– RIP Kathi Goertzen.
– The financial impact of November’s initiatives.
– I’m not the only one who noticed that Mitt Romney’s shitty book is shitty.
– may the masses vote like their Medicare depends on it!
– Fast moving wild fire in Eastern Washington
– Denied religious freedom at Chick-fil-A.
Totally sucks about kathi….I grew up with her on the news….sad.
Kathi Goertzen was a credit to our community.
There just are not many like her anywhere, and we were fortunate she dedicated her life to western Washington.
And she faced her illness with tremendous courage and grace. RIP Kathi.
Deep Thought:
If vice presidential candidate Republican House leader,Paul Ryan’s Medicare proposal is as wonderful as he, Mitt Romney and his supporters all say it is, then why do Ryan and his supporters always rush to assure today’s seniors that it won’t be enacted for them?
A good day at the Fair
It’s great how all the knuckle-dragger morons here (boob, pussy, maxee et.al.) just looooove them the Paul Ryan and want to have his babies.
The REAL Republican smart guys (yeah, it’s an oxymoron but what-everrrrr) are horrified.
More from Markos….
I love it…I reallyreallyreallyreally do.
Remember kids:
“Conservatism cannot fail. You can only fail conservatism.”
August 14, 2012 09:00 AM
CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Pins Truth On Romney’s Spokeswoman
By karoli
The puddypisspussy’s got his cart hitched to a bad horse.
Better luck in 2016, y’all.
Deep Thought #2:
Of the top 3 featured speakers at the Republican convention, which has the greatest probability of carrying his home state for Gekko/Galt 2012?
a) Ruths Chris Christie of New Jersey?
b) House Republican leader and father of the super popular “Privatize Social Security” plan, Paul Ryan of Wisconsin?
c) Slick Willard Rmoney of Massachusetts?
“Gekko/Galt 2012”
That’s a good one, and so true! Yeah, let’s turn the nation over to Gekko and Galt. After all, what could possibly go wrong with that?
All glee aside, you have to expect that Romney was looking at some internal polling before he made his choice. I must have seen Ryan as providing some benefit over the other candidates – but I don’t know if he was doing this on an electoral-vote strategy. Was he counting only the states where Ryan helps him on the ticket, or was he also counting those states Ryan would lose for him?
Personally, I’m not going to take Ryan lightly. He’s a slippery snake that avoids getting pinnned down and knows how to respond to questions by answering with his own talking point, not responding to the question.
@11 Steve,
No credit to me for Gekko/Galt 2012. I lifted that from Dr. Paul Krugman.
@12 rhp6033,
Don’t be so sure Slick Willard approached his most important decision as a presidential candidate with a reasoned approach.
Neither Ryan nor Slick Willard should be taken lightly. If they were to win their governance would likely be more catastrophic than Bush/Cheney.
But House Republican leader and father of the super popular “Voucher-ize Medicare!” plan, Paul Ryan is a political lightweight whose ability to garner votes anywhere is barely proven.
A note to those 55 and under who may be having a tough time seeing how they’ll continue paying their mortgage for the remaining 10 years.
The Rmoney/Ryan plan says ‘let’s give people more opportunity to take advantage of not just the standard home.’
See the Rmoney/Ryan plan to help you out is to take your home away and give you a voucher. Now you no longer have a home mortgage problem, you have a FREE MARKET …. voucher.
DISCLAIMER: Actual value of your voucher may vary and shall not entitle you to any home nor equity in any home replaced by a voucher. FREE MARKET may or may not mean wholly owned by the Koch Bros. No warranty implied
It’s worth confronting the Mutton FUD about the $700 billion Medicare cut: http://www.nationofchange.org/.....1344957549
@16 YellowPup, Repeating what I posted downstairs on the last OT.
David Stockman, Saint Ronald Reagan’s budget director, has chimed in about House Republican leader and champion of budget creation, Paul Ryan over at the NYT with an opinion.
Paul Ryan’s Fairy-Tale Budget Plan
Slick Willard seems to really have rallied his base, no?
I’m trying to discern how Ryan’s nomination is being addressed outside of the partison websites and mainstream media.
This includes morning drive radio (other than right-wing talk), social media, etc.
On Monday morning’s radio I heard one fellow list some of the negative comments made about Ryan and his budget plan, only to be dismissed by the other guy (the show host) who said that he had heard that was all overstated and out of context, and that everybody makes such claims so we can never know the truth. And on to the next subject.
On Facebook, you seek some people inquiring about who Ryan is, and the right-wing folks jumping in to claim that he’s a true independent trying to break the gridlock in Congress and that everything Democrats say about him is a lie.
We’ve still got some work to do. Just because we know who he is on this site, doesn’t mean that the public knows Paul Ryan.
By the way, the Constitutional qualifications for a Vice President is merely that he meets the requirements of a President – at least 35 years old and a natural-born citizen.
The obvious unstated qualification is that he has to have a beating heart.
His duties as Vice-President, under the Constitution, are to serve as the President of the Senate.
But on a broader scale, we have to consider that the Vice-President may be forced to step into the shoes of the President some day. This means that any Vice-President needs to be qualified to be President.
I really have a hard time imagining Paul Ryan serving as President, especially at a time of crisis.
A note to those 4 million children and pregnant women covered under the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Are you tired of having medical insurance?
Well, Rmoney/Ryan have a Roadmap for your future!
Per the House Republican Leader and personal BFF of Mitt Romney, your receiving expanded CHIP coverage as passed by the Democratic Congress and signed in to law by the Kenyan usurper, Obama in 2009 is a problem. But don’t worry! Rmoney/Ryan have a solution!
Per the Roadmap For America’s Future, you’re really not part of the future. So, under Rmoney/Ryan they’re going to take away that medical insurance and give block grants to the states.
Mark Sidran, who for years got himself elected or appointed to various public offices by calling himself a Democrat, sold out PSE shareholders and consumers.
When Sidran was head of the state utilities and transportation commission (U&T), he cast the deciding vote (2-1) to allow McQuarrie acquire PSE. The then-CEO of PSE got a golden parachute of somewhere between $7M and $20M for throwing his shareholders and customers under an Aussie bankers’ bus.
If you attended the public hearing (I did), you would have heard numerous customers plead with the commissioners not to let a foreign company take over their local utility company. You also would have heard several elderly retirees say their PSE stock was an important source of retirement income for them. (In a takeover, stockholders are forced to sell their stock at a price dictated by the buyer.) Sidran ignored them.
At that same time, PSE also was seeking a rate increase and a raise in their ROI rate (return on investment), the company’s regulated profit margin. At a time when ordinary people like you and me were getting less than 1% a year on our savings accounts, PSE was already allowed a guaranteed profit of over 10% a year, but they wanted more — to make the company more valuable. Sidran cast the deciding vote in favor of McQuarrie on that, too.
In the last few years, natural gas prices have plunged, because of vast new domestic supplies unlocked by fracking technology. When gas prices come down, home utility customer heating bills are supposed to come down, too. They haven’t. McQuarrie has pocketed the huge difference. PSE natural gas customers are being gouged at Enron-era utility rates.
You can thank Mark Sidran for your inflated household energy bills. If he ever seeks public office again, remember that. If Mark Sidran is a Democrat, then Al Capone was one of Mother Teresa’s nuns.
@17: Kind of drives you nuts when politicians say, “Everything is on the table, we’ll go through the budget line by line, we pay for only what we can afford, blah blah blah.”
Like John Roberts’ “balls and strikes” judicial rhetoric, it never works that way, and it shouldn’t work that way. It’s always about priorities and who gets to set them.
@3 ” … why do Ryan and his supporters always rush to assure today’s seniors that it won’t be enacted for them?”
And what are the chances they’ll keep that promise?
@18 Same old bullshit — Republicans trying to fool voters by saying, “I’m not a Republican!” Try to imagine a company like McDonalds or Coca Cola advertising their products by saying “this
is not a McBurger!” or “this is not Coke!” But that’s exactly how Republicans attempt to market their “product.”
@12 “I don’t know if he was doing this on an electoral-vote strategy.”
The more I study electoral vote maps, the more indispensable Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes look for the Romney camp.
Here is the sum of the dueling arguments.
It’s either
“We’re in this together”
“I’ve got mine.”
Progressives are much more strongly “We’re in this together”,
Everything SerCon or Puddy promote is “I’ve got mine”
@12 It’s obviously bigger than challenging Obama for Wisconsin, though. Until Saturday, Romney didn’t have policies, didn’t have a platform, his entire campaign consisted of branding Obama as a failure. He was like a salesman whose pitch is, “Don’t buy from the other guy!” His campaign spokeswoman promised Romney would offer policy specifics, and now there are. At one fell swoop, he defined his campaign and hoped-for administration by making Ryan’s “roadmap” his own. Now he’s got something to sell — and a hell of a lot of selling to do.
@26, Gekko can take yours. Say what you want, but he’s proven that. Galt’s policies facilitate that.
The left-wing babble about Paul Ryan’s supposedly slash-and-burn budget plan is nonsense. Here are the facts–
1) Government spending increases almost every year over the next decade.
2) Tax and other revenue rises year after year.
3) The 10-year deficit is still $3 trillion.
This is opposed to Obama’s out of control spending which will increase the deficit by a whopping $6.7 Trillion.
Don’t let the facts get in the way of your politicking.
@29 Ryan’sPollSmoker,
2) Tax and other revenue rises year after year.
Poor little Maxeee is so full of shit his ears stink
Too funny!
TODAY – Obama mocks Romney’s wind energy policy with Seamus reference
Well Fuck…
…what does Stockman know anyway.
The emperor max mini-dick (aka kaiser bun the first) has WAAAAAYYYYY more National Budget experience than David Stockman.
Fukkin’ A!!!
Slick Willard’s selection of the Zombie-Eyed-Granny-Starver, House Republican leader Paul Ryan brings benefits to the next GOP losing candidate for WA Gov.
Funny, you’d think Bobby Mac would rally round the Romney/Ryan flag. Wonder why he can’t?
RE. PSE: First, in all fairness I must point out that the Eastside is prone to more electrical outages than Seattle simply because there are more neighborhoods (like Bridle Trails, for instance) with a lot of big trees close to overhead distribution lines. Just the nature of the beast.
That being said…last week there was an outage that affected maybe 15 blocks or so centered around 148th NE and NE 24th St. The office I work in is west of Fred Meyer and we lost power at about 2:00 PM. It took several hours before PSE was even able to tell us what caused it much less give an estimate of how long it would take to fix. The juice came back on around 8:30 that evening.
This morning one of my fellow bus passengers going across 520 was a guy who works at the UW. He’d been in an early morning meeting when part of campus went dark. Someone contacted City Light and got a worst-case estimate that they’d be out most of the morning, so he and others in his department decided to WFH. About the time our bus got to Overlake he got a call saying the service had been restored.
Just 3 days after Slick Willard BOLDLY chose House Republican leader, Paul Voucher-ize your Medicare Ryan, Gallup reports
Congress Approval Ties All-Time Low at 10%
“If Mark Sidran is a Democrat, then Al Capone was one of Mother Teresa’s nuns.”
My 7th grade locker partner at Sharples JH, a classmate later at Franklin. An ass then, an ass now, and yet another reason why Democrats keep breaking my heart. Spineless weasels, most of them anyway, the ones like Sidran.
I’ve worked with PSE for decades. They’re a shell of what they used to be. I coordinated a new construction project in Auburn with them a couple of years ago and I might as well have been talking to a tree stump. They didn’t keep their word on anything because their engineering department has no word to keep anymore. An outfit called Potelco does all of the engineering work for them now. The entire PSE coordination process for new construction is totally screwed up. They used to be a pleasure to work with, but now I hope I never do another project with PSE again. “You can’t even put a PSE crew together to splice a damned cable anymore, can you?” “Oh yeah, we can still do that!” “Yeah, right.”
Don’t get me started on the Utilities Commission. They were utility lackeys long before Sidran showed up.
@32 “Too funny!”
Dogs on cars? Yes, we can!
RomneyCare enthusiast and Slick Willard’s excuse for a Press Secretary, Andrea Saul, is not going to take anything lying down [ahem]
Romney camp wants Obama to denounce Biden’s ‘slanderous’ remark
Don’t think Andrea, who was denounced by everyone on her side, is going to get what she wants, ever.
Hey Big Spender. Paul Ryan pig spender. Spend and borrow from the Chinese.
The Gekko/Galt plan is basically telling the American people that when Gekko closes your plant and ships your job overseas, we can’t afford to send you an unemployment check anymore because Gekko deserved to have his taxes cut to 0.45%. Further, any discussion of this matter that takes place anywhere but in the privacy of the “Gekko-Galt Members-only Club” will be considered class warfare.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s.....z23YNZnkXl
Statement made as if it is an opinion…no, the Bush-era tax cuts did blow a titanic hole in the budget. The same deficit that is being experienced today.
Biden takes campaign to an all-time low!!
Let’s see now–
You didn’t build that.–Obama
They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.–Biden
Sounds mighty desperate and pathetic to me, but let the voters decide.
I get a kick out of the Obama regime talking about the “Bush Era Tax Cuts”.
Let’s see now, Obama signed the bill to extend them
Doesn’t that make them the Obama Tax Cuts?
The left has to play with words to try and justify their man’s actions.
It’s the OBAMA Tax-Cuts.
Obama signed the bill.
“Sounds mighty desperate and pathetic to me”
I reckon a Klown like you would recognize “desperate and pathetic” when you see it, so I’ll take your word on it.
“let the voters decide”
Don’t worry, Klown, we will.
“It’s the OBAMA Tax-Cuts.”
No, it’s the “Bush tax cuts”, just like it’s the “Bush Recession”, “Bush deficits” and “Bush’s failed war in Iraq”. This sucks for you, I know, but you’d better get used to it, Klown. It’s the way it is and there’s nothing you can do about it. Well, except to continue whining about it.
@44 – yeah and if there is one thing that I was opposed of Obama doing was extending the Bush Tax Cuts. But in the economic times of today that really wouldn’t be good. But at a minimum the higher bracket shouldn’t have been extended. Obama didn’t want to extend them but had to compromise with Republicans. And as far as extending them again, I hope not, I hope they go away. I don’t care what the effects are on the economy.
“Sounds mighty desperate and pathetic to me”
What a pissy little whiner of all the rehetoric that was slinged towards Obama, and you cry the minute the hat is dropped.
How about Food Stamps President. How about characterizing Obama as a Socialist. And you want to cry about “Y’all in chains”.
Corporations are people,
@43 Klown Kar Windshield Washer,
“but let the voters decide”
That’s not the Republican party line.
The Republican party line (sponsored by American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)!) is disenfranchise the voter in AL,FL, GA, IN, MN, MT, NC, OH, PA, WI ….
Ryan is ostensibly a Catholic who loves Jesus, but at the same time he’s expressed a great deal of admiration for Ayn Rand and her work. To reconcile those two must involve some pretty impressive mental gymnastics. I’ve tried to picture an amalgam of Rand and Christ in one personage and wind up with some sort of hermaphroditic creature that would overturn its own tables and drive itself out of the temple.
Question for the itty bitty trolls. What “Marxist” said this:
Hint: it’s not Ayn Rand..
Poor sad klown..
Who wants to make them permanent again?
Talking about having a bad day.
Dick Cheney had a beating heart? (I mean before the recent transplant.)
@29(2) Ah, yes, the hoary rightwing fable that lowering tax rates increases revenues is baacck. Let’s see how it works in practice:
2000 – $2,025.2 billion
2001 – $1,991.1 billion
2002 – $1,853.1 billion
2003 – $1,782.3 billion
2004 – $1,880.1 billion
The Bush tax cuts turned budget surpluses into deficits within 1 year. When Reagan tried this, he created huge deficits too, and he ended up raising taxes 5 times.
The rightwing bullshit never ends. They seem to believe repeating the same lie endlessly makes it true.
I gotta give Ryan some credit.
He is so pure in his opposition to abortion he sponsored a bill to ban IN VITRO FERTILIZATION..
You know that expensive procedure that allows infertile right wing couples to have children?
The bill Ryan sponsored would make criminals of all people who use IVF including the children of one Dullard (R-Money)..
This ought to be comforting to our dear trolls like Dr. Butt and little maxie the asshat.
Btw I think IVF should be banned too. Well maybe not banned but highly discouraged. Can anyone figure out why?
There is a cure for that:
The Caterpillar 532 Track Feller Buncher
@56, If Republican House leader Paul Privatize Your Social Security Ryan was the real man he claims to be, he’d p90x Tag’s ass to next Friday.
Ryan is not max you dildo.
46. Steve spews:
“It’s the OBAMA Tax-Cuts.”
Wrong again bonehead.
OBAMA extended them, now OBAMA owns them.
They are now the OBAMA Tax Cuts.
Take a look at the signature on the Bill dumbass. It’s Barrack Hussein Obama.
Say it again OBAMA Tax Cuts.
Obama signed.
Own it
“Say it” “Own it”
What’s with you goose-stepping fascists always barking orders at everybody? You two-bit Nazi, if you ever pull that shit in person I’ll take a blade and de-horn you, Klown, and you’ll never fuck another goat again.
Back to your “Bush tax cuts”, you can go to hell, you stupid goatfucker, and you can take your goddamned “Bush tax cuts” with you.
How am I supposed to tell the difference…both of you are so fucking stupid.
Conservatives, why doesn’t it bother you that in addition to receiving Social Security as a teenager and living off government paychecks his entire adult life, Paul Ryan’s family fortune came from taxpayers as well.
@37 “Don’t get me started on the Utilities Commission. They were utility lackeys long before Sidran showed up.”
Not all of them. The U&T commissioners voted 2-1 to let McQuarrie acquire PSE. Sidran could have kept PSE a local company. His vote would have made the difference.
How our veterans get treated under a Republican austerity budget.
The good news is this 110-year-old World War 1 widow got her benefit increased from $36 a month to $1,000 a month. The bad news is it took the VA four years to process her request.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Most of our veterans and their spouses can’t wait until age 110 to get the benefits they’ve earned and deserve. The VA is a broken promise. It’s time to fix it. That will require spending more, not less, money on our own citizens. It’s not that difficult. The VA could get all the extra staffing they need if the Pentagon canceled the purchase of just one billion-dollar airplane.
# 56: If Ryan is such a dedicated Catholic and defender of all things relating to Catholic reproductive doctrine, how come he and his wife have only three children?
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been granted asylum in Ecuador. Now all he has to do is get there.
@67 Maybe she’s got an aspirin between her knees.
way to own-goal yourself……rujaxoff proudly occupying the lowest level of HA…
good job, loser.
hopefully his plane gets shot down…
@56 The Catholic Church’s opposition to IVF rests on two notions. First (and comparatively minor) is that obtaining the “fertilization” to combine with the ovum in vitro is generally accomplished by (horrors!) masturbation. The other is that the batting average for IVF in terms of getting the once-fertilized egg back to gestating merrily along in vivo isn’t all that good–so you’re making “concepti” and then effectively killing them. The problem with that line of reasoning is that the majority of concepti created the gold old fashioned way fail to attach to the uterine wall and thus perish. This is excepting a few that attach to the inside of a fallopian tube instead and must be removed before the tube ruptures and Mommy bleeds to death. So when it comes right down to it, the natural process of procreation results in a great many dead embryos. This probably goes a way towards explaining @67 as well.
Into killing people again I see.
What is the fascination for you?
@71 Why? Do you have something to hide, or do you just get off on the idea of someone buying the farm?
That’s reserved for trolls. And you’re the slimy stuff coating the bottom of the barrel..
YEs dumbasabrickrujax, she was read TPM bullshit on the air as her show and debate prep. It’s caught on tape!
Soledad, up Obummer’s ASS all the way!
Nothing significant… Nation of Change, another leftist pinhead rag spouting more leftist pinhead garbage!
Of course the Roger DUMB Wabbit forgets about us dealing with 9/11. Facts never get in the way of a Roger DUMB Wabbit argument!
Your birth wouldn’t have happened ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot? We wouldn’t have to read your continual diarrhea trails?
As if the statndard republican lies and distortion and twisting wasn’t enough…
…here comes the fucking puddypisspussy.
Yes rujax is not battery operated! He’s a stiff dead piece of rubber!
lol…so says the guy living in his basement all day while being stuck in mediocre land….
some of us are doing great things, employing people, pushing forward and making something of ourselves while hopefully leaving our kids some kind of legacy that they can grow upon for themselves…
..you on the other hand..pfft…we long since passed you by…..you cant even pay your damn “fair share” without help from others like me…you are an irrelevant gnat – run along now and go “live on the internet”, homes.
You know, Mitt the Twit should hire gOATpUTTY the ButtBoy to run his campaign. The Twit would get a better run campaign and we’d get a more intelligent conversation on HA. A win-win for everyone.
somewhere, a broom is missing its rujaxoff….
attempt at witty comment fayle.
shouldnt you be rubbing one out while watching the Ed Show?
how stupid is rujaxoff? well lets look at his name:
GM is alive – sure, in no small part to fire breathing 400+ HP V8 Camaros that are selling like crazy – I love it! Take that tree huggers…lol
We are on Mars – Well, like, we were on Mars in the 1970’s….and the current Mars Science Laboratory program was started in 2004…you know, when that guy named Bush was president.
And playing stupid little know-nothing racists in the HA comment threads…
sniff…sniff….smells like…..jealousy.
face it loser – you had your chance to make something of yourself, and that time has long since gone.
embrace your world of mediocrity.
If you can stand it…
Today at 5:05pm, the Sean Hannity Show will bring you the first radio interview with GOP Vice Presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, since he’s landed on the Romney ticket. How will he help defeat President Obama in November? Rep. Ryan weighs in from the campaign trail in a wide-ranging interview you won’t want to miss.
Listen on 770 AM on your commute home or
stream the show here
Might be amusing, but listen at your own risk…
well it certainly wouldnt be as amusing as a Joe Biden interview.
“gonna put y’all back in chains!”
nope, no racist connotations by Joey Biden there….
funny though, in his effort to play TEH RAZITS card, he didnt even quote Romney correctly..
Funny how context is everything. What I get reading in context is that the Twit will transfer the chains from the 1%ers to the 99%ers, regardless of race.
The full context of the remark:
“Let’s take a look, because now we’ve got a real clear picture, as Tom pointed out. We’ve got a real clear picture of what they all value. They’ve said it. Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget, and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to let the — he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains.
“He said he’s going to do nothing about stopping the process of outsourcing. Republicans even voted down a proposal to say, OK, we’re not going to give a tax break like we do now to companies who unbolt the machinery on the floor and send it to Singapore. They get a tax break for that, by the way. We’re not going to do that anymore. We’re going to give a tax break to any company unbolts their factory stuff in Singapore and brings it back to Danville. It’s not going to change the world, but guess what? They voted against it. Romney opposes it. I don’t get these guys.”
So is it racism or is Twit & company lying about this?