It’s not the biggest thing in the world, but yes, paving projects should also complete streets. It’s a time to do it, and holy catfish, Roosevelt looks nice.
* Of all the dumb Open Thread variants I’ve done since someone suggested I do dates to differentiate them from one another, this is probably my favorite.
When ya gonna do “Open Bread”?
Silly Carl. We don’t need to pave. We need more tax breaks for the rich. The streets will then pave themselves.
It’s interesting, and a little scary, to consider how the last few weeks of the Presidential campaign have unfolded.
I’ve always assumed since Trump was handed the nomination that he would at some point sabotage his own chances one way or another (or a dozen others). He’s just terrible at this.
But his theory of the electorate was not without merit. The numbers are there. There’s like 40 to 50 million eligible, unregistered non-college-educated whites out there. With a slightly more disciplined candidate, a viable field operation, and without pussygate Republicans would be in the hunt for sure.
Add in the backing of the Russian espionage services, the collusion of the “both sides” media, FOXNews and CNN paying Trump surrogates to disrupt coverage, and the carefully planned and orchestrated series of manufactured scandals and it would be an across-the-board win.
This was a very large and undoubtedly very costly program that took years to assemble.
And in the end, as with Judicial Watch, the supporters will come away with less than nothing.
No wonder they insist its a conspiracy. Even if they could conceive of the enormity of this kind of failure, they couldn’t possibly afford to admit it.
@3 This is the sort of failure that leads to a Hitler. By the way, I saw a beat-up old car in a parking lot the other day with two bumper stickers. One said “Trump” and the other said “No to Science.” The two go hand-in-hand. There’s a frightening level of ignorance in this country. Republicans may have a point about failing schools. It’s hard to see our educational system as successful when you end up with so many Republicans.
where you say “Republican” I read racist.
This election will buy us some breathing space. And with each passing year, more and more of these assholes will age out or kill themselves.
But this country won’t get past this threat until we (all of us) deal with our fucked up attitudes about race. Basic shit.
For example: when you say the phrase “school choice”, whites and minorities in this country hear two completely different things, irrespective of political ideology.
@5 Starve schools, feed prisons. The racist formula for making America “great” again.
I suspect Trump will let it all hang out tonight and, in doing so, pound more nails into the GOP coffin. Among other things, I can see him getting back to his roots, going full on birther.
Attention hackers everywhere:
Trump’s email servers can be hacked.
What this means is that, according to Beaumont, Trump corp email servers and systems are as secure as a Miss Teen USA’s dressing room is at a Trump-hosted event.
Republican First Daughter pivots away from election rigging to focus on her “Mulatto” curiosity.
Any volunteers?
Re: @9,
We can only conclude one of two possibilities for Paretti’s tweet:
– The owner of a billion dollar media company and one of the original founders of HuffPo is flat out fucking crazy enough to put his entire company at risk for laughs;
-The tweet is true.
Trump has now made Rubio/Cruz/Ryan/Paul etc. seem like moderates now and i think that was the ploy from the start…we know the Elephants have run far right for 40 years just to get the Donkeys to respond in kind…and they have.
There can be only one sensible reaction to a report like this.
America should take a time out from electing male Presidents.
I suggest eight years.
Problem solved.
that’s only true if we accede to the premise that Trump is somehow not a Republican. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. As Trump and his surrogates are so eager to point out, he won this Republican nomination with a record number of Republican votes. He is perhaps the single most Republican nominee to come along in decades. If he is false, racist, xenophobic, uncouth, misogynistic, and unqualified, then so are the rest of them.
The burden of proof lies with them.
Duterte has trashed Obama and the U.S. repeatedly. Now watch him with his hand out for help when they are devastated by a cyclone. Yeah, right. Maybe China will help.
Great fitness for president question. Bob Creamer, DUMMOCRETIN operative visited the Obummer whitey house hundreds of times!
Creamer was fully integrated into the Careless Crooked Heilary campaign! His words!
Great economics question… Clinton Foundation pays men 38% more than wimens for same job!
I kind of think that’s hipster Irony. I saw a beat up Toyota about a month ago with a sticker that said F#*K Censorship.
I’ve really been enjoying the satire, do I need to define it for The Liar?, of Andy Borowitz these last few months
Chicago ethical standards…
Bill Ayers
Robert Creamer
Barack Obummer
Jeremiah Wright
Jan Schakowsky
Nuff Said!
Chicago ethical standards…
Bill Ayers
Robert Creamer
Barack Obummer
Jeremiah Wright
Jan Schakowsky
Nuff Said!
Me! Me! Me!
#21 is not the REAL Puddybud! Nice copy and paste of the little black boy’s face Oregon moron!
Did DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate @18 fart again? There isn’t any irony with those fired DUMMOCRETIN ironies!
Please forgive that outburst.
I went off my meds for a moment.
One of yours DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate…
I am also very curious.
Also, I’ve been out of work for a while, so…
Excuse me but I really am a fool!
President Clinton says: I’ll do all the worrying.
Unhinged Racist Republican Nominee says Fuck Off! Were full!
The Racist Rape-publican nominee’s debate prep.
No! You shut up!
The Glorious Leader’s debate coke-nose sniffing has begun!
Hah, on the economy question he’s flat refusing to answer it. He changed the subject back to the preceding one. He talks about tax cuts for people who are already not paying any taxes at all, including himself.
Christ what a fucking asshole.
I’m not gonna lie. I’ve been around a long time and I have the kind of job where I have entire days on the clock sitting around and the shit never hits the fan so my skills are just insurance. I’ve been to the end of the Internet on some of those days. So when you link to a website I’ve never even heard of I’m not going to give them a click through. Even if you mention me by name. Thanks for enhancing my brand but Pass.
And now for something different.
This is fascinating. You may have bought the Tesla, but you don’t own the software and they put restrictions on how you use your private car.
Isn’t that like saying you bought a laptop with Window but Microsoft won’t allow you to surf porn with it?
it’s already being tried.
“Instead, John Deere said that those who buy tractors are actually purchasing an “implied license for the life of the vehicle to operate the vehicle.””
Any one on Disqus? I started a thread on the Alfred E. Smith dinner.