I make no secret of my disdain for religion. Many of the worlds most destructive and deadly problems can be traced to them. They may mix in some practical advice, just to confuse the mind, but, overall, they are bull. Take Hannukah (or however it’s spelled) for example. A few oil lamps get some yak fat mixed in and burn longer than expected and Jews are dancing around celebrating for thousands of years because it’s a “miracle” from god. But when millions of Jew are burned alive and no god can be found, this is what? Excused as some over site? God’s chosen people get better lighting, once? It seems to me a holiday as empty as Christmas. Lots of razzle dazzle over a bowl of empty promises.
Distant Replayspews:
My wife survived the night, despite Puddy’s fervent appeals to his invisible sky buddy.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 2
Well, yeah.
But she had to wake up next to you.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
NYT on watch lists, only a year ago:
How can Dr. Ibrahim be a terrorist and not be a threat at the same time? Welcome to the shadowy, self-contradictory world of American terror watch lists, which operate under a veil of secrecy so thick that it is virtually impossible to pierce it when mistakes are made. A 2007 audit found that more than half of the 71,000 names then on the no-fly list were wrongly included.
In a recently unredacted portion of his January ruling, Judge Alsup noted that in 2009 the government added Dr. Ibrahim back to its central terrorist-screening database under a “secret exception” to its own standard of proof. This would be laughable if it weren’t such a violation of basic rights. A democratic society premised on due process and open courts cannot tolerate such behavior.
Terrible news for gun nuts, too: The Supreme Court let stand a local ordinance banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. That’s a green light to ban such weapons nationwide if voters weary of daily mass slaughters decide to replace the pro-mayhem Republican Congress with sensible representatives.
I expect to see progress at the state level.
But dislodging gun industry owned Republicans from Congress is a long term project. Part of which will involve message discipline among Dems.
It has to be communicated clearly and repeatedly that the onus for protecting our communities and our families from these homegrown arsenals of slaughter lies with the Republican leadership.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 7
The Supreme Court let stand a local ordinance banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. That’s a green light to ban such weapons nationwide if voters weary of daily mass slaughters decide to replace the pro-mayhem Republican Congress with sensible representatives.
Well, no.
From Justice Thomas’ dissent:
Instead of adhering to our reasoning in Heller, the Seventh
Circuit limited Heller to its facts, and read Heller to
forbid only total bans on handguns used for self-defense in
the home. See 784 F. 3d, at 407, 412. All other questions
about the Second Amendment, the Seventh Circuit concluded,
should be defined by “the political process and
scholarly debate.” Id., at 412.
The non-decision by SCOTUS is a green light for states or municipalities to decide for themselves what is permissible and what is not.
Meaning California can continue to make things more restrictive and Heidi Heitkamp can continue to support gun rights in her state.
I’ll pull a Goldy and say something like “I’m no attorney, but…” and add that to me, what SCOTUS has also done by not weighing in on a Bill of Rights issue is to give a green light to states to restrict other “rights”, based upon “the political process and scholarly debate”.
Or at least Texas Gov. Greg Abbott might think so.
Still reading Thomas’ dissent but it doesn’t seem that it’s as far-reaching as you seem to believe. Of course, I’m only a guy who questions whether a felon is actually fleeing when he’s bull-rushing a cop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Verizon buys Yahoo!, CEO Marissa Mayer will get a $110 million severance package while shareholders eat a 30% loss in the value of their stock since Jan. 1. Oh well, that’s capitalism and its screwed-up incentives in all their glory. I don’t own Yahoo! stock, so it isn’t my problem.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 When you have only 2 members of the 5-conservative majority of SCOTUS arguing in favor of taking up this case, what the dissenters say means squat. And if towns and villages can ban these military weapons, why can’t Congress? All it takes is replacing Republicans with representatives who care more about the lives of the American citizens being shot down by AR-15s every single day than contributions from the NRA. That shouldn’t be hard to do with a little public education about the issue. And good luck with trying to extrapolate from this non-decision a green light to legislatively ban the constitutional right to abortion, a right which even the conservative Supreme Court is unwilling to overturn. Maybe you should stick with what you know, doc: Reading x-rays. You’re not doing so good as an amateur lawyer.
Youarea Duncespews:
Fuck off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Chicago police killings and coverups, which have already cost the city’s police boss his job, are now the subject of a federal civil rights investigation.
Yahoo stock price when Mayer was hired in 2012: $15.64.
Yahoo stock price today: $34.80.
Market cap has increased 66% under Mayer’s leadership.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Two-Term President Obama will ask Congress to do four specific things to combat ISIS terrorism, and the do-nothing Republican Congress probably won’t do any of them.
That shouldn’t be hard to do with a little public education about the issue.
Yeah? How well did you do after an autistic guy killed his mother and then 20 young children?
You’ll make inroads in municipalities and in a few states. In others, you won’t.
Highland Park’s law permitted owners of AR-15s to move those guns out of the city limits, and they could still be owned and used. That’s different from forbidding ownership anywhere.
You’re trying to make a local decision into a green light for a national ban. That’s a massive leap of faith.
Very likely an incorrect one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 I’m sure that’s a huge comfort to all the investors who bought Yahoo! stock this year. Yeah, tell ’em they should’ve bought it in 2012! They’ll appreciate that advice, Boob. Even those who bought in 2012 are out the 30% their shares have dropped this year. I’m sure they, too, appreciate Mayer’s leadership and business acumen when it’s viewed in the appropriate context.
Listen, with a list of stock quotes from March 9, 2009, I could make every CEO in America look like a fucking genius. By the way, I bought GE on March 5, 2009, for $6.74 a share, and I bought Starbucks in 1996 for $1.11 a share.
Ima Duncespews:
Ooops! “oversight”. Too much “site” on the mind.
Erick Erickson ✔ @EWErickson
Growing up, I remember my parents never letting us have Asian food on December 7th. They were children of WWII.
Twitter creates #erickshouse. Hilarity ensues.
on Alamo Day at #erickshouse we throw burritos on the ground
Growing up, we were only allowed to eat off paper plates. My parents were worried anything else could be considered china. #Erickshouse
When your parents won’t let you listen to The Beatles because they still mad about the Revolutionary War #Erickshouse
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “Yeah? How well did you do after an autistic guy killed his mother and then 20 young children?”
The real question is, how safe have Republicans kept us since then? Answer: Gerrymandering kills.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 16
Maybe you own gun stocks but I can’t recall you mentioning any.
The Barack Effect has been substantial:
Shares of the two publicly traded gun makers rallied on Monday, a day after President Barack Obama gave a prime-time address calling for a modest reduction in the availability of firearms.
Both Smith & Wesson SWHC, +6.21% and Sturm Ruger & Co. RGR, +6.57% rose over 7% on Monday.
Smith & Wesson has climbed 116% this year and Sturm Ruger has jumped 69%.
Shareholders who bought Yahoo this year no doubt wish they had locked-and-loaded instead.
Distant Replayspews:
“… to me, what SCOTUS has also done by not weighing in on a Bill of Rights issue is to give a green light to states to restrict other “rights”, based upon “the political process and scholarly debate”.”
I’ll keep looking, but so far I don’t find much evidence that the Court’s reasoning regarding one enumerated right has ever been applied to a completely different right. So it seems pretty certain that Heller, and how the Court views the way the Circuits apply Heller, is confined to 2nd questions.
And it would seem unwise to apply the reasoning of a dissent opinion to the majority. Since the majority offered no opinion, at most what we can surmise is that the majority is satisfied with how the 7th applied Heller in this case, regardless of how Scalia and Thomas see it.
I’m not that into the nitty gritty of cases SCOTUS doesn’t agree to hear. Any idea how common it is to have a dissent written about why the court SHOULD take a case the majority has decided isn’t worthy?
Is this a more than normal hissy fit by Thomas?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 21
And it would seem unwise to apply the reasoning of a dissent opinion to the majority.
I think one could surmise that the reasoning of the dissent wasn’t something the other 6 or 7 bought into.
“Yeah? How well did you do after an autistic guy killed his mother and then 20 young children?”
Wrong question. The onus is no longer on Dems in Congress or The President. The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose. They’ll whine. They’ll accuse Dems of “playing politics with tragedy” and “exploiting tragedy for political gain”. Let ’em.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Puddy, is this the kind of law enforcement you support? Note, these aren’t Chicago cops under a DUMMOCRETIN mayor; Alabama is a red state. http://handbill.us/?p=64315
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 I made a shitload of blood money from my Cabela’s stock and would’ve made a lot more if I had kept it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet banana clips are flying off shelves today, after Obama’s speech yesterday. The rubes are blowing their rent money again. Better to have a well-stocked survival bunker than a roof over your family’s heads and shoes on your kids’ feet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Boeing has raised its dividend 88% in the last two years, and I’m expecting another double-digit raise this month. Boeing workers, especially in right-to-work-for-peanuts states, aren’t doing as well. Poor saps. And I don’t even have to get out of bed or commute to work on the assembly line. Ah well, that’s capitalism in all its sparkling glory. You get ahead in this country by owning, not working. The whole notion of working hard to get ahead is a myth propagated by the owner class to help us take advantage of the working class.
Republican Blames Failing Schools On Black Kids: ‘We Can’t Make An African-American White’ (VIDEO) http://www.bipartisanreport.co.....ite-video/
Senator Marty Knollenberg (R) “You mentioned why these schools fail. You mention the economically disadvantaged and non-white population are contributors to that. And, you know, we can’t fix THAT! We can’t make an African-American white. [grins] It is what it is. So we can’t fix that.”
Wow. A michigan republican said that. Anything to avoid coming up with the funds to pay for a quality public education and doing anything about the issues that make it harder for minority students to do well in school. . IMHO.
Is this was more and more republicans think and say in public?
Ima Duncespews:
Here’s what we need to hear from Democrats: Republicans won’t be happy until American soldiers are getting blown up in another no-win, counterproductive war. We need this often and without apologies.
Last night, my Scanner Radio App sent an alert to high listener traffic on a channel providing feeds for Riverside County public safety agencies, about an active shooter at a mall. Not much from the AP or others. Turned out over 30,000 people were listening to a response to a smash and grab robbery. False alarm on the active shooter. http://ktla.com/2015/12/06/riv.....yler-mall/
Teabagged to Deathspews:
@1 not sure of the need of disdain of a religion. I’d really blame the people that interpret the religion to the nth degree.
I may not know or think of Religion the way you are thinking of it or the way that it should be thought of it, but if you just look at the Ten Commandments of the Christian faith, then it seems to me pretty mild. Religion or not, the Ten Commandments are something that should be agreeable by all or not controversial….it’s when you get these radicals that turn Religion into the Almighty is when you pretty much have a problem.
Ima Duncespews:
@32 O.k., then let’s look at just one, and maybe the most important. Something, I believe that goes like “I am the Lord, thy God. You shall have no other gods before me, you shall not make for yourself graven images of anything that is in heaven…” Do you see people who scream at everyone else they must believe this, worshiping all manner of graven images? I sure do. Just go to the Vatican sometime. It’s just a list for hypocrites. A way to keep the ignorant down while the elite rob them blind and make them fight twisted wars. And while we’re at it, they still want to bury people up to their necks and throw rocks at their heads. Savages. They still enslave people. Savages is all. You can’t shine it up and claim the moral high ground anymore. History is replete with religious monstrosities. It’s time to wake up. They all have an excuse for mass murder.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 The only thing wrong with the Ten Commandments is that nobody obeys them, least of all those who advertise them the loudest.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 24
The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose.
Actually, probably just until the first Wednesday in November of next year.
The move in the last Congressional election cycle was to hang responsibility for all woes befalling the Democrat Party on the Koch brothers.
The billionaire industrialists fund a panoply of conservative political groups to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. And they are near-daily targets of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who, at last count, mentioned the brothers on the Senate floor 134 times.
The move in the one before that was to claim Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years.
Reid’s claim, which seemed outrageous on its face, was widely dismissed by fact-checkers. Wrote WaPo’s Fact Checker Glenn Kessler in a piece giving Reid four Pinocchios for the claim:
Without seeing Romney’s taxes, we cannot definitively prove Reid incorrect. But tax experts say his claim is highly improbable. Reid also has made no effort to explain why his unnamed source would be credible. So, in the absence of more information, it appears he has no basis to make his incendiary claim.
So this year it’s terrorism unleashed on the US by ISIS is because there are AR-15s (this excuse wouldn’t be so quickly arrived at had some of those pipe bombs exploded as planned, but I suppose I digress) and terrorists are moved to do what they do because it’s a little warmer out.
It’s what you have and it’s who you are. Otherwise Hillary needs to run on her record, and on the storied accomplishments of young Secretary Castro.
So guns it is.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Obama’s AG says Puddy can stay.
Lynch recalibrates message on hateful speech
First Amendment precedents generally protect speech, even hateful speech, from punishment unless the comments are intended to incite direct action against specific individuals or in a specific place.
Lynch’s comments Monday seemed to better capture that balance by focusing on those who might act out, rather than those who may be fomenting trouble.
I’m thinking more like thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, thou shall not lie, thou shall not convent tyiur neighbors wife.
As I’ve said here before, my mother who is a devout Roman Catholic Christian, whose role model was and still is Mother Teressa, never ever has ever in my lifetime speaks about religion to anyone, she keeps her thoughts to herself and never tries to force her religious beliefs and respects all other religions. Maybe she is the exception. But again blame the radicals for spewing shit and mocking people of different faiths.
She’s probably more religious than any Teabaggers or politician and she never ever talks as if she is self righteous and others are not. The problem is when you get the idiots using and hijacking religion to beat other people down with it.
Distant Replayspews:
“So guns it is.”
Sure. Along with immigration reform, economic recovery, and cleaning up after Jr. and Darth Vader in the Middle East. Or did you forget about “the most expensive search for non-existent nuclear weapons in the history of the universe”®? Sure you did.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Steven Hill @StevenHill1776
My oped @SeattleTimes “The ‘#SharingEconomy’ further hurting workers’ rights,” labor #Democrats vs @DavidPlouffe http://www.seattletimes.com/op.....rs-rights/ …
Retweeted by Goldy
After urging citizens to support Obamacare so they can live the shared economy lifestyle
So, you can‘t—everybody has so much to gain from this, small businesses, as I said, seniors, young people, women, our economy. Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk, but not job loss because of a child with asthma or someone in the family is bipolar—you name it, any condition—is job locking.
rather than being tied down to a day job in order to have health care, liberals experience the reality of having actively sustained that shared economy for the past five years.
Welcome to reality, HA libbies.
Distant Replayspews:
so… the Great Muslim Round-up is off? The “families” too?
Darn, I know how much you guys were looking forward to that.
And yes the Vatican also is enriched with greed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 You’re still getting you’re Medicare reimbursements, aren’t you? So what’s not to like about the Obama Economy? It’s sure a lot better than the one that preceded it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh my! I have terrible news for Carson supporters! Gifted Hands has dropped to 4th place in Iowa:
“Cruz gets 24 percent support among likely Republican caucus goers, a significant lead over Trump’s 19 percent. His fellow senator Marco Rubio of Florida comes in third with 17 percent support, and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson nets 13 percent support.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I imagine Paul, Christie, Fiorina, and Fuckabee will wrap their campaigns and drop out after the Iowa caucuses if not sooner. Carson’s direct mail fundraising might keep him in the race a bit longer, but if he drops into single digits, you can stick a fork in him.
Distant Replayspews:
Affirming the consequent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“California Rep. Mike Thompson, the chairman of the House Democrats’ gun violence task force, is trying to force House Republican leaders to bring up a bill that would ban gun sales to those on the no-fly list. But Speaker Paul Ryan is already downplaying the possibility of a vote on the issue.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, just because they’ve been identified by our government as potential terrorists doesn’t mean Republican gun store owners shouldn’t sell AR-15s to them!
Roger Rabbitspews:
We all know Republicans are fierce defenders of the 2nd Amendment (even though they don’t have much use for the other amendments). So here’s a question. How do they feel about suspending 2nd Amendment rights for Muslims? I mean, if we’re not going to let Muslims into the country, if we’re not going to let them fly, if we’re going to close their mosques, and not let them wear their Muslim clothing in public, and if we’re going to arrest them for assembling homemade clocks, and so on, are Republicans willing to pass gun control laws that prohibit Muslims from buying guns (or at least AR-15s) at gun shows without background checks? Don’t count on it — they might see it as setting some sort of precedent. And anyway, Muslim terrorists are trying to overthrow our government, and isn’t that what Republicans see as the whole point of a dozen guns in the basement and another dozen in the survival bunker buried in the backyard?
Distant Replayspews:
Cruz seems to have refined his message in some very effective ways that may be predictive. He’s really pouring on the xenophobic tough talk and using more imagery evoking fright mask enemies and violent confrontation. Seems to be working with a specific faction of Carson’s evangelicals. But also with some of Trump’s angry white guys (who maybe doubt Trump’s godly virtue). The pious, god-fearing, border wall building, nuke-the-terrorists President. That image may be what wins the Republican primary. Then again, it helps to recall how many blue state Republicans vote in primaries. Rubio and Bush are still in the fight. But they may have to pick it up with the “Let’s git ’em” talk to stay relevant. Good news for them is beating up on Muslims wont cost them much with the Latino vote.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose.
You forget the elephant in the room (besides yourself of course)… The ACLU!
“We are also concerned about the privacy implications of universal background checks,” added Murphy. “Those checks have to be conducted in a way that protects sensitive health records and does not discourage people from seeking drug treatment, and we hope our concerns are addressed as the bill is amended.” – Laura W. Murphy, director of the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office… Or
“And they come to use databases for all sorts of different purposes. For example, the National Counterterrorism Center recently gave itself the authority to collect all kinds of existing federal databases and performed terrorism related searches regarding those databases. They essentially exempted themselves from a lot of existing Privacy Act protections.”
– ACLU Top Lobbyist Chris Calabrese
Bottom line: The ACLU is against the NICS receiving all mental health data held by courts and state agencies. Hence how can you stop mentally unstable people like Lanza getting a gun when the ACLU threatens class action lawsuits to stop the information exchange? This is why Puddy says DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM. Y’all use this as a political football only discussing the Second Amendment portion the NRA brings up butt you never discuss the ACLU threats to any bill that adds mental health evaluations to gun purchases!
Butt the leftard e-rags get all over the NRA for screaming about the mentally deficient (like most HA DUMMOCRETINS here) getting a weapon and going nutz like Adam Lanza or James Holmes or Jared Loughner! The jury couldn’t even sentence Holmes to death! Holmes gets 12 life sentences, plus 3,318 years? Like that does what?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Homeland Security chief to revamp terrorism alert system
Lessee, there’s Gingerbread. Ice Cream. Jellybean. KitKat. Lollipop. Marshmallow. Um, what was ‘H’ again?
Distant Replayspews:
The onus is no longer on Dems in Congress or The President. The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose. They’ll whine. They’ll accuse Dems of “playing politics with tragedy” and “exploiting tragedy for political gain”. Let ‘em.
Distant Replayspews:
My God – Trump is a repulsive Irresponsible puke.
Republicans have created a Frankenstien. And he’s got little lemmings following him.
This Country is ruined.
Damn that was a fun game to watch yesterday.
The leagues #1 run offense looked like an NAIA football team.
The Hawks are building up the momentum to make a hard run at the Super Bowl this year. When they are clicking, they are almost untouchable. Going to be fun to watch heading down the stretch.
Go Hawks!
@54….”This Country is ruined.”
Then perhaps you should move away…..freedom is a great thing, isnt it.
The Muslim terrorist have won, and with a small battle. They are laughing right now at us fucking morons.
I think the only thing they have won is/are future dates with some rather f-ugly virgins.
There is a reason some people are virgins ya know!
That virgin is so ugly, she musta fell out of the Ugly Tree, and hit every damn branch on the way down…..HA!
Not sure why we have homeland security at 500 billion a year when we just need Donald Trump.
@56 not planning to move anywhere, if it comes down to shooting some of you fucks then I guess I’ll die for freedom.
i so scared now….nutty muslims on my left, and angry gay on my right!
nowwhere to run, nowhere to hide!
help me obi wan, help me!
maybe I should call Antifa!
they could bring out their Hoax Brigade!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Until the ACLU allows all people to be fully vetted, gun control legislation will continue to be rightly blocked!
It’s important to remind people that the only valid predicating conditions for gun control legislation are constitutionality and public support. A regulation must not impermissibly infringe the right as described in the Constitution. And it must enjoy sufficient public support.
Proposals like universal background checks, and closing the gun show loophole enjoy very broad, bi-partsan public support and are already tested in the courts through various state laws.
So much for those chants of no terrorist attacks during Obummer’s watch. Even Obummer called Ft Hood a terrorist attack. Now what about Chattanooga Obummer? Purple Hearts?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Seahawks finally ditch Cary Williams! He still got $7 Million
Puddy, you really have no clue about what you’re talking about, do you?
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
University of Rochester: SWAT Teams Rescue 2 College Students, Arrest 4 Suspects in Raid
The press will call the four ALLEGED kidnappers deranged Christian terrorists! Gotta balance the narrative!
If Republicans in Congress would only allow gun safety regulations, like universal background checks and closing the gun show loophole, to be given hearings in committee it would be a tremendous mark of progress. But they still will not allow it.
It would never dawn on the loon in a million years that America’s right-wing extremists hated Jews long before they gave even a single thought towards hating Muslims. Hell, a half century ago Muslims didn’t even make the list of those who right-wing extremists hate. I think the line used in the film Mississippi Burning went something like “niggers, jews, spics and papists”.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
It would never dawn on the loon in a million years that America’s right-wing extremists hated Jews long before they gave even a single thought towards hating Muslims.
Okay Puddy will give you Patrick Buchanan and David Duke. And Puddy will give you the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) which is Neo Nazi. Butt you seem to forget these academics whom lean left who are holocaust deniers, many if them used IHR materials! Here are just the ones whom didn’t fly under the radar! Butt back in the 1920-1960’s these were DUMMOCRETIN progressives! Jonah Goldberg identified your peeps long ago!
This guy was a denier just after WWII before IHR – Professor Harry Elmer Barnes – Dead – Just as predicted by Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower after WWII
So moving forward after IHR Puddy gives TPPS all from WikiPedia sources who are well known blatant Jew haters!
You forgot high school teacher Dorothy Groteluschen – Dead
You forgot about Professor Arthur Butz – Northwestern University
You forgot about Professor Francis Boyle – University of Illinois
You forgot about Professor – Alireza Tabatabaeenejad – USC
You forgot about Professor Kaukab Siddique – Lincoln University
You forgot about Professor Richard Countess – University of Alabama
You forgot about Professor Donald Hiner – Purdue University
So let’s go back just 10 years ago! Puddy is sure TPPS will think all these blacks and Hispanics are conservative Republicans…
The 2005 survey found that 36% of African-Americans hold strong anti-Semitic beliefs, four times more than the 9% for whites. In 1992 it was 37%; 1998 – 34%; 2002- 35%.
Black Professor Leonard Jeffries – City College of New York
Louis Farrakhan – Calypso Louie
Al Sharpton – They are “Diamond Merchants”
Jesse Jackson – New York is “Hymietown”
Hmmm… Al and Jesse ran for the Republican – OOPSDUMMOCRETIN presidential primaries
And how about those latin peeps?
The survey revealed that 35 % of foreign-born Hispanics hold hardcore anti-Semitic beliefs, (down from 44%) while 19 % of Hispanics born in the U.S. fall into the same category (down from 20%). The anti-Semitic propensities of Hispanics were significantly above the national average — 29% for Hispanics; 14% for all Americans.
Maybe this is why the clueless crazed databaze cretin hates Israel so much today eh TPPS? The clueless crazed databaze cretin still hasn’t denounced La Raza and their call for ethnic cleansing of LA neighborhoods getting rid of blacks in certain areas! Ask the clueless crazed databaze cretin about that TPPS! Oh wait… no have no balls too!
Puddy has one for proudleftist… See if you can figger it out… Puddy doubts it though
From Obummer’s speech the other night Obummer claimed ISIS (his ISIL because Obummer includes Israel in the ‘Levant” argument for Iran’s good graces) doesn’t speak for Islam.
Muslim leaders here and around the globe have to continue working with us to decisively and unequivocally reject the hateful ideology that groups like ISIL and al Qaeda promote; to speak out against not just acts of violence, but also those interpretations of Islam that are incompatible with the values of religious tolerance, mutual respect, and human dignity.
Well who does then?
Saudi Arabia – Where 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers came from. Where Wahhabism resides? Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: ألدعوة ألوهابية, ad-Da’wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni http://www.vocativ.com/underwo.....ding/Islam
Iran – Death to America the Great Satan
Pakistan Afghanistan – Al Qaeda
Egypt – Muslim Brotherhood
Yemen – Houthis
Lebanon – Hamas
West Bank – Fatah, PLO
So who does proudleftist? You pop up here making silly assertions so prove your mental acumen. Let us know who speaks for Islam!
The findings of the Center for Security Policy’s survey of Muslims in America suggests that we have a serious problem. The Pew Research Center estimates that the number of Muslims in the United States was 2.75 million in 2011, and growing at a rate of 80-90 thousand a year. If those estimates are accurate, the United States would have approximately 3 million Muslims today. That would translate into roughly 300,000 Muslims living in the United States who believe that shariah is “The Muslim God Allah’s law that Muslims must follow and impose worldwide by Jihad.”
PuddyCommentariat: Ain’t it great to know that these Sha’Ria loving Muslims gladly vote for the party that will gladly deliver it to them… DUMMOCRETINS!
I make no secret of my disdain for religion. Many of the worlds most destructive and deadly problems can be traced to them. They may mix in some practical advice, just to confuse the mind, but, overall, they are bull. Take Hannukah (or however it’s spelled) for example. A few oil lamps get some yak fat mixed in and burn longer than expected and Jews are dancing around celebrating for thousands of years because it’s a “miracle” from god. But when millions of Jew are burned alive and no god can be found, this is what? Excused as some over site? God’s chosen people get better lighting, once? It seems to me a holiday as empty as Christmas. Lots of razzle dazzle over a bowl of empty promises.
My wife survived the night, despite Puddy’s fervent appeals to his invisible sky buddy.
@ 2
Well, yeah.
But she had to wake up next to you.
NYT on watch lists, only a year ago:
How can Dr. Ibrahim be a terrorist and not be a threat at the same time? Welcome to the shadowy, self-contradictory world of American terror watch lists, which operate under a veil of secrecy so thick that it is virtually impossible to pierce it when mistakes are made. A 2007 audit found that more than half of the 71,000 names then on the no-fly list were wrongly included.
In a recently unredacted portion of his January ruling, Judge Alsup noted that in 2009 the government added Dr. Ibrahim back to its central terrorist-screening database under a “secret exception” to its own standard of proof. This would be laughable if it weren’t such a violation of basic rights. A democratic society premised on due process and open courts cannot tolerate such behavior.
A lot can change in a year, apparently.
@3 And we had to wake up to you …
Terrible news for pubbies: Hillary beats every single GOP candidate in the newest polls.
Terrible news for gun nuts, too: The Supreme Court let stand a local ordinance banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. That’s a green light to ban such weapons nationwide if voters weary of daily mass slaughters decide to replace the pro-mayhem Republican Congress with sensible representatives.
I expect to see progress at the state level.
But dislodging gun industry owned Republicans from Congress is a long term project. Part of which will involve message discipline among Dems.
It has to be communicated clearly and repeatedly that the onus for protecting our communities and our families from these homegrown arsenals of slaughter lies with the Republican leadership.
@ 7
The Supreme Court let stand a local ordinance banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. That’s a green light to ban such weapons nationwide if voters weary of daily mass slaughters decide to replace the pro-mayhem Republican Congress with sensible representatives.
Well, no.
From Justice Thomas’ dissent:
Instead of adhering to our reasoning in Heller, the Seventh
Circuit limited Heller to its facts, and read Heller to
forbid only total bans on handguns used for self-defense in
the home. See 784 F. 3d, at 407, 412. All other questions
about the Second Amendment, the Seventh Circuit concluded,
should be defined by “the political process and
scholarly debate.” Id., at 412.
This is on page 4 at http://www.supremecourt.gov/or.....r_6j37.pdf.
The non-decision by SCOTUS is a green light for states or municipalities to decide for themselves what is permissible and what is not.
Meaning California can continue to make things more restrictive and Heidi Heitkamp can continue to support gun rights in her state.
I’ll pull a Goldy and say something like “I’m no attorney, but…” and add that to me, what SCOTUS has also done by not weighing in on a Bill of Rights issue is to give a green light to states to restrict other “rights”, based upon “the political process and scholarly debate”.
Or at least Texas Gov. Greg Abbott might think so.
Still reading Thomas’ dissent but it doesn’t seem that it’s as far-reaching as you seem to believe. Of course, I’m only a guy who questions whether a felon is actually fleeing when he’s bull-rushing a cop.
If Verizon buys Yahoo!, CEO Marissa Mayer will get a $110 million severance package while shareholders eat a 30% loss in the value of their stock since Jan. 1. Oh well, that’s capitalism and its screwed-up incentives in all their glory. I don’t own Yahoo! stock, so it isn’t my problem.
@9 When you have only 2 members of the 5-conservative majority of SCOTUS arguing in favor of taking up this case, what the dissenters say means squat. And if towns and villages can ban these military weapons, why can’t Congress? All it takes is replacing Republicans with representatives who care more about the lives of the American citizens being shot down by AR-15s every single day than contributions from the NRA. That shouldn’t be hard to do with a little public education about the issue. And good luck with trying to extrapolate from this non-decision a green light to legislatively ban the constitutional right to abortion, a right which even the conservative Supreme Court is unwilling to overturn. Maybe you should stick with what you know, doc: Reading x-rays. You’re not doing so good as an amateur lawyer.
Fuck off.
Chicago police killings and coverups, which have already cost the city’s police boss his job, are now the subject of a federal civil rights investigation.
@ 10
Yahoo stock price when Mayer was hired in 2012: $15.64.
Yahoo stock price today: $34.80.
Market cap has increased 66% under Mayer’s leadership.
Two-Term President Obama will ask Congress to do four specific things to combat ISIS terrorism, and the do-nothing Republican Congress probably won’t do any of them.
@ 11
That shouldn’t be hard to do with a little public education about the issue.
Yeah? How well did you do after an autistic guy killed his mother and then 20 young children?
You’ll make inroads in municipalities and in a few states. In others, you won’t.
Highland Park’s law permitted owners of AR-15s to move those guns out of the city limits, and they could still be owned and used. That’s different from forbidding ownership anywhere.
You’re trying to make a local decision into a green light for a national ban. That’s a massive leap of faith.
Very likely an incorrect one.
@13 I’m sure that’s a huge comfort to all the investors who bought Yahoo! stock this year. Yeah, tell ’em they should’ve bought it in 2012! They’ll appreciate that advice, Boob. Even those who bought in 2012 are out the 30% their shares have dropped this year. I’m sure they, too, appreciate Mayer’s leadership and business acumen when it’s viewed in the appropriate context.
Listen, with a list of stock quotes from March 9, 2009, I could make every CEO in America look like a fucking genius. By the way, I bought GE on March 5, 2009, for $6.74 a share, and I bought Starbucks in 1996 for $1.11 a share.
Ooops! “oversight”. Too much “site” on the mind.
Twitter creates #erickshouse. Hilarity ensues.
@15 “Yeah? How well did you do after an autistic guy killed his mother and then 20 young children?”
The real question is, how safe have Republicans kept us since then? Answer: Gerrymandering kills.
@ 16
Maybe you own gun stocks but I can’t recall you mentioning any.
The Barack Effect has been substantial:
Shares of the two publicly traded gun makers rallied on Monday, a day after President Barack Obama gave a prime-time address calling for a modest reduction in the availability of firearms.
Both Smith & Wesson SWHC, +6.21% and Sturm Ruger & Co. RGR, +6.57% rose over 7% on Monday.
Smith & Wesson has climbed 116% this year and Sturm Ruger has jumped 69%.
Shareholders who bought Yahoo this year no doubt wish they had locked-and-loaded instead.
“… to me, what SCOTUS has also done by not weighing in on a Bill of Rights issue is to give a green light to states to restrict other “rights”, based upon “the political process and scholarly debate”.”
I’ll keep looking, but so far I don’t find much evidence that the Court’s reasoning regarding one enumerated right has ever been applied to a completely different right. So it seems pretty certain that Heller, and how the Court views the way the Circuits apply Heller, is confined to 2nd questions.
And it would seem unwise to apply the reasoning of a dissent opinion to the majority. Since the majority offered no opinion, at most what we can surmise is that the majority is satisfied with how the 7th applied Heller in this case, regardless of how Scalia and Thomas see it.
I’m not that into the nitty gritty of cases SCOTUS doesn’t agree to hear. Any idea how common it is to have a dissent written about why the court SHOULD take a case the majority has decided isn’t worthy?
Is this a more than normal hissy fit by Thomas?
@ 21
And it would seem unwise to apply the reasoning of a dissent opinion to the majority.
I think one could surmise that the reasoning of the dissent wasn’t something the other 6 or 7 bought into.
@ 22
“A handful of times each year.”
“Yeah? How well did you do after an autistic guy killed his mother and then 20 young children?”
Wrong question. The onus is no longer on Dems in Congress or The President. The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose. They’ll whine. They’ll accuse Dems of “playing politics with tragedy” and “exploiting tragedy for political gain”. Let ’em.
Hey Puddy, is this the kind of law enforcement you support? Note, these aren’t Chicago cops under a DUMMOCRETIN mayor; Alabama is a red state. http://handbill.us/?p=64315
@20 I made a shitload of blood money from my Cabela’s stock and would’ve made a lot more if I had kept it.
I’ll bet banana clips are flying off shelves today, after Obama’s speech yesterday. The rubes are blowing their rent money again. Better to have a well-stocked survival bunker than a roof over your family’s heads and shoes on your kids’ feet.
Boeing has raised its dividend 88% in the last two years, and I’m expecting another double-digit raise this month. Boeing workers, especially in right-to-work-for-peanuts states, aren’t doing as well. Poor saps. And I don’t even have to get out of bed or commute to work on the assembly line. Ah well, that’s capitalism in all its sparkling glory. You get ahead in this country by owning, not working. The whole notion of working hard to get ahead is a myth propagated by the owner class to help us take advantage of the working class.
Republican Blames Failing Schools On Black Kids: ‘We Can’t Make An African-American White’ (VIDEO)
Senator Marty Knollenberg (R) “You mentioned why these schools fail. You mention the economically disadvantaged and non-white population are contributors to that. And, you know, we can’t fix THAT! We can’t make an African-American white. [grins] It is what it is. So we can’t fix that.”
Wow. A michigan republican said that. Anything to avoid coming up with the funds to pay for a quality public education and doing anything about the issues that make it harder for minority students to do well in school. . IMHO.
Is this was more and more republicans think and say in public?
Here’s what we need to hear from Democrats: Republicans won’t be happy until American soldiers are getting blown up in another no-win, counterproductive war. We need this often and without apologies.
Last night, my Scanner Radio App sent an alert to high listener traffic on a channel providing feeds for Riverside County public safety agencies, about an active shooter at a mall. Not much from the AP or others. Turned out over 30,000 people were listening to a response to a smash and grab robbery. False alarm on the active shooter.
@1 not sure of the need of disdain of a religion. I’d really blame the people that interpret the religion to the nth degree.
I may not know or think of Religion the way you are thinking of it or the way that it should be thought of it, but if you just look at the Ten Commandments of the Christian faith, then it seems to me pretty mild. Religion or not, the Ten Commandments are something that should be agreeable by all or not controversial….it’s when you get these radicals that turn Religion into the Almighty is when you pretty much have a problem.
@32 O.k., then let’s look at just one, and maybe the most important. Something, I believe that goes like “I am the Lord, thy God. You shall have no other gods before me, you shall not make for yourself graven images of anything that is in heaven…” Do you see people who scream at everyone else they must believe this, worshiping all manner of graven images? I sure do. Just go to the Vatican sometime. It’s just a list for hypocrites. A way to keep the ignorant down while the elite rob them blind and make them fight twisted wars. And while we’re at it, they still want to bury people up to their necks and throw rocks at their heads. Savages. They still enslave people. Savages is all. You can’t shine it up and claim the moral high ground anymore. History is replete with religious monstrosities. It’s time to wake up. They all have an excuse for mass murder.
@32 The only thing wrong with the Ten Commandments is that nobody obeys them, least of all those who advertise them the loudest.
@ 24
The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose.
Actually, probably just until the first Wednesday in November of next year.
The move in the last Congressional election cycle was to hang responsibility for all woes befalling the Democrat Party on the Koch brothers.
The billionaire industrialists fund a panoply of conservative political groups to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. And they are near-daily targets of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who, at last count, mentioned the brothers on the Senate floor 134 times.
The move in the one before that was to claim Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years.
Reid’s claim, which seemed outrageous on its face, was widely dismissed by fact-checkers. Wrote WaPo’s Fact Checker Glenn Kessler in a piece giving Reid four Pinocchios for the claim:
Without seeing Romney’s taxes, we cannot definitively prove Reid incorrect. But tax experts say his claim is highly improbable. Reid also has made no effort to explain why his unnamed source would be credible. So, in the absence of more information, it appears he has no basis to make his incendiary claim.
So this year it’s terrorism unleashed on the US by ISIS is because there are AR-15s (this excuse wouldn’t be so quickly arrived at had some of those pipe bombs exploded as planned, but I suppose I digress) and terrorists are moved to do what they do because it’s a little warmer out.
It’s what you have and it’s who you are. Otherwise Hillary needs to run on her record, and on the storied accomplishments of young Secretary Castro.
So guns it is.
Obama’s AG says Puddy can stay.
Lynch recalibrates message on hateful speech
First Amendment precedents generally protect speech, even hateful speech, from punishment unless the comments are intended to incite direct action against specific individuals or in a specific place.
Lynch’s comments Monday seemed to better capture that balance by focusing on those who might act out, rather than those who may be fomenting trouble.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/.....z3tfvDmkS6
@33 ok, except for that one. Next?
I’m thinking more like thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, thou shall not lie, thou shall not convent tyiur neighbors wife.
As I’ve said here before, my mother who is a devout Roman Catholic Christian, whose role model was and still is Mother Teressa, never ever has ever in my lifetime speaks about religion to anyone, she keeps her thoughts to herself and never tries to force her religious beliefs and respects all other religions. Maybe she is the exception. But again blame the radicals for spewing shit and mocking people of different faiths.
She’s probably more religious than any Teabaggers or politician and she never ever talks as if she is self righteous and others are not. The problem is when you get the idiots using and hijacking religion to beat other people down with it.
“So guns it is.”
Sure. Along with immigration reform, economic recovery, and cleaning up after Jr. and Darth Vader in the Middle East. Or did you forget about “the most expensive search for non-existent nuclear weapons in the history of the universe”®? Sure you did.
Steven Hill @StevenHill1776
My oped @SeattleTimes “The ‘#SharingEconomy’ further hurting workers’ rights,” labor #Democrats vs @DavidPlouffe http://www.seattletimes.com/op.....rs-rights/ …
Retweeted by Goldy
After urging citizens to support Obamacare so they can live the shared economy lifestyle
So, you can‘t—everybody has so much to gain from this, small businesses, as I said, seniors, young people, women, our economy. Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk, but not job loss because of a child with asthma or someone in the family is bipolar—you name it, any condition—is job locking.
rather than being tied down to a day job in order to have health care, liberals experience the reality of having actively sustained that shared economy for the past five years.
Welcome to reality, HA libbies.
so… the Great Muslim Round-up is off? The “families” too?
Darn, I know how much you guys were looking forward to that.
And yes the Vatican also is enriched with greed.
@40 You’re still getting you’re Medicare reimbursements, aren’t you? So what’s not to like about the Obama Economy? It’s sure a lot better than the one that preceded it.
Oh my! I have terrible news for Carson supporters! Gifted Hands has dropped to 4th place in Iowa:
“Cruz gets 24 percent support among likely Republican caucus goers, a significant lead over Trump’s 19 percent. His fellow senator Marco Rubio of Florida comes in third with 17 percent support, and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson nets 13 percent support.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I imagine Paul, Christie, Fiorina, and Fuckabee will wrap their campaigns and drop out after the Iowa caucuses if not sooner. Carson’s direct mail fundraising might keep him in the race a bit longer, but if he drops into single digits, you can stick a fork in him.
Affirming the consequent.
“California Rep. Mike Thompson, the chairman of the House Democrats’ gun violence task force, is trying to force House Republican leaders to bring up a bill that would ban gun sales to those on the no-fly list. But Speaker Paul Ryan is already downplaying the possibility of a vote on the issue.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, just because they’ve been identified by our government as potential terrorists doesn’t mean Republican gun store owners shouldn’t sell AR-15s to them!
We all know Republicans are fierce defenders of the 2nd Amendment (even though they don’t have much use for the other amendments). So here’s a question. How do they feel about suspending 2nd Amendment rights for Muslims? I mean, if we’re not going to let Muslims into the country, if we’re not going to let them fly, if we’re going to close their mosques, and not let them wear their Muslim clothing in public, and if we’re going to arrest them for assembling homemade clocks, and so on, are Republicans willing to pass gun control laws that prohibit Muslims from buying guns (or at least AR-15s) at gun shows without background checks? Don’t count on it — they might see it as setting some sort of precedent. And anyway, Muslim terrorists are trying to overthrow our government, and isn’t that what Republicans see as the whole point of a dozen guns in the basement and another dozen in the survival bunker buried in the backyard?
Cruz seems to have refined his message in some very effective ways that may be predictive. He’s really pouring on the xenophobic tough talk and using more imagery evoking fright mask enemies and violent confrontation. Seems to be working with a specific faction of Carson’s evangelicals. But also with some of Trump’s angry white guys (who maybe doubt Trump’s godly virtue). The pious, god-fearing, border wall building, nuke-the-terrorists President. That image may be what wins the Republican primary. Then again, it helps to recall how many blue state Republicans vote in primaries. Rubio and Bush are still in the fight. But they may have to pick it up with the “Let’s git ’em” talk to stay relevant. Good news for them is beating up on Muslims wont cost them much with the Latino vote.
The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose.
You forget the elephant in the room (besides yourself of course)… The ACLU!
Homeland Security chief to revamp terrorism alert system
Lessee, there’s Gingerbread. Ice Cream. Jellybean. KitKat. Lollipop. Marshmallow. Um, what was ‘H’ again?
The onus is no longer on Dems in Congress or The President. The move now is to hang all these deaths on Republicans and keep doing it non-stop until they bend or lose. They’ll whine. They’ll accuse Dems of “playing politics with tragedy” and “exploiting tragedy for political gain”. Let ‘em.
My God – Trump is a repulsive Irresponsible puke.
Republicans have created a Frankenstien. And he’s got little lemmings following him.
This Country is ruined.
Damn that was a fun game to watch yesterday.
The leagues #1 run offense looked like an NAIA football team.
The Hawks are building up the momentum to make a hard run at the Super Bowl this year. When they are clicking, they are almost untouchable. Going to be fun to watch heading down the stretch.
Go Hawks!
@54….”This Country is ruined.”
Then perhaps you should move away…..freedom is a great thing, isnt it.
The Muslim terrorist have won, and with a small battle. They are laughing right now at us fucking morons.
I think the only thing they have won is/are future dates with some rather f-ugly virgins.
There is a reason some people are virgins ya know!
That virgin is so ugly, she musta fell out of the Ugly Tree, and hit every damn branch on the way down…..HA!
Not sure why we have homeland security at 500 billion a year when we just need Donald Trump.
@56 not planning to move anywhere, if it comes down to shooting some of you fucks then I guess I’ll die for freedom.
i so scared now….nutty muslims on my left, and angry gay on my right!
nowwhere to run, nowhere to hide!
help me obi wan, help me!
maybe I should call Antifa!
they could bring out their Hoax Brigade!
Until the ACLU allows all people to be fully vetted, gun control legislation will continue to be rightly blocked!
What Happens When People Think Bible Passages Are From The Quran http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....42852.html
@49 “Holmes gets 12 life sentences, plus 3,318 years? Like that does what?”
Keeps 200 generations of prison guards employed. He’ll get out around the time of the Second Coming.
@56 It was ruined the day you were born.
@61 At your service …
It’s important to remind people that the only valid predicating conditions for gun control legislation are constitutionality and public support. A regulation must not impermissibly infringe the right as described in the Constitution. And it must enjoy sufficient public support.
Proposals like universal background checks, and closing the gun show loophole enjoy very broad, bi-partsan public support and are already tested in the courts through various state laws.
So now we continue to learn about these two wonderful people of San Bernadino County. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyli.....bi-n475736
So much for those chants of no terrorist attacks during Obummer’s watch. Even Obummer called Ft Hood a terrorist attack. Now what about Chattanooga Obummer? Purple Hearts?
Seahawks finally ditch Cary Williams! He still got $7 Million
Puddy, you really have no clue about what you’re talking about, do you?
University of Rochester: SWAT Teams Rescue 2 College Students, Arrest 4 Suspects in Raid
The press will call the four ALLEGED kidnappers deranged Christian terrorists! Gotta balance the narrative!
Wasn’t Steve Ells and Chipotle a big time Heilary Clinton jock strap? http://deadspin.com/half-the-b.....1746776378
Butt this is much better from Gawker… http://gawker.com/chipotle-ref.....1746426180
‘Diarrhea Burrito’
Was there a goat excretion @71?
That’s just a waste of time in the sentencing process. Giving Holmes 12 life sentences with parole makes enough sense!
@69 There have been lots of terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 2009, mostly against abortion providers.
@75 So now you’re a sentencing expert?
Seems most hate crimes are not against mooooslims, but against Jews. So what is Obummer using deflector shields again? https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2014
If Republicans in Congress would only allow gun safety regulations, like universal background checks and closing the gun show loophole, to be given hearings in committee it would be a tremendous mark of progress. But they still will not allow it.
America’s well regulated militia
Brought to you by The NRA, the gun industry, and their good friends in The Republican Party.
It would never dawn on the loon in a million years that America’s right-wing extremists hated Jews long before they gave even a single thought towards hating Muslims. Hell, a half century ago Muslims didn’t even make the list of those who right-wing extremists hate. I think the line used in the film Mississippi Burning went something like “niggers, jews, spics and papists”.
It would never dawn on the loon in a million years that America’s right-wing extremists hated Jews long before they gave even a single thought towards hating Muslims.
Okay Puddy will give you Patrick Buchanan and David Duke. And Puddy will give you the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) which is Neo Nazi. Butt you seem to forget these academics whom lean left who are holocaust deniers, many if them used IHR materials! Here are just the ones whom didn’t fly under the radar! Butt back in the 1920-1960’s these were DUMMOCRETIN progressives! Jonah Goldberg identified your peeps long ago!
This guy was a denier just after WWII before IHR – Professor Harry Elmer Barnes – Dead – Just as predicted by Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower after WWII
So moving forward after IHR Puddy gives TPPS all from WikiPedia sources who are well known blatant Jew haters!
You forgot high school teacher Dorothy Groteluschen – Dead
You forgot about Professor Arthur Butz – Northwestern University
You forgot about Professor Francis Boyle – University of Illinois
You forgot about Professor – Alireza Tabatabaeenejad – USC
You forgot about Professor Kaukab Siddique – Lincoln University
You forgot about Professor Richard Countess – University of Alabama
You forgot about Professor Donald Hiner – Purdue University
So let’s go back just 10 years ago! Puddy is sure TPPS will think all these blacks and Hispanics are conservative Republicans…
Black Professor Leonard Jeffries – City College of New York
Louis Farrakhan – Calypso Louie
Al Sharpton – They are “Diamond Merchants”
Jesse Jackson – New York is “Hymietown”
Hmmm… Al and Jesse ran for the
Republican – OOPSDUMMOCRETIN presidential primariesAnd how about those latin peeps?
The survey revealed that 35 % of foreign-born Hispanics hold hardcore anti-Semitic beliefs, (down from 44%) while 19 % of Hispanics born in the U.S. fall into the same category (down from 20%). The anti-Semitic propensities of Hispanics were significantly above the national average — 29% for Hispanics; 14% for all Americans.
Maybe this is why the clueless crazed databaze cretin hates Israel so much today eh TPPS? The clueless crazed databaze cretin still hasn’t denounced La Raza and their call for ethnic cleansing of LA neighborhoods getting rid of blacks in certain areas! Ask the clueless crazed databaze cretin about that TPPS! Oh wait… no have no balls too!
Seems some proponents of Common Core are pushing this too TPPS http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....dnt-happen
Then there is this well know Greater New Youk, land of DUMMOCRETINS anti-semitic study http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~ju.....erials.pdf
There is much more TPPS that blows
Puddy has one for proudleftist… See if you can figger it out… Puddy doubts it though
From Obummer’s speech the other night Obummer claimed ISIS (his ISIL because Obummer includes Israel in the ‘Levant” argument for Iran’s good graces) doesn’t speak for Islam.
Well who does then?
Saudi Arabia – Where 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers came from. Where Wahhabism resides? Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/; Arabic: ألدعوة ألوهابية, ad-Da’wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni http://www.vocativ.com/underwo.....ding/Islam
Iran – Death to America the Great Satan
Pakistan Afghanistan – Al Qaeda
Egypt – Muslim Brotherhood
Yemen – Houthis
Lebanon – Hamas
West Bank – Fatah, PLO
So who does proudleftist? You pop up here making silly assertions so prove your mental acumen. Let us know who speaks for Islam!
Winston Churchill wrote about Islam back in 1899 – You know the British leader kicked out for Neville Chamberlain and then returned to power when Britain woke up. https://pjmedia.com/rogerkimball/2015/11/24/islam-the-strongest-retrograde-force-in-the-world
Puddy wonders if America will ever wake up. So proudleftist the jury is waiting…
Seems this is coming back to roost… https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2015/06/23/nationwide-poll-of-us-muslims-shows-thousands-support-shariah-jihad/
PuddyCommentariat: Ain’t it great to know that these Sha’Ria loving Muslims gladly vote for the party that will gladly deliver it to them… DUMMOCRETINS!