– I don’t know if Lee is going to have a larger piece but on Twitter he noted this piece about the legislature moving to make localities take marijuana businesses.
– Whatever snow related fun we had over the weekend, I’m certainly glad not to be on the East Coast right now.
What’s a “thred”?
Another Republican gets sued for sexual harassment …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: … this time by a guy.
There are no words.
These people are psychotic. They lie to each other, to themselves, and to anyone within earshot.
This is how Fascism looks up close. These people would happily murder 2/3 of the country to prove themselves right.
@1, Ugh. Keeping it though.
Police are looking for Curtis Anton Beseda, who went to prison for torching western Washington abortion clinics, in connection with a groping incident involving an 11-year-old girl at a Fred Meyer store.
With the recent accidents hauling crude oil by rail, naturally the railroads are taking a hit in the press. The Association of American Railroads, and the tank car builders are working on new standards, and there is a backlog for orders for new cars based on tougher standards adopted in 2011. This is a traffic line that they lost to pipelines before, won back, and this time will not give it up without a fight.
Former child actress and ambassador Shirley Temple has passed away at the age of 85.
I’m sure the set of people defined as “Violent misogynist” and the set of people defined as “child molester” have some serious overlap.
“Christianist”, “Teahaddist” and “Tallibangelical” would also define sets with serious overlap with the first two as well.
“Catholic priest” as well. I recall a lot of the Madonna/whore dichotomy in Catholic school.
I love Venn diagrams, especially higher-order sets. So cool.
Carl, no plans to write at length about the moratoriums and the pending bill. Sharing these links on Twitter is about all I have time for these days. One of these days, I’m gonna hit the Powerball!!