My word, when did Ron Reagan finally come out of the closet and start wearing lipstick?
Clairol couldn’t produce enough makeup to hide that adam’s apple though…
Got anything on topic to say?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Four words: These people are nuts.
@4 Right. Even more nuts than the people who recruited them, pumped them up on bad coffee and worse rhetoric and turned them loose on the rest of the nation.
proud leftistspews:
The sad irony is that these nutcakes think they’re protecting the nation’s values. Perhaps we could round them up and give them a patch of ground to call their own in Oklahoma (like the old Indian Territory), and let them have Michele Bachmann for their president. Of course, we’d let them have all the guns they might want so they could go about the grim task of thinning their ranks from within.
Politically Incorrectspews:
It’s stupid to show up at a town hall meeting with a firearm. Just adds fuel to the fire of people who think the Second Amendment ought be repealed.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
I suggest we use the West Side Story scenario and invite their gang to meet our gang at SAFECO field for a shoot off.
Earlier CNN featured a former secret service agent who had this to say:
Former USSS officer: If the police have to go out and deal with these foolish gun nuts with exposed weapons in public crowds, they are being taken away from activity that is much more important and that is to keep our president safe and to keep the public safe.
Rick Sanchez: In all your years as a Secret Service agent have you ever seen anything like this? Ten to twelve people yesterday were walking around this venue where the president was, walking outside, and they were packing. Have you ever seen a situation like that?
USSS: No, I’ve never seen or heard of anything like that. And I think it’s, you know, I think all of us should be concerned about this. What’s the next step? Are they going to ride around in pick-up trucks with automatic weapons? it would be like Somalia.
We’re a democratic country. And we should be better than this. And what’s the point? What’s the point of them carrying these things? It’s intimidation. Why hsould we tolerate that?
Sanchez: It’s free speech and their point is that “we’ve got a right to come out and show everybody that we’re for a constitution that gives us a right to bear arms.
USSS: It’s probably also not against the law to bring a can of gas and a match into an event. Is that a good idea? No.
Having exposed weapons at public events, and it’s not just presidential events, I would say this at any public event, particularly where people are disagreeing, it’s really a formula for disaster.
It really isn’t a joking matter anymore – these wingnuts are gearing up for war. The Secret Service officers comment about Somalia is as spot on as it is chilling. The only reason these rage-o-holic righties are parading around with guns is to create an atmosphere of terror. Which is why I call them the TBTB – Tea Bag Terrorist Brigade.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
Someone pught to bring a test case to the USSC. Where in the constitution does the right to bear arms appear as being a form of free speech?
Has there ever been a time in US history when bringing weap[ons to a public discourse was allowed?
@7 It’s also a damned safe bet that anyone with a firearm who’d gone anywhere near an appearance by the last occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., had it been in Arizona or anyplace else, would never be heard from again.
“The right to have and bear arms shall not be infringed upon”
From some silly document called the Constitution.
I don’t happen to own or need a gun. But I do have the right to, if I wish. Or will for a few years more. Or less than that.
Don’t like it? There’s this wacky thing called an Amendment you folks could try to get passed at any time.
proud leftistspews:
I don’t think anyone is saying these whackos don’t have the right to practice their stupidity. Having a right, however, does not mean it should be exercised at all times and in all places. Some discretion should be used. I’ve heard even Second Amendment freaks like Alan Gottlieb express regret that these folks are doing what they’re doing. They are not advancing their cause, whatever their sick and twisted cause might be.
Right Stuffspews:
” It’s probably also not against the law to bring a can of gas and a match into an event. Is that a good idea? No”
Pretty much sums up the common sense side of things doesn’t it?
“We’re a democratic country. And we should be better than this. And what’s the point? What’s the point of them carrying these things? It’s intimidation. Why hsould we tolerate that?”
I disagree. It was attention he was after, not intimidation. “hey look at me with the AR-15!”
The lapdog “if it bleeds it leads” media ate it up.
If he was going to intimidate folks, he probably wouldn’t have contacted the police the week before announcing his intentions..
Mr. AR-15 doesn’t represent anything or anybody. Certainly not a representative of Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats or any other party.
Re 13
I agree completely. Responsible behavior and legal behavior are not always the same though.
I don’t belong to the NRA or any other 2nd Amendment advocacy groups. I don’t know who Alan Gottlieb is, but he is correct. Responsible driving means less legislation to correct bad driving. Responsible gun ownership means less pressure to enact unconstitutional gun restrictions.
I just meant that some of the posters here treat this as clear and present danger. It isn’t. It’s just Jethro and BillyBob acting like morons.
No one here is advocating ditching the 2nd amendment. Rog, and I think a couple of others, WANT liberals to own firearms.
We’ve seen a steady ratcheting up of violent rhetoric by the right over the last couple of years. A few people have been shot. We’ve had town halls, a foundation of the American democratic process, get disrupted with yelling and threats. Now we have people connected to a militia group that was broken up and convicted of plotting to bomb buildings showing up armed where the president was giving a speech. I think we have cause to be a little worried here.
Deleted by author
Yes, and the screaming left when Bush was president talking about hanging him were so nonviolent.
And I’d be curious to know who the “few people who’ve been shot,” are. Anecdotal?
We have a problem with basic civility in this country. We have a problem with a few nutcases threatening violence they’re mostly too drunk, stupid or unarmed to enact. But to pretend it’s all on the right is either naive or hypocritical.
headless lucyspews:
It would be deliciously ironic if one of these idiots pulled a Barney Fife and shot himself in the foot — and had no insurance.
headless lucyspews:
re 18: You must mean all those Democrats who showed up at Bush events with guns and nooses — or was it t-shirts critical of Bush.
You are just lost.
proud leftistspews:
18: “But to pretend it’s all on the right is either naive or hypocritical.”
You are correct, it isn’t all on the right. But, I just don’t hear GOP politicians condemning BillyBob nonsense, and, from my humble perspective, I think that’s because BillyBob is one of the remaining few core constituencies of the GOP. Whackos on the left are so far from the core of the Democratic Party, that we don’t need them.
Re 20:
No, this was the audience shouting suggestions at Alternative Radio events, and Democracy Now crowds.
I will readily admit to being a little lost. I remember a bit of vitriol over Reagan being elected, or Carter defeated. I remember a fair amount of contempt directed at Bill Clinton. I remember a lot of folks on the left saying that subverting a jury and a witness weren’t the business of the Congress as well.
I remember a lot of political division, but nothing like the toxic atmosphere now. I don’t say this is a left thing or a right thing.
I am a little lost, I guess, in a country that stopped treating ideology as a point of useful contradiction and necessary tension. I don’t like the use of politics to villify and execrate people, left or right.
Re 21:
I respectfully disagree.
Should there be more open condemnation of irresponsible or rude behavior by Republican leaders? Absolutely.
But the core constituency of the Republican party is what the Democrats had back when Kennedy gave his inaugural.
The party hasn’t moved right, the nation has moved left. From your perspective this is a good thing, but for the long term health of the country I humbly submit that somewhere in the moderate middle is where America has always shone.
These people who knowingly carry weapons anywhere within range of the the POTUS should be considered a clear and present danger to him, and be neutralized with immediate effect.
I think if you do not believe that, you are simply not American, but are an extreme partisan hack who has lost all sense of decency.
Heterosexuals are ruining this world, they are murderers, rapists and thieves. The downfall to society are the heterosexuals who seem to screw everything they come across.
Heterosexuals are violent people, I bet not one of those gun totting people were gay. I’d bet every penny that I got, and got many 100 thousands of pennies. You fucking moron heterosexuals keep killing the earth.
Plus a couple of cops, a doctor, a security guard at a holocaust museum…
proud leftistspews:
lost @ 22
I couldn’t agree more. Political disagreements should not result in screaming matches over who is a Nazi, socialist, or traitor.
lost @23
I do not agree, though I see your point. The core constituency of the Republican Party has changed since Kennedy. Look at what has happened to the GOP in New England–there’s virtually none of it left. Nixon, for God’s sake, would be considered a liberal by the standards of Rush Limbaugh. And, I don’t agree that the nation has moved to the left, even though I believe the trend of human history lies in that direction. I think we’re in one of those zags that follows a couple zigs.
I agree with you on that one.
Lostinaseaofdenial – The violent rhetoric pouring forth from the right is unprecedented. It goes beyond the terrorists in training who are now showing up at presidential events with guns – it is in the everyday, mainstreamed editorial stance broadcast everyday by Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, Dobbs, O’Reilly ad nauseum. The only reason these republican brownshirts show up at events armed is to intimidate.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is what’s nuts Rog…the constant drumbeat of O-blah-blah half-truths..
Did you know the 47 Million uninsured number our idiotic leader keeps spewing includes 10 million illegal aliens? Do we really want to insure anyone that is illegally in this country or not even a citizen?? Methinks NOT!
Next there are 18 million Americans who make more than $50,000 anually. Of these there are 8 million who make more than $75,000. Do we really want to force these people to become insured??? Many of these probably have substantial savings and in essence may be self insured, regardless they make enough money to pay for their health care.
Another 14 million are eligible for free government health care already.
This leaves about 5 million more who are not insured for one reason or another.
The devil is ALWAYS in the detail with O-blah-blah!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The AMA..of which now only 17% of all Doctors belong to…down from 25% and still plummetting!
That same AMA spent $20 million of it’s members money doing the study to get the number in my prior post.
I am a fairly far to the left, support Obama, Clinton, D, etc. But I have a few words. Waco and Ruby Ridge. It was a democratic administration and Attorney General that oversaw the cowboy ATF and intrusive government that killed innocent women and children. Mostly in part because the kinds of phantasms that stir these inside the beltway types were a small flame stoked into mass hysteria. Just put yourself in the MSM media reports leading up to Waco and Ruby Ridge. Total hysteria. I would rather not return to that.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but when I think about what happened at Waco, and most importantly why it happened, it gives me pause.
For what its worth I just think that has to be taken into account. Both tragic events, that were unnecessary. Why do the democrats fear the hillbillies with guns and the republicans fear the arabs with guns? I just don’t get it. I hope that Obama and Eric Holder don’t make the same mistakes that Clinton and Reno did.
With all that, I agree that people showing up to rallies with firearms is a bit garish.
Part of me admires Roger Rabbit’s call for liberals to arm themselves. I like that attitude because it is realistic and honest. I think we are better to understand the roll of gun culture in our society than to fear it without analysis.
Daddy Lovespews:
I remember when it was just crazy or treasonous to suggest that the Bush administration would raise the “terror level” for political reasons. Boy, those were the days.
Daddy Lovespews:
33 Gordon
Yeah, you’re one hell of a Democrat. Of course I blieve you completely.
Question: who shot first in Waco?
Question: who started the fire in Waco, and how?
Daddy Lovespews:
Of course it’s so beneath you to cite your sources.
But is it really true that “…there are 18 million Americans who make more than $50,000 anally?” That’s gotta hurt.
I grew up within the gun culture. I understand it and don’t fear it. I do fear fear and hate mongering. I do fear the steady ratcheting up of eliminationist rhetoric that we’ve seen on the part of the right for the last couple of years. It’s exactly this kind of behavior that causes people to think they are justified in forming militias and using violence.It’s this kind of behavior that leads to tragedies like Waco and Ruby Ridge.
why shouldn’t we cover illegals? Taxes are withheld from their checks, just like mine – and needless to say, they don’t file at the end of the year, so they get no refund. Fucking cover them, they work a fuck of a lot harder than any of the useless, cheeto-stained, chronically unemployable trolls that pollute this blog on a daily basis.
@37 I agree. The eliminationist rhetoric of the right is troublesome. We are potentially playing with political fire here. But there is something that just rubs me the wrong way listening to Rachel Maddow and Frank Rich discuss this topic. There is a kind of abstraction that doesn’t properly account for history after 1970.
But I agree with your point. Of course I see the right wing as kind of sad and cartoonish. But cartoon characters can become thugs. I just wanted to raise Waco and Ruby Ridge, lest we get ahead of ourselves and deem it appropriate to storm trooper ourselves into peoples homes because we think they have guns.
But at the end of the day these idiots are bringing guns into the political public sphere and that is problematic. Unless they actually plan to carry through with revolution. In which case Thomas Jefferson and the declaration of independence supports the sentiment as a matter of principle. But I just hope that these loons at these rallies understand that we just had a peaceful revolution 8 months ago. We have a process in this country. It is time for them to recognize the political process and act like adults. As Obama said put childish things away. It happens every few years so wait their turn. No need to bring the guns out in a garish display.
The Presidents friend Bill Ayers actually blew up Federal Buildings and you tards voted for him. And you think these militia guys are nuts? You tards are a fucked up bunch.
25 I’ll bet in person you’re real pretty!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
And here’s the response to PMSNBC from Monday’s attempt as skewing the news. So they changed the aired footage now.
But michael, blew john, checksaid and other leftist fools this info is not for you!
See ya!
proud leftistspews:
Hey HAers,
Compare post 39 with posts 40 and 42. Who advances political discussion and who doesn’t? Who articulates a position and who just calls names?
What’s with the edge tonight? You running low on meth or something?
That press release doesn’t even make sense. There were “a dozen or so” people with guns and the race of those people is completely irrelevant to the argument being proved in the piece.
Plus, at 4.04 into the piece they show a full frontal shot of the guy with the AR-15.
So much for the SAF.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Michael, you read it?
Hmmm…? “BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today accused MSNBC of using deceptively-edited video from a Phoenix, Arizona anti-tax rally on Monday…”
Okay…What Puddy said above…
And here’s the response to PMSNBC from Monday’s attempt
Just for starters
The anti-tax rally on Monday has what to do with the argument being made in the MSNBC piece we’re talking about here?
The evidence that MSNBC is trying to “demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as “racists.”” is what?
And if MSNBC was trying to portray gun owners as white racists why would they then go on to show a black guy with an AR-15?
See, the problem here, Puddy, is that nothing you say makes any sense.
There are enough problems and things to worry about in the world that there’s no need to go making shit up like you, like Sarah “they’re gonna kill my baby Palin and like Dick “9/11” Cheney seem so fond of doing.
Is there a single fact anywhere in that press release?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Michael, have you seen the PMSNBC Monday video? If not then you have nuthing to argue in #470. Ask wondermoron. He lives on PMSNBC
See ya!
WTF??? Um… Obviously, it’s you that has nothing to talk about because that’s not what we’re talking about on this thread.
Care to try to refute anything in the video posted above?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh boy Michael, dense eh? Don’t watch PMSNBC much?
What did Rachel Maddow open with on this clip posted Goldy: “We have two important updates to a story we brought to you earlier this week.” Notice the picture behind Rachel Maddow Michael. Without watching the video…is that man black or white? No one can tell Michael. Yet here is the first PMSNBC video shown on Monday. You never see his face. All you see are the guns and listen to Contessa Brewer’s comments “I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist…”
On Tuesday PMSNBC Rachel Maddow uses similar video showing the black man carrying the AR-15 but he is never interviewed on Tuesday. You never see his face. All you see is the gun about four times shown over and over. All you see are whitey carrying guns.
The issue is how PMSNBC edited the video to show only whitey men with guns. The Second Amendment Foundation took issue with these original videos. Now with this video Goldy places on HA, Rachel Maddow is now saying they are “updating” in their report. It’s a totally different video. They are reacting to the Second Amendment Foundation and now they show his face. Another disingenuous attempt at reporting by PMSNBC.
You and all others would be howling fowl if Fox News did this.
bringing these guns to rallies like this is going to lead to violence. you people who act like it won’t are fucking crazy. you’re spineless cowards. you’re anti american and you deserve to be called names. you’re incipient brownshirters as you very well know that it’s intimidating to carry guns around and when you deny that you’re lying sacks of shit.
this is step one. bringing guns. step two is someone getting hurt. step three is media firestorm over who shot who and who started it a liberal or a conservavive. step four is more guns and then groups that dress similarly “for protection” — maybe not brown shirts but the same concept. step five is folks beating the shit out of black people and liberals and fuck you conservatives, the assassinations in this nation took a heavy toll on liberal leaders. step six is start a fire at the parliament building. step seven is appeal th chauvinist and antivist elements, fear, get a 32% foothold in the electorate, define opponents as the other who are vital threat to the nation, etc. step eight is the fucking nazi takeover.
y’all need to chill out and back off and cut this shit out right now.
you can cry about the second amendment all you want, it won’t stop a federal law that bans any weapons within a mile of the president, then you’ll be sorry you started this shit, assholes.
MSNB-Stupid originally cropped the photo to show only the gun, omitting the fact that the carrier was black. All that is left for MSNB-Stupid is to suggest that the black man carrying the gun was duped by Jews!
BTW: It is now being reported that it was a “stunt” put on by a local radio station there, so leftists can relax their asshole puckers.
“MSNB-Stupid originally cropped the photo to show only the gun, omitting the fact that the carrier was black. All that is left for MSNB-Stupid is to suggest that the black man carrying the gun was duped by Jews!”
Psssst…the story was about an assault rifle being carried near the President, dumbass.
Nobody gives a shit about his skin color except you frightened racists.
“It is now being reported that it was a “stunt” put on by a local radio station there, so leftists can relax their asshole puckers.”
(As if it being a “stunt” has any relevance.)
No shit, Sherlock. Did you find that out all by yourself, or did you actually click on the video here?
See ya!
Thanks for the warning.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Darryl farts:
Nobody gives a shit about his skin color except you frightened racists.
No? Just the low-lifes at PMSNBC! They edited the film to make it look as something it wasn’t. Again here is Contessa Brewer on Monday…
“I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist…”
“No? Just the low-lifes at PMSNBC! They edited the film to make it look as something it wasn’t.”
The film shows the guns! A guy carrying an assault rifle is what was shocking and news worthy.
(In case you forgot, a black man roaming free at a political rally hasn’t been newsworthy for at least 30 years!)
‘Again here is Contessa Brewer on Monday…
“I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist…”’
Really I do see your point, Puddy. I just think it’s trivial and irrelevant.
The news was about a shockingly large number of people carrying guns near an Obama event. Brewer delved into the larger meme of a resurgence of racial hatred against a black President.
Your argument, as I perceive it, is that showing a black man toting weapons doesn’t fit that narrative. Yeah..sort-of. But, showing a black man participating in a symbolic lynch mob doesn’t disprove anything. In the same way, pointing you out as an Obama hater, doesn’t disprove the notion that almost all African Americans are Obama supporters.
Finally, taking one clip from one MSNBC show fails to account for numerous other times the clip has been shown and discussed on MSNBC’s TV and web coverage (Like this article from the same date).
Get help from Dr. Berlinsky before it's too latespews:
“Darryl, and what is the race of the man in the link you provided from the back? You don’t know.”
I don’t? It seems utterly obvious to me that he is of African descent. Although I have a Papua New Guinean friend who looks like this gentleman from the back. Either way….
“Maybe the dude was there to shoot the racist whitey man!”
Could be, but the story was about why guns were there, not why an African American man was there, or even what that man’s motives were.
“How? It’s the media on your side ginning up the race issue.”
Nope. First, if they wanted to “gin up the race issue”, they would have gone with him being an African American man. This is a curiosity worth investigating.
The were “ginning up” the gun issue, because that is what most of the segment was about. If you actually look at the whole segment, very little was about race. Very much was about guns.
Your suspicions that there is some malice behind the cropped image suggest to me either (1) paranoia or (more likely) (2) you’re echoing of Wingnut talking points like a stooge.
I’d say that this isn’t going to end until someone gets killed, but people have already been killed. The question is how many more.
Rich didn’t date the threats back far enough, the ramp up started before the ’08 election cycle.
For more:
My word, when did Ron Reagan finally come out of the closet and start wearing lipstick?
Clairol couldn’t produce enough makeup to hide that adam’s apple though…
Got anything on topic to say?
Four words: These people are nuts.
@4 Right. Even more nuts than the people who recruited them, pumped them up on bad coffee and worse rhetoric and turned them loose on the rest of the nation.
The sad irony is that these nutcakes think they’re protecting the nation’s values. Perhaps we could round them up and give them a patch of ground to call their own in Oklahoma (like the old Indian Territory), and let them have Michele Bachmann for their president. Of course, we’d let them have all the guns they might want so they could go about the grim task of thinning their ranks from within.
It’s stupid to show up at a town hall meeting with a firearm. Just adds fuel to the fire of people who think the Second Amendment ought be repealed.
I suggest we use the West Side Story scenario and invite their gang to meet our gang at SAFECO field for a shoot off.
Earlier CNN featured a former secret service agent who had this to say:
It really isn’t a joking matter anymore – these wingnuts are gearing up for war. The Secret Service officers comment about Somalia is as spot on as it is chilling. The only reason these rage-o-holic righties are parading around with guns is to create an atmosphere of terror. Which is why I call them the TBTB – Tea Bag Terrorist Brigade.
Someone pught to bring a test case to the USSC. Where in the constitution does the right to bear arms appear as being a form of free speech?
Has there ever been a time in US history when bringing weap[ons to a public discourse was allowed?
@7 It’s also a damned safe bet that anyone with a firearm who’d gone anywhere near an appearance by the last occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., had it been in Arizona or anyplace else, would never be heard from again.
“The right to have and bear arms shall not be infringed upon”
From some silly document called the Constitution.
I don’t happen to own or need a gun. But I do have the right to, if I wish. Or will for a few years more. Or less than that.
Don’t like it? There’s this wacky thing called an Amendment you folks could try to get passed at any time.
I don’t think anyone is saying these whackos don’t have the right to practice their stupidity. Having a right, however, does not mean it should be exercised at all times and in all places. Some discretion should be used. I’ve heard even Second Amendment freaks like Alan Gottlieb express regret that these folks are doing what they’re doing. They are not advancing their cause, whatever their sick and twisted cause might be.
” It’s probably also not against the law to bring a can of gas and a match into an event. Is that a good idea? No”
Pretty much sums up the common sense side of things doesn’t it?
“We’re a democratic country. And we should be better than this. And what’s the point? What’s the point of them carrying these things? It’s intimidation. Why hsould we tolerate that?”
I disagree. It was attention he was after, not intimidation. “hey look at me with the AR-15!”
The lapdog “if it bleeds it leads” media ate it up.
If he was going to intimidate folks, he probably wouldn’t have contacted the police the week before announcing his intentions..
Mr. AR-15 doesn’t represent anything or anybody. Certainly not a representative of Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats or any other party.
Re 13
I agree completely. Responsible behavior and legal behavior are not always the same though.
I don’t belong to the NRA or any other 2nd Amendment advocacy groups. I don’t know who Alan Gottlieb is, but he is correct. Responsible driving means less legislation to correct bad driving. Responsible gun ownership means less pressure to enact unconstitutional gun restrictions.
I just meant that some of the posters here treat this as clear and present danger. It isn’t. It’s just Jethro and BillyBob acting like morons.
No one here is advocating ditching the 2nd amendment. Rog, and I think a couple of others, WANT liberals to own firearms.
We’ve seen a steady ratcheting up of violent rhetoric by the right over the last couple of years. A few people have been shot. We’ve had town halls, a foundation of the American democratic process, get disrupted with yelling and threats. Now we have people connected to a militia group that was broken up and convicted of plotting to bomb buildings showing up armed where the president was giving a speech. I think we have cause to be a little worried here.
Deleted by author
Yes, and the screaming left when Bush was president talking about hanging him were so nonviolent.
And I’d be curious to know who the “few people who’ve been shot,” are. Anecdotal?
We have a problem with basic civility in this country. We have a problem with a few nutcases threatening violence they’re mostly too drunk, stupid or unarmed to enact. But to pretend it’s all on the right is either naive or hypocritical.
It would be deliciously ironic if one of these idiots pulled a Barney Fife and shot himself in the foot — and had no insurance.
re 18: You must mean all those Democrats who showed up at Bush events with guns and nooses — or was it t-shirts critical of Bush.
You are just lost.
18: “But to pretend it’s all on the right is either naive or hypocritical.”
You are correct, it isn’t all on the right. But, I just don’t hear GOP politicians condemning BillyBob nonsense, and, from my humble perspective, I think that’s because BillyBob is one of the remaining few core constituencies of the GOP. Whackos on the left are so far from the core of the Democratic Party, that we don’t need them.
Re 20:
No, this was the audience shouting suggestions at Alternative Radio events, and Democracy Now crowds.
I will readily admit to being a little lost. I remember a bit of vitriol over Reagan being elected, or Carter defeated. I remember a fair amount of contempt directed at Bill Clinton. I remember a lot of folks on the left saying that subverting a jury and a witness weren’t the business of the Congress as well.
I remember a lot of political division, but nothing like the toxic atmosphere now. I don’t say this is a left thing or a right thing.
I am a little lost, I guess, in a country that stopped treating ideology as a point of useful contradiction and necessary tension. I don’t like the use of politics to villify and execrate people, left or right.
Re 21:
I respectfully disagree.
Should there be more open condemnation of irresponsible or rude behavior by Republican leaders? Absolutely.
But the core constituency of the Republican party is what the Democrats had back when Kennedy gave his inaugural.
The party hasn’t moved right, the nation has moved left. From your perspective this is a good thing, but for the long term health of the country I humbly submit that somewhere in the moderate middle is where America has always shone.
These people who knowingly carry weapons anywhere within range of the the POTUS should be considered a clear and present danger to him, and be neutralized with immediate effect.
I think if you do not believe that, you are simply not American, but are an extreme partisan hack who has lost all sense of decency.
Heterosexuals are ruining this world, they are murderers, rapists and thieves. The downfall to society are the heterosexuals who seem to screw everything they come across.
Heterosexuals are violent people, I bet not one of those gun totting people were gay. I’d bet every penny that I got, and got many 100 thousands of pennies. You fucking moron heterosexuals keep killing the earth.
Plus a couple of cops, a doctor, a security guard at a holocaust museum…
lost @ 22
I couldn’t agree more. Political disagreements should not result in screaming matches over who is a Nazi, socialist, or traitor.
lost @23
I do not agree, though I see your point. The core constituency of the Republican Party has changed since Kennedy. Look at what has happened to the GOP in New England–there’s virtually none of it left. Nixon, for God’s sake, would be considered a liberal by the standards of Rush Limbaugh. And, I don’t agree that the nation has moved to the left, even though I believe the trend of human history lies in that direction. I think we’re in one of those zags that follows a couple zigs.
I agree with you on that one.
Lostinaseaofdenial – The violent rhetoric pouring forth from the right is unprecedented. It goes beyond the terrorists in training who are now showing up at presidential events with guns – it is in the everyday, mainstreamed editorial stance broadcast everyday by Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, Dobbs, O’Reilly ad nauseum. The only reason these republican brownshirts show up at events armed is to intimidate.
Here is what’s nuts Rog…the constant drumbeat of O-blah-blah half-truths..
Did you know the 47 Million uninsured number our idiotic leader keeps spewing includes 10 million illegal aliens? Do we really want to insure anyone that is illegally in this country or not even a citizen?? Methinks NOT!
Next there are 18 million Americans who make more than $50,000 anually. Of these there are 8 million who make more than $75,000. Do we really want to force these people to become insured??? Many of these probably have substantial savings and in essence may be self insured, regardless they make enough money to pay for their health care.
Another 14 million are eligible for free government health care already.
This leaves about 5 million more who are not insured for one reason or another.
The devil is ALWAYS in the detail with O-blah-blah!
The AMA..of which now only 17% of all Doctors belong to…down from 25% and still plummetting!
That same AMA spent $20 million of it’s members money doing the study to get the number in my prior post.
I am a fairly far to the left, support Obama, Clinton, D, etc. But I have a few words. Waco and Ruby Ridge. It was a democratic administration and Attorney General that oversaw the cowboy ATF and intrusive government that killed innocent women and children. Mostly in part because the kinds of phantasms that stir these inside the beltway types were a small flame stoked into mass hysteria. Just put yourself in the MSM media reports leading up to Waco and Ruby Ridge. Total hysteria. I would rather not return to that.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but when I think about what happened at Waco, and most importantly why it happened, it gives me pause.
For what its worth I just think that has to be taken into account. Both tragic events, that were unnecessary. Why do the democrats fear the hillbillies with guns and the republicans fear the arabs with guns? I just don’t get it. I hope that Obama and Eric Holder don’t make the same mistakes that Clinton and Reno did.
With all that, I agree that people showing up to rallies with firearms is a bit garish.
Part of me admires Roger Rabbit’s call for liberals to arm themselves. I like that attitude because it is realistic and honest. I think we are better to understand the roll of gun culture in our society than to fear it without analysis.
I remember when it was just crazy or treasonous to suggest that the Bush administration would raise the “terror level” for political reasons. Boy, those were the days.
33 Gordon
Yeah, you’re one hell of a Democrat. Of course I blieve you completely.
Question: who shot first in Waco?
Question: who started the fire in Waco, and how?
Of course it’s so beneath you to cite your sources.
But is it really true that “…there are 18 million Americans who make more than $50,000 anally?” That’s gotta hurt.
I grew up within the gun culture. I understand it and don’t fear it. I do fear fear and hate mongering. I do fear the steady ratcheting up of eliminationist rhetoric that we’ve seen on the part of the right for the last couple of years. It’s exactly this kind of behavior that causes people to think they are justified in forming militias and using violence.It’s this kind of behavior that leads to tragedies like Waco and Ruby Ridge.
why shouldn’t we cover illegals? Taxes are withheld from their checks, just like mine – and needless to say, they don’t file at the end of the year, so they get no refund. Fucking cover them, they work a fuck of a lot harder than any of the useless, cheeto-stained, chronically unemployable trolls that pollute this blog on a daily basis.
@37 I agree. The eliminationist rhetoric of the right is troublesome. We are potentially playing with political fire here. But there is something that just rubs me the wrong way listening to Rachel Maddow and Frank Rich discuss this topic. There is a kind of abstraction that doesn’t properly account for history after 1970.
But I agree with your point. Of course I see the right wing as kind of sad and cartoonish. But cartoon characters can become thugs. I just wanted to raise Waco and Ruby Ridge, lest we get ahead of ourselves and deem it appropriate to storm trooper ourselves into peoples homes because we think they have guns.
But at the end of the day these idiots are bringing guns into the political public sphere and that is problematic. Unless they actually plan to carry through with revolution. In which case Thomas Jefferson and the declaration of independence supports the sentiment as a matter of principle. But I just hope that these loons at these rallies understand that we just had a peaceful revolution 8 months ago. We have a process in this country. It is time for them to recognize the political process and act like adults. As Obama said put childish things away. It happens every few years so wait their turn. No need to bring the guns out in a garish display.
The Presidents friend Bill Ayers actually blew up Federal Buildings and you tards voted for him. And you think these militia guys are nuts? You tards are a fucked up bunch.
25 I’ll bet in person you’re real pretty!
And here’s the response to PMSNBC from Monday’s attempt as skewing the news. So they changed the aired footage now.
But michael, blew john, checksaid and other leftist fools this info is not for you!
See ya!
Hey HAers,
Compare post 39 with posts 40 and 42. Who advances political discussion and who doesn’t? Who articulates a position and who just calls names?
Mark @ 40, 41,
What’s with the edge tonight? You running low on meth or something?
That press release doesn’t even make sense. There were “a dozen or so” people with guns and the race of those people is completely irrelevant to the argument being proved in the piece.
Plus, at 4.04 into the piece they show a full frontal shot of the guy with the AR-15.
So much for the SAF.
Michael, you read it?
Hmmm…? “BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today accused MSNBC of using deceptively-edited video from a Phoenix, Arizona anti-tax rally on Monday…”
Okay…What Puddy said above…
Just for starters
The anti-tax rally on Monday has what to do with the argument being made in the MSNBC piece we’re talking about here?
The evidence that MSNBC is trying to “demonize and marginalize American firearms owners as “racists.”” is what?
And if MSNBC was trying to portray gun owners as white racists why would they then go on to show a black guy with an AR-15?
See, the problem here, Puddy, is that nothing you say makes any sense.
There are enough problems and things to worry about in the world that there’s no need to go making shit up like you, like Sarah “they’re gonna kill my baby Palin and like Dick “9/11” Cheney seem so fond of doing.
Is there a single fact anywhere in that press release?
Michael, have you seen the PMSNBC Monday video? If not then you have nuthing to argue in #470. Ask wondermoron. He lives on PMSNBC
See ya!
WTF??? Um… Obviously, it’s you that has nothing to talk about because that’s not what we’re talking about on this thread.
Care to try to refute anything in the video posted above?
Oh boy Michael, dense eh? Don’t watch PMSNBC much?
What did Rachel Maddow open with on this clip posted Goldy: “We have two important updates to a story we brought to you earlier this week.” Notice the picture behind Rachel Maddow Michael. Without watching the video…is that man black or white? No one can tell Michael. Yet here is the first PMSNBC video shown on Monday. You never see his face. All you see are the guns and listen to Contessa Brewer’s comments “I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist…”
On Tuesday PMSNBC Rachel Maddow uses similar video showing the black man carrying the AR-15 but he is never interviewed on Tuesday. You never see his face. All you see is the gun about four times shown over and over. All you see are whitey carrying guns.
The issue is how PMSNBC edited the video to show only whitey men with guns. The Second Amendment Foundation took issue with these original videos. Now with this video Goldy places on HA, Rachel Maddow is now saying they are “updating” in their report. It’s a totally different video. They are reacting to the Second Amendment Foundation and now they show his face. Another disingenuous attempt at reporting by PMSNBC.
You and all others would be howling fowl if Fox News did this.
bringing these guns to rallies like this is going to lead to violence. you people who act like it won’t are fucking crazy. you’re spineless cowards. you’re anti american and you deserve to be called names. you’re incipient brownshirters as you very well know that it’s intimidating to carry guns around and when you deny that you’re lying sacks of shit.
this is step one. bringing guns. step two is someone getting hurt. step three is media firestorm over who shot who and who started it a liberal or a conservavive. step four is more guns and then groups that dress similarly “for protection” — maybe not brown shirts but the same concept. step five is folks beating the shit out of black people and liberals and fuck you conservatives, the assassinations in this nation took a heavy toll on liberal leaders. step six is start a fire at the parliament building. step seven is appeal th chauvinist and antivist elements, fear, get a 32% foothold in the electorate, define opponents as the other who are vital threat to the nation, etc. step eight is the fucking nazi takeover.
y’all need to chill out and back off and cut this shit out right now.
you can cry about the second amendment all you want, it won’t stop a federal law that bans any weapons within a mile of the president, then you’ll be sorry you started this shit, assholes.
MSNB-Stupid originally cropped the photo to show only the gun, omitting the fact that the carrier was black. All that is left for MSNB-Stupid is to suggest that the black man carrying the gun was duped by Jews!
BTW: It is now being reported that it was a “stunt” put on by a local radio station there, so leftists can relax their asshole puckers.
“MSNB-Stupid originally cropped the photo to show only the gun, omitting the fact that the carrier was black. All that is left for MSNB-Stupid is to suggest that the black man carrying the gun was duped by Jews!”
Psssst…the story was about an assault rifle being carried near the President, dumbass.
Nobody gives a shit about his skin color except you frightened racists.
“It is now being reported that it was a “stunt” put on by a local radio station there, so leftists can relax their asshole puckers.”
(As if it being a “stunt” has any relevance.)
No shit, Sherlock. Did you find that out all by yourself, or did you actually click on the video here?
Thanks for the warning.
Darryl farts:
No? Just the low-lifes at PMSNBC! They edited the film to make it look as something it wasn’t. Again here is Contessa Brewer on Monday…
Yep so true Darryl!
And the TBTB (Tea bag Terrorist Brigade) marches on…
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Puddybud @ 56,
“No? Just the low-lifes at PMSNBC! They edited the film to make it look as something it wasn’t.”
The film shows the guns! A guy carrying an assault rifle is what was shocking and news worthy.
(In case you forgot, a black man roaming free at a political rally hasn’t been newsworthy for at least 30 years!)
‘Again here is Contessa Brewer on Monday…
“I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist…”’
Really I do see your point, Puddy. I just think it’s trivial and irrelevant.
The news was about a shockingly large number of people carrying guns near an Obama event. Brewer delved into the larger meme of a resurgence of racial hatred against a black President.
Your argument, as I perceive it, is that showing a black man toting weapons doesn’t fit that narrative. Yeah..sort-of. But, showing a black man participating in a symbolic lynch mob doesn’t disprove anything. In the same way, pointing you out as an Obama hater, doesn’t disprove the notion that almost all African Americans are Obama supporters.
Finally, taking one clip from one MSNBC show fails to account for numerous other times the clip has been shown and discussed on MSNBC’s TV and web coverage (Like this article from the same date).
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Darryl, and what is the race of the man in the link you provided from the back? You don’t know. And as you say
Maybe the dude was there to shoot the racist whitey man!
Again here is Contessa Brewer on Monday…
Darryl responded:
How? It’s the media on your side ginning up the race issue.
“Darryl, and what is the race of the man in the link you provided from the back? You don’t know.”
I don’t? It seems utterly obvious to me that he is of African descent. Although I have a Papua New Guinean friend who looks like this gentleman from the back. Either way….
“Maybe the dude was there to shoot the racist whitey man!”
Could be, but the story was about why guns were there, not why an African American man was there, or even what that man’s motives were.
“How? It’s the media on your side ginning up the race issue.”
Nope. First, if they wanted to “gin up the race issue”, they would have gone with him being an African American man. This is a curiosity worth investigating.
The were “ginning up” the gun issue, because that is what most of the segment was about. If you actually look at the whole segment, very little was about race. Very much was about guns.
Your suspicions that there is some malice behind the cropped image suggest to me either (1) paranoia or (more likely) (2) you’re echoing of Wingnut talking points like a stooge.