How late does drunk singing on the bus become OK? If you want to say never, that’s probably correct. But I was on a late night bus over the weekend, and a drunk couple were singing their hearts out to a song I didn’t recognize. It was more charming than obnoxious. But if that had been rush hour on a Tuesday, it would have been horrible. Maybe it’s more of a continuum, slowly becoming less bad as the night progresses, than a switch.
Read a fucking book occasionally. The entire play is about assassination spreading chaos and the ultimate destruction of the assassins and their cause. He dies in Act III, scene one. There’s still nearly two entire acts to go.
Caesar’s death ushers in civil war and the Principate which audiences 300+ years ago were smart enough to know.
Say what you will about Trump, but Ivanka is a heck of a lot better looking than my daughter, Chelsea.
Republicans are vandals. When they get in power, they vandalize the entire planet and everything in it of enduring value. All they care about is making a dollar today.
If you ride in your own car, you don’t have to listen to drunk strangers sing or get stabbed by a bonkers neo-fascist. Just sayin’.
I rode public transit all the time when I was younger. But I’m too old now to put up with other riders’ shitty behavior. My car has door locks. That works well for me.
@2- You know you are a pig, don’t you? ANd you take pride in it too.
Consider getting a pistol, learn how to use it, get a concealed weapons permit and carry the gun around with you for your own safety.
Singing on the bus is always ok, There should be more of it. If you don’t like the singing you don’t have to listen. Hope you have some hearing protection. Catch the next bus. Better yet join in the singing especially if you cannot sign. Don’t worry you will be charming. Next know what could happen. You could be discovered, move to New York and discover the charms of the Big Apples transportation.
Remember you are leading a charmed life if the worst you deal with is a drunk couple singing on the bus. Guess your charmed life doesn’t allow you to afford a cab. Then you get to dictate if there is a singing couple with you or not. You can even dictate to the driver that you want techno. Local cabbies maybe a little uppity at the request, but those UBER drivers had better comply or they will be terminated by APP.
Same things they do when the Democrats are in power. And corporate Democrats join right in.
@1 Of course the play may not be entirely about Caesar or Rome, but maybe a piece of propaganda dealing with concerns over Elizabeth the 1st reign, and subsequent succession. Elizabeth was at this time an elderly ruler who was childless and had not picked a successor. So there was concern about civil war occurring after her death. I doubt that everyone in the audience would have been familiar with Plutarch’s works, and I doubt at the time the work had been translated into English, so one would have been from the upper class, and a working knowledge of that dead language Latin. Of course the Magna Carta is in Latin and was first translated into French, and then into English, and it’s not all that likely most English commoners knew of the Magna Carta, but Shakespeare popularized it.
You planning on having a hot time at the Globe tonight?
@4 No singing in the rain for RR.
@5 I understand she likes pearls.
The singing buses of Seattle. How in Seattle ish. This could ruin Seatle’s rep. We could be as cherry as San Francisco trolley. We would have to listen to that darned Frank Sinatra song about the ferries all the time. Worse yet we would be expected to know the words. Yes that would go for people up here in Bellingham, only the border would make people in Vancouver BC from being safe,. Then again there is no safety from the American tourist.
5 – You’re right. She is a pig.
Lear had heirs and that didn’t work out for him either. Nothing will come of nothing.
@6 The last thing we need is more George Zimmermans packing heat.
The bus is great for overhearing conversations. True Story,
Two probably 18-22 girls and a guy on the #5 passing the Lusty Lady and laughing about the sign and the conversation turned to porn. After a bit, dark haired girl says,
“I don’t know why every single porn scene now has anal. I mean anal is fine but it’s kind of a special thing not an everyday. It’s like grandma’s freezer jam that she gives you for Christmas. You make it special you don’t just slather it on toast on a Tuesday morning and scarf it down.”
Anal sex = freezer jam.
You’re welcome.
@7 Not everyone is in the mood for singing all the time; but singing, even bad singing, can be tolerated. I’m more concerned about the crazy guy with the knife.
@5 & @ 13,
You’re both correct. The way “Her Highness” and her crowd treated me and my supporters last year at the convention was deplorable. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz is a little bitch and got what was coming to her. I’m glad Hillary Clinton is finished.
@8 “Corporate Democrats” are a product of the pernicious influence of money in politics. Nowadays, a single House race can cost tens of millions, and presidential campaigns cost a billion dollars. Where do you think that kind of money comes from? Ordinary voters? Politicians need money, and they’re going to do the bidding of Wall Street and big business, because that’s the only place they can get that kind of money. The way to fix it? Limit campaigning to a couple weeks like they do in Europe, publicly fund campaigns, and ban private contributions to campaigns.
Meanwhile, don’t put this all on the Democrats. However much they may be bought, the R’s are far more beholden to the monied interests. The parties are NOT the same. One is clearly worse than the other, and consumers and workers frustrated with the Democrats are not going to get a better deal by voting for Republicans.
@10 At my age, I like a little peace and quiet. I feel I’ve earned it.
@18 Yeah, well, you’re not very many elections away from a rocking chair yourself.
As long as there’s a conversation about money in politics, let us not forget that #CrookedHillary outspent Trump 2-to-1 and still lost.
She was truly awful.
Now back to your Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit broken record.
@2. And my penis is bigger than yours.
@3 kind of like ISIS and The Talban. America’s ISIS.
America’s ISIS.
Libtard College Campii in 2017!
I believe your numbers neglect to account for all the Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, and Moldovan expenditures.
In kind services like peeing prostitutes can really add up.
I honestly hope Fuckface Von Shitgibbon fires Mueller.
That would absolutely shut down any opportunity to move any legislation for certainly the rest of this year. And probably for a year or two beyond. Absolutely no Trumpcare. No billionaire tax cuts. No sanction relief for Putin. No gutting Medicaid. No gutting Social Security. No wall. No repeal of bankster regulations. Just the threat alone is enough to slow things down. And there should be no doubt this is intended as a threat. These are the arms-length surrogates Fuckface has used before to signal these kinds of threats.
Following through would probably tip the House too. Which would be nice.
And the best part is? There is absolutely no good reason to doubt that he’s both stupid enough, and unhinged enough to do it.
Mmmmmmmm. Yummy, yummy popcorn.
NASCAR dads and Security moms: You built this!
I made a buy on Friday in one of my projects. It wasn’t the best I could have done, in hindsight, but I still will use the methodology of buying when the market is having a bad day, even though it may continue to have a bad day the next trading day, too. Can’t be exactly right all of the time, but hitting the mark two thirds of the time will work out in the long term.
I’m still in the accumulation phase on seven my projects, so I have the luxury of having a longtime horizon for investments to prosper.
@30 Over 30 years, 1.05 x 1.05 x 1.05 … works fine. In other words, you don’t have to reach for a high rate of return, because steady compounding will get you to the same place. Think in terms of a team that gets runners home by hitting a lot of singles.
31 – The problem is that it’s not always 1.05 X 1.05 X 1.05 ad infinitum. The Black Swan events can wreck havoc to a portfolio. It can be 1.05 X 1.05 X 0.50 = 0.55125, or approximately 55 % of your starting value in Year 0.
But, over the long term, discipline, diversity and delayed gratification has a high probability of success. Attempting to hit a home run every time at bad will result in more strikeouts than homers. Being a steady, long-term investor is the way to approach building wealth.