Today is the Accountability Now money bomb, a one-day fundraising drive led by a coalition of both left and right bloggers who are angry about the passage of the FISA legislation and the slow erosion of our civil liberties.
Paul Krugman is too classy to say it, but what he’s describing here is what defined the fascist movements in Europe after World War I.
The FBI is now looking into the drug raid in Maryland where police shot and killed the two black Labradors of the mayor of Berwyn Heights (who was completely innocent).
After reading this, then this, I get the sense that the Bush Administration really wants Douglas Feith to be their Wee-Bey, but that Feith isn’t willing to be such a good soldier.
I’m involved in a new group called the Cannabis Defense Coalition that will be tracking information on the arrests of valid medical marijuana patients across the state and will be working to improve the draft rules devised by the State Department of Health, starting at the meeting in Tumwater on August 25.
Here are some amazing pictures of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.
UPDATE: And one more item, a video that follows up on the Charlie Lynch verdict from Southern California that I wrote about the other day.
Today is the Accountability Now money bomb, a one-day fundraising drive led by a coalition of both left and right bloggers who are angry about the passage of the FISA legislation and the slow erosion of our civil liberties.
Couldn’t agree more w/this. People have been far too supine. Obama’s FISA position was one of my big disappointments w/him (off-shore drilling being the other!).
How’s that John Edwards denial looking now?;page=1
Truly, sucks to be him.
The Piper
2 – Ohhhh. The pain.. We are being pilloried by the conservatives over John Edward’s infidelity.
The comeback:
Sure sucks to be a wingnut REPUBLICAN (ooops I meant gopp). Is Edwards running for any office?
After coming in 3rd in almost every primary, Edwards has been relegated to the dustbin of history. The affair just makes it permanent.
@2 John Edwards is finished in politics. Not because of the affair, but because he lied to his supporters. From now on, he has no supporters.
I’m not too enthusiastic about pictures from China. Beneath the glittering surface is an ugly repressive beast.
I supported Edwards and still think he’s a decent man but this mistake and his clumsy denials are disappointing to be sure.
@6 Good point. when I was a kid in small town rural Oregon, Rush Land, every conservative I knew was screaming bloody murder, that China and Russia were the enemy, the devil incarnate. Now days, I can’t get a conservative to even mumble anything bad about China.
It’s very odd.
I bet the pooper is totally inspired by those GOPPs in the House doing their “drill now” thing.
Inspired and supported by whom? Serial philanderer and unfathomable hypocrite Newt Gingrich.
I guess they can claim credit for recent slide in oil prices – oh wait they can’t, no offshore drill rigs are available until 2013.
Oh wait they can. They make shit up all the time.
Let’s get ready to rumble…..
Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters July 29, 2008
Who do you trust more on the economy?
McCain 45%
Obama 45%
Not Sure 10%
Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters August 2, 2008
Who do you trust more on the war in Iraq?
McCain 51%
Obama 39%
Not Sure 10%
Hmmm… Didn’t Daddy Love make some stupid aspersions on how McCain is wrong wrong wrong on Irag in July? Yes he did! Remember the Open link with Karl Rove on it? Puddy does.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008 – Rasmussen Reports Y’all can find it too.
John McCain is now trusted more than Barack Obama on nine out of 14 electoral issues tracked by Rasmussen Reports. The latest national telephone surveys find that McCain has the biggest advantage on the war in Iraq, by a 51% to 39% margin.
Perhaps the most interesting finding of these polls is that McCain has expanded his leads on nearly every issue he had previously had the advantage on, while Obama’s leads have diminished over the past two weeks.
Golly people, all I read from dopey bybygoober is Flip-Flop McCain. I guess his flip-flops must be good ones.
Piper should gaze upon the face of this Republican pedophile and give some thought as to why he tolerates deviant sexual behavior by Republicans while hating Democrats who simply have an affair.
Well, we agree on something!
“Ugly repressive beast” is an apt description of the ChiComs, for whom I have zero love and plenty of suspicion
Frankly, that Beijing is hosting the Olympics is akin to Berlin hosting them in 1936 or Moscow hosting them in 1980.
What’s next? Mogidishu or Tehran? Will mass executions or clubbing of dissidents become official Olympic sports? After all, the IOC’s dumping of softball and baseball must be to make room for sports favored by thugocracies.
The Piper
John Edwards forgot to say out of the bushes like Jesse Jackson. Did you read the articles from Karin Stanford on how Jesse ignores his illegitimate daughter?
Sad, truly sad.
@10 and 11
Your guy is behind. He’s going to lose. Deal with it.
You don’t know me well, do you?
I have consistently advocated tossing deviants over board irrespective of party label. The guy in the Missouri story? Should he be found guilty, he deserves the harshest punishment the law will allow.
But you can’t bring yourself to acknowledge Edwards’ affair, cover-up, and lying about it aren’t serious matters?
If shoving your head up there wasn’t a sexual act, that’s what I would suspect you were doing.
The Piper
McSame Flip-Flops:
He’s also FOR Off shore drilling, after being against it for 26 YEARS.
He was Against Torture, now he’s for it.
Against Warrant less Wiretapping now he’s for it
Against Tax Cuts then for tax cuts, then against tax cuts and now is FOR RAISING FICA taxes
Against Privatizing Social Security and now he’s FOR it
For protecting Abortion Rights now he’s against it
Against storing Nuclear Waste at Yucca Mountain now he’s for it
Against engaging in diplomacy with Hamas now he’s for it.
Against diplomacy in Syria now he’s for it.
Against going after Al Qaeda in Pakistan now he’s for it.
Against talking to Iran and now he’s for it.
Against talking to North Korea and now he’s for it.
For Lieberman-Warner to curb Global Warming now he’s Against it.
Both FOR and AGAINST attacking Obamas’ former Pastor.
Against inflating your tires and getting a tune up, now he’s for it.
For disclosure of campaign donations, now he’s against it.
For the Iraq War because it would be quick and easy now against anyone who said Iraq would be quick and easy.
Need any more?
Hey NorthWest Division of Crazed Lunatic Moonbat!s – Did you see Oil is down to $115 a barrel? Dropped $32 after GWB said we should drill. Must make you all really pizzed!
Yet Ms Pelosi closed Congress so there is no up or down drill vote. Yep – the most ethical congress ever.
What a hoot!
incorrectneverbright – Stock market at 11700+change. Must make you really pizzed!
It doesn’t suck to be him. He’s an adult and did what he wanted. Besides, he’s one of the evil rich.
It sucks to be his wife.
It sucks to be all the naive gullible suckers that not only voted for him but gave their hard earned money to him.
Strange how far the democrat party has slipped. In the old days, democrats were banging hotties like marilyn monroe. These days, it’s the likes of monica and this hunter chick.
She obviously knows that drilling would help the country, and also knows if voted on it would pass. What other choice does she have but close down congress.
@14 Did you read the article about yet another Republican being busted for sexually assaulting a kid? Are you like Piper, approving of Republicans sexually assaulting kids but disapproving of Democrats having affairs? Odd values you folks have. You know that, don’t you?
Piper – I think this is Steve’s favrit mayor
Irrespective of who supports it, “drill here, drill now, pay less” is good public policy.
And the instant such a policy is established, you will see oil prices drop like a rock. In fact, haven’t they dropped several dollars a barrel even today?
Bubbles burst…
Wherever there’s a reasonable probability of domestic production, there ought to be at least exploration and some drilling. Let the Californians shriek all they like about the icky off-shore platforms that bugger their view.
Or have they come on board? I hear a majority of Californians and Floridians support off-shore drilling.
Are they part of the 70% of the American public who also support drilling?
The Piper
Steve: HA Biggest ASSHole: If you had a brain, you’d remember I was one of the first that wrote if anyone is convicted of pedo – throw the book at him/her. I was for throwing Debra LeFave into the slammer but some HA lefties thought she was too cute.
Read the archive you jackASS and you’d learn sumtin or two.
What a maroon oops… moe-ron.
Why don’t you take the time to read the posts in this thread before you prove just how stupid you are?
In my post @16, I clearly stated my position.
You, however, can’t bring yourself to denounce the lies told by John Edwards.
The Piper
@16 Shouldn’t you be more concerned about the beam in your own eye and less concerned about the speck in another’s? Wouldn’t your time be better spent cleaning up the Republican pedophile mess rather than complaining about an affair between two adult Dems? No, you have your priorities and those priorities reflect your values. You could give a shit about Republican pedophilia. You only want to score points against Democrats. We know what that makes you. And, no, I don’t want to know such a person as yourself.
Yelling Lost Boy@9:
hursday, August 07, 2008 – Rasmussen Reports You can find it.
Americans overwhelmingly believe there is an urgent national need to find new sources of energy, and this need is more important that reducing current energy usage, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
With energy issues taking center stage in the presidential campaign, 81% of Americans see development of new energy sources as an urgent priority. Only 9% disagree.
For nearly two-thirds (65%), finding new sources of energy is more important that reducing the amount of energy Americans now consume. Twenty-eight percent (28%) think reducing current usage is more important.
Those likely to vote for Obama see the two needs as almost equal, with 83% characterizing finding new sources of energy as an urgent national need and 80% saying the same of reducing U.S. energy consumption. Among potential voters for Republican John McCain, 80% agree that finding new sources is an urgent need, but only 53% feel that way about reducing energy usage.
Democrats are more divided than Republicans on which is more important. While 57% of Democrats say finding new sources should be the priority, 36% believe that about reducing energy use. By contrast, Republicans lean far more heavily toward finding new energy sources 79% to 15%.
23 – Pooper when I see the rigs go up around the Keys and the east coast of Jeb Bush/Mel Martinez land then we continue this discussion.
That and CA and NJ and ANWR for 200k barrel/day of oil in 2030?
We use over 20 million a day now. Over 7 BILLION a year.
Dream on Pooper.
11 Pud
How strange then, I mean because according to you everyone loves him and thinks that he’s right about everything, that John McCain is behind in every national poll and is losing several Bush states from 2004 to Barack Obama right now, while leading in ZERO 2004 Democratic states. Yeah, that’s strange.
It’s funny to see you unwittingly proving the point that Paul Krugman is making in the second link above.
27 – Stupes, in the words of the hapless candidate of your corrupt ugly party (gone home yet?):
I respectfully disagree with
Republican polling firm Rasmussenthe American people.@25 Like Puddy, your values are out there for all to see. You could give a shit about Republican pedophilia. You instead put your head up the ass of John Edwards, hoping to find something to whine about, all while ignoring what’s more disgusting and a hell of a lot closer to home for the likes of you and Puddy. Yeah, I see your values for what they are, you America-hating piece of shit.
18 – So delusional. How fucking retarded.
The whole world is drilling looking for a payday but the world economy is in a nosedive over a 5-6 year run in higher prices and this moron thinks 200k barrels of oil a day 20 years from now makes a spit of difference.
You really think people are going to buy that shit? What wingnut bullshit site did you pick that up from?
@24 If you had a brain you’d realize that I couldn’t give a flying monkey fuck what a America-hating piece of fascist shit like yourself thinks about anything.
Your political party has become a den of pedophiles and you stand there whining about Dems. Get your fucking priorities straight.
23 PS
Wow. That’s just a really great statement of your opinion.
And when they go up again, will it be because of the Republican policies you favor? I sorta think not. No, I think you’re a “have your cake and eat it” kinda guy.
Absolutely true and quite reasonable. However, flat world production and steadily increasing demand point toward continiung increases after these short-term market adjustments.
Why? You like to say things without adding little things like, you know, a good reason.
Lifting the federal moratorium will do nothing to force any state to open their coasts to drilling. If Californians don’t want it, it won’t happen there. Or didn’t you know that?
I’m guessing that the people who actually have to live there may have different opinions that you think.
Some of them are and some of them aren’t. I’m not telling you who. You should maybe go find out and come back to us with a fact. But that’s not your style, is it?
@10 Savor the presidential polls as much as you can, puddinghead, because it’s dead certain the next president — whoever he is — will have a Democratic congress.
Steve, HAs Biggest ASSHole@32: Show the world where I said what you claim.
Come on big boy – little dick fess up da link!
Time and Date Stamp
Here’s a question. What if a poll had the following question.
Considering offshore oil drilling on the contninental shelf, would you:
(1) Favor offshore drilling if it means that no oil will appear on the market for 10-15 years
(2) Favor offshore drilling if bidding on leases will not start before 2011
(3) Favor offshore drilling if it has zero effect on gas pump prices
Or have they come on board? I hear a majority of Californians and Floridians support off-shore drilling.
I’m guessing that the people who actually have to live there may have different opinions that you think.
Yeah, Russia, Canada, Venzuela, and Saudi Arabia are shaking in their shoes about that one. Uh-huh.
But how about this scenario? The US “drills here,” blah-blah-blah, and when the oil finally comes out of the ground OPEC reduces their output by exactly the amount of new US supply, and the effect on prices is exactly ZERO and we’re just enabling them to keep their oil longer.
The US is an addict, and the Republican response is “Well, we’ve just got to find a new place to get heroin!”
@37 You protest too much and your self-importance is laughable. Citation? Here my citation: You hitched your horse to the Republican pedophile wagon. It’s your problem, it’s very real, and all you can do is whine about Dems. What a piece of shit you are.
It turns out that the Energy Information Administration agrees with me:
Gosh, and these are the guys who know.
You know I just scanned that Krugman piece and I realize we can call these wingnuts stupid and point out how silly their arguments are until we’re blue in the face.
If so many of the gullible buy their bullshit, it’s all for naught.
Stupid is a strong force of nature they use to their advantage – to take and hold power. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pooper and PuddySilly don’t believe even a tenth of the garbage they spew here. If their livelihood is tied to it (which is a very strong possibility), they will spew it.
Fascinating – we have a non-candidate – accused of having an affair by the National Enquirer. We have a candidate – FlipFlop McCain who ADMITTED an affair and leaving his disfigured wife to do it. And that’s NOT news?
Oh yeah, if we’re going to talk about affairs. . .
Bob Lawrence
Two out of five gay no less.
Let’s try and keep score folks. The republicans have the morality problem here.
But it’s okay. If attacking Edwards is all the righties have – it means they are NOT attacking President Obama. HE HE!
Steve, HAs Biggest ASSHole@41 – good try little brainless one. Reread what you said in #32: “You could give a shit about Republican pedophilia.”
Again my challenge to you is to prove it! You can’t so you deflect and change the subject.
It once again reminds us of the primary rule of politics from the past 30 years. Democrats think that people are dumb enough to believe what Piper is saying in #23. Republicans know that people are dumb enough to believe it.
Mark Foley had an affair bybygoober@44? Really? The FBI disagrees with your puny brain fart. They found no evidence of wrong doing. But then again most crap from you is disagreeable.
The Republicans keep hollering “DRILL!! DRILL!! DRILL!!!!!” There’s got to be some kind of phallic fixation involved here.
At least it’s somewhat better than “KILL!! KILL!! KILL!!!!!” Oh, wait a minute. They’re into that, too.
Lee spewed:Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He [darryl] would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
I don’t blame you for holding Piper (and everyone right of lenin) to a higher standard.
Here in california, it’s up to 59%.
As stated by the liberal media, in truth the number is probably much higher.
Um, he did read the posts.
Something to chew on. These were easy some of Obama’s flip-flops
1. Special interests In January 2008 Obama was against union contributions to the campaigns as “special interest” money before he was for it in June 2008
2. Public financing in September 2007 Obama was for public financing of the presidential election before he was against it in April 2008
3. The Cuba embargo In January 2004, Obama for the end of the Cuba embargo before he was for it in 2007.
4. Illegal immigration In March 2004 Obama was opposed to the crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants before he was for it in 2008
5. This has to pizz off Lee – Decriminalization of marijuana in January 2004, Obama supported eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana use before October 2007, he opposed the decriminalization of marijuana.
6. Obama called Clinton’s gas monetary give-away a cheap political stunt before he was for it in July 2008
7. Obama was for corn based ethanol in 2004 before he was against it in May 2008. Maybe he’s for flag burning based fuels like his bud William Ayers.
8. Obama was for serving out his senate term in November 2004 before he was against it in 2007.
9. Single-payer healthcare in June 2003 Obama was “I happen to be a proponent of single-payer universal healthcare coverage. That’s what I’d like to see.” before he was against it in Jan 2008
10. Obama was for the WA DC gun ban in Feb 2008 before he was against it in July 2008 when the SCOTUS struck it down and he agreed with them.
11. Obama was in April 2007 against taking money from DC lobbyists and special interest PACS before he was for it in September 2007
12. Obama was for Jeremiah Wright in Feb 2008 before he was against him in April 2008
13. Obama was for “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided,” before he was against it.
14. Obama claimed in July 2007 we would meet with rogue leaders his first year in office without preconditions before he was against it in June 2008 where he would “be willing to lead tough and principled diplomacy with the appropriate Iranian leaders at a time and place of my choosing – if, and only if – it can advance the interests of the United States.”
15. Obama was against the Partiot Act before he voted for it.
16. Obama was for coal-to-liquid before he was against it.
Need more?
I already posted the poll from the liberal media (no faux, rush links) that says the majority is in favor of drilling.
That doesn’t mean it will happen, california is well know for ignoring the voters.
A couple of today’s news items relate to how the price of fuel is making all of our lives a little more, shall we say, exciting…
There’s a smoldering controversy about a new application of the old pilot’s term “company minimums”. In this case, airline pilots are complaining (and a NASA study a while back supports this) that they’re being pressured to fly with less than adequate fuel loads in case they have to divert, get stacked up in a holding pattern or meet unexpected headwinds enroute. The FAA is stonewalling, claiming that there’s nothing to worry about, now take your shoes off, take your laptops out, pay your money, shut up and get on the plane. No doubt the ‘wingers here will dismiss the pilots’ complaints as whining by a bunch of pampered union hacks, but there doesn’t seem to be any issue of monetary compensation here. It’s just that if an airliner crashes, those people sitting up front get there first.
The second item concerns an increasing practice of long-haul truckers, under pressure to save time and fuel, skipping rest stops and relieving themselves in small containers, then tossing them out on the shoulder. Besides the obvious “yuck factor”, this brings up the thought of driving alongside a 60,000-pound hunk of machinery that some guy’s trying to control whilst simultaneously attempting to aim his schlong at the mouth of an old Snapple bottle.
@45 Fuck your stupid challenge. Prove to me that you find Republican pedophilia disturbing. Show me one post of yours on any blog at any time where you brought up the subject of Republican pedophilia and showed even the slightest outrage. When you fail to do so we can all rightfully conclude that you fully support Republican pedophiles.
@49 You still showing your face here? Didn’t yesterday’s humiliation teach you anything at all?? How many times does Lee have to hand your ass to you before you get finally get it? Jump, you stupid fuck, jump!
Yessireee Yelling Lost Boy is still against drilling, coal gasification or coal liquidification, and nuclear power plants.
So how will you drive your chillens to visit grandma in LA.
Oh wait for it…
His wife in the SEIU will make it so.
Has there been polling to show what percentage of Californians know that drilling will have no effect on gas prices? Otherwise, you’re likely just looking at a survey of highly uninformed people.
If a survey found that 80% of cancer patients were sticking their heads in the toilet regularly, that might seem odd. But not if cancer patients were being told that sticking their head in the toilet is a cure for cancer.
I hope for the sake of your family you are not holding your breath.
Steve knows he can’t back up what he said. If he could he would have jumped all over it and rubbed it in your face the second you asked for it.
My guess is that steve will change the subject from you to “other” republicans.
Once again another liberal moron explodes. Just lookie here at Steve, HAs Biggest ASSHole and his response in #55.
Steve: You accused me of ““You could give a shit about Republican pedophilia.”
Hint: moronic single celled libtard search this website for Mark Foley threads by the HA gang. Read them and report back what I wrote.
You’s a dumb one. Stay that way. We enjoy it.
So lets say the oil companies spend a crapload of money drilling for something that’s not there (bad business decision), and at the end of the day that have nothing to sell. Sucks to be the oil companies. Then the liberals would have the last laugh. Sounds like a winning proposition, unless the story from the left turns out to be as hollow as the edwards denials the last 2 years.
Sucks to be the oil companies.
Sucks to be the taxpayers who subsidize them or make up for their tax breaks.
Marvin – Are you saying union hero John Edwards is acting like Newt Gingrich? Say it ain’t so!
@59 Your overreaction is quite revealing. But you probably don’t know that or you’d have kept your trap shut.
@53 Lee is here. You’d better run now before he humiliates you some more. However, my bet is that you’re too stupid to leave. Easy money. Betting on Marvin’s stupidity has never failed me.
There is nothing that Paul Krugman is “too classy” to say. Nothing at all.
If he won’t say it, it’s not because he has class, it’s because even he is not stupid enough to actually believe it.
The sad thing is that Krugman is terrible at politics. He does not understand politics half as well as the average “blogger,” which isn’t saying much. He understands economics, but he is entirely awful at politics.
@52 On the surface, it’s a troubling list.
One of the things I like about Obama is that he has the ability to see shades and variations, instead of all or nothing. I assume some of the “flip-flops” are his acceptance of real world conditions instead of an idealist response. And, I want a leader who adapts his position to conditions and new understanding, instead of blindly following a set course regardless if that course is leading to disaster.
I wished I had time to see each element was as damning as the factoid bullet point implies that it is. Honestly, I don’t trust you to be really truthful, and not exaggerate your claims.
If you were a pilot and thought this was a serious issue would you continue to fly a plane?
Why are these pilots still flying, are they suicidal?
against drilling, coal gasification or coal liquidification,
drilling: why? there’s not that much there. It’d be like giving junk to a junkie and there’s a terrible environmental risk. We can find another way.
CG – if the gas is converted to electricity in efficient fuel cells located close to consumers, I could accept that as a stopgap. But I’d rather see biomass gasification. The cost could be a factor.
CL – that’s a huge GHG emmitter and dirty environmental disaster in the making. The fuel would be way more expensive to boot.
So lets say the oil companies spend a crapload of money drilling for something that’s not there (bad business decision), and at the end of the day that have nothing to sell. Sucks to be the oil companies. Then the liberals would have the last laugh. Sounds like a winning proposition, unless the story from the left turns out to be as hollow as the edwards denials the last 2 years.
Was there supposed to be a point to this comment? And even if that happened, it still wouldn’t suck to be the oil companies because they’d still have enough money to pay for the PR that gets idiots like you to think it’s in their own best interests to give them everything they want.
If you were a pilot and thought this was a serious issue would you continue to fly a plane?
If you needed the job to provide for your family, you would.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
So how will you drive your chillens to visit grandma in LA.
Taking the Amtrak is fun.
Would any sane person leave a child alone with a Republican?
Here, Puddy, meditate on this one:
“On Friday, Bland entered a guilty plea in Grant County to one count of sexual assault in the first degree, for which Judge Phil Jordan sentenced him to 15 to 35 years, and 10 counts of first-degree sexual abuse, for which Jordan sentenced him to 1 to 5 years each.”
The sad thing is that Krugman is terrible at politics. He does not understand politics half as well as the average “blogger,” which isn’t saying much. He understands economics, but he is entirely awful at politics.
If you’re referring to the fact that, in politics, allowing the free market to operate without restriction is often seen as a good thing, while in economics, the truth is more complicated than that, then yeah, I can see your point.
66 “Why are these pilots still flying, are they suicidal?”
Uhhhh…because they’d rather assume the risk than sit in a double-wide watching soap operas and eating “welfare noodles”?
Fly, Marvin! Fly!!!!
Steve HAS Biggest ASSHole@63 – Overreaction?
You accused me of something totally distasteful – Pedo. I will not allow it. I am not a NAMBLA fan. Search google for that too.
So moronic sub-human, where’s da beef? Let’s see my link where I said that.
Steve@71: I don’t meditate on your shit, cuz like the crap from bybygoober it’s shit!
@52 As with your lack of concern regarding Republican pedophilia, you show no absolutely concern whatsoever regarding McCain’s flip-flops.
Hey blue john @65: You don’t trust me? Okay that’s fine.
Google it then. Check each one out and you’ll find a whole lot more.
Lee did Steve HAs Biggest ASSHole take Stupid Pills or is he naturally stupid?
Next ASSignment Steve – What’s my personal opinion of John McCain?
Search HA for that one too.
You accused me of something totally distasteful – Pedo.
How does it feel hypocrite? You call DL “Nambla” just for his handle. You tar ACLU with similar guilt by association.
And you wonder why we can’t stand your ugly ass.
@75 In that case, you obviously support Republican pedophilia. Hell, you’re probably one yourself.
Yelling Loser Boy: I forgot two things – The Martha’s Vineyard crowd is still against wind power. Where are the wind turbines in the midwest? Can you imagine the turbine speed during a tornado event?
Also if solar power is so great, why isn’t Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada covered in solar panels?
@74 “I will not allow it.”
And just what the fuck are you going to do about it? No, you’re going to take it and you’re going to learn to like it.
Yelling Loser Boy – ACLU supported NAMBLA instead of running away.
Daddy Nambla Love is a parody just like you parodied my Puddybud Pudpacker name as Clueless.
And you call me a hypocrite?
Waaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
Steve HAs Biggest ASSHole – What did I do about it? I called you out on it.
Steve: The dumbest liberal fuck on HA. Dumber than Yelling Loser Boy, Rudeass or bybygoober and that takes practice.
@75 “it’s shit”
So that’s your response to the constant news stream of Republican pedophile busts? Like I’m surprised. Like I’ve said, rampant Republican pedophilia doesn’t bother you in the slightest.
Steve, The Hershey Highway’s biggest fan… PhD in fudge packing.
I love the Wee-Bey reference!
Steve: I don’t have to regurgitate my positions on HA when they are already well known, except for a moron such as you who can’t remember anything more than 24 hours ago.
@84 and 85
Yo’ Mama, bitch.
@89 “Steve: I don’t have to regurgitate my positions on HA when they are already well known”
Yeah, I see how everybody’s coming to your defense.
66, 73:
Well, Marvin is true to form, basically blaming the pilots for not flying with enough fuel, even though the airlines are forcing them to do it. If you don’t think this is a real issue, consider the 1966 crash of a 727 in Tokyo Bay, with the loss of all aboard. Although the exact cause has never been determined, there is informed speculation that the “unexplained descent” in clear weather into Tokyo Bay, seven miles short of the airport at Haneda, was due to infsufficent fuel being loaded on board prior to the flight.
Flight 60
Of course, that’s quite a different issue from the “Gimlee Glider”, when a Canadian 767 ran out of fuel and was forced to make a non-powered landing at an old de-commissioned air force base which had been convereted into a drag strip. That accident was caused by a combination of faulty equipment (the fuel indicator wasn’t working), and an incorrect conversion factor being used to calculate manually the amount of fuel in the tanks before takeoff when it was manually checked using a drop-stick.
Gimli Glider
The lists of Republican indescretions left out Newt Gingrich, a notable oversight.
Newt, former Republican Speaker of the House, was the guy who married his high school teacher, then told her he was divorcing her while she was on a hospital bed fighting cancer, saying he needed to marry someone younger and prettier in order to advance his budding political career. At the time he is believed to have been having an affair with another married woman. He refused to pay alimony or child support for his two children by that marriage. Within a year, he was remarried.
Then he had an extra-marital affair with one of his office workers while he was publically castigating Bill Clinton, and calling for his impeachment, on grounds of moral turpitude.
Newt went on to divorce his second wife in 2000, and marry the former staffer.
Newt continues to argue that somehow his situation is different from that of Clinton. According to Newt, it took “courage” for him (Newt) to make a stand against Clinton, when he knew it would cause him more trouble if anyone later found about his affair which was in progress at the time. (How’s THAT for an attempt to spin blatant hypocracy into a moral value!)
ACLU supported NAMBLA
Same as they’d support yours fool.
Totally lost on what passes for your ugly mind.
And what proof you have that DL is “NAMBLA”? None. It’s just what the chorus of voices inside your empty head tell you.
You’re such a freaking loser Stupes.
@83 “Daddy Nambla Love”
I suspect that, like Marvin, you have issues with projection. After all, you’re the one who has no problem with pedophilia. Given this, along with your “it’s shit” comment @75, I can only conclude that you’re just another Republican pedophile yourself. And I also conclude that you’re a member of NAMBLA.
It’s no wonder that Republican pedophiles have your undying, unquestioning support.
You guys really need to get that projection of yours under control. You won’t be able to keep anything a secret from us until you do. I say this knowing full well that you can’t control it.
The Associated Press is partisan and biased. Proof.
Thursday, when the Associated Press reported Kwame Kilpatrick was imprisoned for violating the terms of his bond, the AP failed to mention his party affiliation. Kilpatrick is a Democrat. But when Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was indicted, the AP made his party affiliation clear. The headline read “Ted Stevens Indicted, Longest Serving GOP Senator.” The article included the word Republican seven times, and GOP four times. ABC and NBC news also failed to mention Kilpatrick’s party affiliation.
@92 “According to Newt, it took “courage” for him to make a stand against Clinton, when he knew it would cause him more trouble if anyone later found about his affair which was in progress at the time.”
Good Lord. Barr, Livingston and Hyde also displayed such “courage” in going after Clinton.
PuddyIdiot is the Roland Brice of the right wing.
Nothing he won’t do for Murdoch, Moon, Scaife and any other right wing billionaire.
Steve, asking these wingnuts to check their projection is like advising a fish to walk and breathe on land.
@95 “The Associated Press is partisan and biased. Proof.”
I imagine that your head explodes when you see Fox News identify Republican perverts as Democrats.
@98 It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Fools.
Here’s the AP article:
Going to the Mariners game. It’s been real…
And seriously, dude, do you need the AP to tell you that the mayor of Detroit is a Democrat? If they initially left that piece of information out of their reporting, it wasn’t bias so much as an overestimation of the intelligence of the average reader.
@102 “It’s been real…”
And it’s been fun. Enjoy the game.
I can back up my assertions.
Marvin seems to think that aircraft don’t run out of fuel.
Tell that to the Boeing 727 passengers who died in 1966 when their aircraft experienced an unexplained rapid descent seven miles short of the airport, crashing into Tokyo bay with a loss of 132 on board. Although the official version is “cause undetermined”, you can draw your own conclusions, which is widely believed by informed persons to be insufficient fuel being loaded to make it from Sapporo to Haneda.
There was an article recently about an airline executive who’s sole job was to go through and second-guess the amount of researve fuel being loaded on board aircraft. Although the pilots have the final word on each flight, reports were being kept each time a pilot exceeded the “recommended” allowance, which would be taken into account at the time promotions and raises were being considered. The conversations between the executive and the pilot whent like this:
“Gee, do you REALLY need that much reserve? Don’t think of it in percentages or miles to the next airport, think of it in terms of additional minutes in the air, and see if you can’t agree our numbers are more accurate. We had this discussion yesterday too, didn’t we? Are we going to have to have it tomorrow, also?”
Unfortunately, I didn’t save the link to that article. The airline was kind of proud of it’s initiative, showing how it’s executives are handling the fuel crisis.
Under this system, of course, pilots who routinely buckle under the pressure from the airlines will eventually be promoted above those who dont, with the result that less and less researve fuel is being loaded on board the aircraft.
Then one day, perhaps a couple of years from now, a big snow storm is going to hit an entire region of the country, perhaps shutting down airports from Chicago to Boston to Washinton D.C.. Eventually, somebody’s going to run out of fuel while trying to reach an alternate airport (after first circling for two hours over their primary destination hoping for a break in the weather), and there’s going to be a crash. When that occurs, the airline is going to blame the pilot, pointing out that he could have refused to fly initially without ordering more fuel on board, but he didn’t do so.
Of course, in the meantime we all get to fly for $3 less per ticket, to make up for the cost savings from the airplane not carrying the extra weight taken up by the researve fuel, and the airine executives will get huge bonuses for their “cost reduction initiatives”….
My responses stand. The AP has updated its story, and the reason that many news outlets don’t report that Kilpatrick is a Democrat is because most people in the news business assume that the average viewer is intelligent enough to know that there are no Republican mayors in cities where 90% of the residents are black.
Are they biased? No. They simply don’t expect the public to be that stupid.
How does NAMBLA have “rights”?
If they are an organization of people in the United States, they have rights. You can think they’re horrible, horrible people (and I’d agree with you), but they still have rights.
@108 The same way as Republicans have “rights”. Both are obviously horrible, disgusting organizations but both have rights. But as you hate America, I would suspect that you believe that the one has rights and that the other doesn’t.
The silence by you people over the news that John Edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife is not going unnoticed by me.
Lee, glad you agree the North American Man-Boy Love ASSociation is horrible. I guess Yelling Loser Boy doesn’t since he likes to include them in his vacuous arguments.
Steve, like how you support fudge-packers, GLA, GLAAD, ELF, etc. and partial birth aborters. I thought you’d support unborn womens from being destroyed, but being a donkey butt you don’t.
Steve, see what your side supports with PETA:
yeah baby
Let’s see–what’s important, the fact that John Edwards has betrayed his wife’s trust, but NEVER the public trust, or that the fact that John McCain told Ohio voters on July 9, 2008 about DHL’s plans to eliminate 8,200 Ohio jobs, “I gotta look you in the eye and give you straight talk. I don’t know if I can stop it or not or if it will be stopped.”
This is when McCain knew goddamn good and well that he had used his influence in the Senate to help foreign-owned DHL buy a U.S. company and gain control over the jobs that are now on the chopping block in Ohio, and that McCain’s campaign manager was the top lobbyist for the DHL deal who helped push it through. Not only that, his firm was paid $185,000 to lobby McCain and other Senators. Now 8,200 Ohioans are facing layoffs, and foreign-owned DHL doesn’t care.
So what’s important, whether John Edwards betrays his wife’s trust, or whether John McCain betrays America’s trust?
I think I know.
108 Pud
It’s called the United States Constitution. I’m not surprised that you have no knowledge of it.
Yes, DL@116 and you continue to support them. I choose not to.
Did you know when a person posted the John Edwards affair on Kos they were banned? I was reading the threads.
Whodathunk Kos banning people for telling the truth? Gotta luv them donkey sites.
A Donkey’s way of looking a women:
‘Yeah, I screwed her but I didn’t love her.’
Yelling Loser Boy, HAs clueless idiot supported him too!
50 MS
If you look at the other results from that poll, you’ll find that Californians seem to be woefully underinformed about the best expert opinions about coastal drilling. They seem to think that it will reduce oil prices and therefore gas prices, when our pro-drilling government’s own Energy Information Administrion says that this is just a fool’s dream and that any new oil introduced into the market will be instantly offset by reductions in production by OPEC, very effectively keeping prices from dropping.
But you never know. After all, Republicans have been hoodwinking ignorant people for a generation now. Maybe you assholes have another shot.
117 Pud
Yes, I continue to support the US Constitution. I understand why you choose not to, though. After all, how could you go on?
Just because you fell for daddy love’s pickup line don’t think everyone else is as gullible.
@121 Mommy Love,
Of course you do. Without it, you wouldn’t have your women’s rights.
Is that what I said?
I said if it was as serious an issue why would the pilots put their life on the line.
If you were a pilot and felt it was a disaster in the waiting, would you continue to fly and have the deaths of all those innocent passengers on your hands?
Damn, does everyone on here want to be like me?
I like it when people copy me, it’s a sign of successful trolling.
Kudos Puddy, you’ve got steve resorting to 5th grade comebacks.
McCain sets record and FlipFlops 10 times in a short two weeks!
And here’s the master list of 1023 year old John McSame’s flip flops…
Anyone want to talk about politicians who have had affairs, out of wedlock kids, sexual harrassment, etc.?
REP J.C. WATTS (R-Oklahoma):
REP BOB BARR (R-Georgia):
REP BILL THOMAS (R-California):
And for the full list visit
Daddy N. Love – Funny I can’t see where organizations are covered in the US Constitution. I see individuals everywhere.
Regarding it being an “organization”, it was dissolved by NYS Law: “On November 14, 1996, the Attorney General of New York won their appeal against Zymurgy Inc./NAMBLA.”;st=30
So lefties try again
Marvin@126: It wasn’t hard. Steve is a 5th grade simpleton. I wonder what’s he gonna do about it.
How nice of democrats to now target republican donors and try to make threats and intimidations. Guess I’ll be sending a donation to the first 501c that looks interesting. And to think I was going to sit on the sidelines $$wise this year….Can you say “backfire”?
When Goldy once called this comment section a “toilet,” he was probably thinking of people like ByeByeGOP. People who can never just say “Yes, John Edwards is a piece of human garbage,” and leave it at that. They are so partisan that anytime a Democrat does something reprehensible, they must make excuses for them by looking for cases where a Republican did a similar act. The can’t just condemn the act, and leave it at that. That’s the sign of someone who is morally bankrupt.
So once again, I’m going to be the only Democrat here on this piece of shit partisan blog who has the courage and ethics to stand up and say that JOHN EDWARDS IS A PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE FOR CHEATING ON HIS WIFE WHILE SHE WAS BATTLING CANCER.
That statement needs no other qualifiers or conditions or examples. It stands on it’s own. He’s filth. He’s sub-human. I always knew he was a phony, lying sleaze bag.
And I have a prediction. I think between now and November it’s going to be discovered that Obama has been having an affair on his angry, American-hating militant wife.
Troll is not a Democrat and sucks right wing dick all day long.
Senator Edward’s affair is sad. But he’s not running for President. The guy who represents the most immoral party – the republicans – is. McSame has had at LEAST one affair and he IS a candidate. Why is that not news if a non-candidate’s affair is?
And if a party’s morals are in question because of one of its members’ morals, then why isn’t it germane to look at a party (the republicans) who have demonstrated far more of this conduct than the Democrats?
At least Edwards was with a woman Troll. Something you know nothing about. You’re more like your pal Senator wide-stance Larry Craig who likes boys!
And now we know that SIN-Dee McCain is a whore. She fucked her way to the top with Johnboy while Johnny’s real wife lay disfigured in a hospital bed. Now THAT’s family values boys and girls.
Ok Troll go back to sucking dick. I’ll take care of your wife for you.
Troll: You forgot two things about John Edwards
1) He was/is/shall always be a lawyer – which lefty on this blog rings a bell to that?
2) He was Father of the Year on June 27, 2007 – who claims to be a great lefty father?
Interesting. She knew about it yet she let him run for President…
Gotta read their trash so you know how to clean it up!
Yes this was Yelling Loser Boy’s (HAs clueless idiot) candidate of choice!
Woo hoooooooo!
136 – Yeah families deal with infidelity and move on all the time – privately.
Yes Edwards let all his supporters down. Karl Rove would have found this out and hung him out to dry in New York second.
And Larry Craig never loved all those men he screwed in toilets.
the North American Man-Boy Love ASSociation is horrible.
No I don’t care for them. I don’t care for the Nazis or the Klan either but they have the right of free association just like the people in the Church you go to.
Now I don’t care for ONE person in THAT particular religious association. But ACLU can represent that Church all they want if that Church’s rights are being violated. I don’t have a problem with it.
I don’t know maybe this guilt by association stuff has its upside. I’ll call you NAMBLA from now on because you support Rossi and he’s a Catholic and his association with the Catholic Church has been covering up pedophile priests for years.
PuddyNAMBLA – yeah that’s the ticket.
On second thought naaaaaah. Why reduce myself to your level?
I forgot two things – The Martha’s Vineyard crowd is still against wind power.
Maybe. It’s called nimbyism. What’s your point?
Where are the wind turbines in the midwest?
All over the place.
Can you imagine the turbine speed during a tornado event?
Turbines are shut down if the wind speed is too fast. Tornados destroy just about everything in their path even a fossil fuel power plant. And your point is?
Also if solar power is so great, why isn’t Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada covered in solar panels?
It’ll get there.
And John McCain is what for abandoning his disfigured wife for a younger, prettier, richer model?
I think we know who Troll will be voting for in November – Johnny Flip-flop McSameAsBush.
A Donkey’s way of looking a women:
LMAO!! A Republican’s way of looking at men and kids:
The worst thing for the democrats about the edwards affair is how to defend against the claims of liberal bias in the media when the liberal media covered up the story. It’s been talked about by faux, rush and conservative blogs for years.
And only now that the liberal media is forced by edwards admitting it they are they talking about it.
Sucks to be faced with the truth about the media being in the tank for democrats.
Sshhh…. Don’t out her as a GOP operative. She’s one of our best.
How else can one explain her going along with edwards lying about the affair knowing full well that karl rove had the proof stored away waiting for just the right moment.
If only the left-wingnuts had nominated edwards the race would be over, rove screwed the pooch on that one.
If loser boy was so easily duped by edwards, everything else he believes should be held up for scrutiny.
I wonder if ylb has fallen for that nigerian scam yet.
Does ylb still walk his pet rock?
Maybe, but doubtful.
It’s called, do as I say, not as I do. The democrat credo.
Maybe, but doubtful.
What? The opposition to wind power in Martha’s Vineyard isn’t nimbyism? Hahaha!
What a retard!
Jump, Marvin, jump!
This comment board’s silliest Republican would no doubt be “duped” by Larry Craig’s cries for help from the restroom stall.
It’s been talked about by faux, rush and conservative blogs for years.
This comment board’s silliest Republican claims that the right wing has been on to Edward’s affair with Rielle Hunter for “years”.
IIRC they first met in 2006. The National Enquirer published its first story in October of 2007 – less than a year ago.
If this comment board’s silliest Republican has other references to back up his claim that the right wing media has known about this for “years” then he is welcome to submit them.
It’s called, do as I say, not as I do. The democrat credo.
Oh, then I’m sure this comment board’s silliest Republican will be similarly critical of the following band of hypocrites:
What is this, a daily test? How many times do I have to say that pedophiles being put to death would work for me.
Are the residents of martha’s vineyard for or against wind power. Well, we all know teddy is for it, just not where it would bother him.
If the residents were opposed to wind power, that would be nimbyism. Preaching for others to do what you won’t is the democrat credo, do as I say, not as I do.
You weren’t able to grasp the content of the link I posted last week before edwards admitted it. What’s the point of giving you more links you can’t understand.
Thus, the howling left.
Of course, you’re going to insist that my refusal of providing you more links is proof of your point. Typical.
152 – As I thought, this comment board’s silliest Republican can’t support his claim that the right wing media has known of the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years”.
Thus the “flying monkey” right.
The department of ecology wants houses built on stilts?
I’m guessing the gardens the author is referring to are the gardens built with concrete.
The good thing about the loonies in seattle is that they are doing it to themselves. A few years from now, Puddy, Piper and the rest of us trolls will swing by this blog, assuming goldy has enough solar panels up to power it, and tell you we told you so.
How many times do I have to say that pedophiles being put to death would work for me.
Hmmm. So why doesn’t our silliest Republican say “Republican pedophiles”?
Maybe he can’t bite the hand that feeds him?
they are doing it to themselves.
Our silliest Republican resides in Southern California which at least at one time most Washingtonians did not want their fair state to emulate.
We also have a natural resource here, the Puget Sound whose habitat for salmon, shellfish, Orcas and the like is slowly being choked to death by toxic runoff. Many Washingtonians believe in preserving that natural wonder for future generations.
It would appear that our silliest Republican from Southern California is either ignorant or doesn’t care about that.
Because I thought pedophile included everyone despite their party affiliation.
Okay, I’ll make you happy.
Republican pedophiles should be put to death.
Libertarian pedophiles should be put to death.
Independent pedophiles should be put to death.
Democrat pedophiles should be respected for their helping little children learn about sex. They should be well respected left-wing bloggers. They should be well respected and well known liberal radio hosts. Well, except for that bernie ward liberal radio talk show host, he should get his own show on msnbc for his contribution for helping children.
There, did me saying what you wanted to hear make your dick stiff?
Are the residents of martha’s vineyard for or against wind power. Well, we all know teddy is for it, just not where it would bother him.
That’s what nimbyism is, moron! NIMBY stands for Not In My Back Yard.
If the residents were opposed to wind power, that would be nimbyism.
No, if they were opposed to wind power everywhere, that would be consistent.
The good thing about the loonies in seattle is that they are doing it to themselves. A few years from now, Puddy, Piper and the rest of us trolls will swing by this blog, assuming goldy has enough solar panels up to power it, and tell you we told you so.
Hahahaha! Looking forward to that!
Jump, Marvin, jump!
HUH? Liberal los angeles, liberal california, liberal seattle. Sounds like seattle became what it it didn’t want to be,
And as soon as the government forces them to do it they will. IF the washingtonians were doing it already there would be need for the government to enact laws to force them to do it.
Hopefully you too will have enough solar panels, that way you can run to your reject blog and brag about it.
Democrat pedophiles should be respected for their helping little children learn about sex. They should be well respected left-wing bloggers. They should be well respected and well known liberal radio hosts. Well, except for that bernie ward liberal radio talk show host, he should get his own show on msnbc for his contribution for helping children.
Our silliest Republican is true to his Republican beliefs – the law applies to everyone except to those of their own choosing.
Anybody notice that Fred Phelps guy at it again. He has taken his show to our neighbors, Canada. Last week, there was a tragedy on the prairie. A Greyhound Canada bus traveling between Edmonton and Winnipeg was interrupted by a deranged passenger stabbing and decapitating another passenger. The driver upon learning of it, pulled the bus over near Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, and disabled the bus to prevent the suspect from fleeing with the bus after the passengers had evacuated the bus, before the RCMP arrived(and it was in police cruisers, not on horseback. They only do the latter for show these days). Now what Reverend Phelps is doing, to protest Canada’s legal gay marriage and the fact that the PM has not fulfilled an election promise for a free vote in parliament on the issue(where the MPs are not bound by their party line, and con vote whatever they want. Voting against the party during a vote in parliament can get an MP expelled from his caucus, and Prime Minister Harper has done it at least once himself).
Phelps is going to protest the funeral of the victim, as he loves to do whether it is a gay bashing, a dog mauling, or are brave soldiers(regardless of whether you are pro or anti war, a soldier’s funeral should not be a stage for protest, and then again, not for issues that are unrelated to the soldier falling in battle). It gets him publicity, but for the most part, it seems not what he wants, as far as Canadian Media is. Whether it is the National Post, CanWest News(which includes several newspapers, and the Global TV network, with stations in both Edmonton and Winnipeg that are covering this story), or the CBC, he is not getting the publicity he wants. Many are supporting the Public Safety Minister’s refusal of entry to this guy, but his followers have already sneaked in, and are trying to get to Winnipeg to do their dirty deed.
Maybe this is one thing on Border Security that the US and Canada can agree on. Hope Phelps took his passport, and if the RCMP get a hold of him, misplace it. He supposedly has a private jet, wonder if it has been grounded by high fuel costs. Perhaps NAV Canada(Canadian Air Traffic Control) could have come up with an excuse to steer it away from Winnipeg, possibly keep it on a heading North of Winnipeg, like to the North Pole!
I observe(but don’t post) the comment threads on these stories on the CBC, and sometimes they can be as bad as trolls down here, but for the most part, they are being nice and rallying around the family of the victim.
I am just as appalled that anybody will take advantage of this tragedy. Now one group I would expect to be rallying around this tragedy for their benefit, is the Amalgamated Transit Union, which represents Greyhound drives down here in the Good old USA(I believe it is ATU Local 1700), and in Canada(ATU Local 1374). They would probably argue for better safety, for their drivers, and for the passengers.
Liberal los angeles, liberal california
Hmmm. The home of Darryl Gates, Mike Antonovich, (at one time) Ronald Reagan, Sam Yorty, Pete Shabarum and Orange County!
163 – Phelps is a nut and I mostly don’t pay attention to him. Why bother? One day he’ll slip up and get thrown in jail. I’m sure after this stunt he and his followers won’t be let into Canada again. I’ve seen it happen to other Americans for much lesser offenses.
However he’s a tool of right wing idiots like Dori Monson who point to him and say “he’s the far right” in order to whitewash themselves as “centrists”.
Hopefully you too will have enough solar panels, that way you can run to your reject blog and brag about it.
I still need more material from rejects like you.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
And as soon as the government forces them to do it they will.
Our silliest Republican obviously flunked civics class. We elect our representatives and executives to carry out our bidding which includes environmental protection.
I wasn’t surprised you didn’t disagree with my joke about letting democrats get away with being pedophiles.
Why do you feel democrat pedophiles shouldn’t be held responsible for their crimes against children?
I’m not going to build or subsidize your solar panels, do it for yourself.
Thanks for using my reference to your “reject” blog. I know I’m trolling when people mimic me. Thanks lee.
Why do you feel democrat pedophiles shouldn’t be held responsible for their crimes against children?
Our silliest Republican is wielding some of the tools they are most expert with to attain and hold political power:
lies and smears.
Do your bidding? Why not just do the right thing in the first place and then you won’t need for others to do your bidding.
Oops, bad examples, democrats need others to do their bidding for them. That’s why seattle ranks second in nanny cities across the country.
What does it say about a group of citizens that refuse to do the right thing until the government “does their bidding” for them.
Why not just do the right thing in the first place and then you won’t need for others to do your bidding.
Our silliest Republican like the man he will vote for in November, John Flip-flop McSameAsBush, is ignorant about economics.
Corporations routinely “externalize” their costs to maximize profit. “Doing the right thing” is often at odds with their primary mission of enhancing shareholder value.
Government regulation is a necessary if sometimes clumsy means of mandating that corporations, which are chartered by the law to begin with, to account for all the costs of their products and services.
So the recent ban of plastic bags… were those bags forced on you by a corporation? What happened if you brought your own cloth bag in the store, would they have kicked you out? Why didn’t the good people of seattle bring their own bags voluntarily?
People had a choice, unfortunately the people didn’t do it for themselves and the nanny city had to step in and force you to obey.
But go ahead and blame corporations if you believe you don’t have any choices in life.
So the recent ban of plastic bags
Our silliest Republican once again can’t see what is plainly obvious to city council representatives who take testimony from solid waste experts: the plastic bags provided by retailers bear a hidden cost which is passed on to the environment. The solid waste authorities deal with this burden every day. The wildlife who ingest small particles of plastic from degraded plastic products are negatively impacted.
Our silliest Republican probably ingested some of this plastic himself in his last fish dinner and it now resides in his brain tissue.
Why didn’t the good people of seattle bring their own bags voluntarily?
Our silliest Republican should visit Seattle once in a while and see that many in Seattle do exactly that.
But even the majority who do not, dispose plastic bags responsibly or choose paper.
You can’t even get a plastic bag at a Trader Joes.
This isn’t an issue if plastic bags are bad for the planet. I agree on that.
It’s about why didn’t the people of seattle doing the right thing without government intervention.
It’s about why didn’t the people of seattle doing the right thing without government intervention.
Because people generally don’t see the long-term environmental effects of their actions. That’s why government often has to be ahead of the public on issues like this.
Our silliest Republican insists on raising strawmen over the people of Seattle. The people are not at issue.
The issue is that plastic is choking the planet, is bad for the environment and ultimately bad for human health. When elected city officials who oversee solid waste want to do something about it as in Seattle or San Francisco, our silliest Republican points his finger at the people (who lean Democratic) and jeers “nanny state”.
It’s pure knee-jerk, pseudo-libertarian nonsense and politically motivated nonsense at that.
The regulations, again, are aimed at corporations who practice distributing plastic bags to their customers. The customers don’t bring the plastic bags to the stores.
When elected city officials who oversee solid waste want to do something about it as in Seattle or San Francisco, our silliest Republican points his finger at the people (who lean Democratic) and jeers “nanny state”.
Nanny-statism is when government treats the citizens like children. The bag fee has nothing to do at all with treating citizens like children. It’s identifying a source of waste, and finding a fair way to collect for the clean-up, by imposing a small fee on the use of something that contributes to the waste. It doesn’t do anything in an attempt to protect people from themselves – which is what nanny-statism really is.
I’m not a Democrat? Tell me, has Goldy ever emailed YOU and said he respected you, and was glad you were on his side?
Gosh, I hope this John Edwards story goes on and on. I hope it lasts and lasts. Because this will put a big freakin’ spotlight on ole Johnny McCain:
And I quote:
“In 1979 at a military reception in Honolulu, McCain met Cindy Hensley, an attractive 25-year-old woman from a very wealthy politically-connected Arizona family. Cindy’s father, Jim, founded the Hensley and Company, the nation’s third-largest Anheuser-Busch distributor.
McCain described their first meeting, “She was lovely, intelligent and charming, 17 years my junior but poised and confident. I monopolized her attention the entire time, taking care to prevent anyone else from intruding on our conversation. When it came time to leave the party, I persuaded her to join me for drinks at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. By the evening’s end, I was in love.”
WHILE STILL MARRIED TO CAROL, McCain began an adulterous relationship with Cindy. He married Cindy in May 1980 — just a month after dumping Carol and securing a divorce.
180. Troll spews:
I’m not a Democrat? Tell me, has Goldy ever emailed YOU and said he respected you, and was glad you were on his side?
08/09/2008 at 3:44 pm
LMFAO AGAIN…So Goldy emailed you? Wow, you are special! Tell me how it feels to have the grand poo bah validate you?
Did you go down to Kinko’s and have it printed on fabric, then have it mounted and framed? Or did you put it in one of those digital picture frames?
What a sad, sad comment that was.
I never claimed he emailed me. I was just asking a question.
Yelling Loser Boy:
PuddyNAMBLA? That’s the best you can do Yelling Loser Boy? Pathetic!
You seem to forget I have been anti-NAMBLA forever. You seem to support the ACLU supporting a non-organization. So to clue you in moron, NAMBLA is not an organization. They are scum, like you Yelling Loser Boy.
So your new name is Yellow Loser Boy Scum.
But then again you are as always Pathetic!
Keep up the good work Pathetic Yelling Loser Boy Scum.
An update, the WBC guys were no-shows at the funeral. Anyway, if the CBSA(Canadian Border Services Agency) or RCMP had caught him, perhaps they should have dropped them off in rural Minnesota. I have the perfect place, it is kind of in the same situation as Pt. Roberts up in Whatcom County. The Northwest Angle of Minnesota on the Lake of the Woods, thanks to mapmaker error, was put in the U.S. There are only two ways to the rest of Minnesota, by boat, or land. A few years ago, AC360 did a special on border security, 24 hours on the border, and although it focused mostly on the Mexican Border, they used this part of the Canadian Border to show how even more porous it is. A self-service checkpoint. Now am I for totally tightening the Canadian Border? No. I would like the inscription on the Peace Arch “Children of a Common Mother” to still mean something in this day and age.
As for Canadian positions on other issues, 5 years ago, I was watching C-SPAN showing the debate in the Canadian House of Commons on going to war, and seeing some Liberal MP from one of the Maritime Provinces so adamatly opposed to the war, and was thinking if something happened to Confederation Bridge or other vital transportation links in that part of Canada would that MP be speaking a different tune. (At the time, I was still thinking my Government was telling us everything, now I know that to not be true, like I said, it’s been 5 years. I do change my mind.)
I download and view a weekly podcast on Aviation called Aviation News Today:Headline News, from the Aviation News and Training Network. What’s been interesting lately is a PSA included in it from the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. They have to contend with the aftermath of the strike that crippled and destroyed the old union, and some of the same conditions that were there before the strike. The NATCA motto is “We Guide You Home”, but the PSA has a different slogan, in response to staffing emergencies in many centers on the ATC system, including Seattle TRACON.(Don’t want to go into specifics mentioned on that local’s website, but it is chilling). The slogan was interesting, with fatigue and mandatory overtime getting to Air Traffic Controllers, those who are eligible to retire, fed up with the FAA having all the cards, and not even listening to an NTSB warning that if the system is not fixed, it could be catastrophic, are retiring. The new hires need years for training, and are on reduced pay, and some of those are quiting before training is complete. The PSA ended with vanishing air traffic controllers in the tower, and the message, “When we Lose Controllers, we lose Control”.
What is being lost as these strikebreakers that get fed up and leave, is expertise learned on 9/11 for an emergency shut down of the National Airspace System. The History Channel did a great documentary on Air Traffic Control during the 9/11 attacks. A study was done in the months after, to come up with specific instructions for the next time. The study came to the conclusion that written instructions would only get in the way. FAA policies seem to be headed that way.
Here is an interesting piece honoring the passing of an earlier ATC UNion official, who wrote a great piece 8 years ago when those PATCO strikers who were re-hired after CLinton lifted the ban were re-entering the towers.(It takes about 5 years to train the operators, and even though some of the equipment was same as 1980, they had to go through the process over again).
The media almost got to cover a real life round 2 a few months ago, but ignored it. It was Amtrak vs. the Unions. THey had not had an amended contract(under the Railway Labor Act, contracts are perpetual, but amendable, and that date came for Amtrak in 2000, but negotiations were sporadic and dragged on for 8 years.), and last year when it came to the annual rally to bring what attention they could to the situation, the unions began the process under the Railway Labor Act for strike action. The Railway Labor Act, a Coolidge-era law, that was extended to airlines during the Roosevelt Administration, is designed to avoid strikes if possible, so the nation’s transportation system is not effected. Once an impasse was declared, a Presidential Emergency Board was appointed to come up with recomendations, the PEB sided, with, and you won’t believe this, the Amtrak Employees, and with Amtrak’s first ever strike in it’s 37 year history days away, Amtrak caved in. The biggest sticking point had to do with the 8 years of inaction. Back Pay. Also, Congress can impose a settlement, but in the history of them doing it under the RLA, Congress has always waited until after a strike had happened.
That is not the only special treatment the railroads have, there is also Railroad Retirement, which is different than Social Security.(I learned that first hand, they mentioned that during a pre-employment test for a job I tried to get at Amtrak. They do both the hazards and the benefits of the job up front, so you don’t waste your time on the rest of the process if you don’t think you can handle it)
Railroads do their own traffic control, for better or for worse, and it is an expense they incur. Airlines have had the ATC system for decades, publicly funded airports for a long time. In the dark days of passenger railroading in the U.S. in the 1960s, the railroads owned their terminals, another significant expense that barely if at all covered it’s own costs. Not to say railroad-owned terminals don’t work. Last Month’s TRAINS Magazine had a great article on one of the busiest stations in the world by passenger volume, Shinjuku Station in Tokyo. Rising overhead from the train platforms are department stores, owned by the railroad, bringing in more revenue.(JR East, the major railroad tenant, is privately run, as in Japan for the most part, their passenger trains make money, and by the way, this station is totally conventional trains, not the ShinKansen High Speed Lines).
Sorry, went off on a tangent, just wanted to pass on something I saw on a podcast.
I was wondering if Marvin the child molester could tell us why so many of the republicans who get caught up in sex crimes are gay? Aren’t these the same turds who vote against gay rights, gay weddings, etc?
Since Marvin likes little boys just like republican Rep Foley, maybe he can share some insight?
Looks like Scare America idiot is packing them in:
bybygoober, why do you continue to project your ways on Marvin and others? We know you are the biggest pedo, rapist, fudge packer, NAMBLA member, GLAAD jock strap here.
PuddyNambla @ 185
Well I guess I’ll have to lower myself to your level after all.
The guilt by association you practice seems to work – for you that is.
Here’s the connection. You vote for Rossi – Rossi is Catholic – Rossi supports Catholic Church, follows their doctrine – Catholic Church for years covered for pedophile priests.
You quoted but didn’t provide a cite.
Got link?
And seattle ranks second in the nation for nanny-statism. Go figure.
The ha hooligans live for validation from goldy. Very sad actually.
I’m not sure goldy is all that grand, poo bah is fitting.
The ha hooligans live for validation from goldy. Very sad actually.
Uh, that was satirical, genius.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
And seattle ranks second in the nation for nanny-statism. Go figure.
By a magazine that has a very broad definition of nanny-statism. I admit that Seattle is bad, but the people who ranked them second often confuse environmental protection with nanny-statism. I disagree with that.
But yeah, Seattle is bad when it comes to things like adult entertainment and jaywalking. And the proposed fast-food crackdown is really worrisome.
Yelling Loser Boy Scum – Stooping down to my level? I elevate your arguments every day idiot. BTW I like my ass so I don’t laugh it off as you do. You must have a strange physique now.
If you view the above posts chronologically (notice the word logic which is always missing from your insipid arguments), you first called me NAMBLA. I realize the ordinal numbering system is difficult for your comprehension. Since many lefties have admitted they think NAMBLA is scum and NAMBLA is not an organization, you bringing them up proves you are scum!
Keep up the great worm.
Rossi – Catholic Church – pedophilia – PuddySilly pulls lever for Rossi.
LMAO always at your silliness and your right-wing guilt-by-association bullshit.
Can anyone decipher the crap of #197?
Another idiot commentary.
198 – Awwww. Poor PuddyNAMBLA, can’t handle his own bullshit thrown in his face.