*Seattle Port Commissioner: There’s a battle going on between Jack Block Jr. and Gael Tarleton. Either one would be better than Bob Edwards.
*Matt Manweller is a loon.
*Liberal bloggers are rightfully pissed after Congress signed off on Bush’s FISA bill. The House Democrats supporting the bill are a who’s who of Blue Dogs and conservative Democrats. Who also voted yes? Rep. Dave Reichert. Darcy Burner would have voted no. Replace Reichert with a strong Democrat, and we’re that much closer to not being held hostage by conservative Democrats.
*If you like basketball, go see the Seattle Storm. They’re our WNBA team. The tickets are cheaper, and the game is better (more passing, higher percentage shooting). There isn’t the ridiculous circus-like atmosphere either. No idiot mascot with his t-shirt gun. Just basketball.
OOPS! CORRECTION! Turns our that most NBA teams have a higher shooting percentage than the Storm, who lead the WNBA in team shooting percentage. But, still, I did like the pace of the game MUCH more on the women’s side than the men’s.
Why don’t the Publicans want to talk about Bush and his pals loooooosing tens of thousands of weapons in Iraq?
Heck of a job Brownie! Mission accomplished!
The Publicans continue to be afraid of the Internet. Is it because they can’t control what’s said there as well as they can on Faux News Channel?
If they’re afraid of YOUTUBE how can they stand up to bin Laden?
DING! Give that man a cigar! They are scared witless of the Internet.
I’ve been hearing that it’s politically unlikely that the Protect Bush Act will fail to be renewed after the 6 months, since it will be that much closer to the election, and the perceived pressure that led to the Democratic pants-wetting and -soiling will be only that much more intense at that time. The only thing more taboo would be letting a Bush tax cut expire.
Anyone have any ideas about what the average pup can do to help turn the tide?
BTW, I called Rep. Reichert’s office (among others) before the vote, in a sort of final Hail Mary gesture, and the person I spoke with (didn’t sound like DR himself) said that he had never heard of the legislation. Just interesting.
#2: Check it out, they’re so afraid, they’re building their own sanitized, Conservative Internets:
Yellow Pup are those conservative internets made of special conservative tubes?
No thanks on the WNBA suggestion…I can see the same basketball for free at any local 3A or higher high school.
“But, still, I did like the pace of the game MUCH more on the women’s side than the men’s.”
Grow some balls.
Did you righties catch your boy Mitt flip-flopping on abortion? Man I wish we’d be so fucking lucky as to have this fool be the GOP nominee. He was spittin’ up mad and he couldn’t clean it up.
There isn’t the ridiculous circus-like atmosphere either.
I disagree a little bit. I got free tickets and saw them play once. The play by play announcer was really over the top and the sound system was really lound and distorted. Maybe they cleaned that up since then.
There was that annoying blimp dropping coupons or something.
The ladies were all right. Sue Bird had a so-so night. Lauren Jackson was hitting the three point shot. I was impressed.
But at the end of the day, I’d rather patronize the Huskies – either men or women.
I object to CWU using my tax dollars to pay for a link in Manweller’s official university web page to his personal web page so he can espouse his personal political views at taxpayer expense. http://www.cwu.edu/~manwellerm/
I’d rather have Blue Dog Democrats voting for Bush’s policies some of the time than Republicans voting for his policies all of the time, if those are my only choices.
@1 As I recall it was more like hundreds of thousands.
I see Caroline Guiliani endorsed Obama on YouTube. And his son still isn’t speaking to him.
@9 If you’re hoping the Goppers will run a fool for president, any of their current candidates will do.
@6: There is so much market pressure from the liberal menace, the invisible hand has pushed them past tubes to solid state transistors!
Hey thanks for that link Will, regarding the Jack Block Jr. and Gael Tarleton campaigns! I’m having problems making up my mind on the choice – mostly I want Edwards OUT! Edwards has carried enough water buckets for Pat Davis and Mic Dinsmore in the past, even though he has voted a couple of times correctly. Just need to clear out the room any remaining traces of Dinsmore and his ilk.
The link supplied a lot of food for thought regarding Jack Block Jr. and Gael Tarleton, well worth the read! Saved it as one of my ‘favorites’, in fact, so that I can keep researching before coloring in my oval on the ballot.
Kind of funny, I’ve never posted a yardsign in my life! Yesterday, they delivered my “Re-Elect Alec Fisken” sign. Before my 1st cup of Starbucks, I got that puppy posted upstairs on my balcony, in a nice location overlooking the park; where all the dog walkers that I chat with, plus all the neighbors, can get a GOOD look. Interesting how many friends that I’ve been talking to seem totally clueless about the Port races – guess I used to be that way as well, to be honest. But they sure HAVE heard about Dinsmore’s attempted golden parachute scam! Seem happy that I’m able to help supply more details.
It was Goldy’s interview on KIRO a couple of months ago that pushed me into wanting Alec to stay. He sounded so candid and it was refreshing to finally hear what was going on behind the scenes – like his walking out of meetings where public policy wasn’t supposed to be discussed in secrecy. The papers had always made that action seem a little goofy before. Wish Goldy would bring Fisken back for another interview, frankly, it was so interesting.
I figure that the only way we’re ever going to get this Port back to being a working port is if we can get the good guys actually RUNNING the place, instead of racing around spending taxpayer money & rubber stamping! Maybe we might get a chance to eliminate the levy that voters have no choice about, except to pay through the nose!
It’s amazing that Guliani’s kids hate him enough to campaign for Obama. This should be something America pays attention to.
And it’s BOTH kids, at that!
One thing I read was that he had to quietly sneak into his kid’s high school graduation recently. Sit at the back, at the very last moment before the doors closed. The given excuse was that he didn’t want to divert attention from the proceedings, given his entourage and all. What I had read many places was it was because – HE WASN’T INVITED!
Doesn’t that speak volumes?
Two religious right wing nutjobs trying to out nut each other.
I just went and took a look at Manweller’s personal site, and read his little essay on health care costs. He’s basically saying that the problem is that people are allowed to pay a flat monthly rate (or have the government pay it for them) and then have the temerity to get sick or injured and consume too much. He tries to draw the analogy to someone being able to pay $250 a month to Fred Meyer and then go shopping any time and take whatever they wanted. Somehow that’s supposed to be immoral.
Well, not that I’m hoping this genius gets leukemia, but if he did do you think he’d hesitate to trot his professorial ass to Fred Hutch and submit to a top-drawer bone marrow transplant on his PERS medical coverage?
Ugh. Went to the Storm’s dismantling of Indianapolis recently. Atrocious. Unwatchable. If it were not for the fact that my daughters are enthralled, and the hot lesbians, I’d never return. Lauren Jackson is the only player on the court.