I hope everyone had a great New Year’s Eve. I know I did, and if you listened to Goldy’s show and heard my call-ins, you know I did! Let’s just say that the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne turn into some mash-up of Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me and ABBA’s Dancing Queen after a few Heinekins. You know you had a good time when you wake up in your bed with a pounding headache, and not in jail, or dead. Let that be a lesson to all you folks… take a cab. It’s cheaper than a Deferred Prosecution for DUI.
On to the links!
Blatheresolutions!!! Moderate-ish predictions! On the Road to 2008 checks predictions made one year ago. Democratic congress? Check! Local races go big for Dems? Check! Machines rise up to take their rightful place above humanity as the dominant species? Wrong on that one, Dan!
Chinchilla Blogging is back!!!
Dan Savage: Basketball is overrated.
Wingnut blogger Jonathan Gardner claims there has not been a single case of torture by American forces or our allies. Effin’ has the scoop.
Erica C. Barnett is 25 percent “male.” Since when does being the toughest reporter in Seattle make you guy-ish?
When I say the liberal interest groups should be more like conservative interest groups, this is what I’m taking about.
One day in 2002, Stefan Sharkansky started writing hit pieces on Rep. Nancy Pelosi. After Stefan declared victory against Pelosi and moved to Seattle, Pelosi was never heard from again. First Nancy Pelosi, then Chris Gregoire, and now Ron Sims, is there any progressive whose career is safe from Stefan’s cutlass of righteousness? (That’s cutlass the sword, not the car.)
Robert Reich writes about how the GOP foments cynicism, and how it helps their agenda.
I never thought I’d see the day: someone has questioned the Democratic credentials of Ivan Weiss (the chair of the rock-solid, top-notch 34th District Democrats). I don’t see eye to eye with Ivan on some things (viaduct!), but if ever there was a guy who gets it, it’s Ivan:
I won’t win many friends here with this opinion, but whatever the “progressive movement” is and whoever is to decide, it is not going anywhere without its vehicle, which is the Democratic Party. The “progressive movement” does not nominate any candidates that I am aware of, any more than the “religious right,” whose vehicle is the Republican Party, does.
The “progressive” movement should do like Howard Dean did a few years ago: if you don’t like the Democratic Party, take it over! A note to the diarist: when someone comments on your diary in a critical way, you shouldn’t knock them for commenting. If you don’t want comments from folks who disagree with you, don’t diary.
A last item from The Left Shue:
As we come to the end of this “Year of Transition” in Iraq, we note the death of the 3000th American service member to die as a result of duty in Iraq, the death of former president Gerald Ford – the man who brought us George HW Bush (CIA), Dick Cheney (Chief of Staff), and Donald Rumsfeld (Department of Defense), and Saddam Hussein – a man both embraced and despised by this country as it fit our purpose. However, as noted by Riverbend, perhaps the most significant “transition” is the loss of Iraq itself.
If anything, in ’06 we’ve seen most Americans turn against the war. Rep. Jack Murtha was right: the American people are ready for a change, perhaps more ready than their own leadership.
“Wingnut blogger Jonathan Gardner claims there has not been a single case of torture by American forces or our allies. Effin’ has the scoop.”
Is he a Holocaust denier, too? Betcha he is. Too bad he doesn’t live in Canada. They jail Holocaust deniers there.
So Gardner thinks liberals who criticize Bush should be executed? And that Bush has authority to do it? According to Gardner, he does. Gardner is of the same ilk as Ann Coulter — talks big about killing liberals for disagreeing with Nazi fucks like him, except unlike Coulter, he isn’t joking. But it’s all cheap talk, folks. Jonathan Gardner is a mouse who squeaks a lot but, when you get right down to it, he’s a ten-gallon hat on a half-pint head. An empty suit. All hat, no cattle. Too bad. I’d like to see some wingnut asshole like him try to arrest me for criticizing Bush — so I can exercise my lawful right of self defense.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor, ya know? (metallic cocking noises)
So is this Gardner guy the official Aryan Nations blogger? How many people read his blog? Two? (counting him) Does he, like erstwhile GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold, hope terrorists kill innocent American airline passengers so people will vote for Republicans? Why is our state blessed with the residency of TWO (count ’em, (2) two) people as crazy as these guys? Why are they are on the streets? Why aren’t they locked up in Western State?
“One day in 2002, Stefan Sharkansky started writing hit pieces on Rep. Nancy Pelosi. After Stefan declared victory against Pelosi and moved to Seattle, Pelosi was never heard from again. First Nancy Pelosi, then Chris Gregoire, and now Ron Sims, is there any progressive whose career is safe from Stefan’s cutlass of righteousness?”
I wish Stefan would go after me, because my career needs a boost! I can always spend more money. But he’s ignoring me. He doesn’t even shoot at me when I raid his garden anymore. More to the point, for over a year he has refused to answer my perfectly reasonable question:
Stefan, why haven’t you shared the proceeds of your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit?
Stefan hasn’t shared the proceeds of his lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County with the generous donors to his “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit because:
[ ] 1. There were no proceeds; Stefan was laughed out of court.
[ ] 2. There were no donors; net contributions to his “legal action fund” total zero.
[ ] 3. There is no lawsuit; Stefan just made big-talk about suing Dean Logan and King County, but never filed anything.
[ ] 4. Because he needs the money; Stefan can’t even hold a part-time job paying $9 an hour for one whole day.
[ ] 5. Because he thinks sharing the income from the lawsuit with the people who paid for the lawsuit would be “socialism.”
If we’re still in Iraq two years from now, and KIAs are then up to 5,000 (or more), a hamster could run on the Democratic ticket and get elected.
What happens when a president leads the country into an unpopular war? The opposing party wins the next presidential election — every time!
Roger my guess is the KIAs are well over 5000 TODAY! The Bush regime is no doubt lying about those figures just like they have lied about everything else related to Iraq. They are certainly under reporting both KIAs and wounded, Iraq and US alike.
But here’s one thing we know for certain. NONE of the Bush family or the Hannity family or the Limbaugh family or the Cheney family will EVER be killed in Iraq because these cowards think other people’s kids should fight their war.
Here’s another reason Goldie, Will, Darryl and the other cauldron of HorsesAss Moonbat!s will not link into the JPost:
George Bush is my hero By ED KOCH
“Our major ally in this war against the forces of darkness, Great Britain, is still being led by an outstanding prime minister, Tony Blair. However, Blair will soon be set out to pasture, which means Great Britain will leave our side and join France, Germany, Spain and other countries that foolishly believe they can tame the wolf at the door and convert it into a domestic pet that will live in peace with them.
These dreamers naively believe that if we feed the wolves what they demand, they will go away. But that won’t happen. Appeasement never works. The wolves always come back for more and more, and when we have nothing left to give, they come for us.”
Appeasement – Favorite word of a Moonbat!
RightEqualsStupid says: Roger my guess is the KIAs are well over 5000 TODAY! The Bush regime is no doubt lying about those figures just like they have lied about everything else related to Iraq. They are certainly under reporting both KIAs and wounded, Iraq and US alike.
Provide proof LeftandStillStupid. Typical Moonbat! Make up crap with no proof!
Who are the wingnuts talking about when they talk about, “The Producers”? Springtime for Hitler?
re 9: The, “…forces of darkness….”!!!!????????? Put down those Marvel Comics and TRANSFORMERS and take a look at the real world.
Hey Sucks why don’t you provide proof that you’re not a child rapist? Then I’ll provide mine.
Hey Sucks……Bush needs more troops, so when are you enlisting and shipping off to Iraq? I did 4 years in the Marines and I am pleased to see brave souls like you step up….I’ll even come to the airport to see you off. “Semper fi”
Looks like Rompin Rooody is already fucking up. I guess the righties don’t care so much about the “moral majority” when it’s their guy who’s got no morals.
Support our troops – take their place.
2….I was tempted to make some comparison between Gardner and Coulter on the basis of who has the bigger this and the smaller that, but that’s just too obvious.
8 The 3,000 figure doesn’t depend on Pentagon press released. The Associated Press independently tracks these numbers, as do some private web sites. (That’s why the figures from various sources vary slightly.)
9 Koch isn’t exactly a flaming liberal, so why should we expect anything different?
“Koch has always been a registered Democrat, but he ran as both a Democrat and a Republican in the 1981 election for Mayor. He has often deviated from the conventional liberal line …” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Koch
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Considering that Koch lost Democratic primaries for both New York mayor and New York governor, he’s hardly a spokesperson for Democrats, even though he calls himself a “Democrat.”
@11 I think the coupon-clippers are fantasizing that they somehow “work” and/or “produce” something besides golf scorecards.
@17 There’s very little to either of them beyond an oversized Adam’s apple.
@17 (continued) What I find really amusing is reading rightwing blogs where twenty-something excess-testosterone males refer to the 45-year-old Coulter as a “hot babe.” What I mean is, holy shit, this prune is old enough to be their mother.
You’d think they’d at least have enough sense to lust after, say, Mary Carey after a drinking few too many beers in the frat house …
RightEqualsStupid says: Hey Sucks why don’t you provide proof that you’re not a child rapist? Then I’ll provide mine. 01/02/2007 at 10:43 am
Are you defining yourself again LeftStillStupid? Don’t need to provide proof. I am not on any Post Office posters or milk cartons. Et tu brutus?
Jw1945sm says: Hey Sucks……Bush needs more troops, so when are you enlisting and shipping off to Iraq? I did 4 years in the Marines and I am pleased to see brave souls like you step up….I’ll even come to the airport to see you off. “Semper fi” 01/02/2007 at 11:59 am
Too old. Next?
Let’s see the 5000 proof. You postulated it so provide or pound salt!
Furball’s worthless commentary – dumb blogging the dumber. Ed Koch is a fine man, Jewish and Democratic. Well, a fine Jewish man…
11: Ed Koch wrote it stupid Moonbat!
Sucks…..re…”to old”. My how the brave right-wing wing-nuts all have an excuse…….first it’s “college deferred” like the VP, then it’s “to busy” like the PRES, or “medical deferred” like RUSSSSSH LIMPDICK, now it’s “to old” like SUCKS. Cowards always have an excuse and are so easy to spot…..they all talk real tough, but walk the other way when it’s time to step up, so your motto can be “Semper run”
“I never thought I’d see the day: someone has questioned the Democratic credentials of Ivan Weiss (the chair of the rock-solid, top-notch 34th District Democrats). I don’t see eye to eye with Ivan on some things (viaduct!), but if ever there was a guy who gets it, it’s Ivan:”
I’d certainly never question his Democratic credentials. He’s routinely angry, profane, and a serial name-caller. A perfect modern Democrat.