– A geyser of money worthy of Old Faithful
– No, William Shatner, you may not have our water. (h/t)
– Kirkland is an interesting, if dispiriting, case study in trying to get residential parking requirements right.
– I liked learning a bit about some of the long-shot candidates to fill in Clark’s seat.
– I would go to the museum of nice players.
Juicebox Jesus is back in pro football…
…for ‘five minutes’ anyway.
Chickenshit bastards.
@2 Not to worry, they’ll rehire everyone, except those who signed union cards. Could be a business opportunity here for Joe Not A Plumber, too, working at Stores With No Plumbing Permits. I feel confident that whatever the plumbing problems exist there are within his competence.
The latest meaningless polls show Jeb leading the GOP Goat Circus with Walker. Paul, Rubio, Huckabee, and Cruz tightly grouped in communal second place, and Christie neck-and-neck with Ben Carson in the caboose position.
Meanwhile, in Tulsa, the sheriff can’t figure out what to do about a deputy who told a dying suspect, “F*** your breath.” Jeez, a grade schooler could figure out that one.
Some people don’t believe in free speech.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is a former Playboy model who claims to be a veteran physically wrenching an American flag away from two female protesters because she;s unhappy that they stomped on it (a legal form of protest in the U.S.).
Notice that she refuses to obey the police. Notice that she resists arrest. Notice that when the cops try to handcuff her, she sticks her hands in her crotch. Notice her upper back is covered with tatoos. Notice her being shoved into a police car — that’s what happens when you fight the police. Notice the black cops didn’t shoot her, like white cops would have done if she’d been a black male.
The story says she’s 38 years old, has 2 kids, was kicked out of the Air Force for posing in Playboy, and her husband is in the Air Force and currently deployed to Korea.
I’m a veteran myself, and I get that to many people the flag is a symbol of our veterans’ service and sacrifice, and I would never desecrate our flag as a form of protest (or for any other reason), although I can’t stop other people from doing it because of a thing called the First Amendment (and the Supreme Court decisions upholding their right to protest in this manner).
Now … I wonder if the Defenders Of The Flag get that the Confederate flag is also a symbol of something, and those who display it are honoring something that many Americans find extremely offensive? But we acknowledge and accept their right to display it — that First Amendment thing again. We just don’t want state governments flying it from their capitol buildings, like some Republicans want to do, that’s all. Because of that symbolism thing again.
The conservative callers on talk radio were destroying rubio for saying he didn’t support marriage equality but he did think people were born gay.
Why do so many people keep trying to get into the White House? It’s not all that good a place to work or live.
@8 I think it was a major gaffe. http://handbill.us/?p=50169
@10 (continued) It also makes Rubio a lawyer endorsing unequal rights. That would earn a failing grade in any law school including the one he went to.
Yes, Rubio has made the fatal mistake of speaking the truth. That’s not allowed by Repugnants. Watch him try to walk it back.
Meanwhile in real news…
PuddyCommentary… DAYUM strange this one… If you been paying attention Kerry’s State Dept defended itself by saying that they’d been warning about security in Yemen for twenty years. Yet Obummer claimed even three weeks ago “Yemen is a great place because I made it so!” http://www.vox.com/2015/3/30/8.....emen-model It’s such a great place that he made it so why is Iran making Yemen another proxy?
But think about libtards… doesn’t this sound a leetle tiny bit familiar? Yemen’s crash and burn fall was completely predictable per the State Department, even while the Obummer and his press mouthpiece kept claiming their feckless foreign policy was a success. When the Yemeni downfall came, why didn’t Obummer have military assets in place to protect Americans trapped in this hellhole. Oh wait… we don’t want to provoke a Muslim country so let our Americans die!
Here’s a PuddyThought… Think Libya and Benghazi! Substitute Libya for Yemen and Benghazi for Sana’a, and Obummer is in another three year looooooonacy cycle of wax on – wax off.
Meanwhile in real news…
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MS.....llIran.pdf And Obummer still touts the Iran deal when even the libtards at NBC can’t provide cover!
Meanwhile in real news…
So senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, are these three members of the NRA? You and your dumbASSed commentary!
Meanwhile in the state just south of us… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2160114 How much you wanna bet this is a libtard loving progressive!. Gotta love the do!
Oh great!
Shithouse Jesus aka the shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad is back with his christianist-ly twisted take on reality.
I was sososososo wating for this!!!!
SCUM! These two actually perform those acts fantasized by the vomit producer in the Friday Night Comix thread of 4/17/2015!
Puddy wondering if these are children of illegals…
Does rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears perform anything useful besides ad hominem attacks on the opposition?
NOPE! Why? Because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is a DOPE!
Nuff said sucka!
“His mind is christianist-ly twisted
He’s got the Mercedes Benz
He’s got a lot of pretty, pretty goats
That he calls “friends.”
Meanwhile in silly news… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2167063
Puddy wondering if these two are libtards? Prolly are! Well they are out of Chicago!
Oh sucka sucka yer own d*ck (since nobody will do it for you).
Is this a relative of rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2167593
What say you worser? teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
Meanwhile in real news… http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04.....&_r=0 Remember telling the truth
is especially harsh when you are a DUMMOCRETIN!
They slammed her as secretive for using a personal email account – well it is against Obummer’s own rules… And rules she upheld on others.
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin repeatedly laced – Hmmm…? Laced… Interesting progressive discussion!
was the sort of red meat – Yes because the NY Slimes progressives are will always looking for that red meat on conservative Republicans!
Ahhh yes, Puddy found this… http://www.politico.com/story/.....12996.html
Notice last week Scary Land Deal Reid was making some noise on this same nomination he failed to push last year? Politics…
@21 they are probably “heterosexuals”, that’s their problem.
@23 I don’t know? Was he black?
@23 what did she run out for? Did she try to save her son? Was he even in the bed?
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! The mantra for stupid conservatives when the run out of insults based on Mrs. Clinton’s appearance.
A memorial tree for Michael Brown planted by a black group in a Ferguson park Saturday afternoon lasted less than a day. In the dark of night, some slinking coward cut it down and stole the marker.
@25 “Politics…” as practiced by Democrats isn’t nearly dirty enough. We’re way too nice. We need to get down and dirty, and treat Republicans like they treat us.
David Koch has made known his choice of a 2016 GOP candidate — radical rightwinger and union-buster Scott Walker, which should be no surprise.
That union buster Walker won three elections in four years. Smacked union ASS all over the state! Even when bussed in union thugs
Hmmm… too funny that public safety unions in WI still don’t have a “right to work”.. Way over the babbling jackass’ pin head..
Michele Bachmann: The Rapture Is Coming And It’s Obama’s Fault http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....04136.html
Puffy are you getting ready?
Now what a nice “bible” thing to do – right Puffy.
High School Under Fire After Group Of Students Organize ‘Anti-Gay Day’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....01046.html
@33 That’s something to applaud? I guess it is if you hate the workers who create this nation’s wealth. Or want to suck rich guys’ dicks in hopes they’ll give you a job.
Chris Stefan,
Yeah all those erased (deeeeeeeeeestroyed) emails! Those were her own words. BTW Chris, Clinton is now on her CEO kick… Butt Clinton created a living trust so Chelsea doesn’t pay those high estate taxes. So Clinton wants all the plebes to pay while she skates!
That’s something to applaud?
Yes senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Chris Christie and Scott Walker stand up to union thugs and win!
I guess it is if you hate the workers who create this nation’s wealth. – Didn’t Elizabeth Warren claim … You didn’t create that. Puddy guesses you are wrong again…senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It really sux to be so wrong for so long senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Or want to suck rich guys’ dicks in hopes they’ll give you a job. – Why is it rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears and senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit discuss cock sucking. Maybe they are down low characters from jump street!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Cock suckas on da loose!
Clinton gets $300,000 for an hour speech. How much does a CEO make per hour? So… what she screaming about?
Since 2000 how much have the Clinton’s made since then? >$130,000,000! And she rails on CEO’s? How many people does she employ? How many jobs did she create?
Wait… she didn’t create that! Elizabeth NeoCherokee Warren!
The pollution of school children continues. If you disagree you are a bigot, homohater, other bogus names from FASCIST progressives. http://www.afa.net/action-aler.....-april-17/
Yet, if a child wants to pray BOOM
@ The SchizoPoodle:
You can still starve to death while sitting on a pile of money. All the wealthy have done for themselves, is earn the right to be the last to starve when things go to shit.
Work creates wealth, not the other way around. The wealthy do not work, they lie around on their yachts and in their 100,000 square foot houses watching other people do work, and complaining about how those workers aren’t working hard enough to suit them.
You aren’t capital, Spittles, you are labor. If you make 5% of the money you earn on other people’s behalf, I would be very surprised.
Not only are they bigots, but they aren’t that fiscally responsible.
Blow it out your asses you conservative fuckwads.
Puffy – is this one of your friends? Heterosexual? Member of the American Family Association by virtue of procreation?
6 dead and 15 years of prison – not bad.
A fine example of doing good. I thought they always consulted with their Bible first?
This is the bigotry and intimidation the Puffy so loves… Just remember, that Puffy and Bood were complaing about HA’s haters. How precious of them fuckwads.
A Very Nice Description of Queen Hillary vomit producer. You nailed her perfectly! All those $$$big bucks she earned from 1 hour speeches.
Oh you mean this http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....082698.htm – Yeah you forgot that didn’t you vomit producer… 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady! Yeah Walter Cronkite… big time libtard on his boat…
Or how about Bill using known pedoman Jeffrey Epstein’s plane? Since you libtard FASCISTS love using Raw Story… Here is the Raw Story! http://www.rawstory.com/2015/0.....rity-tour/ Another of those “how those workers aren’t working hard enough to suit them.” Naaaah just young and naked eh vomit producer?
Where has Puddy claimed otherwise vomit producer? Puddy makes the best of the opportunities God has provided Puddy. Puddy doesn’t complain woe is Puddy! Mrs Puddy and Puddy came from poor environments. The object of life is to provide better opportunities for your children. Maybe one day they can be capital as you say it vomit producer.
Wow teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla… Did Christie do anything wrong? After all the investigations and trumped up libtard progressive NJ DUMMOCRETINS attempts at going after Christie, what is your problem?
Strange… Puddy doesn’t see anything on the DUmmies web site about Hillary and private plane use. Now why is that? And you have nuthin to say about Hillary on this right? http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/hil.....te-jet-tab
Or this?
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....-in-senate While she may have done nuthin wrong it’s the overall view of Hillary railing on the rich while acting and doing rich things!
@ 47
That’s pretty funny, coming from a black man who would happily pick Cotton for the next President.
It also describes:
Mitt Rmoney
George W Bush
George HW Bush
John McCaine
Mitch McConnell
Paul Ryan
Scott Walker
Carly Firoina
Rick Scott
Rick Perry
Marco Rubio
Pradesh Jindal
John Ellis Bush
Mike Huckabee
Chris Cristie
Rand Paul
Lindsey Graham
John D Rockefeller
Greg Abbot
Not one single GOP candidate since Ronald Reagan has ever performed any act of labor anywhere in their entire career. They were all from super-wealthy families and had their careers subsidized by patronage jobs for their entire lives. Not a single one can claim to have been required to feed themselves by digging ditches, flipping burgers, or spending any time at all under a welding hood.
At least Hillary Clinton can. At least, she actually performs some work in return for the money she makes. As did Bill Clinton, and our current President, Barack Obama. Barack Obama could easily win a third term if he was allowed to run.
3.2 Million more people voted for Democratic Candidates for Congress, than voted for Republicans in the last election.
@47 “Puddy makes the best of the opportunities God has provided Puddy. ”
Ain’t that the truth. Brains, unfortunately, are unequal. And in your case it shows. (And he calls ME an “idiot” …)
@49 “3.2 Million more people voted for Democratic Candidates for Congress, than voted for Republicans in the last election.”
Not to be overlooked is that the current crop of 44 Democratic Senators received over 20 million more votes than the current crop of 54 republican senators.
@41. “Yet, if a child wants to pray BOOM”
Ok, so you are upset that public schools won’t let kids pray in school and show their faith. How far does that go? If a child wants to roll down his prayer mat several times in class during the school day and pray to mecca, you are fine with that? Do the jews, buddhists, hindus, children of god or scientologists get to lead prayers?
Are you demanding tolerance of all prayer in school or just your own? Please elaborate.
252 Actually, Puddy is wrong that children aren’t allowed to pray in school. In fact, kids frequently pray in school (“Lord, please help me pass this test!”). The First Amendment doesn’t forbid any citizen from praying anywhere at any time it wishes. It only forbids state-supported religion. This means teachers can’t lead students in prayer or direct them to a particular religion, but it DOESN’T mean — as Puddy contends — that kids can’t pray in classrooms. Of course, they can’t do it in a way that disrupts the class, but that’s true of all student behavior and isn’t a discrimination against religion. But Puddy misconstrues the First Amendment and court rulings on prayer in schools when he asserts students can’t pray in public schools. That simply isn’t true. But then, how much of what Puddy spews is?
“from FASCIST progressives”
The attempt by fascists like Puddy to disown their fascism is getting to be really fucking tiresome. If Puddy wants to see what radical authoritarian nationalism looks like, he need only look in the fucking mirror.
As all can see Roger the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is wrong as ever! http://www.inquisitr.com/11974.....o-lawsuit/
Of course the FASCIST teachers are telling the truth and the little girl is lying and the little girl has a faulty memory!
Why do you libtards continue to eat up the pellets left by the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? When you live on left wrong sites you get burned!
But Puddy misconstrues the First Amendment and court rulings on prayer in schools when he asserts students can’t pray in public schools. That simply isn’t true.
Another routine falsehood from whom? The senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit of course!