Same ol’, same ol’.
Hey, HA libbies, what do y’all call a story about two lesbians who intentionally murder their eight adopted black children?
How about pretty much unreported?
Although one of the kids was the star of a locally iconic photo.
“Hey, HA libbies, what do y’all call a story about two lesbians who intentionally murder their eight adopted black children?”
I call it tragic, yet sadly unremarkable when considered against a steady background rhythm of trailerbilly evangelical cultist family annihilations.
Amen. Pass the ammo. Everyone into the bunker.
National Lawyers Guild observers caught an on duty Sacro Sherrif’s Deputy in a hit and run involving a 61 year old woman carrying a sign at a small roadside gathering of about 50 people Saturday night. She was briefly hospitalized with non life threatening injuries. CHP are investigating.
@ 4
Yawn. Stupidity should be painful.
At least link to some video with sound effect.
Even better one here:
Rumor is that imprisonment can be particularly painful for law enforcement.
“(b) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), a person who violates subdivision (a) shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine.”
And for individuals largely unqualified for work beyond chasing skate boarders away from mall entrances, one presumes that loss of public union employment, collective bargaining protections, lavish tax payer funded benefits, along with monetary fines can be “painful” too.
Then there is the “pain” of litigation settlement and premium hikes born by Sacramento County taxpayers and their insurance underwriters.
As for the 61 year old woman, looks to me like she took a dive for dollars. Good for her. Probably has no other means of support. Cali is chock full of Cooley Law graduates like Mr. Safety School, Esq. trolling for taxpayer funded contingencies like this one. Any public agency and its taxpayers dumb enough to fall into such an obvious and easily avoidable trap deserves the pain. Not-incredibly-stupid deputies would have sat back and enjoyed the OT while updating their social media.
@1 You’re forgetting Obama was a state senator and U.S. senator before becoming president. That’s considered relevant experience. Thin experience, perhaps, but thicker than Trump’s. And Obama staffed his administration from a talent pool broader and deeper than Trump’s golf caddy.
@2 “what do y’all call a story about two lesbians who intentionally murder their eight adopted black children”
The crime blotter.
“…more depth than Trump’s golf caddy.”
I think he’s next in line for Sec. of State.
@5 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck celebrates a cop running over an elderly woman (possibly intentionally) and then going hit-and-run rogue. Does anyone need to ask why we call doc a dumbfuck?
@9 If it’s either him or Bolton, I’ll take the caddy.
Trump’s stock market is down another 700 Dow points this morning. Doc’s horses sure hope he shorted Trump, so they can eat oats instead of hay.
“If it’s either him or Bolton, I’ll take the caddy.”
I think it might have been down to him and “My Hopey”. But sadly for Doctor Dumbfuck’s spank bank, looks like she might have obstructed her way out of public life… at least until the trial.
I bet she can rock the hell out of an orange jump suit.
In other news, the Dow is down only 550 points now, so things are looking slightly brighter for the Trump trade.
Meanwhile, it’s hard to keep asserting someone quit after he goes on TV, says he loved his job, and insists you fired him.
Hey how about that Dow! A couple of days ago the biggest one day gain since infinity….eeeuuuugeeeeee!
If I was a gambler I’d bet that Laura Ingraham will survive her forced week of “vacation”. Unlike Loofa Bill, she probably doesn’t represent a form of toxic and bottomless civil liability to the network and her advertisers. And she very much has a strong, loyal base of supporters, viewers, and listeners behind her. In fact it is probably as much because of those supporters and viewers as anything else that she finds herself forced off the air for a week.
In order to cater to her specific viewership and activate their attention and focus anyone like Ingraham has no choice but to engage in this kind of bullying demagoguery from time to time. It is certainly helpful that she, or anyone in her position targeting that audience, is poised, telegenic, white and blonde. And of course “Tits up. Hair back.” etc. But that alone will never be enough for an audience trained and nurtured on #pizzagate and #chemtrails, and routinely exposed to outlandish nonsense carefully formulated to provoke their outrage toward “the others”, whoever they might happen to be.
So Ingraham really has no choice on a network dominated by Sean Hannity’s targeted lies and hatred but to periodically traffic in bullying and character assassination. Her audience’s blood lust demands it. But it does represent a challenge unique to that audience of Roypublican voters. As this episode teaches, the targeting of victims, especially victims perceived as vulnerable, is fraught with peril as much for the sponsors as the host. And clearly the sponsors are in the process of discovering new limits for what they will overlook.
Major consumer brands and publicly traded global companies can’t afford to have their images associated with certain ideas. And at least some of those ideas have become central to the identity of American “conservatism”. It’s possible that you can only “expand the Overton Window” so much. I suppose we shall see.
@2 I don’t see much in the news too often (other than same press coverage that this has gotten, or less) when Heterosexual couples do something similar.
A bridge falls and kills 6 and you could give two shits….you care more about a little cracking of terrazzo.
And 26 kids (and counting ever since) are killed in the classroom and it’s #FuckThemKids.
Please Bob, do you really have a problem when two lesbians do that? When it was first reported it was possibly being contemplated as homicide(s)…..why not let the facts come out before you get your panties all wet.
Or do you just have a problem with lesbians and gay people in general – is that really the reason for you barfing.
@17 If you want to be educated, go to university. If you want to be stupid, listen to talk radio or watch Fox.
@18 When two lesbians drive a carload of kids off a cliff, it’s news. When a bozo drives a whole country off a cliff, it’s Making America Great Again.
True. But what I’m saying is if you want to be FOX News, you’re going to have to regularly put the torch to a wicker man for your audience of superstitious xenophobes to dance around. And from their side of the Orange Event Horizon it’s hard to know which effigies are the safe targets.
Turns out that children who manage to survive senseless gun slaughter aren’t. Who knew?
If you own TV stations, you can make your employees read your scripted personal views, but don’t pretend it’s journalism. And if you’re the audience, you should realize you’re getting spoonfed propaganda instead of real news.
Is “fraternity” another word for white gangs?
more like a ritualized system to facilitate date rape for a few years.
People who go beyond that read way too much into greek life. Perhaps with the exception of the Ivy dining clubs, fraternities and sororities, for the most part, no longer serve the same broad purposes of exclusion, confederation, and formation of economic networks that they once did. There’s still boundless racism and classicism. But it’s not as if “Chad” is going to blackball a kid during rush because his dad is plumber – especially not if “dad” has a boat he can use. And later in life you might turn to a brother or sister to have your taxes done, list your home for sale, or buy insurance – really as much out of convenience as anything else. But “the bonds” no longer serve as the foundation for an economic future as they once might have.
These days the whole thing is really reduced to a bunch of socially retarded over achievers getting each other drunk enough to overcome their inhibitions. And sadly, in far too many cases getting 105 lb girls so drunk that they can’t articulate refusal, much less form positive verbal consent.
Carl, the VA is running like a well oiled machine….now that Obama is gone. The Muslim didn’t like American Vets. We all know that,
@1. You are STILL pissed and bitter that bi racial Obama, president of the Harvard law review, and U.S. Senator from Illinois, was one of our best presidents?
@18 from what I have read here, godwin never misses a chance to be homophobic. Or be racist.
@26 That’s tough for them to cope with. They’ll never get over it.
All over the country, Republicans are trying to create tax havens by slashing public services, and today teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky walked out, shutting down the schools in those states. They’re tired of working for poverty wages and trying to teach kids with out-of-date textbooks held together with duct tape.
If I’m an employee with school-age kids, and my boss wants to transfer me to a state with lousy schools, I’ll refuse to go, even if I have to change jobs.
If I’m a business owner or corporate siting manager, I won’t locate in a state with lousy schools, because I’ll have difficulty getting good employees to relocate there.
And if I’m a teacher in one of those states, I’m probably already looking for a job elsewhere.
So where’s the loon? Finally get lynched?
@30. Probably having sex with Bob.
@31 And Mister Ed.