Ben Carson’s insistence that the Egyptian pyramids were made “for grain storage” despite the facts should be a wake up call for our view of political “leaders”. Can nations afford leaders that willfully ignore facts? Republicans, and even some Democrats, routinely ignore facts when setting policy. This can only lead to failure no matter how some would wish otherwise. And the truth is, when the system is corrupt, there are those that know it will lead to failure but they will benefit enormously in the interim, so they do not care. This is the cynicism that permeates Republican ideology. And it corrodes our democracy in a million different ways.
There’s going to be a big’ole conservative freak-out today, eh?
Oh Shit. Dr. Ben lied about West Point. Sorry Piddles. He’s done.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Once again checkmate runs with something without checking it all out. Sad implication attempt! He never said he went to West Point. The libtards are in exaggeration mode again. “He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”
Nothing in the article is damning to Carson checkmate! There was a Detroit event February where Westmoreland was there and probably met Carson. Ben Carson lied? Or is the way the article is written set up to have you believe it? Politico is after Ben Carson and there is a clear double standard by libtards at Politico!
Remember the cost of health care premiums not rising
Remember the lies of Benghazi movies
Remember the lies of keep your doctors
How about that sniper attack when Heilary and Chelsea were landing?
Did the media attack Obummer on his white girlfriend lie?
Did the media attack Obummer on his mother’s death lie?
Did the media attack Obummer on other lies in his book?
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Puffy now don’t get all upset because some of the dead were children.
Wow, and I thought the big’ole conservative Freakout would be about Keystone XL.
No one said he attended. He said he was offered a scholarship by Gen. Westmoreland.
Gen. Westmoreland appears to have attended a very large banquet in Detroit on NOT the day Carson said he met him. If you’ve been to a very large banquet the odds of anyone spending enough time with the KeyNote speaker to make a huge impression is slim to none.
Carson has said he dined with Westmoreland. Yeah in a roomful of 200-300 people. In that sense I have personally dined with Jay Buehner, President Clinton, President Bush I, Dennis Kucinich, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Saquile O’Neil Rupert Murdoch, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates Sr., Joe Montana, Cindy Crawford, Elton John, Scotty Pippin, Denis Miller, Eric Idle, Rob Zombie, Jerry Garcia, Mel Brooks and on and on all of whom have been in the same room with me at some point while I had food. Some were work related and some just happened to be in a restaurant at the same time by random chance.
A scholarship to West Point did not and does not exist so hard to imagine Gen. Westmoreland would have offered a young Ben Carson something that cannot be granted.
Now Ben has admitted it was a lie that he was offered a scholarship and calls it the “Only lie I’ve ever told in my life.” But then he had no relationship with Mannatech except that signed contract. So he lied about only lying once too.
When you’re in a hole, stop digging.
Kablamo. Too Damn Funny.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
There is a concerted coordinated effort by the Heilary Clinton super pac to try and damage Dr Ben. The libtards in the DUMMOCRETIN led media are in full court press mode. Butt Dr Ben will stay above the cesspool of DUMMOCRETIN led politics!
Better get a new gym. That spin class you’re attending might be a little advanced for your level.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
“Only lie I’ve ever told in my life.”
Where is this statement crackerjack box dr checkmate?– raw story?
A scholarship to West Point did not and does not exist so hard to imagine Gen. Westmoreland would have offered a young Ben Carson something that cannot be granted.
To a 17 year old kid Carson could have thought of that as a scholarship. Back then they were trying hard to get minorities into the military academies. Keep digging crackerjack box dr checkmate!
“Report: Carson lied about West Point acceptance”
LMFAO! Carson and the batshit crazy loon – both are insane and both lie their asses off. Heh. They must have got it from their insane, lying prophet, Ellen White.
“Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday acknowledged he never applied nor was accepted to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – a tale he included in his autobiography and that he has repeated since then, POLITICO reported on Friday.
Carson’s campaign said the account of receiving a scholarship offer from the prestigious military school was a fabrication.”
It’s over. Carson is finished. He’s been outed as being just a another goddamned wingnut liar.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The closer you look at the embezzler cop who staged his suicide, the worse a person he is.
“An Illinois police officer who staged his suicide to make it look like he was murdered had a troubled job history, ranging from numerous suspensions to sexual harassment allegations to complaints that he intimidated an emergency dispatcher with guns, according to his personnel records. Despite a reputation as a respected youth mentor, Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz also had problems off the job …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What this story really is about is America’s police agencies do a sloppy job of screening applicants and police trainers do an equally poor job of weeding out unqualified candidates, resulting in people who shouldn’t be cops being put on our streets with badges and guns, and then being poorly supervised and not disciplined at all. America has a policing crisis and needs major reforms in how police are recruited, trained, supervised, and disciplined.
Oh Lordy, how it must suck to be a batshit crazy loon!
Leenks, I need Leeenks!
A Link, A Link, my candidacy for a link.
These are the times that try men’s souls.
Dr. Ben is a truth-teller. Piddles says so.
So Piddles is left wallowing in what a 17-year old may have thought in the less than a minute he probably talked to a General if he even spoke to him at all.
But damn, he’s admitted it was fabricated. So some part of him has known for, when did that book come out, six years that he put something in print he knew wasn’t true.
It’s all Hillary’s lies.
“Back then they were trying hard to get minorities into the military academies.”
But not Carson. They didn’t want him. No offer.
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 12, 13
Yup, looks like he did, and the part about him saying Obama was never vetted like he was is irrelevant, a pussy thing to suggest, and probably also incorrect.
Now, please compare and contrast between Carson’s falsehood and Hillary’s claim that the plane she was in was taking sniper fire when she landed in Bosnia in 1996:
“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”
Why might Carson’s lie be more relevant than hers, Steve?
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
crackerjack box dr checkmate claimed this was from Dr Ben… “Only lie I’ve ever told in my life.”
So now we see crackerjack box dr checkmate lied about this…
Typical non attack from crackerjack box dr checkmate
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “He never said he went to West Point.”
And we never said he claimed he did, you lying freak.
“Nothing in the article is damning to Carson checkmate!”
Wanna bet?
“He had claimed that after meeting General William Westmoreland, he was offered a ‘full scholarship’ to West Point, but on November 6, 2015, he admitted to that this was fabricated.”
There’s a wide choice of sources here; I’m quoting Wikipedia for convenience. For example, CBS News has a story about it this morning; and yesterday, CNN raised questions about whether Carson’s tales about his violent adolescence and subsequent redemption were also fabricated.
At least two things are now indisputably clear: (1) Carson, in addition to being a science denier, fabricated portions of his personal biography; and (2) Puddy could care less and will defend this liar no matter what.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Carson’s campaign said the account of receiving a scholarship offer from the prestigious military school was a fabrication.”
When presented with these facts, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.
Really? that’s what the campaign said? Or is this an attempt to take Carson out?
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
And we never said he claimed he did, you lying freak.
But the Politico did you senile moron!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
The direct words from the campaign manager Roger senile…
Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit,” campaign manager Barry Bennett wrote in an email to POLITICO. “In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer.”
“He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors,” Bennett added. “They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”
Keep accepting the libtard Heilary super pac making stuff up!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Let’s hope so, but I’m not so sure. Remember, you’re talking about a political party and voting demographic for whom professing belief in Jay-zuz trumps science, truth, personal integrity, and everything else.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Doug Thornell @dthornell Nov 4
20 years ago today Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated for seeking peace. The world needs more leaders like him.
OK, who do we want to ice first?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “by white DUMMOCRETIN libtards…”
That’s actually an opinion column written by a black guy. Maybe you should LOOK at what you’re linking to before popping off about it? I’m not asking you to read it, only look at it …
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Why might Carson’s lie be more relevant than hers, Steve?
First one has to assume Dr Carson lied Travis. We know Heilary has been caught in multiple lies yet her super pac is on the Carson attack!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Wow, how many of those luminaries offered you a four-year full scholarship to a prestigious institution?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, merely getting accepted at West Point IS a scholarship, because the government pays the costs of attending there, in return for which cadets commit to a few years of military service after graduating. So, there’s really no such things as a West Point scholarship per se, because it’s an all-expenses-paid school to begin with, for everyone who’s accepted.
Distant Replayspews:
“To a 17 year old kid Carson could have thought of that as a scholarship.”
Let’s say we give you that. Now explain to us how a 65 year old retired neurosurgeon “thought of that as a scholarship”? At 17 I thought and even said a whole bunch of things that weren’t then, and aren’t now true. Age, education, experience, and the humbling progress of real life produced modifications. But you insist that Carson is entitled to claim innocence for clinging to his youthful misconceptions, even in the face of his lofty education and vast life experience? He ought to know by now that there’s no such thing as a full scholarship to West Point. He ought to know by now that the application process for admission to the academies requires an appointment from Congress, not a recommendation from a retired General.
He did this to himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
From the official website:
“You must obtain a nomination in order to compete for admission to West Point, and you should apply for all nominations for which you are eligible during the spring of your junior year. At a minimum, candidates are eligible for a congressional nomination from their representative in Congress, their two U.S. senators, and the vice president of the United States.”
For serving soldiers (active duty, reserves, and national guard), a recommendation from their commanding officer constitutes the required nomination, although these applicants are encouraged to also seek a nomination from their congressional representative.
In short, General Westmoreland didn’t have authority to nominate someone who wasn’t a serving soldier under his direct command. In any case, a Carson campaign spokesperson acknowledged that Carson fabricated his story of being offered a “West Point scholarship” and conceded that Carson never applied to West Point, as reported this morning by CBS News.
The most you can say is that he possibly thought about it, and then inflated that into being “offered a scholarship” (here, Carson apparently can’t keep straight “scholarship” and “nomination”) by America’s top general. The purpose of this tall tale being, of course, to impress gullible fools like Puddy that he’s a wonderfully talented guy.
I have to admit that Carson is talented. As a novelist.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Let’s say we give you that. Now explain to us how a 65 year old retired neurosurgeon “thought of that as a scholarship”?
Where has Dr Ben said this Lib the racist unscientist?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
1 Corinthians 13:11
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
In other news, since the libtards are screaming about Bickle’s ISIS pronouncements on the Russian airline bombing… Why is Russia stopping flights?
Why is Obummer’s sadministration looking at new security procedures? Seem Obummer’s JV has gone expeditionary due to Obummer foreign policy fecklessness!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
NBC was disappointed by the RNC’s decision to end NBC’s involvement in upcoming GOP presidential candidate debates.
Dan Merica ✔ @danmericaCNN
Clinton has arrived at her first fundraiser of the day. NBCUniversal executive Joe Waz, and his wife Cynthia Telles, are hosting the event.
“Why might Carson’s lie be more relevant than hers, Steve?”
The one is old news, the other is today’s news.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
@32 “Where has Dr Ben said this Lib the racist unscientist?”
In his book.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
The loon is exploding and spewing brain tissue all over the place this morning. What a goddamn mess.
“NBC was disappointed by the RNC’s decision to end NBC’s involvement in upcoming GOP presidential candidate debates.”
Of course they were. They could have had their former billionaire reality TV star back on the toob with bigger ratings than ever and they wouldn’t have had to pay him a single dime.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
No he did not! Have you read his book Roger senile? Puddy has the book here in the PuddyLibrary!
“In other news…”
So pathetic. There’s only one news item today, and that’s about the man leading the GOP polls being outed as a chronic liar.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Ignorant impressionable DUMMOCRETIN readers run with lies. Lies don’t matter to DUMMOCRETINS to their candidates butt hell freezes over when it’s a Republican!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Schumer, the next Senate Democratic leader, painstakingly hashed out the immigration deal with Rubio and has previously avoided lashing out at the Florida Republican publicly. But as the presidential race heats up, Schumer is unloading the new line of criticism, saying Rubio was the main architect of the provision to provide a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, something bound to give ammunition to his primary foes who call the measure “amnesty.”
Schumer, the next Senate Democratic leader, painstakingly hashed out the immigration deal with Rubio and has previously avoided lashing out at the Florida Republican publicly. But as the presidential race heats up, Schumer is unloading the new line of criticism, saying Rubio was the main architect of the provision to provide a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, something bound to give ammunition to his primary foes who call the measure “amnesty.”
So now it’s ‘criticism’ to acknowledge the efforts of a Republican to create a path to citizenship.
Yeah, there’s much to criticize when a bilingual child of immigrants works across the aisle to create a path to citizenship for many.
No doubt if Rubio’s the nominee Schumer will be walking this back quite a bit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Real busy news day today. TransCanada’s clumsy attempt to circumvent Obama apparently backfired on them big time. It seems to have prompted Obama to pull the trigger. Now they’ve got nothing.
I find it interesting that Obama, after brushing aside the job claims of proponents and environmental claims of opponents, explained that his reasons are political tactics: Approving the project would weaken America’s leadership role in combating climate change.
The Canadians, of course, have other options for getting their tar sands oil to export markets, so by refusing to let them build Keystone XL, Obama isn’t keeping that oil off the market or preventing it from being used. His statement implicitly recognizes this.
Instead, it’s all about what message America wants to send to the world about climate change. Until now, despite having a Democratic president, the U.S. has been a laggard behind most other countries. Even China is getting into the act. It’s about time we did, too, notwithstanding the Republican obstructionists in Congress whose heads are still stuck in the 14th century.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Dr Carson has told the world the Politico story is an outright lie.
So this is what we expect from Politico and other DUMMOCRETIN Heilary super pac locations!
Distant Replayspews:
On pages 57 and 65 of the editions of his book Gifted Hands written in 1996 that I searched.
Page 57:
“Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point”.
Page 65:
“I remembered the scholarship offer from West Point”.
“The loon is exploding and spewing brain tissue all over the place this morning. What a goddamn mess.”
As the loon has no brain, I don’t believe that’s it his brain all over the walls, ceiling and floor of this blog. Knowing the loon, far more likely it’s just goat shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, today’s blowout October jobs report increases the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will begin raising interest rates in December, and the stock market is taking it in stride, with all the major indexes nearly flat at the end of a lackluster week of desultory trading in which stocks mostly trended slightly lower.
Distant Replayspews:
Here are the search results from the 2008 edition.
“Dr Carson has told the world the Politico story is an outright lie.”
Page 57:
“Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point”.
Page 65:
“I remembered the scholarship offer from West Point”.
Lies about lying and goat shit everywhere. What a fucking mess!
Distant Replayspews:
I presume we can now move on from this question.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Still no announcement from Putin that he’s going to kick ISIS’s ass for blowing up an airliner full of Russian kids. Unlike Puddy, the leader of what’s left of the Axis of Evil is waiting for investigators to determine what happened. He apparently doesn’t consider U.S. intelligence agencies very reliable. Can’t say I blame him.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Lib the racist unscientist…
Those book entries are not under dispute… It’s what Politico infers in the article. The Politico makes the assertion that Carson got into West Point. He never said that! That’s why the Daily Caller said Politico isn’t responding to Dr Ben’s campaign calling the implications a lie!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s CNBC’s take on the Ben Carson revelations:
“A major bombshell rocked the 2016 campaign on Friday as Politico reported that Ben Carson, the current GOP front-runner, made up the story that he was accepted into West Point and received a full scholarship. The report, following other questions raised about claims in the memoir ‘Gifted Hands,’ is a devastating blow to Carson …. The main question now is whether the revelation will quickly drive Carson out of the race.”
“Ben Carson’s campaign said Friday that the surging Republican presidential candidate never applied to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, contradicting a key detail of Carson’s past amid continuing questions about other well-known stories of his upbringing. … The new revelation comes as other well known tales of Carson’s youth have come into question, including his story about almost stabbing a friend in his early teens.”
Ahhh, but don’t trust the liberal media? Here’s Fox News:
“Republican strategists who spoke with following the revelations Friday said this could be more than just a hiccup for the Carson campaign. … ‘When you’re not a politician and you don’t have a voting record, and you are running on your own narrative (like Carson) … then this is all fair game,’ said media strategist Pete Snyder. ‘I think people realize that people who run for office tend to embellish, but they don’t take kindly to fabrication of military service or West Point applications,’ he added. ‘This is dangerous ground for Ben Carson.'”
Shorter version: This fucker is toast, and the question now is which other candidate will get his supporters.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 47
Here’s how China is getting into the climate change act, RR:
China, the world’s largest carbon emitter, has been dramatically underreporting the amount of coal it consumes each year, it has been claimed ahead of key climate talks in Paris.
Official Chinese data, reported by the New York Times on Wednesday after being quietly released earlier this year, suggests China has been burning up to 17% more coal each year than previously disclosed by the government.
The revelation – which may mean China has emitted close to a billion additional tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year – could complicate the fight against global warming ahead of the United Nations climate change conference in Paris, which begins on 30 November.
In 2012 China consumed 600m more tonnes of coal – or more than 70% of the United States’ annual total – than previously disclosed, according to the revised data.
TransCanada still has options. It can await the 2016 election results in the US, meanwhile avoiding the costs of oil drilling when prices are low, and it can begin the process of building a pipeline to the west. By the time either pipeline is built, oil prices will have recovered. The UN expects the price of oil, after accounting for inflation, to be 40% higher in 2025 than it is now.
Obama no longer needs to send messages regarding weakened American leadership, RR. Prior messages have not gone unnoticed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No doubt conservative diehards will whine that the media did in Carson, after failing to connect the dots to Carson’s lies as the cause of his downfall. You see, conservatives have this idea that ugly truths about people they like — such as U.S. soldiers who commit atrocities, or Republican politicians who fabricate evidence of WMDs and lie about secretly authorizing torture, or hard-right candidates who make up heartwarming biographies — aren’t a problem if pesky journalists don’t report them. Conservatives hate truth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “There is a concerted coordinated effort by the Heilary Clinton super pac to try and damage Dr Ben.”
This shows how STUPID you are! You think Hillary would rather run against Rubio than Carson???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “Dr Carson has told the world the Politico story is an outright lie.”
Which is all it takes for the credulous loon to believe Carson instead of West Point’s official spokesperson.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, it’s tough watching Puddy implode when his hero deflates.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
At the end of my twelfth grade I marched at the head of the Memorial Day parade. I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, We had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present. More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.
Where did Carson claim he applied to West Point you HA DUMMOCRETIN morons? The Politico claimed he did!
Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit. In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer. He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors. They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.
Politico story contradicts itself later in the article. The Politico headline disputes what Dr Ben wrote in the book! Politico lied!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 At least they pay lip service to ratcheting down greenhouse emissions. And China WILL have to do something about their smog, which is literally choking their people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 “General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) … ”
Yeah, he’s the general who lost.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Puddy not imploding Roger senile. Now that CNN has interviewed the Campaign Politico has clammed up. This is missing from your putrid commentary! Complete BS!
This is another textbook example of a left-rong DUMMOCRETIN super pac media hit. Politico would never negatively editorialize about any DUMMOCRETIN candidate or campaign who issued such a response to a specific request. And yet without contacting the Carson campaign all the left wrong media sites run with it!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 “Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.”
People who don’t apply to West Point aren’t offered West Point scholarships. This doesn’t work like traditional scholarships at civilian colleges. West Point is a military academy where all expenses are paid by the government in exchange for a service commitment after graduation. The “scholarship” comes with admission, and you aren’t “offered a scholarship to West Point” if you don’t even apply.
Give it up, loon. Even Carson’s campaign isn’t trying to spin this like you are. And at this point, his campaign manager is about the only person still defending him. Besides you, I mean.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 “Puddy not imploding Roger senile.”
That’s your opinion, and your opinion is worthless. You don’t even know when you’re roadkill.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 “This is another textbook example of a left-rong DUMMOCRETIN super pac media hit.”
Yeah right. See #59 above. Just as I predicted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, I understand now what took Obama so long to decide against Keystone XL. He based his decision on the status of international climate change politics, which are evolving so rapidly the U.S. has fallen behind in the worldwide race to address the problem.
He also sent a message to our northern neighbor that he wants Canada to leave its tar sands in the ground. It’ll be interesting to see how the new government up north reacts to that. After all, the Canadian economy has managed for several hundred years without the income from tar sands oil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is what Ben White, Politico’s chief economic correspondent and a regular CNBC contributor, says:
“So far in the race, Carson has been able to play off negative stories as the product of a biased and unfair media. This could work with reports on his claim that the Egyptian pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph to hold grain rather than for the entombment of pharaohs. But saying you received a scholarship to West Point when you really did not has nothing to do with media bias. And who knows how many more things in Carson’s book will turn out not to be true. His campaign is over, the question is whether Carson knows it yet, and where his many supporters will turn next.”
White — who, remember, covers politics not economics — posits that Cruz could end up collecting both Trump’s and Carson’s supporters:
“Cruz has already positioned himself as a possible heir to Donald Trump supporters, should the real estate billionaire eventually leave the race. If he can add Carson supporters as well, Cruz could emerge as a powerful force to potentially win the Republican nomination. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida will also make a play for Carson supporters but he runs in a somewhat different lane, with more appeal to establishment and Wall Street Republicans than staunch tea party conservatives.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This could set up a very interesting GOP finale, with Cruz and Rubio racing down the homestretch neck-and-neck, although as I posted in a comment yesterday, the GOP delegate structure favors a candidate like Rubio over a candidate like Cruz because the majority of delegates are chosen by Republicans who live in blue states where Republicans can’t get elected to public offices. These Republicans are more moderate than the party’s hard-core red-state conservatives; and, on average, it takes only half as many of them to elect a delegate, because GOP delegates are apportioned by congressional district, not the number of Republican voters in the district. Thus, a congressional district with 150,000 Republican voters gets the same weight of representation in choosing the party’s nominee as a district with 300,000 Republican voters. (IIRC, I got this analysis from Nate Silver’s site.) At a very minimum, I would say Ben White, Politico, and CNBC, not to mention Nate Silver, know more about this stuff than Puddy does.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Another day and another attack on Dr. Ben Carson! Going on CNBC is a bona fides Roger senile?
Dr Carson said he was offered a scholarship being a top student! Yet the libtards are screaming lie, lie!
Distant Replayspews:
“Those book entries are not under dispute…”
Saying it, doesn’t make it so. @32 you disputed it.
You’ve now been shown where Dr. Carson made the claims about being offered such a scholarship. It wasn’t true when he was 17. But it is conceivable that a 17 year old would be confused about that. It is somewhat less conceivable that an educated, worldly adult in the prime of his career would be confused about it. As a mature professional adult, Carson wrote a book in which he states more than once that as a boy he declined a “full scholarship” offer from West Point.
It never happened in any way like the way Carson describes it in his book. That’s a fact.
First you insist that he never said it. Now you insist that he never said something you are making up. Straw man fail.
Even in the quotes from the book you post, it is quite clear that Carson is claiming that somebody offered him a “full scholarship” to attend West Point. It didn’t happen. That is an untrue statement. Every officer in active duty or retired, whether they attended one of the academies or not, is acutely aware of the process and how it unfolds. In their world, that shit is a very big deal. None of those people would have made such an offer to Carson. They might have offered to help him win admission. They might have offered to recommend him to his member or Senator. But they would never have offered him a “full scholarship”. And long before Carson wrote his book or revised it in subsequent editions through 2008, he would have known better.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
The morals of Boob and Puffy. @5 and @8. it is ok to lie, because it was ok for Obama to lie. Fucking explains everything.
What fucking hypocrites. What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander!
Ben Carson probably wasn’t even born in this Country… He’s probably and illegal alien from Mars.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@8 I walked the same sidewalk as Taylor Swift and Sting, to name a few. We were 10 feet from each other…..we are best friends!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
First Lib the racist unscientist said: Saying it, doesn’t make it so. @32 you disputed it.
The Lib the racist unscientist said: No you wrote “Let’s say we give you that. Now explain to us how a 65 year old retired neurosurgeon “thought of that as a scholarship”?”
Now you are changing your tune Lib the racist unscientist… The Politico hit piece was about what was in Dr Ben’s book. They inferred he applied to West Point. His book never said that! That’s what Politico is inferring.
What is strange is the Politico attack. You’d never ever see Politico ever conclude that Heilary lied about her attribution of the Benghazi attacks to a YouTube video despite email evidence that she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack, told her daughter it was a terrorist attack and then told the three mothers and one father and then the world it was entirely related to a YouTube video. It call comes down to the Politico DUMMOCRETINS can’t stand a humble conservative black man kicking Heilary’s ASS in the latest poll numbers!
So Lib the racist unscientist… You claimed your wife died. Puddy gave you condolences two months ago. So now as Distant Replay the wife is still alive? See how that can be twisted by the Politico?
Distant Replayspews:
Fuckwad, do yourself a favor for once.
Stop blaming imaginary hippie conspiracies. Hippies have no clout or power among your freak tribe of self-flagellating moralists, as you well know. If Xtian fundies turn away from Carson, it won’t be because some vegan in a Kaftan called him out. Carson’s demise has long been presaged by “very serious people” in the GOP. His recent poll climb during the shopping phase in Iowa was bound to produce a reaction from the nineteen families. For what it’s worth, nothing they do will reverse the progress Carson has made here. With other people’s money he has advanced himself from borderline tier 6 in the Washington Speakers Bureau to the top of the pile. And these controversies about his book will only drive further sales. Armstrong Williams may be shifty as hell. But he is a genius.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@27 reference @5 – lying isn’t that bad you psychopath schizophrenic.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Climate change?
China is polluting way worse!
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@35 SNL is also hosting The Donald Duck.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Carson’s demise has long been presaged by “very serious people” in the GOP.
And of course you listen to these same “very serious people” in the GOP when they predict Heilary’s demise?
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@47 – you got to know when to hold’em and know when to fold’em. Apparently they aren’t good poker players. Obama wins again!
Piddles is a veritable dervish today.
Afterward Sgt. Hunt inroduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal Winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.
I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t were I saw myself going.
Nice try to weasel your way out of it on Dr. Ben’s behalf, Piddles. The politico story says this was a lie and you try to say, “He never said he attended.” The Politico story says that West Point has no record of Dr. Ben ever applying which would be required to be even considered AND they don’t give scholarships AND one would have to apply to be considered for any kind of financial assistance.
Dr. Ben admits that he didn’t apply. THEREFORE, he lied in his book. He didn’t turn down the scholarship, true because as he implies he was headed for bigger things. But can you really turn down something that is not offered?
I turned down a free Bughatti that the dealership had because it would be ostentatious in my driveway.
Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.
No Dr. Ben, you were not. You misremembered lied about that and now that you’re caught, just like Mannatech, you are trying to say you never said it.
Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.
No, you were not. That is a lie. No amount of positive spin RW World or your campaign can put on it changes that fact.
Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.
No Dr. Carson, that is still a lie.
I loved economics so much that I got a degree in it from Harvard
@ Piddles,
It’s also worth noting that “Gifted Hands” e-book, available from your public library and searchable by keyword, never mentions that the meeting was a large banquet:
At the end of my twlfth grade year I marched at the head of the Memorial Day Parade. … To make it more wonderful we had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present. More exciting to me, General Westmoreland (very prominant in the Viet Nam war) attendended with an impressive entourage.”
Let that sink in. One, he got the day wrong. That I can give a pass but at no point does he mention a banquet. Two, he goes on to say “I had dinner with (Westmoreland) and the Congressional Medal winners.”
Really Dr. Ben. You had dinner with them? You weren’t trying to infer that this was private or a small gathering? Not, “I attended a banquit in their honor” or “An honorary gathering for them was held where I briefly met the General.” no “Along with hundreds of Detroit luminaries I attended an event where the General was present.”?
I had dinner with (Westmoreland) and the Congressional Medal of Honor winners
Again, by that metric, I have also had dinner with Charlize Theron. She was actually at the same table as me. Granted it was long rectagular table of 18 people and she never spoke a word to me but hey, I was having dinner with her. We were on a date. Yeah, that’s it. Charlize and I were a couple. I had to break up with her. Yeah, totally how it happened.
Him lemmie see, lying…in this book somewhere, pride….yes I think that’s here too…
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@79 again Puffy’s way of thinking. It is ok to pollute if someone else pollutes more!
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Puffy must be down for the count.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “Going on CNBC is a bona fides Roger senile?”
Since you asked, YES. An example of what’s NOT bona fide is the crap you post on this blog.
Yep, nothing will stop Canada from building a pipline to the West Coast of British Columbia.
Except that the new Canadian Government not being keen on it at all and the environmentalists of Cascadia in general and Vancouver specifically don’t want it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “Dr Carson said he was offered a scholarship being a top student! Yet the libtards are screaming lie, lie!”
He admits it’s untrue. When are you going to get on board with what everyone, including Carson himself, now knows is the truth of the matter? Sheesh.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Next up: Show me the grain.
“So Lib the racist unscientist… You claimed your wife died.”
I recall Liberal Scientist patiently explaining to you, a batshit insane idiot, that he hasn’t been posting here since his wife passed away, and made it damned clear that he is not posting here as Distant Replay. Yet you, a batshit insane idiot, insists on believing that Distant Replay is Liberal Scientist. It makes you look like a batshit insane idiot. Wait a sec…my bad…you are, in fact, a batshit insane idiot. Carry on, fucktard.
Ima Duncespews:
Also, apparently, when right wing candidates attack journalists, journalists like to dig a little deeper. And when they dig deeper, they hit a nerve. Fools. I wish they would start digging deeper on Cruz. Nobody likes that asshole. Which qualifies him for evangelical turd of the month and likely nominee.
Distant Replayspews:
I just wish he’d try to comprehend that Carson’s downfall has nothing to do with Piddle’s usual list of suspects. Of course Democrats and liberals in general would jump on a story like this one. In the vanishingly unlikely event that Carson were the nominee, you want to do whatever you can to define the opponent’s negatives early. And often. Politics ‘aint paddy-cake. And Carson isn’t singled out.
He’s an outsider, running as an outsider. He’s represented by a somewhat embarrassing hustler who, though well connected enough, has let his backers down in the past. And the insiders have very long memories. That’s part of what makes them insiders.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 Puddy’s having a bad day. Hey, if Hillary imploded and that made O’Malley our nominee, I’d get over it. Puddy seems personally invested in Carson somehow, and that’s making it difficult for him to move on. But he won’t have a choice, so at some point he has to deal with it.
Distant Replayspews:
wasted effort. The Fuckwad only takes input from reliable sources. Like that half-melted plastic Mickey Mouse wall clock above the basement laundry sink that keeps staring at him all day.
With those eyes.
Those crazy, dead cartoon eyes.
“Yep, nothing will stop Canada from building a pipline to the West Coast of British Columbia.”
It figures that America-hating wingnuts would want to give away a swath of land stretching from border to border to a foreign corporation, literally dividing our nation in two.
Roger Rabbitspews:
With all this stuff going on, there’s nothing on Stefan’s moribund blog except a 2-week-old rant by Jim Miller about Washington’s crumbling transportation system, which he blames on every governor since 1984 (the last time we had a GOP governor), never mind the obstruction of infrastructure spending by no-taxes-no-way-no-how Republicans in a succession of legislatures.
The loon’s past head explosions were all great fun, but the head implosion we’re witnessing today really takes the cake.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Oh crackerjack box dr checkmate @83,
What you copied from Dr Carson was already submitted in #63. Apparently paying attention is not your forte. And the standard lookie here is apparent in those two posts.
As Puddy wrote above… Politico makes the implication Carson applied to West Point. Of course you never read before posting…
Par for the course!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 “Politico makes the implication Carson applied to West Point.”
No, Carson made the implication that he applied to West Point, and it took him 25 years to issue a correction, and then only after he was caught red-handed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, Puffy, it’s a free country and if you still want to vote for that lying douchebag that’s your privilege.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s No McCain, And Fiorina Isn’t Either
During the 2008 campaign, Sen. John McCain famously corrected a woman who called Obama a “Muslim.” Now, during the 2016 campaign, first Trump a few weeks ago and today Fiorina failed to correct supporters who called Obama a “Muslim” (in Fiorina’s case, a “black Muslim”). All I can say about Trump and Fiorina is they’re no John McCain.
while I agree that Miller’s a a jack ass who’d trade his mother for a bus transfer, don’t you think some of Washington’s transpo hole is structural?
I always thought Aubrey Davis had the right idea when he suggested that they ought to publish where the fuel tax and MVET money came from by zip code. Every time I visit Kitsap County I’m just astonished at the freeways, bridges, and ferry services. Likewise parts of the Dry Shitties and SW Washington (minus the ferries, of course). Once you build giant empty freeway systems in low density areas, you’re stuck maintaining them, regardless of whether or not anyone is buying vehicles or gas to drive on them. It was stupid to spread around transpo spending like Christmas cheer. And it created unsustainable expectations.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder what Fiorina would say to the nutbag retired teacher who confronted Santorum with an assertion that Obama tried to nuke Charleston Harbor? (She picked this up from a widely circulated internet hoax. Some people can’t tell the difference between reality and a joke. These people tend to be Republicans.) Probably something like, “Yeah, and he’s wrong about Keystone XL, too!!!” I can see what the Hewlett Packard board fired her.
Exactly. Dr. Ben has three explanations.
1. He was offered a scholarship during his extremely brief encounter with Gen. Westmoreland on the spot. (not even remotely likely)
2. His ROTC advisers who do not represent West Point but encouraged him to apply offered him a scholarship before he decided not to apply in which case even an 18 year-old kid might wonder how someone who has no official connection to the Academy could offer him a scholarship.
3. He implied that he applied because that is the only way you can get offered anything from West Point. ONLY after an application comes some form of acceptance or rejection by the institution
Dr. Ben is a liar. Piddles can’t handle the truth. Dr. Ben’s pride wanted readers to know that he was such a special student that West Point offered him a scholarship which he knew didn’t happen and couldn’t have happened because he never applied as he has now admitted. He lied about being offered a scholarship.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
No, Carson made the implication that he applied to West Point,
No he did not Roger senile. Even in the book there is no reference to that!
Keep trying though silly Roger senile!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Wow the hatred and vitriol or Dr Carson is full front and center here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Now that the Carson campaign has called out Politico for their lies, Politico clammed up. Yet we see how HA DUMMOCRETINS are trying to keep dope alive.
RUSH: I want to show you how this works. I want to share with you some headlines that have run during the course of this program… Every other news organization that has reported and parroted the story is furthering the lie. Politico is totally lying… What we have here is an electronic lynching. We have an electronic lynching being conducted against a Republican African-American candidate by a majority white, mainstream American liberal media where — if you’re not a good liberal and a good African-American on their plantation — they are gonna take you out. And we are witnessing it.
Spin, eggs, sausage and spin. That doesn’t have much spin in it.
“Even in the book there is no reference to that!”
Geez, gotta feel sorry for the loon today, what with his head imploding.
Heh. Just kidding! I fucking love it!!
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@106 are you stomping up and down when you say that? If not try that, it might come across better. Fuckwad. And you don’t have to hold a banana when you do it.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
@107 you say another….who are the others? You and your bigoted ilk haven’t lynched Obama?
You fucking hypocrites are worthless.
You are going to talk about vitriol? Really? Coming from you that’s a compliment.
This hasn’t changed in like forever.
“You must obtain a nomination in order to compete for admission to West Point, and you should apply for all nominations for which you are eligible during the spring of your junior year. At a minimum, candidates are eligible for a congressional nomination from their representative in Congress, their two U.S. senators, and the vice president of the United States.”
If Carson was offered anything from West Point, to prove it, he might start by introducing America to the congressperson, senator or VP who nominated him. Heh. Like that’ll ever happen.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Offered by checkmate
implied by Roger senile
Puddy rests your honor! Thanks for playing!
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Yes the gays aren’t good enough for the Dallas Cowboys but the domestic abusers are. Hahahaha what a fucking joke.
I’m sure Trump will get to the bottom of this just like he’ll get Mexico to pay for a wall to keep s the other rapists IN.
I wonder if this one points his finger high in the air to the god too. What do you say Puff Balls
“Yes, is this a Benjamin Carson of Detroit Michigan?”
“Yes it is.”
“Hi This is General Bennett, Superindendent of West Point. We notice that you did not apply to our Academy but we recognize that you are the most gifted person of your generation. Won’t you reconsider?
“I’m sorry General, I don’t want to be in the military.”
“I can give you a full scholarship even though you didn’t apply,”
“No thank you.”
“Really, We truned down an excellent applicant just to have a spot for you.”
“No, my destiny lies elsewhere. STOP BOTHERING ME!”
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Notice when confronted above Lib the racist unscientist ran away from Puddy’s question!
And Triple Pressure Packed Steve you forgot you called Distant Replay Liberal Scientist too weeks ago. Need to review that post Triple Pressure Packed Steve?
Please ask Puddy to post the link. Then a
The term “fuckwad” was coined by Lib the racist unscientist. Since lib the racist unscientist disappeared for a few months and it seems that when distant replay appeared the same post location appeared again where lib the racist unscientist posted from. You can see where people post from Triple Pressure Packed Steve. That’s how the crazed clueless databaze deala knew Puddy was in Seoul Korea and called Puddy a “Seoul Brother”.
The the term “fuckwad’ magically reappeared when Distant Replay came around this year. Maybe the crazed clueless cretin can demonstrate Distant Replay being here earlier!
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@117. Hmmmmm, posting in bold really didn’t help, I steal couldn’t decode that gibberish.
I think you could have made your point by just posting your picture and say “this is what a fuckwad is”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s why conservatives should give up on Carson:
“Carson is a nutcase, a policy buffoon, and at the very least, a serial personal embellisher. With a guy like that, you just know more stuff is going to come out. Conservatives should quit while they’re behind and dump the guy. If they stick with him, eventually he’s going to make them all look like dopes.”
Of course, this doesn’t apply to Puffybutt because he already looks like a dope, and doesn’t need any help from Carson on that.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Politico has now changed their headline to their attack link on the Carson story. Apparently the truth stings Heilary’s libtard super pac!
Distant Replayspews:
This game plan is fucking tired. And weak.
Instead of facing directly the issue of Carson’s claims about West Point, the apologists want to debate accuracy, semantics and definitions. But some tiny element of inaccuracy or imprecision of language does not invalidate an argument. Carson has some history here. He has been dishonest about his personal image before. Given that history and context I think it’s fair to expect Carson to be more forthcoming about this. And for him to directly explain how and why these inaccuracies in his biography came about. By that, I don’t think it would be acceptable for him to just shrug and claim he was young and confused. He wasn’t young and confused when he wrote and revised these books. And apologists for Carson should hold to that standard as well. Sack up. Face things as they are, not as you wish they were. I think if Carson is going to survive this he has to check his ego long enough to at least admit that he exaggerated for effect. But he has to do it immediately. By tomorrow morning it’ll be too late.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Roger senile quotes from the leftist erag MoFoJones to attack Dr Carson!!
That would be Puddy posting from Alex Jones on why DUMMOCRETINS are whack to support Heilary!
Distant Replayspews:
Tick, tock.
They’re going to talk about this on the Sunday shows.
And don’t think for one second that Republican candidates and their surrogates won’t go there. It’s Friday night and DC has already gone to the bars. I’d say Carson has about four hours and after that it’s in the hands of his opponents.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
US News and World Report has said Carson has come out stronger now that Politico changed their headline!
Puddy thinks the whitey peeps at Politico may be a tad racist towards black conservative politicians!!! They single handedly attacked Herman Cain last time! They thought they had a home run. Seems now they struck out!
Distant Replayspews:
Still with the dictionary games?
He exaggerated. At minimum, that’s what he did. It could still be seen as a relatively innocent exaggeration. But not if he continues to deny it. Denying the exaggeration freights it with malign intent.
Too fucking funny! Today’s implosion has sucked the loon into his own fantasy world where the reality which the rest of the world shares can’t fuck with his head anymore.
Heh. Pyramids. Too fucking hilarious!
“Donald Trump rips Ben Carson for his ‘ridiculous’ pyramids theory”
Trump already smelled Carson’s blood in the water, and now he has the West Point lie to work with. Carson is finished.
Politico is standing by the story.
Sorry Piddles
Later I was offered a scholarship to West Point.
This is untrue this evening as it was this morning. It is as untrue as when they reprinted the “Anniversary Edition” of “Gifted Hands” in 2006. It was untrue when the book was originally published. It is a lie.
It is a lie. A lie Dr. Ben told many times in order to make himself seem more accomplished which he didn’t really need to do but couldn’t help himself.
I did not have contractual relations with that company. I was given a scholarship to West Point.
John Bel Edwards, who answered our country’s call and served as a ranger in the 82nd Airborne Division. Or David Vitter, who answered a prostitute’s call minutes after he skipped a vote honoring 28 soldiers who gave their lives in defense of our freedom.
An early FNMM favorite?
“It could still be seen as a relatively innocent exaggeration..”
Nah, he’s obviously a chronic liar. More lies will likely be exposed soon.
Meanwhile, the loon is losing it all over this thread. My God, how I love it!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ben Carson, a non-veteran who attempted to embellish his military non-credentials by falsely claiming he turned down a “West Point scholarship” (whatever that is) to instead become a surgeon, is doing the only thing he CAN do to save his campaign and reputation: He’s doubling down on his lie. It’s too late. The liberal-biased media (drooling sarcasm) is against him. His goose is cooked.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@125 Heh. A wingnut writing for a magazine with a Republican editorial slant says Carson should quit. Doesn’t look good for the former boy wonder.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@126 “Bottom line Politico stepped on the rake and received rake face!”
That will become true when Carson shows us his acceptance letter from West Point’s admissions department.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, telling the truth about Carson is a media plot to keep a guy who believes the earth is 6,000 years old out of the White House. The media is prejudiced against know-nothings. After all, they could have chosen not to report that he makes shit up. HIs followers never would have figured it out, because they believe the pyramids were used to store grain, too.
Teabagged to Deathspews:
Just finished watching MSNBC forum….I’m sure not one Republican watched….they are not type to watch anything classy or anything that doesn’t have booing an hisssing….those fucking Repukey snakes. Bunch of mother fuckers.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
That story was initially headlined “EXCLUSIVE: Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.” It seemed like the sort of story that had the potential to ruin Carson’s ambitions for the presidency.
But the Politico story was not accurate on some key points.
And in the wake of pushback from the Carson campaign — which called the story an “outright lie” — Politico softened its headline, removed the “fabrication” language, and changed some key details — even as it said it was “standing by its story.“
What initially looked like a disaster for Ben Carson could now be a major black eye for Politico. Amazing how Heilary’s super pac is circling the wagons!
Sorry checkmate… Puddy uses libtards to deeeestroy libtards!
FACTS are those things libtards hate!
Oh and lib the racist unscientist… keep playing as distant noplay!
Roger is as senile as ever!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Remember Jim Geraghty libtards? You all used him for your Mannetech attack on Ben Carson. Well his take is interesting…
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Oh wow checkmate…
Politico‘s Kyle Cheney admitted that he fabricated a negative story about Ben Carson. At least, according to his own standards, he admitted the grievous journalistic sin.
The only problem with this is that the academy itself describes this benefit as a “full scholarship.”
Unlike Obummer everyone knew Carson was an excellent student, excelling in everything he did once he accepted God into his life. We know about the 11,000+ childrens’ lives he touched!
Sux to be checkmate!
Triple Pressure Packed Steve fails again!
Roger is still senile!
Oh and lib the racist unscientist… keep playing as distant noplay!
With the way this implosion is accelerating, I’m thinking a black hole version of the loon might be in our future.
Wow! Over 140 posts on a Friday. That must be a record! It’s understandable, though. Loon head explosions occur daily, but this implosion we’re witnessing is really something else. He’s headed where no batshit crazy loon has ever gone before!
You’re quoting a Federalist, a Federalist? piece that ties together all of today’s right wing freakout response as proof of something.
How desperate are you?
Later I was offered a scholarship to West Point.
This is still a lie. You don’t get offered financial aid to a school you don’t apply. It’s a lie.
I did not decline the scholarship outright
This is a lie. There was no offer and West Point confirms this via the very basic fact that if a school does not approve your application, an application Dr. Ben freely admits he never submitted, the financial terms don’t ever get considered. “Hey, there are all these people NOT trying to get into West Point. How do we get tuition to them. They aren’t coming here but just in case…line up those scholarships!” You cannot get any kind of offer if you don’t apply.
Politico stands by the story.
But, but, but, but the Federalist makes up a quote about the writer of the story personally changing the headline so…good enough for Piddles. The whole story is Hillary Clinton’s PAC.
Later I was offered a scholarship to West Point
Maybe if I comb through the records of the California State University I can find my scholarship offer. Never mind that I never applied to any institution within the California State University system….I’m sure I can find my scholarship offer there somewhere. (GO BRUINS!)
Later I was offered a scholarship to West Point
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Yes The Federalist… More truthful then all the left wrong erags y’all use! Once again crackerjack box dr checkmate missed the big picture…
West Point offers the appointment as a scholarship. From their advertisement
Each year about 1200 young men and women take advantage of the opportunity to attend West Point on a full government scholarship, which includes tuition, room and board, medical and dental care, and an annual salary
More screaming from crackerjack box dr checkmate and we see the head go
Even leftist Dylan Byers has reacted against Politico!
Distant Replayspews:
Carson’s campaign is uniquely ill-prepared to weather this. So far he’s rolled an enormous percentage of his fund raising take back into more fund raising. So his managers don’t have established positions in media space to counter this. They don’t even have much of a campaign apparatus in place to accomplish it.
Imagine instead of a candidate you were trying to sell a new soft drink. And instead of going into the market with a cleverly conceived marketing and advertising strategy, you focused your resources instead on establishing and expanding your distribution network of independent bottlers and distributors, combined with a low key strategy of product design and media outreach relying on free appearances and soft journalism. That way, when consumers and retailers learn about your product, it’s readily at hand. It’s done all the time. Jones soda comes to mind.
But what happens if some “bad news” about your product comes along? A push strategy focus leaves you flat footed. When consumers and retailers start to hear a negative message about your product, you don’t have good channels in place to communicate the counter messages. The corporate organs of main stream journalism pick up on the “bad news” and begin reporting on it. And you are stuck working the “friendly” relationships you’ve established with media small players. Consumer and retailer response slackens, and your messaging apparatus is stuck in an echo chamber. You’re fucked.
And so is Carson’s campaign.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Okay Puddy back…
So crackerjack box dr checkmate, if Politico “stands” by their story, why did they change the headline and rewrite sentences and paragraphs without telling people they rewrote it? When did “stands” by their story include a rewrite?
Only in libtard land!
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
lib the racist unscientist @147,
Ben Carson has received free publicity from Heilary’s super pac! This will tide him over for weeks! People have woken up to the left leaning news locations all over America! This was similar to NBC News in Florida editing the George Zimmerman 911 tape to something it wasn’t. Butt libtards will stand by their “story”!
BTW you can change your internet moniker because you post from the same place as lib the unscientist! You can thank clueless crazed databaze deala for exposing that website tracking tip!
Distant Replayspews:
“People have woken up to the left leaning news locations all over America! “
People whose browser bookmarks feature WND, The Federalist, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, and who regularly attend Rush to Excellence cruises.
I don’t blame extremists like you for trying desperately to cut a fire line around this. But your fire lines are being jumped because however passionate, your base is too narrow. And the campaign’s efforts to expand its support base beyond hard right conservative Bible thumpers is only just started last week. Bad timing.
You lose.
Later I was offered a scholarship to West Point.
Deflect, dodge, SEE! They DOOOOOOOO offer a scholarship.
But Dr. Ben lied about West Point. Nothing you put in 146 changes that.
So the CIO of West Point got that point semantically wrong. They still never offered a scholarship to Ben Carson. He wanted the world to believe they did.
Ben Carson has received free publicity an ass kicking from Heilary’s super pac!Politico, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN! This will tide him overfester for weeksas long as he can’t produce an acceptance letter to West Point which even he admits he doesn’t have! PeopleThe 3% of Americans who listen to right wing radio have woken up confirmed their notion that the Media is liberal to the left leaning news locations all over America!And run to Brietbart and the Federalist to confirm their already deeply held beliefs.
One can only hope that the “Martrydom” of Dr. Carson will rally the truly insane and evangelical behind him and carry him all the way to the nomination so he can get trounced. Being crazy, being a Christian zealot, lying about your military bona fides and comparing America to Nazi Germany on several occasions doesn’t win a general election.
Please, please, please, please GOP. Go with ben. Vaya Con Carson?
“Shaddap Tim.”
Now that’s funny!
“West Point offers the appointment as a scholarship.”
It must suck terribly for the batshit crazy loon and Carson that they never offered one to Ben. That makes him a liar, and it’s obvious now that it wasn’t his only lie. I can see, though, why Carson lying wouldn’t bother the loon. The loon lies every time he posts one of his batshit insane comments.
Mark Adamsspews:
Anyone who knows how you get into West Point can tell you he is spouting bullshit. No one has stated what congress man was going to put his name in. With the exception of a few openings usually filled by enlisted personnel that is how you get in…same goes for Annapolis and the Air Force Academy. Also anyone wanting a medical degree would think West Post a poor choice as graduates come out with what is essentially an engineering degree. These are the facts and it’s nice he did ROTC, but he did go through at a time it was mandatory at some schools, and Uncle Sam needed a larger pool of potential officers than the service schools provide, and they wisely believe civilian schools can provide all the doctors they need, by patriotism or hook or by crook.
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Ah we agree. Do we agree that it’s a stupid lie?
Mark Adamsspews:
@55 Unfortunately for the bombers (if there was a bomb), their families, and friends they will find out the Russians are not nice people. They will show the world the Mafia are amateurs and it will be messy.
Mark Adamsspews:
@84 I think General Westmorland would be insulted by the fact Dr. Carson does not mention the Congressional Medal winners by name and put him as more important than the medal winners. Kinda like having the couch receive the medal than the athletes.
Mark Adamsspews:
Meanwhile at the Democratic National Headquaters there goes out a memo stating hey is there anyway we can help this Carson guy hang in there and maybe bag Iowa? No don’t go public with the good stuff, not until he has the nomination. We can’t wait until they ask Hilliary or Bernie about getting the phone call in the middle of the night. Old Ben will be there with his patented deer in the head light look. It will be a spectacular moment that we could never imagine the Republicans giving us. So yes keep up the charade we really hate this guy and are taking him seriously.
Mark Adamsspews:
@126 Love the comments from Westies. Reading the whole thing exactly how many scholarships come with an annual salary, medical care, ect. Yes sometimes the military resorts to puffery in advertising. Young plebs are tuned inti reality during summer drill.
It’s the same military that has paid patriotism, paying professional sports teams to have moments of military folks participating…singing the National Anthem, ect.
I don’t think Lee, Grant, Patton, McArthur, Eisenhower called being at West Point just a scholarship.
Ben Carson’s insistence that the Egyptian pyramids were made “for grain storage” despite the facts should be a wake up call for our view of political “leaders”. Can nations afford leaders that willfully ignore facts? Republicans, and even some Democrats, routinely ignore facts when setting policy. This can only lead to failure no matter how some would wish otherwise. And the truth is, when the system is corrupt, there are those that know it will lead to failure but they will benefit enormously in the interim, so they do not care. This is the cynicism that permeates Republican ideology. And it corrodes our democracy in a million different ways.
Continuing the theme of republican anti knowledge
There’s going to be a big’ole conservative freak-out today, eh?
Oh Shit. Dr. Ben lied about West Point. Sorry Piddles. He’s done.
Once again checkmate runs with something without checking it all out. Sad implication attempt! He never said he went to West Point. The libtards are in exaggeration mode again. “He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”
Nothing in the article is damning to Carson checkmate! There was a Detroit event February where Westmoreland was there and probably met Carson. Ben Carson lied? Or is the way the article is written set up to have you believe it? Politico is after Ben Carson and there is a clear double standard by libtards at Politico!
Remember the cost of health care premiums not rising
Remember the lies of Benghazi movies
Remember the lies of keep your doctors
How about that sniper attack when Heilary and Chelsea were landing?
Did the media attack Obummer on his white girlfriend lie?
Did the media attack Obummer on his mother’s death lie?
Did the media attack Obummer on other lies in his book?
Puffy now don’t get all upset because some of the dead were children.
Meanwhile another disgusting attack on Carson by white DUMMOCRETIN libtards…
Wow, and I thought the big’ole conservative Freakout would be about Keystone XL.
No one said he attended. He said he was offered a scholarship by Gen. Westmoreland.
Gen. Westmoreland appears to have attended a very large banquet in Detroit on NOT the day Carson said he met him. If you’ve been to a very large banquet the odds of anyone spending enough time with the KeyNote speaker to make a huge impression is slim to none.
Carson has said he dined with Westmoreland. Yeah in a roomful of 200-300 people. In that sense I have personally dined with Jay Buehner, President Clinton, President Bush I, Dennis Kucinich, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Saquile O’Neil Rupert Murdoch, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates Sr., Joe Montana, Cindy Crawford, Elton John, Scotty Pippin, Denis Miller, Eric Idle, Rob Zombie, Jerry Garcia, Mel Brooks and on and on all of whom have been in the same room with me at some point while I had food. Some were work related and some just happened to be in a restaurant at the same time by random chance.
A scholarship to West Point did not and does not exist so hard to imagine Gen. Westmoreland would have offered a young Ben Carson something that cannot be granted.
Now Ben has admitted it was a lie that he was offered a scholarship and calls it the “Only lie I’ve ever told in my life.” But then he had no relationship with Mannatech except that signed contract. So he lied about only lying once too.
When you’re in a hole, stop digging.
Kablamo. Too Damn Funny.
There is a concerted coordinated effort by the Heilary Clinton super pac to try and damage Dr Ben. The libtards in the DUMMOCRETIN led media are in full court press mode. Butt Dr Ben will stay above the cesspool of DUMMOCRETIN led politics!
Better get a new gym. That spin class you’re attending might be a little advanced for your level.
“Only lie I’ve ever told in my life.”
Where is this statement crackerjack box dr checkmate?– raw story?
A scholarship to West Point did not and does not exist so hard to imagine Gen. Westmoreland would have offered a young Ben Carson something that cannot be granted.
To a 17 year old kid Carson could have thought of that as a scholarship. Back then they were trying hard to get minorities into the military academies. Keep digging crackerjack box dr checkmate!
“Report: Carson lied about West Point acceptance”
LMFAO! Carson and the batshit crazy loon – both are insane and both lie their asses off. Heh. They must have got it from their insane, lying prophet, Ellen White.
“Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday acknowledged he never applied nor was accepted to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point – a tale he included in his autobiography and that he has repeated since then, POLITICO reported on Friday.
Carson’s campaign said the account of receiving a scholarship offer from the prestigious military school was a fabrication.”;ocid=iehp
It’s over. Carson is finished. He’s been outed as being just a another goddamned wingnut liar.
The closer you look at the embezzler cop who staged his suicide, the worse a person he is.
“An Illinois police officer who staged his suicide to make it look like he was murdered had a troubled job history, ranging from numerous suspensions to sexual harassment allegations to complaints that he intimidated an emergency dispatcher with guns, according to his personnel records. Despite a reputation as a respected youth mentor, Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz also had problems off the job …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What this story really is about is America’s police agencies do a sloppy job of screening applicants and police trainers do an equally poor job of weeding out unqualified candidates, resulting in people who shouldn’t be cops being put on our streets with badges and guns, and then being poorly supervised and not disciplined at all. America has a policing crisis and needs major reforms in how police are recruited, trained, supervised, and disciplined.
Oh Lordy, how it must suck to be a batshit crazy loon!
Leenks, I need Leeenks!
A Link, A Link, my candidacy for a link.
These are the times that try men’s souls.
Dr. Ben is a truth-teller. Piddles says so.
So Piddles is left wallowing in what a 17-year old may have thought in the less than a minute he probably talked to a General if he even spoke to him at all.
But damn, he’s admitted it was fabricated. So some part of him has known for, when did that book come out, six years that he put something in print he knew wasn’t true.
It’s all Hillary’s lies.
“Back then they were trying hard to get minorities into the military academies.”
But not Carson. They didn’t want him. No offer.
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon!
@ 12, 13
Yup, looks like he did, and the part about him saying Obama was never vetted like he was is irrelevant, a pussy thing to suggest, and probably also incorrect.
Now, please compare and contrast between Carson’s falsehood and Hillary’s claim that the plane she was in was taking sniper fire when she landed in Bosnia in 1996:
“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”
Why might Carson’s lie be more relevant than hers, Steve?
crackerjack box dr checkmate claimed this was from Dr Ben… “Only lie I’ve ever told in my life.”
So now we see crackerjack box dr checkmate lied about this…
Typical non attack from crackerjack box dr checkmate
@5 “He never said he went to West Point.”
And we never said he claimed he did, you lying freak.
“Nothing in the article is damning to Carson checkmate!”
Wanna bet?
“He had claimed that after meeting General William Westmoreland, he was offered a ‘full scholarship’ to West Point, but on November 6, 2015, he admitted to that this was fabricated.”
There’s a wide choice of sources here; I’m quoting Wikipedia for convenience. For example, CBS News has a story about it this morning; and yesterday, CNN raised questions about whether Carson’s tales about his violent adolescence and subsequent redemption were also fabricated.
At least two things are now indisputably clear: (1) Carson, in addition to being a science denier, fabricated portions of his personal biography; and (2) Puddy could care less and will defend this liar no matter what.
Carson’s campaign said the account of receiving a scholarship offer from the prestigious military school was a fabrication.”
When presented with these facts, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.
Really? that’s what the campaign said? Or is this an attempt to take Carson out?
And we never said he claimed he did, you lying freak.
But the Politico did you senile moron!
The direct words from the campaign manager Roger senile…
Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit,” campaign manager Barry Bennett wrote in an email to POLITICO. “In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer.”
“He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors,” Bennett added. “They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”
Keep accepting the libtard Heilary super pac making stuff up!
@4 Let’s hope so, but I’m not so sure. Remember, you’re talking about a political party and voting demographic for whom professing belief in Jay-zuz trumps science, truth, personal integrity, and everything else.
Doug Thornell @dthornell Nov 4
20 years ago today Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated for seeking peace. The world needs more leaders like him.
OK, who do we want to ice first?
@7 “by white DUMMOCRETIN libtards…”
That’s actually an opinion column written by a black guy. Maybe you should LOOK at what you’re linking to before popping off about it? I’m not asking you to read it, only look at it …
Why might Carson’s lie be more relevant than hers, Steve?
First one has to assume Dr Carson lied Travis. We know Heilary has been caught in multiple lies yet her super pac is on the Carson attack!
@5 Wow, how many of those luminaries offered you a four-year full scholarship to a prestigious institution?
Of course, merely getting accepted at West Point IS a scholarship, because the government pays the costs of attending there, in return for which cadets commit to a few years of military service after graduating. So, there’s really no such things as a West Point scholarship per se, because it’s an all-expenses-paid school to begin with, for everyone who’s accepted.
“To a 17 year old kid Carson could have thought of that as a scholarship.”
Let’s say we give you that. Now explain to us how a 65 year old retired neurosurgeon “thought of that as a scholarship”? At 17 I thought and even said a whole bunch of things that weren’t then, and aren’t now true. Age, education, experience, and the humbling progress of real life produced modifications. But you insist that Carson is entitled to claim innocence for clinging to his youthful misconceptions, even in the face of his lofty education and vast life experience? He ought to know by now that there’s no such thing as a full scholarship to West Point. He ought to know by now that the application process for admission to the academies requires an appointment from Congress, not a recommendation from a retired General.
He did this to himself.
From the official website:
“You must obtain a nomination in order to compete for admission to West Point, and you should apply for all nominations for which you are eligible during the spring of your junior year. At a minimum, candidates are eligible for a congressional nomination from their representative in Congress, their two U.S. senators, and the vice president of the United States.”
For serving soldiers (active duty, reserves, and national guard), a recommendation from their commanding officer constitutes the required nomination, although these applicants are encouraged to also seek a nomination from their congressional representative.
In short, General Westmoreland didn’t have authority to nominate someone who wasn’t a serving soldier under his direct command. In any case, a Carson campaign spokesperson acknowledged that Carson fabricated his story of being offered a “West Point scholarship” and conceded that Carson never applied to West Point, as reported this morning by CBS News.
The most you can say is that he possibly thought about it, and then inflated that into being “offered a scholarship” (here, Carson apparently can’t keep straight “scholarship” and “nomination”) by America’s top general. The purpose of this tall tale being, of course, to impress gullible fools like Puddy that he’s a wonderfully talented guy.
I have to admit that Carson is talented. As a novelist.
Let’s say we give you that. Now explain to us how a 65 year old retired neurosurgeon “thought of that as a scholarship”?
Where has Dr Ben said this Lib the racist unscientist?
1 Corinthians 13:11
In other news, since the libtards are screaming about Bickle’s ISIS pronouncements on the Russian airline bombing… Why is Russia stopping flights?
Why is Obummer’s sadministration looking at new security procedures? Seem Obummer’s JV has gone expeditionary due to Obummer foreign policy fecklessness!
NBC was disappointed by the RNC’s decision to end NBC’s involvement in upcoming GOP presidential candidate debates.
Dan Merica ✔ @danmericaCNN
Clinton has arrived at her first fundraiser of the day. NBCUniversal executive Joe Waz, and his wife Cynthia Telles, are hosting the event.
“Why might Carson’s lie be more relevant than hers, Steve?”
The one is old news, the other is today’s news.
Wow an almost balanced raw story article about Ben Carson…
@32 “Where has Dr Ben said this Lib the racist unscientist?”
In his book.
The loon is exploding and spewing brain tissue all over the place this morning. What a goddamn mess.
“NBC was disappointed by the RNC’s decision to end NBC’s involvement in upcoming GOP presidential candidate debates.”
Of course they were. They could have had their former billionaire reality TV star back on the toob with bigger ratings than ever and they wouldn’t have had to pay him a single dime.
No he did not! Have you read his book Roger senile? Puddy has the book here in the PuddyLibrary!
“In other news…”
So pathetic. There’s only one news item today, and that’s about the man leading the GOP polls being outed as a chronic liar.
Ignorant impressionable DUMMOCRETIN readers run with lies. Lies don’t matter to DUMMOCRETINS to their candidates butt hell freezes over when it’s a Republican!
Schumer, the next Senate Democratic leader, painstakingly hashed out the immigration deal with Rubio and has previously avoided lashing out at the Florida Republican publicly. But as the presidential race heats up, Schumer is unloading the new line of criticism, saying Rubio was the main architect of the provision to provide a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, something bound to give ammunition to his primary foes who call the measure “amnesty.”
Schumer, the next Senate Democratic leader, painstakingly hashed out the immigration deal with Rubio and has previously avoided lashing out at the Florida Republican publicly. But as the presidential race heats up, Schumer is unloading the new line of criticism, saying Rubio was the main architect of the provision to provide a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, something bound to give ammunition to his primary foes who call the measure “amnesty.”
So now it’s ‘criticism’ to acknowledge the efforts of a Republican to create a path to citizenship.
Yeah, there’s much to criticize when a bilingual child of immigrants works across the aisle to create a path to citizenship for many.
No doubt if Rubio’s the nominee Schumer will be walking this back quite a bit.
@5 Real busy news day today. TransCanada’s clumsy attempt to circumvent Obama apparently backfired on them big time. It seems to have prompted Obama to pull the trigger. Now they’ve got nothing.
I find it interesting that Obama, after brushing aside the job claims of proponents and environmental claims of opponents, explained that his reasons are political tactics: Approving the project would weaken America’s leadership role in combating climate change.
The Canadians, of course, have other options for getting their tar sands oil to export markets, so by refusing to let them build Keystone XL, Obama isn’t keeping that oil off the market or preventing it from being used. His statement implicitly recognizes this.
Instead, it’s all about what message America wants to send to the world about climate change. Until now, despite having a Democratic president, the U.S. has been a laggard behind most other countries. Even China is getting into the act. It’s about time we did, too, notwithstanding the Republican obstructionists in Congress whose heads are still stuck in the 14th century.
Dr Carson has told the world the Politico story is an outright lie.
So this is what we expect from Politico and other DUMMOCRETIN Heilary super pac locations!
On pages 57 and 65 of the editions of his book Gifted Hands written in 1996 that I searched.
Page 57:
“Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point”.
Page 65:
“I remembered the scholarship offer from West Point”.
“The loon is exploding and spewing brain tissue all over the place this morning. What a goddamn mess.”
As the loon has no brain, I don’t believe that’s it his brain all over the walls, ceiling and floor of this blog. Knowing the loon, far more likely it’s just goat shit.
In other news, today’s blowout October jobs report increases the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will begin raising interest rates in December, and the stock market is taking it in stride, with all the major indexes nearly flat at the end of a lackluster week of desultory trading in which stocks mostly trended slightly lower.
Here are the search results from the 2008 edition.
“Dr Carson has told the world the Politico story is an outright lie.”
Page 57:
“Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point”.
Page 65:
“I remembered the scholarship offer from West Point”.
Lies about lying and goat shit everywhere. What a fucking mess!
I presume we can now move on from this question.
Still no announcement from Putin that he’s going to kick ISIS’s ass for blowing up an airliner full of Russian kids. Unlike Puddy, the leader of what’s left of the Axis of Evil is waiting for investigators to determine what happened. He apparently doesn’t consider U.S. intelligence agencies very reliable. Can’t say I blame him.
Lib the racist unscientist…
Those book entries are not under dispute… It’s what Politico infers in the article. The Politico makes the assertion that Carson got into West Point. He never said that! That’s why the Daily Caller said Politico isn’t responding to Dr Ben’s campaign calling the implications a lie!
Here’s CNBC’s take on the Ben Carson revelations:
“A major bombshell rocked the 2016 campaign on Friday as Politico reported that Ben Carson, the current GOP front-runner, made up the story that he was accepted into West Point and received a full scholarship. The report, following other questions raised about claims in the memoir ‘Gifted Hands,’ is a devastating blow to Carson …. The main question now is whether the revelation will quickly drive Carson out of the race.”
NBC News is more restrained:
“Ben Carson’s campaign said Friday that the surging Republican presidential candidate never applied to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, contradicting a key detail of Carson’s past amid continuing questions about other well-known stories of his upbringing. … The new revelation comes as other well known tales of Carson’s youth have come into question, including his story about almost stabbing a friend in his early teens.”
Ahhh, but don’t trust the liberal media? Here’s Fox News:
“Republican strategists who spoke with following the revelations Friday said this could be more than just a hiccup for the Carson campaign. … ‘When you’re not a politician and you don’t have a voting record, and you are running on your own narrative (like Carson) … then this is all fair game,’ said media strategist Pete Snyder. ‘I think people realize that people who run for office tend to embellish, but they don’t take kindly to fabrication of military service or West Point applications,’ he added. ‘This is dangerous ground for Ben Carson.'”
Shorter version: This fucker is toast, and the question now is which other candidate will get his supporters.
@ 47
Here’s how China is getting into the climate change act, RR:
China, the world’s largest carbon emitter, has been dramatically underreporting the amount of coal it consumes each year, it has been claimed ahead of key climate talks in Paris.
Official Chinese data, reported by the New York Times on Wednesday after being quietly released earlier this year, suggests China has been burning up to 17% more coal each year than previously disclosed by the government.
The revelation – which may mean China has emitted close to a billion additional tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year – could complicate the fight against global warming ahead of the United Nations climate change conference in Paris, which begins on 30 November.
In 2012 China consumed 600m more tonnes of coal – or more than 70% of the United States’ annual total – than previously disclosed, according to the revised data.
TransCanada still has options. It can await the 2016 election results in the US, meanwhile avoiding the costs of oil drilling when prices are low, and it can begin the process of building a pipeline to the west. By the time either pipeline is built, oil prices will have recovered. The UN expects the price of oil, after accounting for inflation, to be 40% higher in 2025 than it is now.
Obama no longer needs to send messages regarding weakened American leadership, RR. Prior messages have not gone unnoticed.
No doubt conservative diehards will whine that the media did in Carson, after failing to connect the dots to Carson’s lies as the cause of his downfall. You see, conservatives have this idea that ugly truths about people they like — such as U.S. soldiers who commit atrocities, or Republican politicians who fabricate evidence of WMDs and lie about secretly authorizing torture, or hard-right candidates who make up heartwarming biographies — aren’t a problem if pesky journalists don’t report them. Conservatives hate truth.
@9 “There is a concerted coordinated effort by the Heilary Clinton super pac to try and damage Dr Ben.”
This shows how STUPID you are! You think Hillary would rather run against Rubio than Carson???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@48 “Dr Carson has told the world the Politico story is an outright lie.”
Which is all it takes for the credulous loon to believe Carson instead of West Point’s official spokesperson.
Man, it’s tough watching Puddy implode when his hero deflates.
Where did Carson claim he applied to West Point you HA DUMMOCRETIN morons? The Politico claimed he did!
Politico story contradicts itself later in the article. The Politico headline disputes what Dr Ben wrote in the book! Politico lied!
@58 At least they pay lip service to ratcheting down greenhouse emissions. And China WILL have to do something about their smog, which is literally choking their people.
@63 “General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) … ”
Yeah, he’s the general who lost.
Puddy not imploding Roger senile. Now that CNN has interviewed the Campaign Politico has clammed up. This is missing from your putrid commentary! Complete BS!
This is another textbook example of a left-rong DUMMOCRETIN super pac media hit. Politico would never negatively editorialize about any DUMMOCRETIN candidate or campaign who issued such a response to a specific request. And yet without contacting the Carson campaign all the left wrong media sites run with it!
@63 “Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.”
People who don’t apply to West Point aren’t offered West Point scholarships. This doesn’t work like traditional scholarships at civilian colleges. West Point is a military academy where all expenses are paid by the government in exchange for a service commitment after graduation. The “scholarship” comes with admission, and you aren’t “offered a scholarship to West Point” if you don’t even apply.
Give it up, loon. Even Carson’s campaign isn’t trying to spin this like you are. And at this point, his campaign manager is about the only person still defending him. Besides you, I mean.
@66 “Puddy not imploding Roger senile.”
That’s your opinion, and your opinion is worthless. You don’t even know when you’re roadkill.
@68 “This is another textbook example of a left-rong DUMMOCRETIN super pac media hit.”
Yeah right. See #59 above. Just as I predicted.
Well, I understand now what took Obama so long to decide against Keystone XL. He based his decision on the status of international climate change politics, which are evolving so rapidly the U.S. has fallen behind in the worldwide race to address the problem.
He also sent a message to our northern neighbor that he wants Canada to leave its tar sands in the ground. It’ll be interesting to see how the new government up north reacts to that. After all, the Canadian economy has managed for several hundred years without the income from tar sands oil.
This is what Ben White, Politico’s chief economic correspondent and a regular CNBC contributor, says:
“So far in the race, Carson has been able to play off negative stories as the product of a biased and unfair media. This could work with reports on his claim that the Egyptian pyramids were built by the biblical Joseph to hold grain rather than for the entombment of pharaohs. But saying you received a scholarship to West Point when you really did not has nothing to do with media bias. And who knows how many more things in Carson’s book will turn out not to be true. His campaign is over, the question is whether Carson knows it yet, and where his many supporters will turn next.”
White — who, remember, covers politics not economics — posits that Cruz could end up collecting both Trump’s and Carson’s supporters:
“Cruz has already positioned himself as a possible heir to Donald Trump supporters, should the real estate billionaire eventually leave the race. If he can add Carson supporters as well, Cruz could emerge as a powerful force to potentially win the Republican nomination. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida will also make a play for Carson supporters but he runs in a somewhat different lane, with more appeal to establishment and Wall Street Republicans than staunch tea party conservatives.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This could set up a very interesting GOP finale, with Cruz and Rubio racing down the homestretch neck-and-neck, although as I posted in a comment yesterday, the GOP delegate structure favors a candidate like Rubio over a candidate like Cruz because the majority of delegates are chosen by Republicans who live in blue states where Republicans can’t get elected to public offices. These Republicans are more moderate than the party’s hard-core red-state conservatives; and, on average, it takes only half as many of them to elect a delegate, because GOP delegates are apportioned by congressional district, not the number of Republican voters in the district. Thus, a congressional district with 150,000 Republican voters gets the same weight of representation in choosing the party’s nominee as a district with 300,000 Republican voters. (IIRC, I got this analysis from Nate Silver’s site.) At a very minimum, I would say Ben White, Politico, and CNBC, not to mention Nate Silver, know more about this stuff than Puddy does.
Another day and another attack on Dr. Ben Carson! Going on CNBC is a bona fides Roger senile?
Dr Carson said he was offered a scholarship being a top student! Yet the libtards are screaming lie, lie!
“Those book entries are not under dispute…”
Saying it, doesn’t make it so. @32 you disputed it.
You’ve now been shown where Dr. Carson made the claims about being offered such a scholarship. It wasn’t true when he was 17. But it is conceivable that a 17 year old would be confused about that. It is somewhat less conceivable that an educated, worldly adult in the prime of his career would be confused about it. As a mature professional adult, Carson wrote a book in which he states more than once that as a boy he declined a “full scholarship” offer from West Point.
It never happened in any way like the way Carson describes it in his book. That’s a fact.
First you insist that he never said it. Now you insist that he never said something you are making up. Straw man fail.
Even in the quotes from the book you post, it is quite clear that Carson is claiming that somebody offered him a “full scholarship” to attend West Point. It didn’t happen. That is an untrue statement. Every officer in active duty or retired, whether they attended one of the academies or not, is acutely aware of the process and how it unfolds. In their world, that shit is a very big deal. None of those people would have made such an offer to Carson. They might have offered to help him win admission. They might have offered to recommend him to his member or Senator. But they would never have offered him a “full scholarship”. And long before Carson wrote his book or revised it in subsequent editions through 2008, he would have known better.
The morals of Boob and Puffy. @5 and @8. it is ok to lie, because it was ok for Obama to lie. Fucking explains everything.
What fucking hypocrites. What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander!
Ben Carson probably wasn’t even born in this Country… He’s probably and illegal alien from Mars.
@8 I walked the same sidewalk as Taylor Swift and Sting, to name a few. We were 10 feet from each other…..we are best friends!
First Lib the racist unscientist said: Saying it, doesn’t make it so. @32 you disputed it.
The Lib the racist unscientist said: No you wrote “Let’s say we give you that. Now explain to us how a 65 year old retired neurosurgeon “thought of that as a scholarship”?”
Now you are changing your tune Lib the racist unscientist… The Politico hit piece was about what was in Dr Ben’s book. They inferred he applied to West Point. His book never said that! That’s what Politico is inferring.
What is strange is the Politico attack. You’d never ever see Politico ever conclude that Heilary lied about her attribution of the Benghazi attacks to a YouTube video despite email evidence that she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack, told her daughter it was a terrorist attack and then told the three mothers and one father and then the world it was entirely related to a YouTube video. It call comes down to the Politico DUMMOCRETINS can’t stand a humble conservative black man kicking Heilary’s ASS in the latest poll numbers!
So Lib the racist unscientist… You claimed your wife died. Puddy gave you condolences two months ago. So now as Distant Replay the wife is still alive? See how that can be twisted by the Politico?
Fuckwad, do yourself a favor for once.
Stop blaming imaginary hippie conspiracies. Hippies have no clout or power among your freak tribe of self-flagellating moralists, as you well know. If Xtian fundies turn away from Carson, it won’t be because some vegan in a Kaftan called him out. Carson’s demise has long been presaged by “very serious people” in the GOP. His recent poll climb during the shopping phase in Iowa was bound to produce a reaction from the nineteen families. For what it’s worth, nothing they do will reverse the progress Carson has made here. With other people’s money he has advanced himself from borderline tier 6 in the Washington Speakers Bureau to the top of the pile. And these controversies about his book will only drive further sales. Armstrong Williams may be shifty as hell. But he is a genius.
@27 reference @5 – lying isn’t that bad you psychopath schizophrenic.
Climate change?
China is polluting way worse!
@35 SNL is also hosting The Donald Duck.
Carson’s demise has long been presaged by “very serious people” in the GOP.
And of course you listen to these same “very serious people” in the GOP when they predict Heilary’s demise?
@47 – you got to know when to hold’em and know when to fold’em. Apparently they aren’t good poker players. Obama wins again!
Piddles is a veritable dervish today.
Nice try to weasel your way out of it on Dr. Ben’s behalf, Piddles. The politico story says this was a lie and you try to say, “He never said he attended.” The Politico story says that West Point has no record of Dr. Ben ever applying which would be required to be even considered AND they don’t give scholarships AND one would have to apply to be considered for any kind of financial assistance.
Dr. Ben admits that he didn’t apply. THEREFORE, he lied in his book. He didn’t turn down the scholarship, true because as he implies he was headed for bigger things. But can you really turn down something that is not offered?
I turned down a free Bughatti that the dealership had because it would be ostentatious in my driveway.
No Dr. Ben, you were not. You
misrememberedlied about that and now that you’re caught, just like Mannatech, you are trying to say you never said it.No, you were not. That is a lie. No amount of positive spin RW World or your campaign can put on it changes that fact.
No Dr. Carson, that is still a lie.
@ Piddles,
It’s also worth noting that “Gifted Hands” e-book, available from your public library and searchable by keyword, never mentions that the meeting was a large banquet:
Let that sink in. One, he got the day wrong. That I can give a pass but at no point does he mention a banquet. Two, he goes on to say “I had dinner with (Westmoreland) and the Congressional Medal winners.”
Really Dr. Ben. You had dinner with them? You weren’t trying to infer that this was private or a small gathering? Not, “I attended a banquit in their honor” or “An honorary gathering for them was held where I briefly met the General.” no “Along with hundreds of Detroit luminaries I attended an event where the General was present.”?
Again, by that metric, I have also had dinner with Charlize Theron. She was actually at the same table as me. Granted it was long rectagular table of 18 people and she never spoke a word to me but hey, I was having dinner with her. We were on a date. Yeah, that’s it. Charlize and I were a couple. I had to break up with her. Yeah, totally how it happened.
Him lemmie see, lying…in this book somewhere, pride….yes I think that’s here too…
@79 again Puffy’s way of thinking. It is ok to pollute if someone else pollutes more!
Puffy must be down for the count.
@72 “Going on CNBC is a bona fides Roger senile?”
Since you asked, YES. An example of what’s NOT bona fide is the crap you post on this blog.
Yep, nothing will stop Canada from building a pipline to the West Coast of British Columbia.
Except that the new Canadian Government not being keen on it at all and the environmentalists of Cascadia in general and Vancouver specifically don’t want it.
@72 “Dr Carson said he was offered a scholarship being a top student! Yet the libtards are screaming lie, lie!”
He admits it’s untrue. When are you going to get on board with what everyone, including Carson himself, now knows is the truth of the matter? Sheesh.
Next up: Show me the grain.
“So Lib the racist unscientist… You claimed your wife died.”
I recall Liberal Scientist patiently explaining to you, a batshit insane idiot, that he hasn’t been posting here since his wife passed away, and made it damned clear that he is not posting here as Distant Replay. Yet you, a batshit insane idiot, insists on believing that Distant Replay is Liberal Scientist. It makes you look like a batshit insane idiot. Wait a sec…my bad…you are, in fact, a batshit insane idiot. Carry on, fucktard.
Also, apparently, when right wing candidates attack journalists, journalists like to dig a little deeper. And when they dig deeper, they hit a nerve. Fools. I wish they would start digging deeper on Cruz. Nobody likes that asshole. Which qualifies him for evangelical turd of the month and likely nominee.
I just wish he’d try to comprehend that Carson’s downfall has nothing to do with Piddle’s usual list of suspects. Of course Democrats and liberals in general would jump on a story like this one. In the vanishingly unlikely event that Carson were the nominee, you want to do whatever you can to define the opponent’s negatives early. And often. Politics ‘aint paddy-cake. And Carson isn’t singled out.
He’s an outsider, running as an outsider. He’s represented by a somewhat embarrassing hustler who, though well connected enough, has let his backers down in the past. And the insiders have very long memories. That’s part of what makes them insiders.
@86 Puddy’s having a bad day. Hey, if Hillary imploded and that made O’Malley our nominee, I’d get over it. Puddy seems personally invested in Carson somehow, and that’s making it difficult for him to move on. But he won’t have a choice, so at some point he has to deal with it.
wasted effort. The Fuckwad only takes input from reliable sources. Like that half-melted plastic Mickey Mouse wall clock above the basement laundry sink that keeps staring at him all day.
With those eyes.
Those crazy, dead cartoon eyes.
“Yep, nothing will stop Canada from building a pipline to the West Coast of British Columbia.”
It figures that America-hating wingnuts would want to give away a swath of land stretching from border to border to a foreign corporation, literally dividing our nation in two.
With all this stuff going on, there’s nothing on Stefan’s moribund blog except a 2-week-old rant by Jim Miller about Washington’s crumbling transportation system, which he blames on every governor since 1984 (the last time we had a GOP governor), never mind the obstruction of infrastructure spending by no-taxes-no-way-no-how Republicans in a succession of legislatures.
The loon’s past head explosions were all great fun, but the head implosion we’re witnessing today really takes the cake.
Oh crackerjack box dr checkmate @83,
What you copied from Dr Carson was already submitted in #63. Apparently paying attention is not your forte. And the standard lookie here is apparent in those two posts.
As Puddy wrote above… Politico makes the implication Carson applied to West Point. Of course you never read before posting…
Par for the course!
@99 “Politico makes the implication Carson applied to West Point.”
No, Carson made the implication that he applied to West Point, and it took him 25 years to issue a correction, and then only after he was caught red-handed.
Hey, Puffy, it’s a free country and if you still want to vote for that lying douchebag that’s your privilege.
Trump’s No McCain, And Fiorina Isn’t Either
During the 2008 campaign, Sen. John McCain famously corrected a woman who called Obama a “Muslim.” Now, during the 2016 campaign, first Trump a few weeks ago and today Fiorina failed to correct supporters who called Obama a “Muslim” (in Fiorina’s case, a “black Muslim”). All I can say about Trump and Fiorina is they’re no John McCain.
while I agree that Miller’s a a jack ass who’d trade his mother for a bus transfer, don’t you think some of Washington’s transpo hole is structural?
I always thought Aubrey Davis had the right idea when he suggested that they ought to publish where the fuel tax and MVET money came from by zip code. Every time I visit Kitsap County I’m just astonished at the freeways, bridges, and ferry services. Likewise parts of the Dry Shitties and SW Washington (minus the ferries, of course). Once you build giant empty freeway systems in low density areas, you’re stuck maintaining them, regardless of whether or not anyone is buying vehicles or gas to drive on them. It was stupid to spread around transpo spending like Christmas cheer. And it created unsustainable expectations.
I wonder what Fiorina would say to the nutbag retired teacher who confronted Santorum with an assertion that Obama tried to nuke Charleston Harbor? (She picked this up from a widely circulated internet hoax. Some people can’t tell the difference between reality and a joke. These people tend to be Republicans.) Probably something like, “Yeah, and he’s wrong about Keystone XL, too!!!” I can see what the Hewlett Packard board fired her.
Exactly. Dr. Ben has three explanations.
1. He was offered a scholarship during his extremely brief encounter with Gen. Westmoreland on the spot. (not even remotely likely)
2. His ROTC advisers who do not represent West Point but encouraged him to apply offered him a scholarship before he decided not to apply in which case even an 18 year-old kid might wonder how someone who has no official connection to the Academy could offer him a scholarship.
3. He implied that he applied because that is the only way you can get offered anything from West Point. ONLY after an application comes some form of acceptance or rejection by the institution
Dr. Ben is a liar. Piddles can’t handle the truth. Dr. Ben’s pride wanted readers to know that he was such a special student that West Point offered him a scholarship which he knew didn’t happen and couldn’t have happened because he never applied as he has now admitted. He lied about being offered a scholarship.
(to the tune of a famous Monty Python sketch)
Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin lovely spiiiiiin, wonderful spin!
No, Carson made the implication that he applied to West Point,
No he did not Roger senile. Even in the book there is no reference to that!
Keep trying though silly Roger senile!
Wow the hatred and vitriol or Dr Carson is full front and center here on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Now that the Carson campaign has called out Politico for their lies, Politico clammed up. Yet we see how HA DUMMOCRETINS are trying to keep dope alive.
Rush has a picture that says it all:
Another high tech lynching of a black man!
spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin lovely Spiiiiin, wonderful spin.
Spin, eggs, sausage and spin. That doesn’t have much spin in it.
“Even in the book there is no reference to that!”
Geez, gotta feel sorry for the loon today, what with his head imploding.
Heh. Just kidding! I fucking love it!!
@106 are you stomping up and down when you say that? If not try that, it might come across better. Fuckwad. And you don’t have to hold a banana when you do it.
Oh lookie here… Another potential DUMMOCRETIN voter now in jail for the seventh time…
@107 you say another….who are the others? You and your bigoted ilk haven’t lynched Obama?
You fucking hypocrites are worthless.
You are going to talk about vitriol? Really? Coming from you that’s a compliment.
This hasn’t changed in like forever.
“You must obtain a nomination in order to compete for admission to West Point, and you should apply for all nominations for which you are eligible during the spring of your junior year. At a minimum, candidates are eligible for a congressional nomination from their representative in Congress, their two U.S. senators, and the vice president of the United States.”
If Carson was offered anything from West Point, to prove it, he might start by introducing America to the congressperson, senator or VP who nominated him. Heh. Like that’ll ever happen.
Offered by checkmate
implied by Roger senile
Puddy rests your honor! Thanks for playing!
Yes the gays aren’t good enough for the Dallas Cowboys but the domestic abusers are. Hahahaha what a fucking joke.
I’m sure Trump will get to the bottom of this just like he’ll get Mexico to pay for a wall to keep s the other rapists IN.
Photos Emerge Claiming To Show NFL Star’s Horrific Domestic Violence
I wonder if this one points his finger high in the air to the god too. What do you say Puff Balls
“Yes, is this a Benjamin Carson of Detroit Michigan?”
“Yes it is.”
“Hi This is General Bennett, Superindendent of West Point. We notice that you did not apply to our Academy but we recognize that you are the most gifted person of your generation. Won’t you reconsider?
“I’m sorry General, I don’t want to be in the military.”
“I can give you a full scholarship even though you didn’t apply,”
“No thank you.”
“Really, We truned down an excellent applicant just to have a spot for you.”
“No, my destiny lies elsewhere. STOP BOTHERING ME!”
Notice when confronted above Lib the racist unscientist ran away from Puddy’s question!
And Triple Pressure Packed Steve you forgot you called Distant Replay Liberal Scientist too weeks ago. Need to review that post Triple Pressure Packed Steve?
Please ask Puddy to post the link. Then a
The term “fuckwad” was coined by Lib the racist unscientist. Since lib the racist unscientist disappeared for a few months and it seems that when distant replay appeared the same post location appeared again where lib the racist unscientist posted from. You can see where people post from Triple Pressure Packed Steve. That’s how the crazed clueless databaze deala knew Puddy was in Seoul Korea and called Puddy a “Seoul Brother”.
The the term “fuckwad’ magically reappeared when Distant Replay came around this year. Maybe the crazed clueless cretin can demonstrate Distant Replay being here earlier!
@117. Hmmmmm, posting in bold really didn’t help, I steal couldn’t decode that gibberish.
I think you could have made your point by just posting your picture and say “this is what a fuckwad is”
Here’s why conservatives should give up on Carson:
“Carson is a nutcase, a policy buffoon, and at the very least, a serial personal embellisher. With a guy like that, you just know more stuff is going to come out. Conservatives should quit while they’re behind and dump the guy. If they stick with him, eventually he’s going to make them all look like dopes.”
Of course, this doesn’t apply to Puffybutt because he already looks like a dope, and doesn’t need any help from Carson on that.
Politico has now changed their headline to their attack link on the Carson story. Apparently the truth stings Heilary’s libtard super pac!
This game plan is fucking tired. And weak.
Instead of facing directly the issue of Carson’s claims about West Point, the apologists want to debate accuracy, semantics and definitions. But some tiny element of inaccuracy or imprecision of language does not invalidate an argument. Carson has some history here. He has been dishonest about his personal image before. Given that history and context I think it’s fair to expect Carson to be more forthcoming about this. And for him to directly explain how and why these inaccuracies in his biography came about. By that, I don’t think it would be acceptable for him to just shrug and claim he was young and confused. He wasn’t young and confused when he wrote and revised these books. And apologists for Carson should hold to that standard as well. Sack up. Face things as they are, not as you wish they were. I think if Carson is going to survive this he has to check his ego long enough to at least admit that he exaggerated for effect. But he has to do it immediately. By tomorrow morning it’ll be too late.
Roger senile quotes from the leftist erag MoFoJones to attack Dr Carson!!
That would be Puddy posting from Alex Jones on why DUMMOCRETINS are whack to support Heilary!
Tick, tock.
They’re going to talk about this on the Sunday shows.
And don’t think for one second that Republican candidates and their surrogates won’t go there. It’s Friday night and DC has already gone to the bars. I’d say Carson has about four hours and after that it’s in the hands of his opponents.
US News and World Report has said Carson has come out stronger now that Politico changed their headline!
All I could find was this.
Oh look: They are offering a West Point Scholarship
Click on the inner link!
Bottom line Politico stepped on the rake and received rake face!
Puddy thinks the whitey peeps at Politico may be a tad racist towards black conservative politicians!!! They single handedly attacked Herman Cain last time! They thought they had a home run. Seems now they struck out!
Still with the dictionary games?
He exaggerated. At minimum, that’s what he did. It could still be seen as a relatively innocent exaggeration. But not if he continues to deny it. Denying the exaggeration freights it with malign intent.
Too fucking funny! Today’s implosion has sucked the loon into his own fantasy world where the reality which the rest of the world shares can’t fuck with his head anymore.
Heh. Pyramids. Too fucking hilarious!
“Donald Trump rips Ben Carson for his ‘ridiculous’ pyramids theory”
“Donald Trump Takes Shots at Ben Carson After Accounts of His Youth Are Questioned”
Trump already smelled Carson’s blood in the water, and now he has the West Point lie to work with. Carson is finished.
Politico is standing by the story.
Sorry Piddles
This is untrue this evening as it was this morning. It is as untrue as when they reprinted the “Anniversary Edition” of “Gifted Hands” in 2006. It was untrue when the book was originally published. It is a lie.
It is a lie. A lie Dr. Ben told many times in order to make himself seem more accomplished which he didn’t really need to do but couldn’t help himself.
I did not have contractual relations with that company. I was given a scholarship to West Point.
Holy Crap! The Mother of all Attack ads
An early FNMM favorite?
“It could still be seen as a relatively innocent exaggeration..”
Nah, he’s obviously a chronic liar. More lies will likely be exposed soon.
Meanwhile, the loon is losing it all over this thread. My God, how I love it!
Ben Carson, a non-veteran who attempted to embellish his military non-credentials by falsely claiming he turned down a “West Point scholarship” (whatever that is) to instead become a surgeon, is doing the only thing he CAN do to save his campaign and reputation: He’s doubling down on his lie. It’s too late. The liberal-biased media (drooling sarcasm) is against him. His goose is cooked.
@125 Heh. A wingnut writing for a magazine with a Republican editorial slant says Carson should quit. Doesn’t look good for the former boy wonder.
@126 “Bottom line Politico stepped on the rake and received rake face!”
That will become true when Carson shows us his acceptance letter from West Point’s admissions department.
Of course, telling the truth about Carson is a media plot to keep a guy who believes the earth is 6,000 years old out of the White House. The media is prejudiced against know-nothings. After all, they could have chosen not to report that he makes shit up. HIs followers never would have figured it out, because they believe the pyramids were used to store grain, too.
Just finished watching MSNBC forum….I’m sure not one Republican watched….they are not type to watch anything classy or anything that doesn’t have booing an hisssing….those fucking Repukey snakes. Bunch of mother fuckers.
What initially looked like a disaster for Ben Carson could now be a major black eye for Politico. Amazing how Heilary’s super pac is circling the wagons!
Sorry checkmate… Puddy uses libtards to deeeestroy libtards!
FACTS are those things libtards hate!
Oh and lib the racist unscientist… keep playing as distant noplay!
Roger is as senile as ever!
Remember Jim Geraghty libtards? You all used him for your Mannetech attack on Ben Carson. Well his take is interesting…
Puddy can’t wait to view the Friday Night Comix lies on Ben Carson!
Oh wow checkmate…
Unlike Obummer everyone knew Carson was an excellent student, excelling in everything he did once he accepted God into his life. We know about the 11,000+ childrens’ lives he touched!
Sux to be checkmate!
Triple Pressure Packed Steve fails again!
Roger is still senile!
Oh and lib the racist unscientist… keep playing as distant noplay!
With the way this implosion is accelerating, I’m thinking a black hole version of the loon might be in our future.
Wow! Over 140 posts on a Friday. That must be a record! It’s understandable, though. Loon head explosions occur daily, but this implosion we’re witnessing is really something else. He’s headed where no batshit crazy loon has ever gone before!
The Wall Street Journal. Devastating.
“Ben Carson’s Past Faces Deeper Questions”
“Lying, I believe, is a grave sin” – Ben Carson
You’re quoting a Federalist, a Federalist? piece that ties together all of today’s right wing freakout response as proof of something.
How desperate are you?
This is still a lie. You don’t get offered financial aid to a school you don’t apply. It’s a lie.
This is a lie. There was no offer and West Point confirms this via the very basic fact that if a school does not approve your application, an application Dr. Ben freely admits he never submitted, the financial terms don’t ever get considered. “Hey, there are all these people NOT trying to get into West Point. How do we get tuition to them. They aren’t coming here but just in case…line up those scholarships!” You cannot get any kind of offer if you don’t apply.
Politico stands by the story.
But, but, but, but the Federalist makes up a quote about the writer of the story personally changing the headline so…good enough for Piddles. The whole story is Hillary Clinton’s PAC.
Maybe if I comb through the records of the California State University I can find my scholarship offer. Never mind that I never applied to any institution within the California State University system….I’m sure I can find my scholarship offer there somewhere. (GO BRUINS!)
Yes The Federalist… More truthful then all the left wrong erags y’all use! Once again crackerjack box dr checkmate missed the big picture…
West Point offers the appointment as a scholarship. From their advertisement
More screaming from crackerjack box dr checkmate and we see the head go
Even leftist Dylan Byers has reacted against Politico!
Carson’s campaign is uniquely ill-prepared to weather this. So far he’s rolled an enormous percentage of his fund raising take back into more fund raising. So his managers don’t have established positions in media space to counter this. They don’t even have much of a campaign apparatus in place to accomplish it.
Imagine instead of a candidate you were trying to sell a new soft drink. And instead of going into the market with a cleverly conceived marketing and advertising strategy, you focused your resources instead on establishing and expanding your distribution network of independent bottlers and distributors, combined with a low key strategy of product design and media outreach relying on free appearances and soft journalism. That way, when consumers and retailers learn about your product, it’s readily at hand. It’s done all the time. Jones soda comes to mind.
But what happens if some “bad news” about your product comes along? A push strategy focus leaves you flat footed. When consumers and retailers start to hear a negative message about your product, you don’t have good channels in place to communicate the counter messages. The corporate organs of main stream journalism pick up on the “bad news” and begin reporting on it. And you are stuck working the “friendly” relationships you’ve established with media small players. Consumer and retailer response slackens, and your messaging apparatus is stuck in an echo chamber. You’re fucked.
And so is Carson’s campaign.
Okay Puddy back…
So crackerjack box dr checkmate, if Politico “stands” by their story, why did they change the headline and rewrite sentences and paragraphs without telling people they rewrote it? When did “stands” by their story include a rewrite?
Only in libtard land!
lib the racist unscientist @147,
Ben Carson has received free publicity from Heilary’s super pac! This will tide him over for weeks! People have woken up to the left leaning news locations all over America! This was similar to NBC News in Florida editing the George Zimmerman 911 tape to something it wasn’t. Butt libtards will stand by their “story”!
BTW you can change your internet moniker because you post from the same place as lib the unscientist! You can thank clueless crazed databaze deala for exposing that website tracking tip!
“People have woken up to the left leaning news locations all over America! “
People whose browser bookmarks feature WND, The Federalist, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, and who regularly attend Rush to Excellence cruises.
I don’t blame extremists like you for trying desperately to cut a fire line around this. But your fire lines are being jumped because however passionate, your base is too narrow. And the campaign’s efforts to expand its support base beyond hard right conservative Bible thumpers is only just started last week. Bad timing.
You lose.
Deflect, dodge, SEE! They DOOOOOOOO offer a scholarship.
But Dr. Ben lied about West Point. Nothing you put in 146 changes that.
So the CIO of West Point got that point semantically wrong. They still never offered a scholarship to Ben Carson. He wanted the world to believe they did.
go fuck yourself horse ass … lol
@ 152
Shaddap Tim.
One can only hope that the “Martrydom” of Dr. Carson will rally the truly insane and evangelical behind him and carry him all the way to the nomination so he can get trounced. Being crazy, being a Christian zealot, lying about your military bona fides and comparing America to Nazi Germany on several occasions doesn’t win a general election.
Please, please, please, please GOP. Go with ben. Vaya Con Carson?
“Shaddap Tim.”
Now that’s funny!
“West Point offers the appointment as a scholarship.”
It must suck terribly for the batshit crazy loon and Carson that they never offered one to Ben. That makes him a liar, and it’s obvious now that it wasn’t his only lie. I can see, though, why Carson lying wouldn’t bother the loon. The loon lies every time he posts one of his batshit insane comments.
Anyone who knows how you get into West Point can tell you he is spouting bullshit. No one has stated what congress man was going to put his name in. With the exception of a few openings usually filled by enlisted personnel that is how you get in…same goes for Annapolis and the Air Force Academy. Also anyone wanting a medical degree would think West Post a poor choice as graduates come out with what is essentially an engineering degree. These are the facts and it’s nice he did ROTC, but he did go through at a time it was mandatory at some schools, and Uncle Sam needed a larger pool of potential officers than the service schools provide, and they wisely believe civilian schools can provide all the doctors they need, by patriotism or hook or by crook.
@8 Ah we agree. Do we agree that it’s a stupid lie?
@55 Unfortunately for the bombers (if there was a bomb), their families, and friends they will find out the Russians are not nice people. They will show the world the Mafia are amateurs and it will be messy.
@84 I think General Westmorland would be insulted by the fact Dr. Carson does not mention the Congressional Medal winners by name and put him as more important than the medal winners. Kinda like having the couch receive the medal than the athletes.
Meanwhile at the Democratic National Headquaters there goes out a memo stating hey is there anyway we can help this Carson guy hang in there and maybe bag Iowa? No don’t go public with the good stuff, not until he has the nomination. We can’t wait until they ask Hilliary or Bernie about getting the phone call in the middle of the night. Old Ben will be there with his patented deer in the head light look. It will be a spectacular moment that we could never imagine the Republicans giving us. So yes keep up the charade we really hate this guy and are taking him seriously.
@126 Love the comments from Westies. Reading the whole thing exactly how many scholarships come with an annual salary, medical care, ect. Yes sometimes the military resorts to puffery in advertising. Young plebs are tuned inti reality during summer drill.
It’s the same military that has paid patriotism, paying professional sports teams to have moments of military folks participating…singing the National Anthem, ect.
I don’t think Lee, Grant, Patton, McArthur, Eisenhower called being at West Point just a scholarship.