Ivan Weiss, chair of the 34th District Democrats (and my biggest fan) takes aim at “fair elections” advocates who are working with extremist right wing think tanks.
Rep. Peter DeFazio is out. He won’t challenge GOP Sen. Gordon Smith (OR), who is getting some serious love from Crosscut.
This Sunday, riding the bus will be free. Why? It’s Earth Day. (Or as George W. Bush calls it, “Sunday”) Dan Savage isn’t a fan of the free bus plan:
Earth to Ron Sims: Riding the bus sucks. Earth day, non-earth days (?), free, $1.25—the fucking bus sucks. There’s nothing celebratory about being stuck on a fucking bus.
People don’t ride public transit to be altruistic, do-gooders. They ride public transit to get from Point A to Point B. To compete with cars, Ron, public transit has to be faster, easier, and more reliable than driving. There’s a tiny number of smug, stupid assholes out there that will get on a bus because they get to say, “Hey, look at me! I’m saving the planet!” to themselves. And most of those assholes are already on the bus, content to sit in a pool of urine left on their seat by some bum that got on and off the bus in the downtown “ride free/rolling homeless shelter zone.”
Funny ass song parody about Alberto Gonzales.
Click on this link, scroll down to the “Audio” section, it’s the 1st song on the list “go go gonazles.”
It’s based on Blue Oyter Cult’s classic “Go Go Godzialla” for all you “nappy headed homeboys” (Puddybud) who weren’t rockin’ out in 1977.
Speaking of Alberto Gonzales, what the fuck is with this administration that they have such bad memories?
Wasn’t the whole premise of Scooter Libby’s defense; mis-remembering?
Gawd, it must suck being a pathetic, un-American, unpatriotic, delusional, TROOP HATING, conservative these days.
You guys can do shit right anymore. You know your party’s gone astray when Liberals pine for the days or Ronald Reagan over George “I lost the Iraq War” Bush!
Go Go Gonzales couldn’t recal details 71 times during his testimony! And, he took over a month to “prepare???”
How embarassing to be a Republcian anymore. Shit, if I were a Republican, I would become a libertarian just out of sheer embarassment of being called a Republican.
In fact, I’d rather be called a “nappy headed ho” than a Republican.
Do not forget to also cheer for Lenin. It will also be his birthday, where the first Earth Day was the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Green on the outside, red on the inside..
Hiel Gore!
Why do you keep avoiding my question?
Who did you vote for as your congressional representative?
Hmmmm. . . that TROOP HATER, Dave Reichert?
Yeahhhhhh, you did. He’s only rated a “D+” by the IAVA (& Afghanistan Veteran of America) in votes he cast since he’s been in congress on legislative issues in support of our troops.
The IAVA is a non-partisan, non-profit organziation formed by the men and women who have fought in the War on Terror.
Now, I know you TROOP HATERS try to discredit this organization but they it’s a fact, no Republican has received an “A” from this group, but, many, many Democrats have including both of our patriotic Senators Patty Murry and Maria Cantwell.
Why do you conservatives “support out troops” on their way into a battle you would never join, but shit on them when they need medical care after being wounded in a war you won’t fight in?
Listening to some of the hearing yesterday, I couldn’t believe what a dipshit Gonzales seems to be. He’d alternately brag about how well prepared he was and and claim not to know anything. Not only was he perjuring himself all over the place regarding his own publically recorded statements, at times he’d say something and then contradict himself in the same sentence. And, of course, he seemed to have a severe case of “testimony Alzheimer’s” How the hell did this knucklehead make it through law school?
It’s Bush who is the Commander in Chief who has LOST the war in Iraq. Just because Senator Reid tells the truth doesn’t make him the enemy.
Bush is the one who’s in bed with the bin Laden family.
Cheney’s Halliburton is the benefactor of no bid contracts and $2.55 billion dollars in profit in 2006 and moving to Dubai to become a Middle Eastern company and no longer an American company.
You’re fucking pathetic!!!
You pussy.
ArtFart @ 6:
Oh, yeah, he perjured himself when comparing his testimony from yesterday to last January. They tried to give him a chance to “correct” the record.
Gonzo either resigns or gets impeached. But he won’t be the AG come June 1st.
GBS prediction. Which by the way is very accurate forecasting as I was the only one on this blog to wager that the Dems would regain all of congress.
Take it to the bank, Gonzo will be gone by June 1, 2007.
2008 predicitons: Dems pick up 4-7 seats in the Seanate, retain control of the House, and Al Gore wins the presidency.
2010 the Dems pick up a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and put the final nail in the modern day conservative movement.
2012 Republicans try to “reinvent” themselves again and do not regain the White House or any part of congress until 2020 or beyond.
Good riddance.
TROOP LOVING LIBERALS, I need your help.
Please click on this link and sign a petition from the IAVA to give our troops the mental health care they need after serving in George W. Bush’s lost wars.
I’d ask the conservatives to sign the petition, but since it will cost them money I know they’ll refuse to support the petition like their political leaders refuse to fund these type of programs.
Any conservative that says the signed on this petition is lying.
You know how I know?
They’re fucking TROOP HATERS, that how!!
Pathetic is being a Republican and vice versa.
Thanks for the help my fellow patriot, TROOP LOVING Liberals.
Dan sounds kinda grouchy.
I just got my “Your Socoal Security Statement” from the goverment. Somehting that caught my eye was a statment on page 2:
“The law governing benefit amounts may change because, by 2040,the payroll taxes collected will be enough to pay only 74 percent of scheduled benefits.”
So, if you’re in your thirties and younger, be forewarned. If you have a retiement plan at work, sponsored by your employer, you’d better be participating in the plan, particularly if the company matches something on your contributions.
If you don’t kow what to invest in (assumng you have choices) mutual funds are your best bet. If you don’t understand them, get “Mutual Funds for Dummies,” and give it a read. It’s available at Borders.
If you’re lucky to have more money to save for retirement, I’d recommend starting a Roth IRA. In any event, you all need to do something.
If you’re a younger person and relying on social security, you’re kidding yourself into poverty in your old age.
@ 11:
Unless of course, we just make everyone pay SS taxes all year long like most people do. Paris Hilton quits paying her SS tax after Jan. 11th because she’s already exceded the income limit on SS tax.
Because, you know, a girl has to party hard on her inheritance.
Liar at 7 –
Only the far lefties think the war is lost. Withdraw now, or in the near future and witness millions of people slaughtered. Like you care.
Your double-speak propaganda is transparent. You have to think all the troops you profess to care for are either stupid or mentally incompetant. Otherwise why would they have enlisted or re-enlisted at any time in the last few years.
Only the left shares both the talking points and the methods of spreading propaganda with Al Qaeda. Every terrorist organization in the world was please to see Pelosi talking strategy with Syria. And we all know why.
People like you not only hate America, but humanity as well. Your pompous blather is a stain on mankind. Good luck in Hell.
LOSER @ 13:
Oh, really???
OK, tough guy. Let’s drop the rhetoric.
Specifically, tell us how George W. Bush is going to acheive military victory in Iraq?
This ought to be good.
Dumb shit @ 13 wrote:
Withdraw now, or in the near future and witness millions of people slaughtered.
This is the point dickweed. We will eventually withdraw, but because Bush has Fucked Up Beyond All Repair the Iraq War those people are going to be slaughtered anyways.
The blood of America’s soldiers and innocent Iraqi’s are on your hands. Like the Ambramoff scandal the the Culture of Corruption this is all a Republican caused problem, not a single Democrat is responsible for George W. Bush’s shitty decsion making process.
Ass hole, TROOP HATER.
Biggest Dumb shit @ 13 wrote:
Every terrorist organization in the world was please to see Pelosi talking strategy with Syria. And we all know why.
Reality check for you American TROOP HATER.
Read the National Intelligence Estimate sometime. The terrorist love you fuckers because “George W. Bush’s polices in the Middle East are creating more terrorists faster than we can eliminate them.”
A consensus view from ALL 16 US Spy Agencies.
Conservatives Are Terrorist Lovers and American TROOP HATERS.
GSB @ 12,
We can argue about it ’til the cows come home, but the reality of it is that younger folks need to do something now to avoid having to “survive” on just social security.
11 Hmmm…isn’t it illegal to put a partisan political message in an official government communication?
13 WHICH war? The one that’s going on in Iraq now bears little resemblance to the one we started in 2003. No argument that we won that one. Now we have a couple hundred thousand people (including civilians and Blackwater mercenaries) sitting on their thumbs over there, and it isn’t at all clear what for.
ArtFart said:
“11 Hmmm…isn’t it illegal to put a partisan political message in an official government communication?”
It’s there in black and white, Art, and it’s the standard form the social security guys send every so often. I’d take it as a definite warning if I was in my thirties. Or even my forties, for that matter!
Specifically, tell us how George W. Bush is going to acheive military victory in Iraq?
First he must try to pull the knife out of his back, as well as the millions of knives in the backs of the troops. (Here is where you take your bow…)
Only a moron would rail on whether or not victory in Iraq can come with only the military. Have you missed any or all of the progress in the political and economic areas? Sorry for your loss of a talking point. As for the current “surge”, it is only beginning, yet there are now countless reports that a) the enemies are getting pounded into the ground and b) the Iraqis are rallying to the cause, especially the Sunnis, c) the new rules of engagement allow our troops to really fight back, and, luckily, the troops are not being demoralized like the left desires. The current escalation of violence was both anticipated and a great sign of the enemies desparation. It is clear your information superhighway is limited to sites that think four-letter words are cool. The “real troop-haters” cannot even wait 3-6 months to see if the new plan will work. Afraid it might?
I look forward to day when our troops do come home in victory, and in an ironic twist, will have both the desire and justification to spit on all the pathetic lefties who “fought” to undermine their mission from day 1. Lucky for you they have much more class than the troop-haters and will likely just embarass you in front of real Americans.
The Iraq mess is a disaster because you have at least three groups of people that hate each others’ gut in that country, plus it’s surrounded by other knucklehead countries that want to make Iraq’s territory part of their specific countries.
Regardless of what we do, Iraq will slide into civil war, so hanging out there now is just postponing the inevitable.
Let’s declare victory and leave.
This bunch of posters remind me of an old saying….
“A person who knows but a little will put on an air of knowledge. This is a matter of inexperience. When someone knows something well, it will not be seen in his manner. This person is genteel.” ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo
21 Lessee…the Sunnis and Shiites are still on the verge of civil war and Baghdad gets about four hours of electricity on a good day. I understand our folks are now trying to deal with number one by building a great big wall (no doubt under a no-bid contract with CheneyBurton).
As to number two…no doubt the Green Zone has its own generators, so who cares, right?
This is interesting. Just think about it. I expect the standard knee-jerk reaction from the clueless and the mindless.
‘I found Saddam’s WMD bunkers’
The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralise the danger of Iraqi WMD. The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment.
I am ready to admit if this is true, this is a real screwup by Paul Bremer and Donald Rumsfeld. I think there should be an investigation. Bring out Richard Clarke too.
go dan
Harry @ 21
When I am intoxicated, I readily entertain delusions. They keep me from confronting reality and are comforting in that respect. When I am sober, however, reality stares me down like a hound dog and I must meet that stare. People like you can never look the hound dog in the eye. Harry Reid said what is obvious to people who live in the real world. I hope you might join us someday.
GW Bush is a coward who, when it was his turn to fight in Nam, had his Congressman daddy pull strings, jump him past 100,000 people to get to the head of the line for the Guard. Then he didn’t have the simple basic decency to even show up there and went AWOL.
Chickenshit chickenhawks who didn’t have the stones to fight when they could have should not be allowed to start wars fought by other people’s kids.
Republicans don’t want fair elections. They want controlled elections.
Lessee…is Dan Savage trying to compete with Mike Seely? What the hell? I don’t ride the bus to prove anything to anybody. I ride the bus to catch a few extra z’s on the way to and from work while that person up in the left front seat wrestles with the traffic. How’s that supposed to “suck”?
Bus thoughts: wow, that quip from Savage is right on…
Why do “we” settle for such poor rapid/mass transit?
good one dan
Dan Savage is an idiot.
Well articulated and reasoned Kirk.
Well I could start with ole Dan’s support of the Iraq war, and his waving the flag for the idiodic monorail (you’d have to sit next to folks on that too), and how his lives on an island but plays the role of a downtown hipster; but calling him an idiot is much quicker.
Oh and writing about politics when he didn’t vote for I forget how many years.
There, see? That’s better than simplistic name calling, isn’t it?
Well, after two years, thought I’d stop by and say hello.
Looks like the same stunted liberal theology remains in place at Dave’s house.
Geez, which pub are you hanging out at now?
I’d like to show up again to see you all wearing your vintage WWII uniforms and tightly trimmed moustaches.
Come on, do your freaky one arm salute just for old times sake.
Too bad not a post from Mr. Cynical in sight.
Now that was always something to look forward to.
Wow! Not even a single communist reply?
The fire has apparently escaped this last bastion of deluded liberalism.
I’ll check back in another two years to see if Mr. Cynical has brought you to the light. Meanwhile, I found an old photo from your last pub get together. Enjoy!