In order to play the long con and keep to the $1.5 trillion cap on additional deficit spending over 10 yrs, the Russian Treason Party tax plan will stick it to just about everyone except the wealthy in the out years starting right away in 2027.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who do you think should be mayor?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 That’s certainly part of their game plan — give the middle class a $5.00 refund now and tax them $10.00 later, so they can call it a “middle class tax cut.” There are other sneaky tricks hidden in this tax bill, too. Not to mention poison-pills attacking abortion rights and Obamacare, but that’s superflouous because no Democrat was going to vote for it anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The Republican tax reform bill currently being marked up on Capitol Hill would raise taxes for many low and middle income Americans, while slashing taxes on the richest, according to a new report released Monday by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.”
“A new report from the Tax Policy Center shows that, by 2027, two-thirds of tax cuts in the House bill would go to the top 5 percent of earners. The top 1 percent of earners would receive 48.4 percent of the tax benefits from the bill, while the top 0.1 percent would receive 25.7 percent. …
“In addition, the Tax Policy Center analysis shows that 27.5 percent of all taxpayers would see their tax bills go higher under the tax bill by 2027. Among the middle 20 percent of earners, one in three would receive a tax increase that averages $1,170.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Taking from the poor and giving to the rich is just … so … Republican. Nibor Dooh.
Mark Adamsspews:
That would be 8 pm tomorrow, No one would want to discourage the vote. Seattle is definitely going to have a female Mayor no matter who wins. I don’t think anyone on the list has stated any terrible indictments on either. It appears to be a choice of choosing a Democrat or a Democrat. Or who is more Democratic? Perhaps in a mayors race the questions really should be do the candidates support growth. Does one support Seattle not growing so much. Is one business friendly? So are the only real significant difference maybe housing and homeless. Neither are hot button issues for either candidate.
So Seattle will have its first female mayor in oh soo many decades. That much can be predicted with 100% accuracy. I think the race will be relatively close Within 5 points. So far neither candidate has amassed enough support that they are a definite shoo in,. and maybe there is some reluctance than to put out as many polls at last year.
What will the mayor really do, well no one knows until the mayor takes office, which will be as soon as it’s certified and the current temporary Mayor gives a big sigh of relief and congratulates the new Mayor only after certain people get a few parking tickets tossed. Come one if the current temporary Mayor can get rid of parking tickets and engage in mild graft why should anyone want the office of Mayor.
Mark Adamsspews:
Last time I checked the party with the most votes gets to run the House, and if they control the Senate they should be able to get there tax bills, ect through. If you want the center to have more say then requires Democrats to do those things that allows policy to be in the center, and to be bi partisan. Democrats have used the bipartisan sword, and now they die by it. Someday Democrat’s will be in power. If you are hopeful of that please listen to Judy Collin’s “Someday Soon.” Meanwhile in the hope someday soon comes soon Democrats need to have a measure of control over their vitriol, and vitriol does not work if House Democrats actually vote for the tax bill. It won’t help if corporate Democrat’s vote for it in the Senate. While a crocodile tear or two are fine this flood of crocodile tears on here is hypocrisy. Bottom line they won, they get to stuff, and it sucks to be out of power. Dems are out of power and this is a fight it’s best not to fight with too much vigor. At some point even Republican’s and Democrats come to the reality of the true progressive in taxes must be high enough to support spending. Printing money gets you only so far, and Savings bond drives eventually come to point where support breaks and dwindles.
Over all the years of this website, HA trolls and their favorite politicians have been darn chocked full of “thoughts and prayers”..
War after war, domestic slaughter after domestic slaughter…
Trump Means Never Having To Say You're Sorryspews:
I can’t believe this bullshit!!!
Our Dear Leader appoints Sonny Perdue to USDA and the worthless commie cocksucker is now going around arguing in favor of a goddamn amnesty program for all those filthy MS-13 drug dealers infesting our rural communities!
Illegal is illegal. The goddamn “pathway to legal status” begins ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING BORDER!!!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You just described a parliament you fucking idiot.
Turn off the fucking teevee and buy a book. You and the rest of the “Birfer/Kenyan/JustAsking party are going to get an earfull of “vitriol” from now on. Get used to it you stupid piece of shit.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
In the Friday Night Comix thread flat beer froth AKA dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 made spurious claims about Puddy attacking the church shooting moron because the shootings happened in a church on “Sunday”. Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom joined in being the Oregon Moron of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So let’s clear the air.
1) DUMMOCRETINS ran to the Congressional well and started their gun control diatribes within minutes of the national news announcements. Are they excused because most national DUMMOCRETINS are not Jesus warriors dr DIPSHITTIUM? Chronologically when did Puddy mention anything checkmate-252?
2) Puddy made correct claims from Kelley’s bookface account from FACTUAL reporting from a site libtards hate. Apparently libtards don’t verify other libtard commentary from libtard sites and then when caught they run and hide.
3) Puddy put forth Kelley was a Christian hating atheist like most HA DUMMOCRETINS. The FOOL dr DIPSHITTIUM screamed he taught Sunday school. Where’s the LEEEEENK? Here’s the PuddyLEEEEENK.
The Texas church shooter who shot dead 26 people and injured 24 others was an ‘outcast’ who ‘preached his atheism’ online.
FACT! WE know most all atheists who love CNN are DUMMOCRETINS!
Michael Goff added: ‘He was weird but never that damn weird, always posting his atheist sh** like Nina wrote, but damn he always posted pics of him and his baby – crazy.’
4) We now know Texas rejected Kelley’ request for a gun permit. The US approved it. So much for a concealed carry state!
5) The Air Force didn’t report his mental condition when he was thrown in the brig for attacking his wife and child.
BTW in our church you have to pass a WA State Background check BEFORE you can participate in our VBS activities! Based on the postings of most HA DUMMOCRETINS, you’d fail the mental health check! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
And to the hapless hanging human teabag licker… Keep being the FOOL! You are really good at it. Really good!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “That much can be predicted with 100% accuracy.”
I would give it only 99.999999999990089%. You can’t entirely rule out a meteorite taking them both out at the same time.
The premise of your post is a lie.
Jesus is watching.
You don’t make a distictiin between a blog with known problems with the truth and the totally random people that posted to Twitter they quoted.
I provided plenty of evidence that what they were stating was demonstrably false. Yet here you are still saying it’s true.
Jesus is watching.
And now that actual reporting, no people tweeting in the immediate aftermath with names like ‘prison planet’ is not ‘fact’ until it’s proven, shows us that those ‘Facts’ GP posted are in fact not facts you’re digging in.
In short, Shown clearly you’re at best mistaken instead of admitting a mistake, er Mike Rogers, you are still lying.
Jesus is watching.
Meanwhile #Charlottesville
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Last I heard that’s how the Mexicans feel about us, too, ever since Trump asked them to pay for the wall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 The Rethugs don’t need Democrats to get nothing done. They’re doing a fine job of that all by themselves.
Now seeing reports that the Pentagon very rarely puts personnel convicted of Donestic Abuse on any registry. They’re claiming it’s a bereaucratic problem between military and civilian law enforcement.
That’s just fucking great. Let’s take a segment of the population with an above average incidence of PTSD and shield them from backgroUnd checks when possible
What could go wrong?
A scan of active records shows that the Department of Defense has just a single misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence on file with the National Criminal Instant Background Check System, or NICS.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer froth head exploded!
Evidence? I provided plenty of evidence that what they were stating was demonstrably false. Yet here you are still saying it’s true Everyone has seen the PuddyLEEEEENKS. Still waiting for the ‘MikeRogers’LEEEEEENKS!
What did you provide? Daily Beast? Vox? Daily Kooks? LEEEEENKS?
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “BTW in our church you have to pass a … mental health check!”
If there’s a mental check, how the hell did you get in?
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
And now that actual reporting, no people tweeting in the immediate aftermath with names like ‘prison planet’ is not ‘fact’ until it’s proven, shows us that those ‘Facts’ GP posted are in fact not facts you’re digging in.
FOOLISH moron flat beer froth? Did Puddy use TheGatewayPundit LEEEEEENKS above? Any submitted Tweets?
DAYUM you are a FOOL dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
If there’s a mental check, how the hell did you get in?
Easy Roger senile idiot wabbit… Puddy not a mental or senile FOOL like you! WA State verified until 20XX!
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
How ‘bout I created an equally fake FB ‘profile’ in 15 seconds.
And the big problem for you is now a lot of that ‘fact’ that you’re quoting, being dug into by actual journalists instead of Twitter users who may be bots because you don’t know, are proving those assertions are dead wrong.
The shooter is NOT an Animal rights activist like the fake LinkedIn profile claimed. In fact he’s an arrested animal abuser. (Colorado records, actual fact)
But you are still clinging to the idea that things like that are real.
You have an actual intellectual defect.
That’s not my opinion. It’s a demonstrated fact.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 If the state certified YOU sane, I see why your fellow Republicans don’t trust government. Especially those who know you best.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
How ‘bout I created an equally fake FB ‘profile’ in 15 seconds.
FAKE NEWS? Amazingly, you are a major purveyor of it here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
The shooter is NOT an Animal rights activist like the fake LinkedIn profile claimed. In fact he’s an arrested animal abuser. (Colorado records, actual fact)
PuddyCommentary: If everyone checks back into Friday Night Comix thread, HA DUMMOCRETINS’s very own flat beer frothy was the one who brought forth the LinkedIn VBS information. Now where was that found? LinkedIn. In fact dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 screamed that Puddy’s GatewayPundit LEEEEEENK didn’t have the LinkedIn VBS entry! Maybe it was determined to be FAKE NEWS flat beer frothy?
From Friday from flat beer frothy:… But if you find his LinkedIn profile, also put up as “proof” in Piddles link you’ll find that not only does it not include what GP says is there but also this curious tidbit…
FACT – It really sux to be you! You brought forth the FAKE LinkedIn profile ya FOOL! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
All those head explosions above! Did you forget you brought forth the LinkedIn profile to everyone dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252? Hmmm…? And who ate that FAKE SHIT NEWS up? The hapless hanging human teabag licker did of course among others like Roger senile idiot wabbit and Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Go back and peruse your link to GP again and familiarize yourself with where all the claims originated. Then have a deep breath and realize that you’re a deep committed liar.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How heartless GOP gun nuts defend the indefensible:
“Debating gun control disrespects the dead.” — Kellyanne Conway
Go back and peruse your link to GP again and familiarize yourself with where all the claims originated.
Puddy did flat beer frothy. And go look at what Puddy wrote in the Friday Night Comix. Puddy DID NOT BRING up anything on LinkedIn. You brought up the VBS stuff in your link… The LinkedIn stuff came from that well known Libtard site The Daily Beast!
“A LinkedIn account appearing to belong to Kelley describes him as serving in the U.S. Air Force from his 2009 high-school graduation until 2013, after which he briefly taught at a summer Bible school,” reports the Daily Beast.
Copied by dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer frothy… Volunteer Experience
Dates volunteeredJun 2013 – Jun 2013 Volunteer duration1 mo
Cause Children
Teaching children ages 4-6 at vocational bible schools helping their minds grow and prosper
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Isn’t it great to see how monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset PUTS PUDDY FIRST?
From the clueless wet panty cretin… FACT
– The [something unintelligent] is KNOWN to put HA FIRST on Friday after sunset.. – This is every Friday!
– Oh excuse yours truly – HA HEROES FIRST – the freak’s own words!
– Now watch it go silent on the links…
– The freak puts HA HEROES FIRST…
The only HA Hero are those in its own femtometer sized mind!
Till Next Time!
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 If only it was a parliament. It is not. No question time. Government cannot fail on a vote, which would have happened with the Republicans failed health care. The party in power does not control the White House, nor will the guy in the White House be replaced should the Democrats win the House in 2018. I have however stated the truth that the Dems are out of power, and that sucks if your in a parliament or republican system. Parliamentarian it probably sucks more except for question time.
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 So Jill Stein got your vote in 2016? Or the Communist candidate?
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Well Comrade Stalin was not full of prayers and thoughts. Not much domestic slaughter unless you were related to the man. And any wars were all the wests fault, no need to pay attention to the slaughter there. So you like Comrade Stalin and you want strong leaders like him in your vanguard of the proletariat that will stop gun violence? That is guaranteed and as soon as the proletariat is in charge in those other countries there will be no more war.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Online trolls, fake news websites and far-right activists published misleading stories and conspiracy stories about the incident.[59][60] They associated the shooter with a range of people and groups the far-right opposes,[59] such as identifying the shooter as a Democrat or a Muslim,[60] or stating that the shooter carried an Antifa flag and told churchgoers, ‘This is a communist revolution.'[61][62] Some reports falsely claimed he targeted the church because they were ‘white conservatives’.[59] The misinformation mirrored similar events in the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting a few weeks earlier where the perpetrator, Stephen Paddock, was falsely linked to leftist and Islamist groups.[59]”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Typical of the rightwing garbage that flows like a river out of a broken sewer pipe after every one of these tragedies. And Puddy laps it up like the fool he is.
BBC says, “Kelley grew up in New Braunfels – about 35 miles (56km) north of Sutherland Springs – in the $1m home of his parents, the New York Times says,” and adds, “Kelley was known to have mental health issues before he joined the military.”
It seems his parents are wealthy, and his mental issues were longstanding, even predating his time in the military. Maybe there’s some affluenza going on here?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 WTF are you babbling about now? Are you high on something?
Oh, I see. You think people opposed to arming madmen who kill babies in churches are communists.
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 And yes in the Washington legislature the party with the majority tells the other party to go color. In both chambers. Sucks to be the party without a majority. They do more than color in Olympia and are always ready in case the majority don’t show up Bet they wish for a question time, but the minority manage. They do manage.
Mark Adamsspews:
@36 That was for YLB. Waiting for his answer. If he’s a proper Marxist he should get it, and since you like to show those colors from time to time you perfectly understand or are you just a dumb bunny.
Mark Adamsspews:
@12 Even if that were to happen one of the two named candidates on the ballot would have to be certified the winner. Then if that person were deceased and unable to take whatever is in law would happen. I’m not sure if the second vote getter would become Mayor and if not the 2nd then the 3rd or if it would go to the City Council to pick a winner. Pretty sure if the City Council were to choose they would choose a woman. Rare but I’d say Seattle is guaranteed to have a woman Mayor. Unless RR is going to go out and test my theory by using his gun. Should I contact the Seattle PD RR?
Mark Adamsspews:
@35 Well you are on her anonymously, maybe you should try being on here with your real name. You do occassionally get the facts wrong, or fail to fully check them., You have some clear biases which at disqualify yourself as a journalist.
Calling you a purveyor of fake news is a little extreme, but you probably are not willing to take even the first step in being more legitimate and transparent. That would mean being on here openly as who you really are. Goes for Puddy to, and YLB, but since you are a former attorney you must know how it looks that you are on here using an alias rather than as yourself.
. Newt maybe Newt, if so cool.
And why I agree with Goldie that there are times an individual may have reason to need or want to say something on here or other places anonymously because of who they work for. Since there is some room to be yourself on her and an ass those times should be rare. And frankly most on here are preaching to the choir.
Of course you think that. Comment 7, the first comment in this thread from yours truly, had nothing to do with you but you believe “the world” revolves around you.
@34 Yawwwn.. Other countries with stricter gun laws, lacking the means to promulgate useless, endless wars and not nearly our level of gun violence are the farthest thing from “Comrade Stalin”… Try as you might.. I have no doubt you will try.
You claim I’m a Marxist. Proper, improper? I claim you’re an idiot.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Not a fool.
A mindful and deliberate purveyor of Russian internet agitprop with the aim of weakening US democracy.
A traitor.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Your claim is upheld.
It is so ordered.
This is delusional. You did not bring up LinkedIn because you quoted the LinkedIn excerpt and misattibuted it to Facebook.
You’re now defending your lack of reading comprehension and a giant mistake on your part declaring it a win for ‘Facts’.
-Piddles, “‘“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.’ is a great opening line to Catch 22.”
-real world “No that’s the opening line to “1984”
-Piddles, “1984 is Orwell and I’m talking about Heller.”
-Real world “But the quote reallt is form Orwell’s 1984. Here, here’s a link. Here’s a first edition copy of ‘1984” I’ll read it to you… ‘It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.’”
-Piddles, “you brought up ‘1984’ by that libtard Orwell. You got that off a left wrong site I never said ‘1984’ You stupid I won!”
Well done. You ARE special.
Mark Adamsspews:
For those of you thinking I was hard on Senator Fraken, and his questioning of attorneys, Some of this technology goes over the heads of attorneys and Senators:
@43 At least you admit to understanding what I said. S you are not a communist. What are you then? You are not a fucking rabbit I hope. Are you a bleeding heart liberal? That is fine with me. I keep thinking YLB is a coffee brand that comes in one of those five pound cans.
Mark Adamsspews:
@45 Sorry you are a sheep herder and not a judge. You is just another hill billie, and you been at the white lightning or got a green batch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 There is no majority party in Olympia. We have a divided state government. That’s why we can’t do even simple things like adequately funding our public schools.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 I fought communists in Vietnam. What did you do?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 I’ll respond to your questions when you say something intelligent enough to deserve an answer. I’m not holding my breath.
Mark Adamsspews:
@44 Yes Roger Rabbit is a foolish rabbit. Just watch the movie. And the Russian story is mostly bullshit or no different than the 2008 and 2012 elections. Only a few Republican peeps that the Russians stole the election for Obama. Actually there was concerns about Russian activities, and cyber war, only you want to know what nation is probably the worlds best, it’s the United States something we are number one in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 “You have some clear biases which at disqualify yourself as a journalist.”
What I do here isn’t journalism, and I’ve never said it was. I’m now a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 The correct spelling of his name apparently goes over your head. Either that or you’re a lousy typist and don’t proofread your work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “You are not a fucking rabbit I hope.”
Is there something wrong with being a rabbit? As for fucking rabbits, is there any other kind of rabbit? How do you think I got here? Some kind of miracle?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “or got a green batch”
In which case, it must have been one of yours.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “Roger Rabbit is a foolish rabbit. Just watch the movie.”
It’s time for a history lesson, because you don’t know what you’re talking about. (This is news? You’re the dumbest cluck on this blog. Whereas Piddles is crazy and Doctor Dumbfuck is venal, you’re merely anencephalic.)
I’m not in the movie. I’m not related to that rabbit which, after all, is not a rabbit at all but only an imaginary cartoon character. My HA screen name is not derived from any literary property owned by Disney and does not infringe on any copyrights owned by Disney. If anything, I’m more in sync with THIS literary character:
My HA screen names have always consisted of two randomly chosen English words strung together for their alliterative properties, and this one simply follows that practice. In my first few months on HA, back in 2004, I used many screen names and changed them frequently for the obvious reason that I didn’t want some rightwing prick to firebomb my house or shoot my children. (Don’t laugh; back in the old days, long before you showed up on this now relatively tame blog, Goldy was reported to the police as a child molester and had manure dumped in his driveway.) In other words, knowing what kind of people I was blogging about, I covered my tracks. “Roger Rabbit” turned out to be so popular I decided to keep using it. So popular, in fact, that some trolls even tried to impersonate me. I like it; it has a nice alliterative ring to it. And being a rabbit is way more fun than being a stupid human* like you.
* If you think humans are an intellectually superior species, think about that for a while, then report back. This may take a while as you happen to be an exceptionally stupid one, even for a human.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark the Village Idiot seems to have left HA for the night. Maybe his mommy put him to bed and read a story to him, like in the “Revenge of the Roadkill Rabbit” movie.
Mark Adamsspews:
How soon you al going to add Hilliary Clinton to your list of war mongers.
@61 Feel sorry for your bro he got screwed in life’s lottery.
Mark Adamsspews:
@59 Nope just other things to do, but you do seem up past your bed time old man.
Mark Adamsspews:
@50 Well we could not adequately fund schools before divided government so why should that change?
And it sucks to be a Democrat in the Senate, and a Republican in the House. Maybe the situation has changed for the little session of 2018. Are there dancing Democrats in the streets of Auburn?
Mark Adamsspews:
@51 Well I had to wait to be old enough to join the all volunteer force. Though the neighbor kid next door blew his brains out over being drafted to North Vietnam or he thought he was going to be drafted.
I also got a nifty thank you letter from the United States government saying tank you for being a cold war warrior. That cold war thing included fighting communists, and all that. A grateful country said thank you to me. Did you get your letter? You should have received one from a grateful nation, if you haven’t please contact your congressman.
Mark Adamsspews:
@52 So you I should be contacting the Seattle PD department because you feel like you need to make sure the proverbial meteor hit the candidates. Or you felt stupid when you finally realized what you had said before was stupid that the votes would be counted and one of the two female candidates would be announced the winner, and only after that person was officially declared the winner would the issue of whether they are actually breathing and able to take up the oath of office once the count is certified. Now are you really so upset that you feel you need to make my 100% correct statement that Seattle would have a female mayor false, and there is only one for you to do that. So do I need to contact the Seattle PD?
Then again you can always hope that I conclude rabbits have no digits and cannot shoot a firearm even if they own one. And if they manage are probably of more of a danger to themselves than others.
Man am I going to feel bad if one or both candidates are shot to death in the next day or so.
Mark Adamsspews:
@54 It’s ok if you are a Democratic hack and propagandist, but according to your parties ethics rules you should be such under your own name. The folks here may be interested in such inappropriate behavior.
All those political adds and all requiring transparency. That means if nothing else political operatives operating on behalf of the Democratic party have to say who they are when asked. I’m asking.
Want to answer my question or put your BS here to the test Mr I’m a Democratic propagandist.
Mark Adamsspews:
@67 Oh e mail sent to the Washington elections commission to make a complaint.
Mark Adamsspews:
@58 Frankly it’s Disney’s responsibility to protect their copyrights and all that, and they do that pretty aggressively. I suppose that would be up to their attorneys to decide if they want to go after someone from using a popular characters name. They have gone after folks for less.
I suppose Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck could just be coincidence should you adopt one of those names other than your own, or you know you are perhaps stealing their property and have big balls.
Mark @ above- I assume you are making the same complaint against those on this site spouting R propaganda?
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
You did not bring up LinkedIn because you quoted the LinkedIn excerpt and misattibuted it to Facebook.
NOPE you DIPSHITIUM dope! The Puddy bookface post was from other links offered. You take one issue and conflate it TRYING to make an insipid point. It is well known LinkedIn info can be embellished like your comments above. Hence Puddy went back to the Friday Night Comix so everyone could see just what you posted. Puddy didn’t bring in LinkedIn, you did flat beer frothy!
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time! – A line the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset can’t steal!
You’re lying again. That really is the only reason you come in here. Without your constant lying, you have nothing to say. You get your “information” from a well-established liar who has spent years calling the Sandy Hook school massacre a hoax, and openly incited his listeners to attack the parents of those dead children. The same person who has the current “President” on speed dial to make sure he can get the proper angle on whatever spin he’s going to put on a subject.
Alex Jones is a professional liar. That is his purpose in life. To slander, obfuscate and twist the narrative into something that can make him money. The totality of the theme of his show is about gaslighting the public and deceiving them. You greedily suck it all down without even questioning the flavor because it fits in with your twisted view of the world.
You’re as crazy as he is. Probably crazier, because you actually believe his words, whereas I doubt he does. He lies, deliberately, just to make people like you roll their eyes around in their heads and foam at the mouth.
Devin Patrick Kelley was a white-skinned Millionaire’s kid, who was raised as a Christian, was thrown out of the Air Force for being a psychotic wife and baby beating lunatic, and I’ll be willing to bet that he very likely listened to Jones on a regular basis. He is a man who almost killed his infant stepson in a fit of rage over the baby’s crying. He shot up a Church full of people because his former mother-in-law was a parishioner there and he fully expected her to be in attendance when he made his attack.
Christians. Always willing to shift blame, deny and denounce one of their own when someone from their faith commits an act that the rest of the world labels a crime.
Personal responsibility, indeed.
The Puddy bookface post was from other links offered.
Mental defect. No, your bookface post was you quoting what a random Tweeter claimed to have found on “LinkedIn”. You didn’t read it right and are still saying it came from Facebook. You quoted it, said it was from Facebook and it never was and never claimed to be from Facebook in the original. Yet even this most obvious lie you won’t cop to. (Hmm, humility, lying, ego….There’s a book I have a copy of somewhere…)
And it has been now proven false. You do know that The Sun is the UK equivalent of Weekly World News? “Hey look, a tabloid strung together a story on the fake FB and LinkedIn “facts” put up in the early part of the investigation by random internet users that I’ve been quoting all along that real journalists have largely debunked (Animal Rights, Antifa Flag, Atheist) but it’s here, in the tabloid. FACTS!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Could’ve been worse. He isn’t you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 “old man”
Is there a man around here? All I see is a boy and a rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 I see. You were a kid when I was fighting communists in Vietnam, and now that you’re all “grown up,” you’re calling me a communist.
I repeat my question. What have you done to fight communism, besides blowing third grade farts out of an orifice that wasn’t designed for that purpose?
Btw, when you were old enough to join the all volunteer force, did you join it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 If you’re gonna call me a communist, you might as well call me stupid, too.
Obviously you’re unfamiliar with the First Law of Holes. If you don’t know what it says, go look it up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 All I see on that page is contact information. Where’s the ethics advice? And don’t say “click on such-and-so a link,” because I’m not your research assistant, so I’m not going to do your work for you.
“political operatives operating on behalf of the Democratic party have to say who they are when asked”
Does this also apply to Republican hacks and propagandists? E.g., these guys …
@68 Did you use the Horse’s Ass Standard Complaint Form? To wit:
“Write your complaint here [ ] and send it here _.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@69 My HA screen name isn’t Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, nor does it derive from any other Disney character. Go ahead and complain to Disney if you like. They can’t copyright the English language, nor does the law give them exclusive rights to common names and words.
I’m sure their lawyers will tell you that you don’t know a damn thing about copyright or trademark law. For there to be a copyright violation, I’d have to do more than adopt a similar-sounding name derived from uncopyrightable words, i.e. a widely used first name and a common noun. My HA character has adopted none of the attributes of their character. HA’s Roger Rabbit is brown, not white. He doesn’t wear pants or have a red nose. He doesn’t have a girlfriend named Jessica. And the storyline is completely different. Disney’s character isn’t a Democratic party hack or liberal propagandist, and Disney’s storyline doesn’t have any idiots like you in it. Their scriptwriters know better than to create a character like you. Such characters have no popular appeal whatsoever.
But go ahead, complain to Disney, and see what happens.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “THE ‘deranged’ gunman who killed 26 churchgoers in Texas was militant atheist who ranted on Facebook about ‘stupid’ religious people.”
Sounds more like he was unsure what he believed, and was confused about religion in the same way you’re confused about politics.
“Whether Kelley had any religious affiliation is unclear. The First Baptist Church of Kingsville, two hours south of Sutherland Springs, issued a statement saying that while Kelley was not a member of the church, he volunteered one night during the congregation’s 2014 Vacation Bible School.”
One thing is clear though: He was a big fan of guns. He had that in common with virtually all Republicans. And because of that, it’s very unlikely he voted for Democrats. He’s one of yours.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
One can see the mental defects of the vomit producing dead toad and dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer frothy. Flat beer frothy FIRST put forth the LinkedIn link.
The LinkedIn post is FAKE NEWS!
That’s all anyone needs to know. Chronological order!
Then Puddy answered flat beer frothy!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Devin Patrick Kelley was a white-skinned Millionaire’s kid
Rolling Stone? DUMMOCRETINS suck? Why yes they do!
— Actually, what Brazile found were things we mostly already knew. The worst had originally been reported on by Ken Vogel and Isaac Arnsdorf (then of Politico). The story among other things described how the national Clinton campaign used funds that by rule should have redounded to state Democratic Party offices.
Politico described this situation back then as “essentially… money laundering.” —
Once again the clueless crazed databaze cretin always putting Puddy first! The crazed databaze was created to attack Puddy years ago. EPIC FAYLES every day!
— The Democratic front-runner handed over about $20 million to help get the DNC out of debt. In return, she got control of the inner workings of the organization, which is supposed to be neutral in the primaries. This included decisions about when to schedule debates, who should fill key posts and how messages should be shaped. —
See how fast DUMMOCRETINS turn on a black woman when she tells the truth!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Still Putting Puddy Prime in its mind every time @91!
Thanks again monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
LOL! The babbling butthole troll calls the FACT that the fool PUTS HEROES FIRST..
The fools calls this FACT, SPAM…
Too funny!!! Turn me into Darryl and Goldy you damn fool. They’ll laugh your bullshitting buttholery and pathologically lying ASS with all of its always wrongist bullshit spam links off the innertubes!
In order to play the long con and keep to the $1.5 trillion cap on additional deficit spending over 10 yrs, the Russian Treason Party tax plan will stick it to just about everyone except the wealthy in the out years starting right away in 2027.
Who do you think should be mayor?
@1 That’s certainly part of their game plan — give the middle class a $5.00 refund now and tax them $10.00 later, so they can call it a “middle class tax cut.” There are other sneaky tricks hidden in this tax bill, too. Not to mention poison-pills attacking abortion rights and Obamacare, but that’s superflouous because no Democrat was going to vote for it anyway.
“The Republican tax reform bill currently being marked up on Capitol Hill would raise taxes for many low and middle income Americans, while slashing taxes on the richest, according to a new report released Monday by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.”
“A new report from the Tax Policy Center shows that, by 2027, two-thirds of tax cuts in the House bill would go to the top 5 percent of earners. The top 1 percent of earners would receive 48.4 percent of the tax benefits from the bill, while the top 0.1 percent would receive 25.7 percent. …
“In addition, the Tax Policy Center analysis shows that 27.5 percent of all taxpayers would see their tax bills go higher under the tax bill by 2027. Among the middle 20 percent of earners, one in three would receive a tax increase that averages $1,170.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Taking from the poor and giving to the rich is just … so … Republican. Nibor Dooh.
That would be 8 pm tomorrow, No one would want to discourage the vote. Seattle is definitely going to have a female Mayor no matter who wins. I don’t think anyone on the list has stated any terrible indictments on either. It appears to be a choice of choosing a Democrat or a Democrat. Or who is more Democratic? Perhaps in a mayors race the questions really should be do the candidates support growth. Does one support Seattle not growing so much. Is one business friendly? So are the only real significant difference maybe housing and homeless. Neither are hot button issues for either candidate.
So Seattle will have its first female mayor in oh soo many decades. That much can be predicted with 100% accuracy. I think the race will be relatively close Within 5 points. So far neither candidate has amassed enough support that they are a definite shoo in,. and maybe there is some reluctance than to put out as many polls at last year.
What will the mayor really do, well no one knows until the mayor takes office, which will be as soon as it’s certified and the current temporary Mayor gives a big sigh of relief and congratulates the new Mayor only after certain people get a few parking tickets tossed. Come one if the current temporary Mayor can get rid of parking tickets and engage in mild graft why should anyone want the office of Mayor.
Last time I checked the party with the most votes gets to run the House, and if they control the Senate they should be able to get there tax bills, ect through. If you want the center to have more say then requires Democrats to do those things that allows policy to be in the center, and to be bi partisan. Democrats have used the bipartisan sword, and now they die by it. Someday Democrat’s will be in power. If you are hopeful of that please listen to Judy Collin’s “Someday Soon.” Meanwhile in the hope someday soon comes soon Democrats need to have a measure of control over their vitriol, and vitriol does not work if House Democrats actually vote for the tax bill. It won’t help if corporate Democrat’s vote for it in the Senate. While a crocodile tear or two are fine this flood of crocodile tears on here is hypocrisy. Bottom line they won, they get to stuff, and it sucks to be out of power. Dems are out of power and this is a fight it’s best not to fight with too much vigor. At some point even Republican’s and Democrats come to the reality of the true progressive in taxes must be high enough to support spending. Printing money gets you only so far, and Savings bond drives eventually come to point where support breaks and dwindles.
Anyone who fills the tv with ads 24/7 – I vote for their opponent if at all possible.
Over all the years of this website, HA trolls and their favorite politicians have been darn chocked full of “thoughts and prayers”..
War after war, domestic slaughter after domestic slaughter…
I can’t believe this bullshit!!!
Our Dear Leader appoints Sonny Perdue to USDA and the worthless commie cocksucker is now going around arguing in favor of a goddamn amnesty program for all those filthy MS-13 drug dealers infesting our rural communities!
Illegal is illegal. The goddamn “pathway to legal status” begins ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING BORDER!!!
You just described a parliament you fucking idiot.
Turn off the fucking teevee and buy a book. You and the rest of the “Birfer/Kenyan/JustAsking party are going to get an earfull of “vitriol” from now on. Get used to it you stupid piece of shit.
In the Friday Night Comix thread flat beer froth AKA dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 made spurious claims about Puddy attacking the church shooting moron because the shootings happened in a church on “Sunday”. Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom joined in being the Oregon Moron of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So let’s clear the air.
1) DUMMOCRETINS ran to the Congressional well and started their gun control diatribes within minutes of the national news announcements. Are they excused because most national DUMMOCRETINS are not Jesus warriors dr DIPSHITTIUM? Chronologically when did Puddy mention anything checkmate-252?
2) Puddy made correct claims from Kelley’s bookface account from FACTUAL reporting from a site libtards hate. Apparently libtards don’t verify other libtard commentary from libtard sites and then when caught they run and hide.
3) Puddy put forth Kelley was a Christian hating atheist like most HA DUMMOCRETINS. The FOOL dr DIPSHITTIUM screamed he taught Sunday school. Where’s the LEEEEENK? Here’s the PuddyLEEEEENK.
FACT! WE know most all atheists who love CNN are DUMMOCRETINS!
4) We now know Texas rejected Kelley’ request for a gun permit. The US approved it. So much for a concealed carry state!
5) The Air Force didn’t report his mental condition when he was thrown in the brig for attacking his wife and child.
6) Yeah regarding that VBS activity and the First Baptist Church… – Yeah, he was there one night per the church!
BTW in our church you have to pass a WA State Background check BEFORE you can participate in our VBS activities! Based on the postings of most HA DUMMOCRETINS, you’d fail the mental health check! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
And to the hapless hanging human teabag licker… Keep being the FOOL! You are really good at it. Really good!
Till Next Time!
@5 “That much can be predicted with 100% accuracy.”
I would give it only 99.999999999990089%. You can’t entirely rule out a meteorite taking them both out at the same time.
The premise of your post is a lie.
Jesus is watching.
You don’t make a distictiin between a blog with known problems with the truth and the totally random people that posted to Twitter they quoted.
I provided plenty of evidence that what they were stating was demonstrably false. Yet here you are still saying it’s true.
Jesus is watching.
And now that actual reporting, no people tweeting in the immediate aftermath with names like ‘prison planet’ is not ‘fact’ until it’s proven, shows us that those ‘Facts’ GP posted are in fact not facts you’re digging in.
In short, Shown clearly you’re at best mistaken instead of admitting a mistake, er Mike Rogers, you are still lying.
Jesus is watching.
Meanwhile #Charlottesville
@9 Last I heard that’s how the Mexicans feel about us, too, ever since Trump asked them to pay for the wall.
@6 The Rethugs don’t need Democrats to get nothing done. They’re doing a fine job of that all by themselves.
Now seeing reports that the Pentagon very rarely puts personnel convicted of Donestic Abuse on any registry. They’re claiming it’s a bereaucratic problem between military and civilian law enforcement.
That’s just fucking great. Let’s take a segment of the population with an above average incidence of PTSD and shield them from backgroUnd checks when possible
What could go wrong?
dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer froth head exploded!
Evidence? I provided plenty of evidence that what they were stating was demonstrably false. Yet here you are still saying it’s true Everyone has seen the PuddyLEEEEENKS. Still waiting for the ‘MikeRogers’LEEEEEENKS!
What did you provide? Daily Beast? Vox? Daily Kooks? LEEEEENKS?
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
@11 “BTW in our church you have to pass a … mental health check!”
If there’s a mental check, how the hell did you get in?
And now that actual reporting, no people tweeting in the immediate aftermath with names like ‘prison planet’ is not ‘fact’ until it’s proven, shows us that those ‘Facts’ GP posted are in fact not facts you’re digging in.
FOOLISH moron flat beer froth? Did Puddy use TheGatewayPundit LEEEEEENKS above? Any submitted Tweets?
DAYUM you are a FOOL dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Till Next Time!
If there’s a mental check, how the hell did you get in?
Easy Roger senile idiot wabbit… Puddy not a mental or senile FOOL like you! WA State verified until 20XX!
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
How ‘bout I created an equally fake FB ‘profile’ in 15 seconds.
And the big problem for you is now a lot of that ‘fact’ that you’re quoting, being dug into by actual journalists instead of Twitter users who may be bots because you don’t know, are proving those assertions are dead wrong.
The shooter is NOT an Animal rights activist like the fake LinkedIn profile claimed. In fact he’s an arrested animal abuser. (Colorado records, actual fact)
But you are still clinging to the idea that things like that are real.
You have an actual intellectual defect.
That’s not my opinion. It’s a demonstrated fact.
@20 If the state certified YOU sane, I see why your fellow Republicans don’t trust government. Especially those who know you best.
Till Next Time!
How ‘bout I created an equally fake FB ‘profile’ in 15 seconds.
FAKE NEWS? Amazingly, you are a major purveyor of it here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
The shooter is NOT an Animal rights activist like the fake LinkedIn profile claimed. In fact he’s an arrested animal abuser. (Colorado records, actual fact)
PuddyCommentary: If everyone checks back into Friday Night Comix thread, HA DUMMOCRETINS’s very own flat beer frothy was the one who brought forth the LinkedIn VBS information. Now where was that found? LinkedIn. In fact dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 screamed that Puddy’s GatewayPundit LEEEEEENK didn’t have the LinkedIn VBS entry! Maybe it was determined to be FAKE NEWS flat beer frothy?
From Friday from flat beer frothy:… But if you find his LinkedIn profile, also put up as “proof” in Piddles link you’ll find that not only does it not include what GP says is there but also this curious tidbit…
FACT – It really sux to be you! You brought forth the FAKE LinkedIn profile ya FOOL! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
All those head explosions above! Did you forget you brought forth the LinkedIn profile to everyone dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252? Hmmm…? And who ate that FAKE SHIT NEWS up? The hapless hanging human teabag licker did of course among others like Roger senile idiot wabbit and Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Till Next Time!
FACT – The babbling butthole troll is KNOWN to put HA FIRST on Friday after sunset..
Oh excuse yours truly – HA HEROES FIRST – the freak’s own words!
Now watch it go silent on the links…
The freak puts HA HEROES FIRST…
Holy shit.
You really have issues.
Jesus is watching.
Go back and peruse your link to GP again and familiarize yourself with where all the claims originated. Then have a deep breath and realize that you’re a deep committed liar.
How heartless GOP gun nuts defend the indefensible:
“Debating gun control disrespects the dead.” — Kellyanne Conway
“We don’t need politics right now.” — Ted Cruz
Go back and peruse your link to GP again and familiarize yourself with where all the claims originated.
Puddy did flat beer frothy. And go look at what Puddy wrote in the Friday Night Comix. Puddy DID NOT BRING up anything on LinkedIn. You brought up the VBS stuff in your link… The LinkedIn stuff came from that well known Libtard site The Daily Beast!
Copied by dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer frothy…
Volunteer Experience
Dates volunteeredJun 2013 – Jun 2013 Volunteer duration1 mo
Cause Children
Teaching children ages 4-6 at vocational bible schools helping their minds grow and prosper
Till Next Time!
Isn’t it great to see how monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset PUTS PUDDY FIRST?
From the clueless wet panty cretin… FACT
– The [something unintelligent] is KNOWN to put HA FIRST on Friday after sunset.. – This is every Friday!
– Oh excuse yours truly – HA HEROES FIRST – the freak’s own words!
– Now watch it go silent on the links…
– The freak puts HA HEROES FIRST…
The only HA Hero are those in its own femtometer sized mind!
Till Next Time!
@10 If only it was a parliament. It is not. No question time. Government cannot fail on a vote, which would have happened with the Republicans failed health care. The party in power does not control the White House, nor will the guy in the White House be replaced should the Democrats win the House in 2018. I have however stated the truth that the Dems are out of power, and that sucks if your in a parliament or republican system. Parliamentarian it probably sucks more except for question time.
@27 So Jill Stein got your vote in 2016? Or the Communist candidate?
@8 Well Comrade Stalin was not full of prayers and thoughts. Not much domestic slaughter unless you were related to the man. And any wars were all the wests fault, no need to pay attention to the slaughter there. So you like Comrade Stalin and you want strong leaders like him in your vanguard of the proletariat that will stop gun violence? That is guaranteed and as soon as the proletariat is in charge in those other countries there will be no more war.
“Online trolls, fake news websites and far-right activists published misleading stories and conspiracy stories about the incident.[59][60] They associated the shooter with a range of people and groups the far-right opposes,[59] such as identifying the shooter as a Democrat or a Muslim,[60] or stating that the shooter carried an Antifa flag and told churchgoers, ‘This is a communist revolution.'[61][62] Some reports falsely claimed he targeted the church because they were ‘white conservatives’.[59] The misinformation mirrored similar events in the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting a few weeks earlier where the perpetrator, Stephen Paddock, was falsely linked to leftist and Islamist groups.[59]”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Typical of the rightwing garbage that flows like a river out of a broken sewer pipe after every one of these tragedies. And Puddy laps it up like the fool he is.
BBC says, “Kelley grew up in New Braunfels – about 35 miles (56km) north of Sutherland Springs – in the $1m home of his parents, the New York Times says,” and adds, “Kelley was known to have mental health issues before he joined the military.”
It seems his parents are wealthy, and his mental issues were longstanding, even predating his time in the military. Maybe there’s some affluenza going on here?
@34 WTF are you babbling about now? Are you high on something?
Oh, I see. You think people opposed to arming madmen who kill babies in churches are communists.
@10 And yes in the Washington legislature the party with the majority tells the other party to go color. In both chambers. Sucks to be the party without a majority. They do more than color in Olympia and are always ready in case the majority don’t show up Bet they wish for a question time, but the minority manage. They do manage.
@36 That was for YLB. Waiting for his answer. If he’s a proper Marxist he should get it, and since you like to show those colors from time to time you perfectly understand or are you just a dumb bunny.
@12 Even if that were to happen one of the two named candidates on the ballot would have to be certified the winner. Then if that person were deceased and unable to take whatever is in law would happen. I’m not sure if the second vote getter would become Mayor and if not the 2nd then the 3rd or if it would go to the City Council to pick a winner. Pretty sure if the City Council were to choose they would choose a woman. Rare but I’d say Seattle is guaranteed to have a woman Mayor. Unless RR is going to go out and test my theory by using his gun. Should I contact the Seattle PD RR?
@35 Well you are on her anonymously, maybe you should try being on here with your real name. You do occassionally get the facts wrong, or fail to fully check them., You have some clear biases which at disqualify yourself as a journalist.
Calling you a purveyor of fake news is a little extreme, but you probably are not willing to take even the first step in being more legitimate and transparent. That would mean being on here openly as who you really are. Goes for Puddy to, and YLB, but since you are a former attorney you must know how it looks that you are on here using an alias rather than as yourself.
. Newt maybe Newt, if so cool.
And why I agree with Goldie that there are times an individual may have reason to need or want to say something on here or other places anonymously because of who they work for. Since there is some room to be yourself on her and an ass those times should be rare. And frankly most on here are preaching to the choir.
Nope.. But enough fridays…
“the world” will see one day…
Oh one hopes the salt mining buddy and teh boo-koo bucks legal beagle and the younger one workin for da kult don’t see this.
Of course you think that. Comment 7, the first comment in this thread from yours truly, had nothing to do with you but you believe “the world” revolves around you.
@34 Yawwwn.. Other countries with stricter gun laws, lacking the means to promulgate useless, endless wars and not nearly our level of gun violence are the farthest thing from “Comrade Stalin”… Try as you might.. I have no doubt you will try.
You claim I’m a Marxist. Proper, improper? I claim you’re an idiot.
Not a fool.
A mindful and deliberate purveyor of Russian internet agitprop with the aim of weakening US democracy.
A traitor.
Your claim is upheld.
It is so ordered.
This is delusional. You did not bring up LinkedIn because you quoted the LinkedIn excerpt and misattibuted it to Facebook.
You’re now defending your lack of reading comprehension and a giant mistake on your part declaring it a win for ‘Facts’.
-Piddles, “‘“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.’ is a great opening line to Catch 22.”
-real world “No that’s the opening line to “1984”
-Piddles, “1984 is Orwell and I’m talking about Heller.”
-Real world “But the quote reallt is form Orwell’s 1984. Here, here’s a link. Here’s a first edition copy of ‘1984” I’ll read it to you… ‘It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.’”
-Piddles, “you brought up ‘1984’ by that libtard Orwell. You got that off a left wrong site I never said ‘1984’ You stupid I won!”
Well done. You ARE special.
For those of you thinking I was hard on Senator Fraken, and his questioning of attorneys, Some of this technology goes over the heads of attorneys and Senators:
@43 At least you admit to understanding what I said. S you are not a communist. What are you then? You are not a fucking rabbit I hope. Are you a bleeding heart liberal? That is fine with me. I keep thinking YLB is a coffee brand that comes in one of those five pound cans.
@45 Sorry you are a sheep herder and not a judge. You is just another hill billie, and you been at the white lightning or got a green batch.
@37 There is no majority party in Olympia. We have a divided state government. That’s why we can’t do even simple things like adequately funding our public schools.
@38 I fought communists in Vietnam. What did you do?
@39 I’ll respond to your questions when you say something intelligent enough to deserve an answer. I’m not holding my breath.
@44 Yes Roger Rabbit is a foolish rabbit. Just watch the movie. And the Russian story is mostly bullshit or no different than the 2008 and 2012 elections. Only a few Republican peeps that the Russians stole the election for Obama. Actually there was concerns about Russian activities, and cyber war, only you want to know what nation is probably the worlds best, it’s the United States something we are number one in.
@40 “You have some clear biases which at disqualify yourself as a journalist.”
What I do here isn’t journalism, and I’ve never said it was. I’m now a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
@47 The correct spelling of his name apparently goes over your head. Either that or you’re a lousy typist and don’t proofread your work.
@48 “You are not a fucking rabbit I hope.”
Is there something wrong with being a rabbit? As for fucking rabbits, is there any other kind of rabbit? How do you think I got here? Some kind of miracle?
@49 “or got a green batch”
In which case, it must have been one of yours.
@53 “Roger Rabbit is a foolish rabbit. Just watch the movie.”
It’s time for a history lesson, because you don’t know what you’re talking about. (This is news? You’re the dumbest cluck on this blog. Whereas Piddles is crazy and Doctor Dumbfuck is venal, you’re merely anencephalic.)
I’m not in the movie. I’m not related to that rabbit which, after all, is not a rabbit at all but only an imaginary cartoon character. My HA screen name is not derived from any literary property owned by Disney and does not infringe on any copyrights owned by Disney. If anything, I’m more in sync with THIS literary character:
My HA screen names have always consisted of two randomly chosen English words strung together for their alliterative properties, and this one simply follows that practice. In my first few months on HA, back in 2004, I used many screen names and changed them frequently for the obvious reason that I didn’t want some rightwing prick to firebomb my house or shoot my children. (Don’t laugh; back in the old days, long before you showed up on this now relatively tame blog, Goldy was reported to the police as a child molester and had manure dumped in his driveway.) In other words, knowing what kind of people I was blogging about, I covered my tracks. “Roger Rabbit” turned out to be so popular I decided to keep using it. So popular, in fact, that some trolls even tried to impersonate me. I like it; it has a nice alliterative ring to it. And being a rabbit is way more fun than being a stupid human* like you.
* If you think humans are an intellectually superior species, think about that for a while, then report back. This may take a while as you happen to be an exceptionally stupid one, even for a human.
Mark the Village Idiot seems to have left HA for the night. Maybe his mommy put him to bed and read a story to him, like in the “Revenge of the Roadkill Rabbit” movie.
How soon you al going to add Hilliary Clinton to your list of war mongers.
I don’t care to share that with you. I have no respect for you.
No and I couldn’t care less about what you “hope”.. You on the other hand are a fucking ….
YLB means “YO’s Lib Bro”… Here’s my klownservatic bro YO… I’m the one who got the brains in the family..
@61 Feel sorry for your bro he got screwed in life’s lottery.
@59 Nope just other things to do, but you do seem up past your bed time old man.
@50 Well we could not adequately fund schools before divided government so why should that change?
And it sucks to be a Democrat in the Senate, and a Republican in the House. Maybe the situation has changed for the little session of 2018. Are there dancing Democrats in the streets of Auburn?
@51 Well I had to wait to be old enough to join the all volunteer force. Though the neighbor kid next door blew his brains out over being drafted to North Vietnam or he thought he was going to be drafted.
I also got a nifty thank you letter from the United States government saying tank you for being a cold war warrior. That cold war thing included fighting communists, and all that. A grateful country said thank you to me. Did you get your letter? You should have received one from a grateful nation, if you haven’t please contact your congressman.
@52 So you I should be contacting the Seattle PD department because you feel like you need to make sure the proverbial meteor hit the candidates. Or you felt stupid when you finally realized what you had said before was stupid that the votes would be counted and one of the two female candidates would be announced the winner, and only after that person was officially declared the winner would the issue of whether they are actually breathing and able to take up the oath of office once the count is certified. Now are you really so upset that you feel you need to make my 100% correct statement that Seattle would have a female mayor false, and there is only one for you to do that. So do I need to contact the Seattle PD?
Then again you can always hope that I conclude rabbits have no digits and cannot shoot a firearm even if they own one. And if they manage are probably of more of a danger to themselves than others.
Man am I going to feel bad if one or both candidates are shot to death in the next day or so.
@54 It’s ok if you are a Democratic hack and propagandist, but according to your parties ethics rules you should be such under your own name. The folks here may be interested in such inappropriate behavior.
All those political adds and all requiring transparency. That means if nothing else political operatives operating on behalf of the Democratic party have to say who they are when asked. I’m asking.
Want to answer my question or put your BS here to the test Mr I’m a Democratic propagandist.
@67 Oh e mail sent to the Washington elections commission to make a complaint.
@58 Frankly it’s Disney’s responsibility to protect their copyrights and all that, and they do that pretty aggressively. I suppose that would be up to their attorneys to decide if they want to go after someone from using a popular characters name. They have gone after folks for less.
I suppose Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck could just be coincidence should you adopt one of those names other than your own, or you know you are perhaps stealing their property and have big balls.
Mark @ above- I assume you are making the same complaint against those on this site spouting R propaganda?
You did not bring up LinkedIn because you quoted the LinkedIn excerpt and misattibuted it to Facebook.
NOPE you DIPSHITIUM dope! The Puddy bookface post was from other links offered. You take one issue and conflate it TRYING to make an insipid point. It is well known LinkedIn info can be embellished like your comments above. Hence Puddy went back to the Friday Night Comix so everyone could see just what you posted. Puddy didn’t bring in LinkedIn, you did flat beer frothy!
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time! – A line the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset can’t steal!
THE “deranged” gunman who killed 26 churchgoers in Texas was militant atheist who ranted on Facebook about “stupid” religious people.
Devin Kelley, 26, who carried out the worst mass shooting in Texas’ history, ranted on Facebook about churchgoers being ‘stupid’
Sounds like 99% of the HA DUMMOCRETINS here flat beer frothy! Maybe his words copied direct from HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Till Next Time!
@ The Lunatic @ 72:
You’re lying again. That really is the only reason you come in here. Without your constant lying, you have nothing to say. You get your “information” from a well-established liar who has spent years calling the Sandy Hook school massacre a hoax, and openly incited his listeners to attack the parents of those dead children. The same person who has the current “President” on speed dial to make sure he can get the proper angle on whatever spin he’s going to put on a subject.
Alex Jones is a professional liar. That is his purpose in life. To slander, obfuscate and twist the narrative into something that can make him money. The totality of the theme of his show is about gaslighting the public and deceiving them. You greedily suck it all down without even questioning the flavor because it fits in with your twisted view of the world.
You’re as crazy as he is. Probably crazier, because you actually believe his words, whereas I doubt he does. He lies, deliberately, just to make people like you roll their eyes around in their heads and foam at the mouth.
Devin Patrick Kelley was a white-skinned Millionaire’s kid, who was raised as a Christian, was thrown out of the Air Force for being a psychotic wife and baby beating lunatic, and I’ll be willing to bet that he very likely listened to Jones on a regular basis. He is a man who almost killed his infant stepson in a fit of rage over the baby’s crying. He shot up a Church full of people because his former mother-in-law was a parishioner there and he fully expected her to be in attendance when he made his attack.
Christians. Always willing to shift blame, deny and denounce one of their own when someone from their faith commits an act that the rest of the world labels a crime.
Personal responsibility, indeed.
Mental defect. No, your bookface post was you quoting what a random Tweeter claimed to have found on “LinkedIn”. You didn’t read it right and are still saying it came from Facebook. You quoted it, said it was from Facebook and it never was and never claimed to be from Facebook in the original. Yet even this most obvious lie you won’t cop to. (Hmm, humility, lying, ego….There’s a book I have a copy of somewhere…)
And it has been now proven false. You do know that The Sun is the UK equivalent of Weekly World News? “Hey look, a tabloid strung together a story on the fake FB and LinkedIn “facts” put up in the early part of the investigation by random internet users that I’ve been quoting all along that real journalists have largely debunked (Animal Rights, Antifa Flag, Atheist) but it’s here, in the tabloid. FACTS!”
@62 Could’ve been worse. He isn’t you.
@63 “old man”
Is there a man around here? All I see is a boy and a rabbit.
@65 I see. You were a kid when I was fighting communists in Vietnam, and now that you’re all “grown up,” you’re calling me a communist.
I repeat my question. What have you done to fight communism, besides blowing third grade farts out of an orifice that wasn’t designed for that purpose?
Btw, when you were old enough to join the all volunteer force, did you join it?
@66 If you’re gonna call me a communist, you might as well call me stupid, too.
Obviously you’re unfamiliar with the First Law of Holes. If you don’t know what it says, go look it up.
@67 All I see on that page is contact information. Where’s the ethics advice? And don’t say “click on such-and-so a link,” because I’m not your research assistant, so I’m not going to do your work for you.
“political operatives operating on behalf of the Democratic party have to say who they are when asked”
Does this also apply to Republican hacks and propagandists? E.g., these guys …
@68 Did you use the Horse’s Ass Standard Complaint Form? To wit:
“Write your complaint here [ ] and send it here _.”
@69 My HA screen name isn’t Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, nor does it derive from any other Disney character. Go ahead and complain to Disney if you like. They can’t copyright the English language, nor does the law give them exclusive rights to common names and words.
I’m sure their lawyers will tell you that you don’t know a damn thing about copyright or trademark law. For there to be a copyright violation, I’d have to do more than adopt a similar-sounding name derived from uncopyrightable words, i.e. a widely used first name and a common noun. My HA character has adopted none of the attributes of their character. HA’s Roger Rabbit is brown, not white. He doesn’t wear pants or have a red nose. He doesn’t have a girlfriend named Jessica. And the storyline is completely different. Disney’s character isn’t a Democratic party hack or liberal propagandist, and Disney’s storyline doesn’t have any idiots like you in it. Their scriptwriters know better than to create a character like you. Such characters have no popular appeal whatsoever.
But go ahead, complain to Disney, and see what happens.
@72 “THE ‘deranged’ gunman who killed 26 churchgoers in Texas was militant atheist who ranted on Facebook about ‘stupid’ religious people.”
Sounds more like he was unsure what he believed, and was confused about religion in the same way you’re confused about politics.
“Whether Kelley had any religious affiliation is unclear. The First Baptist Church of Kingsville, two hours south of Sutherland Springs, issued a statement saying that while Kelley was not a member of the church, he volunteered one night during the congregation’s 2014 Vacation Bible School.”
One thing is clear though: He was a big fan of guns. He had that in common with virtually all Republicans. And because of that, it’s very unlikely he voted for Democrats. He’s one of yours.
One can see the mental defects of the vomit producing dead toad and dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 AKA flat beer frothy. Flat beer frothy FIRST put forth the LinkedIn link.
The LinkedIn post is FAKE NEWS!
That’s all anyone needs to know. Chronological order!
Then Puddy answered flat beer frothy!
Till Next Time!
Devin Patrick Kelley was a white-skinned Millionaire’s kid
Where’s the LEEEEEENK vomit producing dead toad? Puddy noticed you used some way out there left wrong site…
You mean the parents house the NY Times said was worth $800,000? Heck, if you live in Seattle with 1200 SQFT your house worth close to $550,000.
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
DUMMOCRETINS filibustered this legislation and people died!
Till Next Time
The “next time” the freak puts HA HEROES FIRST!
Rolling Stone? DUMMOCRETINS suck? Why yes they do!
— Actually, what Brazile found were things we mostly already knew. The worst had originally been reported on by Ken Vogel and Isaac Arnsdorf (then of Politico). The story among other things described how the national Clinton campaign used funds that by rule should have redounded to state Democratic Party offices.
Politico described this situation back then as “essentially… money laundering.” —
Till Next Time!
Once again the clueless crazed databaze cretin always putting Puddy first! The crazed databaze was created to attack Puddy years ago. EPIC FAYLES every day!
Thanks for your support!
Till Next Time!
LMAO!!! The babbling butthole is so sceeered of posting this trash in recent threads where it’s stupid politics are getting its ASS KICKED!
“what Brazile found” was supposed to help Republicans..
The “next time” the freak puts HA HEROES FIRST!
DUMMOCRETINS are owned by Goldman Sachs. Now Sachs own New Jersey too!
Till Next Time!
Both Bannon and Cohn are ex “Goldman Sucks”… Who else? Oh yeah, Mnuchin, Dina Powell, James Donovan..
Sux to be you!
The “next time” the freak puts HA HEROES FIRST!
— It didn’t take long for white liberals to start attacking Donna Brazile. —
— The Democratic front-runner handed over about $20 million to help get the DNC out of debt. In return, she got control of the inner workings of the organization, which is supposed to be neutral in the primaries. This included decisions about when to schedule debates, who should fill key posts and how messages should be shaped. —
See how fast DUMMOCRETINS turn on a black woman when she tells the truth!
Till Next Time!
Still Putting Puddy Prime in its mind every time @91!
Thanks again monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
Till Next Time!
LOL! Is the babbling butthole defending a black liberal female?
Yours truly thought it only defends white klownservatic ladies like “I’m not a witch” Christine O’Donnell or “make lemonade” Sharron Angle”…
Wow! Who knew?
Btw, Brazile’s words was a total FAYLE in VA for Republicans!
The “next time” the freak puts HA HEROES FIRST!
Still Putting Puddy Prime in its mind every time @94! Can you say PWNAGE?
P W N A G E ! I
Thanks again monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
Till Next Time!
LOL! You got your ass kicked freak! Keep hiding like a sceeered little FOOL!
The “next time” the freak puts HA HEROES FIRST!
LOL! The babbling butthole troll calls the FACT that the fool PUTS HEROES FIRST..
The fools calls this FACT, SPAM…
Too funny!!! Turn me into Darryl and Goldy you damn fool. They’ll laugh your bullshitting buttholery and pathologically lying ASS with all of its always wrongist bullshit spam links off the innertubes!
The “next time” the freak puts HA HEROES FIRST!