Some links to share…
Thanks to the extraordinary success of the drug war, for the first time in this nation’s history, more than 1% of Americans are in prison. Dominic Holden and Eli Sanders add their thoughts.
Washblog has some thoughtful posts on the same topic, including the frustration from the state’s black community over House Bill 2712 and the real effect of shipping prisoners out of state.
Dan Kirkdorffer posts about Dave Reichert and the environment.
Earlier this week, I responded to a column in a Virginia newspaper that attacked those who are demanding answers about the botched drug raid that left Chesapeake, VA Detective Jarrod Shivers dead. The man who shot him, Ryan Frederick, was incorrectly targeted by the police based upon faulty info from an informant, but Frederick may still face capital murder charges, even though most of his neighbors believe him when he says he thought he was in danger for his life. His supporters held a rally at the jail last weekend.
Finally, this week’s Birds Eye View Contest is up.
the prison situation in the US really needs help. until then i think it’s important that we keep letting rapists and murderers out early so that we can keep those darn potsmokers locked up! clearly it’s a question of priorities…
March 19th, the 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq, can be a day where the people’s demands can inspire millions of others to act to end war for empire and drive out this illegal, illegitimate regime. As more and more people are being sucked into the elections and the democrats remain complicit with and actually serve to continue these crimes this becomes all the more necessary. Build for this day, organize your friends, your school, come out and bring others! Wear ORANGE the color of resistance and spread it everywhere! Protest and speak out in every way you can! MARK YOUR CALENDARS AND ARRANGE YOUR SCHEDULES NOW!
The whole “war on drugs” thing is, to state the obvious, bullshit. The whole farse is nothing more than a way for successive governments to ratchet up the control of an increasingly cynical populace.
Next Tuesday will be a great day. Finally, the Clinton nightmare will be over, and they will be thrown in the shitcan of history forever….where they belong.
She can just disappear into the senate and go through the motions in a lackluster charade. Rather than meeting with world leaders, she’ll be in committee meetings with intellectual powerhouses such as Patty Murray. Doesn’t that make you laugh?
The bitch slap about to be delivered to The Smartest Woman In The World is the ultimate repudiation of their 1960s radicalism, and their failed stalinist vision.
We then get to decide if we want an Obamanation for preznit and he can carry forward the platform of stalinism, socialism, secularism, and surrender.
That’s a winning formula that has a long and successful track record. Good luck with that…
I wonder if TSWITW has a “nuclear option” ready to go?
It goes like this:
She tells the democrat party to go to hell.
She decides to run as an independent.
And as part of that “independence”, she files for divorce to rid herself of an obvious liability, and gets big cheers from all the man hating feminazis and limp dick metrosexuals such as those who write for HorsesAss.
Her lust for power knows no bounds and it’s clear she doesn’t give a fuck about anybody but herself. The fact that McCain would win all 50 states wouldn’t matter to her.
The “war on drugs” is an abject failure. Unfortunately in this country, we can’t talk about alternatives because decades of indoctrination have convinced voters that anyone who dares mention legalization and treatment as an alternative is immediately labeled a kook.
Make the drugs legal, tax the hell outta them (that would lower the deficit), control just like we do with alcohol and keep the bad guys in prison…child molestors, rapists and murderers should NEVER go free.
But also make sure a law with no loopholes in on the books that someone cracked out on drugs, can’t use the “impaired by drugs” defense.
Want to ensure that a losing policy never changes? Just declare war, so that only a “coward” would surrender. You know, let’s declare “war on drugs”; “war on terror”; “war on poverty;” etc. Or then there’s the wars declared on us, like the “war on Christmas”; “war on family values”; etc.
Policies change, but wars are forever.
Mark, can I buy whatever drugs you’re taking?
I’m declaring war on wars, and the British are my allies:,00.html
Widget- war on Christmas? Oh and Easter, Thanksgiving, even Halloween I think we need to stand up against the minority who claim Christmas is against their beliefs so the majority should suffer. Isn’t this country built on majority rules?
I want my Christmas back, I want my Easter back, I want Thanksgiving (not Fall Harvest)
If we call a problem what it really is, wouldn’t it be easier to declare victory?
But then again, it would be harder to scare the shit out of people in order to get re-elected!
Lee — hope you get the time to write a detailed story in support of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman and his unjust persecution by Bush, Rove & Co.
Sending inmates far away from their families, which effectively cuts off family visits, is needlessly cruel and therefore should be considered a moral wrong.
You can justify that for violent prisoners, or prisoners who require special housing (e.g., the Ted Kacyzinskis of the world), but you can’t justify it for nonviolent drug offenders to serve some fiscal or convenience purpose of the state.
Rabbit – LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The likes of you lecturing us on “morals”. That’s almost as funny as Ted The Swimmer sitting in judgement of judges.
@ 11 Hannah
And when where any of these things taken from you? Have you filed a complaint with the police?
MTR, Pay your gambling debt, you immoral bag of vomit.
BO-Hmmm we can’t speak the word Christmas or Easter in goverment places, city hall, Seatac, schools…so yes it has been taken away from those of us who celebrate it, all to protect a small minority of peoples feelings.
I remember in school (elementary) decorating “Christmas trees” now the kids can no longer do that and it is un-PC to call them anything other than “winter or holiday” trees.
# 18, I imagine you are being a little hperbolic in saying “we can’t speak the word Christmas or Easter in goverment places, city hall, Seatac, schools”. I am sure you realize that is not true.
But regarding the display of religious icons on public property, I defer to Thomas Jefferson, who coined the term “Wall of Seperation of Church and State”
Jefferson, of course, is correct. You can have as grand a Christmas as you want, but in respect to others who may not share your beliefs, the display of these religious icons, should not be made in a publicly owned forum.
That goes for the wiccans and the satanists (Republicans) as well.
“Earlier this week, I responded to a column in a Virginia newspaper that attacked those who are demanding answers about the botched drug raid that left Chesapeake, VA Detective Jarrod Shivers dead. The man who shot him, Ryan Frederick, was incorrectly targeted by the police based upon faulty info from an informant, but Frederick may still face capital murder charges, even though most of his neighbors believe him when he says he thought he was in danger for his life. His supporters held a rally at the jail last weekend.”
From time immemorial, the right of self-defense has been recognized as a basic human right, and in most legal systems excuses a person for taking another’s life.
Here in America, our cops and prosecutors have not always been above railroading innocent people, and our judges and juries have not always unerringly distinguished between the guilty and the innocent. The movie “12 Angry Men,” although fictional, should be a required part of every American’s civics education.
Personally, I’d hate like hell to be in Mr. Frederick’s shoes, because I don’t trust cops, prosecutors, judges, or juries to do the right thing or even to correctly apply the law to the facts of the case. Be your case civil or criminal in nature, from the moment you enter the American legal system, you are highly vulnerable to human passions and the all-too-real possibility — nay, probability — of human error.
Another thing that has been driven home to me during my 35 years experience as a lawyer is there’s little resemblance between the story told in the courtroom and what actually happened. It’s hard for even the best-intentioned jury to make the right decision when what they hear is fiction. Another movie worth watching is “My Cousin Vinny” for its fictional portrayal of how unreliable eyewitnesses are in real life, and how easy it is to be wrongly convicted because of a witness’s faulty recollection. When the witness is a cop who has it in for the guy who shot a brother cop, this problem is 1,000 times worse.
By objective legal standards, Mr. Frederick’s guilt or innocence should depend on whether a reasonable person in his position would have believed Mr. Shivers was committing an unlawful assault that put Mr. Fredericks in immediate danger of serious bodily injury or death. Those are not the exact legal words but this more or less states the rationale for finding him guilty or innocence. If he knew that he was shooting a cop, then he is guilty, even if the search was legally defective. If the cop didn’t identify himself as such and busted the door down, and Mr. Frederick had no reason to expect law enforcement visitors, then the shooting probably was legally justified and the charges should be dropped or the jury should acquit him. Shooting a cop is not an offense per se. It is an offense only if the shooting occurred in a way that constitutes a crime and for which no legal excuse exists. Self-defense, where the facts warrant a finding of self-defense, excuses the shooter completely; a finding of self-defense is tantamount to a finding of innocence.
But, as Mr. Frederick probably senses, his chances of getting a fair trial from the prosecutor and judge on that issue, and/or of getting a fair verdict from the jury, is far less than assured. I would not want to be in his shoes.
erratum, @ 19 above
What do you call a person who is against free voter ID but is for an 80 year old woman who make $450.00 in SE income filing a return and paying SE tax.
A) Hypocrite
B) Democrat
C) Democrat is a hypocrite
D) All of the above.
I can tell you right now that I won’t. I’m actually working on a different long post (part of my Mutinyblogging series), I’m transitioning into a lead role at my office, and I’ll be putting can lighting in my kitchen over the next two weekends. I’ll be lucky to have enough time to sleep.
Some years ago, in Snohomish County, uniformed police officers raided a residence based on a faulty tip from an unreliable informant that the subject had participated in an armored car robbery that resulted in the death of a security guard. The subject and his family were home at the time, and they didn’t resist much less shoot, but a trigger happy cop killed the mother by shooting her in the back of the head with an M-16 rifle as she turned away from him to grab her small child. Snohomish County and the City of Lynnwood paid a total of $4 million in civil judgments in that case, but the officer was never prosecuted, in fact he wasn’t even disciplined. That’s wrong. He should be in jail. Too often, communities close ranks behind errant police officers simply because they’re the police, and officials in positions of authority refuse to take action against officers who have wrongly taken human lives, even when they do it intentionally for racial or other inexcusable reasons. In fact, these cases typically are attended by coverups, denials, destruction of evidence, and all-out resistance against even paying civil damages. Too often, cops are allowed to act as a law unto themselves, accountable to no one, and rarely if ever held responsible for actions that cross a criminal and/or civil legal line. That’s wrong. Seattle is going through this now, as the Seattle Police Department and the police union fight efforts for more citizen review and accountability. That’s wrong, too. They are our employees, and as the public, we have the right to exercise oversight and demand accountability when things go wrong.
Roger, thanks for the great comment.
@5 Pay your gambling debt, you curdled conglutination of putrid pigeon poo.
BO- so is this why our kids can no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance with In God We Trust? The 10 commandments being removed from government and PRIVATE Educational buildings? How many years have these 2 traditions continued until over the past few years? What changed all that?
“Under God” goes all the way back to the Gettysburg Address. “In God We Trust” is on all our currency…what has changed so much over the past few years?
@9 Lee, you don’t want to use what he’s on. Trust me on this.
@11 How can you get your Christmas back when no one ever took it away from you?
After reading #1 I suspect Hannah is a troll and not who she (he?) represents herself as.
Mrs. Rabbit dripped jelly on the keyboard again.
@16 Morals? What would a lying, thieving, bet welsher like you know about morals?
@17 I’m beginning to think “Hannah” is a wingnut troll in disguise.
@19 “we can’t speak the word Christmas or Easter in goverment places, city hall, Seatac, schools”
That is utterly and completely false, and you know it.
I no longer believe “Hannah” is who she says she is. That’s 100% troll bullshit. No honest person would make a remark like that.
In fact, I’m beginning to suspect “Hannah” may be one of our regular trolls indulging in sock puppetry. Wouldn’t be the first time.
Roger…what’s a troll? I’m a troll because I care about Christmas and the holidays being celebrated in true American tradition?
Here I am trying to learn how this whole political game works and asking questions, most of which seem to be ignored or no one has an answer and I get called names? THAT is why I have sat back and read for a month…fear of being labeled and name called. At least most on here have given me a LOT of great useful info, both dems and reps…thanks BO, Puddy and YLB!
So far no one has deterred my Obama support at least. As long as he doesn’t start calling people who question things nasty little names…he’s got my support.
@20 “# 18, I imagine you are being a little hperbolic in saying …”
I think “lying” is a better word in this context, as in “lying troll” pretending to be someone else.
Troll? Is that a nasty reference to a republican? Regarding Christmas in government offices? In Snohomish county a judge said no Pointsettias “because they represent Christmas” so I guess maybe I am misunderstanding what is PC and what is not in public places.
@23 If you don’t like it, why don’t you complain to your REPUBLICAN congressman about it? Is there some reason why Republicans, who controlled Congress for 12 years, didn’t see fit to change this law?
As for voter ID, Republicans will spare no effort or expense to keep American citizens from voting in their won country.
@28 What “changed all that” is the fact everyone in this country has the same constitutional rights, and no one has a right to use the power and institutions of government to force-feed their own religion to people who don’t want it.
Now I know for sure you’re a wingnut troll, “Hannah” (not your real name).
@38 What gives you the right to force other people to celebrate Christmas according to your dictate?
Hannah @ 28,
“In God We Trust” comes from the Star Spangled Banner, and became the national motto in 1956.
The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892, and did not contain the “Under God” words until 1954.
I am sure you can agree that a display of the 10 commandments in a governement (public) building is a clear violation of the constitution. I am unaware of it’s removal from any private educational buildings, but may have if the education building received government (public) funds.
Looks like Ron Sims will have to support the Maury Island gravel mine!
Roger – I guess I may be naive so to speak as I am not fluent in party bashing. I’m sorry if my questions offended you. Ignore them and let others answer so I can get a clear understanding of why our country is so screwed up, and how we as a country can get back to better times. Personally I feel its all the anger, hatred and animosity that has driven the people to where we are today. Thats why Obama is a good choice, CHANGE! UNITY!
@38 “asking questions, most of which seem to be ignored”
Bullshit, sweet little thing. Your questions have been answered. You are not who you pretend to be. Yes, you’re a troll, and you’re also a lying sack of shit. Expect plenty more name-calling to come your way, because you’ve earned it by lying to us and pretending to be someone you’re not.
Roger, I share your thoughts on Hannah.
But, it is interesting seeing how this unfolds.
@40 Your understanding of the U.S. Constitution is so deficient that I suggest you seriously consider repeating your 9th grade civics class. Did you sleep through that one, or did you drop out in eighth grade?
Roger 36, 37
It was pretty obvious. Roger, what’s a troll? LOL
And no, I’m not “her”.
@45 Don’t waste your time on that troll, BO. She (he?) is a lying wingnut troll chain-puller.
We should ask Darryl which of our resident trolls has adopted “Hannah” as his new nom d’guerre.
This has Doofus’s fingerprints on it, but I’m not sure yet.
@51 I never suspected you, zip. But I think it’s obvious “she” is a troll, and my guess is she’s someone we already know well.
@47 See #48.
I probably should not tell Hannah that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist.
BO- Ahhh thanks! Yeah that would make sense if gov funds were given.
And no I am hardly religious Roger, BUT when you have a minority complaining what the majority wants…it gets wierd. I dont shove Christmas down anyones throat. Hell! I even go to Hanakah (sp?) celebrations. My best friend is Jehovahs Witness (they celebrate NOTHING except wedding anniversary) and we accept each ones differences. People are so overly sensitive nowadays. I guess I was viewing Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays and celebrating them a form of Freedom of Speech.
Hannah, The US constitution is the foe of the Tyranny of The Majority
That is why Republicans want to destroy the constitution.
Roger Rabbit says:
As for voter ID, Republicans will spare no effort or expense to keep American citizens from voting in their won country.
02/28/2008 at 10:13 pm
The only reason to be against a free voter ID card is if your party cheats. And we all know the dems cheat.
@ 61, see the 2004 Rossi recount case.
The only finding was that the Republicans cheated.
I was on last night and asked 3 or 4 times for answers to our state property tax breakdown? absoluty nothing from anyone left or right
And why Rossi deleted teacher raises and why they havent been re-instated? the answer there, I question (slowing economy)
And if this is how democrats treat fellow citizens then maybe I need to question myself thinking someone like Obama could instigate change. I appreciate everyone who has been so open and honest and willing to give me their opionions, some I havent agreed with, but I didn’t call them “trolls” or worse, I just read and thought about what they had to say…its that persons OPINION, it isnt wrong necessarily, just not mine.
Maybe the problem here is none of you on here want anyone new on your side and would rather drive newbies away from the democratic vote. Those of us newbies, come here to read and learn differnt opinions, ask some questions no one else has answers to. Now I guess the whole Christmas thing and me agreeing with Widget must be a republican belief strictly…also Widget must be a troll? Sorry for trying to learn how our really messed up government really works. I guess it doesn’t matter who gets in office in 09, dem or rep in your guys eyes.
Roger-BTW I agree on not trusting the judicial system! It is GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT nowadays.
If left is right, then right is wrong.
You gotta decide which side you’re on.
Well considering I think Obama is the ONLY choice we have….who’s side am I on? Considering I see how screwed up our government is, war, economy and all, which side am I on? BUSH? ARGH ICKY NO WAY! So isn’t Mc C just a Bush follower?
I guess you think of me as a troll because I am asking hard questions? Just trying to get the feel for this…I hear people every day trying to convince me any dem is bad…so I come here to ask the same questions they throw at me, that way I am ready next time they ask me. Being new to this does not make me a troll! especially if I believe in wanting a dem in charge!
Well thanks for all the info to all tonight! I gotta get up at the butt crack of dawn so I gotta get to bed. Good night all!
Let’s take a look at what “Hannah” did here. A rightwinger, surely a male, took a female name that most guys in the 40s+ age group who are on the left will find attractive. Then, “Hannah” said she was in her thirties, oh, and, was just trying to figure out this blog stuff. And, by the way, “I’m for unity and change and Obama”. “Hannah” got a lot of helping hands offered. So, boys, give the troll some credit. Too many of us, including me, bit. Now, Hannah, go fuck yourself.
Hannah, if you are sincerely attempting to come to a conclusion of which side you are on, I really do not recommend reading the comments sections of any blog.
Just read some books. Not books by partisan hacks of any persuasion.
The Constitution is a great start.
Then some Voltaire
And of course, Thomas Paine “The Age Of Reason”
PL, you, and Roger, are of course correct.
But, it at least gave a good exercise in looking back at the Constitution.
Oh. well.
Back to telling Buddypud what a delusional moron he is!
TBO @ 69
And, of course, Albert Camus’s “The Stranger.” Not that “The Stranger” has a damned thing to do with American politics; it’s just that everyone should read it. Actually, the book says a thing or two about concepts of justice. But, “Hannah” is probably not quite ready to go there.
Texas 2/25:
Out of 9,418 calls made to voters who have a strong history of balloting in the Democratic primary election:
Among Hispanic voters in Texas, Clinton holds a commanding lead. In a poll with a margin of error at 3.13 percent, Obama took 16 percent to Clinton’s 59 percent.
In another key demographic in every election, senior citizens, Clinton leads Obama 58 percent to 25 percent, with another 10 percent undecided. The margin of error was 3.74 percent.
In a poll of voters who said they had already cast ballots in early voting for the Democratic primary, Clinton had received 41 percent to Obama’s 38 percent, with a margin of error at 4.85 percent.
I still think, even if Obama is going to get more votes in cities like Austin, that Clinton may squeak out with more delegates in the primary, especially with that latino vote so overwhelmingly for her, she will split cities like Austin, Dallas, and Fort Worth, and clean up in the Latino districts.
I heard that Dubya reads Camus.
I actually heard that.
It was of course, a sick joke.
Dusitn, you already said you were gonna sit it out of Obama is the candidate.
Find yourself a chair.
I remember that. He was going to read Camus at his ranch on one of his many extended vacations. I don’t think he read him. If he did, he didn’t understand him. In any event, our boy Bush is history, bad history, James Buchanan, Millard Fillmore, Warren Harding history. Actually, I probably shouldn’t besmirch those old boys by grouping them with GW. They never had the chance to trigger international trauma like GW did. He’s in a category of his own.
It is impossible to even imagine GWB reading “The Stranger”.
Just think of his lips moving as he read.
Bush: Hey, pickles? What is wrong with this Camoose guy? He just killed an Arab and he is unhappy. This don’t make no sense!?
Laura: Let me get “My Pet Goat”, that always cheers you up!
Bush: Thank you Pickles! I love “My Pet Goat”!
Whatever sex you are, just keep asking the right questions.
Regarding Pelletizer calling you a troll, if you don’t meet his criteria of being a 16%er whack-job left wing mushroom head, then you are a troll. If you as a question or dare question him in his “knowledge” you are a troll. If you challenge him on your personal observations you are a troll.
Now you see why I told you do earlier. You’ll be able to ferret out the scumbag called a NEW Progressive HorsesASSHole. They spit in your face and stab you in the back.
@ 74 – the primary isn’t over until
the fat bitchOprah sings, and there’s still 20 states left to vote, plus the firehouse caucuses in Michigan and Florida.Obama isn’t the nominee yet, so I’m still gunning for my candidate. If Obama is the nominee, the only way he’ll get my vote is if there’s a unity ticket, and even then I’ll be doing so holding my nose.
If Obama is the nominee and there is no unity ticket, then yes, I’m sitting it out.
Hannah, You should have said “I paid attention to Civics class”. My argument is the dumbing down of curricula by the NEA and their leftist enablers. American students are woefully lacking in the skills that made us great years ago. It’s not the kids first it’s the Donkey politics first. Having relatives as educators (vs teachers) I have first hand knowledge of the headless lucy’s of the world. My relatives tell me all about the teacher politics and discussions in their lounges. BTW Headless goes by 18 other names here.
So don’t take these 16%ers seriously in your quest for knowledge. Just remember you have a choice.
Roger Rabbit says: “We should ask Darryl which of our resident trolls has adopted “Hannah” as his new nom d’guerre.”
Then Pelletizer you should have no problem when Darryl outs headless lucy and his 18 other names.
Hannah, you can come to the PuddyHouse as we always celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. You can eat as much food as you want.
Don’t worry we don’t eat rabbit as it tasts like shit, the way Pelletizer thinks most of the time.
We don’t provide BO. Deodorant is used.
No one is headless, except the turkey
No one is Clueless or a Clueless Idiot except the turkey
Usually we invite people who are new to the area, single or married but can’t get home for the holidays. This happened for me when I graduated from college and some older church ladies made me feel at home, so I keep that tradition alive.
Hannah, Ask these 16%ers what is their daily act of kindness…
You hear white noise static…
@ 58
People are so overly sensitive nowadays.
I have friends whose child was sent down to the library so that the rest of the children in her class could sing Christmas carols. They tell me that it took them years of patiently writing letters to the school board asking that their holy days be listed on the school calendar along with the holy days of other religions before getting any results. By that time, most of the children were out of school.
Overly sensitive? I don’t think so.
When I was in Elementary school, school officials reported my parents to the police when I was kept home for Yom Kippur. Although, my mom won a small battle in that our 3rd grade chorus actually sang one Hanukkah song.
Hannah, if you’re still around, thanks for coming by. I think that some judges have gone too far in determining what constitutes a “religious endorsement”, but the war on Christmas is a cynical attempt to escalate the fears of those who think that religious minorities are trying to undermine our culture.–
Says it all?
Try again:
DustinJames, Good Catch right?
In the GOP’s perfect America – there will only be two kinds of people – those who work at prison – and those who live in prison.
This sending blacks out of state thing lee wrote about. What state is that happening in? One of those states with racist republicans in charge?
Re 68 “A rightwinger, surely a male, took a female name that most guys in the 40s+ age group who are on the left will find attractive. Then, “Hannah” said she was in her thirties, oh, and, was just trying to figure out this blog stuff.”
Hmm I am 36, woman who takes care of her ailing grandmother AND works a FT job…. I guess Puddy, I hit a nerve with these people, when I complained about Christmas being taken out of American tradition. Must be only republicans feel this way so there in turn I must be a rep. HA you are sounding more and more right.
And Proud making the above comment? GROSS! That is so twisted to say thet men in their 40’s find the name Hannah attractive….just freaky wierd to make that reference.
I guess when I question the dem side I get chastised, although I see it’s ok if I question the reps.
Lee….I see you yourself have been singled out for your holidays beliefs. Horrible for people to do that! I am sorry you had to go thru that!
We can guarantee zero crime by sending 100% of us to prison.
Its amazing how just the mention of a “War on Christmas” has opened up another battle front.
African-American superdelegates said Thursday that they’ll stand up against threats, intimidation and “Uncle Tom” smears rather than switch their support from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama. “African-American superdelegates are being targeted, harassed and threatened,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), a superdelegate who has supported Clinton since August. Cleaver said black superdelegates are receiving “nasty letters, phone calls, threats they’ll get an opponent, being called an Uncle Tom.
Must be those racist republicans doing all that racist name calling.
Oops, my bad, they’ve been identified as obama supporters. Must be democrats exhibiting their racist attitudes.
… as a tear of happiness rolls down headless lucy’s cheek.
RR at 21: I just finished reading “An Innocent Man” by John Grisham. My wife bought it for me for Christmas because she knows I like Grisham novels. I began reading the book, without bothering to read the cover jacket or not knowing anything about it, thinking it was a novel. About one-third of the way through it, I was thinking: “Gee, there’s an awfully lot of detail in here for a novel – Grisham must be quite a writer, or perhaps this is based on a real case?” I skipped over to the end, and found that it was more than “based” on a real case – the book was a documentary of how four young, poor white men in Oklahoma had been convicted of two different rapes and murders, all of whom were entirely innocent.
What’s more, there was no special reason for the police, prosecutors, and judges in those cases to target these individuals, other than the fact that they wanted to convict SOMEBODY for those crimes. Yet in the case you cited, there was a strong motivation for police to find some charge upon which to convict a man of murdering a police officer, if for no other reason than to extract revenge and to cover up their own mistakes.
In the case of the Alabama governor, you had a prosecutor and judge all politically motivated to get a confiction of public official from the other party. It really does send chills down your spine.
@23, how many times are you going to post that? Having a creative block, are we?
@40, how about a link to the Snoho judge story?
@79, “My argument is the dumbing down of curricula by the NEA and their leftist enablers. American students are woefully lacking in the skills that made us great years ago”.
Remind us again, if you would, of how many state education systems have decided to stifle the teaching of science for science fiction? And then follow up by enlightening us on the political persuasion of those state’s leaders.
@82, Republicans are nicer than Dems, so there.
Hannah @ 89
“Puddy, I hit a nerve with these people, when I complained about Christmas being taken out of American tradition. Must be only republicans feel this way so there in turn I must be a rep. HA you are sounding more and more right.”
This sending blacks out of state thing lee wrote about.
I wrote about sending prisoners out of state. Is there a reason why the words “blacks” and “prisoners” are interchangeable for you?
I guess Puddy, I hit a nerve with these people, when I complained about Christmas being taken out of American tradition. Must be only republicans feel this way so there in turn I must be a rep. HA you are sounding more and more right.
Hannah, from the beginning of November to the end of December, every American is inundated with Christmas everywhere they go. To say that it’s being “taken out of the American tradition” borders on the insanely paranoid.
Even as a non-Christian, I enjoy the Christmas season, as do most other non-Christians. It’s a great holiday celebrated by large numbers of people here. The “War on Christmas” is a way for people like Bill O’Reilly to attack groups like the ACLU, who try to ensure that the first amendment is respected. The ACLU is certainly not perfect and they make mistakes. But the examples of when people go too far in trying to restrict religious expression are few and far between. The overwhelming majority of religious persecution issues in this country are perpetrated BY Christians AGAINST non-Christians. That’s not because Christians are bad, it’s because there are more of them.
Always ask questions. You will get your answers one way or the other.
As I stated to you earlier, you are not exhibiting the 16%er mentality.
They sized you up, determined you asked too many questions for their comfort zone, realized you would not succumb to the NEW Progressive Borg mentality therefor you are a troll. Didn’t I warn you of that?
Sorry about your ailing grandmother. Enjoy your time with her. Being the 9th of 10 children, I never knew my grandmother.
Marvin: It’s great to catch the Donkey racists in action.
Robert 3K Byrd has to be chuckling.
#96 Lee says:
Easy answer. There’s some guy on a blog I frequent that likes to pretend he knows everything. His name is Lee. Hey, that’s your name too. Coincidence. He loves to post about the “war on drugs,” rumor has it that Lee smokes pot. He keeps repeating over and over and over about how the drug laws racially unfair. About the number of blacks and whites being arrested for drug law violation.
Puddy and Lee….thank you for the info..
And Puddy thanks for the kind words…my Grandma has at least a few years left (I hope) but since my Grandpa died in ’06 and he was her care taker, I have since assumed the role. Sorry you missed out knowing your grandparents. I must say I have been VERY fortunate not only having my grandparents but also my GREAT grandparents! :)
And yeah I am realizing this so called 16%er mentality! HAHAHAHAHA
All this in the name of prevention of 1&1/2% of Americans from becoming addicted to hard drugs.If they keep going they’ll have the 11/2 % in jail and the law will be redundant.