– If a mass shooting causes you to smile, you’re doing life wrong.
– I, for one, am looking forward do Lindsey Graham apologizing for his vote against Sandy relief any day now. Or at least providing an explanation.
– In an open thread a while ago, I mentioned that a group was putting on several Brecht plays but I wasn’t interested because none of them were Mother Courage. Well, the 0 people who remember that, Seattle Shakespeare are putting on Mother Courage.
The babbling loon is already awake and will start posting here any minute now. See previous open thread.
Paul Ryan, who previously declined to run for House speaker, is now weighing it, according to CNN.
Donald Trump, who was sent by his father to a military academy during his youth but avoided military service during the Vietnam War by getting 5 deferments (4 student, 1 medical), says Bowe Bergdahl is a “no-good traitor” who should have been shot. It’s not clear whether Trump thinks Bergdahl should get a trial first. Trump also claimed that Bergdahl would have been shot “thirty years ago” (i.e., 1985, when the U.S. was at peace), even though the U.S. hasn’t executed a soldier for desertion since World War 2.
Wow the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit started babbling already.
Meanwhile an explosion on the Columbia River dam has hurt six people. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us.....es-n441456
Bergdahl got his first hearing. He’s a traitor that cost American lives looking for the buffoon. Yet the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit loves that Bergdahl buffoon!
An apology from Lindsey Graham? High and mighty self-righteous people don’t have a need to apologize for anything.
They are the most conflicting schizophrenic mother fuckers who use delusion as a tactic.
I know you are but what am I. Whatever you say sticks back to you. nah na na na nah.
Is equating Piddle’s arguments with grade school taunts officially a meme?
@1 I see what you mean….not just babbling from bat shit insane individual, but laughable buffoon. Getting pretty ridiculous – I think even Boob is running away from him.
@9 To his credit, I’ve seen Bob only go as far as to acknowledge the loon’s existence a couple of times. Makes sense. Bob’s not crazy and who in their right mind would want to be associated with a batshit insane freak like our loon?
I love how the babbling batshit crazy loon’s head explodes every time I link to Raw Story.
“Christian cult that predicted Wednesday’s world annihilation will study Bible for revised deadline”
The loon’s SDA cult has been revising their own failed prophesies for the End of Days for over a century and a half. Obviously they haven’t got it right yet. That’s what happens when one falls for the lies told by a failed crackpot prophet like Ellen White. Imagine the whack condition of Ben Carson’s mind for him to believe the same SDA bullshit that has driven our own loon batshit insane.
Oh, when the SAINTS go marching in
Oh, when the SAINTS go marching in
I want to be in that number
When the SAINTS go marching in
Oh, when the sun refuses to shine
Oh, when the sun refuses to shine
I still want to be in that number
When the sun refuses to shine
@5 I can think of at least 4 people I wouldn’t want to share a foxhole with if I had to fight another war — Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Bowe Bergdahl, and you. On the other hand, Chris Mintz, the Umpqua hero, is someone I would die for.
Today there were not one, but TWO, more campus shootings. Texas Southern University is on lockdown, with a shooter on the loose, after two people were wounded. Enough is enough already! Guns don’t make people safer. How much more proof do we need?
Donald Trump owns stock in 22 of the worst 30 companies in the Fortune 500 who stash cash in foreign subsidiaries to avoid U.S. taxes.
Ben Carson thinks Hitler was able to seize power and kill the Jews because people didn’t have guns. He’s wrong about that. Hitler came to power because the German people voted him in. The repression didn’t come until after he was in.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Carson is pandering to the crowd who believe they need to arm themselves against our own democratically elected government. He’s insinuating our government is comparable to the Nazis. In another words, he’s aligning himself with the mentality of the Cliven Bundy crazies. That’s not who I want in the White House.
A Florida couple who discovered a sinkhole under their home, pocketed $150,000 from their insurance company without fixing it, and sold the home without disclosing it are going to prison.
@15 you know if God didn’t give people fingers, to pull triggers, we wouldn’t have this problem.
Power craving idiot Chaffetz sez:
Can any troll point to any State AG who has brought a case against PP for any wrongdoing?
So-called “fulfillment centers” (they used to be called warehouses) are the new sweatshop. And working five days a week on salary and donating your weekends to pack and ship goods in a fulfillment center apparently is the new wage paradigm for at least one major retailer.
I guess I won’t be shopping at Urban Outfitters any more. Pity…they used to be kinda cool.
@17 Either Dr. Carson’s hooked up with a really bad set of handlers, or someone’s taken him off for a Ned-Beattyesque (from “Network”) talking to about his assigned role in the 2016 GOP campaign farce (and what’s going to happen to him if he doesn’t play along).
His assigned role?
As what? The “urban” barking lunatic?
@ 17 RR
“In another words, he’s aligning himself with the mentality of the Cliven Bundy crazies.”
In other words, the book-burners, paper-hangers, library-closers, teacher-haters, antisemites and science-refusers.
Interesting bunch, those wacky TeaBaggers.
I’m sure Puffy and the rest of the conservative Nazis will hold out on this, right! You know one woman and one man aren’t robots.
It’s not just Seattle, Portland has renter issues. This guy reads amazingly eloquently.
“Ben Carson’s comments are insensitive to anyone who has ever been personally affected by gun violence,” Lafferty said in a statement emailed to the Guardian. “Are gun extremists in this country so morally bankrupt that their solution to ending school shootings is asking kindergarten teachers to be trained in how to attack a gunman?”
Yes. see puddy and bob.
I finally came up with an adequate description of Trump and Carson. Idiot savants! That’s exactly what they are. Idiot savants.
The Republican solution to every problem is cutting someone else’s wages. Their backup plan is cutting Social Security and/or Medicare. Why do Republicans hate workers so much? After all, workers create all of this country’s wealth, including the wealth enjoyed by the rich and super-rich.
@25 That list seems incomplete.
@ ID @ 29:
“I finally came up with an adequate description of Trump and Carson. Idiot savants! That’s exactly what they are. Idiot savants.”
Savants are people who exhibit extraordinary talent in spite of being almost entirely closed off from “normal” social interaction or diagnoses of cogitation below normal intelligence models.
The only “talent” I see being exhibited amongst any of the current GOP Presidential “candidates”, is that of complete jackassery. They’re so utterly full of shit, and so horribly twisted in their perceptions of how the world functions, it’s a wonder to me that none of them have been caught on vid biting the heads off of live chickens or screwing porcupines or something.
They’re just fucking nuts. Every single one of them.
Good description of our bottom of the barrel trolls.
The freedom caucus is demanding more power to the rank and file, to be allowed more control over bills, what does this really mean? How would this manifest if they get this freedom?
@34 It means 50,000 more attempts to repeal Obamacare.
2 to 3 debates per session over school prayer bills;
2 to 3 debates per session over fake claims about reproductive health sevices;
2 to 3 debates per session over impeachment;
2 to 3 debates per session over returning to the gold standard;
2 to 3 debates per session over closing The Fed;
2 to 3 debates per session over repealing The ACA ;
I’m not cynical enough (close, but no cigar) to actually WANT the GOP to drag the country into chaos because the Democrats would reap a partisan windfall from it. Here’s how that trumpet of liberal bias in the media, the Wall Street Journal editorial board, views things:
“The GOP Congress could slip into chaos that cedes the agenda to Democrats or is unable to do even the most basic work of government. GOP approval ratings, already low, will sink further and let Democrats run against a reckless Congress. Add Mr. Trump as the presidential nominee, and the GOP could lose the House, Senate and White House in 2016.”
Now, there can’t be many Democratic strategists who aren’t salivating over this prospect. What I can’t fathom is why the Tea Party Caucus in the House is sabotaging their own party, although the pervasiveness of Republican irrationality may go a long way to explain it. Alternatively, did the Democrats pay them under the table to do this?
Sometimes I suspect the GOP is being secretly run behind the scenes by people who make their money by selling guns, gold, underground bunkers, and survival rations to the rubes.
Bloomberg tells it like it is: The GOP hardliners are against democracy. Unspoken: They are America’s brownshirts. (Yes, it could happen here if we’re not careful, although not for the reasons Ben Carson says.)
Meanwhile, experience and qualifications still count. Would a corporation hire a secretary for its CEO? (Hewlett-Packard did, at least according to the hire, and look what happened to them.)
@ 31 RR:
Space is limited.
@32 Carson is a brain surgeon. But he exhibits no cognition on any other subject. Trump has made billions as a business man but can’t even articulate a sentence. Idiot savants. Jackasses too!
@47 The German people never voted Hitler or his party in. The NAZI’s never achieved a majority in the Reichstag even after Hitler became Chancellor. The Weimar Republic was coming apart due to stress within the Reichstag. The center had to have a partner and they picked Hitler over the communists. Hitler then did what his mentor Mussolini did in Italy and seized power.
@42 I disagree. While the Nazis didn’t win a majority of either the popular vote or Reichstag seats in competitive elections, by 1932 they were Germany’s most popular political party, and in March 1933, Germany’s last free election, the Nazis carried 33 of 35 electoral districts. Hitler didn’t simply impose himself on the German people. He would not have been appointed Chancellor, or been able to consolidate power, without the support of millions of German voters. Also, when you say the Weimar Republic was “coming apart due to stress within the Reichstag,” the stresses tearing apart the Weimar Republic were in German society and the Reichstag merely reflected them. You are correct that fear of communism played an important role in facilitating Hitler’s rise to power, and that after the Nazis gained traction in German politics, the anti-communist center party formed a short-lived alliance with Hitler in the (mistaken) belief they could control him. The key to his seizure of power was that his party controlled the Interior Ministry, which controlled the police, which Hitler used to crush the opposition parties, and then all the remaining parties. The saga of the Weimar Republic’s collapse and the Nazi takeover is detailed in this book.